optiweb · 2 years
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Optiweb is among the Best Ireland Web Design & Development Company helping you grow your business by reaching more customers. Visit our website!
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keistyled · 2 years
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備忘録 メンテナンス実施 ・ボディの埃、汚れ除去 ・指板クリーニング →Fret board juiceでクリーニング後、ねこだまり工房蜜蝋ワックスを塗布 ・弦交換 →Elixir optiweb 009-042 #ギターメンテナンス #ねこだまり工房蜜蝋ワックス #fretboardjuice #elixir #optiweb #009042 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce6EpKsgwfe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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this-is-the-uchu · 1 month
 お世話になっております。ご機嫌麗しゅう。ショート動画を投稿いたしました。DREAM THEATERのThe Count of Tuscanyのアウトロのギターソロをカバーしております。時代に則った(?)縦型のショート動画ですよ。私もこういうことするんですよ。
 選曲に関しては、Fractalでの音作りのためにコピーしてただけだったりします。JPの音を聴いて近い音を作るために同じフレーズを弾いて、がスタートでした。DTの中でも好きな曲......ベスト20以内には入る程度に好きですよ。でもフル尺のコピーは流石にね......。  肝心のサウンドに関してはどう感じられましたかね?個人的には良い線行ってる気がします。詳細は下記にて。
 録音は先週......か週末に済ませたハズです。もう脳の劣化が顕著で覚えてないです。短い演奏ではありますが、ほどほどに録り直ししたり、テイク重ねて切り貼りしたりしました。私なんてそんなもんですよ。バッキングトラックはVo,Ba ,Dr,Keyのギター抜きのものをネットで拾ってきまして、リードも左右のリズムも私が弾いています。是非原曲と比べながら聴いてみて��ださい。リズムは1月中に1発録りしてました。あまりにも偉すぎる。  動画撮影と編集は投稿日、この記事を書いている日に行いました。動画自体が短いので撮り直しこそ多いものの時間は掛からず、当然編集って程のもの(カラー調整、映像と音源合わせるだけ)もありませんのでサクッと終わりました。一応ショート用にするためのノウハウは事前に調べてブックマークしていたので、特に苦労することもなく。偉すぎるので飯奢ってください。
・Sugi DS496
 7弦JPではなく6弦です。ご存知の方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、本来この曲はD#6(23フレット)の音まで必要となります。Sugiは22フレットまでなので届かない「はず」なのですが、無理矢理23フレット目と思われるポジションを押弦し、音を出しています。速いフレーズの中の1音なので違和感はありません......よね?  弦はElixirのOptiweb 09-42です。年末年始に交換したままです。まあええやろの精神。ピックはPrimetoneです。JPシグネイチャーの方ではなく普通の方です。普段はグリップ感のよいTrinityピックを愛用しているのですが、出音・フルピッキング時の抵抗感の無さではやはり高級ピックに軍配が上がります。  GruvGearのFret Wedge(全然流行ってない気がする)を挟んでおり、録音時にはミューターも使いました。録音前には接点の清掃をしています。ネックの反り具合は、今冬は部屋の湿度を高く保ち続けているためストレスなく低めにしています。PUの高さは2mmです。  またトーンを6まで下げてリードを弾いています。ギター弾いて15年目にしてトーンの有用性に気付きました。あまりにも遅すぎる。  ※シールド及びバッファーは前回から変わりませんので割愛。
・Fractal Audio Systems FM3
 プリセットの基本はファクトリープリセット内にある”Petrucci Rig FM3”のプリセットを転用しつつ作成しました。本人がどこまで作成に携わり、実際にライブで使っていたかは分かりません。またFX3とFM9版のプリセットに比べて多少簡易的にはなっているようです。  ただ残念ながら狙っているサウンドは、プリセットは恐らくTHE ASTONISHING以降の音で、曲はもう少し古い時代のため音の指向性が異なり、そのままプリセットを使っても似ていません。
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 ブースト用のTSです。Precision Driveのモデリングと迷いましたが最終的にはこっちです。Driveをあげる代わりにLevelを少し下げています。原曲のトーンが明るめ、ハイ上がりなのでToneを大きく上げています。
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 閑話休題。これまでのDTのアルバムで最もギターの音がいい作品は何か、と尋ねられた時の回答は皆様におかれましてはどれでしょうか?  最近私はI&Wなのではないかと感じています(ライブならSystematic Chaosの頃ですが)。作品情報を調べていると製作時の使用アンプはMarshall JMP-1(Metropolis Pt:1でのみ)、Mark IIC+、そしてTriAxisの3つのようで、後ろ2つがどの曲・どのパートで使い分けされていたのかまでは不明ですが、Fractal内のMarkシリーズの使いにくさは有名な話のため、知ってはいるけど試したことがないTriAxisを使った所、確かにどの作品もギターの音が違っているものの共通して聴こえるような要素(キャビかもしれないし、その他の要因かもしれませんが、その正体が一体何かまでは分かりません)がTriAxisのモデリングで感じられたことが、今回の使用アンプの決め手になりました。  ちなみにFractal製品の上位モデルとなるFX3とFM9では最新ファームウェアでMark Vが追加されて早数ヶ月経っていますが、FM3のファームウェア更新が昨夏で停止しています。発売から5年くらい経ちますし、そろそろ見捨てられた感が出てきた気がします。
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 キャビはプリセットから完全にそのままです。本当にセッティングそのままですし、他にいじっているパラメーターもありませんでした。ML SOUND LAB製のレクチキャビをSM7Bで録った暗いミックスと、トラディショナルキャビをR121で録ったものを組み合わせているようです。本家は更にMojave Audio製のコンデンサーマイクを組み合わせた3本でのコンビでマイキングしているらしいです。  7Bは配信者マイク及びVoのレコーディングマイクとして有名ですが、JP的にはSM57の上位互換らしいので、私も今後のマイクチョイスを切り替えていくスタイルにします。
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 ノイズゲートです。セッテイングに関してはそこまで言及することはありません。気持ちですが、以前よりもしっかりゲートをかけるようになりました。  先述のインプットのゲートを使わない理由ですが、シグナルを見てもらうとお分かりの通り、インプットのゲートはギターから入力されてきたナチュラルな信号に対してゲートがかかり、削られたサウンドを後段のODなりアンプなりでブーストしEQセクションを通る流れとなります。ですのでゲートの分だけ削られたものにゲインがかかっていくこととなります。  反対に後段のゲート場合、入力されてきた信号がニュートラルなまま全てOD・アンプ部に入り、EQ・キャビで色付けされた音の中で不要な帯域ノイズを削ることとなります。削ったものに色付け・調整を加えていくか、入った音をそのまま全部調理して最終的に洗練するかの違いですね。入力音・ダイナミクス・様々な情報が、まずはモデルとなるアンプやキャビにそのまま入ることってかなり大事だと思ったため、今回からゲートを後段でかけるようになりました。  デメリットは一応あって、ブロックを追加するためCPU使用率はこちらの方が上がりますし、シグナル一本の中の数を圧迫するため、たくさんのブロックを使用する場合には2本に分けることになります。
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・Universal Audio 1176 Classic Limiter Collection
 今回はミックスのようなものは一切行っておりません。EQや空間系は全く掛けず、FM3内でなるべく完結するようにしました。  ただコンプに関しては基本的にずっと使っています。今回は1176 Rev Aを、プリセット内にあるギター向けのセッティングを使っています。あると無いとでは音がワンランク違いますね。
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 なんだこの極端なグラフは!!!  ショート動画って公開12時間後まではブーストが掛かる仕様なんですかね?朝起きて確認した際に「すごい再生回数だ!ありがたい!」となっていたのですが、そこから全然変わらなくて笑っちゃいますね。あと全部で35秒だけのショート動画なのに平均視聴率が26秒(一番気持ちいいベンドが終わった所くらい)までってなんやねん!30秒ちょいなんだから最後まで見てくれや!  長い動画1本撮るよりも気軽でいいなと思ったので、今後もショート動画は前向きに考えていきたいですね。
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imemon-blog · 8 months
OptiWeb Suite Review + Honest Opinion
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OptiWeb Suite Review: Encourage your business goals by providing SaaS website creation services with. 85+ SEO and web toolkit tools for recurring memberships and advertising revenue.
Overview Of OptiWeb Suit
Product Name: OptiWeb Suite
Author/vendor: Brian Lee
Official Website: VISIT HERE
Launch Date: 2023-Sep-15
Front-End-Price: $17
Refund: 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Support: Effective Response
Recommend: Highly Recommended!
Rating: 8.5/10
Skill: All Level
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What is OptiWeb Suite
The best online application for all of your digital demands is “OptiWeb Suite”! An extensive set of tools for daily usage. SEO optimization image optimization developer tools website management tools and more are provided by this ground-breaking code. You can build your very own web application with the help of OptiWeb. Suite which will streamline your online operations, boost your exposure, and advance your company.
With OptiWeb Suite, the ultimate all-in-one SEO, Web toolkit with 85+ tools native advertising, various payment choices, multilingual and RTL support, a robust admin panel, a built-in blog, and SaaS capabilities, you can turn your website into a money-making engine.
The program is simple to set up and modify. Whatever your profession—blogger, developer, owner of a small business, or digital marketer—Monster Tools provides what you need to be successful. The application is highly optimized with ad spots that boost CTR and a custom SaaS modal with a variety of payment channels to boost revenue. Purchase OptiWeb Suite right away to get started creating your own tools website so you don’t miss out on this fantastic chance!
What is a Features Of OptiWeb Suite
Save Time and Effort: You can save a lot of time and work by not having to develop a website from scratch.
Professional Websites: Pre-built Saas websites are designed and optimized professionally, leaving a strong impression on your customers and partners.
Over 85 SEO and Web Toolkit Tools: You have access to a diverse set of tools to optimize your website for top-notch online performance and search engine visibility.
Steady Income from Recurring Memberships: With recurring membership features, you can generate stable income from monthly or yearly subscription fees.
Earn from Advertising: Our service provides opportunities to earn money through advertising on your Saas website, creating an additional revenue stream from ad partnerships.
Continuous Technical Support: You have access to ongoing technical support to address any issues or improve your website as needed.
Flexible Integration: Our service can integrate seamlessly with other tools and services to expand functionality and enhance user interactions on your Saas website.
Rapid Development: You can start your online business immediately and focus on business growth instead of building everything from scratch.
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How to work this OptiWeb Suite?
creation of applications and the advantages it offers.
We’d want to start by discussing some well-known Saas SEO services you might run upon outside. Companies frequently have to pay a hefty sum for these Saas services:
A crucial tool for tracking your term ranks on search engines is a keyword tracking service.
Analysis of your competitors’ actions and recommendations for competing tactics are provided.
Content optimization: Provides tools to improve the content on your website in order to draw and keep visitors.
Services for designing and managing successful online advertising campaigns.
Consider our offer right now. For just $17, we offer a Saas website construction service that includes over 85 SEO and Web Toolkit features that you can keep. This is an amazing chance, not simply a great deal.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I Need Hosting and a Domain?
You do really need your own domain and hosting. Our service concentrates on building and optimizing the Saas website, but in order to host your Saas application, you will need to have a hosting account and domain available. We can advise you on how to get them if you don’t already have them.
How Long Does It Take to Complete the Website?
After payment confirmation, the turnaround time for finishing your Saas website normally spans from 24 to 72 hours. Please take note that depending on the intricacy of your unique requirements, this duration may change.
What Happens After I Make a Payment?
Following payment, you will get thorough directions on what to do next through email. You can use these steps to learn how to connect your domain, set up your hosting, and access your tools and resources while you build up your Saas website.
Can I Customize the Saas Website?
You can further modify the look, content, and operation of our service after receiving the necessary groundwork and starting points.
Is Technical Support Available?
Yes, we provide ongoing technical support to help you with any concerns or problems you might have using and configuring your Saas website. Our support staff is available to make sure your experience is hassle-free.
Can I Request Additional Features?
Although our service has a number of built-in tools and capabilities, if you have any particular unique needs, please get in touch with our support staff. We may talk about your requirements and look into customization and added feature choices.
What Happens If I’m Not Satisfied?
A 30-day money-back guarantee is provided by us. If you are not happy with our service within 30 days of your purchase, we will fully return your money. Your pleasure is essential to us, and we endeavor to give you with the greatest value available.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team if you have any additional inquiries or require more help. You’ll receive rapid and beneficial responses.
final Opinion
You won’t want to pass up this chance! For just $17, we’re giving you access to a SaaS website development service that includes over 85 SEO and Web Toolkit features. This is an incredible deal compared to the thousands of dollars you’d pay for web design services elsewhere. To take advantage of this chance and change your website right away, click the “Sign Up Now” button.
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Read my more blgo: Video Marketing with AI Mastery Review
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ljubomir69 · 1 year
SEO - Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine. SEO refers to the improvement of unpaid results (known as "natural" or "organic" results), and excludes the purchase of paid placement. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, video search, academic search, news search, and industry-specific vertical search engines.
Optimizacija sajtova za pretraživače - Optiweb Studio Beograd Optimizing a website may involve editing its content, adding content, modifying HTML, and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase the number of backlinks, or inbound links, is another SEO tactic. By May 2015, mobile search had surpassed desktop search. As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, the computer programmed algorithms which dictate search engine behavior, what people search for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines, and which search engines are preferred by their targeted audience. SEO is performed because a website will receive more visitors from a search engine the higher the website ranks in the search engine results page (SERP).
Izrada sajtova - Optiweb Studio Beograd These visitors can then be converted into customers. SEO differs from local search engine optimization in that the latter is focused on optimizing a business' online presence so that its web pages will be displayed by search engines when a user enters a local search for its products or services. The former instead is more focused on national or international searches.
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junya-koketsu · 2 years
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ELIXIR OPTIWEB 10-46 ギターの弦交換しました コーティング弦は長持ちしますね https://www.instagram.com/p/CeY_t7rJkEx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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optiweb · 2 years
Optiweb is the leading IT Solution Provider Ireland helping you build your brand by attracting more potential customers. Visit our website now!
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keistyled · 2 years
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ピックガードをマットブラックの1plyに変えてみた。ちょっとイメージお違ったけど、弦も交換したし、しばらくはこれでいってみよう。次回は元に戻す確率90%(笑) おっと、備忘録的に、 Elixir optiweb 009-042 #telecaster #テレキャスター #弦交換 #elixir #optiweb #pickguard https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb7vZ9LA8Ze/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chanbp · 5 years
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I was curious as to whether I could zoom in with my telephoto lens to see the coating on my #elixirstrings #optiweb strings. #worshipgear #gearforworship #worshiptone #geartalk #geartalkpnw https://www.instagram.com/p/BwtzNz0n2Wp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=101vfohmh9thx
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petezoom · 7 years
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Trying the new @elixir_strings #elixirstrings #optiweb 🎸 #paulreedsmith #prs #prsguitars #multifoil
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this-is-the-uchu · 4 years
・Keychron K2テンキーレス青軸英語配列イイけど職場でFilco Majestouch2フルキー赤軸日本語配列使ってる時間の方が長いからなんだか日本語配列のに変えたくなっちゃったな。東プレRealforce for MacかArchiss Mestro FLとかイイなって思ったけどやっぱり家のデスクでは宗教上無線しか使いたくなくてな〜と思ったりします。
・Fractal AudioのFM3ですが後輩が輸入してくれようとして手続きしてくれてたんですがオカダに見つかったためキャンセルされました。Reverb日本発送ワンチャン狙いになったらしくてちょっと費用がかかるようになったらしくてほんとFワードって感じです。MT-15買おうかとも思ったんですが結局FM3だけで完結できる環境は便利だなと思います。宅録的な意味でも。でも来年くらいに買ってセットで使うのもアリですね。Archonのミニアンプ版とか出ないかな。ちなみに今はPRS Supermodelsを使ってます。音良き。あとエリクサーのOptiwebを7弦に張ったんですがコレも良き。DRから乗り換えようかなとも悩んでます。正社員だと休日しか楽器触らないことが多いしまとまった収入あるの強いので練習からPrimetoneピックガシガシ使っていけるのほんとサイコーです。
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lets-strings · 4 years
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The importance of having a decent set of strings is crucial to getting the best possible sound from your guitar. There is a lot more to string types to consider that it may appear on the surface.
The different gauges winding methods, coating etc can have a dramatic effect on the performance of your musical instrument but with so many options it quickly becomes a bit of a minefield to navigate and discern which are best suited to your playing style as well as your complimenting the tonewood of your guitar.
This rings heavily true for novices so we have included an informative buying guide with some key questions to advise buyers on what to look for as well as some handy and rather vital info that covers all aspects related to string purchasing, such as how and when to change them and which types of string sets are best for what. So let's explore our recommended guitar strings.
1. Ernie Ball Phosphor Bronze These Phosphor Bronze strings are a lovely set from the Ernie ball Earthwood line they are for acoustic guitars they can be slow to settle in but the bronze gives them a warm tone and good tactile response. The Ernie Ball company are the one of the biggest string manufactures in the world with decades of production under their belts.
These Phosphor Bronze acoustic strings are hex design wires expertly wound and a beautiful orange color they bring a new lease of life to any acoustic.
The deeps are a little heavier gauge than their standard string set and the trebles a little lighter meaning your eq is extended. The Ernie Ball Phosphor Bronze strings produce a broader tone range. They aren't one of their best sets but they are inexpensive.
Ernie ball strings are competitively priced so you get good value for money they just about undercut most other top guitar string brands.
Pros: + .012,.,.054 (G non-wound). + Affordable price and often available in packs of 3. + Copper and Phosphor.
Why We Liked It - These Ernie Ball Phosphor Bronze acoustic strings are awesome quick change (convenient ball ends) replacement strings that come in bumper packs so you will never be caught without a spare set. On of our favorite acoustic guitar string sets!
2. Elixir Strings 80/20 The 80/20 set are a copper/zinc alloy wrapped in bronze strings. They have an ultra-thin strings NANOWEB coating which is so understated they feel like regular uncoated strings. These Elixir NANOWEB strings are ideal for playing who want tone life extension and corrosion protection and easier sliding but dislike the tactile texture of some coated strings.
The Elixir NANOWEB strings come in a wide variety of gauges and the benefits of coating mean not only do they have extended tone life but they are smoother on the fingers, easier to play and have reduced squeaking.
Elix is a string company that people expect a lot from as their track record both coated strings and uncoated strings are superior to many. Elixir Strings actually offer 3 different coating NANOWEB (bright and smooth), Polyweb (warm, slick and fast) and Optiweb (crisp and natural). They are of high quality and long lasting guitar strings.
Pros: + Reasonably priced. + Extended tone life. + Enhanced playability.
Why We Liked It - These Elixir NANOWEB strings are a high quality guitar string set, they keep excellent performance consistency and don't deteriorate in tone, they are one the only string brand to coat the entire string and the smoothness eliminates squeaks making these Elixir strings ideal for recording.
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creeasion-blog · 6 years
#Repost @mjgmusic • • • Super stoked to say I’m officially an Elixir Artist now! 💯👏 They are announcing support for 7 & 8 string sets, and I couldn’t be happier! Here’s a short clip of me jammin to one of my tracks for my upcoming solo EP. Complete play-throughs coming soon! @elixir_strings #elixirstrings #optiweb #extendedrange #erg #kieselguitars #kiesel #axefx #shred #riffwars #lickwars #guitarsdaily #hypeguitar #highonguitar #pickupjazz #instaguitar #prog #progressive #metal #djent #mikegreen #solo #ep #soon #musicislife #namm2018 #namm #djentlemen #djentspace #guitarra
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cipideck-blog · 6 years
A Synopsis Of VMI Solutions
Start a vending machine business with just a few machines. You will spend less to open a business and gain experience before expanding to a operation. Starting with just a few machines means you need a smaller investment. After you have gained more knowledge, you can buy more vending machines and widen your operations. It's better to start a vending machine business with the so that you can avoid making mistakes. To be armed with the info can spare you mistakes. Apart from learning from the errors and gaining experience, you can do your own research to find out more about how to start a vending machine business the proper manner. Make a search on the below mentioned website, if you're looking for more information regarding optiweb.
There are a good deal of information on the net, but the majority of them aren't really substantial. Ask about the industry through businessmen who used to own vending businesses. Get a mentor who is not trying to sell you something such as machines or locations. It may be hard though to obtain an business owner ready to give his knowledge. Most former operators become consultants after retiring from the business. There are several vending operators who may tell you to start small and near. Venturing out far locations may spread you too thin. In case you've gained more experience it'll be safe to get vending locations a bit far from home. In the meantime keep the business close, you can have access to them. Your target audience and location are vital. Start a vending machine business in an ideal location with the right kind of traffic. If you're selling toys for children, then you are better to set your machines where children are found. These areas could be like park, the pediatrician's clinic or a dentist's office.
By donating part of your earnings to a charitable 15, it is possible to reduce your rent. If you agree to donate a part of your earnings to a cause, the company will give you a sticker informing patrons that you will donate part of your earnings. Some landlords will not charge rent if you give to charity. You save on rent and can help the less fortunate. Start a vending machine business with a small capital. It is possible if you know where to find machines for rock-bottom prices or search for your location instead of hiring a professional locator. Vending locators won't necessarily give you great locations. Look for a good supplier who can give you items. This will make your profit margin bigger. Get the ideal information from the ideal people who are not trying to rip off you. Many experienced operators is find them.
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amanofmystature · 7 years
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Let’s see what these are about... @elixir_strings #optiweb
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