oftallahassee · 6 years
I’m back!
I took a step back from this account, and actually from indie roleplay in general, because I needed a break. It got to a point where I was feeling so depressed and so lost that I just didn't want to be on my accounts anymore. After some time away, the muse calls, and I feel the desire to return. However, to prevent myself from becoming burnt out, I am going to be selective. Also, I will be slow. I have a full time job which takes a lot of my energy and I also have a few other blogs that take up some of my time. Therefore, if we do rp, here or on my multimuse blog, (which will probably be revamped in awhile as well) please be patient with me. Also, I reserve the right to say no. I've never been very good at this, and that has in the past been a great source of stress for me. I like to please everyone and I don't like to be mean, so I try to do what everyone wants. But, there are times when I don't have muse for a thread or I simply don't think that my muse and someone else's would be a good match rp-wise. I need to feel comfortable saying no if I'm not feeling something. Anyway, I appreciate anyone who is still around and still interested in talking to me and my muse(s). Thanks. <3
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This blog is now officially archived. I have moved.
Same url as before. <3
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oftallahassee · 6 years
Like for a holiday themed starter.
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oftallahassee · 6 years
That insanely frustrating moment when you feel the world imploding and you just need to vent and no one will answer the damn phone!
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oftallahassee · 7 years
Wow. I'm actually here. Hi. xD
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oftallahassee · 7 years
-cries over my bby-
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oftallahassee · 7 years
Cowards hide behind anon and spew hateful words hoping to cause contention. If you have something to say to me, come face me. Don't be a coward.
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oftallahassee · 7 years
Ughhh whyyyy? Why must the CW app take forever to upload the crossover? I can't watch it live and I have to work tonight. I just want to see parts 3 and 4!!!
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oftallahassee · 7 years
Currently have stuff in my ask box. I am mobile at the moment but I will reply to it when I get online. Right now I'm too lazy to get on the computer. XD
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oftallahassee · 7 years
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So, I really want to show some love to my awesome followers! I love every single one of you, but some of you really brighten up my day!!
The Bae’s:
@straiightfromtheheart| @ofriiverdale| @iwillsurviive: The BFF of like 12 years! You’ve been my rock through some of the hardest times in my life. You know me better than anyone, and I can’t even begin to thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for me over the years. You’ve taught me how to compromise, how to communicate and I’ve learned so much from you. I do not know where I would be without you! <33
@grcwingstrcng: The Ultimate Bae! My twin! I’ve always had this complex about following other Neal’s. Mostly because of insecurities about my writing. But, you’ve always been the exception. From the very beginning, your Neal and your mutual love for him, connected with me on a level that made me feel totally comfortable. I adore you so much and all of your muses and seeing you on my dash just brightens everyday!! <33
@viridisalae| @doublehelixed| @legendsof: My AllyCat! You’ve been a constant in a sea of uncertainties. I can honestly say you are one of the few people who has never judged me, who has unconditionally accepted me for me, unwaveringly. You’ve always shown me love and support no matter what, and for that I am forever grateful. I love you so much and I am so happy we are friends! <33
@drsncw| @thesearetheirstcries: Lizzie, I don’t even know where to start. You were one of the first friends I had in this fandom. We lost touch for awhile, but recently reconnected and I could not be happier about it. I love you so much!! You’re incredible. You never cease to amaze me. Your generosity and your willingness to do things for other people is wonderful and just makes me love you more! <33
@pxperhearts| @sorceressofsass: Quite simply put, Neal doesn’t exist without you. It was your Emma that I created him with, it was your input and your inspiration that helped me create his backstory. So much of who he is, is because of you and I owe you so much for that. You have been a role model to me as far as roleplaying and writing. You inspire me to be better, to constantly improve and I feel as though I am. Thank you. <33
@arielthelionhearted: I owe a lot to you. Yes, I had an indie account before joining your group, but my backstory wasn’t quite as fleshed out until the moment I sat down and worked on that application. You took a chance on me and I have never been more grateful that you saw something in me that had potential. <33
@allforacrown| @indissoluta| @mactireagcroi: Myllie! You are just a dear!! I cannot even begin to describe how awesome you are. I enjoy interacting with you in character, and I absolutely enjoy our ooc chats! Our friendship gives me absolute joy!!! <33
@saviourisms| @thexfairest| @storyisms: Casey, my partner in crime! You’ve been one of my most constant partners, and I love that no matter what I throw at you, you’re always up for it! We think alike and we both love our characters and that love shines through in the writing. I thoroughly enjoy writing with you and talking to you!! <33
@elsaofarendelle| @ofsophistication: Jess! You are an absolute ray of sunshine! I know I’m rubbish at keeping in touch with people, and so sometimes you have to make an extra effort with me, but I promise you I love hearing from you! I love the passion you have for writing and the time you put into your characters, especially Elsa. It shows a commitment and dedication, which I greatly admire. I love you!! <33 @ofdarkmagic| @ofdarkdust: Cally, I have missed you a lot lately, but I’m really glad you are making a return to the fandom. Neal misses his papa. :) I’ve always admired your writing and the grasp you have on Rumple and his thought process. He’s not an easy character to play but you do such a wonderful job!! <33
My Lovelies: (The Ones I love to see on my dash): @imnotacharacter @anotherlostswan @iluinel @ofsparklythings @notexactlyagoodboy @wishuponstrings @askifwehaveavocados @regalxsass @inquisitivewitch @thiefwithacode @thescvior 
I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone! I really do value each and everyone of you! Some of you I know ooc and others I don’t, but I love you all! <33
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oftallahassee · 7 years
(Cries because I will never get snow)
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oftallahassee · 7 years
Sorry I havent been on. Been dealing with some crap. I will try to be on tomorrow. In the meantime I'll be lurking on mobile.
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oftallahassee · 7 years
I think I may take a nap. My mood has taken a nosedive.
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oftallahassee · 7 years
Guys, I have 4 and a half hours left of my shift and I am so booorreedd. XD
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oftallahassee · 7 years
Guys, I just have a lot of feels rn and ughhh. NEAL CASSIDY IS A PRECIOUS HUMAN BEING OKAY?
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oftallahassee · 7 years
I am trash. Im sorry. I owe stuff. Life is chaotic rn. But I love you guys. <3
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