#ozzie and fizz are probably the best 'partners' he's had in years
hazbincalifornia · 9 months
Speaking of the mammon aus, the Breeder one... holy shit, realizing how easily Fizz and Blitz would figure out that the accident was an actual accident/they don't need to hate each other in a scenario where Blitz is basically locked in the palace for six months while he has to incubate a kid for them, and all three of them knowing they have to give him back to Mammon and he goes back to being treated like an object once it's over... it's rough.
Fizz probably went through a lot with the guy, but at least he's been able to gain a fair amount of autonomy in the years, Blitz is useful for his physical body and that's only for stuff that's physically (and emotionally) taxing on it. He's a complete emotional wreck once you scratch past the surface he keeps up appearances with/to cope, and if it turns out that Mammon had a hand in keeping them apart, both of them realize that they were being used in different ways.
Fizz wonders if he could have stopped this in some way if they'd been able to keep in contact... sometimes Blitz makes a joke and it's like his friend is back, but then sometimes he curls in on himself and just kind of dissociates for what seems like hours on end, and it's obvious he's been through A Lot. Ozzie probably tries to buy Blitz off Mammon permanently, but I doubt Mammon would give up that particular cash cow so easily, especially as he's already 'taken' Fizz.
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fizzie-frog · 5 months
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Look I've never been much of a shipper but Fizzarolli with Asmodeus really demolishes me I swear to God. Just the way they know each other inside and out (which, obviously, they've known each other for possibly a decade). The way Fizzarolli sleeps without his cute little jester hat on, the way he, in general, trusts Ozzie with his body and his being and just-- Agh.
And the little things too like how he finds comfort in things from Ozzie and helps him calm down (as showed above). The way Fizz can just be bare, scars out front and broken horns and know that Ozzie will continue to think he's the best fucking thing ever. How Ozzie is always so supporting and finds just the right words and brings him up when he is down.
Also I know it tends to be shadowed cause it's not discussed much, but let's remember that Fizzarolli is disabled. And I'd assume he has more issues than just being an amputee (I love fics that approach that subject but I understand why there's not many as you can go wrong with this so easily).
He was in the god damn middle of an explosion as it happened and he survived something that by all means would've killed him, by some miracle (side note: omg just the thought of him being conscious even long enough to see Blitz while burning alive, I don't doubt he'd have preferred to just black out right away). I highly doubt such a thing wouldn't give him some other sorts of physical damage too. The whole speaking and hearing thing (why he probably knows sign language), the pain stuff, so many things.
Not to even go over the mental trauma and probably years of help and sleepless nights he'd have had on a psychological level. So when I say Ozzie has been through thick and thin with him, it's probably an understatement. But he loves him and aaaaghhhh I'm just so happy for Fizz that he has someone who will be by his side no matter what, to bring him up and help him out. Not many people get that, so many turn and run the moment their partner hits even the slightest hard time.
But hey, I guess this is why it's a fictional couple.
Btw, maybe I missed it but I haven't seen anyone mention this: I don't know if I'm overthinking it - I've already seen the whole pointing out of Mammon's mirror being shaped like him, specifically his mouth, but I'd like to also go into the metaphorical senses of the mirrors. With Mammon's mirror, he's looking into Mammon's mouth, like he's eating Fizz alive. But then he turns his attention to Oz's mirror, the heart shaped mirror, and looks in it to calm down. He opens the heart shaped mirror that reads "Oz". He's looking into Ozzie's heart, and Fizzarolli is reflected in his heart.
Could totally be accidental lmao but I think it's such fkin good symbolism I-- Don't even get me started.
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bimobuddy · 8 months
Cheering up a Clown (Helluva)
Helluva Boss tk fic
Asmodeus x Fizzaroli
CW - Suggestive joke, but no actual NSFW content takes place.
Takes place after S2-E6 (spoilers)
Summary: Fizz is upset about his friendship situation with Blitzø, Ozzie decides to cheer him up
Fizz looked down at his metallic hands and sighed a little. His right arm a slightly lighter shade than his left, having been just recently replaced after the kidnapping incident.
He had spent fifteen years angry at his best friend, not talking to him, and the thing that brought them back together was a hostage situation. He knew logically what happened to him was a genuine accident, but getting over fifteen years of anger and sadness was easier said than done. And that bothered him.
"Deep in thought, are we?"
Fizz turned to look up at Ozzie, changed into his robe for the evening. "Hey, there's my Big C-" "You're making a rooster pun to avoid talking about it, Fizzy." Darn, he knew him well. Ozzie sat on the large bed next to his tiny partner. "If you want to talk, Fizz, I'm here to listen." He said with the most love and compassion Fizz had ever heard from anyone in Hell. And the fact that it was directed at him made Fizz want to open up.
"Blitzø and I made up during that hostage situation.. I wouldn't have escaped if not for him, and I realized the whole.. blowing up incident.. it was a genuine accident on his end," He looked up at Oz, who was listening, nodding every once in a while, "I also learned he tried to visit me multiple times, but the staff at the circus told him I didn't want to see him, and they never told me he came to see me.. They lied to us, Ozzie, to keep us from talking." He felt tears start to sting his eyes, both from anger at the situation, and sadness that he had lost fifteen years with someone he had considered his best friend.
Upon seeing the tears, Asmodeus was quick to scoop up his little clown partner and hold him in one arm, using the other to wipe his tears away. "Fizzy, dear, it's going to be alright. I can't tell you that the pain will just go away, but remember we don't die of old age, you have an eternity to rebuild this relationship with him, if that's what you want." Fizz looked up at him and nodded. Ozzie continued, "I also can't say I know how you feel, but I can imagine it's probably very frustrating, upsetting, and difficult to fully process right now. Right?" Fizz nodded again.
Oz sighed, "My poor little froggy, I hate seeing you so hurt," He gently pressed their foreheads together. With Fizz having robotic limbs, this was how they cuddled or showed affection, as his head was the most sensitive part of him now. He continued, "Everything will work out, alright? It will take time and effort, and I'll support you every step of the way, but it will work out."
Fizz managed a smile and nuzzled his forehead again, his tail flicking a little. Ozzie smiled right back and held him closer. "Hey, there's my happy little Jester, where'd ya go?" He joked, causing Fizz to giggle. It was quiet and soft, since he had just been crying. It was a start, but not enough for Ozzie.
He started to pepper kisses over Fizz's forehead and face, while a gentle hand skittered up his side. "Smile, Fizzy~" Fizzaroli arched his back and leaned away out of instinct, rough giggles bubbling from his chest. "Ohohozziihihie!" He giggled, turning his head to hide his face in his lover's fluff. Oz simply followed him, tickling side to side over his tummy, how he knew Fizz liked it, even if he'd never admit it. He paid attention to his little gremlin.
Fizz arched and squirmed and curled up, but never truly made an effort to get away or ask him to stop. He'd let out half hearted 'nooo's and 'please' but never did he communicate that he wanted it to stop yet. "Ohohozzie, nohoho!" He squealed as Ozzie pinched at his lower sides, just above his hips, which made him curl up, and giggle much harder, gently swatting at his hands.
Ozzie brought Fizz up higher and nuzzled into his tummy, something he knew drove Fizz up the wall. Fizz immediately started to push against the rooster's head, kicking his legs out (careful not to actually hit Oz), while he giggled so hard, his sides would ache later. His tail went wild, waving from side to side. "Ohohoz, nohohoho, ihit tihihihickles!" Oz chuckled into Fizz' tummy, which only made it worse. "It tickles? Well that is kind of the point, Fizzy." Fizz shook his head, causing the bells on his hat to jingle. "Ihihit tihickles bahahad!" "And yet you haven't told me to-" "Stohop!"
Instantly, Ozzie stopped, and held Fizz close. He gave him enough time and space to breathe, and once he knew he was fine, Oz pressed their heads together again. "Feeling better?" He asked. Fizz let out another giggle, "Yeah.. I am." he said, stretching his arms around the bigger demon.
"Good, that's all that matters to me right now." Ozzie replied, laying down with Fizz on his chest. The former clown was quick to fall asleep, tired and feeling loved, and Oz was close behind.
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anmagirl · 9 months
questions and statements
So I have been going through MANY comments, questions, and images, in the fandom as well as re-watching the episode(i think I am obsessed) and man there are some good points as well as a few statements to questions. So here is a small list of said questions and statements.
Who prevented them from talking to each other? Was it more than one person?
Why was Fizz scared of the scissors? What happened to him that caused that reaction. This is probably a smaller question and he is simply the type to feel nervous even during checkups.
Why id Ozzie not a fan of Mammon? I mean are they not business partners or something since Momman has the robo-fizzs and Ozzie as the real one. I want answers to this one. Hopefully in the next episode.
Statements (questions included)
"Why was Blitzo not shown in the ransom video?" Simple. Crimson didn't know Stoles was with Ozzie. I mean he did kidnap Blitzo as well but he had no way of knowing Stalos and Ozzie were together so why would he include Blitzo in the video? Ozzie wouldn't care.
"How could a 15-year grudge dissolve in one episode even if there was a miscommunication" Why not? Blitzo felt genuine guilt, the misunderstanding was cleared, and Fizz seemed to have been willing to listen to him from the beginning, Fizz is a very nice person, and they were best friends almost like siblings so why couldn't they both have secretly hoped there was a misunderstanding or something. With it cleared up they could forgive and start over. I bet their relationship is not 100 percent fixed but they forgave each other aka the hug and will now try and build up the friendship that was lost 15 years ago.
"Why did Ozzie and Stolas just sit there with the contract instead of going to the rescue?" My bet is that Ozzie had no idea where in Greed Fizz was. Part of the deal would be the return of Fizz. If Ozzie did do something he would have lost his means to figuring out where Fizz was and Crimson would probably kill Fizz before Ozzie could even get to them. He made it very clear at the end that he would have and did kill the lawyer once he knew where Fizz was.
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artofapeach · 2 years
any headcanons on your favorite helluva character?
I hope you guys are in the mood for a novel aksnkaka
Okay so I’ve got two fave Helluva characters. Verosika and Fizzarolli.
While I draw Verosika a ton and absolutely love her design, I don’t really think about her a lot? So I end up not having very many headcanons for her. I do imagine that she’s a hopeless romantic though and that she truly thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with Blitz. Also, I like to imagine while dating Blitz, she and Fizz had a classic ex vs current partner rivalry, but once she and Blitz broke up, she bonded with Fizz and became fast friends :3c
Now Fizz is another story
He’s the opposite. I barely draw him, ‘cause his design scares me, but BOY do I think about him. And admittedly, I probably project myself onto him a lot. But ya know, it’s my headcanon, so I don’t care 😌
First of all, this boy has ADHD. Growing up, he had a hard time keeping still and had so many interesting ideas that he absolutely HAD to execute. He got into a lot of trouble for it, and rarely didn’t have detention.
He’s also actually really smart and was the top of his class. Everyone wonders how because he never seems to be paying attention or studying (he is, but not the conventional way). Barbie Wire theorizes that he’s actually SO smart, he sees things no one else sees and it drove him insane.
Speaking of Barbie, she 100% bullies him, and even considers herself a professional Fizzarolli bully. But it’s that fun, sisterly type of bullying. Fizz was a crybaby growing up and she loved making fun of that, but if you even THINK about calling Fizz a crybaby yourself, she’s ready to fight. Only SHE can bully him!
He was close to Tilla too! His parents neglected him and couldn’t handle his zaniness, so Tilla was really more of a parent to him than they were.
Also, because of the theories I see, I like to imagine Fizz as homoromantic demisexual? I’m hanging onto thjs very loosely, ‘cause I do have some doubts it would be true, but I dunno. The seeds for it are there.
And, of course, he and Blitz dated. Like, that’s not even a headcanon, that’s a legit theory I have. Those two were best friends, started crushing on each other, had that awkward first make out, started dating seriously, almost to the point of marriage, then Mammon came in and fucked everything up :)
Fizz decided to swear off relationships and focus on work, ‘cause fuck, they just break your heart. He decides to live as the Fizzarolli character instead of himself as a person. And that went well for like, I dunno, 15 years!
Then Asmodeous came in and fucked that up.
Fizz found himself being more his ACTUAL self around Oz, which is dangerous, ‘cause that’s how you get your heart broken! It doesn’t help that Oz seems actively interested in Fizz himself, even if he sees Fizz as more of a toy or a pet (he doesn’t, but Fizz doesn’t know that). So you know what? Fuck it. Fizz decides he WILL live as Ozzie’s pet, ‘cause he’s happier that way, and as long as it doesn’t go further than that, it should be fine, right?
(needless to say, things are not fine)
Whew, I think that’s all? Probably not, but this post is long enough as is aosnkajao
I dunno WHY I latch on the Fizz so hard; he’s officially only been in ONE episode. And I’m not even one who usually thinks of headcanons much, I’m happy enough with actual canon! But I just…I really love him and I need more of him god
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