#owww anon sweetie?
terrence-silver · 2 years
So I am projecting believe it or not when I give this scenario- Terry and Beloved have a son or daughter (they are around 4, 5ish?) and beloved just had another child. The 5 year old snakey becomes very jealous of all the attention Papa and Mommy give their baby sibling (like this genuinely upsets the toddler) so they run away from home. (In their young mind this is a brilliant idea- but they are wandering the streets of L.A. alone as a child) what are the stages of Terry’s thoughts and reaction
You know that movie Baby's Day Out (1994) where a toddler from a wealthy family gets lost and has a joyride around New York while two goons are after him for ransom money? 😂 Yeah, excuse me, THAT, but it is Snake, Dennis (and Mike Barnes for all we know --- imagine an angry Mike Barnes, who's kind of still a kid himself looking for his Billionaire patron's baby because his next paycheck and Terry's mercy overall vastly depends on it) employed by a very desperate and pissed off Terry, among a posse of other payroll people and professionals, to find his escaped kid. The field day AO3 could have with this idea. TKK3 Baby's Day Out AU FTW! Nonironically love it.
Anyway, the little snakey slithered away.
I think Terry would personally go out and look for them. Nevermind the help of the authorities and his own people he can pay for in any era, to look along with him discreetly, but I legitimately think that in situations like this, he cannot sit idle and he has to take control of the situation and adheres to the ‘If you wanna do something right, do it yourself’. Don’t figure he’d use fliers. There’s a danger in putting Terry Silver’s child on a flier, and heck, he probably finds it distasteful and a bit low brow. Doesn’t want his kid’s face on milk cartons and street light poles either. Doesn’t want the entirety of LA looking at them. That’s where his possessive streak comes in. So, I literally envision Terry just feverishly driving around, day and night and not stopping until he literally finds them himself before anyone else --- which, of course he did. He prides himself on that. He wasn’t a Green Beret for nothing. He can track and he can, I envision, track very well. Undoubtedly knows his child well enough to decipher just where they’d most likely go, or where a child who wants to get lost would go deliberately --- and of course he knows they’re jealous of the newborn he and beloved just had. Terry knows all about envy. Finds them huddled under some bridge somewhere, with perhaps, a baby blanket they stole from the mansion to keep them warm. Terry just stands there, as someone that one cannot escape from, looks at them and simply says ‘ So, you had your first escapade, huh? Perfect. Lets go home.’ He isn’t angry at snakey. Terry treats it like it was a picnic. He’s rather, angry at the situation at large and how things dramatically slipped out of control like this. His kid could’ve gotten hurt. If he’s peeved at anyone, it is the paid staff that allowed a five year old child of his slip away without alerting him. Picks up his kid, smothers them under his arm and it is guaranteed someone’s gonna get fired back home. Snakey’s safe, off of the streets where there’s bad people --- luckily, papa’s some of the worst people out there and he always finds and comes back for what’s his.
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
Hi babieee, its the wanting to eat pussy anon again 🥵🥵🥵 I havent gotten around to actually doing it yet 😔😔 but i really want to so bad :( wanna make a girl come so hard and eat the hell out of her pussy 😭😭 I also wanna try sucking her nipples 😳😳 Thanks so much for the advice though, ill definitely do that! I wish id have the chance in the future 😔 love u babe! Also if you anyone whose a girl and has done it, what was their experience? 🥺
Heyo my dear anonie! ☺🤗💕
Owww, I'm sorry for you that you haven't any chance to try it until now 😔 but I'm pretty sure your time will come soon! Just keep up with your hope, Sweetie! 😉😁
No Problem, I try my best to help where I can 😊💕 and I just thought about, how you're get the experience without any uncomfortable misunderstandings ;)
Hmmm, let me think. A friend of mine, who's bisexual, told me once that getting oral from an other girl is a whole new life experience! Well, as a girl you know which buttons you need to press on the pussy to get her tingling and dripping (from your very own experiences)... and when you perfectionize your abilities, it's a real pleasure to get eaten out by a woman.
Of course, everybody has different preferences but maybe... maybe the same sex just knows better how their own genitals works?
I don't know, that's just what my Friend told me back then 🙈👉🏻👈🏻💕 So, not my words xDD I don't have any experiences in that topic 😂😅
But I hope, I could still help you!
Send big love back, Tipsy! 💜
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When did you become so good at astrology? Is it like a hobby or interest? I’m curious how you got into this field 👀👀 - 🐥 anon
owww thank you sweetie!! So, I started just trying to understand myself a little bit better, and when I realized it I was soooo into astrology, that I couldn’t stop! and start doing it my friends and family’s birth charts, and this help me to learn even more. And here we are now hahahaha 
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kumikoshortcake · 7 years
Hi Kumiko-chan! Congrats to your new imagines blog ^_^ to start off, could I have a scenario of Himuro and Haizaki playing with their younger sister who is the reader, and being overprotective towards them? I hope this is okay, and I wish the best for you and your blog ;)
Hello there sweet anon! Thank you so much for your kind words and of course it’s okay. However I’m still an amateur at writing and have not completely grasped all the characters’ personalities so don’t get your hopes up, but I tried and I hope that you like it. Oh, and by playing, I’m assuming you meant in general and not specifically basketball.
You happily skip to your destination, humming a random tune. Your small hand is enveloped by your brother’s larger one. Your older brother, Himuro, promised to take you to the park since he’s been so busy with basketball practice that he didn’t get to spend much time with you. You slowed to a stop as you arrived at your location.
“Alright sweetie, I’m going to count to twenty and you have to hide. Understand?”
“Okay, onii-chan! Try to find me!”
“One, two, three…,” he starts.
You giggle in happiness and run to find a good hiding spot. Himuro always manages to find you and win, but this time you’re determined to beat him. In your haste, you bump into someone else.
“Owww…,” you moan in pain.
“Are you alright? I am so sorry,” a boy your age asks, worry laced in his tone. He offers you a hand that you hesitantly take after which, he pulls you to your feet.
“Why were you running away,” he questions.
“Onii-chan and I are playing hide-and-seek and I’m trying to find a good hiding spot,” you start. Suddenly, a shadow looms over you, and the little boy you were previously talking to runs away. “Wait,” you try to stop him but to no avail. Turning around, you pout and put your hands on your hips.
“Onii-chan! He was my friend! Why did you scare him away?”
Himuro’s glare immediately reverts to a smile, and then a pout. “But I thought I was the only friend you need,” he whines.
It was pointless to argue with Himuro so you just kept quiet and stalked away in false anger. Himuro knew that he was being overprotective but he just didn’t want to lose you to anyone else. An arm wraps around your tiny figure as you’re lifted into the air, and set on firm shoulders. “I’ll go buy you some ice cream.”
Your face brightens at the thought of the delicious treat and all previous thoughts about the boy and game were forgotten. Himuro on the other hand, chuckles at your adorable expression and vows to never let anyone hurt you or remove that happy and carefree expression on your face.
Haizaki Shougo is known as a man who doesn’t care about anything or anyone. And it is mostly true. However, there’s one exception and that’s you.
You are Haizaki’s little sister, and the complete opposite of him: sweet, kind, caring, and most importantly, innocent. You easily trust people and only see the good in them which is why Haizaki is so damn overprotective of you. It’s also why you’re currently giving him the silent treatment.
He sighs in exasperation. His precious baby sister’s friend came over for a school project and he was not very happy. First of all, you and Haizaki were playing a close game of Smash Bros and let’s just say he wasn’t very happy that someone intruded on their sibling bonding time (not that he’d ever say or admit it out loud). He could tell that this guy was trouble. He saw the subtle touches and secret glances, and he wasn’t pleased. You have such an innocent heart and mind and he’ll be damned if some boy thinks he could take that away from you.
You knew that Haizaki is an overprotective brother, but you didn’t know just how overprotective he could be.
“Alright you little shit. Enough eyeing my sister. You think I don’t see you? I can practically feel what you’re thinking right now, and unless you want me to beat you to a bloody pulp, never go anywhere near my little sister again. Got that,” Haizaki sneers at the boy.
“Onii-san! What are you doing? He’s not like that, he’s just a frie-,” “Not now. I’m a little busy,” Haizaki interrupts.
Your friend hastily packed all his materials and fled your house. You whirl around in annoyance.
“What is wrong with you! He’s not like that.”
“Did you see the look he was giving you?”
“That was your imagination. He’s gay and already has a boyfriend for god’s sake!” You groan and go sulk on the couch.
Your big brother slowly walks over to you and takes a seat. Wrapping arm around your shoulders, he pulls you to him and wraps you in a tight embrace.
“You know I’m not good with words,” he mutters. “But you’re important to me and…I’m not ready to give you up. To anyone.”
Taking a deep breath, you place a hand on top of your brother’s larger ones. Haizaki doesn’t really express his emotions, but in the rare times he does, you know he really means it. “I know you’re only looking out for me. But you are way too overprotective. You need to stop scaring away every person that comes near me,” you softly speak.
Humming in response, you both stay in your position for a little longer, cherishing the rare moment.
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