#orizon kit
puexii · 10 days
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Kit meets a cat somewhere in the forest by the big wall surrounding Orizon
The wall is supposed to be ginormous, like 50 floors high ginormous. Might've made it look a bit too small 💥
Really proud of this one, even tho i made it some months ago
Also this was actually a redraw of some older art i did, will put it under the cut
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It was originally for a dtiys I made on insta
The improvement,,, woag
(Old: 21 oct 2022, new: 25 jan 2024)
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kosmicmuses · 3 months
Character: Kelwyn the Warlock
Full Name: Kelwyn Tiereth Tempendash
Nickname(s): Kel, Wyn, Bookworm
Age: 22 years old
Gender/Pronouns: Nonbinary, She/He/They
Sexuality: Bi/Pan (fine with either label)
Species: Yuan-ti “Abomination” (D&D Verses), Lamia/Naga/Snakefolk (Other Verses)
Class: Warlock and Wizard Multiclass, Patron: The Bookwyrm (Homebrew), Arcane Tradition: Arcane Polymath (Homebrew), Pact Boon: Pact of the Tome, Level depends on setting
Height: 5’ 8” / 172.72 cm (from hips up), 17 feet / 518.16 cm (total length)
Weight: 280 lbs / 127 kg
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Posture: Slightly hunched
Health (disabilities, illnesses, conditions): Farsighted (things too close appear blurry, corrected by Eyes of Minute Seeing), Autistic
Languages: Common, Draconic
Equipment (on person): 
Equipped: Kelwyn’s Arcanabula/Orizon (spellbook, arcane focus), Eyes of Minute Seeing (glasses), Amulet of the Planes (necklace), Ring of Shooting Stars (ring), Ring of Spell Storing (ring), Enchanted Robe (clothing), Backpack, Bag of Holding, Component Pouch
Backpack: Bedroll, Blanket, Spellbook, Candle [x5], Case [Map], Common Clothes [x3], Fine Clothes [x2], Traveler’s Clothes [x3], Ink Bottle 1 Ounce [x2], Ink Pen, Mess Kit, Parchment [x10], Iron Pot, Rations 1 Day [x10], Hempen Rope 50 Feet, Small Knife, Bar of Soap, Spyglass, Waterskin
Bag of Holding: [Empty]
Component Pouch: [Everything needed for all the spells she knows.]
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ More Under Cut \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Stats: (at max level)
STR: 13 [+1]
DEX: 14 [+2]
CON: 12 [+1]
INT: 16 [+3]
WIS: 12 [+1]
CHA: 14 [+2]
AC: 17
Max HP: 190
Speed: 40 ft
Appearance (physical features, style, etc.): 
Kelwyn is a large snake-like being, with four arms and a long snake body in place of her legs. She is primarily shades of blue, with bright golden yellow accents and near-white bands along her body. Her head is shaped like a viper’s, complete with a ridge of sharp scales above each eye, and a pair of 2 inch long fangs at the front of her mouth. She has a tall, golden-yellow fin along her head and neck, which she can easily fold flat, or raise tall. She also has a pair of smaller fins on each cheek, which she can also move. Her upper set of arms have a smooth gradient from the dark blue of her torso, to a shade of lighter blue that matches her markings. Her lower set of arms have a smooth gradient from the dark blue of her torso to the same shade of near-white as her markings. 
She is often seen wearing gold-colored spectacles due to her farsightedness. The glasses have a thin chain of the same color connected to them that wraps around her neck, so she doesn’t lose her glasses.
She often wears a soft, light brown robe made of cotton and wool. The robe has warm orange accents in the form of a fabric belt, the cuffs of the upper sleeves, and a connected shawl.
Kelwyn wears three main pieces of jewelry; a necklace, and two rings. The necklace consists of a length of soft brown rope and a golden amulet holding a bright blue stone. The amulet is enchanted to allow easy travel of the planes, and is a gift from her patron, given when she reached level 10. The first of her rings is a Ring of Shooting Stars, found during an expedition into a newly discovered ancient library. It consists of a golden band, holding a single large purple stone in the center, surrounded by six smaller blue stones. The smaller stones become dull whenever one of the ring’s magical charges is used. Her second ring is a Ring of Spell Storing. It consists of a golden band holding 5 purple gems. The gems glow slightly whenever they are holding a spell, and spot glowing when that spell is used. It was created for her by her adoptive father, Garnett Windsor.
Kelwyn doesn’t know who her “true” parents are, as she was found by a group of adventurers as an egg, abandoned in an ancient temple. The adventurers gave the egg to a local mage collage, not knowing that it still held life. The egg was placed under the care of Magus Garnett Windsor Tempendash. Having already been busy with other things at the time, the Magus simply kept the egg in a cushioned display case in his room. Now in a warm and stable environment, the egg slowly began to hatch. A week after being placed in Windsor’s care, the hatchling broke free of her egg in the middle of the night.
The noise of the hatchling falling to the floor startled Windsor awake. He lit the candles in his room with a flick of his hand, pausing when he spotted the little four-armed snake. 
[Too long, didn’t write: Windsor basically was like “welp, guess i'm a dad now” and adopted Kelwyn. His own kids had all left the nest by then, so there was plenty of room for her. He’s a great dad to her, and is still alive.]
[She’s technically a mix of wizard and warlock, because of how she was raised. She contacted her patron when she was 19 and tested out an ancient spell she had found in a very dusty book. She kinda messed up the spell, though, causing her to be able to see and hear spirits others normally can’t.]
Personality Traits: 
I love learning about new things, partially about other races and sub-races work.
I enjoy puzzles and thinking things through.
I often feel lonely, even when many others are nearby.
I sometimes awaken feeling a sense of lingering emotion, from a dream I can never remember.
I always felt out of place, like a swan raised by ducks, or maybe a duck raised by swans…
There's nothing I like more than a good mystery.
I'm willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment.
I can be horribly, horribly awkward in social situations.
I tend to talk about magic as if everyone understands it, and cannot comprehend the ignorance of those who do not.
I am seldom seen without my nose stuck firmly in a book or scroll.
When exposed to some new piece of magic, I can’t help but try to figure out what it does and how it works.
You opened an eldritch tome and saw things unfit for a sane mind. You got rid of the book, but its words and images are burned into your psyche.
I thrive on esoteric lore. The more obscure the historical references I can include in everyday conversation, the better.
I can barely go a minute without talking about my research. I have so much knowledge in my head, and it needs to be let out somewhere.
Belonging: Everyone should feel like they have a place where they belong (good).
Self-Improvement: The goal of a life of study is the betterment of oneself and the world around you. (Any)
I try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost. (Good)
I like to know my enemy's capabilities and weaknesses before rushing into battle. (Lawful)
Greater Good: Magic should be used to protect and improve the lives of the common people. (Good)
I am aware of how different I am to those around me, making it hard for myself when I try to get close to others.
I am a passive person (I will lose so you can win), I will do almost anything to avoid conflict with others, and will run and hide if people start yelling.
I am easily distracted by the promise of information.
Most people scream and run when they see a demon. I stop and take notes on its anatomy.
I talk to spirits that no one else can see.
I can get so distracted by the mystery and wonder of magic, that I can forget I’m supposed to be fighting that other Wizard.
What happened at my birth, I know it is important somehow.
I’m not just another of my race/sub-race, I will prove my worth.
All I want is to find a place where I belong.
I would sacrifice my life and my soul to protect the innocent.
Cantrips: Blade Ward, Control Flames, Create Bonfire, Eldritch Blast, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Poison Spray, Spare the Dying, Vicious Mockery
1st Level: Animal Friendship, Chromatic Orb, Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Hellish Rebuke, Find Familiar, Hideous Laughter, Identify, Magic Missile, Magnify Gravity, Purify Food and Drink, Sleep, Speak with Animals, Witch Bolt
2nd Level: Dragon's Breath, Heat Metal, Knock, Misty Step, Rope Trick, Scorching Ray, Suggestion
3rd Level: Blink, Counterspell, Minute Meteors, Tiny Hut, Tongues, Water Breathing
4th Level: Dimension Door
5th Level: Contact Other Plane, Legend Lore
6th Level: Mass Suggestion
7th Level: Plane Shift
8th Level: Demiplane
9th Level: True Polymorph
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chinamik · 4 years
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(Traveliy UI Kit by Akshay Devazya for Orizon on Dribbbleから)
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puexii · 5 months
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Two robots flabbergasted by short tv head robot
Left one is Kit, middle is Pix my persona, and on the right is Ren
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puexii · 2 months
Some memes I made with my ocs a while ago hrhrr
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Thought I'd post them here
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puexii · 5 months
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Clyde takes Kit and shows them the shops and stuff i think
Rendering hard asfafdhafe
Oh ye also I didn't draw the background
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puexii · 2 months
Yuh so imma just drop this really old thing I wrote a while ago with my ocs hrhrr
Includes many outdated facts like Ren going out frequently and them living in a warehouse
actually Ren is not allowed to go out by himself and they live in Clyde's apartment but anyways
Oh also I hadn't really figured Clyde's personality out back when I wrote this so uhh ye
Oh ye also the kit having a cat thing was based on a drawing I made at the time, not sure if I'm keeping it in canon
Anyways onto the thing itself
Ren “RN-E5” finds a moth
One time, while Ren was outside on one of the buildings observing from a high place like usual, he found a moth, or rather a moth found him.
“Hmm? Whats this?” Ren said when he noticed a cool bug, “it looks so cool! And fluffy!” Ren said surprised by the coolness of the bug “i should go show everyone!” Ren said to himself excited about the cool bug. Ren then stood up and spread his wings, preparing to fly back home, which is the warehouse they stay in, except while doing so the moth got scared and flew away. “W-WAIT!” Ren asked the moth while trying to follow it. “I didnt mean to scare you!” Ren said while the moth continued to fly away.
Ren started to fly behind the moth, trying to not crash with it. The moth tried to speed up since there was a giant (compared to the moth) robot following it. “I dont wanna hurt you! I just wanna show you my friends thats all!” Ren said to the moth attempting to make it stop.
After a while of flying and attempts at persuading the moth, they started to get tired. Then the moth went into a narrow place, trying to escape the robot thats been following it for three hours now. Ren finally realised that he was scaring the moth all this time, and also decided he should probably save the charge he has left for the flight home. “Oh uhm, sorry i didnt mean to scare you like that.” ren said while preparing to leave.
After a bit he reached the warehouse and landed. When he went inside he took off his wings and decided that he should probably go to bed early this time since he flew alot that day, except he was interrupted by clyde who noticed he finally came home after staying outside later than usual. “So what were you up to today?” Clyde asked ren, “i found this really cool bug today and wanted to be friends with it and show you guys like kit did with their cat! Except i might have followed it for too long and scared it so i thought i should probably leave alone.” Ren told clyde. “And you were flying all this time? No wonder your battery started to run out.” Clyde said while leaning on the wall, “hehe, yeah, i did that!” Ren said while chuckling realising that he didnt really think this through. “Ok ill go now, i still need to recharge.” Ren said while starting to leave “alright, see ya!” Clyde said while waving to ren goodbye.
The next day ren went back to the building looking around as usual, until someone familiar came beside him, “oh hey! You came back! I honestly never expected this since what i did to you yesterday!” Ren said while laughing lightly, remembering his stupidity the previous day. Suddenly the moth started approaching ren slowly, “hm?” Ren said while noticing the moth approaching, “I thought you hated me.” Ren says while confused by the moth’s behaviour. Then the moth flew and sat on ren’s head, “huh, you seem to be a very forgiving lil guy!” Ren said happily, still confused by the moth’s behaviour. The moth stayed up their, seemingly forgiving the silly bot, though ren didnt notice since he couldnt feel the moth up their.
After a while when ren decided to go do something else, he noticed the moth, surprised by the fact that the moth was up their the whole time, he didnt really say anything, only making a “:O” face. Before he could say anything, the moth started to leave, maybe going home, “oh! Uhh bye mr bug! Or ms i couldnt really tell. Was nice hanging out with you!” Ren said while waving to the moth goodbye.
Ren was happy for the rest of the day, perhaps he made a new friend! Later when he went home he told kit and Clyde about how he became friends with the cool bug he saw the other day, kit seemed happy about the story, clyde was surprised by the bug’s behavior but he didnt think much of it.
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