#our current besiegement by idiots and cruelty fetishists
the-cimmerians · 1 year
They want the answer to "Why are women getting paid less than men?" to be "Because women don't work as hard as men do." They want the answer to "Why are all of this company's executives white men?" to be "Because they were all the best person for the job." They want "Why is this population disproportionately impoverished compared to other groups?" to be "Because they don't work as hard." Or, if they are big fans of Charles Murray, "Because their IQs are lower." They don't want people looking at groups of people and saying, "Hey, why is this group doing okay and this other group isn't?" if the answer is going to be anything like "Because the group that is doing okay had an advantage going in," they don't want to hear it.
Ironically, as much as they have ever-so-helpfully "culturally appropriated" the term, the thing they are mad at is still right there in the original definition. Ultimately the thing they are mad about, the thing that really gets under their skin, is people being aware of systemic injustices and working to correct them — largely because they are the ones who benefit from those systemic injustices.
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the-cimmerians · 2 years
The only "goal" the Right has put forth in recent years is that they want to stop other people from existing or force them to exist in a way they find more palatable. They want people to stop calling them racist when they say racist things on social media, they want us to stop being so popular on social media so that they can be popular on social media, they want people to stop saying what their pronouns are, they want store clerks to wish them a Merry Christmas, they want LGBTQ people to stop existing, they want Black people to stop complaining about police brutality, they want feminists to stop dying their hair blue and being feminists and to get back in the kitchen and make them a sandwich.
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the-cimmerians · 1 year
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the-cimmerians · 3 years
Happily, a lot of kids attending Central York High School weren't buying into the paranoia, and as the new school year got going, they decided to try that activism thing that the banfrozen books so frequently mentioned, holding daily demonstrations outside the school — five students at the first one, and then more, and eventually hundreds of kids, in a group they called the "Panther Anti-Racist Union," because the school's mascot happens to be the Panthers, but talk about a fun coincidence to scare Fox News viewers.
kids being excellent badasses
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the-cimmerians · 2 years
Atheist activist Chaz Stevens has sent a delightful letter to Miami-Dade County asking that the Bible and any book mentioning the Bible be banned on the exact same grounds people want to ban all of the other books.
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