#orotika keji
cruciferous-spatula · 7 months
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Late night nonsense with the Nubbes. Spot is still out a-haunting
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Go away Inti >:(
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So stacked beds can cause some issues with the kids waking up at the same time, unless the beds are facing opposite directions. Smooth as butter.
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Miretsi's a mean girl.
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Bierdna to the rescue! The 'torment' interaction from AL is seriously underrated, the animations are just great
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Ok let's try to talk this out. Miretsi, are you upset with Eallin because your mom lives with her now?
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Meanwhile Rieban makes a friend in this cool older girl Aroha. Also hi Orotika
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Gaem. Pls :(
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Miretsi! Poor Eallin :(
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and that's where we leave these guys for now
And that's the end of round 13! the round in which the oldest gen 2 child reached adulthood. Which means the next round is the beginning of the Roman stage, which requires a bit of setting up as we're changing the whole structure of society, and a lot of sims will be moving into new homes that'll have to be built, along with the new community lots, so buckle up for a lot of wip-posts in the next few days
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cruciferous-spatula · 7 months
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It's plague time at the pond dwelling
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but it's also strawberry season! Johka doesn't love having to work more to make up for Idja and Ulli being stuck in bed, but their reduced appetites also mean more strawberries for him!
And it's a very good thing, because Johka's a growing boy
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He grew up with a tan, and it seems to have mapped weird on his new frame :) that'll fade but hey, maybe he has late onset vitiligo, who's to say
His new haircut shows off his elf ears because YAAASS
and also
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The next day, at the beach
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Oh no, Johka has an eye for the girl his brother has an ever fonder eye for! But so far she seems less than impressed
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Ditto with Didan for Inti. Might be that his wife was on the lot at the time, he's agreed to stupider things before, but yeah, what were you thinking Inti? And just when things are almost working out with your ex as well. Good thing Entzu wasn't here to see this foolishness
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Inti's daughter Poza makes a friend in Ulli over sandcastling
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Elsewhere, both Doaivu and Ausarta get fit by splashing around in various bodies of water
How does that work with the hot spring? Can I get in peak shape just sitting in the bath for a while?
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On the way home, Johka meets another girl who is also super cute
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And now she knows how ticklish he is, oh nooo
sorry to say we gotta leave them there for now. moar soon!
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cruciferous-spatula · 9 months
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part 2 of round 13 with the Keta family, featuring toddler spam because Yiyara is being pwecious
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Told ya.
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With everyone's eyes on her baby sister, Nifesi discovers a passion in life, one she shares with both her parents
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Yeah, not a day goes by without relatives visiting :)
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boomp #2!
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I'll cut it there for today :P
sorry these posts are getting short! Once more uni work is eating my time, life and self and, full disclosure, I cue these and then don't play for ages so, it there's a temporal gap between posts that's why
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cruciferous-spatula · 9 months
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Keji household, round 13 part one. Sanma spends most of her time weeding the garden, Oye and Ori spend theirs being my nightmares, and their cat Dudders is basically just around
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Their cousin Para likes to visit because there's tons of tiny babies here. Here she's holding Rawakore, one of the youngests. That's right, here we have twin toddlers AND twin babies. Joyy..
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And their mama Orotika is raising them all by herself, so helpful nieces and other relatives are very appreciated.
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Though some, like her bro Harikoa here, are just too busy being hawt to help
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Ori to the rescue! While he's kept busi with uncle Hari, Tika can grab a bite to eat.
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Keeping the crops happy is a lot of work, so mama needs to give Sanma a hand every once in a while as well
But that's about to change, as the toddlers are growing finally!
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Yay! They look so cute and a lot like their poor dad (RIP Ife)
that concludes part 1 :)
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cruciferous-spatula · 9 months
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Just off the coast of Moon Islands, a strange creature dwells in the waves
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lmao I got you! it's only Miharo Tuatoru, a sim who Loves To Swim.
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Uncle Tapu and aunt Luma won't let her swim too far from land, but otherwise they encourage her healthy hobby
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not least because it gets her out of the house so they can pursue their, uh, hobby
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Why hello there Harikoa
Later, birthday happens
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Tomuritanga's growing up straight up handsome, if I do say so myself
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Ditto for baby sis Wuruhi
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and that's it for now from here
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cruciferous-spatula · 9 months
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Hi and welcome to round 12: Tuawha segment! Part one. I've honestly missed these guys. It's wild how chill it is to play a reasonably sized household now.
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Tapu welcomes new puppy Tipper to the family. His visiting niece Moemoea looks less than impressed.
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That evening, baby boy Tomuritanga grows
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And so does Miharo!
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For some reason I decided this called for experimental gimpery, pls don't judge
and here's her post-makeover look
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She did this thing a few times where she tilts her head to the right slightly while looking at people or stuff? so to me that's part of her personality now.
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Tommy's doing great with learning all his toddler skills and stuff
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and that's a good thing because he's about to not be the littlest family member anymore!
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Welcome Wuruhi!
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Also Tipper adulted
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the kids made some friends
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and that's all for part 1
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cruciferous-spatula · 9 months
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Round 12 Tuarua household part 3. Quite a short part 3 but it will have to do. The family tries to move on from losing Lorea in the last segment
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Helpful neighbors and relatives visit...
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Teina got bigger
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but as Aroha finds out, just as ticklish as her toddler self
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And we close out with Pua and Maru. His expression is so tender here.
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
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short part 3 with the Ketas, featuring shenanigans. Yeah it looks weird because height disparity, but Imole just threw her entire self into Harikoa's arms... yeah they're both in open marriages but surely that's a little forward
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Yeah idk what problem Otia's having with Moemoea either
next morning
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Otia had puppies! They're very similar looking but Ocker's the one with the lighter grey snout
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Harikoa agrees to take the puppies' grandma Mips off our hands, and even pays for the privilege
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5 dogs is more than plenty for me. I'll probably get neighbors to take the puppies next round
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Nifesi meets another uncle. She has a lot of them, even with 2 of them gone prematurely :P
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Her parents, meanwhile, are... busy...
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I do like the doggies make no mistake.
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And the last 2 pics from the last morning of the round.
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
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Keta household now, featuring house, which I made subtle changes to since last time, yay
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Also since last time, there's an addition to the family in the form of this very sweet but not all there pup called Otia.
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There's 4 entire tiny dogs here now, two of whom apparently hate each other? This is a full on brawl between mother and son, Mips and Mucker respectively.
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Waiata is into it, but the rest of us are a lil worried
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Mommy Mips shows the lil mucker what's what
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The bad weather got the better of Didan and he didn't make it to the little boy's room in time :( sorry dude!
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Obviously he needed a bath after that, and he broke the tub. Waiata, also wanting a bath, has the skills to fix it, if he'll ever stop crying for a second to move out the bloody way
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The next morning we welcome EVEN MORE doggies! Yay! One of em really just hit the ground running there
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Only now it occurs to me that I could've named Tips 'Tick' and it'd make these names more... symmetrical? i don't even know what i mean by that but
Hey didn't these people use to have a baby
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Nifesi's around, being a baby and not very much work at all. The difficulty spike between baby and toddler in the game is ridiculous I gotta say
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Also there's even more baby yet to come
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As much as I love little doggies, I don't love having 6 at once... so the puppies were given new homes. Tipper went over to live with the Tuawhas, Tips with the Nubbes
Nifesi's been unreasonably chill so far, but the time soon comes to spike that difficulty
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She's cute at least. Soon as you get that terrible suit off her :P
part 2 coming soon
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
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Evening with the Keji household, featuring cat hijinks. Dudders is good at hunting vermin, but won't eat it and hasn't warmed to cat food either... he prefers turkey.
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The following morning... all is quiet and normal, until the ladies finish their work in the garden for a nap inside, and Ife gets dinner started
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oh no.
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The early attempts to put the fire out is what I'll argue saved the cats, and all the half dozen randos who ran into the fire just to see what was up
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But fire spreads insanely fast and Ife is overwhelmed
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I couldn't save him :(
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But I saved his family. by locking the door so they couldn't run out of the room they were already in to look at the fire and get caught in it
Because that fire went on for hours even after Ife was gone
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And don't worry, not one of the damn fools that ran up to the flames just to shout and flail even caught fire, don't ask me how that works. They just flailed for a bit and then noped outta there
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Their cat Piggy noped out as well :(
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Eventually the fire dies out, having wrecked their entire cooking and dining area
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Sanma and Tika try to comfort each other, but damn, they're kind of screwed now with the twins about to enter toddlerhood
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Oh yeah, and that 😬
more to come..
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cruciferous-spatula · 10 months
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It is a mighty fine morning at the seaside dwelling, with clear skies and still waters. Ahoy matey!
Mini-parter this time, I ran out of images allowed per post or these would've gone in the last one. But I had to get these out there somehow, you know? Enjoy :)
Because I forgot to get Moea's gender preferences before, here they are now. She's straight, not that it makes much of a difference at the moment with no one dateable around
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Wahi keeps rolling wants for peek-a-boo and I'm not here to stop anything that's cute.
Para and Moemoea, family/popularity and romance/knowledge sims respectively, while being besties, have very different ideas of what they want out of life. Para wants to have at least a dozen babies. Moea tries to relate, but it ain't easy.
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That day aunt Inti visits and is able to meet all her littlest nieces.
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With this many children, everyone has to help out. Moea is fine with it, for now
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In other important news, Para gets to try out her dad's bongo drums. They're great!
and that's all from here for now :)
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cruciferous-spatula · 11 months
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Moar Keji household. The crops are suffering a bit from the excessive rain, but Elewá has the skill to make it all better.
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Ife is back in love with his wife as well, so that's nice
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Good thing, too.
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Elewá has been getting to know Indartsu Lehenik. Her ex's flirtations with Tapu Tuatahi doesn't bother her at all, and her brothers seem to approve of Indartsu
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so she pursues. I'm sure Indartsu is happy to have something to take his mind off things too.
Things are quiet back home. Eallin Vuosttamus stops by to dote on the cats.
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Awosanma is cute.
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Orotika's getting HUGE
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And the feels are getting real.
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Imole didn't get a lot of screen time in this part, but she fixed the tub and got a skill point, so that's good
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And some miscellanea and Sanma spam
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part 3 coming soon
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cruciferous-spatula · 11 months
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Aaaaand welcome back! Can't believe we were on round 10? How? Time sure does fly don't it.
We're jumping back in at the clay hut, where Didan Keta of the Akoko brood lives. Tanna doesn't live here anymore, but often drops by to visit her brother.
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Actually a whole lotta people tend to visit. And thank cripes honestly, it really drags playing just a single guy sim for a whole round. And all because there aren't any women around for him to date, everyone is either too young or married.
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There's also hawt widow Maitea of course, but there's not much of an attraction there. So we wait :/
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And Tucker the dog is around, keeping the rat population down, gooboi
I ended up giving Tanna the other dog, Spiddy, because she and Tucker wouldn't stop trying to kill each other.
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later that night:
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dun dun duuuun
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sure man, go for it
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I had him wish for wealth, a long life, and peace of mind. Now he'll be able to comfortably provide for a wife and start a family the next round.
And uh, that's it
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cruciferous-spatula · 4 months
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As per Rules, the Bath Lot is to be rebuilt into the Public Baths. I wanted to get this done early so I'd have somewhere to wash the smelly lower class (who are not allowed tubs in this challenge stage)
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Here's how it's looking rn.. the upstairs has some small rooms with tubs for a little more privacy, and thanks to newfound Roman era advances in water tech, a hot tub. Below is a pool and 2 toilets.
You'll see more of this as we start actually playing again, but of course I had to playtest the thing, and Orotika wasted no time in making trouble
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She also hot tubs nekkid. Her recently hired at-home help Miretsi is shook.
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cruciferous-spatula · 7 months
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hey Tapu, how nice of you to drop by and bond with totally not ur poly shenanigans nephew
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Apparently the little guy is about to be a big brother. No extramarital nonsense happened this time though
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Another one of Stuorra's totally not relatives, Orotika, is also visiting, and she and Tapu join Imole for an invigorating cup of milk
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Arvi's feeling cuddly
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and Bierdna is excited about bedmaking
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the next day is another fine one fore the beach. Arvi hangs out in the hot spring with his old buddy Didan while Rieban builds a sandcastle with Teina Tuawha
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Meanwhile Bierdna tries to get a tan.
it ain't a trip to a community lot without people watching of course
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Trust me Sanma, you're better off not hugging this one
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After chilling with the girls for a bit, Rieban goes to chenck the sand for treasure
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but only found this rude crab :(
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Looks like Bierdna didn't get that tan, but she does make a few new friends
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Rieban and Bierdna later talk about their day over milk. Meeting people is exciting.
moar soon
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cruciferous-spatula · 7 months
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Morning at the beachview hut. Teina's enjoying a breakfast of cloudberries.
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Soon after, she and her older sisters head to the beach.
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and what a day it was
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Aroha and Oraora are enjoying their increased independence, what with being not such tiny children anymore
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but sooner or later, duty calls them home, where their dad has his hands full with the youngests Pouri and Maru. Oraora helps out, teaching Maru her words.
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Meanwhile Aroha's being helpful with the cooking, which is highly appreciated, especially by dad (and me)
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And things are about to get even better. A birthday is due.
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Two birthdays actually, in a way
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Pouri and Maru are toddlers no more! And this household just dropped, like, 3 difficulty levels
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dang it!
that's all from here for now
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