#or I guess peruse the dragonnapped tag
nonbinary-octopus · 4 years
I have come for dragons! So, you mentioned Logan is the human with dragon Patton and Virgil, right? (Can't find the post to check, whoops) Can I ask what the situation is between humans and dragons in your AU? Like are they close or antagonistic? And are Logan and his dragons helping each other out, or is it a (found) family situation, or maybe forced cooperation? What are Pat and Virge hoarding? No need to spoil anything you don't wanna spoil btw!
He is indeed!
This all happens to be set in one of the versions of my fantasy universe, Faedell, btw, so you can also browse that tag for some general lore if you want, though not all of it is up-to-date with the current version in my head.
So, the relationship between humans and dragons is kinda complicated. They're not really that antagonistic, but they also tend to not interact a whole lot. The one place where they do traditionally interact a lot is in the dragon/princess dynamic. There are two forms this usually takes place, though of course there are blurry lines:
1. Princess in a dragon-guarded tower. For whichever reason, there's a princess in a tower, and whoever put here there purposely got a dragon to guard her. The dragon's duties are primarily to make sure the princess doesn't leave/get taken away until a specific time and person comes. Also hunting for her meat, sometimes. Depends on the dynamic and who else is involved.
2. Captive Princess. This is rather less arranged, and involves a dragon carrying off a princess, who then lives with the dragon and does stuff like cook, clean, organize treasure, etc. Being a dragon's princess is actually considered fairly respectable, too. And there's a whole magical contract between the dragon and the princess, where the dragon promises to provide for and protect the princess, and the princess promises to do the princess duties. Usually this contract is ended by a knight or prince coming and fighting the dragon. Sometimes to the death, sometimes not.
(Also, worth noting, dragons use the term "princess" in the generic to refer to the human in either of these arrangements, and usually they are in fact princesses, but sometimes you will hear of a princess who is actually a prince, or even (more rarely) a commoner of any gender.)
The second scenario is what Logan, Virgil, and Patton are in. Logan is the youngest of several princes and princesses, and the two dragons snatched him up one day and carried him off to their shared cave system. He willingly entered the contract, and is happily living as a Dragons' Prince, organizing their hoards.
He also helped them come up with a system to share him, because it's very unusual for two dragons to have one princess. But Virgil and Patton had to work together to carry him off, because they are both pygmy dragons, and too small to do it alone. So they have to share him. (most pygmy dragons do not have princesses for this reason.)
I dunno yet if there's anything special about their hoards, or if it's just the standard 'gold and gems' sort of thing. Maybe they have other pretty rocks.
Also, they might be a bit upset to hear you call them "Logan's dragons." They're not Logan's dragons, he's their prince!
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