#oumami sounds better
dwangan-wonpwa · 2 years
here's a negative-leaning rant about saiouma, or more about the amount of content about it. read if you really want to (read more included, because i know it would be a pain in the ass to try to scroll and ignore a post like this)
(also tl;dr at the end... i should've pasted it here but uh-)
i ship saiouma… sometimes. i used to love this pairing a lot, and it's what prompted me to love ouma more and more. but because of ouma being my favorite character, i decided to check out other pairings; from oumota, kiibouma, and oumeno, to irouma, oumami, and ougoku (side note: i can't really blame people for seeing this as problematic, but i truly don't believe it to be "toxic" or "abusive"). they're all really good ships which have my whole heart, so i focused on them more frequently, and took a break from saiouma. i even gave ouharu a shot, and yes, there's a lot of hate there, and i do prefer them to at least have a begrudging friendship, but like. it's interesting okay
of course, saiouma is the most popular ouma ship there is. seriously, it has around 4000 more works on ao3 than oumota, the second most popular. this is because it's the protag x antag ship, like komahina (which, holy shit, it has 5846 works on the sdr2 tag, while kuzupeko, the second most popular, has 987). so, being an ouma multi-shipper, who thinks saiouma is a decent ship but isn't that fixated about it anymore, seeing said ship pretty much everywhere? yeah, i was bound to get sick of it. well, not the pairing itself, mind you, but rather how oversaturated it was in my eyes.
it got to the point where, if i saw saiouma tagged in a fic, no matter how promising i thought the summary was, i would groan and try to motivate myself into reading it. like, if it had the same premise, but had a different ship/no ship at all, i would read it in a heartbeat. even if ouma was shipped with a character i had zero care about, then sure, i don't mind. (well, there certainly are exceptions, i have to admit)
yeah, that might sound a bit immature, but it's not like i won't read saiouma fics no matter what. it's just that oftentimes i simply can't gather the motivation to indulge in the pairing, if that makes sense. so it's a bit tiring when i keep seeing it when i really don't feel like it.
there's also the thing with their dynamic. they're foils for truth and lies, yes, i can't deny that. but i feel like the main appeal of the ship is the fact that "saihara is a detective, and ouma is the personification of a mystery!"
…except, saihara kinda sucks at figuring ouma out? yeah, he can catch on to ouma's lies better than others, but if i remember correctly, that's only in the ftes/bonus modes. in the canon storyline, he couldn't realize that, hey, ouma is a liar, and his lying patterns tend to be quite complicated! that means he can lie about whether or not he's lying! but nope, let's just believe his claims to be the mastermind, because he's the only one cruel enough to manipulate a murder into happening without remorse, so there's no need to consider any other possibility besides the one he conveniently laid out for them. oh, not to mention the points that he makes occasionally, but they come from ouma, so there's no use to thinking about the validity of such statements.
saihara, you are an incredible detective, and you are the furthest thing to undeserving of your ultimate, but i don't think behavioral patterns are up your alley. i don't think saihara hates him, as he's more capable of tolerating him than most, but sometimes it's like he gets dumbed down for the sake of making ouma the antagonist.
(the saiouma fics i used to read had saihara getting flustered as a result of ouma's advances and "flirting," but in canon, he doesn't have much of a reaction to ouma's "my beloved" comments about him, at least, that's what i remember. i don't think "but the canon!" is a good reason for not shipping something, so this part is pretty minor, but i just had to point it out.)
as i'm writing this, i realized: holy shit, when i first started to like ouma, i only got into saiouma because it was the most popular ouma ship. the only unique traits that charmed me about the pairing was saihara's ability to see through ouma's lies, and the sudden boldness he'd exhibit, but aside from that? i essentially treated the former as a blank canvas (sorry, saihara), only wanting some shippy ouma content. but after going through other pairings, those "unique" traits weren't so unique after all (a very good example is oumota. while yes, he trusts the notion he has of ouma, telling him he's a bad, untrustworthy person, he's still perceptive. this is shown by the way he's the only one who acknowledges the change in ouma's behavior in chapter 4. his boldness is also more prominent than saihara's, as well). how ironic that i'm starting to have a problem related with the ship because of the same thing that got me invested in the first place.
oh, but it's not like the aforementioned "detective and enigma" dynamic can't happen. we can be canon defiant and improve saihara's ability to understand and unravel ouma for the sake of bettering the ship. (ooh, and the methods of how he'll do so… fluctuating between analysis for ouma's lies and just spending time with him so that he'll open up at his own pace…)
so, it's not exactly a bland ship, but there are others that are more interesting to me, and deserve to have just as much popularity as saiouma does, in my opinion.
tl;dr: in my opinion, saiouma's a decent ship, however, it's popularity is a bit undeserved when you take other pairings into account. i don't dislike it, but as someone who isn't that passionate about it, it annoys me how much content there is, while ships that i felt had equal amount of, if not more captivating dynamics weren't as popular due to the fact that saiouma was the protag x antag pairing.
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wisheduponastar · 9 months
For Day 1 of @oumamiweek's Oumami event/Day 2 of @flufftober. This is inspired by the prompts : Escape/Haven and 'Family, friends, and loved ones'
Everything can get to much for Kokichi, that's expected. What he doesn't expect is for someone to care for him, and to come after him - but someone does anyway. Rantaro does try to be a good boyfriend, afterall.
No TW apply
Not many people knew where the ‘Ultimate Supreme leader’ escaped too when he was feeling stressed, when something had become too much for him. They all wondered how he was so good at hiding, of course, but they didn’t know he was barely hiding at all - he was just in a place no-one would look. Even Rantaro wouldn’t have thought to look there, something which he was ashamed to admit. He should’ve been able to guess where his boyfriend would hide, but he couldn’t.
Rantaro tried not to dwell on it too much, at least. There was a small part of him that wondered if Kokichi had told him to keep Rantaro himself from moping. And it did stress Rantaro out, not knowing where his boyfriend was… an aspect of him being missing that always worried Rantaro, no matter the environment.
The fact both of them were in a vicious killing game probably didn’t help either. Looking around, Rantaro slowly closed the door to Kokichi’s room - so he wasn’t in there. Therefore, he must be up in his hiding spot. His safe haven was what Rantaro called it. Kokichi said that was cringy and made him out to be some nervous teenager. Rantaro had retorted that he was just a teenager. Then Kokichi had flicked a bit of pocky at his face, and in the laughter that followed the two forgot about it.
Walking up the stairs, Rantaro eventually stood outside Kirumi’s room. It was difficult to know what he should say to comfort Kokichi… especially after the double murder. You couldn’t exactly walk in and say, ‘hey - two of your friends have just got killed, but smile anyway?’.
Taking a deep breath, he knocked twice on the door - like he always did when he was going to see Kokichi’s room. Rantaro patiently waited for a second, so Kokichi could tell him to leave, but no denial came - so Rantaro walked in. Looking around, the table seemed inconspicuous; its long, pristine drapes falling neatly to the floor. But now, Rantaro knew Kokichi was under there.
Walking up to the table, Rantaro could hear Kokichi’s breathing. It was steady, but unnaturally so - he recognized it as a breathing technique he’d taught Kokichi. Bending down on his knees, Rantaro tried to put a reassuring expression on his face before moving his hand to lift the underside of the sheet. Almost as soon as his hand was next to the cloth, he felt Kokichi’s hand suddenly reach out and it.
Smiling slightly, Rantaro briefly adjusted his grip so they could both be comfortable. But he couldn’t deny how great it was to be loved, to be wanted like this. Before he reached for the cloth again, Rantaro asked, “Can I come in?”
“Yea, whatevs.” Kokichi tried to sound aloof, even if the effect was slightly ruined by the death-grip he had on Rantaro’s hand.
“Thanks.” Rantaro’s response was brief but sincere, and he reached his other hand under the tablecloth to briefly pull it up. Kokichi was immediately revealed, sitting cross-legged and silently waiting for Rantaro to join him. Eyes looking around, before settling on Rantaro and lighting up ever-so-slightly.
Moving forward, Rantaro joined him under there, feeling the curtain settle into place. For a minute or so, the two of them simply sat there - enjoying each other's company, even while being silent. Eventually, while still holding Kokichi’s hand, Rantaro looked into Kokichi’s eyes. “Are you better now?” “Eh, probably.” Kokichi made a lazy shrugging motion with his shoulders, “It’s better with you.”
Rantaro smiled back at him, “Life’s better with you, too.” “Well,” Kokichi let himself smile slightly, “Misery does love company.” “Hey- which one of us are you calling miserable?”
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pregamekokichi · 4 years
Tumblr media
dumb hair boys!! or..
“rantaro on his way to drop kokichi in the woods, never to see him again”, quote courtesy of @gemrazzled
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lucitrius · 4 years
•°☆°• Oumami week day 4: "I love you” / “I’m sorry” / "I missed you” •°☆°•
▪ word count: 2,281 ▪ content: spoilers for chapters 1 - 5, survivor au, death, afterlife ▪
————————————————— ☆ —————————————————
Ouma shivered as he laid against cold, hard metal, the only forgiving warmth being the rapidly fading body heat that had been left in the jacket beneath him. The metal was winning, though, and it didn't last long. Goosebumps raised all over his body as a chill rolled through him, and he groaned pathetically. Despite how cold he was, however, there were sweat beads dotting his forehead as he stared up at the looming shadow of the press. At least it would be quick once it touched him.
"...Are you sure about this?" Momota finally spoke up, ripping Ouma back down to reality. He turned his head to look at him, although he couldn't really see his face from where he was laying. Momota noticed this and knelt down next to him, gripping the corner of the base plate tightly. He was nervous too, it was obvious.
Ouma simply offered him a strained grin, nodding as much as he could. "Yup! Even if I wasn't, I would still die anyway. The poison is really starting to make itself known!" His voice was crackly and weak against his own will. He was an impressive actor, but when your body has organ failure on speed dial it's hard to exhibit your best skills.
Momota looked unimpressed with his answer, but even so he knew that he was right. He looked him up and down for a moment before sighing in defeat. "Damn it… You could've drank some of the antidote and saved both of us. But, I guess that's just not your style, huh?" Ouma peered at him with newfound interest until he finished the thought. "You could've just cooperated. I had no idea you were trying to help, you know? Then it- it wouldn't have come down to this. I don't want to kill you, but..."
"Cooperated, huh?" he echoed, turning his head so he was back to staring at the hydraulic press. He opened his mouth to make some remark, to comment on how it was a stupid idea, but nothing came out. He shut his jaw with a slight frown.
Momota sat on his heels silently, waiting for some kind of comment, but just stood up in defeat when he only got silence in return. He scratched his fingers against the hairs on the back of his neck anxiously and started for the control platform. The only sound left in the hangar was the buzzing hum of the press and the faint thudding of the exisals walking around in another part of the building. Ouma didn't like it. He was fully prepared to die- hell this was practically just assisted suicide- but being left alone to his rampant thoughts as he lay on his literal death bed was highly uncomfortable. 
It felt like an eternity before he heard Momota's feet stop moving. It was only a matter of seconds, then. He seemed to hesitate to give Ouma the heads up that he was going to do it already, and even when he spoke up he avoided it for just a moment longer. "Hey, I mean, at least you'll be able to see Amami again."
Ouma's eyes widened just a touch; so he had put two and two together after all. He reached up to his chest with a shaky hand, gripping the long pendant of the necklace he still wore. A saddened smile crossed his lips, but he didn't respond as the hum of the press kicked up a few decibels and descended toward him.
The distant conversation that could be heard in the back of his head was annoying. It hurt, even, only worsening the aching in the back of his skull as it continued. But, that was the thing. Conversation, headache… was he alive? No, that couldn’t be right. He watched it happen, after all, there was no way he could have survived that. As his mind started to focus more and more he realized that he had woken up, as he could see light through his eyelids. Against his better judgement of how much it would hurt, he opened his eyes quickly, and of course had to blink rapidly to adjust.
Sitting up slowly, he looked around expecting to see… well he wasn’t quite sure, really. Clouds, maybe? Or, on the other side of the coin, perhaps an intense heat, but neither was the case. Instead he was promptly met with pure white cabinets and dully toned countertops surrounding him. And as his body moved, he could hear the ruffling of the sheets around him and a thin tube tugging gently at his wrist. Looking down towards the feeling, he immediately identified it as an IV tube, and noticed that he was in a hospital gown. Why was he in a hospital; and more importantly, how?
The voices just outside of his room grew closer gradually until the door rattled on its tracks slightly before sliding open. He, just before the people behind it stepped inside, layed back down quietly, shutting his eyes and opening his mouth a tad to be more convincing. He wanted nothing more than an explanation, but equally as much, he didn’t want to worsen the pain in his skull by trying to talk to someone to get it. He could listen just fine.
“He’s just in here, sir,” said a bland, unnoteworthy voice which he presumed to be either a doctor or nurse. “I would suggest not waking him up on your own so that he doesn’t freak out upon realizing he’s alive, and I’m sure you understand basic visiting decency already so I’ll spare you the lecture.”
A few footsteps moved towards his bed, and under the blanket Ouma tightened his fist. 
“I’ll be careful with him, no need.”
Ouma struggled to keep his eyes closed upon hearing Amami speak. Surely this was some cruel personal hell for him to endure for the rest of eternity, after all he saw his corpse. He felt it, he swore he checked for his pulse. But, all of his pessimistic thoughts were thrown out of the window as he felt two warm, gentle hands take one of his own. It felt so real, so familiar. 
Amami was silent as he sat there, but even so Ouma focused so much more on listening to his breathing than the track of the door as it was closed once more. Ouma’s eyes squeezed shut even tighter, not wanting to face it. If he opened them, it felt as though Amami would fade away once more, so instead he gripped one of his hands loosely.
The fingers in his hold jolted along with the other boy’s whole body, and he was heard leaning closer towards him. “...Ouma? Are you up?” Of course he was, but he was just so scared. He wanted to live in this reality, in this Schrodinger-type mystery where Amami would always be alive. 
With a beat of continued silence, Amami released a sigh. “It’s alright, I don’t care. At least you’re even here,” he continued with a noticeably relieved, yet concerned, tone. There was a brief pause, maybe considering his options. Nothing was exactly stopping him from waking the other up considering the staff member had left the room by that point. But if he still thought that Ouma was truly sleeping, then he may want to let him continue to rest.
“I’m sorry. You shouldn’t have been left alone to fight like that.”
Ouma, very hesitantly, cracked open his eyes. He once again had to adjust to the burning white LEDs that were overhead, but he didn’t care. One quick look to his right, his thoughts were proven wrong. Amami, sitting somewhat hunched over with his eyes closed, shoulders relaxed while his hands were still tense, was right there. Alive. “Don’t tell me Amami is really going to go and blame himself for this all?”
Amami gasped, snapping his eyes up to look at him. A smile immediately crossed his face, his previously somber body language melting into something more lively. “I should’ve known you were awake. I expect nothing less of you,” he chuckled giddily. Ouma found his smile to be contagious, and for the first time since his apparent death, he found himself doing so genuinely; comfortably. Shutting his eyes gently to keep a few tears of joy back, Ouma laughed.
Something about growing old was oddly nice. Ouma never thought that he would ever want to grow up, but living alongside his friend, his lover, and later his husband completely flipped his ideals. Amami- or Rantarou, rather, once they were wed under the same name- was much more important than his silly childhood wishes, anyway. The countless nights where they laid awake, suffering the consequences of the killing game were really the only issue. But even then, the two of them were always there regardless of whatever horrid nightmare, thought, or memory came to one or the both of them. There was never a moment when they couldn’t be in touch, and it was lovely. 
Domestic, lazy days where they did nothing but sit in each others’ arms and sleep were easily his favourite to remember. He had a vivid memory of how Rantarou’s chest felt against him, the welcoming warmth spreading throughout his own body while the thudding of his heartbeat kept him grounded. It didn’t last forever, though. 
After some time, the two started to get a bit old for lounging all over each other, and it stopped. Kokichi watched as his husband tended to his needs, as once he reached 72 he could no longer even stand on his own. He always cursed his natural tendency to be weak, which only increased during that time. But Rantarou never minded, and they were happy.
And, after nearly 64 years of marriage, Kokichi was upset upon realizing that they had been separated. It was a gentle passing in his sleep, and neither of them were expecting anything different than normal. Rantarou left him with a careful kiss to his lips, with a soft squeeze of his hand and an exchange of “I love you,” they drifted off together. But once he woke up, he was staring off at a field, which he recognized to be their backyard. That was odd, he thought at first. He rarely visited the garden anymore, even if Rantarou did his best to keep it alive and well. The best he had was a view outside of their bedroom window, where the vines of wisteria creeped along the wooden panels that surrounded the glass and a few young apple trees struggled to blossom in their juvenile stages. 
He made no effort to stand, instead opening his mouth to call out for the other man gently. “Rantarou?” he asked to thin air, suddenly shocked at the youth in his own voice. He looked down at himself, and sure enough, his hands were thin and nimble once more, only now he felt even more weightless than ever. Ah, so this is it. This is what he was expecting all those years ago when he had laid cold and alone under the press, when he was convinced that Rantarou had been ripped away for good. So here he was, now the one that had gone missing.
It was a lonely existence, in all honesty, but he tried not to mind it. He spent his time looking after the house, which was an exact replica of the home he had practically memorized by this point, in waiting for the day that he would receive some company. He made sure that the garden stood green, that the apple trees- which were much older and readily bearing fruit now- were healthy, and that the wisteria by his window was always secured to the wall.
As he set down his trowel and picked up a watering can, having just planted a bulb that he had taken out last spring, he heard the grass behind him shift under someone’s weight. He dropped the container, some of the water spilling over the metal trim top, and whipped around on his knees. 
Just in front of him, Rantarou was lying peacefully in the grass, just beside the patch of Forget-Me-Nots that they had planted together the day after their wedding ceremony. He smiled warmly, standing up and brushing the dirt from his knees as he shuffled over to where he was sat. He stood over him, looking down at his sleeping face longingly. It was fine, he could sleep. He deserved to wake up peacefully just as Kokichi had.
After a few minutes, he watched as Rantarou’s eyes fluttered open slowly, his focus wavering momentarily before landing on the man above him. His eyes widened, and as soon as it was offered to him, he grabbed the hand outstretched and sprang up to grab Kokichi into a tight embrace. Kokichi giggled, throwing his arms up and around his husband once more, relieved to finally feel the warmth of his chest again. It didn’t take long for them both to start crying; neither of them minded doing it in front of each other anymore, and in this afterlife, there wasn’t ever going to be anyone else to see it anyhow. 
Kokichi pulled away from him, staring up at his jade green eyes affectionately before standing up on his toes to kiss him softly. They didn’t part for what felt like centuries, and it was incredible. They were home, together, once more.
Rantarou laid a hand on his cheek, pressing his thumb into his skin slightly just to get closer to him than he already was. They were always, always getting closer. “I missed you.”
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Hey rat lovers~
February 11th, 2020. Almost 3 am EST which meansss.... oumami week day 2 suckahs!!
This one is probably my favorite and will be my longest piece of the week. For a little context, I picked soulmate au AND talent swap for this one! It goes as follows:
AU - whatever you write on your skin shows up on your soulmate’s skin
Rantaro - child caregiver 
Kaede - nurse
Kokichi - chef (not implied or stated, grr)
Anyway, I feel like i left it unfinished, so maybe for day 7 I could do the free day and add onto it? I’d really be into doing that, but I dunno. whatever I do, I know that I should totally continue this at some point!
Day 2: Soulmate / Talent Swap
Words: 1430 (mmmm)
The cold water splashed against the sink's rim as Rantaro attempted to get rid of the last bits of leftover ink on his arms. Thankfully, the girls were a little less aggressive with the coloring today. They usually got up to his shoulders… With the final designs turning to a heavy fade from all the scrubbing, he turned off the water and dried his forearms off on his shirt. A glance at the clock on the wall told him it was just nearing 6 pm. Somehow, it was a pretty calm day, which was rare for the daycare. None of the kids were too rowdy at all, which Rantaro was silently glad about. Rethinking the day's events- or lack thereof -he made his way to the door, getting his keys out to lock up the classroom. Next stop, the nurse’s office.
It wasn't too far from his classroom, another thing he was glad about. He hoped Kaede hadn't left yet, but she was usually still here at the end of the day. He peeked in, and there she was at her desk. A few random trinkets sat on it, alongside some sticky notes, a desk plate with her name and her position on it, and a picture of Kaede and a group of other friends. Rantaro could actually name a few of them. He knocked on the door, and she immediately perked up. 
"Come in!" Kaede said as she straightened herself out, placing her black pen back into her breast pocket. She always had it on hand, just in case she needed to write to her soulmate. Although it was obvious from the writing on her arm that all they really talked about was books and music anyway. Rantaro couldn't consider that silly though, he never had anything worth saying to his soulmate in the first place, so who was he to judge her?
He stepped into the office, scratching his arm lightly. Maybe all that scrubbing wasn't such a great idea. Upon seeing him, she lit up. Within a few seconds, she was already trying to show him her arm and explain everything they talked about. Most of it meshed together, but he made sure to listen intently.
"-And this is a book they recommended to me! I could probably find it on Amazon, right? But enough about me!" 
She grinned and pulled her arm back, now starting to pull her hair out of its ponytail. It was obvious to him that she wanted him to braid it, so he extended his hand and grabbed onto a strand of her hair, getting to work on braiding it.
"Tell me about you. How have things been?"
Somehow, her smile got wider. 
Rantaro shrugged as his fingers worked on sectioning the hair.
"Eh, same as always. Nothing much happens usually, y'know?"
Kaede nodded, almost messing up her braid.
"Agreed. Sometimes the routine is nice, but it's getting kind of awkward… Speaking of which, I need some advice," she said with a sigh. 
Oh, advice. He's good at that. Rantaro nodded as he folded one strand of hair over another, quickly forming a neat braid. Kaede took a short breath before diving into her issue.
"Recently, I gave my soulmate my phone number and we've been talking for a long… LONG time!"
She's right about that. Rantaro remembers when they first met, Kaede would often have writing all over her arms and sometimes even legs. Whoever her soulmate was, their hands must be tired from all that writing.
"And… We're thinking about trying to meet up. Do you think we should, or…?"
He left it at silence for a moment as he finished the braid, using a small elastic to hold it together.
"I say go for it. I mean, it's your soulmate after all. If you really want to, and you think it's safe, then what's the worst that could happen?"
Kaede looked at him with wide eyes, quickly straightening out her scrubs before grinning.
"Yeah, yeah! You're right! Thanks Taro, you're the best!"
She quickly gave him a hug before looking at the clock.
"Oop- Gotta go! Thank you again. Seriously, I don't know what I'd do without you." 
With a giddy squeal, she grabbed her bag off the chair and rushed out. That just left him… He'd have to lock up by himself, blegh.
A calm day was one in a million, as was said among the staff of the daycare. Unfortunately, the statement was proven the next day, in more ways than one. For starters, all the kids seemed to have stored their energy for the exact day that one of the caregivers were unavailable, which left Rantaro with double the kids than usual. Hey, he's the Ultimate Child Caregiver, so he's supposed to be able to handle it. Still, Kaede promised she would help during her free time… Under the promise of free ice cream at the nearby diner of course. Healthy kids were just not her thing.
At the moment, it was roughly 2:30 pm, aka quiet time. Thank God. A good sum of the kids were asleep, besides one or two. The lights were off, and the only source of it was a small bit of sunlight streaming through the window. Rantaro was sitting next to it, with just enough light to see, as Sarah- one of the older girls -doodled with a giggle. He always let her color on his arms, it seemed to satisfy her creative spirit, and her parents seemed happy to not have their daughter come home with messy arms. She seemed pretty stuck on drawing flowers of all sizes, shapes, and colors. It was adorable to watch as she whispered a song to herself and filled in one of the flower's petals. 
Then, something unexpected happened. Sarah went back for another color, and Rantaro admired the colors on his arm, scanning each one carefully. Until he got to his palm. He gasped a little when he saw some words written in handwriting he didn't recognize… It was very child-like, but not messy, and all it read was 'What the fuck?'
Rantaro was less shocked about what it said, but more about how this was one of the few times, or rather the first time in a long time, that his soulmate wrote to him. Hell, when WAS the last time? Maybe this is the first time... Whatever it was, it immediately made him feel fuzzy. He leaned over to the marker box, and grabbed a purple one, quickly writing back in a neat print on his wrist; 'Hello to you too?'
Sarah yawned as she dug through the box again, her eyes shutting every so often. Quiet time didn't last forever, sadly, which prompted him to ask if she wanted to sleep. To that, she nodded and went to a free space on the mat. Wow… He watched in awe as the words formed on his skin, all by themself. No wonder Kaede liked this so much, it looked so cool to watch.
'Wasn't saying hi, but okay.'
Not the best first conversation, but it was something!
'Whatever, nice to meet you!' 
'Damn right'
A bit of an attitude… Rantaro switched to a red marker, just because he thought it looked better.
'So who are you?'
'A person'
'Wow, so impressive. I'm Rantaro!'
'Kokichi and your use of punctuation scares me'
He smiled to himself and looked at the clock. It's almost 3 pm, and he'd have to wake up the kids. No way he was doing that with all this writing on his arm though, no way. He looked back at his arm and tried to fit in as much as he could in as little space as possible. 
'I hate to cut this so short, but I've got stuff to do! If you want I could probably write something later, but right now I need to wash this off. Does that sound okay?'
He was already standing up and walking over to the sink while waiting.
'You didn't need to write an essay for that, but okay'
With that, the scrub process is repeated again, effectively getting out the words and leaving his arms nice and clean. Of course, Sarah would be a little disappointed that her work got washed off, but it's nothing she can't do again. For now, Rantaro spent the last small chunk of quiet time thinking about how nice it felt to finally get a reply… Oh did he have high hopes, and unknown to him right now, they would certainly be exceeded. 
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n00dl3gal · 6 years
Dangan Rarepair Week, Day 3: Ice Cream/Heat (Oumami)
This one got carried away... also soda ice cream is a real thing in Japan! Who knew? @danganrarepairweek
“Rantaroooooooooo, it’s too hooooottttt!” Kokichi whined, flopping onto his stomach. “Make it cooolllll!”
Rantaro didn’t even bother looking up from his magazine. “I have the AC as high as it’ll go, Kokichi. Get a cold drink or something,” he said. His words were curt and clipped, but not callous. Just a bit annoyed.
Kokichi groaned. “No! I want ice cream!”
“Then walk down to the dining hall and see if they have any.” As tempting as ice cream sounded, Rantaro was content to just remain sitting on his bed. Kokichi, despite his complaining, had a point- the heat was oppressively unbearable.
“Nuh-huh! Rantaro-chan has to come with me!” Ah, breaking out the “chan.” An Ouma staple when he wanted something. And more often than not, Rantaro was weak to it. But his own laziness was stronger than any feelings he may have held for the Supreme Leader.
Nevertheless, he set aside his magazine. Men’s Manma would still be there later. “And what’s in it for me?” he asked, crossing his arms. He knew he’d inevitably give in- it was Kokichi- but the longer he could hold out, the better.
“Free ice cream!” Kokichi declared, jumping up onto the bed. “I’ll pay for the both of us!”
Pay, huh? So he wanted to go off-campus? “How do I know you’re not telling another lie?”
Kokichi giggled. “Neeheehee, Rantaro-chan is always so good at spotting my lies… but not this time! It’s my treat, scout’s honor!”
Was Kokichi ever a scout to begin with…? But Rantaro’s stomach didn’t care. “Fine. But I’m watching you get your wallet and you have to show me all the contents inside.”
“Waaaaaaahhhh! Rantaro doesn’t trust meeeeeee!” Tears sprung from the smaller boy, nose dribbling with snot. Rantaro didn’t give any response, and the waterworks abruptly stopped. “Fine, you win.”
If it wasn’t for the fact he saw all the cash Kokichi had, he wouldn’t have believed it. But the other boy, for once, kept his word. The banana split with extra whipped cream, the grape Panta, and the simple ramune soft serve for Rantaro himself: all were paid for in full. He was impressed.
But, of course, it was still Kokichi.
“Maaaaannn, soda ice cream sounds yummy… do you think they make Panta-flavored?”
Rantaro shrugged. “There’s a robot in our class, anything is possible.” He took another lick.
Kokichi looked up at him with wide, sparkling eyes. It would’ve been cute, if it wasn’t on… well, you know. “Can I have a taste, Rantaro-chan?”
He pretended to mull over the thought, tapping his foot and chin. “Hmm… only if I can have a bite of yours.” The supreme leader held out his spoon, and Rantaro leaned in to clean it off-
Only for Kokichi to take a fingerful of whipped cream and smear it on Rantaro’s face. “Neeheehee! You’re so gullible! As if I’d ever let you eat my dessert! Oh, you should see your face!” Kokichi doubled over with laughing, falling backwards onto the bench.
Rantaro blinked, wiping the cream from his nose and eyes. “...you’re right. You got me. But now I see no reason in giving you any of mine, either.”
“Wait no, I’m sor- well no, but pleeasssseeeee Rantaro-ch-” He’s cut off by the cone being shoved in his face.
The taller boy offered his best playboy smile. “It’s fine. You can try some.” Kokichi gasped and inched closer, prepared to likely gobble the entire thing, when-
Two can play at this game.
Rantaro yanked the ice cream away and replaced it with his lips.
The resulting kiss tasted like bananas and artificial grapes. It likely lasted far too long for such a public environment, and Rantaro isn’t sure who initiated tongues, but it’s so painfully and messily Kokichi that he can’t bring himself to care. Smirking, he pulls away. Kokichi looks dumbfounded. For the first time in as long as he’s known him, the Ultimate Supreme Leader is surprised. “You should see the look on your face,” he teased, rubbing the whipped cream of Kokichi’s nose with his thumb.
Kokichi recovered quickly, though.  “I knew getting ice cream with you wouldn’t be boring!” Rantaro rolled his eyes, a fond smile painted on his face.
Nothing’s boring with my beloved Rantaro-chan.
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immalien-artsu · 6 years
Amami does not have romantic feelings for anyone. Kodaka himself confirmed in the artbook that Rantaro can only express brotherly love for people. There is no way in hell that he fell in love with Shuichi and less with Kokichi. The closest character that you can say that are in love/ have interest with is Kaede, like it or not. Stop being so deceived about your impossible ships. Your word is not worth more than Kodaka's.
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Good day anon! Whoa, I’m surprised to see this the firstthing in the morning (I think this is my first anon/ship hate hhhh)! But worrynot, I’ll happily explain why I shipped Oumami and AmaSai, so prepare your popcorn! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
(This will be kinda long because I rarely talk about myships, & THIS CONTAINS NDRV3 SPOILERS!!)
Firstly I’ll apologize if I focused more on Oumami, it’sbecause they’re my ultimate OTP at the moment hahaa Xa
First off that part about Amami can only express brotherlylove for people in the artbook, I think it actually refers to his fondnessabout his sisters, because as we all know he’s really worried about them andhence his priority is to save his sisters. So I actually think it made senses when forced to do a killing game, his only worries was to get out there assoon as possible & saving his sisters, and romance is not his utmostpriority there.
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As you can see the term here is actually imouto(littlesisters) love, so imo the artbook here actually is not making point about his brotherly love for any peoplebut his sisters only (Because when I looked for fraternal love google refers it as 兄弟愛/ kyoudai ai & not imouto rabu? so i think this term is exclusively for his lil sis, which invalid your excuses that this section talks about his type of love for other people). But no worries! Actually as seen in otoges there’s usually the big bro type, and I think he’ll suits that type hahaa.
But what if the killing game isn’t commenced? Then theprobabilities broaden! I think many ndrv3 fanarts are actually based on what if they survived / lived happily scenarios, and I’m sure fall for that trope too. Well I like to think because Amami’s a brother of 12sisters, he’ll be more attentive toward someone who’s younger–looking, in thiscase Ouma! Imo Ouma knows one of his strong point is he kinda looks like achild, so he can use his looks to his advantage wwww So this is just my own hc,but I think Ouma will keep pestering Amami (about his talent or anything rly),and because Amami doesn’t remember anything (or probably being cautious atfirst) he’ll dodged the questions. Ouma kinda doubts that, so he’ll keepsticking near Amami all the time. And although at first Amami was bothered, inthe end he can’t help but being weak when Ouma goes all cute & adorable, sohe’s fine with Ouma being around. And that will branches into them getting toknow about each other more, that even in the end they’ll grow closer & probably comfortable enoughto share about their pasts ;w;
Even if they’re in the killing game, I also like Oumamidynamic! Ouma likes interesting thing, moreover mysteries & ofc he’sinterested to solve the mysteries around Amami, being an amnesiac and all. Evenwhen Amami’s gone, Ouma was still determined to solve the mysteries behind him,judging by how he knew about Amami’s safe combination & such. If Amamilives longer, I think somehow he’ll be the only person that gets how Ouma’s wayof thinking is….  For example in thetrial when Ouma states his statements that riddled with lies, the only personthat can comprehend & decipher the truth from those statements is Amami. Amami being the cautious person he is probablywon’t say anything outright too, and Ouma knowing the clever boy Amami is certainlywill enjoy digging more informations out of him. Heck, they even shared thesame goal to find the mastermind by themselves, so probably if they somehowrealized the others are not a threat they even can cooperate together __(:’3__
ALSO FUN FACT ship doesn’t need to be about interactions all the time!!It can be about their complimenting/contrasting designs/personalities, or maybe you just think the pair look nice together? Sure, ship them if you feel like it! Here are some my favorite tidbits that make me got moooore interested in Oumami :http://rosesoma.tumblr.com/post/153133450929/do-you-know-why-we-ship-oumamihttp://rurukandy.tumblr.com/post/156478379296/i-know-that-amami-and-ouma-didnt-interact-at-allhttp://oumakokichi.tumblr.com/post/168624564590/okay-so-youve-mentioned-that-ouma-might-have
So imo even they barely interacted in the game, it’s interesting how we can imagined how will their interactions be together based on these infos that actually kinda hidden & needs extra attentions to find! (*sigh* Kodaka, why would you waste such a potentialinteresting pairing development T_T)
For Saihara, because at first he doesn’t look thatconfidence I think Amami want to boost Saihara’s confidence too. Like there’s amoment where he told Kaede to stop teasing Saihara, so I think Amami actuallywants to protect him too hahaa! 
Also I think you should already know about dangan salmonteam ends, but Amami asking for Saihara’s help to find his sisters by going ona trip around the whole world for their whole life?? Man if that ain’t a proposalthen I dunno what it could be ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Then all of my drawings about Saioumami? Well I loves imagining their interactions, like Amami taking care of the 2 boys & doing silly things together~ But y’know, just because I ship & draw them doesn’t automatically make them canon, & even so I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t enjoy this ship! I can ship anything I want even if they’re not canon, & tbh I’m still quite confused why you’re so fixated that I should ship pairing that (probably) is canon ._.
Well I respect every ships you know, & I think it’s quiteclear that I’m a multishipper! I likeAmamatsu (they look cute together!), and I even think Amami & Toujou lookgood together! But if this is your way to forced your otp/hcs onto me, I thinkthis is not the best way to do it….. Pls don’t make other Amamatsu shipperslook bad ;_;  If you hc Amamatsu or Amamias an ace I’ll totally respect it, but please respect my opinion for shipping Oumami and AmaSai too!
And I don’t think Oumami is impossible (except the factsthat they’re uh… y’know… ded) since we don’t really know how Amami & Oumawill interacted if they’re both alive & not forced to do the killing game,and for AmaSai? Hoooh boy Amami asking Saihara to go on a trip around the worldtogether for their whole life doesn’t sounds gay, suuuure ;)) But if you keep insistingthey’re impossible…. Y’know, as creators we strive to make the impossible topossible! That’s also why au and hc exist!  So don’t worry, one day I’ll surely draw my hcsabout Oumami~ (╯✧∇✧)╯
Also my words doesn’t worth more than Kodaka? When I evenever forced everyone that they should ship Oumami or AmaSai…? I rarely eventalk about Oumami because I only know a few people that ships them, that’s whyI just… draw Oumami… And hoping to found more shippers… ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )  Or do you think when I said I ship Oumami thenthey suddenly will become canon?! Gooosh you think too highly of me anon! >///
So that concludes it! I’m sorry if some parts are poorly worded / come off as aggressive/offensive,but I tried my best to make my wordings polite enough, and personally I thinkit’s even too polite to actually show my frustrations wwww Also rest assured, I’m not trying to attackany ships or anything!
Also anon! Wouldn’t it be nice if we just respect each otherships and headcanons? I think it’s nice enough we have interests in a samefandom, so won’t it will be really nice if we all can get along? So basically a ship DOESN’T NEED TO BE CANON, LET’S JUST SHIP WHAT WE LIKE & DON’T ATTACK OTHER PEOPLE IF WE DISLIKE THEIR SHIPS! I mean, do you think some random ship hatecoming outta nowhere will make someone’s day better? Of course not! (´;ω;`) I hope in the future there’ll be lessdiscourses about shipping because I’ll always in the stances to let peopleenjoy what make them happy (as long it’s harmless)! ^^
If you reached this far then thank you for reading my rambling! Also Oumami and AmaSai and Saioumami BANZAI!!! \(*゚∀゚*)/
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 7 years
Murder! Murder!
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iMU2TE
by Arachne_Arachnid
...Ouma hadn't meant to kill Momota, he'd just seen red, and when everything faded back into his vision, he was covered in blood... He didn't intend for any of this to happen, and he's determined to keep Amami out of it, but then why did he just witness Tenko's execution...? Hadn't he killed Momota...?
Or, in other words, Ouma kills Momota but instead Tenko is executed. The description probably sounds better then the actual story is.
Words: 3279, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Oumami Prompts
Fandoms: New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Akamatsu Kaede, Amami Rantarou, Ouma Kokichi, Chabashira Tenko, Saihara Shuuichi, Kiibo (Dangan Ronpa), Momota Kaito, Monokuma
Relationships: Amami X Ouma
Additional Tags: You'll be able to tell where I gave up, Kind of a plot twist at the end?
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2iMU2TE
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lucitrius · 4 years
•°☆°• Oumami week day 2: soulmates / talentswap •°☆°•
▪ word count: 1,721 ▪ content: spoilers for chapters 1 - 4, hints at chapter 5 ▪ monochromatic soulmate au ▪
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There was something missing, still. He had remembered so much since the game had begun, and yet he was still stumped as to why he felt like a chunk of his own heart was missing. They had used countless flashback lights by now, had so many discussions about their memories, and yet nothing was coming back to him. Ouma began to wonder if that was just how he was. If he had always felt this empty; this lonely. Perhaps he was just hyping himself up for a memory that would never come, so he had began crushing down his hopes not long after the first trial.
Trials. Iruma's trial was just minutes away, he was sure. They had been investigating for what seemed like days now, so it had to be, at least. As he followed Saihara around aimlessly, pointing out obvious clues but asking ridiculous questions about them, Ouma felt a pit in his stomach. He didn't want another execution, another corpse, another body needlessly tossed away like some scrapped wrapper. This whole game was disgusting, and he felt even worse to have basically dealt into the hand of the mastermind by asking Gokuhara to help him. Gokuhara is nearly an adult, so this was his choice. He chose to go through with this, he chose to kill. Or, at least, that's how he justified it in his head, but no matter the excuses he made for himself, he still felt completely and utterly guilty.
With the sickening chime of the announcement bell, Ouma stopped walking, watching as Saihara jolted uncomfortably. Of course he would be uncomfortable, each and every trial was basically laid out for him to carry on his own, aside from Ouma's occasional hidden aide. He suddenly wondered if Saihara ever felt guilty. 
The walk to the court room was filled with the usual hopeless chatter. "We'll make it out this time!" or "I'm sure this was justified…" and anything of the sort rung in his ears as his peers spoke around him. He narrowed his eyes at the elevator door as it slid shut, watching it buckle and shake as the carriage began its descent. He didn't want to do this.
It was only a matter of time until they came to the conclusion that Gokuhara was the culprit. Of course they did, no one would ever get away with murder as long as they had a detective in their ranks. He was practically fuming at how Gokuhara didn't seem to remember anything until his avatar self was provided. He was less so angry at the boy himself, but rather that even in his final moments he had to be so innocent. He committed murder- Ouma should detest him- and yet he was innocent. No, it wasn't even murder. It was protection. No one who defended the weak deserved to be punished, and yet Gokuhara was, right in front of everyone's regretful eyes. 
The somber grimace he wore during the execution just wasn't fitting for the character he played, thus it was quickly thrown aside for a calm grin. The others glared with disbelief at his continued "enjoyment" of this twisted excuse for a game.
He was hardly retaining any of the argument that they were having with him. It was his fault, he already knew that, he didn't need to be reminded of it. He was a disgusting freak of a person. He was guilty. And yet here he stood, alive and well with a chasm for a heart. None of the words thrown his way were really sticking, at least, not until Saihara near growled at him.
"You're alone, Ouma. And you always will be."
And so he remembered.
A soft breeze tussled Ouma's short, loose hair effortlessly. It knocked some of the sand from his head, but not much. He didn't mind, though. The sand beneath his feet was warm and welcoming after all, so he was much too distracted by the little pit he had dug to sit in to notice the bits on his scalp. His young eyes peered out at the ocean with endless curiosity, his fingers poking holes into the sand as he admired the horizon.
Ouma hit the ground with a thud, the skin on his palms scratching up as he braced himself. He sat up and ran his fingertips over the gravel left on his skin, wiping it away as he glanced above himself to the monkey bars he had fallen from. His grip was never strong enough to stay on past the second bar, but that was fine. His eyes fell back to his palms, watching as small bubbles of blood formed in a few deeper scratches. He stared momentarily before closing his hands and standing back up, running off to go clean them off. 
Waking up in a locker, Ouma reeled, hitting his head. He was tired and confused, and as the door clicked open without him doing so that was only boosted. He stumbled out, just barely catching himself on a desk before he tripped over his own feet. The boy opposite to him, who had made it to the ground with a sharp clanging noise, was peculiar enough to catch his attention, but after their interaction with some other students he left to go meet the others on his own. Ouma watched him leave the classroom without a word, his hands clasped behind his neck. He was about to go out and leave as well before a taller student caught the door and peered inside. He smiled upon seeing Ouma, walking in and letting the door slide closed.
Rantarou Amami. He was an interesting character, for sure. They certainly weren't good friends at first, but as time passed and they took more time to investigate as a pair, they at least were talking casually. 
They were sitting in Amami's room as per usual, since Ouma more than often picked his lock instead of inviting him to talk normally. Their conversation had been focused on the mastermind, but after a while they found themselves focused on each other. It wasn't uncommon, and somehow Ouma didn't hate it. It was comfortable to have someone there for once.
"...or am I wrong, Ouma?" 
He looked up at the mention of his name, cracking his knuckles absentmindedly. "Hm?"
Amami laughed warmly, shaking his head. "I guess you weren't listening to me. Ah well, wasn't anything important."
Ouma smiled cheekily, sitting up on his knees to slap his shoulder. "Nothing ever is with you!" he whined. "Amami is so secretive…"
"And you're not?" he teased, reaching up to knock Ouma's hand out of the way. As the back of his hand touched to the other boy's fingers, they were both blasted with a whirlpool of… something. The room around them was suddenly a cooler tone than before, the highlights against some of the wood now a bright, warm hue. Ouma's eyes were wide as he stared around the room, only to land on the other before him. He looked… so vibrant. Amami was staring at him with the same bewildered look on his face, but neither of them spoke. This was new territory for both of them, and neither of them knew what was going on in the slightest.
He realized then that all of the memories he could recall of his childhood, albeit not many at all, were unmistakably bland. They were grey scale scenes. The only way he could decipher the ocean from the sand and the blood from his skin being the contrast in tones, and he had been foolish enough to think it beautiful. But this- Amami's desaturated dyed hair, his eyes which were now much brighter than before, his warm skin- it was so much better.
Ouma remembered yet another scene. He kicked his legs impatiently on his chair as his teacher finally got up from her desk to talk to him. They had been reading a book in class, and the plot was just horribly confusing to him. Why were the characters talking about colours? What in the world were colours? She kept him after class when he had brought it up, which he thought to be simultaneously really annoying and pretty weird. 
He didn't believe it, at first. Soulmates were a ridiculous concept, and how had he only just been hearing about it in his first year of high school? But with a bit of consideration, he could recall it being a constant discussion throughout his life that he just always assumed was something he didn't know- a show, a book, or something. Having a soulmate sounded… nice. He smiled at the thought, leaving the classroom without another word. 
The aching hole in his heart and the never ending feeling of loneliness only worsened as they suddenly made sense.
Ouma stood before the remaining students of the killing game with wide eyes, tears threatening to build at his waterline before he blinked them back. He made quick work of getting himself out of the trial room before absolutely breaking down on the elevator ride up. How could he have forgotten that he had a soulmate? How, and why, just when he managed to meet him did he forget that? 
As soon as he made it back to his dorm, he locked the door as tightly as possible, and sat at the desk by his wall. He held his head in his hands and clutched his hair tightly, eyes fixed to the greyscale wood under his elbows. It was gone as fast as it had appeared. Just a moment of beauty in all of his life, snuffed out carelessly like an old candle who's wick finally burned out. Hearing the few footsteps in the hall finally die out as the last of the others made it to their respective rooms, Ouma sat up. 
His hands were a light shade of grey as well, just as everything else was, even the binded pages that he grabbed which he remembered to be red- not that he knew the name of the colour. He only allowed himself a few hours of sleep during the mornings of the next few days. He didn't want to waste too much of the time that he could spend working. This script had to be perfect, after all.
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