#only recently have sims bothered picking them up sometimes
lightningzbolt · 9 months
Usable Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP for Sims 4
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Working GBA SP console, based on the Slablet so anything that can do this can do. That means Sims don't necessarily look at tho they are actually playing it, but it's close enough. Comes in the 12 swatches shown. Appears in the Misc section under Electronics of Build/Buy mode, or by searching for it by name. Yeah the screen looks a little funky at some angles, but not much can be done about that. Model used is from here. The silver color texture is the original, all the others I recolored myself in GIMP, all based on real GBA SP colors.
Here's an original GBA I made a couple years ago that does all the same things.
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