#ortecho sisters
dr-lizortecho · 8 months
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“But then, eventually, I started to hope I'd dream of you. They felt like little visits.”
I think we could live forever in each other's faces 'cause I always see my youth in you, and if we don't live forever, maybe one day we'll trade places, darling, you will bury me before I bury you
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myrmidryad · 7 months
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Practical Necromantic Cell Manipulation
Almost as a joke, Max asked, “Liz, did you and Rosa kill Noah Bracken?” “Oh yeah.” She raised an eyebrow, daring him to comment. “Twice, actually.”
For RIP Roswell Day Three, Crystal Ball: hocus pocus, tricks and treats, mystical abilities and connections, transformations and charms, tarot and palm reading, covens and familiars
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gra-sonas · 2 years
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Sheriff Jeanine and Deputy Amber behind the scenes of 4x09 🤠
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bisexualalienss · 1 year
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Roswell, New Mexico | 4.07 "Dig Me Out"
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isbelevans · 2 years
Rosa mentioned in the 4x07 synopsis I have missed you so much <3 
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malex-crack · 1 year
Little short fic 💖
In my malex feels💖
"He's not going to come."
"Yes he will. Just give it time, Iz." Max said, watching the Crashdown doors.
Isobel scoffed, shaking her head, "It's almost 8 Max. We have a curfew. He was supposed to be here 4 hours ago. The Ortecho sisters are looking at us like we're crazy."
Max sighed ignoring his sister, keeping his eyes on the door. He knows he should probably give up but he just couldn't. He had a feeling Michael would come." He's coming, I'm sure of it."
It wasn't until 8:30 that Michael finally walked through the door. Max perked up, immediately waving him over, "Told ya so." He muttered to Isobel.
She rolled her eyes, plastering her signature smile on her face as she elbowed him hard.
Michael sighed, seeing them. It was obvious he was hoping it was too late. But he made his way over anyway. Before he could reach the booth he ran into Alex Manes making them both fall to the floor.
Max sat up more ready to get up and help. Michael cursed silently, immediately getting up and helping the other boy stand to his feet.
Max watched, his worry quickly switching over to curiosity.
Michael paused, catching Alex's eye, "Uh.. I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention."
Alex smiled brightly, " It's okay. I wasn't either to be honest."
Michael bit his lip smiling, nodding. Max watched as a blush crept up on both boys' cheeks. Turning to Isobel, he could tell she noticed the same thing. When he looked back, they parted ways. Alex goes back to the counter to Liz, Rosa and Maria and Michael finally makes it to the booth.
Max watched the two for the rest of the night. Both catching each other's eyes, over and over again. Michaels smile made an appearance anytime Alex laughed across the diner.
He wasn't sure what to make of any of it but it felt like the beginning.
19 Years Later……
Max smiled watching his brother on the dance floor, holding Alex Guerin swaying gently. A thrill went up his spin at the thought of someone else, so close to his brother sharing his name. Someone he can start a family with, someone to call home.
Isobel joined him, leaning against the counter and stealing his drink. After taking a sip, she spoke fondly, " Did you ever think back then that one moment in the diner would lead to this?"
Max smiled, knowing exactly what she was talking about. He watched Michaels smile when Alex whispered something in his ear. "Maybe, somewhere deep down. I knew that it would lead to something."
Isobel smiled, softly leaning into his side before going to Kyle and pulling him onto the dance floor beside Michael and Alex. Liz walked to him with a smile, pulling him along to the dance floor. Max happily took her in his arms, casting one last look at Michael. Seeing him smile and laugh along with Alex. It made something ease in him. The protective brother from back then that only ever wanted to give him a home.
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manesalex · 1 year
nothing starts without you (we become the stories we’ve always wanted): chapter 3/3
When Alex’s former bandmate, Rosa Ortecho, asks him to write a song to help kickstart her solo career, Alex finds himself struggling to write anything at all. Until, that is, he meets Michael Guerin. Or, a loose Music and Lyrics AU. for @alex-guerin @malexsanta​
Warnings for suggestive comments, references to past abuse, and references to addiction. Not Maria Deluca friendly.
“I love it!” Rosa responds immediately after hearing the part of the song that Michael and Alex have finished. She turns to Michael, “You’re sure you’re okay with me singing it? I mean, you’ll be getting royalties and everything for it, but I know that some writers can have an issue with someone else being the face of their material.”
Alex is so grateful Rosa understands without him having had to say anything about it. He had always been relieved to have her be the face of his songs, to be able to distance himself publicly from his own experiences, but he’s so glad she realizes that Michael may not feel the same way.
“No one wants to hear me sing,” Michael laughs. “As long as you’re crediting me, I’d love to get my work out there.”
“I think a lot of artists will be calling you up and asking you to write for them once this one gets out,” Rosa grins. “Thank you.”
Michael is about to speak when his phone rings. He quickly excuses himself.
And Alex really shouldn’t be surprised with how quickly Rosa takes advantage of the opening, like she’s been itching for the opportunity to interfere in his personal life. “He’s hot,” she says, elbowing Alex.
“I didn’t think he was your type,” Alex replies, being deliberately obtuse. He knows she can read his feelings all over his face. He may be able to hide them from Michael, but Rosa has known him since he was a child and has witnessed every crush he’s ever had.
“You should ask him out,” Rosa ignores the comment.
“I’m pretty sure he’s straight,” Alex admits. “And he used to date Maria Deluca. I’m pretty sure that, even if he were into guys, she put him off of musicians.”
Rosa frowns, takes a moment before saying, “You deserve to be happy, Alex. If anyone deserves to be loved, it’s you. I think you should see if he’d be interested. But, even if he isn’t, I really wish you’d let someone in.”
Alex is about to object when Michael returns. He turns to Alex immediately, saying, “My sister wanted me to invite you to dinner. Tonight. Assuming you’re free?” He almost sounds hopeful.
“I’ve got plans with Kyle,” Alex responds, tone apologetic. “Or I would.” He may have spent the entire day with Michael, but that isn’t nearly enough. Not for him. Alex may have just met him, but he’s pretty sure he’d happily spend the rest of his life with Michael.
“I’m sure Isobel would be happy to have him join us too,” Michael replies. He looks down before meeting Alex’s eyes, “She’s kind of been a fan since your first album. I’m pretty sure she won’t forgive me if she misses her chance to meet you.”
And that explains it. Michael is just a good brother who is trying to make his sister happy. Of course that’s all this is. “Yeah, I think I can talk Kyle into that.”
“Good,” Michael grins at him. Alex feels his heart swell in spite of himself. He’s so screwed.
Michael isn’t sure whether his sister was flirting more with Alex or Kyle during dinner. So, when he gets her alone in the kitchen, he says, “You know he’s gay, right?”
“Kyle too?” Isobel sounds disappointed. “I mean, I’d be happy to think about those two hooking up because, wow. There has to be something in the water in this town. They’re both way too hot. And those cheekbones!”
“No, Alex. I’ve known Kyle about as long as you have.”
“Of course I know Alex is gay. And I wouldn’t pursue someone you’re making actual hearteyes at anyway.”
“I’m not-”
Isobel cuts him off, “Michael, I’ve known you my whole life. And I’ve never seen you look at someone like that. Like you’re imagining your wedding to him.”
“He’s way out of my league, Isobel,” Michael argues.
“Did he say that?” Isobel asks, sounding like she already knows the answer. “Look, I know Maria did a number on you, but that man has been returning your adoring looks all night and it would actually be kinda sickening if I didn’t have Kyle here to look at instead.”
“You really think he’d be interested in me?” Michael asks. He knows it’s not a good idea and is sure he wouldn’t survive Alex realizing that Michael isn’t good enough for him, but he can’t help but want it anyway.
“Yes, Michael. He’s obviously interested in you. And I think you should go for it. Tonight, ideally. Leave me alone with the sexy doctor.” Isobel’s grin is positively evil. And, in spite of himself, Michael really wants to take her advice.
“Drive you home?” Michael offers in little over a whisper. And Alex wants this to be more than it is, just the friendly offer from the man who drove them both here.
“You do know I’ve been staying with Kyle, right?” Alex asks, giving Michael the option to rescind the polite offer.
“Yeah, I know,” Michael replies, perfectly calmly. “Did you want to wait to get a ride home with him or would you rather let me drive you home?”
Alex is pretty sure he takes far too long to respond. “Let me get my jacket.”
Michael just holds it out to him and waits as Alex puts it on, offering his hand to Alex to help him up.
Alex considers for a moment, but takes it. And then, to his surprise, Michael doesn’t let go, simply leads him toward the front door, shouting, “See you tomorrow, Is!”
“Have fun!” she shouts back. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
“Is there anything you wouldn’t do?” Michael shouts at her.
They’re out the door before Isobel can reply.
Before they reach his truck, Michael stops them in the middle of the sidewalk, hand still holding Alex’s. He looks like he’s about to speak and Alex is absolutely certain that, whatever he says, it will kill the fragile bit of hope that’s building inside of him. The hope that, just maybe, Michael might want him after all.
And, suddenly, Michael’s lips are pressed against his and it feels like time stops, like nothing exists outside of the man in front of him, the way his lips are parting, the way his free hand presses against Alex’s lower back, pulling him closer, kissing Alex like he’s precious, like he cares about him more than anyone ever has.
Michael pulls away a couple of inches and Alex opens his eyes to see Michael’s already focused on his own eyes.
And then Michael smiles at him like he’s feeling everything Alex is feeling, like he’s jumped off the edge of a cliff only to start to fly.
The last week has been the best week of Michael’s life, waking up next to Alex, getting to kiss him awake, to spend hours in bed, kissing and talking and exploring each others’ bodies. They’ve been taking time to write together as well and, really, every moment Michael spends with Alex, no matter what they’re doing, makes Michael feel happier than he’s ever felt before.
Sadly, he hasn’t been working on Alex’s cabin, but he spends every hour he’s at work counting down to the moment he can be with Alex again.
Tonight, however, he’s going to Rosa’s concert. Alex has some kind of surprise for him and he can’t wait to see whatever it is. Some small part of him hopes he’s going to see Alex get onstage with Rosa to play their song.
He and Isobel get to their seats in the front row, but, to his surprise, Isobel isn’t even looking up from her phone to tease him about how he’d disappeared for the last week.
“Who’s got you so distracted?” he finally asks.
“Kyle,” Isobel admits. Michael is pretty sure she’s actually blushing. “He’s really hot. And a surprisingly generous lover. He went down on me for-”
“Isobel! I don’t want to hear about your sex life!” he objects quickly.
“Your loss,” she shrugs. “You could learn some things.”
“Nothing I’d want to learn,” he replies.
“What about you?” she asks. “Been too busy in Alex Manes’s bed to give me the details?”
“He’s amazing,” Michael smiles. “He’s so kind and smart and-”
“Those aren’t the details I’m looking for,” Isobel tells him.
“I’m not describing his dick to you,” Michael shakes his head.
“You’re no fun!” she pouts for a moment before breaking into a smile. “Seriously though. I’m glad you’re happy. You deserve someone who treats you well.”
“Thanks. So do you.”
He’s incredibly grateful that the house lights lower, preventing Isobel from sharing more unsolicited details about her sex life.
Rosa walks out onstage, grabbing the mic, waiting until the cheers die down. And then she speaks. “I know you were expecting to just see me tonight, but I have a friend here and he’s going to sing a song he wrote first, if you’re all okay with that.”
The crowd cheers, but Michael’s heart drops. A song Alex wrote. Not that they wrote together. He had really thought Alex was so much better than that, so much kinder, that he could trust him. He can’t believe he opened his heart up, that he finally took a chance on someone, only for this to happen again.
He stumbles up the aisle, desperate to get out, to get away from the crowd.
Everything sounds like he’s underwater and he’s pretty sure he’s crying. Until Alex’s voice breaks through all of it.
It’s not the song they’d written. He stops still, turns around to see Alex sitting with his guitar, strumming it and singing into the mic. Singing something Michael has never heard before.
It’s raw and lovely and more vulnerable than anything Michael had heard from him or Rosa before. It’s the most beautiful song Michael has ever heard in his life.
He’s still crying, but no longer tears from a broken heart. The crowd fades away and it’s like it’s just Alex singing directly to him, letting him know about all of his insecurities and fears and hopes.
And, yeah, Michael is definitely in love with this man.
Alex’s eyes find him and he smiles hopefully at Michael and all Michael can do is nod in response.
Alex’s responding grin is brighter than the sun.
Michael’s eyes don’t leave Alex until he’s done with the song and off the stage entirely. And then Michael rushes toward the door, flashing the backstage pass Alex had given him at the guard, desperate to see Alex.
He finds Alex standing backstage in a dressing room, looking like he’s worrying about something.
Michael wants to reassure him, to let him know that there’s no reason for concern. “That was amazing.”
“You really think so?” Alex asks. “It wasn’t too much?” It almost sounds to Michael like he’s asking if he’s too much, if all the vulnerabilities he shared in his song are too much for Michael.
“Yeah. You’re amazing.” He wishes he could show Alex what he sees when he looks at him, how truly gorgeous he is, how amazed Michael is that his heart is still so beautiful after everything he’s gone through. “When did you find the time to write that?”
Alex blushes, looking at the floor, “When you were working.”
Michael steps right in front of him, hand on his jaw, tilting it up so he’s looking Michael in the eye. And all he can do is tell Alex exactly how he feels, even if it’s too soon. “I love you.”
Alex takes a moment to respond, looks like he can’t quite believe his ears. And then he’s smiling and saying, “I love you too.”
They’re both quiet for a moment before Alex realizes, “You’re going to miss Rosa singing your song.”
Michael just shrugs, “Doesn’t matter. I’d rather be here with you.” And it’s true. Before he met Alex, Michael had so desperately wanted to hear his songs sung for crowds of people who all knew he wrote them. But now he’s happy just to be here with Alex.
Alex grabs his hand and Michael smiles in response, intertwining their fingers and squeezing Alex’s hand. And then Alex leads Michael to the stage, right outside of the audience’s view. “Now you can have both,” he says so quietly that only Michael can hear his voice. “You shouldn’t miss this.”
Rosa is standing there in front of the crowd, “This next song was written by Alex and a man named Michael Guerin. I think you’re going to hear a lot of his work in the years to come. Maybe you’re already familiar with some of his stuff.”
Alex seems to anticipate Michael’s question, because, when Michael turns to him for answers, he says, “You’re talented. And you have a very distinctive voice. Rosa figured it out on her own.” And Michael finds himself relieved by that answer, by the knowledge that maybe Maria hasn’t fully gotten away with stealing his work, that maybe people will figure out the truth on their own, without him needing to prove a thing.
Alex gave him that. And so much more than he ever knew he wanted.
Michael turns back toward the stage, watching Rosa sing the song he wrote with Alex, the song that brought the man beside him into his life. He’s not sure if he’s ready for the attention that Rosa implied he’ll be receiving soon, but he knows he’ll be able to handle it, as long as Alex is here at his side.
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youngsamberg · 2 years
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the ortecho sisters + armor
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dr-lizortecho · 2 months
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“You're just a dumb boy. And Liz doesn't need any of that, all right? She's gonna leave. She's gonna be somebody. She's gonna forget this small town and all of its small people.”
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voidsteffy · 1 year
2,10, and 23 for the salty asks <3
omg i think you're gonna regret asking me, because this is so long 😬
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Nancy Drew - Bess and Odette. She barely knew the lady! Give my queen some recovery period from her *ehm* HUNDRED YEARS OF TRAUMA before wanting to jump the bones of the body she's possessing RNM - It's weird, but Max and Anatsa. I could never picture them, even as a fling. TVD - Jeremy and Bonnie. when they were together, it was actually an illegal ship y'all. Jeremy was 16, and Bonnie was 18-19. I really wished they'd just bonded as a human connection to Elena and not... yk, ghost-shagged each other Gilmore Girls - LANE AND ZACH. where did they even come from? out of thin air that's where. Lane deserved her happy ending with Dave Rygalski and I will die on this hill. Teen Wolf - (brace yourself) Lydia and Parrish. Malia and Parrish. Melissa and Argent. wtf? at this point I'm pretty sure Jeff Davis just played chits and picked his ships randomly. All of Parrish's ships are ew (that's just his luck unfortunately) and Melissa with Peter would have been the best choice are you kidding me? ARGENT AND MELISSA'S KIDS WERE TOGETHER, and not even fwb-together. like SOULMATE together! Grey's Anatomy - Addison and Alex. They couldn't cash in major potential there. She was the right amount of bitchy to get him off his macho ass. Not everyone has to sleep with everyone Miss Shonda! Also, Teddy and Owen. They're best as friends, because (i hate to admit this) Teddy was right in s18 (was it 19, i think it was 19?) when she told Link to stay away from Jo because marrying best friends and then hating them in marriage is sad.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
RNM - Again, the Max-Anatsa storyline. It's like, again, they played chits with who she should be with. My Max is not the one-night stand kinda guy (which I'm proud of, representation of my soul) and him sleeping with Anatsa and then just dropping her is WACKY. Isobel and Anatsa were so much better, and had good development Nancy Drew - Park's arc. The writers had the potential in their very hands and chucked it themselves. Park as the ISM/FHK would have made so much sense, it would have been the best direction for his appearance. TVD - The entire Alaric x Caroline thing. HATED THAT. HATED THAT the way Ashley Ippolito hates Nate Jacobs. He's like 15 years older than her and IS HER BEST FRIEND'S STEPDAD. And the Alaric and Stefan pissing contest for Caroline. Dear writers you didn't give Caroline Forbes the Elle Woods arc she deserved to put her in this dump of a situation! Gilmore Girls - Married Dean cheating thing. "He's MY Dean" Rory honey go touch some grass and juggle some balls. He's fucking married and as your mother once said "Solidarity Sister". Lindsey wasn't all that bad, and she definitely deserved better than being cheated on at the age of 19. Teen Wolf - Argent and Melissa. Explained above. Notice how in the movie, Argent and Melissa didn't really have any romantic/close scene without a third wheel (thank God)? It's like Jeff Davis finally realized that oh shit, aren't their respective kids the main reason this all started? Grey's Anatomy - Jackson and Maggie. Just— NO.
23. Unpopular character you love?
Nancy Drew - everyone loves everyone in this one. so I can't really say anything divergent RNM - i think we love everyone right? TVD - VIncent Griffith (does he count? idk but I love his humor and badassery). Oh, and also Valerie Tulle. She was sweet while she lasted wasn't she? I honestly saw more in Stellerie than in Steroline (why you booing me when I'm right!) Gilmore Girls - Lindsey. Just because her taste in music is different from Rory and Jess's, doesn't mean she's not a good human. She tried so much to keep her marriage afloat, and I've never seen her be rude like Rory to Shane. Grey's Anatomy - Sam Bello (basically foetus Liz Ortecho) because she's the sweetest most bubbly thing after firecrackers in honey.
thanks for the ask man, omg i love being salty
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gra-sonas · 2 years
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NYC tea time with the Ortecho sisters 😍
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bisexualalienss · 1 year
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4.13 "How's It Going To Be?"
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thesquidkid · 2 years
all across the alien nation
Written for day 3 of @rosaweekend22 (with inspirations from day 2). A look into Rosa's mind, her feelings, and what kind of friend she was, before she died. What kind of friend she became when she came back to life.
Huge thank you to @gritkitty, for reading over my fic, correcting the spelling mistakes, and for encouraging me to write more dialogues!
Since this is a fic that is mostly from Rosa's pov, I have to warn you about certain themes in this fic: drug use and underage drinking, mind control (Noah), death (Rosa), depression.
Rosa Ortecho never fit in Roswell. From a very early age, she was different, and she knew it. She was always compared to her little sister, Liz. The two girls had very little in common: Liz was smart, top of her class, Rosa didn’t even want to stay at school. Liz was happy, Rosa was sad. 
One thing about Rosa was that she really, really liked her little sister's friends. She would never dare say it to them, of course not, but she tried to show it the best way she could. She promised herself that she would be like their big sister, and she intended to keep her word. 
First, there was Maria DeLuca, who Liz befriended in 1st grade. Maria was the daughter of Mimi DeLuca, who was the town psychic, and got lots of side looks and insults in doing so. Rosa didn't particularly believe in everything Mimi said, but she made sure that no one would dare say anything terrible to Mimi. She also made sure to be there for Maria, for whom the responsibility of taking care of Mimi fell upon. 
Since Mimi worked evenings at a cowboy bar, the Wild Pony, Maria ended up spending a lot of nights with the Ortecho's. That meant that, as the older sister, Rosa was responsible for both girls going to bed early. If one of them had a nightmare, Rosa would be the first one up, calming the younger girl down before her papi could wake up. 
Alex Manes entered Rosa's life in 3rd grade, after Alex's mother, Mindy, left.
Rosa knew a thing or two about mother's leaving. Her's had come and gone quite a few times in Rosa's ten years of life. So when one night Liz asked their papi if Alex could stay the night, because his dad was away on a work trip, and his mom was gone, Rosa instantly knew that she would adopt Alex as a younger sibling. She had always wanted a brother after all. 
But befriending Alex, meant also being friends with Alex's best friend, Kyle Valenti. They were always together at the playground, sitting next to each other in class, always running around, pretending to be detectives. 
They did actually manage to solve quite a few mysteries together. First, there had been the missing shoe, which they had found in the boy's toilets, under the sink, and that belonged to a 1st grader. Then, proud of having found the missing shoe, they had tried a go at harder mysteries. Like the missing backpack, which actually got them into more trouble, as the 5th grader it belonged to specifically didn't want his bag to be found. 
Rosa had punched the kid and gotten into quite a lot of trouble, but it had been worth it. No one could be mean to her friends, without facing the consequences – her fist.
Continue on AO3
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maxortecho · 2 years
I love the indication that Max and Rosa are basically equal level of worry and love for Liz. That's Liz's triad right there.
The way that Rosa sought out Max first for a Liz issue— 🥹
Ok but actually. I love the idea of Liz/Max moving and Rosa staying with them for a while. Ortecho sisters bonding and Rosa gradually becoming friends with Max.
The joint creative energy of Rosa and Max at home while Liz is out making bank at work lol. Rosa being a brutal editor of Max’s writing/stories (but also her advice is genuinely good and she’s putting thoughtful effort into it) while he’s lovingly crafting handmade frames of her favourite art pieces of hers.
Liz leaving her sterile lab with the bland walls and weird chemical smells after a long day at work and coming home to colour and excitement and delicious smelling dinner being cooked.
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Revised Textual Analysis Blog Post
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The media is often criticized for their lack of representation and portrayal of members of the Latinx community, but there is a point where the misrepresentation outweighs the lack thereof. Throughout popular television shows, specifically in young adult dramas like Roswell, New Mexico, there is often a character fulfilling the "spicy Latina" trope. This damaging stereotype of a hypersexualized, temperamental Latina women, surpasses the positive connotation of a femme fatale. The poor representation limits the potential of what a Latina character can be. The lack of fluidity is damaging to the developing minds of young girls who see these one-dimensional characters and believe their worth to be their sex appeal. With CW's drama Roswell, New Mexico, the audience is receiving the long awaited variety they deserve. The progressive showrunners have not only created a Hispanic protagonist, Liz Ortecho, but one whose character surpasses her racial identity. Rather than adjusting to the media's "sexy Latina" trope, Roswell, New Mexico leads in the progressive direction by creating a multi-dimensional protagonist and breaking stereotypes to promote better representation. 
According to the media's portrayal, most Latina characters have their defining attributes laid out before any character development or backstory. Debra Merkin presents these traits, "Stereotypical behavioral characteristics assigned to Latinas include ‘‘addictively romantic, sensual, sexual, and even exotically dangerous’’ (Mastro & Behm-Morawitz, 2005, p. 125), self-sacrificing, dependent, powerless, sexually naïve, childlike, pampered, and irresponsible" (Merskin). Some stereotypes include positive interpretations but Merskin strays from any ambiguity that Latina women are given fair representation. Roswell, New Mexico slashes this misconception by revolving Liz's attributes around her occupation as a scientist. Not only does Liz overtly excel at her research and discoveries, but she is constantly credited for her superior intelligence by anyone who knows her.  
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Her personality can be characterized as nerdy; alluded to by her unpopularity in high school and socially awkwardness. This differs with that of a "spicy Latina" who is often shown as a failure in school and is excused by her ability to sleep with the right people. Everything she's accumulated job-wise has been credited to her own intellect. Contradicting the sexist and misconceiving trope of "sleeping to the top", Liz never even attempted immorally using her seductive attempts to succeed.  
Though we can applaud Liz's character for her modern persona, other Latinx characters in the show are not represented in the same positive light but rather regress in terms of stereotypes. Liz's sister Rosa is painted as a drub-obsessed teen who is boy-crazy, misbehaves, and spends her free time vandalizing the town of Roswell. These negative qualities all align with the damaging misconceptions about immigrant families living in America. She may not coincide with the harmful "spicy Latina" trope, but her character definitely proves toxic to the Latinx community. 
Th complexity of Liz's character create a positive representation to encourage future diversity for Latinx characters in the media and serves as inspiration for younger audiences. Every little girl should have ample opportunity to find actresses who look like them and align with their culture. But it shouldn't have to end there; there should be a variety of characters who reach success and prosperity through numerous pathways in life. They should see that they can be anything, a doctor, a professor, and now with Roswell, New Mexico, a scientist. 
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youngsamberg · 2 years
the end of 308 is literally perfect. ortecho sister bonding, celebrating maria’s bravery, malex kiss, isobel and maria, and isobel and liz drinking wine together. i literally could not ask for anything more it is just such a comforting final act
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