caydennilsson · 6 years
It was taking more time to fully heal, but it was going quicker than if he’d been healing it on his own. This was his first hunt since then, and likely would give him that extra bump he needed to get back to a hundred percent. Only, Cayden would have to take care, because he certainly could not handle getting shot again, and everyone was already on edge given what had happened recently. 
Cayden was smoking, eyeing someone he’d already picked out. He was waiting for her to go to a remote area so he could drag her off, and if his sire had been here likely he’d be damn proud of that effort. He took another drag, eyes narrowing and he started moving forward until he caught another scent and slowed his pace. 
It was her. And if she was here she was either going to ruin his hunt or ruin his day. Maybe both. “Please don’t pester me again.” He muttered, blowing smoke from his lips and not caring if it drifted into her face. “I’m not in the mood.”
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rezathevamp-blog · 8 years
Thinking Outside the Boxxx || Reza&Blake
It probably wouldn’t have come as a surprise to anyone who really knew Reza that he’d never set foot in Pandora’s Boxxx, a store he’d actively been avoiding since he’d heard of its existence. Still, here he was, standing stiff and rigid next to a much more relaxed Heath at the entrance of the store. It didn’t help that Reza had close to solid proof that his boyfriend was the evilest of evil vampires but he tried not to think about that too much. Not until he could actually do anything about it. Without dying, if he possibly could. 
The dimly lit store was causing Reza to peer, eyes squinting at the shelves. Once they’d adjusted to the dark, he kinda wished they hadn’t. Instantly, he felt his cheeks start to warm, aching for something to calm his nerves. Shaky fingers twitched towards the pocket of his jacket, where cigarettes and joints were mashed together alongside a lighter. There was no smoking inside, though, so Reza reluctantly followed the tall vampire further into the store, eyes blatantly avoiding the shelves. 
There wasn’t even any purpose as to why they were here. Or if there was, Heath hadn’t provided that information. As per usual, Heath said and Reza did. Like a really bad, really nerve wracking game of Simon says, except Reza was the only one playing. The only one at risk of losing. 
The store was mostly empty, something Reza was thankful for as he retreated further into the hood of the hoodie layered underneath his leather jacket (a combo he was well aware made him look even more dubious and ‘troubled teen-esque’ but at this point he figured there was little he could do to hide it, anyway). It wasn’t until they rounded the corner of a display with way too many realistic veins for Reza to be comfortable with that they spotted a customer. Heath simply raised an eyebrow before continuing his... browsing but Reza peered further. The older man standing a little ways away looked mortified. Or terrified? Maybe just confused, there was really no telling; all emotions Reza was experiencing as well. 
Averting his eyes from the strange beads Heath was gazing at, Reza sauntered deeper into the store, hopefully towards some items less graphic and traumatizing. Only slightly heading towards the stranger because at least that guy also had no clue as to what he was doing here. 
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dianalinchon-blog · 9 years
Distract Me || Diana & Blake
The image of flickering flames danced across Diana’s mind. She couldn’t fully bring herself back from after her terror. She should be used to it by now but for some reason she still can’t get a grasp on it. It’s like every time it feels like the first. The same sense of panic and fear. Waking up sweating and not knowing what’s going on. She knew she probably was screaming for a while which made her glad that her roommate wasn’t there. She wouldn’t want to scare sweet little Kloe.
Now she was walking down the hall in the institute, her body still shaking from her dream. She just needed to do something, distract herself from it all. She needed to put away these feelings. Diana wished she knew when they would come but the terrors showed up at random. Another picture of orange and red flooded her mind, making her unfocused and caused her to bump into someone. “I’m so sorry..” She was able to mumble out, trying to attain a steady voice.
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thatpromqueen · 9 years
i got you || chake
To hear about Blake's father truly broke her heart. The fact that he had walked around, dealing with these terrible news alone actually made her feel physically sick. As soon as her friend asked her to come over, Chloe had hurried out of the door. After a quick stop, the blonde found herself outside his door. Not caring to knock, Chloe just swiped her own key and let herself in. "Babe?" She called out softly into the hotel room. "I brought snacks.. And the breakfast club."
When she walked further into the apartment, she found the boy sitting one the kingaized bed and sized softly. As she put down the items in her hands on the bed, she also joined in. Crawling up into his lap, the petite girl wrapped her arms around his torso and gently kissed his cheek. "Hey baby."
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traewrites · 9 years
"Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants." [blake]
"Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants." 
"I — um, what?" Savannah stuttered over her words, her eyes widening as Blake spoke, shaking her head gently. She knew something was wrong, he would never speak to her like that if he was sober. He knew her history, knew how things like that made her uncomfortable. He would never purposefully make her uncomfortable. Savannah peered around the boy in front of her, her stomach sinking at the smell inside of his apartment, and the other man sitting in his living room.
"Blake are you high?" She hissed, her eyes narrowing, darting over his face. "You reek," she coughed gently, shaking her head and taking a step back from him. So much for spending the afternoon together, she thought to herself, sighing inwardly. It wasn’t his fault. She was fully aware that he smoked, and she’d never explicitly asked him to stop. It was something that helped him, and she’d only asked him not to do it when she was around. And really, she’d surprised him by dropping by, he hadn’t been expecting her.
Savannah sighed softly, shoving the bag of cake pops she’d stopped to pick up into his hands, offering him a half-hearted smile. “I’ll just come back later. Or tomorrow. Or something.” She muttered, ducking her head, tucking her hair behind her ear and turning away from him.
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Oh, I'm a mess right now | | Cassia + Blake
Cassia drummed her fingers on the counter of Nunzio's as she looked around at all the empty tables and chair. She huffed to herself when she glanced at the clock and realised she still had over an hour of her shift left. It had been that dead that she'd already cleaned all the table, folded napkins, wiped menus, polished cutlery and filled up all the salt. She looked into the kitchen through the window in the door and saw that Tony was MIA "Looks like I'll just have to entertain myself. Yipee." she muttered darkly to herself. The last thing she wanted was to be left alone with her thoughts that she'd been trying to avoid since Homecoming. And that kiss was the main thing she didn't want on her mind. 
Cassia shook her head and tried to force the thoughts and memory out of her head. As usual she failed. Her mind was spinning with everything that was going on. The guilt she felt for using Blake to cover for her and Henry. The fact that she didn't really know what her feelings for Blake were any more or what category they fell into. How she hadn't heard from Henry which meant yet another guy had ditched her. And that kiss. She caught herself with her hand against her lips and a small smile on her face at the memory, it wasn't the first time since Homecoming either. "Leave it Cassia." she told herself firmly. She knew the last thing she needed was someone else to lose. 
She ran a hand through her hair, something she always did when she was frustrated or confused, it had become her go to gesture for the past few days. She'd been dodging Blake because in her head she didn't have to make any decisions or draw any conclusions about him if she didn't see him. Out of sight out of mind was a saying for a reason, right? "Keep on telling yourself that." she murmured, hoping for once it'd be true. Just as the words left her lips she heard the bell that was hung over the door ring and she turned to see who had come in and saved her from her own thoughts.
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leonieburkett · 10 years
A tiny smile appeared on the female's lips as she pulled into the parking lot-- not a strange man in sight. And what Leonie meant by "strange man" were the random, sometimes old and sometimes young but always strange men that followed her around snapping her picture. This was a refreshing but pleasant surprise. She turned the key, killing the engine before grabbing her wallet and cell phone off of the passenger seat and getting out of the car, making sure she didn't forget her car keys inside-- something that had happened on more than one occasion. 
Leonie had been finishing up a few errands when she had found out that Blake's camera lens was broken-- and Leonie felt more than bad. Normal people would have said sorry and moved on but Leonie couldn't. She could remember the first time that they had met and how thrilled the male seemed to be to be doing what he was doing. He was living out his dreams, and that could be seen all over his face. She had worked with plenty of photographers, but it was nice to see somebody that did this because they loved it. The actress was used to meeting people, talented people, that did what they did for all the wrong reasons. So much talent and so little passion. 
It was because of this that Leonie felt bad for Blake, because as far as she could tell what he did made him happy and that was something new and refreshing to see. Walking into the shop Leonie's eyes grew wide-- and it wasn't until then that she realized that she honestly had no idea what was what. To her a camera was a camera, but this shop clearly proved her wrong. Asking for assistance from one of the workers the girl told the older male what she was looking for-- using Blake's exact words and silently praying that she would get the right lens. 
Once the lens was payed for the girl tucked the receipt into her wallet, just in case this wasn't what Blake needed. Leonie hadn't even bothered to check how much it cost, or if there was something cheaper-- but that was because growing up her parents had always given her not enough money but too much. She wasted it on the silliest things, and now that she was earning her own money-- not much had changed. Thankfully she had Kayla and her busy schedule to stop her from going overboard. Leonie preferred to think of it as living in the moment. 'Why save up for tomorrow when I might be dead by then', She had told Kayla once. Once in the car she pulled out her cell phone, sending a quick text to Blake before heading in the direction of her next destination. 
The girl shook her head slightly, putting her hand up to hide her face-- keeping her eyes on the ground as the men gathered around her. Her luck had clearly run out for the day-- but thankfully she had already gotten what she needed and was ready to go to Blakes after receiving his ok through a text. She managed to make her way to her car, but now came the hard part-- not running anybody over. There were times where she wanted to, but she knew her father wouldn't approve of another lawsuit. 
She paid close attention to the woman's voice leading her to the address that Blake had given her, knowing that if she made one false turn she would be lost. Directions were never her strong suit. Thankfully the male lived closed by, and in an area that wasn't too hard to navigate. Turning off her car she leaned over-- taking out the box that contained the lens and putting into the gift bag she had just gotten along with the bright neon pink nail polish and two small packets of dead sea mud masks. 
Locking the door behind her she held the bag in one hand, keys in the other as she made her way to the door-- a smile on her face as she knocked.
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londonpres · 10 years
New Beginnings ❀ Blondon
London could barely contain the smile she'd been wearing for the past few hours. Her heart was in a flutter as she twirled around her dorm room, changing out of her lazy time pyjamas and getting somewhat dressed before she would leave to go to Blake's room. Ever since their conversation and the revelations they made to each other London had been feeling as if she was on top of the world. She quickly shed her body of the worn shorts and over sized shirt she was wearing and placed a pair of snug jeans and a long sleeved shirt over her torso. Once she grabbed her keys and cellphone she headed for the door and locked it behind her. 
As she made the short and familiar journey from her dorm to Blake's' her mind began to wonder. Over Blake and the message he left for her and their conversation prior. She mulled over the words as he feet carried her swiftly toward the boys dormitory, her once excited feelings were now dissolving into feelings of nervousness and confusion. What exactly did he by loving her? Did he love her in the way that she loved him or did he mean that he loved her as a friend? As they'd always loved each other and just wanted her to know that in the horrible event that they would never see each other again. These thoughts plagued her and before she knew it she'd found herself in front of Blake's door, knocking as if it was just second nature by now.
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casperhoffman-blog · 10 years
A Night on the Town - Blake & Casper
The allotted hour passed far more quickly than Casper had hoped it would. He spent the first half of it in the library still, finishing the schoolwork he’d originally planned to work on. Once it was done, he put everything away meticulously and returned to his room. Luckily Kyle was nowhere to be seen, so he didn’t have to answer any questions or maintain small talk. Casper found himself at a loss for what to do. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d done anything like this - his father and interfering aunt had long since given up on forcing him to socialize, so he didn’t have much experience. If it led to answers about his mother, however, it would be worth it.
Since they were going out to a pub, his usual attire most likely wouldn’t be appropriate. Changing into jeans and a simple long sleeved shirt, Casper ran a hand through his hair to make it lay a little flatter and ensured he had money and identification in his wallet. Then there was nothing left to do, so even though it was fifteen minutes early, Casper walked to the bus stop. There was no sign of Blake, so Casper sat on a bench and pulled out his phone. He had the e-version of a textbook on it, and since he had a few minutes, he thought he may as well get ahead in his reading.
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miss-claire-mitchell · 10 years
Phone Call || Claire & Blakely
Claire: *calling*
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stillsmilinghunter · 10 years
Your Move [Blake/Mia/Raime]
Mia leaned against her car, eyes flicking toward Raime in the low light behind the quick-e-mart. The text had been sent...the bait nothing but the two of them. This could either end very badly, or maybe, for once, things would go according to plan. She exhaled smoke, "He better show," she mumbled. There was adrenalin coursing through her veins. Her baseball bat was stowed away in her car, out of site, out of mind- mostly- but there in case Blake decided to pull something. The fact that she was unarmed only added to the danger, something that Mia was very quickly learning she thrived off of. Headlights drew her attention toward the highway, "Thanks for this, Rai."
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mariebennet-blog · 10 years
Ice Queen [Flashback: Blake/Marie]
Marie didn't mind the snow- hell, she didn't even mind the death that had seemed to settle upon the town. All that she cared about was the fact that it had cleared up and she and Kaleb could get out of town now. The busty brunette was currently trying to get her door open, a bag of junk food under one arm, "Fucking twat faced lock," she mumbled, giving up and looking around, "HEY!" She called, waving her arms toward a blonde kid, "A little help here!"
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thompsonbella-blog · 11 years
hey, it's you → Bx2
Bella woke up with her head pounding like there was no tomorrow, well there was and it would be hell to get through. She scrambled in the bed to find her phone only to see that is was past 12, so she forced herself up and looked over her room. There were still piles of unopened boxes on the corner, she knew that she wouldn't get to unpack them today - mostly because of the Superbowl but also thanks to the fact that moving made her whole body ache. Bella still managed to walk to the kitchen to search for a bottle of aspirin. As she closed the last cabinet and popped open the bottle she walked over to the bathroom, she still had to go hand out a couple of errands to run before finally relaxing. She shut the door with a sigh and ran the shower.
After an hour or two of getting ready she straightened out her blouse and shut the door to her room, yelling goodbye to anyone home as she slammed the front door shut and took out her key to lock it. Bella walked to the elevator and pressed the button to go down, she watched as the numbers changed then suddenly she heard the familiar ding. She let the doors open up as she walked into the small space and let the door shut as she felt the elevator start to move.
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caydennilsson · 6 years
↱ = being lost with them
“You know, we could just go our separate ways.” Cayden suggested. No signal on either phone, outside of familiar parts of town, in the company of someone he’d already gotten in a physical fight with...this wasn’t a good start to the night. He’d come out here to hunt, but now he wasn’t so sure he wanted to, especially not with her so near. “Unless you’re in the mood to go back to jail because you know we aren’t going to go skipping along the sidewalk hand in hand.”
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londonpres · 10 years
Midnight Houdini - Blondon {Future}
London yawned, her arms stretching outward and gently falling back down onto the mattress where they’d previously laid except now there was something warm and fleshy separating her arm from contacting the sheets. Groggy eyes peeked open and a wary yet happy smile spread over her pale pink lips. She loved it when she woke up and Blake was still lying next to her. London was an unusually late sleeper unless she was getting up early to get the kids ready and off to school but today was a weekend day and that meant she could lie about in bed daydreaming and fussing about with her husband’s hair for as long as she pleased.
That is until Cara and Mia caught wind that they were in fact awake, the twins new pastime had suddenly become ‘making mommy and daddy breakfast in bed’. Which in reality mostly consisted of a few frozen waffles and two half spilled cups of orange juice, but bless their hearts they were trying. “Blake-e” London whispered, her voice slightly hoarse “Baby are you sleeping?” she asked and prodded Blake’s back a few times “Want to take a shower with me before the kids wake up” she mumbled and gently sat upward her knees pressing into the spot where she once laid. Her breathing pausing just a few seconds as she thought she heard the pitter patter of tiny footsteps just outside her door but soon dissipated to nothing. Maybe she was only hearing things.
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