kittypatra-zosan · 7 years
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ZOSAN Egyptian AU: “For A heart” Collab
Character Sheet: Post!Sanji (2 years into relationship with Zoro)
Hey there, Mossy here! Doing a little solo since @cyriusli is out of commission for a bit thanks to surgery and life! As promised, here’s the art I previewed in the vlog!
If you like our work, please consider checking out my art blog where it links to my patreon, and @cyriusli‘s page as well where it links to her ko-fi! It’ll really help us out with bringing you more ZoSan!
Ahah, I’ve been waiting forever to put this up! I sketched it about a month ago now, wow! Time sure flies! But I finally get to show you Post-Timeskip Kitty-Pharaoh Sanji! (We’ve got him in armor later down the line, but for now, let’s enjoy some Sanji butt shall we?) 
More on his design below the cut!
I actually started Sanji post-timeskip shortly after I sketched both Zoro and Sanji pre-timeskip. I did all my sketches in the nude (will vlog about it later) and then did the outfits over them since I will be using the nude bases for future outfits! Please look out for those too!
As for this design, I wanted to keep some elements from the series post-timeskip, such as Sanji having more yellow/orange on him but still very much portayed as being associated with blue. Black (obsidian, in the fic) went really well with our idea that Zoro would be more into darker colors because of his role as Anubis’s son. Sanji naturally already wears a lot of black, so that was something I was very happy with. I made his ‘blacks’ the same shade as I did Zoro’s to tie them together.
The bandana!
YES. Sanji wears Zoro’s bandana as underwear. I had to. I just had to. He tied it into the gold jewelry he has around his shendyt, to keep it in place, so it’s literally just hanging by the smallest of knots. 
As for he rest of Sanji’s ‘clothes’...
He wears his shendyt the same way he wears Zoro’s bandana, and it IS still a shendyt, but he’s not using it properly anymore! Haha! Sanji post-timeskip would definitely be more comfortable about his body, and more into ‘showing off that he’s sleeping with Zoro’. There’ll be all kinds of claw-marks and bites and hickeys all over his butt and sensitive parts. 
I wanted to show all that as Sanji’s way of saying “LOOK, LOOK, I SCORED THE SON OF ANUBIS!”, since I know Sanji isn’t the shy type when it comes to Zoro. He’s loud, he’s assertive and hell, they totally switch positions in bed.
That’s all for now! Please stay tuned for more ZoSan Egyptian AU from this Double Moss Combo!
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wordweava · 7 years
I love you (after having had a look on your tumblr) and your work. You are so genuine. I really like you a lot~~ just came by to say that, hehe. There are only a handful (well, more then that) of OPzosan active since the absence of said couple. Always be happy and think positive. I hope to make an account one day and contact u! xxxx ;33
Aahh, thank you! That is so sweet.
I strive to be genuine... Largely because I don’t think there’s much point being anything else. A couple of years back someone introduced me to the concept of ‘congruent living’: which is basically being and showing who you are, every inch of yourself, authentically, to everyone in your life. It can be a bit of a white-knuckle ride sometimes, but it’s SOOOOOOO worth it.
...And I think all of us shippers in the OP fandom are awaiting the moment when Sanji and Zoro see each other again, with bated breath. Though it would have to be pretty good to beat that moment at Saobody Archipelago. In my head canon it’s analogous to that scene in Sherlock series 3, The Empty Hearse, when Sherlock finally appears... And John punches his frikkin lights out. Repeatedly.
*Imagines Zoro standing with folded arms in front of Sanji and saying absolutely nothing. And our beloved chef glaring back and saying nothing either. Until Luffy somehow bounces in and flings them together with some comment along the lines of, “Hey, Sanji - Zoro really missed you! Aren’t you gonna give him a hug?”*
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