#our boy was reminiscing on lwj’s bday
kachawo · 1 year
A scp/magnus archives-esque au where Lan Wangji and Jiang Wanyin discover old cassette tapes of status entries, the voice in those tapes... none other than Wei Wuxian, who had gone missing 6 years ago.
This was not the strangest part alone, the entries, the contents-- it all sounds like a madman's dream.
Wei Wuxian spoke about objects or living beings in such a frightening perspective all the while maintaining a calm tone.
"Entry 0096 Subject: 4. Species: Type AD. Further observations have concluded--
Entry 0109 Subject: 12. Species: Type 0. It seems that The Busker is able to mutate--
Entry 0013 Subject: 25. Species: ???. The subject we call "Dean" has shown very interesting-- "
It's all a mystery to the both of them.
What's worse is this-- both Lwj and Jwy know that the man was not some sort of mad-scientist,
He was-- he was a doctor! Wei Ying held down a job in a rehab institute in Yiling for people who where born with deficiencies.
The same Yiling Institute that burned down after the said man had gone missing.
Jiang Wanyin was convinced this was some sick trick that his brother left behind, some fantasy story Wei Ying thought was cool. He knew his brother so well he--
He wasn't the person that Jiang Wanyin heard in those tapes, the voice is different. It's not cheerful or bright-- the Wei Wuxian he knew would not have such a dead voice.
Jiang Wanyin gave up on the hope of finding the man very quickly. 6 goddamn years, and all he got was this.
But Lan Wangji never did.
He hoarded those tapes like a lifeline. Listened to all 26 tapes over and over and over and over-
He felt like he had something. An answer, it was here somewhere he just couldn't find it!
Wei Ying was here, that voice over the recorder was him he knows it.
But Lan Wangji doesn't know why.
Listening to the tapes repeatedly, his hope started to wane. But he held out-- even when his brother called out to him, even when his uncle barked that he was finding a dead man-
And it ended up being very fruitful.
"To the dearest boy I knew, with him my heart grew...
Lan Wangji knew this song, had immortalized it in his heart.
When the voice in the tape sang this... he sounded soft.
How could he have missed it? So eager to devour every word that came out of that voice, he never really stayed long on one tape.
If the recording ended, it usually spared a few minutes of utter silence. He never waits until the end of that silence to switch to another tape.
Which was an utter mistake.
"He sent me to the Lotus Lake, held my hand all day.."
It was such a silly lullaby, and it kept changing depending on its singer's mood.
Oh, how Lan Wangji loved it.
"Oh how it makes me woe, to see my dear boy go.."
"With him my heart stays, while here my body lays."
"Beneath the Lotus Lake."
Shortly after a sad chuckle follows the song.
"Or... should I say beneath the Yiling Lake?"
Lan Wangji's heart dropped.
Once he was sure the recording truly finished, he fished it out the holder and examined it.
"Entry 0123. Clouds." The title on the tape says. It was just the same as the others, Wei Ying would start by describing the subject and go on like he always did.
But now Lan Wangji looks closer.
The date underneath it says 08/24/1997. Exactly 6 years before Wei Ying went missing.
His eyes grow large at the realization--
Lan Wangji remembers very clearly, in the recording Wei Ying had said--
"It is currently 12 pm of January 23. I do realize that I've missed the chance to greet a Happy New Year but oh well--
Who am I kidding? It's not like anyone will find these tapes anyways. Devices like these are old to the new generation. In the 21st century no one's even gonna recognize these silly things."
21st century
Wei Ying had gone missing in the 20th
It filled Lan Wangji with hope and fear.
He's still out there.
But then how did this tape get here? These were retrieved from Wei Ying's old apartment, which has been restricted from being accessed ever since he had gone missing.
Jiang Wanyin and Lan Wangji were allowed to retrieve his stuff only 3 months ago.
The date today was October 30th, 2004.
Why is it that, of all the tapes Wei Ying had recorded, this one was the most up to date?
Especially when the other recordings were within dates that they knew he was still present in their lives?
This was the only recording of him during those missing 6 years.
And it's fresh.
Lan Wangji stumbled, he grabbed his phone on the desk and contacted the only person he knew at that moment.
The phone rang
And picked up.
"Jiang Wanyin, I've found him."
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