#otherwise Megs would literally drown in his own blood that turned corrosive since Liege dealt with so much poison
witchofthesouls · 26 days
If I could write the 13 I would have them on a complete different level of power than modern Cybertronians. For example Megatron shooting say Liege Maximo with his fusion cannon and it not even scratching him. Liege Maximo just looking at Megatron with a bored expression and saying: "Are you quite done? Got that out of your system"?
Ayyyy, I know what you mean!
If there's one thing Bayverse did get right, besides Optimus' bod and the bondage scene, then it's the power discrepancy between the Ancient Primes and their descendants/modern Primes.
Personally, I like to think that the Primal Artifacts of Aligned verse are actually OP and god-tiered. The problem is that the Artifacts aren't fully utilized and the modern-day Cybertronians don't even realize it. You got the Autobots and the Decepticons going ga-ga over like 10% of their capacity. While I do believe Optimus is a true Prime, he's not a fully awakened one since Alpha Trion and the Matrix from Prima's own personal weapon messed with his own connection.
Those are the personal weaponry of the Thirteen, so would it be a surprise if there's some sort of sentience?
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