#p: park jihoon
waitingforminjae · 4 months
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apparently he archived most of his insta and then dropped these........hot boy park ji hoon rebrand 2024 🙏
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Yesterday I was reading a whc fanfiction and tonight I dreamt that I was assassin Yeon Sieun and that I looked at Sooho with my big doe eyes to flirt w/ him but I was also planning on murdering him
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parkjun · 2 years
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했다 흑발. [ENG] I coloured (my hair) black. (trans cr)
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wookgerine · 2 years
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(220901) jihoon on twt
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fyeah-haruto · 2 years
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[#아슈 비하인드📷] (2)
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eomayas · 2 months
never lose me • ljh
pairing: woozi x f!reader, established relationship
genre: smut, 18+ MINORS DNI!! slight angst, fluff, miscommunication
synopsis: it’s been awhile since you’ve gotten jihoon alone, and a sundress is all it takes for him to realize how much he misses and is obsessed with you
warnings: pwp, unprotected p in v, oral (f), riding, fingering, reader wears a dress, they say ‘i love you’ a lot, mild angst, fluff, buff woozi, long haired woozi
a/n: i love woozi. unedited of course
jihoon knows he’s in trouble the moment you step out into the living room in a baby pink sundress that clings to your chest and gives you a lift, your hair tossed up in a loose updo, donning gold jewelry, and a smile that makes him physically weak. his chest swells with love and desire, a deep sense of yearning overtaking his being.
he’s been distant lately, he knows. working late nearly every night and leaving early in the morning. sometimes, he doesn’t even make it home and ends up sleeping at the studio or at the dorms, despite having his own place with you. he’s been meaning to make it up to you—he bought you a few things, though he knows the key to your heart isn’t material things—though he hasn’t really found the time (or out in much effort) to do so, other than offering to take you to the farmers market today since you mentioned it awhile ago and he never went with you.
looking at you now, he’s overwhelmed with the information that he’s very much in love with you, and that you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen. “are you ready?” you ask him, a soft smile on your face. jihoon swallows and nods, standing up from the couch and wiping his palms on his jeans. he places a hand on the small of your back and places a gentle kiss on your jaw.
"you look pretty," he says softly, removing his hand from your back to hold onto yours. you blush and thank him, feeling an ego boost that he at least noticed. it’s been hard interacting with him since when you do see him, it’s short and brief. you understand that he’s busy, and understand he needs his time and space to work—you’ve never taken issue with that—but you do miss him, more than anything.
the drive to the farmers market is short, and you do most of the talking, catching him up on things you know he’s missed, whether it be things going on in your life, or in the pop culture word. he’s quiet, but he hangs onto every word you say even if it’s not about you and your life. it makes him realize just how gone he’s been, and he starts to feel guilty and like the worlds worst boyfriend.
“ji, you okay?” you question, tapping his leg. he looks down at your hand and grabs it with his right, squeezing it. he glances over at you and sees the concern on your face and begins to feel worse.
“yeah, yeah im fine,” he says unconvincingly. you know him better than that—probably better than he knows himself—and you know something is there under the surface, but you never push him unless you feel like he needs to be pushed. rather than forcing the truth out of him, you leave it alone.
soon enough, he’s pulling into the designated parking lot for the farmers market, and the two of you are getting out of his car and walking hand in hand through the street. it’s a bright day, and there are many people, families, and dogs milling about. “ji, we should get a dog,” you say when another toy poodle passes by the two of you. he chuckles and shakes his head lightly. “cmon, it would be like prep for when we have an actual kid.” you say casually, a twinkle in your eye.
the breath gets caught in jihoons throat and his cheeks flush. the two of you have talked about having kids before, but not recently. the fact that you’d still consider him to be the father of your children makes him feel warm and hopeful that he isn’t a total screw up of a partner.
“i’ll think about it,” jihoon says, swallowing. your grin at him and grab ahold of jihoons hand to drag him over to a booth. he lets you guide him, his brain still stuck on the comment about kids. he wants kids, especially with you, and now he can’t seem to think of anything else.
and he lets you guide him to whichever booth you want. you lead him to a booth that sells fresh produce, and he stays close by to you while you pick things out. he can’t help but watch you move and feel an ache deep inside of him, a strong sense of yearning for you despite the fact that he has you. “i’m gonna try to bake something this week, what do you want?” you ask jihoon, picking up a carton of strawberries.
turning, you have an expectant look on your face until you see your boyfriend looking extremely… sad. like a little puppy, his eyes wide and his mouth downturned into a small frown. “baby, what’s wrong?” you ask, placing a hand on his arm.
jihoon opens his mouth and closes it before trying again, taking a step closer to you. he slips an arm around your waist to rest on the small of your back, dropping his mouth close to your ear. “i love you,” he murmurs, mouth ghosting over your jaw in a soft kiss.
you smile and tilt your head to look up at him. “i love you too, baby,” you say, placing a kiss on his lips this time. you don’t really mind PDA—jihoon does, though he’s not complaining right now. he wonders if anybody else can hear how hard his heart is beating in his chest, and whether you can feel it, because it feels like it’s going to beat out of his chest.
once you two pull away, you go back to picking our fruit and jihoon goes back to swooning and yearning over you. but he wanders around the booth and grabs some vegetables that he can meal prep with, and finds you when he’s done. you tell him what you’re going to make for the week—blueberry lemon loaf—and then the two of you bound up to the counter to pay. jihoon hands the person behind the counter his card with ease.
afterwards, you pull him to more booths and he follows you closely, letting you wander around but never keeping you out of his line of sight. he can’t keep his mind off of you right now, he's so overwhelmed by you, and he wishes he could get a handle on himself right now. he's so consumed with the fact that you still want to have kids with him, about the fact that your dress is much too tight in the chest and its turning him to mush.
jihoon glances around and finds a spots a florists tent only a few feet away. you're preoccupied with looking at handmade jewelry that he's able to quickly slip away without you noticing. jihoon's eyes quickly scan the bouquets, reaching for a large one full of white, pink, and yellow flowers. he holds them for a second before setting them back where he found them and walking up to the people who run the booth. "hi, do you guys have any bouquets with peonies?" he asks, tucking his hands into his jean pockets.
the woman smiles and stands up, already walking over to another display of flowers. "yes! we have bouquets made up of entirely bouquets–like this," she holds up a band of pink peonies to show jihoon. "or we have a few that contain peonies, but not nearly as many. depends on what you like." she finishes happily, a polite smile on her face. jihoon's eyes dart between both bouquets, a crease forming in between his eyebrows. "is it a special occasion? person?" the florist asks, trying to help jihoon out.
"they're for my girlfriend. she likes pink," he says, reaching for the bouquet of mixed flowers. theres pink peonies, white roses, and a third pink flower he can't identify. "i think i'll just get these." the florist nods and leads jihoon back to the counter to pay. he hands her his card and rocks eagerly back and forth on his heels, feeling a semblance of normalness for the first time today.
taking the flowers, a sense of pride swells in his chest at the mere thought of handing them to you, in seeing the expression on your face when he gives you the bouquet.
when jihoon gets closer to the booth he left you in, his eyes search for you, but he is unable to see you. his eyebrows furrow, but he keeps his panic at bay–you're a grown woman after all, and you definitely could not have gone far since he was hardly gone for more than five minutes. he'll find you.
like a dog with a squeaker toy, his ears perk up at the sound of laughter. but it's not just any laughter, its one that he'd probably be able to pick out even amongst a chorus of people laughing. its the sound of laughter that always makes him want to start laughing; its infectious, and sweet, and its yours. its laughter that comes from your chest, and he can just imagine what you look like: eyes squinty, teeth showing, cheeks round. his stomach churns with butterflies at the mere thought of it.
jihoon follows the sound, gaze landing upon you in a few seconds. but he stops short when he sees why you are laughing. a man stands close to you, a bit too close, marveling at the fact that he was able to elicit such a sound from you. now, jihoon isn't a regularly jealous guy, nor is he possessive. but he sees the way the man looks at you, watches his eyes drop down to your chest for a split second while you're busy talking about something and not quite paying him any attention. the butterflies that once inhabited his stomach vanish, and the churning stems from elsewhere. he swallows and runs a hand through his long, dark hair, and finishes making his way to you.
the man notices jihoon before you do, and he makes his presence known by slipping a hand onto the small of your back. with a start, you almost accuse the man of trying to pull a fast one on you until you turn and see jihoon, immediate relief and relaxation washing over you. "oh! baby, you scared me," you say, sliding closer to him. you notice the flowers in his hand and you break out into a smile. "for me?" you ask.
jihoon smiles sheepishly and nods, but he keeps his eyes trained on the stranger. you notice jihoons attention divert and follow his gaze, lips parting, ready to introduce to two of them but you stop short once you realize you don’t even know the man’s name and that he just started talking to you. “uh,” you start, a shy smile on your face.
“ill leave you two to it,” he says, throwing up an awkward thumbs up and slipping off to wherever he came from. you look at jihoon and get help the laugh that escapes you, dropping a hand onto his shoulder.
“that was so awkward!” you say, hugging the flowers to your chest. jihoon gives you a halfhearted chuckle, the corner of his lip dragging upward before immediately falling into a flat line. he’s not upset, especially not with you. there’s a bunch of emotions swarming through him today, and that man only added fuel to the fire. he feels like he’s on borrowed time with you and can’t get ahold of anything.
a frown takes over your face at your boyfriends mood, your frustration growing. “jihoon, what is wrong?” you ask, voice hushed because of the public setting. he glances around and takes a step closer to you, arm snaking around your waist.
“it’s nothing, i promise,” he says, voice low. jihoon places a consolidation kiss on your cheek, but you don’t believe him. it’s bullshit and both of you know that you know that, but you don’t say anything because you really do just want to enjoy this day with him.
the two of you wander around the farmers market for a few more hours, jihoon hardly leaving your side of letting you out of his sight for too long. he is hyper aware of who talks to you, where their eyes linger and for how long. it’s extremely out of character, this level of possession he’s displaying. it’s not him, but he’s extremely on edge.
you notice it, of course. his hand rarely leaves the small of your back unless you wrap yourself around his arm. he’s not nearly this close and clingy to you, but it doesn’t necessarily bother you—his possessive behavior, though, is where you’re stumped. you’re now 101% sure that he’s been bullshitting you all day. again, you don’t say anything and choose to just embrace him being all over you, especially since it’s been awhile that you’ve been able to get time with him.
after a few hours of walking in platform sandals, your feet start to ache. the two of you have gone to nearly every booth at the market, and have seen the crowd die down. “my feet are killing me,” you say, flexing your toes.
“are you ready to go home?” jihoon asks, rubbing small circles into your lower back.
“yeah, i think so. we basically saw everything, right?” you ask, the two of you already heading back in the direction of the parking lot. jihoon nods, slipping his hand from your back to intertwine your fingers together. you glance over at him and smile, grateful for the time you’ve had with him today despite his strange attitude. “i love you, you know?” you say, bumping your shoulder with his.
jihoon smiles, looking down at that ground. “i love you too,” he says softly, the tips of his ears reddening. the two of you make it back to the car and jihoon opens the trunk to put the tote bag of stuff in the back. you wait for him, grabbing his arm and pulling him into a kiss when he closes the back. he holds onto your sides tightly, fingers lightly bunching up the loose fabric of your dress. you press your chest against his own, your nipples peaked and sensitive against the fabric of your dress mixed with the friction of his tshirt.
jihoon feels his mind go blank for a second, almost like he’s a virgin again when he feels your nipples through your dress. he hadnt realized how thin the material was, or what you weren’t wearing a bra, and now that changes everything about today, about the feeling of you in his hands, about the stares you received from strangers. it makes him more agitated and pathetically hard, though the latter makes him feel guilty for even thinking about you in that way when he’s barely spent real quality time with you.
pulling back, you place a soft hand on the side of his face, gently stroking his cheek with your thumb. jihoon relaxes against your touch, letting out a small breath that makes you smile. “i’ve missed you,” he murmurs, grip tightening on your hip.
you hum, placing your other hand against his chest. you flatten it over his right pec before gently dragging your nails over his clothed skin. “prove it,” you say, tone sultry. you flick your eyes up to meet his own and he swallows, his erection straining against his pants. if you notice it, you don’t make it known, just smile that angelic smile and slip away from him to get in the car. jihoon stands there, static flowing through his brain.
there isn’t a coherent thought in his mind other than getting you home as quickly as possible. he quickly hops in the driver seat and starts the car, flying out of the parking lot far too quickly. but he doesn’t really have time to stop and think, his dick agonizingly hard in his pants and you achingly beautiful right next to him.
“baby, it’s a red,” you say, looking over at jihoon with mild concern when he flies up to a red light, hardly feeling like he’s pressing on the brakes. jihoon leans back in his seat once the car is idle, and lets out a chuckle at his own ridiculousness. he won’t be able to fuck you like he wants if he dangerously speeds home, but he’s eager, buzzing in his seat.
“god, i love you,” he mumbles for the millionth time today, running a hand through his hair and pressing on the lightly on the gas when the light changes.
you smile and place a hand low on his leg. jihoon can’t help when he jerks at your touch, leg shifting open wider. it’s embarrassing, pathetic, and whorish, and his face burns in mortification. you bite back a giggle, not wanting to add to his embarrassment.
the short car ride home is tense. again, you talk and he listens—or tries to; unable to fully concentrate with your hand on his leg. you can tell that he’s really trying though, and you find it sweet since the tent in his pants hasn’t faltered once. you’d be lying if you said he hasn’t had you hot and bothered all day. he’s a man of simple fashion: black tshirt and jeans, but his bulging muscles will forever make you drool.
pulling up to the house is like beating the level in a video game before the final boss battle. except in this case, the boss level is getting you naked in the next few minutes. jihoon doesn’t even bother grabbing the stuff out of the trunk, just opens your door for you and ushers you up to the front door. he fumbles with the house key for a moment, lowly mumbling out a few curses before finally shoving it into the lock and opening the door.
jihoons on you in an instant, backing you into the closed front door and placing his lips on yours. you toss your purse onto the entry table and thread your fingers through his long hair. his hair has grown out a lot lately, results of him being so busy with work and forgetting about everything else. you like it, a lot, and rue the day he decides to chop it all off.
he pulls back from your mouth to kiss down your neck, groaning into your skin. jihoon holds onto your sides, hands kneading at the flesh. his mouth is hot against your skin, lips searing like he’s claiming you, branding you.. its a sensation you’ve been deprived of lately, one you’ve missed. jihoon kisses down your chest to the tops of your exposed breasts, resisting the extremely strong urge to rip you out of the fabric. “fuck,” he curses, moving back up to your mouth. he’s desperate for you he can hardly contain himself or get his thoughts straight.
jihoon pulls you from against the door and walks you backwards down the hall. you let him, hands gripping onto his biceps for support. you pull apart when he presses you back against a surface, and you find yourself in the kitchen pressed against the island. jihoons lips are red and swollen, his pupils blown and cheeks flushed. you lovingly run a hand through his hair, pushing the strands out of his face so you can really see him. he closes his eyes for a brief second and grips onto the counter, dropping his forehead against yours. "you're driving me crazy," he mumbles, breath warm against your face. "this dress. you." jihoon lifts his head to look at you, tongue darting out to lick his lips.
your heart hammers against your ribcage, like its ready to beat out of your chest and flop onto the kitchen floors. his gaze is intense and makes heat pool at the base of your abdomen, thighs pressing together. you reach behind you to unzip your garment, but he stops you, gently grabbing onto your forearm.
"leave it on."
jihoon is on his knees in an instant, flipping up the skirt of your gown and disappearing under the material. you want to see him, nearly ready to complain until you feel his mouth on your core. he breathes you in, brain clouding at your scent and wetness. your panties are damp and stick to your folds in a way that makes him spin. he wastes no more time and pulls down your underwear, yanking them off your ankles before stuffing them into the pocket of his jeans. his mouth is on you again, this time making you let out a soft sigh and bunch up your dress atop his shoulders. he grabs one of your calves and props it against his broad shoulders, spreading your open wider and giving him more room to work.
he's an expert with his tongue, and you let him know that by all of the sounds you make. you didn't realize how long its been until you notice how loud you're being, how quickly your legs begin to shake when he suckles on your clit. "fuck, jihoon!" you moan, knees growing weaker by the second. he keeps a firm grip on your thighs, supporting most of your weight. his tongue is everywhere you need him most, licking up your arousal like its the last thing he'll ever do.
jihoon groans against you, making you whimper above him and press your thighs together. his lips find themselves around your sensitive nub, and he lets go of the leg that is propped up against his shoulder to stick to fingers inside of you. you clench around him in a way that makes him feel like he could cum in his pants in the next few seconds. you're warm and tight.
"h-hoonie, i-i-" you cut yourself off with a pathetic whine, tears gathering in your eyes as he fucks his fingers in and out of you, his tongue swirling around your clit.
he's prepared for your release, but he's not prepared for the way your arousal squirts out onto his face. he freezes, watching your pussy flutter around his still fingers, your arousal flowing out of you like rain. "jihoon!" you yelp as you come, body burning and legs shaking. he attempts to retracts his fingers from inside you, but you clench around him and squeeze him back in.
its pathetic the way he whimpers and jerks his hips forward, a dark patch forming on his jeans. he manages to pull his fingers back, and stands up from the floor, hand moving to your hip to support you on your weak legs. the sight before him is one of his favorites: your chest heaving, eyes closed and mouth parted. its a state of bliss that he put you in, and he'll never get tired of it.
upon feeling him stand up, you attempt to sit up against the counter and open your eyes. when you see his shiny face, your eyes widen and your face burns with embarrassment. " oh my g-" he cuts you off with a kiss, tongue forcing its way into your mouth. you moan and grip onto his shoulders tightly, body buzzing.
jihoon is the first to pull away, spinning you around by the hips and pressing you against the counter. he grabs the hem of his shirt and wipes his face before pulling it off and and tossing it on the floor. next are his pants, though he doesnt even bother stepping out of them and just lets them pool around his ankles. he's never been this eager and hungry for sex, its almost animalistic the way he feels inside.
grabbing your leg, jihoon props your knee up on the counter and checks that you're comfortable. "yes, just fuck me," you sigh, folding your arms under your head and resting your cheek against them. jihoon pushes up your dress and lines himself up, pushing the head in and letting out a string of curses at your grip on him. you never fully got used to the size of him, but now that’s it’s been a minute the stretch is much more intense than before. "baby." you whine, biting your bottom lip, cunt fluttering around him. jihoon grips onto the counter with one hand and your hip with the other, bottoming out and staying still for a moment to really feel you.
"i l-love you," he says, breathing labored. he leans down against you and presses a soft, loving, kiss to the back of your neck. "i love you so fucking much."
he pulls back and snaps his hips back into your ass, a loud gasp getting pushes from you lungs, followed by a cry of his name. he's relentless with his strokes, unable to control himself. you don't mind the harshness, especially after how long you've gone without having sex. "j-jihoon!" you cry, tears brimming in your eyes for the second time tonight.
"i m-missed you," he grunts, pushing up your dress so he can see your ass, eyes trained on where you two connect. "missed this pussy, fuck!" he groans, knuckles turning white from his grip on the counter. a white rim coats the base of his dick, both of your arousals mixing together to make it easier for him to glide into you.
“it’s yours,” you mewl, pressing your hips back into him and deepening the arch in your back. jihoon grunts in agreement, moving the hand that is on your hip up to your chest. he gropes your chest, tweaking your nipple through the material of your dress.
he pounds into your hard enough to knock the strap of your dress off your shoulder. you want it off, but he’s adamant that you leave it on. “you feel so good!” tears slip out of your eyes due to the pleasure you’re feeling. jihoon pulls the top of your dress down and lets your breasts spill free, the other strap sliding down your arm.
jihoons strokes begin to lose rhythm and his breathing becomes exceptionally labored. you know he’s close—you are too, unbelievably close—and you want to cum with him. reaching back, you call out his name and wiggle your fingers.. jihoon grabs onto your hand without a second thought, squeezing tightly as he continues to give you a few more powerful thrusts. “baby, i’m c-close,” you breathe, the knot tightening in your core.
“m-me too. wan’ c-come with y-you,” he grunts, thrusts becoming shallower by the second. you whimper and clench around him, crying out his name when you start to spasm around him, legs shaking.
jihoon grunts and holds your hip tightly to keep you in place, groaning out your name as he releases his load into you. he folds himself onto your back, unable to hold himself up any longer while he releases ropes of his cum into you. you appreciate the weight of him on you, keeps you from floating up and away from the present.
“fuck,” he breathes, pushing himself up and off of you and pulling out of you warmth with a whimper that makes you involuntarily clench around him. “baby.” jihoon pulls out of you and grabs at your waist, gently spinning you around and cradling you in his arms. you give him a blissed out smile, eyes low and tired, skin shiny from a thin layer of sweat.
“hey,” you smile at each other like two lovesick fools, and you push yourself up to his lips to give him a soft and sensual kiss. “i’m sorry.” he mumbles against your lips, hands grabbing the zipper of your dress and pulling it down, the cool air making goosebumps arise on your skin.
“you’re forgiven,” you say in a rush, letting the dress fall to the floor. you’ll get to the root of the apology later, but right now you still need him.
it’s desperate the way jihoon gets on the floor and pulls you down on top of him, guiding you over his dick. you plant your feet on either side of his hips and lower yourself onto his shaft, mouth dropping open at the sensation of being split open for the second time. “ah, jihoon, fuck!” you cry, planting a hand on his chest for stability. you won’t last long riding him—both of you know that—but you intend to make it count for as long as you can before your legs give out.
jihoon is in a trance watching you bounce on top of him, fully convinced that if he were to die right now this would be the way he’d love to go out: you on top of him in all your glory, fucking him—using him, like he’s your little toy. and he’s happy to be exactly that.
the squelching your cunt makes every time you drop down onto him pushes him closer to the edge. he can hardly keep his eyes open, but he wants to look at you, wants to watch you as you take everything he’s got, milk him for all he’s worth until there’s nothing left. “i-i missed this,” you moan, switching from bouncing up and down to rotating your hips, dropping down onto your knees. “missed you.”
“i’m all yours,” he breathes, whining when you lean back and hold onto his thighs, raising your hips and swirling on his lap. jihoon reaches forward and presses his thumb to your clit and rubs quick circles on the sensitive nub to get you to your release. “cmon, baby. i k-know you’re close.” he rasps, body flushed with heat.
with a few more rolls of your hips and jihoon rubbing on your clit, you’re coming for the third time. jihoon catches you when you collapse against his chest, wrapping his arms around you and sitting up, hard member still inside of you. he cradles you in his arms as he ruts his hips upwards, getting himself to his own release shortly after, your warm heat sucking him in completely.
for a few minutes, you two stay like that on the floor. he holds you against his chest, softly dragging his fingertips up and down your spine. he goes soft inside of you, but deep down he feels like he could go for a third round if he really puts himself to the test, but with the way you’re breathing he knows that you two are done for the night.
sitting in his arms, you clutch him like he’s going to slip from your grasp at any second. you try to push thoughts about your reality away, but the longer he holds onto you the more you realize this probably won’t last beyond tonight. you’re partly okay with it, because he comes home to you. but you miss him. “jihoon,” you murmur.
“can we talk?”
“always. what’s up?” he asks, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
you pull your chin from his shoulder to look at him, placing your hands on his cheeks. “jihoon, i know you were… bothered… earlier today. talk to me, please,” you say, eyebrows furrowing. he sighs and hugs you back into his chest, feeling like he’s unable to look at you without feeling like crying.
“i know ive been a bad boyfriend. and i felt like shit today because i haven’t spent time with you in what feels like forever, and i just miss you so much, you know? and i love you so much, i don’t want to lose you—ever. and im just so, so sorry,” he rambles, clutching you tightly. your heart breaks for him and yourself. you’d never leave him, not over his job especially. you know he loves you, he shows it even where there is distance. but you appreciate him saying it out loud.
you pull back against his right hold on you, but he relents. “jihoon, im never going to leave you, okay? we just need to talk—you need to tell me when you feel any kind of way, okay? i love you, and you’re not going to lose me. i’m in this for the long haul,” you say, giving him a smile that makes the corner of his lip go up. for good measure, you give him a quick peck and run your hands through his hair. “i do wish you were around more, but i get it. i’ll always be here.”
he drops his head bashfully and sucks in a breath. “okay. i’m sorry.”
“you’re forgiven,” you say, kissing him once more. “but we need to get off this floor, hoon. i’m getting old.” you say, untangling yourself from him. you rise and let out a sigh at the loss of contact. your legs wobble and you catch yourself against the counter, glaring at jihoon when he chuckles. “it’s not funny.”
“it’s cute,” he says, standing up and picking up your guys’ clothes. he holds your dress in his hands and gives it a long look before lightly shaking his head.
“i’ll wear it more if it gets me fucked like this again.”
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jikjinz · 9 months
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★﹐this is overdose .﹗﹑
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anonymous asked: Can you please do treasure legal line overstimulating their s/o unintentionally kind off something?
cw: treasure legal line x fem!reader (separate); overstimulation (f!receiving), oral sex (f!receiving), squirting kind-of?, fingering, tit play/nipple play, unprotected p-in-v sex (yall better wrap it up), aftercare mentioned; lmk if i missed any
a/n: back on my bullshit to drop a bomb and disappear. this is like a year late request so im sorry in advance but ig better late than never lol. enjoy <3 and btw this is little to no proof-read so yall dont see eventual typos or grammatical mistakes.
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it happened by accident
but when he noticed, his brain caught an error, a big one
keeps on going either way because you’re so gorgeous this way and he’s unable to stop
no thoughts in your brain right now, as your head is full of fuzzy pleasure and hyunsuk. that’s all you can think of and when you feel his tongue yet again on your clit you’re losing it.
hyunsuk is as well in his world… kind-of?? because his world right now consists of the most scrumptious meal he’s ever had. your pussy. and he loves the background music consisting of your moans, screams, and random blabbers you say occasionally. yet the moment your thighs shake and the most overpowering orgasm hits you while providing him the tastiest thing ever, hyunsuk finally comes back to reality. and as you try to calm yourself by breathing steadily, hyunsuk looks at your with his dreamy gaze, his lower face covered in his spit and your juices.
because you’re the best thing that he got blessed with and he hopes to keep you by his side until you two get old.
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probably it was his goal
which he achieved
grins like a stupid idiot (which he is) at your fucked up state because it’s him, it’s park jihoon who got you to such point and no. one. else. ego boost 100
“jihoon, please, please, please jihoon-”
“please what, pretty baby?”
“make me cum already, stuff me with your-”
jihoon only chuckles like a jackass, staring back at you with that cute smile of his. you whine again, trying to hump yourself on his hand that’s between your legs. he’s rubbing your clit for some time now, ocassionally picking up on his pace and then harshly stopping. jihoon also is toying with your cute tits and those nice nipples of yours, driving you even more insane, causing you to think only about him, his actions, his hand, his length…
jihoon grabs your chin with his other hand and kisses you hastily, a perfect disguise for his fingers sliding in past your folds, causing you to moan right into the kiss and cumming immediately, too intensively for your senses to bear. jihoon, satisfied with the results, lets you to ride it all out on his fingers. and as you look at him with that half-lidded eyes and soft smile, he’s about to melt.
because you are the only one who makes his heart flutter in such indescribable ways.
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once he did it, got so addicted to the result immediately
sent himself into the oblivion btw as well
stunned and amazed by the abilities of your hot body; would like to try this again
your body is on autopilot now, chasing that so much wanted pleasant high. mind went on a break, leaving your instinct to continue and all you got in your head right now was yoshi making wonders inside you.
“does it- ah! feel- good?” yoshi asks, his mind slowly ascending as well. the sight of your fucked out mind, your whitening knuckles from gripping the sheets so tightly… it’s all too much for him as well.
“uh- uh-huh!” that’s all he gets in response from you but that’s all he needs. and so yoshi continues, though he can’t do it for too long himself. he’s sure you’ve already milked him dry, yet you’re still going… until he feels something warm on his lower parts. smashed back to reality, yoshi smiles reassuringly, caressing your skin with his hand.
“you did so well, darling. i love you.”
because no matter how many times he’ll say it, it’s never gonna be enough and these words can’t cover the whole amount of his love for you.
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gets worried the moment he notices your fucked-out face
tries to check up on you but when you tell him to go on
his insides do flips at the sight of the results of his actions
you’re a moaning mess, eyes rolling back to see your brain, tongue out with no strength to keep it tense.
holy fuck, what is happening to you?
“keep going! don’t- stop!”
and as junkyu hears your trembling words, there’s a sheepish smile on his face. the fact that your head is empty already, only lust and the overwhelming pleasure junkyu provides with his actions is getting to his head, slowly, but it does. he still cannot believe that he does you so good and his confidence grows with each louder scream, each rougher scratch of your nails on his shoulders, and each plea of your to make you cum for the nth time. and as he’s whispering ‘i love you’ over and over into your neck, he really means it.
because no one ever got him so confident in himself as you do.
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is in awe of the view in front of him
will stop if you want but that’s not enough for him
is the type to overstimulate you on purspose because it’s hot when you do it
jaehyuk can’t help but stare with wide open eyes and salivating mouth at your still spasming pussy.
“i’d love to see it more often, baby,” he says with that dumb boyish smile. right now, jaehyuk looks like a little child amazed by a new toy. he’s still staring at your entrance, in awe, trying not to hump himself between your thighs. finally, he looks at your face and gets close, so he can kiss the living shit out of you. you are just too good for him and he would give you the world if you’d ask. and he’ll start with a comforting bath, warm bathrobe, and lots of kisses and cuddles.
because he loves you so much and he knows you love him the same amount. but he still loves you a bit more than that.
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did you so good for so long you squirted for the first time ever
blurted out some stupid bullshit because he loved that so much
will try to make you squirt again in the future (next time you get intimate)
“now that was hot as fuck.”
asahi stares at your soaked pussy and the wet stains on the sheets, in awe of your abilities. and as you squirm, trying to run away from his stare in embarassment, his heart swells inside his guts.
“darling, i love that you did it, it was incredibly hot and i wish to see you do such things more. it made me even more horny right now to be frank.”
you are able to only stare at him for a second, then chuckle at his honest words. as he sees your body slowly relax with each laugh, he smiles as well.
because he loved how you made his heart flutter with your smile and he would do anything to see you smile all the time.
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another idiot who gets an ego boost
but is incredibly lost at what is going on with you
stops the moment you start crying out his name, does not understand the mixed signals of your words and body
“ah-! too- too much-!”
the moment doyoung hears these words, he stops his movements. indeed, he got lost in the pleasure the moment he slid inside, yet it seemed at first you were enjoying it as well. he has no idea what is happening to you but carefully watches your body, your each move, as he slowly tries to understand what do you mean.
“are you- are you okay, princess?”
the concern in his voice brings your senses back a bit and as you notice his worried stare, you try to say something coherent, though your fried brain can’t find right words.
“so good it’s- too much.”
he is still looking at you and he still monitors your reactions but can’t help this cheeky smile. as he proceeds to finally get your words to his head, doyoung can’t help but kiss you.
because he did you so good it’s too much, all of it by accident, which only adds to his confidence.
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|| trsr-mlist || main-mlist || reblogs & feedback appreciated !!!
taglist: @mashiluvs @yedamies-blackswan @ahncosette
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@ jikjinz / @ ness-iness 2023, do not copy, translate or repost without permission!!!
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zarazmnie-cos · 1 year
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↳ ❝ [baby, i will never get enough] ¡! ❞
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requested? yes, for anon ! hihi <3 can i request something with jihoon + breeding kink? only if u feel comfortable ofc ! 💗
contains: park jihoon x fem!reader; smut, porn without a trace of plot; unprotected sex (fr fellas use protection pls); breeding kink, creampie, mating press??? dirty talk??? a lil begging ig; overstimulation, implied round two; lmk if i missed something
words: 749
a/n: i have no explanation for that. none. it sorta just happened. although as always reblogs and feedback is appreciated vv much <3 [masterlist here]
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“you’re- so- cute, darling,” jihoon managed to mumble out between long kisses, his hand wandering from your inner thigh to your tummy, then hip. “bet our kids would be almost as cute.”
without any break, he lightly bit on your lower lip, causing you to moan slightly and letting him slide his tongue between your lips. his hand stopped on your tummy, massaging it and pinching it in a few places.
“you’ll look so cute with your belly stuffed with my babies,” the devilish grin jihoon had on his face matched his words. you tried to put your thighs together, but your boyfriend’s hands holding them apart left your aching pussy clenching around nothing. your heavy breathing and hands trying to pull him closer made him chuckle. “you want me to stuff you full of my kids, huh?”
“p-please.” you managed to breathe out, getting a loving kiss as a reward. it took him only a few seconds to adjust himself and slowly push himself into you.
“so- tight, darling. only for me,” a breathy moan escaped your mouth at the sensation. the feeling of fullness you longed for, kind of overwhelmed you in the beginning, but when you relaxed, it felt ecstatic.
“m-more, please.” it was all you could mumble, but it was all jihoon needed. as he finally started moving inside you, you bit on your lower lip, trying to mute your sounds.
“let it out, darling. let everyone hear how good it feels,” almost as on command, you stopped biting your lip and did what he said. hearing your moans and screams, those louder, shorter, and quieter, made jihoon smile. “that’s right, darling. let me hear those pretty sounds of yours.”
the squeaks of the bed, moans, and groans of you and your boyfriend – it turned you on even more. thanks to that, jihoon could even more easily slide in and out of you, making wet sounds that only added more oil to this sinful fire. you almost lost yourself whole to this pleasure and situation, almost not noticing how jihoon grabbed you under your knees and pushed them all the way to your chest.
“i’ll make you full of my babies, i fucking will,” hearing his words and feeling his pace pick up, you clenched even more around his length, as your breathing quickened and your brain stopped producing thoughts. “so- fucking- pretty- for me only. shit-“
as jihoon picked up even more on his animalistic-like pace, your brain turned off for good, turning into mush. unable to produce coherent thoughts and say them, you only blabbered out jihoon’s name in moments when you weren’t screaming in pleasure.
“’m- close-!” was all you managed to glue together between moans and screaming his name. almost as on command, jihoon started rubbing circles on your clit with his finger, causing you to grind yourself on him even more.
“so pretty-“ jihoon still repeated these lines, way too love-drunk with the way you are. but when your high washed all over you, he stopped only for a while. a short one, before he started moving again. “gonna make you so round, gonna make you have my babies-“
it hurt, but the pleasure was bigger. you couldn’t catch a single breath, since your boyfriend was ramming you into the mattress so good you kinda forgot about breathing. all you were focused on was the pleasure, the situation, and his words.
“shit, gonna-“ he didn’t even manage to end the sentence, as his body was quicker. the feeling of something warm releasing inside you made you chant your boyfriend’s name again. “have to make sure you’re taking everything i gave you, darling.”
as stood for a while like that, his length still inside you, his lips found their way to yours. this time, the kisses were full of love, reassurance, and somewhat of pride, almost as if his lips were saying “you did amazing”.
“uh-oh,” when jihoon finally pulled out and said it with a cheeky grin, your eyes widened. you wanted to ask what’s wrong, but the answer came faster. “you’re dripping out the good stuff i gave you. i guess it’s time for round number two, then.”
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@ sha-la-la, DONT repost, translate or copy !
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mashihope · 1 year
《 About me 》
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• Basic info You can call me Luna (or Yoshi, whatever you prefer); I'm 22, INFP-T, pisces and spanish. I go by she/her, but I don't really mind if you accidentally use something else. One of my self-given nicknames is Ghost, because I usually disappear quite a lot (keep that in mind if you don't see any updates after a while!). I'm shy; (to mention a few things) I have social anxiety and low self-esteem issues, I may have ADHD and autism, I overthink a lot (these are my excuses for my non-existent socializing skills + lack of interaction + questionable things I say about myself, I'm so sorry!)
Listen to my favorite song! ♡
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(This mini moodboard is made by me; I don’t own any of the pics.)
What does Luna like?
Listen to music (pop, kpop, rock...)
Read / Manga / Webtoon
Plushies / Dolls
Anime / Kdrama
White chocolate
Fantasy / Mythology
Stars / Galaxy themes / Moon related stuff
Animals / Bunnies (my favorite animal!)
Blue (my favorite color!)
Autumn (my favorite season!)
Cherry Blossom (my favorite flower/tree!)
Animal Crossing, The Sims, Stardew Valley
Cookie Run
Monster High / Ever After High
Harry Potter* (Ravenclaw) / Percy Jackson (Cabin 6) * I don't support the author in any way.
What does Luna dislike?
Loud noises
Crowded places
Being alone
P*rn bots
Kpop • Groups/soloists I stan:
A.C.E (Donghun) ◦ Ateez (Yunho) ◦ &TEAM ◦ BTS (Suga, J-hope) ◦ CIX (Seunghun, Hyunsuk) ◦ Cravity (Wonjin, Seongmin) ◦ DKB (OT8) ◦ Dreamcatcher (OT7) ◦ E'Last ◦ Enhypen (Sunoo) ◦ (G)I-dle (Yuqi) ◦ Ghost9 ◦ Golden Child ◦ Kingdom (Mujin) ◦ Mamamoo (Moonbyul) ◦ Monsta X (Kihyun, Hyungwon) ◦ NINE.i (OT9) ◦ ONEUS (Keonhee) ◦ ONF (MK) ◦ ONEWE (Dongmyeong) ◦ P1Harmony (Theo) ◦ Park Jihoon ◦ Pentagon ◦ Pixy ◦ Purple Kiss (Yuki) ◦ Seventeen (OT13) ◦ Stray Kids ◦ The Boyz (Sunwoo, New, Q, Hyunjae) ◦ Tomorrow by Together (Beomgyu) ◦ Treasure (Junkyu) ◦ WEi ◦ Woodz ◦ Xodiac (Beomsoo, Wain) ◦ Xdinary Heroes (Gaon) ◦ ZEROBASEONE (Matthew, Taerae) 《 Ult group/bias 》
• Other groups/soloists I support:
BAE173 ◦ EVNNE ◦ H1-KEY (Hwiseo) ◦ ONE PACT ◦ SF9 ◦ Tempest (Hanbin) ◦ TIOT ◦ VANNER (Hyesung) ◦ Verivery (Hoyoung) ◦ Xikers ◦ 8TURN 《 Some groups (that I currently have some kind of attachment to) may not appear due to less interest (compared to the ones shown here) 》
Anime • I've watched:
͏͏Angels of Death ◦ Ascendance of a Bookworm ◦ ͏͏ Assassination Classroom ◦ Bungō Stray Dogs ◦ Cells at Work! ◦ ͏͏Danganronpa ◦ Death Note ◦ Demon Slayer ◦ Haikyū!! ◦ ͏͏Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun ◦ Jujutsu Kaisen ◦ ͏͏Little Witch Academia ◦ Mirai Nikki ◦ My Hero Academia ◦  Sailor Moon ◦ Shadows House ◦ The Promised Neverland ◦ ͏͏Tokyo Ghoul ◦ Yuri!!! on Ice ◦ Zombie Land Saga 《 Fav 》
Kdrama (and movies) • I've watched:
͏͏The Mysterious Class ◦ True Beauty ◦ My ID is Gangnam Beauty ◦ Hotel del Luna ◦ Phantom School ◦ Witch's Love ◦ The Labyrinth ◦ The Sound of Magic ◦ Weak Hero Class ◦ Sell your haunted house ◦ Imitation ◦ Vincenzo ◦ Delivery Man ◦ Zombie Detective ◦ The witch store ◦ The Witch store reopens ◦ Mimicus ◦ User not found ◦ Nightmare Teacher ◦ Ms Ma, Nemesis ◦ Extraordinary Attorney Woo ◦ Itaewon Class ◦ Night has Come ◦ Twinkling Watermelon ◦ At a Distance, Spring is Green ◦ Begins ≠ Youth ◦ Pyramid Game ◦ Snowdrop
@strawberry-chuuice ⬅ click the name to go back to my side blog. @cookierunwitch ⬅ click the name to go to my Cookie Run blog. @thatweirdwitch ⬅ click the name to go to my Monster High blog.
Things will be added if needed. Created on 18/05/2022 - 15:45 ; Edited on 29/05/2024 16:49
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waitingforminjae · 9 months
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park ji hoon // gq korea (may 2023) // 1st look (april 2023) (x) (x)
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yourmostdevoted · 7 months
Tagged by @h-y-p-h-e-n-d-o-t-s 💖💖💖
Three ships: kuroba touichi/kuroba kaito (dcmk), xie lian/hua cheng (tgcf), & sooho/sieun (weak hero class) 😍😍😍
First ship: probably edward/harry??
Last song: 360 by Park Jihoon (Performance Version) - park jihoon being the one who's sieun in weak hero class!! i CANNOT rec this song enough, lovely choreo and gorgeous voice and just klejkhglseirlsj
Last movie: i have over 200+ things to watch (i've counted) but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ can't remember last time i watched a movie, probably something horror.
Currently Reading: haven't read any books in a long while, fanfic is all.
Currently watching: sushi ramen riku on youtube who's kind of a science experimenter. he's so funny and cute & has you smiling before you know it.
Currently consuming: last thing i ate was one (1) hotdog bun bc i've been in a hate having to find things to eat mood past week or so (っ´Ι`)っ
Currently craving: PIZZA AND/OR TACOS
tagging @kafkasmjjw @steel-runner @vinelady if y'all like to do these things UwU
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parkjun · 2 years
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© puppuccino
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psychicreadsgirl · 8 months
Hiiii can you do park jihoon of treasure as bf thanks
Some rated r reading so read at your own discretion
Park Jihoon is very childish in relationships; he's like a kid that has not grown up over the years and the older he gets, the more his partners will feel that. He has a lot of idealistic and impractical thoughts about life and about love, so often his partners feel like they're looking after a kid and they're his parent. He needs a lot of babying in a relationship like he'll need someone to do the dishes for him, cook for him, do laundry for him, set his alarm, etc. In a way, his partners will feel like his servant sometimes.
The initial dating period is quite fun and high energy. Jihoon will feel like a breath of fresh air for his partners. He'll do some romantic stuff like give roses for the partner's birthday, order cake, and order some customized bracelet etc. He has a lot of cheerfulness and optimism, but over time, his partners will feel like he just offers "empty" encouragement. He can't offer solutions or resolve problems that arise. Then that becomes a turn off over time for his partners.
Jihoon's s*x moments are very short like he cl*maxes really quickly. Many times his partners don't feel satisfied and they will fake being satisfied so he has his pride. Jihoon is very much the type that just comes and goes for s*x like there's no foreplay. He just goes at it and plugs into a "door". That can be painful for his partners as they are not ready for him. He's also not very creative for s*x, so he sticks with the same "routine". S*x with him ends up being very predictable like he'll do this kiss, and then that, and then there's p*netration and he finishes. Some of his relationships end because his partners really cannot stand having s*x with him. They end up relying on toys to keep themselves satisfied.
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junjiie · 9 months
UM GOOD MORNING??? (its morning for me im serious i literally just woke up) hope your having a good day im about to give everything about meliora 🤗
SOOOOOO meliora is a 13-member under two fictional companies louvix audio and sonata media, they were the second only successful group under their company after their former boy group RIX disbanded in 2016, so, company said; "WE NEED SOMETHING NEW!", and they recruited the thirteen members over a period of 10 months through global auditions!!! so that's just great
okay off to the members;
kasemchai 'chaiya' shinawatra - 99 liner, thai, probably a man kisser in his free time, and also a professional flirt too!, used to be a child model and he decided "fuck college i'm gonna sing" so he auditioned!, his fc is the actor jeff satur
hong yohan - 00 liner, korean, 1 of 4 introverts in the whole group, the leader of the group, he scares his members without even trying, his fc is that one nct mf (it's haechan)
ko junmin - 00 liner, korean, 2 of 4 introverts in the whole group, a perfectionist for life, he also did taekwondo!, his fc is park jihoon (the actor not from treasure)
jung hajoon - 00 liner, korean, adopted (yeah he actually is), his adopted father is half filipino so he's fluent in tagalog, theater kid (derogatory), his fc is kim sunwoo from the boyz
ahn 'kyrie' kyuhyun - 01 liner, korean, a former actor and fencer (he starred in boys over flowers), the tallest member, also quite literally the perfect man (he's also the token straight of the group), his fc is yoon sanha from astro
yeo 'hwan' jihwan - 01 liner, korean, 3 of 4 introverts in the whole group, he's the one member who can go without talking the whole day, the center of the group despite his shyness, his fc is son dongju from oneus
cho haneul - 01 liner, korean, confirmed man kisser, the most affectionate member of the group, bro can play the guitar (i'm down on my knees), his fc is shin yechan from omega x
matsuda 'kiro' kyoichi - 02 liner, japanese, a former member of a j-pop boy band, his father is so famous in japan i'm not even joking, he has a huge fanbase and is the sunbaenim of everyone in the whole group, his fc is terazono keita from ciipher
kang 'z' yaejoon - 02 liner, korean, the groups comedic genius, the only reason he auditioned was actually because of a bet, he used to play hockey, his fc is jung sungchan from riize
bae 'byeol' yongrae - 02 liner, korean, has been dancing since literally forever, his birthdays on halloween!!, he's a huge fan of kai and he cried when he got to meet him for the first time, his fc is my bae song hyeongjun from cravity
sim 'chrysa' jaehwan - 03 liner, korean, he really likes kyuhyun, seriously he was a huge fan of him before they debuted together, also a comedic genius, his fc is your bae hwang intak from p1harmony
kristian 'jian' li - 04 liner, chinese-american, rich, he's one of the youngest but he's also 6'1, professional coffee hater, and cat lover, his fc is young and rich fall and handsome
aikawa 'taro' kiyoshi - 04 liner, japanese, the maknae, a teddy bear collector, can never be clean like it's impossible for him, his fc is nishimura riki from enhypen
OKAY SO UHHH OTHER THAN THAT, their fandom name is aponia because meliora is a word that means "better" and the word aponia is an "absence of pain" so they FIT TOGETHER!!!
anyway thats the group, there is a lot more bad stuff concerning the personal lives of the members because they're all traumatized in one way or another (so sorry i love my babies i swear) so um whose your bias 🤗???
the way i am the #1 aponia. The original. unless you've told someone else ab them and they've said the same thing so we have to compete (i cant fight so i hope u havent 😓😓 2yrs of martial arts in primary school has done nothing for me bye). I AM IN LOVE WITH THEM?!? Holds them in hands.. puts them in a jar.. shakes them around really hard in the jar.. opens the lid... pours them into my hands.. eats them like orbeez.. dies from food poisoning (u probably cant eat orbeez).....
OK BIASES. hajoon YOHAN and jaehwan YUPP 👍👍👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 oh but junmin too........ i fucking LOVE park jihoon i rewatch whc1 every other week i swear (nothing broke me like that show did . Im in so much pain). i will collect all their pcs and line then up next to my bed and pat their little heads before i go to sleep
IM IN LOVE W THIS AND THEM!!!!!!!!! UR MIND!!!!!!!! CRAZY!!!!!!!!! ur giving me tell-u-things-ab-my-silly-ocs-too itis... Stop it .
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wheeboo · 1 year
seventeen masterlist
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❝ between the time when the flowers bloom and scatter, scars heal and sprouts emerge. ❞ — seventeen, 舞い落ちる花びら (fallin’ flower)
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f - fluff a - angst s - suggestive p - platonic c - hurt/comfort ♡ - personal favourite
ʚɞ all imagines are gender neutral unless stated otherwise !
ʚɞ want to request something? request here !
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by member
choi seungcheol / s.coups
ʚɞ emergency contact | a, f, c, ♡ | 6.3k total for all parts part one | part two (prequel) | part three (finale)
ʚɞ admire me (like I do for you) | f, ♡ | 1.9k
ʚɞ meet cute: the park | f | 1.8k
ʚɞ venus | f, a, ♡ | 3.8k
ʚɞ 1:10am | f | 1.1k
ʚɞ lean on me | f, c, a, ♡ | 1.8k
ʚɞ glowing | f, s | 1k
yoon jeonghan
ʚɞ seasons | f, a, s, ♡ | 3.5k
ʚɞ 09:45pm | f | 614
ʚɞ tu es belle | f, s | 1.9k
ʚɞ 08:25pm | f, s | 1.01k
ʚɞ meet cute: the pier | f | 2.2k
ʚɞ three silly little words | f, s | 2.6k
ʚɞ “pretty.” | f, ♡ | 1k
ʚɞ all yours | f | 1.4k
hong jisoo / joshua
ʚɞ 03:17pm | f, p (side drabble to emergency contact) | 763
ʚɞ book boyfriend | f, s | 1.8k
ʚɞ meet cute: the coffee shop | f | 2.1k
ʚɞ a night to remember | f, s | 2.9k
ʚɞ mine | f | 3.6k
wen junhui / jun
ʚɞ concerto | f | 1.4k
ʚɞ meet cute: the pottery class | 2.2k
ʚɞ psycho | thriller, a, ♡ | 12.8k
ʚɞ the secret life of jun | f, ♡ | 3k
kwon soonyoung / hoshi
ʚɞ 7pm | f | 1.03k
ʚɞ (un)lucky charm | f | 1.4k
ʚɞ you’re alright, i guess | f | 2.9k
ʚɞ little stars | f | 1.7k
jeon wonwoo
ʚɞ streetlights | f, ♡ | 1.9k
ʚɞ the stars and you | f | 1.5k
ʚɞ catnaps series | f, ♡ | 18.7k total for all parts catnaps (part one) | catnaps (with you) (part two)
ʚɞ 12:10am | f, c | 952
ʚɞ eyes don’t lie | f, c, ♡ | 1.5k
ʚɞ to love and be loved | f, c | 1.6k
lee jihoon / woozi
ʚɞ insomniac | f, a | 1.2k
ʚɞ lucky | f | 1.3k
ʚɞ shirt(less) | f | 1.3k
ʚɞ hand in hand | f | 1.5k
lee seokmin / dk
ʚɞ lunch | f | 1.01k
ʚɞ amusement park | f | 2.7k
ʚɞ i miss you, don’t call me | a | 2.5k
ʚɞ rain or shine | f, c, ♡ | 1.4k
kim mingyu
ʚɞ bon appétit | f, s, ♡ | 1.3k
ʚɞ to love in the 21st century {PREVIEW} | f, a, s | estimated 10k+
ʚɞ wilted | a | 6.1k
ʚɞ 06:43pm | f | 916
ʚɞ in bloom | f | 2.5k
xu minghao / the8
ʚɞ work of art | f | 1.9k
ʚɞ ukiyo | a, c, ♡ | 4.3k
ʚɞ take it easy | f, c | 1.1k
ʚɞ hi (i love you) | f | 5.5k
boo seungkwan
ʚɞ fighting! | f | 1.01k
ʚɞ pinky promise? | f, a, c, ♡ | 1.7k
ʚɞ holidaze | f | 1.1k
ʚɞ dandelion | f, c, ♡ | 1.7k
ʚɞ big spoon, little spoon | f | 1.2k
ʚɞ sleeping beauty | f | 1.6k
hansol vernon chwe / vernon
ʚɞ cats, coffee, and cupid | f | 1.5k
ʚɞ rock with you | f, ♡ | 3.7k
ʚɞ spoiler: i kinda like u | f | 1.7k
ʚɞ 10:18pm | f | 962
ʚɞ apartment 218 | f, a | 3k
ʚɞ laundry day | f | 1.6k
lee chan / dino
ʚɞ 08:23am | f | 665
ʚɞ run to you | f, c | 2.7k
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headcanons / scenarios / reactions ʚɞ seventeen and comforting their s/o who is afraid of flying | f, c ʚɞ seventeen with an s/o who loves physical touch | f, ♡ ʚɞ seventeen being jealous around their s/o | f ʚɞ seventeen and taking care of their s/o with a migraine | f, c ʚɞ seventeen and their reaction to waking up with lipstick marks on their face | f, ♡ ʚɞ seventeen with an older s/o | f ʚɞ seventeen and their reaction to finding drawings of them in a sketchbook | f, ♡ ʚɞ seventeen with a younger s/o | f ʚɞ seventeen and saying “I love you” for the first time | f, ♡ ʚɞ seventeen and taking care of their s/o having foot pain from their heels | f, c ʚɞ seventeen acting clingy around their s/o | f, ♡ ʚɞ seventeen as wave to earth songs | ♡ ʚɞ seventeen and their reaction to seeing their s/o cry | f, c, a ʚɞ seventeen and apologising to their s/o in their native language after a fight | a, c ʚɞ seventeen and their reaction to their s/o cuddling their stuffed animal after a fight | f, c ʚɞ seventeen as games they would play on roblox | f
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thank you for reading, please enjoy my works !
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wooahaes · 2 years
salmon roses
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pairing: non-idol!jihoon x gn!reader
prompt: ... your fake date from here
word count: ~1.3k
warnings: n/a
daisy’s notes: written + scheduled during the bday fics.
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When you asked Jihoon to pretend to be your boyfriend, he had admittedly been a little wary. He’d seen the story before: he pretended to be your boyfriend, one of you fell for the other, and things would most likely get messy from there instead of that starstruck, cheesy romance movie ending where things were mutual. He was your classmate, and truthfully did consider the two of you friends since you interacted often enough. But the moment you mentioned some guy had been harassing you to go on a date with him, he changed his tune. He grabbed your hand, called you his honey, and made a show of being affectionate to you on the way out of class just to see someone stew in anger at that.
Jihoon reasoned out that he would have done this for pretty much any of his friends if they had asked. It was one thing to fake date someone to make someone jealous or something: it was another to stop harassment. The two of you could maybe keep this up for a bit, maybe drift apart in public for a few days, then return to having that publicly friendly relationship that the two of you had always had.
But with fake dating came... other things. A month into this fake relationship, Yoshi had asked when the two of you started dating whilst in a public library, and to keep up appearances, Jihoon lied and said it’d been a more recent thing. Hyunsuk had nodded along, said he was happy for him, and that the two of you always seemed to get along and he’d been suspecting something for a while. That had been news to him, and the additional agreement from the rest of the study circle had left Jihoon speechless. Junkyu’s teasing about how he was going to sweep you off your feet just to get Jihoon to do something had left him even more confused.
“Who asked who out?” Hyunsuk asked, his books slightly shoved away as he fully took interest in Jihoon’s love life. Maybe it was just Jihoon’s turn for playful teasing.
“I bet it was them,” Junkyu said, beaming from his seat beside Jihoon. “He always made this face when he saw them--” He vaguely gestured toward his face, imitating some lovestruck expression that Jihoon was frankly convinced he’d seen in movies and dramas more than on his own face, “--and I asked him when he was going to ask them out. Then he’d always tell me to leave him alone--”
Jihoon swatted the air toward him. “It’s not like that--”
“So it was them?” Junkyu looked enthused. “How’d they ask you out? With a letter? Did they stage it like in that one drama where--”
Jihoon had put an end to that conversation with a complaint about needing to get his work done, managing to get everyone back on topic. He parted ways with Yoshi and Junkyu later, Hyunsuk walking side by side with him.
“I’m glad you two finally figured it out,” he had said, gripping the straps of his bag. “I hope you two are happy together.”
Jihoon had nodded along and vaguely thanked him for his support on the way back to their shared apartment. The moment he could sit down in his own room, put in his earbuds, and go back to working on something else, he was able to think. Did he like you like that? He thought he had always seen you as a friend. Sure, you were cute, and he had the stray thought of wanting to hold your hand every now and again. But that was normal, right? It wasn’t as if you were always on his mind, day in and out. He wasn’t in love with you, right? The whole fake dating things had shook things up, sure, but that was understandable. He was your fake boyfriend. He was just doing what a fake boyfriend should do: thinking of you often, texting you when he could, bringing you little things that made you happy...
Jihoon nearly smacked himself. He fell for you, or maybe he fell for you forever ago and was finally realizing it. He opened a new tab, typing in a new search: How to tell someone you like them for real.
Flowers. It had worked for some of his friends, maybe it’d work for you. He looked up the nearest flower shop, and called out to Hyunsuk that he’d be back later that night. Hyunsuk had teased him about not staying out too late with you. Jihoon had let the comment roll off his back like water, booking it to a florist and looking through his options. The shop attendant had been nice enough with helping him put together a small bundle of pink-y orange-y roses that Jihoon thought would be perfect for you. As he waited at the bus stop to take the short ride over to your place, he texted you to make sure you were home.
Thankfully, you were. He couldn’t imagine the embarrassment if he showed up there while you weren’t there.
He rehearsed what he was going to say to you over and over on the way over. Uncertainty swelled in his stomach as he made his way down the street after getting off, up the stairs and to your apartment door. When you finally answered, he found himself at a loss for words.
He thrust the flowers out toward you. “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
A look of hurt reached your eyes, and you looked down at the flowers before looking at his face again. “What are you--”
“I don’t want this to be fake anymore,” he said. “If you want me to go, I can go. But I like you, and I want to be your real boyfriend.”
He watched you shift your weight from leg to leg, uncertain on how to answer, and that bravado he held for a moment began to dissipate. Maybe this was stupid. Maybe he should have said it without the flowers, or with something else that he knew you liked. Before he could back off, apology on his lips, you reached out, warm hands enveloping his own.
“I’d like that,” you said instead. “Sorry. I just thought I was dreaming for a moment,” you nervously laughed.
He smiled at you. “Does that mean you dream of me?” When you laughed, he pressed the flowers into your hands. “I have an essay I need to finish, but... Can I...?”
When you nodded, he leaned forward to press a kiss onto your forehead. He was about to back off, to tell you that he’d take you out for a real date this weekend if you were free, only to get yanked back by the front of his shirt. You kissed him hard, flowers squished between the two of you, and he felt you smile when he kissed back. When you leaned away, you had this pretty glimmer in your eyes that made his heart skip a beat.
“I’m free all day on Saturday, by the way,” you took a step back. “Just let me know a good time and I’ll figure everything out.”
When you shut your door, Jihoon finally let out an amused sigh. Now he remembered why he liked you so much. Despite his confidence, you could take his breath away and make him feel like a fool in the best way. But he was happy to be a fool if it meant he could be your fool.
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