#or oooooo what if u send me a prompt 😳 that could be interesting~
jenoptimist · 4 years
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Can u write a soulmate yangyang Drabble đŸ„ș💓
✼ Pairing: yangyang x reader (gender netural)
✼ Genre: angst (just a light sprinkle!) | fantasy (soulmate!au) | fluff
✼ Word count: 3.2k
♡ Yakult says: ask and u shall receive nonie !! uuhh this kinda just...did it’s own thing so idk if it can even be called a drabble bUt i do hope u like it 💙
There was the distinct sound of sniffling when you passed by the corner store that was a block away from your house. You would have ignored it but you knew when you cried, you always felt better when your older brother was with you. While you didn’t have his comforting nature, maybe you could offer some tissues–Kun always packed them for you.
Puffing out your chest, you marched over to where you thought the sound came from. Your eyebrows furrowed as you slowly walked over to the alley to the left of the store. It was your classmate, the one who was moving away tomorrow–to Germany or something.
“Yangyang?” You called out hesitantly. Suddenly you felt awkward. The two of you weren’t exactly friends or anything; he was pretty popular among the class while you remained with your close-knit circle. You were only a little bit above acquaintances because of your mutual friend, Dejun. It was likely he wouldn’t want you to see him like this, what with barely being friends. But, still, you couldn’t leave without checking on him, just in case. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”
Yangyang’s arms went up to harshly rub away the tears with the palms of hands. “‘m fine, y/n.” His voice sounded off because of the stuffiness of his nose.
Your mouth twisted as you slung your bag over your shoulder, unzipped it and grabbed the unopened packet of tissues where Kun neatly placed it. He didn’t take it when you offered and you would have left it at that if you hadn’t noticed the fresh tears that pooled in his eyes. Without much thought, you grabbed his hand and placed the packet on it.
Feeling as though you overstepped somehow, you released his hand and made your way back to the main pavement. You stopped just as you reached where the alley met the pavement and spun around. Your heart thudded wildly against your chest as you clenched your fists around the cuff of your jacket sleeves, reminding yourself that this was Yangyang and he was really lovely, so the following words shouldn’t be so hard to say.
“Please stop crying,” he looked at you, unhappiness wearing him like a well fitting glove. It was a far cry from the boy who always smiled and kept the mood up in school. The boy who was always vibrant no matter what. Something in your ten year old soul felt really sad to see him that way. “You look–” You paused, wishing the ground would swallow you whole but it was too late to back out now. “You look better when you smile.” With a wave - that, truthfully, was more of a flail of your hand than anything else - you spun back around and practically sprinted all the way to your house.
You completely forgot about the whole thing soon thereafter. It had been ten years since then and you had other things to prioritize; namely college and the incessant feeling of dread whenever someone brought up soulmates. More often than not - there were always outliers, of course - the stories were enchanting to hear about. How people’s soulmarks burst into a beautiful technicolor when their soulmate touched them.
You didn’t have a soulmark.
When you were younger, your parents used to do weekly checks. They it left up to you once you were old enough to do it by yourself but there was still nothing. At fourteen you were taken to a specialist but she had told your parents not to worry, that it would turn up eventually. There was endless hope in you when you were younger–that one day you would wake up and it would just be there. As you grew older, the hope diminished into nothing and you came to terms with the fact that you were in the eight percent of the population that didn’t have a soulmark. Mostly.
You completely forgot about Yangyang until Dejun mentioned him in passing during one of your recent conversations. You hadn’t even been aware that they continued their friendship although it did make sense since they had been self-proclaimed best friends. They had what they called a, ‘Best Friends Forever And Ever Wedding’ during recess–there had been matching bracelets (Dejun still wore his), reaction cue cards for the audience - the rest of the class - and everything. They were reprimanded for their antics but their toothy grins showed no signs of remorse. It was the highlight of the school year.
The week after that particular conversation, you found yourself on the way to Yangyang’s apartment armed with a bag full of takeout and a two litre bottle of soda. Dejun had collected him from the airport that morning and if you didn’t have the morning shift at the coffee shop you worked at, you would have joined him.
When the door to his apartment opened, you didn’t expect Yangyang to freeze at your appearance. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other as silence loomed over the both of you. Hadn’t Dejun told him that you were coming over? Maybe you shouldn’t have come. Instead of allowing your thoughts to spiral, you chose to note the change in his appearance. Along with the obvious growth spurt, he had lost the baby fat on his cheeks and grew into his face. He still had the same warm eyes, though.
Yangyang, who had been scanning you in return, opened his mouth but promptly shut it. You would have chuckled if not for the crushing awkwardness you felt. His hand twitched at his side as if he was going to reach out to touch you and a tiny, tiny, part of you suspected that he might have had Dejun not suddenly appeared from behind him, grinning widely.
“About time you got here y/n!” Yangyang stepped back robotically to allow you in. Dejun was quick to whisk you to the living room, telling you to make yourself comfortable as if he were the host of this mini gathering. 
“I brought takeout.” You stated obviously, raising the bag that you held as if they hadn’t noticed. When Yangyang joined the two of you, it seemed that he had come back to himself. A large smile was plastered on his face as Dejun took the bag from you and started laying out its contents on the coffee table. 
“It’s nice to see you again, y/n.” Yangyang said amiably as he gestured for you to take a seat on the couch before sitting a handful of inches away from you. You returned his smile. “It’s been a while.”
“Ten years.” You said while nodding, not knowing what else to say although you did want to cringe at yourself. “You grew out your hair.” Which, how did saying that make anything less cringey. Great.
Yangyang did nothing but release a small, pleased laugh, the index finger, middle finger and thumb of his right hand coming up to twirl a few strands of it. You liked how his laugh lit up his entire face, it was the same when he was younger, too. “Yeah,” he gave you another assessing once over after dropping his hand. “You’ve changed some yourself.”
Dejun groaned from where he had seated himself on the ground in front of the table. “Can you two please flirt later? I’m starving!”
You snapped your head snapped towards him in an instant, eyes wide. You caught the movement of Yangyang’s own head through your peripheral vision as he shot his best friend a look of his own.
It was surprisingly easy with Yangyang - after all, he wasn’t popular in school for nothing - and the times that the conversation dropped, Dejun was right there to pick it up. You had enjoyed his stories of his time in Germany and he had humored you when you asked him to speak a few phrases. He didn’t tell you what they meant, telling you that it was a secret with mischief sparkling in his eyes.
“It sounds like you had a lot of fun there.”
“Yeah, Germany was amazing.”
It was when the three of you were cleaning up after yourselves that you noticed it; his soulmark. How you didn’t notice before was beyond you–actually, that was a lie, you knew that it was because you were too focused on his face and the expressions that he made. The multicolored mark covered most of his left hand, large and proud.
“You’ve met your soulmate?” The words tumbled out of your mouth before you could stop them, tone full of curiosity. Some didn’t like to be asked and others preferred to keep the story of how they met their soulmate to themselves. You hoped that he would be open about his story.
Yangyang glanced at his left hand, stretching out his fingers. “Yeah,” he answered lowly, the corners of his mouth curling upwards, eyes flickering to meet yours, “I did.” There was an unreadable, calculating look in his eyes and you shot Dejun a quick glance–as if he would be able to figure out what you wanted to say. Dejun shrugged minutely, his expression not giving anything away but he definitely knew who it was. How could he not as Yangyang’s best friend?
“Oh,” he was still looking at you intensely, eyes sliding between the two of yours as if he were trying to find something in them. “That’s amazing! Congratulations!”
“Thanks.” He replied, so you figured that that was the end of the conversation. You didn’t want to pry when he obviously wasn’t willing to offer it up freely.
After swapping numbers with Yangyang and saying lengthy goodbyes, you and Dejun left his apartment. It was a comfortable silence as you walked to the bus stop. It wasn’t as cold as you thought it would be, considering that it was nearing the start of November, but you were still glad that you chose to wear a few layers.
“You know who it is, don’t you?” You asked Dejun as you stood at the bus stop.
He glanced at you from the corner of his eye, huffed out a laugh and said, “of course.” He confirmed and that was that.
Many weeks had passed from that day and there was still no sign of Yangyang’s soulmate. You wanted to meet them, include them in your little circle, but you didn’t want to ask. For all you knew, something terrible had happened between them - a deceased soulmate meant that the colors of your mark were less vibrant, taking in a vintage-like faded look, so that was definitely out of the question - and you’d rather remain curious for the rest of your life than reopen any wounds.
Surprisingly, it was Kunhang - Yangyang’s room-mate and the newest addition to your circle of friends - that cracked first. You had half expected it to be Yangyang because of the way he kept looking at you; like you had all the answers but were unwilling to share them.
“I don’t have a soulmark.” You took a sip of your tea afterwards, lowering your eyes in favor of not looking at the stricken expression that Kunhang wore. “I’m just”–you placed your cup back on the table and waved your hand, as if it would dispel your feelings on the matter–“part of the eight percent.”
The conversation died down after your admission. They had to know at some point - bar Dejun, who had known for years at this point - so it was better that it was out in the open now. You glanced at Yangyang’s colorful mark and Kunhang’s uncolored mark on his knuckles, told yourself you didn’t feel anything and tried to lift the mood of the room.
You suggested to watch a Disney movie which had somewhat helped alleviate the atmosphere. The boys were up in an instant, bickering about who was going to choose the movie.
“You really don’t have a mark?” Yangyang whispered lowly, trying not to alert Dejun and Kunhang who were both immersed in Big Hero 6.
“No,” you smoothed your top before twisting your fingers together, “I don’t. I checked everyday for my mark and stopped when I knew it wouldn’t show up.”
From the corner of your eye, you noticed your friend frown at the ground, hand twitching like it did when you were reunited a few months ago. Knowing him better now made you feel somewhat regretful that you hadn’t been close in school because maybe then you would have kept in contact and had more inside jokes. Maybe you could have met his soulmate and insist they stayed because he deserved the world and more.
Before you could rethink you decision, you laid your head on his shoulder. “Can you please drop it?” He shrugged you off gently so that he could place his arm on the top of the couch. You ignored how your heart fluttered and the look that Dejun gave you as you leaned into Yangyang a tiny bit more.
Gentle fingers lightly combed through your hair. “Alright.”
For the remainder of the movie, you tried not to fall asleep. Yangyang hadn’t stopped playing with your hair and the way his nails felt against your scalp had your eyes feeling heavy. Somehow, you managed and when the movie ended, you stood up to turn on the lights and grab a glass of water to feel more awake.
When you returned to your place on the couch, glass in your hand. It was only when you placed it on the coffee table and looked up that you noticed how the three of them were staring at you. You hummed in question, your brain not fully online yet.
Kunhang stuttered out your name. “Your hair.” He finally said, awe and disbelief painted on his face.
Shrugging, you ran your hand through it. “What about it?” You asked, stifling a yawn. You couldn’t wait to get into bed.
Dejun handed you his phone to use as a makeshift mirror, grinning madly, and you almost dropped it in shock when you saw your appearance. Your hair—!
“This– I–” You could barely make out a sentence as you continued to stare at yourself. You reached a hand where there was a wonderful burst of color against the rest of your strands, slowly as if it would disappear when you touched it. “Yangyang.” When you glanced at him, you found him adorning the most breathtaking smile you have seen. “You’re my– we’re–”
“We’re soulmates.” Your soulmate(!) completed for you, his smile rivaling the sun. You had a soulmate! You weren’t part of the eight percent at all.
“You knew the entire time?” It was a rhetorical question because of course he knew. Not just him, however, Dejun too. “But I’ve never touched you.”
“I’m pretty sure you have, you know, considering.” Yangyang said good-naturedly as he allowed you to take his left hand so that you could inspect his mark up close. Carefully, you slotted your right hand where the mark was and although it was larger, it felt as if you were ten years old again in the alley, handing a crying Yangyang the packet of tissue that Kun always made sure you had in your backpack.
A squeal of delight made it’s way out of your throat as you placed Dejun’s phone on the table before all but launching yourself at Yangyang (your soulmate!), who caught you with ease. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, sure that the smile on your face was as goofy as ever.
When you resurfaced, you leaned back to stare at him because you could do it openly now since he was your soulmate. His smile mirrored your own and you wanted to do nothing but stay in this moment forever, loved the way warmth and butterflies spread throughout your system. Slowly, the two of you inched closer until you were a couple of centimetres apart.
“You’re my soulmate.” You whispered softly, in awe. If someone had told you back then that Yangyang was your soulmate, that you even had a soulmate at all, you would have thought that they were pulling your leg.
“I’m your soulmate.” Yangyang confirmed, leaning in to give you a short, sweet kiss on the lips. When he pulled back his smile was shy, hid his face in your neck and groaned when Kunhang and Dejun began cheering from where they were standing.
“That was like watching a movie.” Kunhang commented.
“Right? I definitely would have paid to see it if it was.” Dejun shot back, the laughter clear in his voice.
The rest of the night passed by with the two doing a dramatic re-enactment of the entire thing. Dejun even told Kunhang of the past–how he was the middle man between the two of you and when Yangyang called him telling him that he’d found his soulmate.
“The worst part was,” Dejun said animatedly, really invested in his storytelling, “that I couldn’t even say a thing! So when y/n was being super angsty about apparently not having a soulmate, I couldn’t do anything because I promised not to say!” He sighed dramatically. “Even when they were making lovey-dovey eyes at each other!”
Kunhang laughed while you felt yourself flush. Judging by the way Yangyang had tried to bury himself into your side even further and clutched your hand, he felt the same way.
“I’m happy you’re my soulmate, Yang.” You whispered as Dejun kept up his antics, Kunhang clutching his stomach as he laughed.
Yangyang raised your joined hands to his lips and pressed a kiss on your hand. “I’m happy you’re mine, too.”
1. “‘M FINE, Y/N.”
Yangyang stared at the packet of tissues he had been given, sniffling uncontrollably as the tears poured out of his eyes. Instead of using them to dry his eyes, he crushed it as his squeezed his hands into fists and wiped his face with his sleeve. How embarrassing! He couldn’t believe that you had caught him crying. Out of all people! You were probably going to tell Dejun how much of a loser you thought he was.
After calming himself down, reminding himself that at least he and Dejun promised to stay in touch, he left the alley. He stuffed his hands into his pockets, packet of tissue and all, and made his way back home. It was when he went to press the button for the traffic light man did he noticed the colors on his hand.
It was fairly obvious that you were still thinking about what he had said to you. It was the way you pursed your mouth, head tilted to the side as you eyed him consideringly. Thankfully, Dejun grabbed your attention while simultaneously breaking the silence–he would have easily caved if you asked once more.
Yangyang would have been defeated with one of your smiles and he would have admitted that he said; ‘It’s been a long time. All I’ve done is think about you while we were apart and it’s so great to see you. I’ll be yours forever if you’ll have me.’
It felt surreal, having you in his arms. You’ve been in his arms before, but not like this. Not when you have established yourselves as soulmates. The ten years he spent apart from you, daydreaming and trying to convince himself that the was satisfied with the stories that Dejun told him about you, was definitely worth it.
(Especially when you peeked at him through your lashes and gave him a shy smile before pressing a quick kiss on his neck.)
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