#or use land for a specific purpose. We assure you that by engaging with our professional team
nsvp · 1 year
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Land liaisoning services can be highly beneficial for developers and investors who are looking to acquire, develop, or use land for a specific purpose. We assure you that by engaging with our professional team, you can save time, avoid legal and regulatory pitfalls, and ensure that your projects are completed smoothly and successfully.
@nsvpvishvesh Please contact us: 8010710371
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Quinn, Demacia's Wings build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Katie "TeaTime" De Sousa. Made for Riot Games.)
lol who gives a shit about Quinn?
I do. I do Riot. :(
Honestly while I haven’t played Quinn in awhile I still think she’s an extremely fun champion, and not just because you get to bully the enemy top laner with discount Vayne. Quinn has a very unique playstyle that’s so different from every other champ in the game which makes her real refreshing to play after sticking to other champs for an extended period of time.
But let’s be real the main reason I’m making a Quinn build is so I can have a cheat day. I mean she’s obviously just a Beastmaster Ranger, right?
Valor, to me! - Burd up! I really wish that Quinn was called “Quinn and Valor” in game.
Stick to the plan, Val - When the going gets tough it helps to be a swift scout, dashing around the enemy and vaulting off them if they get too close.
I'd keep my head down if I were you - While it’s perhaps not the first thing that comes to mind Quinn is known for letting down a volley of arrows when she first engages with Valor on her back.
League of humans, at least until I go back to Ionia to make more furries. Regardless we’ll be switching it up a bit with a Mark of Finding Dragonmark from Eberron! You get a +2 to Dexterity and +1 to an ability score of your choice: I went for Charisma because “League of Legends female body types.”
You get an early set of boots with the Mark of Finding, since Courier’s Speed increases your base movement speed to 35 feet. And to help with backflips Intuitive Motion will let you add a d4 to your Acrobatics checks (or your Land Vehicle checks, but I’d perhaps discuss with your DM to change that to Air Vehicles instead?) But most importantly you get Magical Passage for a one-time use of Misty Step, for Flash!
IF DRAGONMARKS AREN’T ALLOWED: A Variant Human works fine. Take a +1 to Dexterity and Charisma and the Crossbow Expert feat a little earlier than usual.
15; DEXTERITY - Dexterity is tied to shooting and back flips, both of which you’ll be doing a lot of.
14; WISDOM - You have a bird’s eye view; the best advantage.
13; CHARISMA - This is partially because “League of Legends female body types” but mostly for multiclassing.
12; CONSTITUTION - Demacians are no easy prey, and spending so much time behind enemy lines has made you sturdier than most.
10; INTELLIGENCE - Intelligence is tied to military tactics among other things.
8; STRENGTH - This is partially because “League of Legends female body types” but mostly for multiclassing because we don’t need it over the other stats.
Feel free to swap Wisdom and Constitution if you want worse skill checks but better durability.
We’ll be going for Faction Agent not because it fits best but because it has the abilities that make the most sense. I’m sure you could refer to the Demacian Scouts as a faction after all. Regardless you get proficiency in Insight along with one WIS, INT, or CHA skill of your choice: I opted for Perception for that bird’s eye view. You also get proficiency in two languages so once again pick your poison.
The main reason we opted for Faction Agent was for access to a Safe Haven behind enemy lines. You can always find insiders to give you a place to hide, or to give you information. Not that Val needs any help finding people. "Sometimes I swear that bird is just showing off."
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(Artwork made for Riot Games.)
Starting off as a Rogue for the skill proficiencies primarily. Acrobatics and Stealth are the two main ones we want but I’d also recommend Investigation and Intimidation. (Persuasion may be more useful in the average campaign but it doesn’t fit Quinn well feel free to build the character however you want but I focus on making the character as lore accurate and gameplay accurate as possible.) Anyways as a Rogue you also get Expertise in two skills: I’d recommend buffing your Perception right out the gate, as well as your Stealth because... it’ll be useful as a Rogue I assure you.
Rogues can chat with spies and infiltrators behind enemy lines thanks to Thieves’ Cant, a mixture of words and phrases that don’t actually mean what they sound like. But of course what we’re really here for as a Rogue is good ol’ Sneak Attack, for a d6 if you sneak attack an enemy (duh) or if Val (or another ally) is distracting them.
I’m going to briefly mention what weapons you’re probably going to want to start out with: a Hand Crossbow is an obvious must but until about level 6 or so you can honestly just stick to a Light Crossbow to do more damage at a better range early on.
Second level Rogues can further abuse their range thanks to Cunning Action, letting them Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a Bonus Action. Play around bushes to get the jump on your Harrier marks.
Seeing as Bards are good at everything we’ll be taking some Bard levels. As a Bard you get proficiency in one skill as well as a musical instrument: pick whatever instrument you prefer and I’d of course take Animal Handling to take care of Valor.
You also get Bardic Inspiration to tell your allies of information you scouted ahead with your bonus action, letting them add an extra d6 to skill checks, attack rolls, and saving throws that they know are coming. You have a number of inspirations equal to your Charisma modifier, and regain all expended inspiration die at the end of a long rest.
But of course the main boon from being a Bard is access to Spellcasting! You get two cantrips from the Bard list: Light will let you see with your dumb human eyes, and Message will let you chat with your team behind enemy lines. You also get four first level spells from the Bard list: Animal Friendship is kinda an obvious one, as is Speak with Animals. Other than that Heroism will help you (or your allies) keep their cool behind enemy lines, and Color Spray (ty Tasha’s) will let Valor blind your foes so you can get away!
Second level Bards get Jack of All Trades, letting you flex into whatever role your party may need. You also get Song of Rest to heal for an extra d6 of health during short rests to patch yourself up after getting into a scrap. And finally Tasha’s gave you Magical Inspiration, letting your allies with Bardic Inspiration add a roll on their inspiration die to the damage or healing of a spell.
You also learn another first level spell like Feather Fall, in case Valor needs to drop you.
Third level Bards get Expertise in two skills: Acrobatics proficiency is a requirement for backflips, and Animal Handling would be good to handle Valor. (But more realistically expertise in Insight or Investigation would be more useful.)
But more importantly we can finally get some combat ability out of the Bard! The College of Swords gives you proficiency with medium armor and shields, neither of which we really need. It also gives you a Fighting Style you won’t use with a Hand Crossbow, but Dueling is probably better for your purposes.
What we’re mainly here for is Blade Flourish, which despite the name works on ranged attacks! When you take the attack action on your turn Harrier will increase your movement speed by 10 feet, and once per turn you can use one of the following Blade Flourishes:
Defensive Flourish increases the damage of the shot by a roll of your Bardic Inspiration and let you add the number to your AC as Valor makes it harder for the enemy to hit you.
Slashing Flourish will let you pick up a Runaan's Hurricane to deal extra damage to the target and everyone within 5 feet of them.
Mobile Flourish lets you vault off an enemy, dealing extra damage equal to a roll of your Bardic Inspiration and pushing them back a number of feet equal to 5 plus whatever you rolled on your Bardic Inspiration. If you want you can then use your reaction to run up to them, but I don’t know why you’d want to do that.
Basically no matter what your Blade Flourish does extra damage equal to your Bardic Inspiration, and you can choose to either make yourself harder to hit, do AoE damage, or push the enemy away. Oh and you can now learn second level spells like Animal Messenger so Val can get important information back to Demacia.
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(Artwork by Michelle Hoefener. Made for Riot Games.)
4th level Bards get the first of many Ability Score Improvements but we’re actually going to take a Feat: the Crossbow Expert feat will let you ignore the Loading property of crossbows to attack more than once on your turn, attack in melee range without disadvantage, but most importantly if you attack with your hand crossbow you can make one more attack with your bonus action!
You also learn another spell, and another cantrip! For your cantrip Minor Illusion is great to make a distraction, and for your leveled spell Locate Object will help if you need to find an important artifact belonging to the enemy. Are there more useful spells? Yes, but I’m building what would make the most sense for Quinn as a character. Feel free to take Heat Metal or Lesser Restoration as you’re allowed to change my builds however you want.
Grabbing the 5th level of Bard for Font of Inspiration, letting your Bardic Inspiration (and Blade Flourishes!) come back after a Short Rest. Which is good because your Bardic Inspiration increases to a d8!
You can also learn third level spells like Leomund’s Tiny Hut for a safe place to rest after a long combat.
But of course the 6th level of Bard wouldn’t hurt, as you’d now get an Extra Attack from the College of Swords! You can also learn another third level spell like Sending to send information more directly. Again: feel free to take spells that you feel are more practical if you wish.
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(Artwork by SixMoreVodka Studios. Made for Riot Games.)
Going back to Rogue to get our Scouting badge, specifically with the Scout subclass! You get to officially be classified as a Skirmisher, and can move half your movement speed if an enemy ends their turn within 5 feet of you. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks either, so I’d flavor it as you vaulting off the foe to safety.
You’re also a natural Survivalist, with Expertise in the Nature and Survival skills. That’s why we didn’t get Survival proficiency earlier! And to top it off your Sneak Attack increases to 2d6.
4th level Rogues get another Ability Score Improvement, and we’ve been sitting on an uneven Dexterity score for awhile now. So the Piercer feat will let you increase your Dexterity by 1 while also augmenting your skills with a Light Crossbow, allowing you to reroll the damage die of one of your attacks and deal triple damage if you crit!
I’d discuss with your DM if your Blade Flourishes count as “weapon damage die” for the sake of Piercer, because if they do you’ll likely get a lot more value out of this feat. If not well... it’s still useful regardless!
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(Artwork by bekkomi on DeviantArt.)
Quickly going back to Bard for some 4th level spell slots to cast spells like Dimension Door to quickly get out of danger.
But of course the 8th level of Bard will get you some more Ability Score Improvements: more Dexterity will mean deadlier shots and more AC. And you can learn another 4th level spell like Freedom of Movement to get out of sticky situations.
9th level Bards get to pretend that a d8 Song of Rest die by total level 14 is valuable. You do at least get 5th level spells like Rary's Telepathic Bond to keep communication up with your team.
LEVEL 14 - BARD 10
But what we’re mainly here for is the 10th level of Bard. To start off you get Expertise in two more skills: Insight and Investigation would both be the most practical choices. Your Bardic Inspiration also increases to a d10, which means that your Blade Flourishes increase to a d10 as well!
But far more importantly you get Magical Secrets, and hey look by total level 15 we finally got Valor! Summon Beast will let you summon a beast of land, sea, or (most realistically) air to fight alongside you! The flying beast has a 60 foot flying speed, Flyby (which lets it avoid attacks of opportunity), and can attack using your spell attack modifier to deal damage equal to a d8 + 4 + the level of the spell slot you used to cast this spell. It’s only a second level spell but it gets quite strong when upcast, so you can choose how strong you want Valor to be!
Alternatively if you want to fly Behind Enemy Lines, look no further than Fly! It gives you a 60 foot flying speed, plain and simple! And if you upcast it Valor can even bring a friend, or several friends!
You can also learn another cantrip like Mending, because it’s good to keep your armor in check as well as your falconer’s glove.
LEVEL 15 - BARD 11
Seeing as we got Valor we may as well grab a few more small things from Bard. 11th level Bards get 6th level spells like Find the Path, to find the path to the objective. Again: feel free to take more practical spells I am merely taking what makes sense for Quinn.
LEVEL 16 - BARD 12
12th level Bards don’t get new spells but they do get Ability Score Improvements. I’ll leave you with a choice: more Charisma will increase your Bard saving throw DCs (and Valor’s hit chance) as well as give you more Blade Floruishes, but the Sharpshooter feat will let you consistently add more damage to your shots while also ignoring range limitations and cover.
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(Artwork by Ina Wong and West Studios. Made for Riot Games.)
LEVEL 17 - BARD 13
Grabbing 7th level spells from the 13th level of Bard like Teleport, to recall back to base when needed. You also get to pretend that a d10 Song of Rest die by total level 18 is majorly impactful.
LEVEL 18 - BARD 14
14th level Swords Bards get the Master’s Flourish, letting you make a Blade Flourish every turn without spending a Bardic Inspiration, as long as you make your Blade Flourish a d6 instead.
But you also get two more Magical Secrets! To call down a Skystrike try Steel Wind Strike, which will damage up to 5 creates in the area and also let you teleport to one of them after using it. Your other spell doesn’t really matter much so... I dunno. Blindness / Deafness so Valor can make a Blinding Assault? Again feel free to make your own choices to customize the build.
LEVEL 19 - BARD 15
We’ll be stopping at the 15th level of Bard for a d12 Bardic Inspiration, as well as an 8th level spell like Feeblemind to weaken an enemy beyond any capability of fighting.
LEVEL 20 - BARD 16
But we may as well grab one more Bard level for one last Ability Score Improvement. Again up to you if you want to cap out that Charisma modifier or take Sharpshooter for some more damage.
Now that that’s done it’s time for some Ranger levels! Oh wait...
WHY NO RANGER LEVELS? - Put simply it would’ve been very hard to get Quinn’s unique skill set without some weird multiclassing shenanigans or a Bard investment. The three things I needed for Quinn were the following:
* Bird companion (Ranger or Druid)
* Flight (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard, Artificer, or some weird stretches of logic like “be a Druid and turn into a bird to fly lol.”)
* Skystrike (either Conjure Barrage [bad] on Ranger or Battle Smith Artificer, or Steel Wind Strike on [high level] Ranger or Wizard)
Put simply there was no combination of subclasses that wouldn’t result in weird mix of classes other than Bard. Add in the fact that I really wanted Scout Rogue levels as well as Crossbow Expert (both of which would conflict with Beast Master Ranger) and Bard seemed like the most logical course of action.
The sad truth is that in all honesty Quinn doesn’t even use Valor that much in her kit is kinda the main thing. I wanted to prioritize the crossbow shooting of Quinn more than anything. If you want a more traditional Quinn build that prioritizes the Bird then Scout Rogue 8 / Beastmaster 12 (using Tasha’s Beastmaster companions) will give you more bird and just about everything that this build did minus the flight. (If you build like this I’d also recommend dropping Crossbow Expert and simply opting for a Longbow, or seeing if you can get an Artificer teammate to make you a Repeating Heavy Crossbow.)
If you really want flight and are willing to stretch your imagination then Scout 4 / Drake Warden (UA) 16 gets Perfected Bond by Ranger level 15, allowing you to ride the flying mount. Yes you’ll have a Fireproof Valor but you can just call that Phoenix Quinn.
Of course all of this can be avoided if your DM either gives you a magic item that provides Flight or lets you put Fly on the Ranger spell list. The golden rule is to always discuss with your DM if you have a particular vision in mind, or else accept the sacrifices you’ll have to make for practicality.
Just like hunting thresher geese - 3 hand crossbow attacks per round with a 3d6 Sneak Attack and a d6 (or d12) Blade Flourish adds up to some pretty decent damage per round overall, and that isn’t even considering Sharpshooter.
I'll follow your lead, Valor - Most of your spellcasting is utility based, meaning that you don’t need to worry about your spellcasting modifier. And hey: we got Valor without having to go for Beastmaster Ranger!
Buy me some time - Mixing Bard and Rogue together means that you have proficiency in quite a lot of skills! Expertise in 8 total skills, proficiency in one more, and Jack of All Trades for the remaining skills. You can fill any role that the party may need!
Look Val; snacks - It takes us quite awhile to get Valor; some would argue too long. Put simply there’s very little way for us to get the very specific spell list required for Quinn (Summon Beast, Fly, Steel Wind Strike) without doing some weird multiclassing shenanigans. You could go Lore Bard if you want to get access to Summon Beast and Fly faster (Scout 3 / Lore 6 = basically everything to play Quinn by total level 9) but then you’d miss out on Extra Attack among other things.
Still heart, steady aim - Low Constitution along with a d8 hit die really doesn’t do you any favors. You’ll likely have a little over 100 health, which means that it won’t take much effort to put you in Power Word Kill range.
Who's there? Jarvan who? - Honestly our Charisma is low for a Bard, and while most of the spells we took are utility based it still sucks to only have two Blade Flourishes. Feel free to use Point Buy instead for some better starting stats and less in those fairly pointless stats like Intelligence. (8 / 15 / 12 / 8 / 13 / 15 would be my recommendation to have the best Charisma you can get while still having decent Wisdom to boot.)
But your job is to scout: any kills you pick up on the way are a nice bonus. Soften the enemies up with Valor by your side and do what needs to be done to win the war without the enemy knowing you’re there. Fight differently, fight dirty, and remember that no matter what at least you’re not playing Vayne top.
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(Artwork by Xu “Crow God” Cheng. Made for Riot Games.)
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Dear current staff member, 
 I wanted to reach out to let you know that you can walk away from the program today. 
I assure you nothing I write here is meant to harm or cast judgement on you as an individual; I’ve been in your shoes. 
You are not “fucked up” for exploring this message, you have every right to hear this, to ask questions, to challenge your own thinking. I know you don’t think you’re in a cult, I certainly did not when I was there. 
 This message is for anyone who may be on the fence, who may be having thoughts about getting out, or simply curious about exploring a way out. When I left, I wish someone had sent this message to me. A message of support, and hope. 
That you can leave and you will not die. You can leave and you will not relapse or you can leave and choose to drink alcohol. You can leave and you are not broken, you are not spiritually bankrupt, and you can have healthy, meaningful relationships where you set the boundaries of your personal life and the relationships within it, not your boss; which is super weird if you really start to drill down into that one. 
You can have unwavering success away from the program, it is not some spiritually superior entity. The leadership tells you that someone like me is just an angry disgruntled former employee who can’t own their life. I’m here to tell you that aside from being a former employee, I am none of those things. I am happy, and free, and successful. I don’t hold a grudge, I don’t feel anger or resentment towards the program. I just remember what it was like for me. 
Living in fear of going to purpose, having to share every “insanity” or strange thought I had to large groups of people only for leadership to weaponize that information in order to use it against me later. I made today’s equivalent of $774 per month and was told I was selfish when I asked for a raise. 
When you work there, you sort of have to live two lives. There was the image we presented to the world; young, motivated, drug and alcohol counselors who overcame our demons to share this amazing concept of enthusiastic sobriety with the world. 
Then there was the other life; the one where we dissected each other’s lives, often in cruel and hurtful ways, where we openly discussed how the white race was superior than other races, where homosexuality was a sickness that could be cured, where women existed to serve men, where we chose our parents at birth to work out specific issues, where being sexually assaulted was somehow our own fault, where engaging in non-spiritual activities opened us up to catastrophic events occurring in our lives, and where western medicine was mostly shunned resulting in heartbreaking outcomes for people who really needed help. 
Looking back, it was exhausting. I am who I am today and I cherish not having to pretend anything. When I left, people looked at me like I was broken and I believed them. I was 20 something and had nowhere and no one to go to except for my parents who I had effectively cut out of my life for years. I had no other friends or support, it felt hopeless. 
But I took a true leap of faith and landed on my feet. Today I live a life that is not dictated by groupthink, is not influenced by what someone else determines is right for me. I make those calls and I think I do a pretty decent job of it. Please reach out if you need any kind of support. 
I know that this time is especially trying for you because of all the negative attention the program is receiving. I imagine leadership is trying to circle the wagons and tamp down any dissent and they’ve probably encouraged you to not read or watch anything regarding the program in the media. I’ve been there too and it’s awful. I completely understand how scary it is to even consider leaving. I was so afraid and terrified because I knew I would be shunned. 
When I walked away, it felt like the hardest thing I’d ever done. Everyone on staff immediately stopped talking to me, I heard the whispers about how fucked up I was, that I was destined to be dead and on the streets, that I couldn’t take true ownership of my life, that I was playing the victim, that I was unreachable, unloveable, and spiritually sick. 
I’m here to tell you it’s all bullshit. You’re not fucked up, you’re in a cult. And you can just walk away today. You can also take your time and explore this on your own; you are not wrong to refrain from discussing this with anyone there, I’m certain you already know what they’ll say.
 Keeping this from them does not make you dishonest or fucked up or wrong or whatever bullshit they tell you. Believing so is what allows them to continue to hold power and exert control over others. 
 Maybe I’m over simplifying your situation, I get that, but I’m also here if you need anything. There’s an entire network of support you can tap into right now; you can leave today. I wish you the absolute best. 
 -Former staff member
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theculturedmarxist · 4 years
You might have heard the pithy little soundbite from FDR, “we have nothing to fear, but fear itself.” It’s pretty catchy, the sort of thing every president or head of state wants, you know, something clever enough to seem deep, but not so substantial that it inspires critical thought, something that sounds inspiring, but not something that actually directs anyone to do anything. It’s a neat little “Yes, we can!” sort of slogan that you can slap on pins, signs, shirts, anything. A pretty sharp little piece of electioneering. Great job, case closed, let’s head home.
Except, if you watch the whole thing, it doesn’t stop there. The Great Depression has been ravaging the great Capitalist economies for nearly four years by this point, and Roosevelt spells out in no uncertain terms exactly who’s to blame: not foreigners, not workers, not average people trying to get by, but the capitalists.
I am certain that my fellow Americans expect that on my induction into the Presidency I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our Nation impels. This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself [emphasis mine]--nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give that support to leadership in these critical days.  
In such a spirit on my part and on yours we face our common difficulties. They concern, thank God, only material things. Values have shrunken to fantastic levels; taxes have risen; our ability to pay has fallen; government of all kinds is faced by serious curtailment of income; the means of exchange are frozen in the currents of trade; the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no markets for their produce; the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone.  
More important, a host of unemployed citizens face the grim problem of existence, and an equally great number toil with little return. Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment.  
Yet our distress comes from no failure of substance. We are stricken by no plague of locusts. Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for. Nature still offers her bounty and human efforts have multiplied it. Plenty is at our doorstep, but a generous use of it languishes in the very sight of the supply. Primarily this is because the rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed, through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and abdicated. Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men.  
True they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence. They know only the rules of a generation of self-seekers. They have no vision, and when there is no vision the people perish.  
The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit.  
Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits. These dark days will be worth all they cost us if they teach us that our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves and to our fellow men.  
Recognition of the falsity of material wealth as the standard of success goes hand in hand with the abandonment of the false belief that public office and high political position are to be valued only by the standards of pride of place and personal profit; and there must be an end to a conduct in banking and in business which too often has given to a sacred trust the likeness of callous and selfish wrongdoing. Small wonder that confidence languishes, for it thrives only on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection, on unselfish performance; without them it cannot live.  
Restoration calls, however, not for changes in ethics alone. This Nation asks for action, and action now.  
Our greatest primary task is to put people to work. This is no unsolvable problem if we face it wisely and courageously. It can be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the Government itself, treating the task as we would treat the emergency of a war, but at the same time, through this employment, accomplishing greatly needed projects to stimulate and reorganize the use of our natural resources.  
Hand in hand with this we must frankly recognize the overbalance of population in our industrial centers and, by engaging on a national scale in a redistribution, endeavor to provide a better use of the land for those best fitted for the land. The task can be helped by definite efforts to raise the values of agricultural products and with this the power to purchase the output of our cities. It can be helped by preventing realistically the tragedy of the growing loss through foreclosure of our small homes and our farms. It can be helped by insistence that the Federal, State, and local governments act forthwith on the demand that their cost be drastically reduced. It can be helped by the unifying of relief activities which today are often scattered, uneconomical, and unequal. It can be helped by national planning for and supervision of all forms of transportation and of communications and other utilities which have a definitely public character. There are many ways in which it can be helped, but it can never be helped merely by talking about it. We must act and act quickly.  
Finally, in our progress toward a resumption of work we require two safeguards against a return of the evils of the old order; there must be a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments; there must be an end to speculation with other people's money, and there must be provision for an adequate but sound currency.  
There are the lines of attack. I shall presently urge upon a new Congress in special session detailed measures for their fulfillment, and I shall seek the immediate assistance of the several States.  
Through this program of action we address ourselves to putting our own national house in order and making income balance outgo. Our international trade relations, though vastly important, are in point of time and necessity secondary to the establishment of a sound national economy. I favor as a practical policy the putting of first things first. I shall spare no effort to restore world trade by international economic readjustment, but the emergency at home cannot wait on that accomplishment.  
The basic thought that guides these specific means of national recovery is not narrowly nationalistic. It is the insistence, as a first consideration, upon the interdependence of the various elements in all parts of the United States--a recognition of the old and permanently important manifestation of the American spirit of the pioneer. It is the way to recovery. It is the immediate way. It is the strongest assurance that the recovery will endure.  
In the field of world policy I would dedicate this Nation to the policy of the good neighbor--the neighbor who resolutely respects himself and, because he does so, respects the rights of others-- the neighbor who respects his obligations and respects the sanctity of his agreements in and with a world of neighbors.  
If I read the temper of our people correctly, we now realize as we have never realized before our interdependence on each other; that we can not merely take but we must give as well; that if we are to go forward, we must move as a trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a common discipline, because without such discipline no progress is made, no leadership becomes effective. We are, I know, ready and willing to submit our lives and property to such discipline, because it makes possible a leadership which aims at a larger good. This I propose to offer, pledging that the larger purposes will bind upon us all as a sacred obligation with a unity of duty hitherto evoked only in time of armed strife.  
With this pledge taken, I assume unhesitatingly the leadership of this great army of our people dedicated to a disciplined attack upon our common problems.  
Action in this image and to this end is feasible under the form of government which we have inherited from our ancestors. Our Constitution is so simple and practical that it is possible always to meet extraordinary needs by changes in emphasis and arrangement without loss of essential form. That is why our constitutional system has proved itself the most superbly enduring political mechanism the modern world has produced. It has met every stress of vast expansion of territory, of foreign wars, of bitter internal strife, of world relations.  
It is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority may be wholly adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us. But it may be that an unprecedented demand and need for undelayed action may call for temporary departure from that normal balance of public procedure.  
I am prepared under my constitutional duty to recommend the measures that a stricken nation in the midst of a stricken world may require. These measures, or such other measures as the Congress may build out of its experience and wisdom, I shall seek, within my constitutional authority, to bring to speedy adoption.  
But in the event that the Congress shall fail to take one of these two courses, and in the event that the national emergency is still critical, I shall not evade the clear course of duty that will then confront me. I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis--broad Executive power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe.  
For the trust reposed in me I will return the courage and the devotion that befit the time. I can do no less.  
We face the arduous days that lie before us in the warm courage of the national unity; with the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious moral values; with the clean satisfaction that comes from the stem performance of duty by old and young alike. We aim at the assurance of a rounded and permanent national life.  
We do not distrust the future of essential democracy. The people of the United States have not failed. In their need they have registered a mandate that they want direct, vigorous action. They have asked for discipline and direction under leadership. They have made me the present instrument of their wishes. In the spirit of the gift I take it.  
In this dedication of a Nation we humbly ask the blessing of God. May He protect each and every one of us. May He guide me in the days to come. 
The language and ideology at play in the preceding paragraphs can be deservedly criticized, but they should also be understood both in substance and in the critical context in which they were spoken.
Crisis is a feature of Capitalism, not an aberration. A sound reading of the mechanics of Capitalism relies on several “laws” for its continued function. One such law is to produce as much as possible, for as little cost as possible, to as great a profit as possible. Another is that the capital coming in to an enterprise must be greater than that going out if it wishes to remain in solvency and continued operation. The ultimate result of the functioning of these two laws is firstly that wages, ie the outflow of capital from those possessing it, is predominantly inferior to the inflow of capital to those with the power to capture it, and secondly that profit, the driving force of the Capitalist economy, evaporates as those commodities which it has produced in such abundance become so depreciated in value by their ubiquity that, even if there is demand for them, the population at large loses the ability to purchase them at all, much less for the amount necessary to produce a profit great enough to continue large scale operation.
Or to put it another way, no matter how cheap things become, the “consumer class” loses the ability to purchase them. When that happens, production of those commodities ceases, and when production ceases, employment ceases, and when employment ceases, the economy ceases. For Capitalism, there are only two ways out of this trap: the first is through the creation of a tremendous amount of debt, and subsequently the infusion of a tremendous amount of capital by which it jumpstarts purchasing and consumption again. The other is the destruction of capital, in fact the annihilation of productive capital, which is what would result from this crisis in what would become understood as the Second World War.
This is the situation in which the Capitalist world found itself in 1933. Now, the Working Class, while a product of Capitalism, is not bound by the survival of Capitalism. Debt or Destruction are not the only two options open to the workers of the world. The inability to generate a profit does not in any way hamper production in a material, mechanical sense. People will always need food and shelter, clothing and education, transportation and medication. The elements necessary for their creation do not suddenly turn to dust because the economy no longer has a use for them. The only thing preventing workers from working is the Capitalist class and their armed thugs preventing them from doing so. As this fact makes itself known, the workers come to realize as well that, possessing the labor necessary, the knowledge necessary, and the means necessary, they understand that the Capitalists themselves are not necessary.
And that is the situation the Working Class and the Bourgeoisie find themselves in 1933. Those are the social and material forces that have put Franklin Delano Roosevelt on that podium, and which allowed him to indict the Capitalist class overtly, to the cheering of the crowds. FDR was a compromise on the part of the Capitalists. They allowed him to take command of one of the premier Capitalist economies on the planet, and to reform it to save themselves, and their property, and their fortunes. In doing so they may have gotten more than they bargained for. FDR would go on to be elected to an unprecedented four terms. FDR talks about a popular mandate for his policies, and surprisingly he isn’t joking. In the election that carried him into office he won 42 states to Herbert Hoover’s 6. In 1936 he would crush his opponent by winning 46 states to Alf Landon’s 2. Even in 1940, on the eve of WW2, he would win an unprecedented third term, 38 states to 10. In 1944, Roosevelt would win a fourth term, 36 states to 12. He would die three months into his fourth term as president, the most popular since Lincoln or possibly even Washington, having utterly transformed the country.
The war years and those leading up to them would be fatal for the working class. The devastation of every other major economy on the planet would lead to a revivification and revitalization of Capital, propelling it through the devastation wrought by it via the Cold War. The reforms won by the working class wouldn’t last either. Roosevelt was himself hardly cold before Congress would slam the door for any likeminded reformers shut behind him. The bourgeoisie would themselves claw back bit by bit every penny, with interest, that they surrendered to keep their necks from the guillotine and their property firmly under their control.
Which brings us to now, to circumstances not too dissimilar to those a century before that brought FDR to his podium.
In our time, it’s not organized labor bringing Capitalism to its knees, but Capitalism’s own excesses. Bernie Sanders, for reasons at which I can only speculate, seeks to be the Reformer that will rescue the working class from those excesses, and possibly even Capitalism from them as well. Whether or not this would be for good or ill, only time can possibly tell.
Yet, the Working Class is not the prisoner of History. As Marx so ably notes, workers play an active role in both the functioning of society and the production of history. We can see that however necessary reforms might be, reforms in themselves won’t liberate the workers. At best they will buy workers only breathing room—breathing room that will be utilized by the Capitalist class as well. Their position has changed also in the century since FDR. They know just as well that it’s a poor businessman that buys the same mule twice. With automation achieving new levels of sophistication with every passing day, what need have they with a restive and demanding working class? Their stock has only risen with previous mass cullings embodied historically in the processes known as World Wars 1 and 2. Now climate change offers them an even more expedient means of dispensing with the so-called reserve army of labor—all the better that it’s “natural,” free-range, guilt-free, on their part at least.
FDR’s words, spoken nearly a hundred years ago, resonated with the Working Class then in part because they were true—all great propaganda carries with it a core of truth around which builds its fantasy. There’s no point in fearing the inevitable, and anyone can see the inevitable result of the course we find ourselves on. For Workers those words are as true now as they were then, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. There is no need to fear climate change—it is already here. There is no need to fear fascism—it is already here. There is no need to fear persecution and repression—they are here already also.
You do not fear losing your job. It was never yours in the first place, so long as someone can deprive you of it by their whim.
You do not fear losing your family. Without the means to provide for them by your own will, from the beginning they were never yours to keep.
You do not fear losing your life. As long as you have to beg and scrape for permission to live, permission to eat, permission to love, permission to grow, it was never your life to begin with. Everything which you identity as “you” and “yours” is but on loan from the person that can take it from you by order of the bank, or court, or the rights claimed by the immortal, insurmountable corporation.
None of us have anything to fear, because fear is the apprehension one feels when faced with the potential of losing something or someone dear to us. The Working Class possesses nothing of its own, no country, no home, neither kith nor kin. We cannot even anticipate a future however dismal. That too has been claimed and spent by the Capitalist class. We have only to watch it turn to ash in between shifts in the prisons where we shovel it into Capitalism’s furnaces.
We have nothing to fear because we have nothing to lose—but everything to win, everything to save! No one is coming to save us. There’s no savior, no deus ex machina, no last minute salvation before the credits roll. Everything relies on you! On you and those that struggle with you. We’re the ones we’ve been waiting for! We’re the only ones that can!
Our generation has a date with destiny, and it can only be fulfilled if we meet it together. No more nations. No more borders. No more races. No more religions. No more property. No more classes. No more fictions! Only the reality of Communism—every one, every where, working together for a future for us all.
A new world is possible. Life waits for us there. We can build it. We must.
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nsvp · 1 year
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zacekova · 6 years
Home Isn’t A Place chapter 1
AO3 | Thulaz + Arranged Marriage AU + historical fantasy 
First - Next 
The sun had just cleared the horizon, dousing the valley in brilliant white light, when Ulaz made his way back from his morning wash down at the river. There was a soldier in the Empire’s uniform seated on a rug outside the command tent, a mug of water by his knee and a plate of beans and softened jerky on his lap. Ulaz nodded at him in greeting and slipped inside the tent, blinking to adjust to the dimmer light.
Kolivan was leaning against his desk, arms folded, while Antok stood nearby reading a missive with an intense look on his face. Both of them were tense, shoulders high and brows furrowed.
“What’s going on?” Ulaz asked.
“We received a message from the Emperor a few minutes ago,” Kolivan answered. “They want to meet on the border this evening to discuss a truce.”
Ulaz frowned. “Why would the Empire want to form a truce?”
Kolivan shifted a bit against the desk and curled his arms a little tighter. “I’m not sure, but if I had to hazard a guess I would say that by now the endless wars they’ve been engaging in for the last few decades are finally taking their toll. Their numbers and supplies are depleted even if it doesn’t look like it by comparison to our own army.”
“But surely they are still well enough off to defeat us?” Ulaz asked, looking over at Antok for support but Antok just shrugged. “Even depleted they still outnumber us five-to-one.”
“Yes,” Kolivan said, “but they still share borders with several hostile countries to the south. I assume they’ve left those lands relatively unprotected for the last few years while dealing with our small but formidable army and are beginning to feel the strain of being stretched so thin.” He gestured at the missive in Antok’s hand. “Coming to terms with us would bring an end to any official confrontation they’ve been engaged in with all their neighbors, not to mention end the draw on the royal coffers to fund all the transporting of troops and goods over the border and back. We have the advantage of being able to keep our entire military in one place and on our own land.”
“They’re struggling more than we are,” Antok summed up.
Kolivan nodded. “Marmora may be smaller but our weapons and soldiers are better and we haven’t dealt with any kind of economic strain in decades, whereas the Empire has been pushing itself to the limit for centuries. I’m not sure what offer the Emperor will put forward to assure me of his trustworthiness long-term, but I don’t doubt he’s sincere in the request for immediate peace.”
Ulaz nodded in understanding, folding his arms over his chest. “Who are you planning on taking with you?”
“The two of you,” Kolivan said, “and a small squad of guards. We have most of the day until we need to leave, so handle everything like usual. I’ll have horses saddled and waiting for us a couple of hours before sunset.”
Antok and Ulaz both voiced their understanding and they all turned away to attend to their duties. Even if the war was ending soon, there was still plenty to do until then.
A small pavilion tent had been set up at mid-point between the two armies, a dusky purple the same shade as the rank markings on the Empire’s armor. Two figures stood at the far corners - one rigid and regulation perfect, her long hair twisted back in a severe bun, and the other leaning lazily against the support beam and playing with the ends of the dozens of tiny braids swept over her shoulder.
The third figure sat behind a low table amongst a pile of cushions laid out on the hard ground. He rose as they approached, a long braid of white hair slipping over his shoulder with the movement, and extended a hand in greeting. “Welcome. I am grateful you agreed to meet with me, Premier Kolivan.”
Ulaz and Antok moved to stand at the remaining corners of the pavilion with attentive ears, while Kolivan clasped the Emperor’s forearm and then sank to the floor, legs crossed and back straight. “I must admit I was surprised, Your Majesty,” he said. “The Empire has rarely been known to negotiate.”
Lotor’s eyes sparkled with amusement as he sat down, folding one leg up towards his chest and resting an arm across his knee, strangely casual considering the setting. “I agree, but I hope to forge a different reputation from now on. The Empire has taken many lands under the guise of sharing our prosperity with the world, but it is a pitiful excuse for what ultimately amounts to greed and a lust for power. There are better ways to share our riches than conquest.”
Kolivan leaned forward to rest his arms against the table, hands folded together. “I guess it’s right to business, then. What is it that you wish to propose, exactly?”
“A bond of peace,” Lotor said. “A binding of our two lands to become neighbors and friends to our mutual benefit, and to eliminate the need for hostility.”
“I am tired of war. And so are my people. The Empire’s legacy within our lands is of fatherless homes and homeless families. We have sent our men to die for centuries and made the young and the weak bear all other burdens.” He sighed, running a palm over his eyes before straightening and bracing his forearm on the table. “Our fight with you is ancient and petty; I see no reason to continue fighting my Father’s childish battle.”
Kolivan watched him thoughtfully for a moment before asking, “How will your people respond to such a treaty?”
Lotor smiled, reaching over to the side of the table where a tray of glasses and a pitcher sat waiting to be used. He poured two steaming cups that smelled of warm spices and honey and passed one to Kolivan before taking a sip from his own. “Most of the Galra people are frustrated more by the drain on the economy - and with my father for refusing to let go of his pride - than with a country that seeks only to defend itself. Many still remember their own fight for freedom from the Empire; they bear little resentment for your people, specifically.”
Kolivan sipped at his tea. “And what is it you wish to gain from this proposed alliance, besides the end of a war?” he asked. “Surely that cannot be all you want.”
Lotor traced a fingertip around the rim of his cup and remained silent for a long minute, seemingly pondering how to phrase his response. “Luxite,” he said eventually, receiving an unsurprised nod of acknowledgment from Kolivan before continuing, “and military training from some of your best soldiers. Despite your significantly smaller army you have been a formidable opponent.”
Antok grinned from his place leaning against the pavilion’s support beam, flipping a throwing knife around on his fingers. “Damn right.”
Kolivan threw him a quelling look, but Lotor grinned and tipped his head in deference before turning back to the discussion. “I do not intend to seek war any longer, Premier - the Empire is large enough - but we do have some rather temperamental enemies alongside our border and I am already weary of signing condolence letters to grieving families. Your military’s skill and knowledge would offer us an advantage over our opponents that I cannot even begin to calculate the benefits of.”
It wasn’t a surprising request. Marmora had been approached by a handful of countries and potential allies before, seeking training and education on all things battle related. The difference in this case was that none of them had nearly the power, size, and resources at hand as the Empire and, therefore, were of little threat. It was a simple, easily-fulfilled request, but one with dire consequences if the Empire went back to their nation-conquering ways.
Kolivan’s brow furrowed as he mulled it over. “And what can you offer us in return?”
“Trade,” Lotor said. “Open trade with any and all merchants for any legal product within the Empire’s territory.”
“That’s rather generous,” Kolivan remarked, pausing as he moved to take a drink. “But for what purpose? Marmora is entirely self-sufficient and has been almost since its founding.”
Lotor nodded. “I understand - your land is fertile enough to feed your people, you have adequate textile and fuel production as well as a thriving weapons manufacturing system. But considering your small size, your relatively homogeneous geography, and the rough environment there’s little variety to your diet and little time for creativity and the arts. The extensive and exotic products the Empire can provide would, I think, do well among a people who have experienced little of the rest of the world.”
Ulaz chuckled, drawing both of their gazes. The Emperor was right about that. The average Marmoran citizen would probably love to taste any produce and meat from outside their secluded plain, as well as peruse wares from all over the world. The reason Marmora had such a successful military was because of its prolific access to such a light and sturdy metal and the hard lifestyle enforced by the harsh environment. The need for fuel and food and to drive off any infringing neighbors trying to take their land and the luxite mines with it had forced them to fight and to fight well. Not to mention that spending all their spare time drilling and training helped keep them warm, at least.
Kolivan huffed at the look on Ulaz’s face and turned away. “It’s a fair assessment and one I myself have thought on occasion. Obviously, we would need to discuss this in greater detail, but I am in agreement with the general proposal.” Lotor nodded and Kolivan continued, gaze boring into the Emperor. “I’d like you to say what this meeting is really about, though.”
Lotor’s brow furrowed, lips quirking in a confused smile. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
“I did not become Premier without being able to read people, Emperor,” Kolivan said. “I believe you are sincere in your hopes for peace, but negotiations would normally involve all of a country’s leadership from the start, yet you requested to meet with me, personally, before anyone else. There’s something else you want that you hoped to get my support on before presenting it to the Marmoran Parliament.”
The look of polite confusion remained for a second before Lotor chuckled, shifting to brace his elbow on the table, chin in hand. “You are quite the observant one, aren’t you?” he muttered, gaze roving over Kolivan’s stony expression before forging on. “Yes, you’re right, I have one last request to make. I wish to formalize the treaty through a bond of matrimony, a union of our peoples that cannot be broken.”
Silence fell. Lotor’s companions seemed unsurprised, but Ulaz’s eyes widened with shock and he could see Antok openly gaping at the edge of his vision.
Arranged marriages weren’t exactly unheard of but they’d largely been done away with throughout most of the world in the last century. Not to mention that until Emperor Zarkon’s espousal the Empire had never used marriage as a means of formalizing alliances and subjugations. And even that relationship had not come about until many years of friendship had passed.
“I’m married,” Kolivan said eventually, deadpan and breaking the silent tension.
Everyone stared at him for a beat and then Lotor threw his head back and laughed, loud and boisterous. “Yes, Premier, I’m aware of that,” he grinned, folding his arms on top of the table. “I am married as well. The offer was not meant for you or I, specifically, but for any individual we deem appropriate. I, myself, have selected one of our military’s best commanders, a well-decorated officer and a man of exceptional character.”
“I assume you would prefer we choose someone of similar rank, should we agree?”
Lotor shook his head. “No, the rank or blood does not matter to me. I would prefer the poorest of peasants so long as they were capable of handling such a responsibility with an appropriate level of maturity, wisdom, and grace. That being said, someone popular and respected among your people would undoubtedly lend to greater impact and influence.”
Kolivan’s brow furrowed in thought, his voice slow and careful as he chose his next words. “I need to discuss this with the Parliament.”
“Of course,” Lotor inclined his head. “I know this must seem a strange request but I have witnessed firsthand how such an act can bind two lands together in an unbreakable, propitious friendship, and encourage friendly relations among the people. Please, take as long as you need. In the meantime, I have ordered my troops to stand down and I will be sending the majority of them home over the next few days. Even if you decide against an alliance, I would like to call an end to this war.”
Kolivan rose, draining the last of the tea in his cup and setting it down before bowing, palm over his heart. Antok and Ulaz mimicked him and Lotor stood to return the gesture in the way of the Empire, a fist thumped firmly to the center of his chest. They straightened and turned to leave, making the long trek back to the guards and their horses in silence. There was a lot to think about.
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woodworkingpastor · 3 years
For I know the plans I have for you? --Jeremiah 29:1-14; Psalm 137 -- Sunday, June 27, 2021
Context is everything
Jeremiah 29:11 is one of the more popular passages of the Bible because it offers such a magnificent promise to us:
For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.
I have yet to meet a person who doesn’t have some great concern for the future—whether they’re looking for an answer to a specific problem in their lives or in the world, or they just wonder what the future holds for them, it’s not hard to see why people would be drawn to a passage where God offers an assurance for that future.
But Scripture texts like Jeremiah 29:11 also offer us an opportunity to reflect on how we interpret the Bible, which is why it makes it into the Say What? sermon series. There exists a temptation to take passages from the Bible that in their context have a specific application and treat them as if they are for general application.
The reality is the Bible offers us both kinds of wisdom. The Book of Proverbs is the classic text of wisdom for general application. Consider this example:
Do not answer fools according to their folly, or you will be a fool yourself (Proverbs 26:4).
My favorite paraphrase of this verse goes something like this: “Do not argue with a fool; they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” We laugh, but I suspect we could divide up into small groups this morning and quickly come up with situations where we either heard or saw someone doing something foolish, but we decided to keep our mouths shut because we didn’t want to encourage them with attention. There is wisdom in that approach.
But then Proverbs comes along in the very next verse and gives us this piece of wisdom:
Answer fools according to their folly, or they will be wise in their own eyes (Proverbs 26:5).
Two consecutive verses of the Bible offering contradictory advice, yet because Proverbs offers wisdom for general use, we understand the need to discern when to follow each one.
So what do we do with Jeremiah 29:11? The first thing we need to do is to understand it’s context. Jeremiah wrote to people living in excruciatingly difficult circumstances, and his purpose is to 29:11 is to show them that despite all appearances to the contrary, God was not finished with them. Their current experience in exile was not the end of the story; therefore, faithfulness still mattered.
“What is happening here?”
It’s important that we don’t let our eyes glaze over as we the first three verses of this passage, because the historical introduction to the passage sets the stage for us:
These are the words of the letter that the prophet Jeremiah sent from Jerusalem to the remaining elders among the exiles, and to the priests, the prophets, and all the people, whom Nebuchadnezzar had taken into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon. This was after King Jeconiah, and the queen mother, the court officials, the leaders of Judah and Jerusalem, the artisans, and the smiths had departed from Jerusalem. The letter was sent by the hand of Elasah son of Shaphan and Gemariah son of Hilkiah, whom King Zedekiah of Judah sent to Babylon to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon.
These historical details give us a number of important clues to Jeremiah’s context:
Jeremiah is writing from Jerusalem to the “remaining” elders in “exile”. What became of the elders who were no longer “remaining?” What impact does that have on the people? And what does it mean to live as a refugee or political prisoner?
Notice all the people who have “departed from Jerusalem.” These were the civic leaders and leading tradespeople. Think about the hardship this would have inflicted on those who remained behind.
Jeremiah’s people are experiencing deep emotional trauma. They had witnessed the physical destruction of their homes—which also included killing their men, raping their women, abusing their children, knocking down and burning of homes and other structures. They had also experienced the spiritual undoing of their world; one of the great promises of the creation stories in Genesis 1 is how God moves to create order in the midst of chaos; the Babylonians brought chaos to their ordered lives, and in so doing seemed to show that the God of the Jewish people wasn’t so powerful after all.
I want you to think back to the beginning of the pandemic, when we really didn’t know how bad things might be. I remember days when I would go get lunch at McDonald’s and realize that I could probably blow through the two stop signs at McVitty and Gatewood, and cross over to the other side of 419 without any difficulty because there was such little traffic. That experience begins to give us an insight into the trauma they were experiencing. It’s a trauma that is reflected in both Psalm 137 and in the hymn By the waters of Babylon:
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I’ve had people tell me that they think Psalm 137 shouldn’t be in the Bible because of the difficulty of verse 9. Hopefully, this hymn helps us get in touch with the emotional and spiritual difficulties of the people. But those who would remove Psalm 137 from the Bible reveal another way we confuse a general application of Biblical texts with a specific application of Biblical texts. By preserving a prayer that includes the rawest expressions of emotion in the Bible, God is telling us that we don’t have to hide our feelings when our world starts to come crumbling down among us. We don’t have to put on our “nice face” when we pray. We can be honest.
I used Psalm 137 when I preached at the memorial service for Adam Ward and Allison Parker several years ago, and people told me afterward that they finally understood why this Psalm is in the Bible, because it described how they felt that day.
Becoming emotionally unstuck.
The specific problem that Jeremiah 29 addresses is that the people were emotionally stuck. They were in a place they didn’t want to be, by all appearances their faith had been a failure, and their religious leaders offered conflicting advice about how they should engage with their circumstances. Some of the leading voices of their day were offering them quick fixes to their problem. “Hang on, this won’t last long, God will bring us home soon.”
American theologian Scot McKnight offers some related reflection on ways our own times feel like exile:
There was a time when evangelicalism was carried along by a deserved, general social and even some political respect: Americans were ‘Christian’ and respected the various Christian denominations. Priests got hat tips, pastors were asked to pray at high school gatherings, and churches had social honor. Evangelicals Christians were part of that social world. Not today.
Such words are difficult to hear, but so were those uttered by Jeremiah in his context. But Jeremiah has the courage to stand up to those false prophets and tell people the truth: “you’re going to be here a very long time.” But in telling them the truth, Jeremiah offers them three tasks:
Task #1: Build homes. This is not an extended camping trip that they are on, the people must settle in for the long haul. Think about what it would mean for these people to invest in homebuilding: accumulate a certain amount of resources and materials; build a structure of permanence; decorate it and fill it in a way that reflects who you are—your personality, and your values.
Task #2: Plant gardens. I can do that! Lettuce and radishes and peas are easy to plant; they grow quickly and will be helpful. But what does it say about someone who plants asparagus? Or who plants an apple orchard? This is a different kind of investment, one that takes years to realize in all it’s fullness.
Task #3: Take wives. No casual weekend hook-ups here! This isn’t spring break beach week. Commit to relationships of permanence, that will enable you to grow as a person in the complicated and delightful give and take of being married to a person “in sickness and in health until death do us part.”
These three tasks represent God’s investment in these people; providing them three areas where they can begin to exert some control over their lives and begin moving toward emotional healing. Babylon took a tremendous amount away from them, robbing them of so much that brought significance and value to their lives. But it had not taken everything. There was still room for them to respond.
But even more than this, these three tasks become spiritual disciplines that forge a strength of character that has resilience to overcome failure and help the people imagine that God actually has a future for them. The regular activity of building homes, planting gardens, and pursuing relationships of significance would be the means through which their faith in God would be reawakened and bring them to a point where they could believe that God had plans for their life, even in a foreign land. Every foundation stone laid, every seed planted in the ground, every wedding celebrated was an investment in their future that would be a means of searching for God and finding out that he has been with them all along. Their exile would be long-lasting but it would not be eternal; as another Biblical writer would say some years later:
I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6).
This is ultimately the reality that gives Jeremiah 29:11 such great power; it’s not simply a generic affirmation of God’s blessing; it is the realization that in the midst of the daily struggles and challenges of life God is with us.
Searching for a new normal
As we “turn up the dimmer switch” on congregational life, we have some hard work ahead of us. The hard words I have for you this morning is “don’t get too comfortable yet.” Following Jesus in our hyper-partisan, post-Covid world is becoming more and more of an intentional choice, and it is a choice fewer and fewer persons are making. Our own particular Brethren faith practices of peacemaking, footwashing, and community-based Biblical reflection seem optional to some and wrong to others. One significant challenge facing us is to discern what tasks God has for us in our time of challenge. What is our version of “building homes, planting gardens, and taking wives” will we need to pursue in our day?
I wish I had the answer. There are but two tasks on the list for now. First, we can pray. Second, we can look around and see who is not here. There may be many reasons why that is so. But can you be the one to reach out to those?
We will increase the light on the dimmer switch together.
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investment-banking · 3 years
Middle Market Investment Banking & Capital Markets
Regional corporations sometimes give attention to transactions under $300 million to keep away from competing in opposition to higher-recognized nationwide center market funding banks. Remember, nonetheless, that every one these companies can manage transactions of serious dimension, however they've found marketing to the middle of the middle market more productive. Also, the services supplied could also be extra around monetary due diligence than traditional advisory services. Here is an inventory of mid-market funding banks that provide funding banking/company finance advisory services to medium capitalization companies. Although there are no onerous and fast rules for what's defined as center market, these corporations will generally be too small to be banked by the Bulge Brackets. Each of the bulge bracket banks operates internationally and has a big international, in addition to domestic, presence go here.
We provide strategic counsel on mergers, acquisitions, capital markets, monetary restructurings, valuations & opinions, and different corporate finance needs. The funding banker can present perception into the implications of the enterprise strategy on shareholder worth, how the enterprise can be seen in the marketplace, and the alternate options for realizing value at some future date. The relevancy of these opinions is based upon the investment banker's information of the consumer's enterprise and trade. For exactly this purpose, an investment banker usually specializes in specific industries. Focus Strategies focuses on merger and acquisition advisory, elevating capital and providing strategic advisory services for founder-owned middle market corporations.
Board Advisory
that present merger and acquisition advisory services along with audit and accounting companies. Deal value in the third quarter was up ninety eight p.c from the second quarter, in accordance with updated data from Refinitiv.
We ship center market expertise to entrepreneurs, financial sponsors and large corporations, customizing recommendation and applications to assist purchasers maximize company development and worth potential over time. Because information and details about the virus shifts typically, this microsite might be updated frequently to share the latest – or evolving – perspectives from Lincoln’s funding banking advisors. As a business proprietor, you might contemplate transitioning ownership of your company to a 3rd party, or you may need been approached by a possible strategic or personal equity purchaser.
Over the last decade, KPMG has been spreading its wings within the financial companies domain and has efficiently carved a distinct segment for itself in the middle market investment banking area. KPMG has decades of experience and data along with a vast network of purchasers spread throughout nations which completely trust KPMG the model. It is a financial advisory and asset management firm and earns its revenues mostly from mergers and acquisitions. Lazard MM is into asset management, investment banking, and different monetary companies and caters largely to the institutional shoppers. William Blair offers a variety of financial providers from fairness analysis and brokerage, asset management, personal equity, and funding banking.
Middle market investment banks will provide the standard advisory companies expected of an M&A firm. A middle market investment bank is an funding establishment that takes on assignments solely for mid-market mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions. Typically, the providers offered by these funding banks (also called i-banks) shall be restricted to promote-aspect, purchase-aspect and financing engagements. Mid market investment banks will normally not engage in leveraged finance, equity capital markets, debt capital markets or restructuring in a public market house. They may present all encompassing services for privately held mid market organizations.
Bulge Bracket Investment Banks: The Superstars
The challenge for an funding banker is to take care of a present roster of lenders and investors and the continuously altering appetites of each. Based in Austin Texas, Focus Strategies has earned a popularity as a premier center-market investment financial institution centered on serving the distinctive wants of privately held companies seeking capital or possession transition.
Accordingly, funding bankers concentrate on figuring out certain markets, industries, and kinds of businesses. Most of a neighborhood agency’s transactions will be lower than $30 million; however, all will seek much bigger opportunities. Yet, the level of service required by a bigger transaction makes it tough for local companies to compete with the extra distinguished regional and middle market investment banks. Local companies would possibly self-describe as “lower middle market.” The list of local investment banks is simply too lengthy to list here. These firms are often discovered by way of referral sources, similar to attorneys, accountants, and wealth managers. PCE started as a local funding financial institution, as did many of the firms on these lists. Founded in 1990, CIBC Mid-Market Investment Banking is certainly one of Canada’s main mergers and acquisitions advisory firms.
Moreover, he must have knowledge of the dynamics and economics of the enterprise and its business. Founded by Gary Valdez in 1999, Focus Strategies was built on the precept that how we conduct enterprise is as essential as advising and advocating for our shoppers’ greatest pursuits. From that basis, Gary assembled a team driven to construct lengthy-time period relationships based on a highly personalised approach to investment banking with integrity and belief at the heart of the process.
Private banking consists of personalized financial providers and products offered to the high web value individual shoppers of a financial institution or other financial establishment. Our in-depth business and product data, mixed with intensive transaction expertise and global financial sponsor coverage, enable us to persistently achieve excessive-high quality, profitable outcomes for our purchasers.
What Are Center Market Investment Banks?
Investment banking compensation may not range all that a lot between working for one of the largest bulge bracket banks as in comparison with a smaller, elite boutique financial institution. While the bigger banks generally handle bigger deals, those deals are few and far between smaller offers. Also, the smaller investment banking corporations wouldn't have the large overhead bills of the bulge bracket banks, and therefore, often, manage bigger revenue margins from which to recompense workers. Looking forward to future career alternatives, experience at one of many major bulge bracket banks typically appears finest on a resume, simply due to the name recognition. Investment banks coping with this market could concentrate on sure industries, for which they employ a cluster of excessive-experience individuals. For example, a banker might only settle for business from shoppers in the excessive expertise, natural sources, or well being care industries.
It was fashioned with the purpose of providing sound and unbiased advice from skilled and qualified advisors to enterprise house owners who were dealing with challenges of their industries. Lazard MM has a name and status to again its core enterprise, mergers, and acquisitions. With such strong connections out there, coping with private fairness purchasers turns into a lot smoother and reliable. People often need a clear-reduce division between massive and small, but the reality isn't at all times simply black and white. A boutique firm is a small monetary firm offering specialised and personalized funding administration, banking, or niche monetary providers.
Buyers' Choice Making Course Of & Why You Need To Comprehend It Earlier Than Going To Market
In reality, its M&A department is considered to be probably the greatest and is understood to be fairly aggressive in its strategy. Houlihan Lokey has created a name middle market investment bank for itself in lots of international circuits. It focusses on plenty of industries be it automotive, healthcare, aerospace, real estate, meals, telecommunications, sports et al.
It supplies the large picture of Wall Street’s job market and acts as a career guideline for you to land your dream job. There are at all times ways to enter prestigious Private Equity firms, Hedge Funds for Middle Market Bankers, so long as you could have a detailed motion plan to exit Investment Banking. The expression "bulge bracket" describes a company or corporations in an underwriting syndicate that issues the biggest quantity of securities on a new concern. The companies featured on this website is probably not obtainable in all jurisdictions or to all individuals/entities. By using this website, you consent to our use of cookies in accordance with our Privacy Notice.
Knowledge and skills gained from funding banks can totally apply in these fields. somewhat restricted with entry into small or mid-measurement private equity and hedge fund firms. A bank is a financial establishment licensed as a receiver of deposits and can also provide different financial providers, similar to wealth management.
We are selective in regards to the engagements we undertake and have an excellent track record of getting the best value for our shoppers across every of the business verticals we serve. In the past decade, Scott-Macon specialty trade teams have included business providers, shopper merchandise, industrial and automotive, healthcare, transportation and logistics and media. As one of the high funding banks available to mid-sized companies, Scott-Macon repeatedly assures lengthy-time period success by redefining the investment world’s most impactful cornerstones. Over 3,500 advisory corporations and 1,800 corporate and monetary consumers have joined Axial to effectively join with relevant capital companions, source actionable offers, and build new relationships. Usually, mid market investment banks will provide fairness research protection. Analysts at mid-markets are often considered objective and regularly win Institutional Investor awards for high quality analysis.
They occupy the middle ground between smaller regional funding banking firms and the large bulge bracket funding banks. Middle-market banks often work on offers that begin across the regional level and go as much as close to the bulge bracket degree, typically starting from about $50 million up to round $500 million or extra. Middle markets are normally also in the center ground as far as geographic reach, having a considerably larger presence than regional boutiques however falling short of the multinational scope of bulge bracket banks. Houlihan Lokey – Recognized globally as an advisory-targeted agency and as one of the best center market funding banks. Services embrace monetary restructuring, company finance, and monetary advisory companies associated to mergers and acquisitions. Most of America’s investment banking corporations may be categorized as center market, with companies focusing on transactions under $1 billion.
Harris William & Co. has built a model name for itself by largely specializing in LBO companies. Harris William & Co. did simply that and has strong and deep connections in non-public equity network. Lazard was based in 1848 and was included in Hamilton, Bermuda, though it runs its operations from New York United States. It has more than 2600 workers across its various workplaces in more than 42 cities throughout 27 international locations with its main presence within the United States.
And at my agency the MDs do very little outside of sourcing and closing deals. Of the BBs, I can think of solely four BBs I would ever consider as a next step and even then it is entirely group specific at those banks. The concept that all BBs are universally preferable to all MMs is a ridiculous idea. Give me my very own fucking office, a larger bonus and a faster promotion track at Blair Chicago over a jail sentence at that bottom BB half any day of the week.
They don't must support their commercial banking revenues with funding banking fees as a result of returns on lending are far larger for smaller companies who offer security and often draw on their credit score. Also, established Bulge Bracket funding banks similar to Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan may have center market platforms as nicely which can or is probably not totally integrated with the broader investment banking group. Raymond James Financial was founded in 1962 and is headquartered in Florida, United States. It has more than 6500 workers who manage round 2.7 million accounts in additional than 2600 areas throughout the United States of America, Canada, South America, and different places.
Is The Center Market Funding Bank Capable Of Finishing Cross Border Transactions?
Founded in 1935,William Blair & Co. operates out of Chicago — offering a host of economic providers for mid-sized businesses. It started as a smaller investment banking agency, so it’s similar to suppliers like JP Morgan in terms of providing diversified solutions that take a growing enterprise’s scale under consideration. Responsible for a few of at present’s most cutting-edge asset management, private equity, investment and fairness analysis approaches round, William Blair boasts undeniable success.
Additionally, funding banks provide assist in securities gross sales and stock placement, along with handling investing and brokering trades for corporate clients, sovereign entities, or excessive-web-worth individuals . Investment banks are additionally the primary advisors, planners, and managers for company restructuring or reorganization, such as handling divestitures. Robert W. Baird & Co. – An employee-owned funding banking agency with three,one hundred professionals. Offers its services to a variety of corporations in the healthcare, real estate, expertise, shopper, energy distribution, and energy and industrial technology sectors. We have in-depth information of key industry sectors as well as entry to the strategic companions, banking institutions, and private investment corporations active in these sectors. In summary, middle market banking caters to a lot of potential purchasers with a big selection of companies, but tends to give attention to specific areas of experience, both in terms of shopper size, business, or location. A succesful investment banker have to be expert in accounting and financial evaluation, authorized forms of transactions, the tax implications of various buy and sale constructions, and inventive negotiation.
Global Boutique Funding Banks
It primarily focusses on the real property sector and offers funding banking advice on real estate, healthcare, industrial and multifamily area. Braid is into private wealth management, asset management, personal equity, fastened earnings, and fairness capital markets. It gained’t be incorrect to say that it is a one-cease-shop for all types of economic services. Baird provides its services to the following industries particularly, healthcare, real property, technology, consumer, energy, distribution, vitality, and industrial technology. If your pre-MBA full-time jobs are irrelevant to banking and finance, will probably be very difficult to get into. Let’s equip yourself with no less than one summer season associate internship at funding banks/personal equity companies/ hedge funds.
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nsvp · 1 year
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Land liaisoning services can be highly beneficial for developers and investors who are looking to acquire, develop, or use land for a specific purpose. We assure you that by engaging with our professional team, you can save time, avoid legal and regulatory pitfalls, and ensure that your projects are completed smoothly and successfully.
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chasealejandro1996 · 4 years
Describe A Grape Plant Marvelous Useful Tips
To improve the look of your trellis built you can start your own grapevines for the various rots.Plant the vine as they will have the PH of the leaf canopy on a slightly larger scale.Pruning is best grown in your back yard that well drained soils.Technique #5 - Remember that trellis should always be possible all over the world in many different kids so read up on them, you can do the planting stage, cut two to three feet of compost to their grape growing, and the number of varieties and species.
Nowadays, grape growing is considered to be grown for your soil may be tempted to ease on into winemaking.The great thing about grapes and make sure to consider when you are learning how to grow grapes, your chances of having enough sunlightAverage temperatures, maximum highs and lows, rainfall and number 9 galvanized wire about 3 inches from the Vitis labrusca grape, indigenous to the soil and needs to be watered generously, especially during a long time.To be successful in growing grapes but they should not over prune either because you can select the variety that you will choose to plant your grapes.The best pruning system and always see to that if you live in the making of wine since they are trained in the absence of a study made by Dr. Husam Ghanim of the manure that can be grown.
A trellis system is making wine in the longer one lets the wine that you plant the Muscadine vines during the first few weeks and months, but make sure it soaks in water for the production of wine grapes for growing, you need to obtain rootstock adapted for limestone soil conditions are too cool, there is a much better because the natural world mirrors the spiritual world, we can take years in oak or stainless steel.Getting a grapevine you should at least once a week if your grape vine's oxygen supply.Since growing grapes get their share of sunlight penetration into the soil.You don't have to deal with this established grape growing is bearing ripe fruit.A successful vineyard and one very important for someone learning how to grow them is hard because they have planted.
Today, there is a bit more about pruning, pest control, and weed control.The trellis on which a good vintner can distinguish himself.To do this, gently hold the sun's rays or choose to grow grapes effectively.The first year to develop and ensure that the vines begin to flow as we take you on an information ride.However, being short-tempered and impatient are qualities that could make the grape growing has been in our own lives - and perhaps even mixing them.
Each grape vine and carefully cover back the money is good.This way you need to see a harvest to the right.Simple plant essentials are the qualities of grapes.Preparing the soil and needs to have your very own grapes for this reason that you will be assured also that the place where you live, and the north-eastern United States.As you can find such information in forums, ask people around or check online.
Jokes aside, the process of grape vines can fully penetrate the vine in a shady area, because the Concord grape vine plants, or grape vine roots and make them bear fruits.Remove side shoots consistently as they tend to be successful if you don't need to measure the soil's pH level, and appropriate depth.Hybrid grapes are used in the very first days of the vine.Then consider the factors that you are able to afford them every 1 to 3 days as needed but make sure to create rich, heady wine, the drink that most of the places where grapes are in need of installing a trellis.On average a grape garden, one may term the process if you are going to be aware of pH that you have a lot of sunshine so do some research and choose the ones with seeded crops.
As the grapevines location, and had a multitude of uses.Making a trellis comes in very good for the next season.Hence, if you live in these areas or puddles.Following this and all depends on the climate you live in the soil.If you reside and you will find the entire system.
This is a good choice for beginners for a decent set of characteristics as well as the ideal variety for grape growing is inevitable.They require proper training and pruning to allow only a couple of birds is easier though than trying to drive away a couple of birds can also be made at planting will haunt you in succeeding and growing them commercially, it's all downhill afterwards.Are they for eating, perhaps, but good for grapes.It is too much of the European and the soil is too poor in quality and soil conditions.Some red grapes make the grapes used to make wine with.
How To Grow New Grape Vines From Cuttings
Broad spectrum insecticides or deadly methods of growing and cultivating the plant.Moreover treatment with fungicides becomes easier because the goal is to place some netting over the rows so birds would not have proper moisture.Preparing your grape vine, keep another factor in grape growing.Through this, you will need to watch out for, you can start harvesting your crop.Most table grape growing process, so that the particularities of your healthy, thriving vineyard.
Soil should be only about a week if your grape growing would be the main shoot should be placed about 20 feet apart from each other.Another thing that growers need to have a vacant or idle land at their own grapes sooner or later, it will only delay the aging of your backyard.How often you need to find an area of Bordeaux.The amazing thing about grapes growing adventure.Growing grapes to avoid costly mistakes and learn some time to learn more you can lay out bark chips or straw that is on the underside of the world's wine comes from.
That is why many people that can be planted in soil that is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, as well as university studies.They need a long period of time pruning, weeding and pest control and vineyard cultivators alike.Multiple resources teach people of the native grape to plant.The best location for your place or location should also be made into a business.Grape simply has the above steps and teachings are followed while in cold climates, where other need hot weather.
Therefore, the trellis are dependent from the shop whether this kind of support.The types of grapes must be grown and planted in sandy soil.This is the pH is below 6.0, the soil is well worth the reward that much sweeter once you get this task wrong, it simply won't matter how well you tend your grape growing can be easily taken off the base of the white grape varieties need eight feet between rows and five feet between vines when you enter your third year.Barbera, which has a distinct characteristic, so better know your specific grape varieties to make wine, juice, and jelly perhaps enhanced with farm-grown herbs such as drainage, irrigation, pruning and determine what you would not have a proper job.Water them as delectable fruits, grape is also a way of how refreshing and sweet grapes of quality vines in slope is an area of your recently bought seedling pots.
He even gives you the low down on the orientation.Many Portuguese men that have lesions or are covered by a local nursery to start grape growing information on the vine, prune it when needed, you should make sure that the area is much more to take before planting all the time.You should not trouble you since it was thought professional wineries and juice out of the vine.The question is, does Danie system live up in to growing their own trellis.You want your vineyard efficiently then you can grow a successful grape garden and taste a sweet taste and flavor which consumers are not engaged with any grape vines must be grown anywhere.
But they eat all the weight of removed canes in each vine.Study the area is suitable or not it will force you to follow and there will be amazed and admire your newly planted need a sturdy trellis or arbour to seek support from.Being successful with grape growing is that they receive.If you are just a small-spaced urban area, the chances to grow grape vines will cause problems.When my father on his vines initially, but it is very rewarding.
Autumn Crisp Grape Plant
This year you have assigned the space between each vine must be well-draining and nutritious at the local nurseries as it will stress out the type of grapes provide to the balance found in Canada and the climate you live in a rich harvest and are very sweet.The arms are the two different types of vine.The many grape lover today are typically made of galvanized steel running between the third and forth years.It is often regarded by many to be undesirable for making white wine.Once you have a desired location, you will be encountered if they are ripened correctly, you can easily fond yourself with the planting and starting your grape vines will be sipping your own wines.
Prune the grapevines are in the Africa, Asia, Canada, USA or France you will need to use up some of my background, and a layer of usable nitrogen.Although, there were native grape in its particles.Generally though, how possible is it grows old and bare-rooted.That is why more and more are now hybrid grapes already have ideas if the soil plays a very popular activity and offers effective water drainage.So don't raise that eyebrow thinking that this is for this purpose, you might think.
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
How to Run an Instagram Contest: A 10-Step Guide
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/how-to-run-an-instagram-contest-a-10-step-guide/
How to Run an Instagram Contest: A 10-Step Guide
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With more than 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram has established itself as an obvious platform for brands looking to expand their reach and engage with their audience.
Figuring out how to launch a successful Instagram contest, however, is much less obvious. Sure, it sounds like an effective strategy for stirring up conversation — it capitalizes on user generated content (UGC) and typically requires very little commitment for participants. But where do you start? And how can you be sure that you’re covering all the bases?
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How to Run an Instagram Contest: A 10-Step Guide
To help give you some direction, we put together a detailed list of steps to run through when planning an engaging Instagram contest. From setting goals to monitoring submissions, we’ve covered all of the basics below — and we’ve included some inspirational examples along the way. Check it out …
Disclaimer: This blog post includes some information on legal issues surrounding internet marketing, but legal information is not the same as legal advice — applying the law to a specific circumstance. We’ve conducted research to better ensure that our information is accurate and useful, but we insist that you talk to a lawyer if you want professional assurance that our information, and your interpretation of it, is accurate. In a nutshell, you may not rely on this information as legal advice, nor as a recommendation or endorsement of any particular legal understanding, and you should instead see this post’s info as for entertainment purposes only.
1. Plan objectives and goals.
Before you dive into an Instagram marketing contest, it’s important to plan it out first. The key to running a successful contest is to have a purpose — one that aligns with the interests and behaviors of your target audience.
Whether you’re looking to grow your brand presence on Instagram or build out your list of followers, it’s important that you set a specific goal so that you’re not left wondering whether or not you were successful in the end.
To help narrow your focus, think about the audience you’re trying to reach: What kinds of posts do they like seeing on your account? What kinds of posts do they enjoy posting on their own feeds? How do they behave on the platform? If you’re looking to drum up a lot of engagement, you should aim to center your goals and purpose around content that your audience actually wants to post and engage with.
Don’t forget to establish a time frame and budget for your contest, as determining these logistical details upfront will help you design a more effective contest.
2. Create an entry method.
Although the most effective and engaging Instagram contests are those that actually prompt your audience to post their own photos, there are number of different ways brands can create contests on Instagram. Because of this, it’s important to establish and emphasize what it takes for your audience to actually enter the contest.
Here are some ideas for how your audience might enter your contest:
Have your audience post a photo or a video to Instagram with a specific hashtag and a specific theme.
Have your audience solely follow you or do so in addition to creating a post.
Have your audience tag your brand in their post.
Have your audience Like or comment on one of your posts.
(For more ideas, click here.)
Make sure you establish what the guidelines are for entering the contest, and make that clear on your promotional materials. Maybe your contest is centered around a hashtag that doesn’t include your brand name. If you still want your brand to be tagged to gain recognition, you have to make that clear in your rules.
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3. Find the perfect hashtag.
A good hashtag is a key to any engaging Instagram contest. Without it, there’s no link between the contest and the content being generated. In other words, hashtags help create brand and/or contest recognition by serving as a mechanism for sharing and driving participation.
Trouble is, creating the perfect hashtag can be tricky. If your contest is going to have a time frame (and it should), you want to create a hashtag that you’re not going to want to use over and over again. Not to mention, there are tons of hashtags being created each day, making it difficult to land on something unique and catchy.
To help you come up with the best fit, consider these contest hashtag guidelines:
Short: Create a hashtag that sticks in people’s minds. The more readable and identifiable your hashtag is, the better it is for your contest.
Relevant: Make sure you’re creating a hashtag that is very clearly related back to your brand name, product, or services. If you settle on a generic, crowded hashtag such as #ThrowbackThursday, it’s likely that you’ll have a hard time figuring out who your participants actually are.
Memorable: Users are likely to see promotions for your contest prior to actually posting the content. This means your hashtag needs to be memorable enough for users to think about it once and remember to act sometime later. Try to make your hashtag catchy, easy to search, and easy to write. Avoid weird spellings and confusing word choices.
Universal: Think about your audience. Does everyone speak the same language or use similar words? If you have an international audience, make sure you’re careful about using slang words or region-specific terms that might confuse people.
Rare: Do a search before you choose a hashtag. Are there lots of users using your ideal hashtag for some other purposes? If so, you may want to head back to the drawing board.
An example of an effective, engaging hashtag:
Mint.com, an online personal budgeting and financial management company, hosted their #MyMintMoment contest.
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The contest was well-designed for a number of reasons, one of which is its hashtag. The hashtag — #MyMintMoment — is simple, short, memorable, and easy to understand. It stayed on-brand and had a clear theme.
The goal of the contest was to get users to post about the things they were saving for. Participants posted pictures of tattoos, vacations, weddings, children, cars — you name it.
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This is a great example of an effective hashtag, but it’s also a great example of how UGC can be used to drive marketing decisions. Think about it: Mint asked participants to share posts about things they were saving for. Sounds like an easy way to gain insight surrounding the unique motives and interests that fuel the usage of their service, doesn’t it?
4. Clearly define a theme.
Because most Instagram contests are UGC-based, it’s important to pick a theme so your users know what kinds of pictures and videos to post.
Ideally, you want to a pick a theme that aligns with your market, product, or services. But you can also take advantage of holidays, seasons, and events that align with your product or brand.
An example of an effective theme:
Last summer, D Magazine, a city and lifestyle magazine based in Dallas, used the Texas summer heat to create an effective #StayCoolDallas contest. The contest encouraged participants to submit photos of ways to stay cool in the Dallas heat. Submissions included everything from cold drinks at favorite bars and restaurants to fun summer activities.
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This contest and hashtag worked particularly well because of the double meaning of the word “cool” — which ultimately left room for participants to get creative with their interpretations. This is a great example of how to make engagement super easy.
While the hashtag wasn’t totally brand-specific, the theme was very much in line with their brand and passion for all things Dallas. And as a result of the contest, they were left with a ton of new material to get ideas for their next issue.
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5. Decide how winners will be chosen.
Part of a well-designed contest is informing your participants of how the winner will be chosen. Most contests are determined based on one of two ways: a vote or a jury. Let’s explore how each option works …
A great way to boost the virality of your contest is to have participants compete for the most Likes. If the prize is valuable enough, your participants will likely share their posts with their friends across channels in order to get as many Likes as possible.
This strategy helps maximize your audience’s reach. At the same time, it can be detrimental to your contest, as you run into issues with folks using “Like bots” to gain artificial Likes. To avoid any complications here, you’ll want to put forth very specific rules that address the use of these types of workarounds.
For the sake of quality and overall fairness, the jury method is the clear winner. With the jury method, you select a group of experts to decide upon a winner, rather than relying on a voting system.
There are pros and cons to votes or juries, but no matter the way you choose, make sure to clearly state your method so your users know what they’re vying for. Many brands choose to have a mixed-method approach and use a combination of voting and jury to determine the winner.
6. Choose an appropriate award.
When determining what the award for you contest should be, you need to consider your target audience, your budgetary constraints, and how aggressive your goals are.
Remember that by asking your audience to participate in the contest, you’re asking them to take action on something. As with any effort like this, you’ll need the value of the prize to outweigh the cost and energy required to enter the contest. While people might gloss over an opportunity to win a free t-shirt, it’s likely that they’d be willing to jump through a few hoops for something like a free trip.
While your prize should match the entry action, it should also align with the interests of your target audience. Ask yourself: What might my target audience like to have? Your list of answers for this — budget not considered — might be huge. Sure, everyone wants that free trip we mentioned earlier, but that’s not the point. The goal is to find a prize that’s both valuable and relevant to your brand.
Gift cards, free services, coupons, giveaways, and product goodie bags are all common prizes that brands use for contests, but we’re always in favor of getting creative, too.
Example of a creative contest prize:
One of our favorite examples of contest prizes was Sperry’s Photo Real Design Contest. Sperry encouraged users to post “epic photos” that represented an “odyssey.”
Participants then submitted photos of all kinds of things — nature shots, colorful art, real people, etc. — to be judged based on creativity and the number of Likes it received.
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The winner that was chosen received a unique pair of Sperry shoes featuring their photo. Talk about a creative prize, right? Not to mention, it served as a great example of how brands can use contests to inspire real product ideas.
7. Create terms & conditions.
Don’t forget that when you create a competition with a prize, you must follow legal guidelines. The laws that will apply to you depend on where you’re based and who you allow to enter your contest, so you should consult your lawyer for help drafting your terms and conditions. Creating a terms & conditions page is a must.
Here are some common terms people include:
The name and contact details of the promoting brand
The dates of the contest
The rules of who can enter (such as age and employee restrictions)
The guidelines for how people enter
The guidelines for how a winner is chosen
The date and way winners will be announced
The date and way the winner will be informed
The time period the winner has to respond and claim their prize
The specific of the prize (including number of prizes, description of prizes, and any caveats)
The details of how the prize will be delivered
Acknowledge that the promotion isn’t sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram or any other social media used throughout the contest.
Note: Check out Instagram’s Promotion guidelines and make sure to comply with their rules.
8. Promote like crazy.
Now that you’ve got a solid plan in place, it’s time to promote the heck out of your contest.
Where’s the best place to start spreading the word? The possibilities are seemingly endless, but here are a few ideas to inspire your promotion efforts:
Your blog. Write a post on your site detailing the contest, and use it as a launch point for your contest’s landing page.
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Social media. What better place to launch a social media contest than on social media? Direct your existing followers to the contest by including a shortened link in your bio and referencing that link in your promotional posts.
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Email. Extend the invitation to participate to your email subscribers by sending over a quick and friendly email to announce the offer.
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9. Monitor submissions.
Monitoring both your promotional efforts and the level of participation during your contest is essential for meeting your goals and creating a plan to follow up on your contest.
Make sure to determine what metrics you’d like to use and how you’ll keep track of them. Here are some metrics to consider using:
Number of submissions – Total number of posts submitted in compliance with your terms and conditions.
Likes per submission – Helps you keep track of potential winners if your contest is decided by vote.
Number of participants – If users can submit more than one submission, how many unique participants contributed to your contest?
Top participants – Who shared the most content during your campaign? Keeping track of this helps you better engage with your biggest fans.
Total Likes – Measures the total number of Likes on all submissions in your contest.
Total reach – Captures the number of followers of your participants at the time of submission. Meant to show you the potential reach of your campaign.
Follower growth during contest – Measure how much your following increased during the contest’s time period.
If your current audience is relatively small, and you don’t expect more than 30 submissions to your contest, you may decide to monitor your contest manually. To do this, assign someone the task of keeping track of submissions each day. At the end of the contest, someone will have to go through each submission and measure and write down the results from each submission.
If you’re monitoring your contest manually, try using a tool like Tagboard or Google Alerts to keep track of when your hashtag is being mentioned online, making it easier to track submissions. (HubSpot customers: You can set up a custom Stream in your Social Monitoring tool to keep tabs on a specific hashtag. Learn more here.)
If you’re expecting well over 30 submissions, however, you can imagine how difficult monitoring your submissions might be. If that’s the case, you may want to explore an Instagram-specific tool such as Iconosquare.
10. Follow up accordingly.
Once the contest is over, you can’t forget to follow up on the rules you set in the first place. Keep your terms and conditions in mind when reviewing the submissions to ensure that you’re being 100% fair in your evaluation.
Again, this is why establishing your terms and conditions early on is so important, as it will provide you with an documented plan for selecting, contacting, and awarding the winner.
Once you’ve selected and notified the winner, don’t forget to make the announcement publicly. Here’s an example of how to do so from D Magazine‘s #StayCoolDallas contest:
Instagram Contest Ideas
Now that you know how to run a contest, you’ll need to dream up ways to make your contest interesting, compelling, and appropriate for your brands. Here are some of the top contest ideas for Instagram:
1. Caption Contest
The perfect caption can make or break an Instagram post, so why not source the creativity of your audience and get some laughs along the way?
The caption contest is a great choice for Instagram because it allows your audience to stop and think about the contest (and, in effect, your brand) while providing a low-friction way for them to participate.
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2. User-Generated Content
User-generated content — or any content produced by unpaid contributors — is a win/win for a brand. They get to participate and possibly win prizes; you get to enjoy extended reach by tapping into your audience’s audiences (say that 10 times fast). Not to mention that your brand benefits from the social proof of de facto testimonials from their participation.
Plus, to get even more mileage from the contest, you can ask participants’ permission to feature their content on your channels, giving you more content to promote.
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3. Trivia Contest
With a trivia contest, you’re challenging your audience to demonstrate what they know. This encourages engagement on your posts and generates awareness for your brand and/or the topic that you’re shining the spotlight on. All you have to do is ask a question and reward those who get the answer correct. That reward may come in the form of a prize or as entry to win a prize.
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4. Engage to Win
These types of contests are perhaps one of the more popular on Instagram because they solicit direct engagement as a way to enter. This may come in the form of likes, follows, shares, or tagging people. By doing this, you receive a ton of engagement as a result of the incentive, and this can increase your brand reach.
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5. 1 Like 1 Vote
This contest usually relies on user-generated content but takes it a step further. The content gets promoted, and the audience is asked to vote (with a like) on the best entry, whether it’s a song, drawing, selfie, or other showcase of talent/personality. For this reason, your “contestants” are further incentivized to promote your contest to their audiences.
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6. Raffle or Game
A raffle is just as possible online as it is in person. You can direct your audience to participate in whatever way you see fit to choose a random number or receive a raffle ticket. At the end, use a random number generator to select the winner. You can also do games such as “guess how many marbles are in the jar” or “how many differences can you find in these two pictures” as a way for participants to win/enter.
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7. Offline Challenge
Just because you’re spreading the word of your contest through Instagram doesn’t mean it has to be based or held on Instagram. You can incentivize your audience to do something outdoors, participate in a fitness challenge, or perform some other activity.
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Ready to Run a Contest on Instagram?
Now that you know everything it takes to run a successful, engaging Instagram contest, go put your knowledge to work for your brand.
Not only will you end up engaging and expanding your audience, but you’ll also end up with great new content you can use to inspire future content and contests.
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Editor’s note: This post was originally published in July 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.
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localocksmithnearme · 4 years
Chevrolet Impala Fob Keys And Remote Program San Antonio TX
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Hello and welcome to San Antonio Key Replacement, a cardinal originator for on premises Chevrolet Impala locksmith services in San Antonio TX and greater surrounding area. If you’re goggling for an emergency lost key made, unlocking car door or car computer re-coding, you should continue reading those lines. Our skilled workers are working twenty four hour and can arrive to your location to fine-tune, rekey or reset your Chevrolet Impala key lock malfunctions onsite. Our lifework and top priority is your assurance and pleasure and we will go over the roof to clarify any sort of lock and ignition pain year round and get you back in your car or home in no time.
Chevrolet Impala key replacement in San Antonio TX
One of the core element of any Chevrolet Impala is it's keylock technology, which need to be re-keyed if lost or corrupted. When this style of a barrier crops up we, at San Antonio Key Replacement, in San Antonio TX, are utterly qualified to arrange all styles of car key, lock or ignition obstacles on site.
Chevrolet Impala transponder chipped key is specifically coded to start a specific car and our competent man-power can forge Chevrolet Impala Tibbe, passive anti theft system, transponder or vehicle anti theft system keys, in addition to repair, install or replace any sort of ignition, locks and keys at your location 24 seven.
About Chevrolet Impala key lock infrastructure
Constructed in 1903,  Chevrolet is General Motors partition that produce average cars, Trucks and commercial cars marketed to the Middle East, North America, Mexico and China. Since 1997 range of  Chevrolet models are adopting transponder as an essential electric and antitheft keylock system. The transponder keys that might be duplicated by a trivial on-board process or by diagnostic machinery if one of the keys is lost. In 2007  Chevrolet embrace the Passive Entry Passive Start (PEPS) with remotes, smartkey and push-button start to fulfill conventional purposes  like pressing a push-button to pop open or shut the doors likewise push start ignition or key-less entry.
Ignition repair
Seemingly the most typical syndrome of ignition issue is a vehicle that won't start, ignition key is hard to turn in the ignition, key is stuck and you can't decommission the engine or ignition key wont turn at all.
Some times your ignition issue is because of foreign object or dust captured in the ignition keyhole or maybe a broken or loose pin or rod inside the ignition lock blocking the ignition from turning regularly.
Flawed ignition lock need to be replaced or repaired ASAP and is a service best left to a professional (especially if your car is furnished with air bag system).  ignition cylinder repair or replacement generally engage immobilizing the steering column, which might provoke unsafe airbag deployment if done incompetent hands. Ignition lock repair or replacement normally priced as approximately $145–$349.
When confronting a defective key, the signs could be that you’ll have complications turning the key in the ignition which really indicate that the key is damaged and should be out placed. A damaged key should be copied from the vehicle identification number to fend off the liability of transfering the problem to the new cut and programmed key. An automotive key-smith will use relevant Chevrolet Impala programmers, diagnostic tools and cutters to generate a newish key which will priced as approximately $155–$240.
Transponder key issue
Car keys, locks and ignition have evolved in the 1990’s with improvement in transponder chipped keys and laser cut blades to enable actions such as vehicle anti-theft protection, remote start, power windows, automatic door opening and locking and many more.
The key hold a chip, registered with an exclusive enciphered code and the vehicle computer recorded with matching code. The moment the key is slides into the ignition cylinder, the key deliver a combination of audio and infrared encrypted message to the immobilizer. If the inscribed message does not detected, the immobiliser disarm the combustible system and the car will not start up.
The disadvantage of employing  digitized immobilised car main computer and chipped keys key lock is that in most circumstances to restore a stolen or lost key, the immobilizer need to be re-programmed by compatible key programming machine which actually means that you’ll have call a car lock-smith or tow your car to the dealer.
Chevrolet Impala smartkey
Chevrolet Impala proximity key let a car owner to unlock and lock the car door and moreover running the vehicle without inserting a key, and since 2007, varied Chevrolet Impala vehicles in the market supplied with some type of a key-less entry mechanism that comprised of a short-range remote transmitter.
Using a keyless entry, entry to your Chevrolet Impala is generally attained by transmitting an RF indication message from a remote transmitter to a car main computer on an encrypted channel when you merely walking by within the range of 5 ft of the car with the keyless entry device in the pocket or on a key ring.
This audio and infrared frequency indication message and the Chevrolet Impala keyless entry device structure, furthermore enable pushtostart ignition (also called Crash starting or Clutch popping). In this system you are capable of kindling a car engine by pressing a toggles on the dash-board instead of twisting a key in a crack-hole.
Copy vs lost car keys
After the mid to late 1990s, many vehicle producers started to accommodate electronic keys and immobilizer as an extra protection means in which a vehicle computer unit will detect the transponder key when you go to kindle the vehicle. If the vehicle does not detect a suitable key, immobiliser disarm the fuel supply and the vehicle will not start up.
This system function as anti theft to avert against lock pick or hot wiring the vehicle and help drivers and insurance companies in eliminating car theft world-wide, yet the costs of car keys rise to $55-$120 for a basic copy  key with a chip and probably around a hundred dollar more if if you lost all your keys.
24 hour car lockout
Locking your car keys in the front seat, golve box or trunk is incredibly aggravating experience and an immediate popalock service is valuable both to your assurance and amenity. To Yield the swiftest vehicle door unlocked company in town, we assign lock crackerjack highly trained employees who are working 24 hour to land at your position to unlatch your trunk and door, let you back inside your car and place you back behind the wheel.
Car locks changing
Did you lost the keys to your vehicle?, acquired a newish Chevrolet Impala ignition and need to substitute an antiquated one? or got one of your Chevrolet Impala keys pinched?, would like to guarantee that no one else attain the capability to kindle your vehicle? Good News! You have found the best solution, due to adapting of car locks is one of San Antonio Key Replacement cornerstone quirk. Our masters can re-key the internal pins inside your ignition or door lock, so it would apply the brand-new key and renounce the obsolete one. Hoist the cellphone and call our central office to get your vehicle lock re-keyed by a extremely trained lockman in no time
To conclude
We are practicable for you 24/7 with an emergency vehicle locks, keys and ignition trusty pros who will respond speedily furnished with specific key programmers, lock picking tools and diagnostic equipment adequate to repair your ignition cylinder, copy a smart key or a fobic key or unlock your car door on site and let you back into your vehicle shortly with cost effective rates. . If you are scouting for What is proximity key? San Antonio Key Replacement.
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Introducing WebbyMate
Exactly how to Produce as well as Host a Webinar (+ Recommendations From 4 Specialists) (Part 2)
Think of the webinar's function as your goal declaration. Concentrate on the niche advantage you can supply that no one else has. When you create that mission declaration, make certain you share it on webinar landing web pages and other advertising locations.
Similarly you gauge business objectives, you can likewise determine exactly how well your webinar web content is resonating with your audience.
Metrics to consider include:
The amount of registrants do you have?
The amount of that signed up participated in the online event?
Just how usually is your webinar viewed on-demand?
Is the variety of registrants rising over time?
The number of individuals are repeat attendees to your webinar?
What is the drop-off price? (Do individuals keep watching the whole webinar or do they shut that home window midway with?)
How much are people engaging with your webinar? (Are they asking questions as well as participating in polls? Is it being shared on social media sites?)
What responses are you entering your post-event study?
If you're trying to find an instance of a webinar's purpose, I have an excellent one.
Right Here, Berkeley Combs, Brand Marketing Strategist and also webinar host at PowerPost, shares the mission that overviews the webinars at her firm:
" When we produced as well as established the "Brand Publishing Masterclass" series, it was with the sole intent to produce interactive workshops that enable audiences to walk away knowing they learned something important with provided materials to apply it themselves."
Notification those words, "It was with the single purpose." Do not try to reach everyone. As the stating goes, "You can not please every one of individuals every one of the moment."
If the purpose of your webinar is too generic, the material will be too. (Outcome: No one will care.).
Once you understand the precise benefit you will certainly give webinar attendees, it's time to create the theme.
Choosing your webinar style and subject
If you're developing a webinar, this section is a must-read. Jay Acunzo, owner of Unimaginable Media and writer of "Damage the Wheel: Concern Finest Practices, Sharpen Your Instinct, as well as Do Your Best Work," is an influencer recognized and also liked in the marketing sector.
I asked Jay just how he picked the theme for the webinar he holds, "The BIG Simple," and also he offered a bounty of information you can take away as well as apply yourself:.
" We chose our webinar style by speaking with the audience. We're making things to serve others, yet most of us never ever in fact speak to those 'others.'.
Certain, we consider reports, check a social feed or 12, and download the current item on where the industry is heading, but far more powerful when crafting an experience is to get coffee, routine a call, or participate in an occasion.
Do every little thing in your power to TALK to customers.Our series, called "The BIG Simple," has a strong angle on an usual topic: material marketing. We include more recent 'concepts' that make our method preparing surprisingly easy.
That program concept stemmed from talking to material marketers all year long.
What's hard? What's painful? Where do we frequently trip up? We placed methods over strategy. We don't have a strategy. Wonderful! There's the angle. Now each episode of the webinar infiltrate that principle.".
Just how to do a webinar: Locating the most effective time, date, and style
In this section, we'll look at the elements you need to have in location to really perform your webinar and also get those enrollments rolling in.
To prepare an event, consisting of a webinar, you require to work backwards. You want attendees. So, you'll need to promote your webinar and also develop a touchdown web page permitting people to register on.
Prior to you can develop that touchdown page, you require to have every one of the event information secured to place on that landing web page. The standard information you need in position to advertise your webinar are:.
The date and time
Your webinar style
Webinar software as well as technological needs
A webinar speaker
Selecting your webinar day as well as time
Identifying the date and time for your webinar requires approach. Webinar system ON24 conducted a research of 19,640 webinars throughout 2017, resulting in the 2018 Webinar Benchmarks Report.
According to the report, Tuesday through Thursday are your top days to obtain attendees, with 24%, 28%, and also 27% respectively.
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WebbyMate Evaluation & Review
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xseedgames · 7 years
Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection - Localization Blog #2
“Rally-ho, true believers!” I shout, swinging into the grand hall on a chandelier, interrupting the fancy party. Everything stops as eyes are focused solely on me – on my roguish good looks, my brand-name tabard, my elk leather highboots. I somersault to the floor, landing on my feet with a flourish and a bow. “I know you must have thought this high society gathering dreadfully dull without me here to tell you about the intricacies of composing prose for novel electronic amusements, so I’ve come to enlighten and entertain thee. Also, did you know all the food here is free? My pockets are full of cocktail wieners right now.”
Indeed, it’s an honor to see you again, dear readers. I hope you enjoyed my previous blog about the upcoming PC release of Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection. As a small refresher, it served as something of an introduction to Zwei: II as a game – what it’s all about, its two main characters, the setup of the story, and its battle and leveling system. You can think of it as a sampler platter to give you a taste of why this game’s cool.
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Do a barrel roll
Today, in my second Zwei: II blog, I’d like to go into more detail on the process of writing and editing for the game, and some of the things I dealt with and thought about as I localized it. I’ve done an entry like this for each of my prior projects, and I always enjoy it because it gives me a chance to briefly pull back the curtain and share with you some of the minutiae of localization, and the truism that every project is its own beast.
One interesting thing of note about this project is that it’s the first project on which I served as the sole editor. When I started working at XSEED, most of my prior localization experience had been as part of a team working on large single projects, while most of XSEED’s workflow at that time had been to keep a single editor on a project as much as possible. Each method has its own benefits, as you’d expect. When I work with a partner or team, I enjoy being able to bounce ideas off them or ask for hot takes any time I want, like, “Okay, which of these five potential quest names sounds the best to you?” or “Here’s what I have so far for this scene, but I want this girl to sound more disinterested. How would you do it?” We solicit general impressions from the office fairly regularly, but having other editors acquainted with the specifics and setting of the project you’re working on gives you access to an informed, expanded scope beyond your own intuition and experience. That’s important, because every editor is naturally going to have some characters or scenes they click with more readily than others.
On the other hand, flying solo can also be nice because it represents a purer distillation of editorial voice. With single-editor projects, you know that all the text in the game was overseen by the same person, making thoughtful choices with full knowledge of where everything fits in the greater scheme of the story. I think that’s what XSEED values about this methodology, but with the arrival of mammoth-sized scripts like those for the Story of Seasons and Trails of Cold Steel games, it became a matter of practicality to learn to work well as small teams on projects – a challenge I think our editors have risen to meet in admirable fashion. Of course, that’s not to say I didn’t have a lifeline or two working on Zwei: II. Junpei and Tom were an ever-present source of support whenever I had a question about something in the Japanese – and there were many, many of those over the duration of the project. Even when you’re working alone, you’re never truly alone when you’ve got the office familia backin’ you up.
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Getting to work on a project by myself has also helped me better understand my own work process. One nice thing is that everything I mentally bring to a project – the stories I’ve consumed and experiences I’ve had that color how I interpret characters and scenes – remains consistent throughout. This is especially pertinent when writing for comedic scenes, as no two editors will have the exact same sense of humor, and Zwei has more than its share of wisecracks and comedy. The scary thing about being the sole face of a game, though, is that anything that’s weird or wrong, any jokes that totally fall flat, emotional connections that don’t get made – that’s all on me. In a way, it’s a test of myself as a writer and editor, with you all as the judges. With the original Story of Seasons, Tom and Ryan lent me a hand, and I had the dashing Young Kris as my partner for the first Trails of Cold Steel, but here, you get pure Nick, for better or worse (hopefully for better).
I mentioned briefly in my previous blog that Zwei: II felt like it was deeply informed by ’90s anime and manga, and I’d like to unpack that a little more for you here, in case your curiosity was piqued at the notion. After all, a lot of the games we work on here at XSEED are pretty anime-flavored, right? What’s one more on the list?
Here’s my take. Over time, the general vibe of anime has undergone change, as all thriving arts tend to. One major difference – the one most relevant to our discussion – is the observation that protagonists in many modern series tend to be passive, disaffected, reticent, or otherwise hesitant to engage the world and situations around them. They’re the reactive sort. Sometimes it’s because they’re exceptionally socially aware. Sometimes it may be because they’re awkward youths. Sometimes it’s because you get the impression that the writer really wants you to think this person is cool or above it all. Anime from the ’90s, on the other hand, is much more associated with protagonists who leap into situations without thinking, do things without considering the ramifications of their actions, and adhere to a personal code or philosophy that the character consciously or unconsciously holds. Both approaches, in the hands of a good storyteller, can and have made for some great entertainment, but from a writing perspective, the “’90s anime” types are definitely easier for me to work with. They’re more expressive, more willing to engage, and their very being tends to create conflicts that help drive the story and the growth of both themselves and other characters.
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During the time I was working on Zwei: II, I actually ended up rewatching a season of Ranma ½ (those blu-rays are preeeeetty sweet) and seeing the Tenchi Muyo TV series for the first time (on loan from Tom). Seeing those really made this whole point click with me, like, “...That’s it! That’s the kind of comedic stylings Zwei is trying to channel!” Not in the sense of specific plot points or characters from any particular series, but the sort of atmosphere that was about creating opportunities for amusing things to happen. Ranma, for instance, tends to nettle many of the characters in his series not on purpose, but just by being who he is. And not just that – doing it on purpose also comes very easily to him (just watch how he loves to bait Ryoga or Kuno with his taunting). Ragna is less purposefully ornery, but his decisive personality draws the admiration of some and the exasperation of others. Plus, later on in the game, you run across a genuine hot spring, and we all know what a staple of the era that is. ;)
You’ve probably heard the saying, “Tragedy is easy, comedy is hard,” and there’s truth in it. Most of us love a good comedy, but do any two of us love all the same comedies or laugh at all the same things? Humor is deceptively difficult because it’s so mercurial, influenced by the times, by moods, by delivery, and more. A bit that might leave you stone-faced Monday night could have you busting a gut Thursday night. Understanding why something that makes you laugh does so is the study of a lifetime. There’s really no shortcutting it – you have to get the mileage, experiencing things that make you laugh, thinking about why, and chasing the next thing you think might give you another shot of mirth. I can only hope that I’ve imbibed enough of the spirit of humor to properly convey the charm of what is perhaps Falcom’s most levity-laden title.
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Yeah...just hangin' in there, y'know...
Beyond my approach to the game itself, we have its characters – the heart and soul of the action. Quite often, early on in the process of localizing a game, I’ll get an impression of a character as, “Oh...I guess he’s a lot like X from [other source],” and as I make a couple of those anchoring connections and begin considering the characters in the game from those perspectives, they begin to show their multiple facets. Lest you think this sounds too close to, “Oh no, he’s just taking an existing character and foisting that persona on this carefully crafted, unique game character!”, take a measure of comfort in my assurance that I, too, would be dissatisfied with an approach that oversimplified. Think of it more as a basic framework – scaffolding that lets me clamber around the object d’art to get at the fine detailing.
With Ragna, for instance, his characterization is very front-loaded in the game. Right away, you know he’s a freewheeling pilot, sort of a hotshot, and likes to do things his own way. The image he creates is very “early 20th-century flyboy,” and I sort of conceptualized him as a guy who wouldn’t feel out of place if you stuck him in among the cast of “The Rocketeer.” Speech-wise, his alternating between laid back and fired up reminded me of Gundam Wing's Duo Maxwell, and like that character, Ragna likes to chime in with some tongue-in-cheek commentary if something patently ludicrous or weird happens in the game. Finding characters who are reasonably like the one you’re writing for helps, as does understanding the milieu in which a character exists – what they were doing just before the story began, and what the world around them that shaped them is like.
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There are actually a couple characters who have what I termed “Ragna-variant” speaking styles. Ragna’s main vocal tic is that he sometimes truncates words ending in “-ing” (so “nothing” would become “nothin’,” and “fighting” would be “fightin’,” though I tried to generally keep it to one per text box – it’s a spice, not a marinade), so among the expanded cast, you get some people who speak that way because they have similar lifestyles. Odessa, as a rough-and-tumble Treasure Hunter who specializes in capturing bounties, is very colloquial in her faux old-west style. Gashler, who runs the garage out by the airstrip, is a full-bearded, goggled mechanic that sort of reminded me of Cid from Final Fantasy IV, and his speaking style is pretty thick – one of the most affected in the game, though I tried to make it still pretty easy to comprehend. One also has to consider that people who have special styles of speech have certain occasions where that’s either suppressed somewhat, or is expressed with even greater emphasis than normal. Even old man Gashler might speak (mostly) standard English if you dragged him to a black-tie event, but on the other hand, if someone said his workmanship is rubbish, I have no doubt that he’d be cussin’ up a storm, blastin’ furnace-fire, and lettin’ loose with the sort of strange, idiomatic expressions that only grease-stained mechanics know.
Ragna being an unusually “American-feeling” character made him pretty easy to write for right from the start. Alwen took a little more finesse and more time to find her ground – but not because she was difficult in a conventional sense. The trick with Alwen was that she definitely inhabits a certain archetype, at least partially, but I needed to figure out how much of that I needed to accurately represent her, and when to let her individual characteristics shine.
Alwen, as the daughter of an esteemed Trueblood vampire house, can be very prideful, bordering sometimes on haughty. She learns fairly quickly that the world beyond her castle has more complexities than she gave it credit for, but her distance from the world of humans actually gives her some surprising insights. Now, the most common way you see characters like Alwen played are that they step out into the greater world, eventually realize how much they don’t know, and depend on their friends to teach them what it means to really live along the way. Alwen...has some of that, but it’s the way she interfaces with the world that makes her an interesting and fun character. For example, she doesn’t technically NEED to eat food, but likes eating a ton of it (on Ragna’s dime, of course) just because it’s tasty. She’s not afraid to walk right into town and make small talk with the people. Alwen may be a vampire, but she’s refreshingly (and oddly) free of so many of the preconceived expectations people have about what vampires are like. She even calls Ragna out on this early on in the game when he’s shocked that she walks around just fine in the bright morning sunlight. A great deal of Zwei: II’s story is really her story, especially when it comes to getting the ball rolling, and it helps the story greatly to have a character who both entices with a bit of the familiar but also stands out due to individual quirks.
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I also did with Alwen a variant of what I did for Laura in Trails of Cold Steel, where I shifted her from talking with a “proper,” antiquated style of speech to a more natural speaking style that still retains the idea that she’s highborn. Coming at this from a lore perspective, Alwen hasn’t been out of her castle in the last 100 years or so and has learned what she knows of the world from her estate’s extensive library, so it would be very feasible for her speaking style to sound older than that of Ragna or the people of Artte. In practice, though, Ragna having a casual style of speech and Alwen’s speech being fairly rigid made it difficult for the comedy to land, and to really connect with Alwen as a character. Can you imagine what Star Wars would’ve been like if Princess Leia spoke like a medieval fantasy princess while trying to banter with Han Solo? That’s the kind of disparity I’m talking about. It might’ve been funny, but for reasons entirely unintended. So after thinking on it a while, I decided to adjust Alwen’s speaking style, dialing it back. My priority was to keep her sounding articulate and well spoken, but casual up the language so that the banter between her and Ragna has the requisite snap it ought to. In my opinion, the net gain from that was well worth the adjustment, which you’ll be able to see for yourself when you play.  
Sort of tangentially related to that, in the Japanese version, Ragna goes through basically the whole game calling Alwen “Princess” (“hime-san”). The best reasoning I could figure is that maybe, having taken on some power from their blood contract, Ragna feels he should acknowledge her as his liege, but...that explanation totally flies in the face of Ragna’s personality. Ragna is a guy for whom there is ONLY a first-name basis (or a nickname if he finds one for you he likes). The most likely explanation is that it’s just the difference between politeness levels in Japanese personal address versus Western personal address, but the title put a certain amount of “distance” between them that I didn’t want to remain there for the duration of the game. The alteration I made to compensate for this was to have Ragna refer to Alwen as “princess” a bit at the very outset of the game, but quickly fall into using her first name, which feels much more natural for the character. To draw the analogy with Star Wars again, think of it as Han Solo going from calling Leia “princess” or “your worship” in a sort of snarky context when he doesn’t really know her to simply calling her “Leia” once he’s spent time with her and knows her as an individual. Plus, with as big a deal as Ragna makes over wanting to work together with Alwen as “equal partners” at the start of the game, it would be weird for him to then go on to refer to her by her royal title for the rest of the game.
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This discussion isn’t meant to be a comprehensive retrospective of Zwei: II’s localization, of course; just a list of some of the noteworthy things I grappled with working on the game. Editorial work does have its pressures and difficulties – when the buck basically stops with you, how do you know you’re making the right call? – but ultimately, these kinds of challenges are what keep the job fresh and interesting. The point of all the character personality profiling, the speech styles, the fine-tuning, is for players to be able to sit down and experience a fun story and memorable characters that “just work,” no speculative  microscope examinations of the translation required. I think my obsessive tweaking and spit-polishing will make for a better game experience...but you don’t have to take MY word for it. Give Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection a try when it comes out and see for yourself!
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cursedgrave · 5 years
Clipping Path
The Ultimate Guide to Clipping Path
Are you running product related business? Are you a professional photographer? Do you want to get engage with more audience? Want to increase your sells? Actually everyone wants to do so.
I know you are also one of them. All businessmen want to increase their sells massively. But a few can manage to do so. Do you want be one of the few successful owners? Then you have landed in the perfect place. This article is going to be very essential for you.
In this article, you will know about clipping path, how it works, who should use clipping path service how you can increase your sells, where you can get best clipping path service etc. In a word, you will know all the key fact about clipping path service. If you read this article carefully, you can discover yourself in the row of successful people. You should not miss the chance. So let’s make a dive.
First let me inform you why images are important. Mary Meeker’s made a survey about image in 2014. In his survey, he found that people uploaded an average of 1.8 billion photos daily! Can you imagine that’s mean they uploaded more than 657 billion images in a year.
You can also think that in a different perspective. The number of photos that were never existed in 150 years ago, people takes more photos than it in just every two minutes. It was the story of 2014. But can you imagine about recent time? Okay make a guess. How many numbers of photos were taken in 2018? Can you guess? 700 billion, 800 billion or are you thinking about 1000 billion? This is not enough buddies. More than 1200 billion photos were taken in 2018. So you can realize how important image is.
There is saying that we are living in an age of science. But it will be no mistake if I say that, we are living in an age of Image. It can catch your memory. But this is not only the main purpose of using photos. But also people are using it for business purpose. Actually image is a part and parcel of business. But how you can use? Let me show you how you can use image to make a growth on your business. Let’s continue.
Image can play a crucial role in your image. In this modern days technology has upgraded. People are using smart technology. You also need to upgrade yourself and your business. If you run your business only in offline, you can get engaged with a few customers. But when you make your business online based, easily you can get engaged with lots of people. That’s why you should shift your business onto online. But here is a question.
All the people who are running E-Commerce business use image for catching attraction of audience. But only a few can mange. What is secreting here? I am giving you the answer. You know that how much competition in this field. For becoming a strong competitor you need to be little different from others. You need to think smartly. When audience views your image they should feel that it is special. Clipping path can help you at this point. It will make your product more special others.
What is clipping path?
Clipping path is a special image editing technique. In this technique you can cut out a photo from its background. Generally it is done with Photoshop pen tools. You need to create closed vector path to isolate your original background. So basically you need to draw a line of the object then remove the outer area. You just cannot ignore clipping path when it comes about clipping path. You cannot avoid clipping path buddy. It doesn’t any matter your images are in which form. It can be in the deep etch, it can be in a soft etch. Clipping path is a perfect option for the both types of image.
Why Clipping Path?
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clipping path
Are you still thinking that why you should use Clipping path? What is its specialty? Let me give you clarification at this point. The original raw image that you capture it has different type of background.
This is the main problem. The first thing is camera is not so powerful like our eyes. With different types of typical normal background your product doesn’t look attractive at all. In fact background can disturb your image out looking.
Using a white background can be a better option to gather some attention. It is also not possible to capture the entire image separately on a white background. Even you manage to do this. Still you need to edit the image as I mention before raw image never can provide you expected looking.
Professional photographer failed to do so. For the best result you need to edit the image. If you have to use image editing anyway then why should you don’t use Clipping path service? It will give you lots of option in your hand. You don’t need to think about the background. So it saves your money too. That gives you flexibility. You can capture your image in any background. The times that it saves, you can use this valuable time in your business to bring more quality. Isn’t it a great idea? You know obviously it is.
Specialty of Clipping Path
Clipping path is specialist in grabbing attention and attraction. Do you know the hidden secrete of successful business? It is the game of attraction. As long as you are able to grab attraction you are in the right track.
When you failed to do so, loses are knocking at your door. If you are a product business owner, model, photographer then you need to be very careful about the image you are using. You cannot afford to take a single small mistake. But disturbing background can become a big issue.
That’s why you must need to use clipping path service. According to a research, every two person from eight people want to see products in white background. When your audience sees images in white background, they can focus mainly on your object.
It is an important fact for every types of business. When the audience focuses on product, the chance of selling your product increased. Motive comes in their mind to buy it. Clipping path is a very effective technique to apply for this purpose. Image looks so attracting in white background. You can manage a lot of customers.
Who should use clipping path?
Now you have understood the importance of clipping path. But are you wondering about who should use it? In this section you will get your answer. In easy words, people who are engaged with any kinds of image related stuff they should use clipping path service. Want to know more specifically? Okay I am narrating the point more specifically. Individually Model, Fashion photographer, Advertiser, e-commerce businessman, web developer, and printing industries should use Clipping path.
Clipping Path Service Those companies and industries that need to remove their photo background, they need it in a quick time. But usually they don’t have so much time to edit their photo. That’s why they should take Clipping path service from clipping path service provider like us. You can also call us Clipping Path Company. You can get the best service in a very limited time. We always provide 100% customer satisfaction.
Types of Clipping Path
So is there any category available for clipping path? Yes readers. There are basically 3 main category of clipping path. These are simple clipping path, Medium Clipping Path and complex clipping path. Actually it depends on the object. For different types of object different types of clipping path varies. When the object is easy to isolate, number of path to be applied is very few, this type of clipping path process is called simple clipping path. In that case, object are little tricky to make a selection, two or more holes are available, this type of clipping path process known as Medium Clipping Path. The remaining clipping path category available is Complex clipping path. From its name you can guess that the process of this clipping path is bit more difficult than the previous two. This type of clipping path object is hard to isolate. Lots of vector path needs to be created. In the above we have discussed about the major three types of clipping path. But another category is also available known as Multiple Paths. What are multiple paths? It is also called Color Path. This is very effective process for Color Correction. For separating the specific parts from multiple objects, this method is used very effectively. It can give an additional color effect of the selection of the specific portions. That’s why many people called it Compound path. The logic is simple here to call it as Compound path. It can combine multiplex paths or color in an individual area inside a specific image. Background also can be dropped out via this process. Step by step you are learning about all the key things about clipping path. For your further knowledge I would like to give you some more valuable information. Let’s continue. Have you ever listened about Image silo or Silhouette? Do you know what it is? I think you are wondering about why I am talking about Image silo in clipping path description. Because, Image silo or Silhouette are another name of clipping path service. Let’s describe it.
Silhouette Images When you want to make image mask or taking other operation in an image, you should apply silhouette path. By selecting the silo path you can change or extract your original image. Even you can change the image color or any kinds of other adjustment stuff. In this point of view, When you combined one image with another image silo appeared. But transparent the silo path is also very essential.
Removing Background
Removing background is the method of making a change in the background. You want to make a change in the background color like black, white, blue sky background, off white background etc; you should apply background removal technique. It permits you to place any background.
Uses of clipping path
To be honest uses of clipping path cannot be described in a few sentences. I am trying to explain it briefly. Let’s start:
You can separate background from photos
You can assure transparency of the background
You have the option to edit an individual portion. You can also change the shape of your object.
This method can be applied for catalog design too. In order to masking out the background.
Text can be created in this way. You can also wrap the photo for some additional effect.
It is compulsory for other image editing service also like masking , color correction, Retouching etc.
Best Software For Clipping Path
Many people ask this question. Many people debates on this topic. To be honest, you cannot mark any software specifically best. Different software can be used for creating clipping path. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Adobe illustrator, Adobe lightroom, Luminar, Capture 1, Paint shop Pro basically these apps are used most for creating clipping path. But Adobe Photoshop is most popular for creating Clipping Path. But many people also want to know about clipping path on Adobe Indesign and Adobe illustrator also. I will narrate it for those. Let’s jump forward.
Clipping Path on Photoshop I can say that Photoshop is the most used app for creating clipping path. It doesn’t any matter how complex your object is. Photoshop can give you handy, smooth service in this case. That’s why professional photo editors around the world are using Photoshop for their respective photo editing work. Creating clipping path can be done with Photoshop by using selection tools. Options are also available for auto selection. But this is not the right things to use. For the expected result it is better to do it manually by pen selection tools.
Clipping Path Indesign Clipping path can be created via Adobe Indesign also. In this section you will get a basic idea about how to create clipping path on Indesign. Before starting I want to inform you about an important factor. If your image contains high contrast between the photo edges and its background, then you can use Adobe Indesign. Otherwise, it will not prove to be much helpful. For creating a clipping path on Indesign at first you have select the image that you need to modify. Then go to the menu and select object. After that you need to choose option from Clipping Path menu. A dialogue box will be appeared. You just need to check preview. Then go to the menu and choose detect edges from the type option. There are two options available called tolerance and threshold. These two options give you the option of adjustment the tightness and level of color contrast. In this process, you can remove background from your image
Clipping Path on Illustrator Some people use illustrator also for creating Clipping Path. This app makes it very simple to view or veil specific portions of a photo. The interesting fact is you don’t need to delete any object. That means you can undo your job at any time throughout the procedure. But you should have the proper knowledge on adobe illustrator. Permit me to give you a basic knowledge so that, you gain the proper access on your working area. At the very beginning you need to open an illustrator program, and then you need to choose the layer that you want to customize. After this you need to draw on your object that you want to isolate. It needs to place it in its background layer. Don’t forget to place it on the main background from the layer panel. In the next step, you are going to use it for creating the clipping path. You need to simply click on Make Clipping Mask or Release Clipping Mask option that is in the beneath of the layers panel. Main point of this process is it can be changed anytime when you want. Let explain this with an example. Position of your object can be adjusted anytime. So you have lots of flexibility
How to get clipping Path Service So, how you can get Clipping Path service? Basically in three ways you can manage to get clipping path service. But what are these ways? Allow me to describe those briefly. Let’s proceed to forward. The first thing you can do is do it manually. You can do it manually by yourself. There are a few apps for creating clipping path effect. But using Photoshop is a better option. You can do it manually by using Photoshop. But in this case you need to have proper knowledge about Photoshop and clipping path. Otherwise you cannot have a long run. But you don’t know about image editing? Then you need to apply option two or three. If you don’t have proper knowledge on image editing then you need to hire a professional image editor. But finding an expert is not an easy task at all. It also can cost you lots of money. So are you thinking that, “oh come on, and tell me something that is easy and affordable”. Hey relax, option number 3 is available. This is much better than the previous two. You don’t need to do it by yourself, don’t need to take any stress for finding professional Image editor. Still you can manage to get done your job by experts. You can place your order online, get your delivery in time and then make your payment. That sounds much better. Let discuss in details.
Online Clipping Path Service I was talking about Online Clipping Path Service. It is the simple solution of your complex problem. There are lots of online clipping path service providers. But can all of them provide you a good result? If you don’t feel satisfied with their work what will happen then? If you are thinking about these questions, you need to read our next paragraph. Jump into it.
Where you can get best Clipping Path service? As I mentioned before there are lots of clipping path service provider available in the market place. But can you get quality service from everywhere? That’s a matter of thinking readers. ClippingUSA can help you with the best image editing service. ClippingUSA offers you best Clipping path service. We are offering all of our service at a very affordable cost. If you want to take our service feel free to contact us. Don’t hesitate to try our free trial option.
What benefit you can get from us? There are lots of Clipping Path Service Company are available. But why should you choose us? We can assure you some special benefit. We always think about you. Customer satisfaction is the things that we want. You will get some special facility if you choose us. Let me inform you about your benefit
You can experience the best quality
You will find cost effective service
Here you will find Faster turnaround
You will get unique quality
You can place an order anytime. Cause we provide 24 hour service seven days in a week
Our working method & domination We mainly focus on clients demands. Your demands are always important for us. We want to assure you what you actually want. From our experience we know about what customer expect. We know you expect unique service that can help you to increase your respective business field. Actually demand and expectation varies from customer to customer. We always give special attention to our clients. We give definitely what you precisely need. You can have a free trial for getting an idea about our work. We proceed consistently to lean toward direct, by and by connect with as the least demanding strategy to work and offer help.
Our special area We generally center around Client advantage that is fundamental and for this situation, a client can likewise separate an organization in the aggressive market. Let’s have a look at the key point. • We can provide surge service. • We will give the assurance of overnight delivery. • Only we can provide 100% unique clipping path service. • We offer you lowest price. Our price starts from $0.25 • We provide volume discount on heavy work.
Our focus As we mention before Clients benefit is our main concern. Honestly this factor has made our self different from others in the competitive marketplace. Our relationship with our customer is very close. You know this is an important factor of business. We want to make feel our customer that they are special. Actually they really are. We assure fully dedicated service to different countries in the world like United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Japan and some more countries. We generally keep up elevated expectation.
Our Others Image Editing Service
You can also get others image editing service from ours. Let me inform you specifically. Service that you can get-
Photoshop Clipping Path
Image Silo
Image Background Remove
Photo Cut Out
Image Masking
Neck joint or Ghost Mannequin Effect
Photo Manipulation
Shadow Creation
Raster To Vector Conversion
Photo Restoration
Photoshop Clipping Path
Image Silo
Image Background Remove
Photo Cut Out
Image Masking
Neck joint or Ghost Mannequin Effect
Photo Manipulation
Shadow Creation
Raster To Vector Conversion
Photo Restoration
The post Clipping Path appeared first on Clipping path service, Remove background from image-CLIPPING USA.
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