abdulquddus · 3 months
How to Choose a Profitable Niche for Affiliate Marketing
Hey I’m Inzamul, Welcome to my article How to Choose a Profitable Niche for Affiliate Marketing
Choosing the right niche is crucial for success with affiliate marketing. You need to pick a niche that has an audience willing to spend money, quality products to promote, and relatively little competition. Follow these steps to select the best niche for earning affiliate commissions
Unlock Your Online Success! Watch Our Exclusive Video for FREE and Start Earning Today!
Know Yourself: Unearthing Your Niche Expertise
Market Research: Validating Your Niche Idea
Profit Potential: Earning Power of Your Niche
Unlock Your Online Success! Watch Our Exclusive Video for FREE and Start Earning Today!
Niche Sustainability: Building for the Long Haul
Bonus Tip: The Power of Pairing
Can you combine two niche interests to create a unique space? For example, if you're passionate about fitness and cooking, you could target a niche focused on healthy meal prep for athletes.
Unlock Your Online Success! Watch Our Exclusive Video for FREE and Start Earning Today!
Remember: Don't be afraid to experiment and refine your niche as you gain experience. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to selecting a profitable niche that sets you up for success in the exciting world of affiliate marketing.
Thanks for read my article,  How to Choose a Profitable Niche for Affiliate Marketing
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kpdigimarts · 4 months
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Discovering 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬 is crucial for effective problem-solving. By actively listening, conducting surveys, and analyzing feedback, businesses can identify areas of dissatisfaction or unmet needs. Understanding these pain points enables targeted solutions, fostering customer loyalty, and driving innovation for a more customer-centric approach.🚀👂🔍
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waltervills · 11 months
What Are The Right QUESTIONS About Your Pain Points | Unlearn and Grow Your Business
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In this insightful video, they delve into the art of identifying and understanding your pain points as a business owner. Uncover the right questions to ask about your pain points and learn how to leverage them to foster growth and success. Discover practical strategies to unlearn outdated approaches and propel your business to new heights. Don't miss this empowering session to unlearn and grow your business!
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catherineeng · 1 year
Congratulations, your learning process is completed!
This last blog article shows the potential of the Jobs-to-be-done method from the beginning till the end of an innovation process. Within this real-life example, you can see that giving up on an idea is not a bad thing, it’s progress in the right direction; the one without having biases! 
And when do you start using Jobs-to-be-done? 😉
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vivitawin · 2 years
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อ่านรีวิวเขาว่าทำดีมากทำแล้วดีกว่าเคลือบเดิม อยากลองดู กระทะเทฟล่อนแพงๆพอมันลอกนี่รู้สึก #SunkCostFallacy มากๆ อันนี้เหมือนมาแก้ #PainPoints ตรงนี้เลย ค่าเคลือบไม่แพง ใบใหญ่ใบละ200บาท ค่าส่งไปกลับน่าจะแพงกว่า 🥹 (at รุ่งปิติแลนด์) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgv32ZXvqpnMVhsOB-Q7hBBBJJhPzOZjSJL9d80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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artefactx · 2 years
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Not a big fan of crab cracking, but having a few crab dish’s the last few weeks including this tasty crab baked in salt! Maybe I should design a cracking tool to make eating crab a more enjoyable experience?! #painpoint #crabcracker #hkiger #productdesign https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck8PHIqJrsC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chalkrevelations · 9 months
Oh, EXCELLENT. So their history reverberates for Sailom, too. Fantastic to see the show make Kanghan's past behavior part of Sailom's calculations for his own (physical and emotional) safety, particularly that "money can buy everything" moment. Sailom took a beating because he was willing to throw Kanghan's money back in his face. Can he trust Kanghan's intentions now - or is he just being bought? That's a question - and a painpoint - that has the potential to inform their relationship all the way through the show, particularly given we've seen Kanghan fall back into related bad behaviors in the trailers. "Maybe I'll just buy you myself" has the potential to stomp right on this and trigger a landmine.
None of it's helped by the fact that Sailom's got eyes. He knows Kanghan's hot. I'm still convinced Sailom''s already clocked him and knows that Kanghan has some level of physical attraction to him. And then there's the trauma-bonding. There's another aspect of Kanghan that's been imprinted on Sailom's brain as "protector," and that bit of response gets jacked up when Kanghan does something like press your hands to his (toned) stomach and fold his hand over yours to make sure you stay steady on the bike behind him while you're pressed up against his back. Like, how dare this asshole also be thoughtful? And hot? Sorry, Sailom, people are COMPLEX.
Which is why you're both left together on that bike looking like stupid puppies over the idea of how nice it would be to actually have something like this, if only you weren't mortal enemies, and I'm left clutching one of the throw pillows on my couch to my chest.
Maybe what I actually need to be doing is digging through writer Bee Pongsate's back catalogue.
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lasudio · 1 month
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VeronaHills, Round Seven: Shikibu
Skating hand-in-hand at the village rink, Patricia asked Sean if he was feeling the cold in the rolled-up sleeves of his button-down.
"No, baby." He drew closer. "I run hot, remember?"
Boy, did Patricia ever. The fellow clubbers at LuLu Lounge had witnessed their bodies baking in the heat of the dancefloor at the climax of their city daytrip-turned-overnighter. Sean glistened with sweat, margaritas soothed their thirst, and Patricia didn't miss the countryside one bit. It was decided when their heads hit the hotel pillows at sunrise: the city was their home.
Cleo was unsurprised when Patricia gave her notice. The writing had been on the wall for a while now - the word being "Sean". It was probably for the best - the whole best friends with benefits combined with situationship thing was an emotional painpoint - for Cleo, anyway.
Post Patricia's departure, she adopted a classy cat named Chloe, for new (and much less complicated) companionship.
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How Brands Are Influencing Your Decisions | Neuromarketing
"Neuromarketing is a controversial practice that involves studying consumers’ brains in order to influence our decisions. It’s based on the idea that 90% of the decisions we make are taken at a subconscious level. If a brand can speak directly to our ‘gut instinct’, bypassing reason, they will sell more products.
But is playing with our subconscious to encourage us to buy more things marketing or manipulation? Where do we draw the line? "
Source: Spark
#mktmarketing4you #corporatestrategy #marketing #M4Y #lovemarketing #IPAM #ipammarketingschool #ContingencyPlanning #virtual #volunteering #project #Management #Economy #ConsumptionBehavior #BrandManagement #ProductManagement #Logistics #Lifecycle #Brand #Neuromarketing #McKinseyMatrix #Viralmarketing #Facebook #Marketingmetrics #icebergmodel #EdgarScheinsCultureModel #GuerrillaMarketing #STARMethod #7SFramework #gapanalysis #AIDAModel #SixLeadershipStyles #MintoPyramidPrinciple #StrategyDiamond #InternalRateofReturn #irr #BrandManagement #dripmodel #HoshinPlanning #XMatrix #backtobasics #BalancedScorecard #Product #ProductManagement #Logistics #Branding #freemium #businessmodel #business #4P #3C #BCG #SWOT #TOWS #EisenhowerMatrix #Study #marketingresearch #marketer #marketing manager #Painpoints #Pestel #ValueChain # VRIO #marketingmix
Thank you for following All about Marketing 4 You
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Secrets of the Billionaires: Things That Will Make You Rich
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At some point in our life, we all had daydreamed about a rich and successful life and often got disappointed by the fact that we were not there and we didn’t know how to get there.
So Listen up, boys and girls after going through this read, you’ll be able to know what are the things that makes rich people rich and how you can do the same and change the fate of your bloodline..
They do work now & fun later
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Rich people have a very interesting thing in common — they do not need to motivate them for working, instead they work their ass off now and have fun time later. They know that in order to have a sexy tomorrow they need to sacrifice their today. And this is the biggest difference between the mediocre and the successful. Choose Your Side Carefully.
Never Stop Learning
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When do you think learning stops? After passing school? Graduation? If you’re one of those who thinks that there will come a time when you need to stop learning, then my friend you need to change your perspective on this if you want to become rich. For the rich and successful, learning never stops and they are committed life long learners. While the mediocrity starts having pain in their ass when they hear about learning or studying, so for them, learning is something to be avoided. For the rich, learning is an ocean to dive deep into.
Become Rich by Studying the Rich
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Those who achieved success fast in any particular field had learnt from those who were already masters in that particular field. If they’d just said, “No, I will do it myself” or “I will figure it out myself.” They might have achieved success but it would have taken a lot more time and their chances of success would be a lot less. So, learn from people who have already done it before. And heck, we’re now living in the time of Internet where the world of information is available to you at your finger tips and IT’S FREE! So go and look for the people whom you like to learn from.
The Rich Produce not Consume
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If you want to be a Millionaire or heck even a Billionaire, then know this truth — “Produce for Millions and Make Millions or even Billions!” The majority have lived it’s life mindlessly consuming and wondering why they’re not rich. But one of the major things holding them back is not having a right mindset. The Rich produce something valuable into the world that people are willing to pay them for it. Take for example, the internet, it wasn’t a thing before a few decades ago but someone made it a thing and now it’s a fourth essential if you want to survive in the modern world after food, water and shelter. The Internet changed the lives of Millions and impacted Billions. So if you want to become rich then shift your mind of a consumer to a producer (We’ll talk about this more in future…)
The Paradox of Money
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“It’s a strange paradox that if you want to make a lot of money, then you need to stop thinking about money.” Then what to think about? Problems. What? Yes Problems, start thinking about how you can solve problems. The more you will solve, the richer you will become. Look around you, observe your thoughts, observe the people around you. What do you see? Complaints? Painpoints? Needs? Wishes? Desires? If you hear things like, ‘I hate it when…’, ‘I wish that…’, ‘If there could be…’, etc., research on Internet about the problems that people are facing, then ask yourself “can you solve them?” If you can solve these problems, then the people having these problems will happily give you their wallet.
Alright folks, here it is some of the secrets of the rich and if you implement them, you’re definitely going to be the next Millionaire or even a Billionaire. Also do check out my other posts and if you like those too then follow this blog because there’s a lot of amazing stuff to come!
ATTENTION : Manifest Abundance While You Sleep
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patriciavetinari · 9 months
if you have time, for the flower ask thing:
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
nutmeg ⇢ how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
I would say writing. I just enjoy the way stories and even just sentences can be crafted into anything, really, like clay. You can have your laughs and your tears and obliterate someone in one sentence and put a thought into words that becomes a beacon of a slogan. It's all of it. The power of storytelling, and recording and preservation of human life in memory, and propaganda and entertainment. Language and linguistincs and all of that included.
Oh that's a painpoint (interior design I mean, BUT not the triggering kind, it just makes my heart bleed for not having a dwelling of my own for me to decorate as I please) but you are actually welcome to hit that painpoint at any time, I like talking interiors. I even contemplate going to study interior design sometimes but my adhd brain goes "i fucking dare you sign up for a commitment, just you fucking try, i'm gonna cure cancer before i let you do consistent studies on one topic".
Anyway, sorry about this.
I rent a room where I'm not allowed to put nails in a wall or paint or change the furniture (i'm going to try and sell the landlady on the idea of changing up the bed but I don't think it'll fly).
So I just have a few nice things that I couldn't help owning just so I can have a little joy in the bland space. I have a botanical pomegranate poster on the wall, a reproduction of Rembrandt's night watch, a little furry rug beside bed. A lamp from ikea that sort of imitates old kerosene lamps. I really like my bedding, through the ugly bedframe makes things worse but as I said, it's not up to me at this time.
Speaking of style, I sometimes salivate over interiors on pinterest or something but that's masochistic because I get too sad about my situation and little hope for a mortgage. My taste has been all over the place lately but I seem to want to come back to Old Stuff, but like, middle to lower class old stuff. So nothing opulent, but like and interior from traditional sherlock holmes movies, maybe with a few more romantic touches like floral wallpaper and such. It's a beloved though painful masochistic topic for me because I love fantasizing about an ideal interior but the pain of No House is painful.
If someone called to catch up it would depend how far back was the previous call, but I would tell them that I've just completed a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle, went to the drama class recently, changed job titles also fairly recently, am suffering from this sudden heat. There's not much going on in my life, but I also build a nice estate in Valheim last weekend. So that's something.
Thanks for asking!! 🌹
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impishtubist · 2 years
for the high-waisted discourse, I don't wear them myself (my painpoint is my ass and my solution is low-cut jeans worn an extra 2in lower) -- BUT as someone who also gets self conscious about my stomach and has found binders and corsets really nice for 'firming' that area up, I could see the appeal 🤔 (tho uuugh, sitting down in high-waisted jeans sounds like a nightmare when the button starts digging into your stomach 😰)
RIGHT sitting down seems like it would be the literal worst thing in the world.
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hiringjournal · 3 months
Top 5 Platforms for Finding Ruby on Rails Developers for Hire
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As we all know software development is a highly competitive landscape where there are multiple frameworks for web application development. Being reputed for its efficiency and ease of use, there is a proliferating demand for Ruby on Rails developers for hire. 
However, to bring your web application vision to life you need to find the right talent which can be daunting. Attracting the right talent is a challenge for 76% of the managers out of which knowing where to begin the search for potential candidates is half the battle. In this article, we will look at the 5 leading platforms that you can use to streamline your search for a skilled candidate.
Streamlining Your Search for Expert Ruby on Rails Talent
Beyond understanding your needs for a web app development project, knowing exactly where to look for the right talent is the biggest painpoint. With a plethora of options available, knowing which is the right platform to source candidates is the trick. To ease this process, here is a list of the top 5 platforms you can consider to hire top-tier Ruby on Rails developer:
Uplers is one of the reputed talent networks with over a decade of experience serving 7,000+ global clients. With a 1M+ professional network, Uplers can get you the top 3.5% of AI-vetted Indian remote talent for the job. At up to 40% cost-savings Uplers matchmakes an ideal candidate profile from across 5+ time zones.
It will streamline remote recruitment with a hassle-free process. Prepare a well-outlined job description for a Ruby on Rails developer for hire and pass it on to Uplers. This one-stop hiring partner will take it from there and get you top-tier talent in less than 48 hours with a 4-step rigorous vetting process. Additionally you can ensure the candidate’s suitability with a 2-weeks risk-free trial and a 30-days talent replacement policy with zero cancellation fees.
GitHub is not just limited to being a repository hosting service but is a goldmine for discovering Ruby on Rails skilled talent. By browsing through the list of projects and contributions you can identify developers with the skills and experience that your project demands. Engaging with developers directly on GitHub gives you insight into their coding style and collaborative approach. 
Upwork also offers a vast pool of Ruby on Rails developers. This platform connects you with freelancers and agencies depending on your project requirements and recruitment budget. With its robust filtering options, you can easily find candidates that align with your goals. The Upwork review and rating system functions as an extra layer of confidence in choosing the right developer for your project.
Stack Overflow
Stack Overflow is reputed for its community of developers who share knowledge and resolve coding challenges. The careers section allows you to hire a plethora of software developers skilled in distinct programming languages and frameworks. Look for developers who often contribute to Ruby on Rails topics, as it’s often a reflection of their passion and expertise.
This globally renowned professional networking platform is an incredibly rich source to connect with potential job seekers. You can post your job listing and get in touch with a global pool of Ruby on Rails professionals. With the use of specific search filters, you can reach out to potential candidates directly. Moreover, you can also view recommendations and endorsements to be confident about your the credibility of the chosen candidate profile.
You would be surprised to know that apart from sourcing talent if you choose Uplers it will also assist you with a comparative salary analysis. You can compare the salary of a local hire in your region with that of an Indian remote talent by using the Uplers salary analysis tool for free. This will help you formulate a competitive compensation package to attract and retain top-tier specialists.
Closing Thoughts
Finding the right Ruby on Rails developer for hire requires you to look in the right places and understand the current market trends. By exploring these top platforms and conducting thorough research, you can streamline the hiring process with the right qualified talent to propel your project forward. 
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ecommercetrends3 · 1 year
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7 Customer Pain Points in eCommerce to Solve Now
Pain points are common obstacles that prevent potential customers from converting. you'll learn 7 types of customer pain points and see examples of each.
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evocusmedia · 3 months
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A ad-copy is composed of 3 things 1. Headline 2. Body 3. CTA As Ogilvy said once you have written your headline you have spend 80 cent of your dollar. Headline is what should grab the attention of the customer/prospect. A good headline should either something controversial or something that connects with your prospect's desire or pain. It depends up on your business. The body is for giving the prospect a glimpse or simple understanding of what they could expect or what exactly it is and how it could get desired life or how it could avoid the problem that they are having. What I like to do is create a copy that connects to what problem my service/ product solving and how it could change their in life or get what they want { painpoint & desire}. CTA is to lead them, I always like add some scarcity and urgency in the CTA. Never sell on CTA always lead on CTA it should be leading to other step, you cannot say buy my shit... example: visit our website for more information and see if it something that could work for you, We only have 5 spots left and save your spot, more & more.... Follow for more and share it with your if it found helpful... {keywords: business, headline, advertising, sales, conversion, entrepreneurship, advertisement, marketing }
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sparkm4n-webdesign · 5 months
Der Schlüssel zum Erfolgreichen Marketing! 🚀
🤔 #CustomerCentricity #PainPoints #MarketingInsights
Wir alle stehen vor Herausforderungen, sei es im persönlichen Leben oder im Business. Diese Herausforderungen sind unsere "Pain Points" - Bereiche, in denen wir Unterstützung benötigen. Als Unternehmen ist es entscheidend, die Pain Points deiner Zielgruppe zu verstehen, um Lösungen zu bieten, die wirklich einen Unterschied machen.
**1. Aktiver Zuhörer werden:
Höre deiner Zielgruppe aufmerksam zu, sei es durch Umfragen, Social-Media-Feedback oder direkte Interaktion. Schaffe einen Raum, in dem Menschen ihre Herausforderungen teilen können.
**2. Passe deine Angebote an:
Richte deine Produkte oder Dienstleistungen gezielt auf die Schmerzpunkte deiner Zielgruppe aus. Zeige klar auf, wie deine Lösungen ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse ansprechen.
**3. Teile Erfolgsgeschichten:
Erzähle Geschichten von Kunden, die dank deiner Produkte oder Dienstleistungen ihre Pain Points überwunden haben. Authentische Erfahrungen schaffen Vertrauen und zeigen den realen Nutzen.
**4. Biete Mehrwert durch Content:
Teile wertvolle Informationen, die die Pain Points deiner Zielgruppe ansprechen. Sei eine Quelle der Unterstützung und Wissensvermittlung.
💬 Welche Pain Points haben in deinem Bereich besonders hervorgestochen? Lass uns darüber sprechen und voneinander lernen! 💬
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