#only a handful of vessels -cut you open- and put specific emotions inside by touching the organ barehanded...
aoitakumi8148 · 5 months
[Left behind] 𝟚 of 𝟚.
𝓛𝓪𝔂 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 Ꮼ 𝓘𝓷𝓽𝓸 𝓜𝔂 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓮𝓬𝓽 𝓜𝓪𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓮, 𝓘 𝓦𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓤𝓼𝓮 𝓘𝓽 𝓣𝓸 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓬𝓽 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓜𝓮...
‘I get why you are doing this, but I know that together we can create something mughty magnificant. I'll give you what not a single ‹version› of your ‹real› son ever would... I do not dare to be judgemental of the emotions you are driven by... 'cause they are mutual... No tribulation is tougher than a future that is not there.’
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
Hunter meeting Hunter
A Xaviera Lah-Mo and Andrei Kulokova Story Chapter 3
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Authors Note: Wow....This one is long, but I was in such a big writing mood for these two that I had to do it. We learn some of Xaviera’s memories, we see some sparks flying and we see how two souls bond into one.
Chapter 1 HERE
Chapter 2 HERE
Xaviera Lah-Mo belongs to me
Andrei Kulokova @the-slasher-files​
Warnings: 18+ because there are sexual scenes and straight up SMUT
Words: 5.8k
After that incident, Xaviera stayed the rest of the night preparing for the hunt; cleaning her sniper rifle, a weapon that took the life of so many poachers across the globe, from Asia to Africa and even Europe, annihilating greedy humans that wanted to take lives of animals for their own egoistical gains.
Then there were the small arrows. She smirked, remembering how some mocked the small weapons, insignificant at first glance, but only if they knew what they packed, they would have thought twice.
Xaviera learned that size sometimes doesn't help you when faced with a creature that has enough venom to put down an elephant. Her favorites were the snake neurotoxins, like the one of the black African mamba, it's venom could kill a human in 20 minutes if you don't have the anti-venom. It was like a ticking bomb.
Then the venom of the King Cobra; its bite delivers a tremendous amount of paralysis-inducing neurotoxins. The snake’s venom is so strong and so voluminous that it can kill an elephant in just a few hours. Death also results in at least 50 to 60 percent of untreated human cases.
Oxyuranus microlepidotus, also called, appropriately, the fierce snake; Xaviera remembers encountering this deadly snake. She witnessed it during one of the expeditions and one of the researchers got bitten. The venom consists of taipoxin, a complex mix of neurotoxins, procoagulants, and myotoxins that paralyze muscles, inhibit breathing, cause hemorraging in blood vessels and tissues, and damage muscles. The researcher didn't survive; a single drop of venom from the reptile can supposedly kill 100 men.
It left many experts dumbfounded, but Xaviera learned to respect that snake.
'Respect what can kill you.' That's what her father used to tell her when she was little.
'Never underestimate the size of some creatures.' he also would say.
Sitting down at the table, injecting the hallow arrows with the specific venoms, her mind drifted to the memories of when her father would take her to his travels, teaching her all the basic surviving tactics, how to approach certain animals.
'You can look, but you can't touch.' he would instruct her, especially when they encountered very majestic animals, like the banded krait. It was a beautiful snake, it's scaling in obsidian black and strong yellow, but when her father told her that the neurotoxin it sported can induce paralysis, she quickly nodded.
Xaviera missed him so much, and her mother too. She would always patch  Xaviera up when she got hurt, also teaching her medical tactics, how to stop hemorrhage, how to properly disinfect a wound and stitch it up.
The white-haired woman closed her eyes; she was getting emotional and that was a dangerous thing to do, considering the predicament she was into. She needed to remember that there was also a predator with her in the cottage.
For now, he seemed unharmful. If he so badly had wanted, he could have killed her by now.
'Never let your guard down when you are surrounded by wild creatures.' her father's words echoed in her head.
She swallowed hard, remembering one time when she was careless, her young age and immaturity showed back then.
She went with her father on a small trip close to their homes in North America, in dense forests to observe the wilderness, only for this expedition to almost take Xaviera's life. They encountered three small bear cubs.
That meant only one thing; there was also a mother bear near and she was furious. Xaviera couldn't blame the adult bear. She was protecting her cubs and if it wasn't for her father that tranquilized the feral, giant of an animal, Xaviera wouldn't have been here now.
Although, the Grizzly Bear gave the white-haired woman a souvenir to remember her by. She remembers how the bear charged towards her, flashing jaws that could probably crush her skull and claws that were five-inch long.
It left five long deep enough scratch marks from her hip down her outer thigh, almost to her knee. Her father saved her; always carrying a tranquilizer-gun in case they encounter wild and untamed beasts.
Xaviera sighed, finished with the venomous arrows, putting them in a special bag, made of thick leather. Carrying around weapons like this was deadly. You never know if you accidentally pierce yourself with one.
Her light blue eyes moved to the window, seeing it was already morning, lightly snowing. Maybe tomorrow she will go out if the weather calmed down, itching to finish the leeches that she knew very well had captured a snow leopard.
'The fucking parasites.' she thought, her brows pulled into a frown.
Her gruesome fantasy disappeared when the need for food made itself known, stomach signaling her that. She moved towards the kitchen, starting to make some soup, cutting the vegetables, calculating the number of ingredients she needed for two people.
She groaned; why did she care for that man's well being? He was obscene, cocky, and infuriating. Still, the way he shushed and cooed her after her nightmare made something in her chest light up, like a small fire that started to heat up her insides.
She huffed in annoyance at this. He was infuriating. Period.....and he made her want to castrate him.
But none deserves to die by starvation, so pushing the strong emotions aside she continues to prepare the dish, putting all the ingredients cauldron and letting it boil, waiting next to it, absorbing in the warmness it provided and the delicious aromas, while she was reading one of her zoology books, enjoying the silence, while it lasts because she knows once the soup is done she will have to go back upstairs with that infuriating specimen of a male.
Xaviera was so into reading, stopping at a paragraph about ranks in the packs of animals when the soup started to boil. She set the book down on the table, then filled two bowls with the hot food, letting it cool down a little, preparing herself to go upstairs and hope she won't be forced to scratch his face off.
Taking the bowls and setting them on a tray, she slowly marched upstairs, feeling her heartbeat pick up a little.
Headstrong man plays with her head.
She pushed the door open with her foot, seeing Andrei gaze out the window, his knives next to him on the bed. She walked towards the nightstand to set the tray down, the small clang of it pulling the man from his thoughts.
He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and confused face, still suspicious probably for why she was still taking care of him. To be honest, Xaviera didn't know the answer either. Curse him for being more animal than human.
"Thank you, myshka." he spoke, taking the bowl of soup and sitting it on his lap.
She nodded his way, taking her own bowl of soup and sitting in the armchair like she did yesterday. It felt like such a deja vu.
"None deserves to die by starvation." she simply told him, starting to eat in silence, savoring the first spoons of the warm dish.
"So...Are you going to tell me what you are doing here in Himalaya?" she asked, looking at him with curious blue eyes.
He looked at her for a few seconds, like he was debating if he should answer.
"My job...it's um, well I'm a...I kill people for money." he answered, then continued.
"The poachers are from Ukraine, and the job took me here." he finished, watching her carefully as he took a sip off the spoon.
Normal people would probably be frightened by such a statement, but Xaviera was no normal woman. She killed humans herself and she lost count of how many died; sometimes by having their heads shot or a deadly venomous arrow piercing them, but that's the easy case.
Most of the time she just started the kill, then watched as the animals killed the poachers. Being ripped to shreds by a lion wasn't an easy dead.
Xaviera tilted her head to the side curiously like a cat.
"I see. Well, they are dead so I am more than content with that, although there are more leeches that need to be crushed." she replied, almost finished with her soup.
"Once the snowing stops I am out to balance the ecosystem." she told him, the corners of her lips twitching up in a faint dark smile.
His gaze was directly on her.
"So much fight, so much promise within you, little mouse..." he spoke, taking another spoonful of soup.
"The fire you have is strong...don't ever let anyone take that from you." he finished, getting up, making Xaviera tense a little.
He looked like he would stroke her cheek or share an intimate moment, which made Xaviera nervous, only for the Russian to hand her the half-empty bowl of soup and ruffling her white hair, giving her a smirk, then disappearing downstairs.
She was surprised he healed so fast; probably was used to it, but that's not what clouded the woman's mind. His words, much like the Grizzly scars that she was sporting and hiding, were now printed deep in her mind, giving her a feeling of pride, feeling like her ears were on fire, probably from blushing.
It was so long since someone told her such words, the last time someone praised her in such a deep way was her father. She shook her head, clearing her mist-filled mind, taking the tray with the two almost empty bowls, and walking downstairs.
The first thing she saw Andrei look through his weapons; she was tense at first, probably waiting for him to use them on her, but after she realized he was only checking them, she walked towards the kitchen sink to wash the dishes.
"Y'know the kife, this one here, it is my favorite weapon...." he begins to speak, but she didn't look his way, but she did listen to his words.
"Only certain soldiers are skilled with these...." he continues and Xaviera hears his footsteps.
"It is very intimate game of life, death and the blade in hand...almost like a dance." his voice sounds very close and she knows that he is behind her, making her stop, her hands holding the bowl while she tries not to let him get to her; she needs to control her emotions.
She felt like ice was dripping down her back when one of Andrei's hands wee gently placed on her hip, where her scars started down, but luckily the clothes were hiding them.
He moved his other hand that held the knife in front of her, her jaw tense, prepared in case he decided to do something and test his theory that followed.
"This knife has saved me more than hundred times." she could feel his hot breath down the nape of her neck; cursing herself for pulling her hair into a messy bun, but the long white locks always got in the way when she washed the dishes.
His lips grazed her soft skin, making her eyes widen.
"And my favorite part...seeing the knife slip quietly between the bones, slicing skin like butter, dripping in hot blood as you pull it back...." then he kissed her neck, her shoulders so tense, like a feline ready to pounce.
"It's a beautiful sight." he finished, pulling the knife from her view.
She would have probably used her sarcasm on him, telling him how oh-so poetic he can be, but she couldn['t, because the Russian was in her personal space, way too close for her comfort and not in the usual 'I wanna choke you to death until your eyes are dull and lifeless'.
No. There was too much sexual ineduo dripping from his words and you could taste the atmosphere, which by seconds it turned electric.
Her breathing was the first giveaway of her feelings, a new form of vulnerability enveloping her.
She never had someone so intimately close to her, in such a way that made her feel like she was walking on thin ice.
"W-What are you doing?" she asked, cursing her voice for sounding so weak, so fragile.
Andrei just huffed in laughter, amused at her discomfort.
"Well, little mouse, we are probably going to be stuck here for a few days, and there is no TV or entertainment...." he replied, the hand that was holding the knife, grazed the outside of her thigh, moving upward, only to make her more anxious.
"I am not a big fan of reading, so I thought you could be my entertainment." he finished by kissing her neck, sensitive to his touch and making her breath hitch in her throat.
The sexual ineduo was too obvious now, the grip on the bowl so tight she almost broke it. Her eyes wide, not knowing how to react or what to do, never being in such a combusting situation.
"I-I...." she tried to form words, but it's like they were stuck in her throat, knees starting to shake.
She was a nervous mess.
"Cat got your tongue?" he sarcastically asked, playing with the hem of her shirt, while his other hand held her hip tight, making sure she was planted against him.
"Or should I say wolf?" he laughed, his canines grazing along her naked shoulder, nipping and kissing, all thanks to her over-sized shirt that slipped of her shoulder.
The white-haired woman felt her cheeks go on fire at the way his voice sounded and how he touched her.
What was she supposed to say? That she never indulged in the more carnal and primal activities? That she never was touched? That she was a virgin!?
She had a few boyfriends in college, but there was nothing more than kissing and a little bit of touching here and there; of course, nothing could compare to what the Russian in front of her was doing to her.
When his canines nipped more at her skin she dropped the bowl into the sink.
"N-No...It's just..." again she couldn't find it in her to properly speak.
In a flash, Andrei roughly whipped her around and hauled her on the counter with ease in a display of raw strength, making her squeak, his form settling himself between her legs, towering over her small form. His ice-blue eyes staring her down, his large and rough hands on her thigh, admiring the way she shook.
He was allowing her to speak, to continue her phrase.
Her eyes widened at the position they were in, too intimate, not to mention the way he looked at her, like a very dangerous animal ready to go in for the kill. She gulped down, trying to find her words.
"I-I....I've never..." she began, breaking eye contact with the intimidating Russian, hoping he will get the drift because it was so embarrassing to say the words herself.
Slowly, he pulled away, maintaining the predatory look, only to broke in a burst of full-on loud laughter, showing off his teeth and squinting his eyes, holding his chest and walking backward.
His laugh was deep and almost shook the cottage.
"Y-You....you what???...."
She felt her face heat up more at his reaction, laughing at her like she was a joke.
"S-Stop laughing..." she huffed, but he still didn't stop.
"I said, stop laughing, jackass!" she screamed, getting off the kitchen counter.
His laughing continued, watching her with amused eyes.
"Ba-Baby girl...oh my God." he was almost to the point of tears in his laughter and that's when Xaviera snapped.
Her icy blue eyes turning into a glare, feeling completely insulted at his laughter.
Before she knew what she was doing, her hands grasped his shirt and pushed him against the closest wall with all her strength she could muster, taking advantage of him being distracted.
"Stop laughing, asshole!" she snarled up at him; looking like a kitten that hissed at the big bad wolf.
The laughter instantly stopped, his smile dropping and turning into a snarl, his eyes darkening by her actions.
Swiftly, Andrei grabbed her throat and whipped her against the wall he was just against. She was ready to tell him to fuck off, but his large and muscular thigh was placed between her legs, right in the center, a mewl leaving her lips.
A new type of fire formed in the pit of her stomach, one that made her weak in the knees.
"W-What?" she choked out, her fingernails digging into the wrist of his hand that was wrapped around her neck, not tight enough to stop air to fill her lungs, but enough to assert his dominance over her.
Her wide eyes looked directly into his wolfish ones.
His breath hissed through gritted teeth like he was trying to control himself. He swallowed harshly, removing his hand from her neck, cupping her jaw, and stroking his thumb on her cheek.
The size difference between them was nerve breaking and she knew if he so saw fit he could rip her jaw off.
The dark scenario in her head vanished when he spoke.
"You're so beautiful, Xaviera." the first time he used her name and his words made her feel like she was made of jelly.
That glimpse of softness disappeared when the Russian grabbed her ass, making her wrap her legs around his waist, a growl leaving from deep within his chest when she accidentally grind on him a little.
She had no time to say anything because his lips crashed on hers.
Everything made her feel so dizzy and she knew if it weren't for his hands supporting her, she would have fallen down. The words he spoke echoed in her head, making her feel like her ribcage was gonna combust from how fast her heart was beating.
The adrenaline.
When she had grinded down on him, she felt something to say so....intimidating.....just like him.
"A-Andrei...." she squeaked against his mouth, her hands fisting into his shirt.
His mouth devoured hers and she found herself so weak by the many flavors he was sporting; the taste of tobacco, earl grey tea, and the faintness of the spicy soup.
He nipped at her bottom lip before he broke the kiss.
"I have you, little mouse." he whispered lowly, walking over to the couch, sitting himself down with her on his lap, his eyes trained on her like he was lost in his own mysterious mind.
Closing his eyes, he kissed her again, but this time it was much slower, but passionate, his finger laced into her soft, white hair. Her much smaller hands were gripping his shirt tight, afraid that if she let go she would fall from the rock and hit the bottom hard.
She tried to mimic the kiss, still wondering why she didn't push him away, smashing his balls and making him impotent for all his remaining life.
Maybe it was because she had never met a man like him, someone so dangerous and so at ease with his more primal instincts.
Again, he pulled away, his hand grasping her chin, resting his forehead on hers.
"But how myshka?....you're so beautiful." he asked.
How? Perhaps, she hadn't met someone that could match her, someone who wasn't afraid to indulge in the wilder side, someone who could actually keep up with her....Someone who can protect her.
She remembers in one expedition, there was a guy who tried to flirt with her, only to scream and run when one Boa fell down from a tree in front of her, and before that he was acting like he was all man and that masculinity.
"I-I've never found someone....Well...Compatible to say so...." she answered his question, looking up at him innocently from under her eyelashes.
Something sparked in his eyes, something she couldn't place her finger on.
"I will take care of you....ssh." he murmured, running his thumb along her soft lips.
Her mouth opened instinctually, his thumb moving gently inside her mouth, her tongue running over his digit and lips wrapped around it. His pupils dilatated at her innocent gesture, lips pulled into a small snarl. He was trying to control himself.
He pulled his hand away, only for his mouth to start leaving opened mouthed kisses along her neck and shoulder, his big hands running under her shirt. Everywhere he touched her, he left a hot trail of fire, making her slowly moan, still shy about everything.
Xaviera tilted her head in the opposite direction, allowing him more access, just like a female animal does for the strongest male; a sign of submission. Her hands moved from his shirt to run her fingers through his hair; so soft, so fluffy, reminding her of the fur coat of a wolf.
She never felt like this before, the intensity of all her nerve-endings was stretching, absorbing every touch he gave her. She was so caught up in this newfound pleasure, just mewling in appreciation of all the attention he was basking her in, that th sound of material being ripped pulled her from the induced hormonal state.
Ice blue eyes opening to see he had ripped her shirt like it was made of paper, exposing her upper body, chest covered by a simple white bra, nothing fancy. When you were always on the run like a wild free-spirited animal just like her, you didn't have time to worry about expensive lingerie with all kinds of designs.
His hands quickly moved behind her to undo her bra, breaking the hook in the process, but that was her last of her worry because when the white material was tossed behind him, she wanted to cover herself, but he was much quicker than her, grasping her wrists from doing so. Not enough to break, but enough to tell her not to cover.
The way he was looking at her made her nervous; were they too small, not his desired shape? His tongue peeked out from his mouth, running along one of his canines.
A loud gasp tore from her throat when his mouth laced to one of her nipples, sucking and biting on it greedily. The other breast wasn't ignored, his calloused hand grabbing the globe of flesh, his fingers twisting the nipple.
Her hands tugged on his light brown faux hawk, her head tossed back, and looking at the ceiling. She never knew that such actions could make her feel like this; it made her feel weak, but in such a delicious way, wetness forming between her legs, giving her an uncomfortable feeling.
Trying to adjust herself, she ground on him, feeling the bulge in his cargo pants, only for a primal growl to erupt from Andrei, biting her nipple rather roughly, making her scream, whimpering as he started to lap at the rosy red bud.
It was such a weird mix of pain and pleasure.
His mouth, moved up along her chest, continuing to nip and bite, leaving trails of hickeys in his path; just like a wolf marking his territory. Blue and purples adored her pale skin in intricate patterns.
"Myshka." he growled against her neck, canines grazing her pulse, making the white-haired woman whimper; not in fear, but in sinful submission, something she never thought she would do.
Before she knew it, he moved off the couch with his hands supporting her body again, hands groping her small tight ass as he marched upstairs, her arms wrapped around his neck.
The door to the bedroom was kicked open rather roughly and surprisingly, her form gently laid on the bed and he pulled her lips into a sloppy kiss, showing how eager he was to devour her, to make her feel things she never even had in her life.
He loved to bite, that's for sure, Xaviera noticed that and his sharp canines only made him more of a beast than a man, but God if it didn't send her into a turned-on mess. She could feel how soaked she was and she knew he would be all smug about it.
His lips moved to her ear, licking it, then nipping on the cartilage. Xaviera squeaked, her hands running up and down his chest, feeling the hard muscles underneath.
"Sensitive there, baby girl?" he whispered in her ear, blowing hot air, stealing more lewd noises from the woman underneath him.
She was ready to throw him some colorful words, but that thought flew off the window when he sucked harshly on her earlobe, his hands, tugging her pants down in such an uncivil way, leaving her with only a pair of white cotton panties.
His eyes drifted to something that caught his interest; her Grizzly scars. She was afraid he might be pulled off by them, but she was surprised to feel him gently trace the marks, silently telling her it was alright, nothing to be ashamed of.
His eyes then moved to her panties.
Andrei smirked at the choice of her colors, so simple yet so innocent, running two thick fingers up and down her covered pussy, making her legs twitch.
"So cute, little mouse." he commented, making her face heat up.
He always managed to turn her into a flustering mess. She looked at him with confusion when he crawled off her, only for her legs to be thrown on his broad shoulders, his fingers pulling her panties aside, taking a glimpse at her most private parts, so untouched. His big thumb caressed her folds, spreading her wetness more.
"You're so wet for me, baby girl....I wanna have a taste of this juicy pussy of yours." he whispered, voice rough and growling at the end.
Her eyes widened when he felt his mouth on her, tongue lapping at what her heat had to offer him, his canines grazing her outer labia. Her hands fisted the bedsheets, as a series of lustful moans and mewls escaped her mouth; the way he was working her, switching from suckling to biting, the heels of her feet digging into his broad back, instinctually her legs closed around his head, pulling him in closer.
"A-Andrei!" she squeaked his name as his sharp teeth nibbled on her clit, making tears form at the corner of her eyes from how the pleasure was hitting her like a dagger.
It didn't help the growls that left his mouth, sending vibrations straight up her core and a weird feeling was forming into the pit of her stomach; she knew what was gonna happen.
"W-Wait....S-Stop....O-Or I am gonna-" she warned him, but he was just his stubborn self, not stopping his assault on her pussy, pushing one thick finger inside her and she was done, a long and loud whine.
She breathed heavily as he lapped up her juices, slowly raising up and looking at her with wide eyes, that feral look in them making her tremble.
"S-Sorry...." she apologized, seeing his mouth, jaw, and chin covered in wetness.
His wet lips pulled into his trademark wolfish grin, canines on full display, delighted by what she just did. He moved back over her, smashing his lips eagerly on hers, making Xaviera taste herself.
"See how good you taste, pussycat?" he asked against her lips, her eyes half-lidded as he looked into his own.
Her hands tugged on his shirt, a small whine leaving her, wanting to feel his skin. Getting up, he tugged his black shirt off, strong muscles on display, skin that was covered in scars, especially a big one down his chest, her eyes following the movements of his hands as he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his cargo pants.
He kicked his combat boots off, then teasingly slipped the last piece of clothing off, along with his boxers. Innocent blue eyes widened as his length was freed, slapping against his abdomen. Her mouth hung open; he was big, everything about him was big, and screamed pure raw strength. Precum oozed from the rosy type, two obvious veins along the girthy length.
When her eyes looked up at his face, she could tell he was mighty proud of what he was packing; masculine pride.
"Close your mouth, myshka before I put something to occupy it." his obscene words made her quickly close it, hearing him chuckle at her flustered face.
The Russian moved back over her, his big hands pinning her tiny ones next to each side of her head as he gazed down directly into her glassy ones.
She gasped as he felt his length rub between her legs, the material of her panties adding to the friction.
"Feel what you're doing to me, darling? This is all your work." he growled, an inch away from her lips, her panties thoughtfully soaked.
In one swift move, one hand left her wrist to rip her panties off, coming back to grip her wrist back.
That was it, no more barries, nothing else between them, his cock rubbing directly on her soft skin, wet and eager for him to take it.
"P-Please..." she whispered, her legs opening more for him.
"W-What was that, myshka? You have to be more precise." he teased, making her whine.
She couldn't believe he was going to make her beg; he had managed to do something no man has ever done.
"P-Please...I-I need it." she choked out when his mouth laced on the skin behind her ear.
"What's that you want? My big cock, baby girl? That's what you want so badly?" he snarled into her ear, his canines running up and down the length of her neck and she threw her head back, the full length of her neck now on display, exactly like a female in heat that needs to be mounted by the most powerful male; the most intimate act of submission.
"Yes, please! Now, hurry up!" she screamed, exasperated with this anticipation.
That seemed to be the call because the follow action made her choke on her own breath, legs wrapping around his waist and her fingernails digging into his back, her mouth in an 'o' shape as she gazed with deer-like eyes into his feral ones, trying probably not to fuck her brains out since it's her first time.
She felt so full like she was going to be ripped in half, tears running down her cheeks, her breath stuck in her throat.
One of his hands cupped her cheek, whipping her tears away.
"Shhh...Breath, myshka....Breath. I'm here." he cooed, letting her adjust and she was very grateful for that.
No way was he average. Fuck no.
She tried to control her body, her breathing, relaxing her tense muscles as much as she could and she gave him a slight nod, motioning for him to move a little, which he did, very slowly, but by the way, his jaw was so tense, muscles bulging under scarred skin, she knew it was hard to control himself.
First, just some experimental thrusts, adjusting to his size, closing her eyes, the foreign feeling of pain fading away little by little which each push and pull until there was only pleasure, her moans signaling him that he could move harder, which he happily did, but he still held back.
"Fuck....You're so tight." he growled in her neck, slipping in and out of her cunt.
Xaviera couldn't form words and she let the primal sounds speak. The slow, languid pace quickly turned into fast and experimental thrusts, their skin slapping together whenever Andrei hilted inside her.
"So dripping for me." he breathed, his hands moving to grasp her ass.
"Yesssss." the white-haired woman mewled, her hands running through his hair.
He used his grip on her behind to move her body up and down his length, her body so light and easy to manhandle.
Now she knew why the animals were so feral in mating; how could you not be when all this pleasure is exploding through your veins. She knew it wasn't going to take her long to cum again, not by how he was starting to pound her cunt.
"Are you close, little mouse?" he asked her, one of her hands fisting his hair.
"I can feel you squeezing around me so eagerly." he sounded so primal; like a true apex predator wanting to conquer his mate.
"Mhmm..." she answered, the delicious knot ready to snap.
"Who do you belong to?" he growled, canines dangerously close to her neck artery.
"W-What?" she asked in a breathless moan.
She guessed that wasn't what he wanted to hear, because he gave her such a harsh thrust that made her toes curl.
"I asked.....Who do you belong to?" his voice had a growling tint, clearly losing his patience.
All her ration vanished then.
"Y-You.....I'm yours. I'm all yours." Xaviera whined when he slipped his cock almost all the way out, only for the tip to rest inside her.
He was going to kill her like this.
He kept her like this, only to took her by surprise when he pushed all the way in, a series of quick and deep thrusts followed, the tip of his length hitting that sweet spot inside her over and over, and she came heavily, her fingernails so deep in his back, running down, leaving a trail of hot red marks.
His cock twitched inside her and she felt warmness in the pit of her belly, making her feel like she was flying on a cloud, but she also had the feeling that she was really fucking a wolf, by the sound that left Andrei's mouth. His lips pulled into a snarl, deadly k9's glinting and the most erotic growl she ever heard meet her ears.
They both tried to catch their breaths, a smirk tugging at the Russian's lips as he looked down at her face; rosy red cheeks, eyes showing deep satisfaction and her lips swollen from the kissing.
"Speechless, koshechka?" (koshechka=pussycat)
Xaviera just gulped down, nodding her head and making him chuckle at her adorable expression, his hand coming to her head, running his thick fingers through her long soft winter locks, his mouth moving to her head as he whispered in Russian.
She didn't know what he said, but by the way, he spoke, it feels soothing, like he was singing her a lullaby.
She felt his thumb graze her pulse, one of her hands running up and down his chest gently, especially over his big scar.
It was like the fire died down and the only thing that was left was a sense of tranquility, a smile tugging at Xaviera's lips.
"Moy prekrasnyy snezhnyy bars." he whispered against her neck, kissing one of the bigger bitemarks he left on her. (moy prekrasnyy snezhnyy bars= my beautiful snow leopard)
She sighed contently, enjoying this rare moment, her hand playing with his fluffy hair as he littered her neck in all the attention.
Neither of them were sleepy and probably their minds were clouded with tons of questions and wonders.
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chuchuroon · 4 years
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Soooo after MM I have finally found my next Otome obsession Currently, the Taiwan server of Ikemen Sengoku is running a region-exclusive event that puts all the Warlords in a Steampunk AU. The outfits are too good, so I wanted to share this with the Western/JP server players! (Currently, I play on all 3 servers like the dumbass obsessive idiot I am)
More photos and information on the event story under the cut! (SPOILERS for the Taiwan Ikesen Steampunk Event). If you’d like to play on the Taiwan server, the app is named 美男戰國 (copy paste into your app store and search) and it doesn’t appear to be region-locked. Ikesen is licensed to/published by a different company (iSweety) in Taiwan, so they sometimes have artwork and events /merch that are exclusive to that region, as well as unique promo videos.
There wasn’t a promo page where I could grab the event artworks, so pardon my phone screenshots of dubious quality. I tried my best to take screencaps where the dialogue was minimal so you can get a better idea of their outfits. They’re all so good!
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A 3/4 view of Mitsuhide’s Steampunk outfit. In this event, only stories for Nobunaga, Masamune, and Kenshin are available, and a minor collectible story for Ieyasu.  In Masamune’s afterstory, he mentions that Mitsuhide has the special ability to read people’s thoughts.
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*holds back nosebleed* I’m weak to men with slender waists ahhhhhghhgh. Masa’s Steampunk outfit fits him so well (Is that a man-corset? Can we make all men wear corsets?) and of course his collar is unfastened. I love the cogwheel design on his eyepatch too.
Even Kennyo looks rather dashing, that rascal, although he’s human in this story and hates the androids (and especially Nobunaga, of course) for having killed his fellow brethren. 
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You, the (human) main character, are the granddaughter of an eccentric Duke that created sentient machine life-forms called 械偶, which I will call androids for now (The name literally translates as “mechanical puppets”). Kennyo and others sometimes refers to them as merely “puppets” (人偶), likely in a derogatory manner.
The androids are sentient and are made of cogs and wheels and circuitry, and powered by a main heart-like “core” which contains a rune. The rune contained within the core is referenced as the “soul” of the androids. Runes have different names, meanings, and uses. If an android’s core is too badly damaged, they cease to function, or die in the robot sense of the word. Even if the core is repaired, if the “rune soul” is damaged, the android wouldn’t be considered living/sentient even if the rest of its mechanisms are functioning. Runes can exist in other forms, such as carved on things like doorways and rocks and hold power. There are teleportation runes which is how androids manage to quickly travel to and from the human community when necessary. Different circuits within an android serve different functions (movement, senses, etc), much like how different lobes or parts of the brain control specific bodily functions in a human. There are different types of androids, such as battle-types and healer-types, and they can have specific protocols and purposes. The story alludes to additional types, but they are not specifically named. Androids have masters, who are typically the one who created them, although this can differ. If a master dies, an android can live without a master or choose to follow another one. Androids can have multiple masters in their life, but in the story the majority of the androids live in their own community and no longer have a master. 
Androids can obtain energy through consuming human food/drink, although it’s not described as their ideal or main method of obtaining energy (the main method was not specified). It’s possible for traces of human food and drink to remain in their system, which can eventually build up over time and cause them to break down. Androids have their own emotions/opinions and thoughts, and can touch and feel just like humans. However, there is tension between humans and androids, who fear that androids, being physically superior, may one day wipe out the humans, and fights often break out. 
After your grandfather’s death, you go to “Elfland”, a hidden, floating island-slash-sky vessel created by your grandfather that is the last standing community of the sentient androids. Within this community, there are peaceful androids, who do not want to harm humans, and anti-human androids, who will attack humans on sight, as well as a third, neutral faction. You are here to search for your grandfather’s hidden treasure, which he left you clues to before he passed away, and you’re assisted by the androids during your search. Nobunaga, Masamune, Mitsuhide, Mitsunari, Hideyoshi, are part of the peaceful faction, while Kenshin is part of the anti-human faction. Yukimura and Ieyasu are part of the neutral faction. In Kenshin’s route, Sasuke and Shingen are also mentioned briefly, but their faction is unknown. There was no mention of Yoshimoto or Ranmaru. 
Your grandfather the Duke had a friend and fellow android researcher whose eldest son passed away. In light of this, the Duke created Masamune in the image of that eldest son, to keep his friend company. Instead of “Master”, Masamune referred to the Duke’s friend as “Father”, and they had a close relationship.
The Duke and his friend eventually had a bad falling out that escalated to violence, and Masamune got between them to stop them from fighting each other. His “father” tried to shoot the Duke, and Masamune chose to protect the Duke. As a result of this incident, Masamune lost his right eye, and also became estranged from his father, who was upset that Masamune chose the Duke over him.  Although Yasu-bot offered to fix it, Masamune declined, saying that he wanted to keep the broken eye as a reminder to himself that “all choices have consequences” (and because eyepatches are cool). When you arrive on Elfland, he has you skydiving into your target exploration area rather than take a long time to walk there, and generally shows you around and adventures alongside you, while simultaneously protecting you from skirmishes against the anti-human androids. Ieyasu mentions that while Masamune “isn’t a battle-type android, he’s pretty capable”, but doesn’t really explain just what kind of android he is. When Masamune’s father got grievously injured, he was kept alive but was on a deathbed, suffering from tremendous pain every day. When Masamune came to visit him, he begged for Masamune to put him out of his misery. Masamune decided to do so, knowing that it would result in his father’s wife and younger son resenting him and people saying horrible things about how he’s an android that killed his own master who treated him like a son. You, of course, help resolve this misunderstanding and also see past the terrible reputation this gave Masamune, and you accept him fully, ya’ll bond over war and fighting dealing with your ex-fiance (who happens to be the biological younger son of Masamune’s father, and colluded with Kennyo to try to wreck Elfland) and discovering your granpapaw’s treasure, and become lovers. In the afterstory, Masamune recalls that his father once told him to live life to the fullest. “If you’re not doing what you love and enjoying all that life has to offer, then you’re not truly living, whether you’re made of flesh or steel doesn’t matter. Otherwise, even if you have a heartbeat and you’re breathing, you’re no different than a walking corpse. If one day, I can no longer feel like I’m alive, then I’m already dead, even if my body is still functioning.” Reminiscing on this, Masamune wonders if meeting you was all fated since then. “I’ve fallen in love with an incredible woman”, he realizes, and listens to your heartbeat and makes you listen to his - “Every movement of every cog in my body is saying how much I love you, to the point of breaking. Can you hear it?” He asks. “Let me listen awhile longer, and I’ll answer,” you reply. In true Masamune fashion, he declares he can't wait any longer and decides to get his answer directly from your body. Yee haw.
He has a special ability which can disable the functions of other androids temporarily. During your research you discover that he was made in the image of the famous historical warlord Nobunaga Oda, who once united Japan. You guys are already lovers when the story begins. Human-Android tensions are high, and what’s worse is that Mitsuhide has been sneaking around meeting humans (including Kennyo) and making shady ass deals. You discover your grandfather’s treasure hidden behind a door with a riddle written in ancient Japanese, a dead language that only you know because your grandfather taught you. The riddle reads: “What can save both the humans and androids and allow them to live in peace?” and the answer is “love”, and the door opens when you write out the character for love in Japanese on the entrance. Inside the treasure box you find in the room, you learn secrets that could be used for both great and terrible deeds, including the knowledge of how to create sentient androids and how to destroy them, how Elfland was created, and various other secrets about androids. You decide to hide them again to prevent this knowledge from getting into the wrong hands.
Human-Android tensions escalate into full out war as Mitsuhide informs the humans how to gain access to Elfland and where to attack. Kennyo and Nobunaga cross swords and Nobunaga is nearly outmatched when Mitsuhide appears, revealing that he led the humans here intentionally because he wanted to herd the bulk of the anti-Android fanatics together in one location and collectively wipe them out in order to effectively stamp out future threats of war. He apologizes for being late as he was delayed by Hideyoshi-bot almost killing him. Nobunaga just laughs and tells Mitsuhide he deserves it for worrying Hideyoshi, and a spiteful Kennyo reveals that he has been modified with Android parts to become stronger, and activates this power to try to land a killing blow on Nobunaga - only to discover that Mitsuhide has even plotted everything this far back in advance, and way back when Kennyo was being modified, Mitsuhide ensured that he had faulty parts installed. Heheh. Mitsuhide:2, Kennyo: 0 In the afterstory, it’s revealed that one of the secrets you learned was the process of turning an android into a human. Androids can perform what’s called a “soul contract” with each other; when two androids perform this, they become linked and know each other’s thoughts and feelings, and if one Android dies, the other also loses power to their rune core and dies as well. However, if an Android performs a soul contract with a human, they can become a human (but there are unspecified risks involved, and success is more or less regarded as miraculous), and share a life. Since Nobunaga’s primary protocol was to protect Elfland and the vault that guarded your grandfather’s treasure, and that duty has been completed, he wishes to become a human so that he can grow old with you and share the same lifespan. You establish the contract and miraculously he’s turned into a human and ya’ll enjoy fun kinky times where you both know what the other is thinking and feel what the other is feeling (oh boy).
Healer-type android and constantly frets about the fact that he’s not a battle-type and therefore weak, and wonders why your grandfather created him this way. He claims to not like humans, and he blames himself for not being able to save the Duke, but you help him understand that it wasn’t his fault and that you are thankful he was able to stay by the Duke’s side and keep him company when he passed. He complains about having to repair Mitsunari-bot (who we never see). He is reluctant to get involved with humans, though this is revealed that it’s because he believes humans are too frail and die easily, and he didn’t want to experience heartbreak again. One of the lines he mutters to himself (well out of your earshot of course) is how the existence of people like you and your grandfather is the reason he could never bring himself to fully hate or reject the humans. He has a workshop and appears to not differentiate between factions when it comes to treating those who need it, as he mentions having repaired Ken-bot before as well, who is on the anti-human faction.
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The text translates to “My emotional circuits have been broken since a long time ago”. I chortled to myself for a good, long minute at that one. 
Anyway, Ken-bot is a battle-type android who also happens to have “protecting you” written as his top/primary protocol by your grandfather, which is why he goes along with all your endeavors despite belonging to the anti-human faction of the androids. He constantly emphasizes the fact that, as a battle-type droid, he is only capable of fighting and causing destruction. His emotional circuits aren’t completely broken, and he still has an obsession with sake and dried plums, which, according to Sasuke-bot, Ken-bot partakes to a degree that leads Sasuke-bot to believe Ken-bot is trying to drink/eat himself into an early grave. 
You learn from your grandfather’s journal that he originally created Kenshin as a battle-type android, but that he desired to have Kenshin protect his legacy (the androids on elfland, and his granddaughter) rather than simply for fighting and destruction. He saw Kenshin as a protector, not a destroyer. You try to tell his to Ken-bot and also confess your feelings, which seem to cause Ken-bot’s emotional circuits to malfunction even more. “I don’t understand what you mean when you say you like me,” he says brokenly, and during the height of the human-android battle decides to stick you in the safest place possible, which is in a... dun dun dun-geon. He then throws himself into such a battle frenzy against the humans that invaded Elfland that Yuki-bot (instructed by Sasuke-bot, who we never actually see) comes to release you from the dungeon and take you to Ken-bot in order to save him from himself. Ken-bot believes the only way to achieve lasting peace is to wipe out all the humans. You challenge him by saying he should then kill you, since you are a human. Just as you seem to be about to convince him, a shot rings out, and Kenshin shoves you out of the way, his core taking a hit from protecting you. Shingen-bot and Sasuke-bot also having taken serious injuries, the anti-human faction have no leaders, and retreat. 
You take an unconscious Ken-bot to the Oda forces to seek Ieyasu’s help. He says that the rune powering Ken-bot’s core is damaged too badly, so you find the hidden treasure of the Duke, hoping to learn a way to restore Ken-bot. Ieyasu suggests attempting the soul-contract to try to convert Ken-bot into a human as a last ditch effort to save him, as it allows the bonded pair to share their lifeforce, but he stresses that there’s no known record of it succeeding, and you may shorten your lifespan as a result. Your grandfather’s records also mentions that would only work with high-level androids. Yasu-bot also adds this flavor text that by attempting the soul contract, “You will share and endure all of the hardships, feelings and memories from the past of the other person”. You, of course, plow forward without hesitation, to which Yasu-bot gives his typical sigh of annoyance. “As expected of you”, he comments simply, and adds “I can see why this emotionally-broken idiot would be changed by you.”
After what feels like a long and painful dream, you wake up to find Pinocchio - I mean Ken-bot - has become a real boy! He confesses his feelings to you, Yasu-bot fills you both in what happened with current events while you two were unconscious, and slaps on an added warning to Kenshin of “Don’t ever make her cry again. There’s more people than you can imagine who hold her in high esteem, and they’re all incredibly annoying people...and will be much more difficult for you to handle now, as a human” - to which Kenshin answers with a typical bloodthirsty threat and by grabbing and hugging you possessively. Yasu-bot shrugs and says he doesn’t want to meddle in between “an annoying couple” anyway, and makes an offhand snide remark about how neither one of you make him worry any less than Mitsunari-bot does, checks up on you two one last time, and hurries out the room like he can’t stand to be there for another moment longer. Which is smart of him, since in the Afterstory ya’ll basically exchange mushy ass words with each other and do the nasty.
annnnd there’s the Steampunk event as I experienced it. Hope to see some Steampunk AU fan creations of our favorite warlords in the future!
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daniharperdominant · 4 years
First Friday || Dani & Ash
Tagging: Dani Harper and Ash Clarington @ash-clarington​
Date: Friday, October 9
Location: Dani’s Room
Summary: Bondage, Impact, Sex and Cuddles
As far as scenes go, Dani had a hard time predicting what was going to happen with Ash.  The submissive was quiet and reserved, and not big on unnecessary words or conversation - which frightened her a little, because scenes required constant communication.  But she was a good Dominant, if her course work and scenes in her first year were any indication, and she knew that no matter whether Ash was talkative or not the scene would be safe and carefully executed.  Waiting beside the bed were the impact implements she'd chosen, as well as lengths of rope that she could tie into strict knots but undo or cut at a moment's notice. There was soft music filling her room, and she'd chosen a very simple outfit - a jade green bra paired with dark underwear, framed by a black robe.  The scene didn't have to include any sexual element, nor would it unless Ash asked, but Dani also wanted to be comfortable.  Dressing the way she had helped her feel even more Dominant. Perching on her bed, she played an idle game on her phone as she waited for Ash's knock.
The summer break and the emotional drudge of the end of Ash's last semester left her, putting it lightly, out of practice. On top of that, she was starting to sink a little too far into herself on campus. She walked around going unnoticed, speaking to no one, attending classes then tucking herself back into her room. It was getting depressing and Ash knew if she let it go on she'd probably pull herself deeper into more destructive behaviors left unchecked. So the submissive had seen an opportunity. And she went for it. Donning some of her best lingerie beneath a simple dress, Ash pulled on her coat to combat the evening chill and left early enough to take her time walking to the Dominant dorms. Ash paused before she knocked at Dani's door to take a few steadying breaths and steady herself. The anticipation building in her belly was specific and sorely, sorely missed.
Dani set her phone aside, silenced, and stood up to smooth out her robe.  She opened the door with a smile, wanting Ash to know that she was welcome and that she had no intention of doing anything that wasn't wanted or desired.  "Please, come inside."  Once Ash was clear of the door Dani turned with a gently chiding expression.  "In the future, please kneel at the door while you wait."  It wasn't a huge issue the first time, but she didn't want the submissive to make a habit of not kneeling.  "In the meantime, please step into the bedroom there and take a seat.  There are a few things we need to go over quickly." Stepping into the room after her, Dani shut the door.  "I'd like to hear your limits and safeword, Ash, and then I'd like to know one thing that you want out of this scene tonight.  Anything at all, just the first thing you can think of that you really want."
Ash felt the tips of her ears flash warm. There was no anger in Dani's voice, no contempt, barely even a hint of annoyance over the matter but Ash still felt her stomach swirl with unrest over it. It'd been a while since she had knelt for someone, she had quiet literally forgotten. She swallowed the disappointment in herself silently and complied with the given instructions, only pausing to shuck away her jacket to hang by the door. Ash cleared her throat before speaking, having not said much since being called on in an afternoon class, then began "My limits are small confined spaces, tickling, body fluids and," Ash winced slightly at the last one---"age play." The submissive sat where instructed, mentally reminding herself not to fidget. "My safe word is lavender, Miss, and... and well I guess..." Ash paused thoughtfully, attempting to draw up the most accurate response. "I want to feel less." It came out wrong but Ash just needed to transfer control for a while, be fully distracted, to not think.
Dani was patient and warm as she could be as she waited for Ash to give her what she'd asked for.  There was no rush when she did a scene, no urge to move faster or increase the pace, especially when it was with someone new.  That was only a recipe for disaster.  The submissive's list of limits was easy to comply with and wouldn't butt up against any of what she had in mind for the night.  "To feel less," Dani repeated.  "As in...to get out of your own head?  That's something I can definitely do." She kept her eyes on Ash.  "Thank you for all of that.  Let me explain my philosophy when I scene.  This should be fun for us both.  I will strive never to go too far, never to do anything you don't want, and never to make you feel unsafe.  Should any of those things happen, I will expect a safeword and honor it as sacrosanct.  No debate, no argument - if you safeword, we stop immediately.  No matter what."  Dani smiled.  "If all of that is acceptable to you, please strip down as far as you're comfortable with."
This Dominant was a little bit of an enigma, it was enticing to Ash. Usually she went for the overbearing and vocally stern types but the way Dani's voice flowed seamlessly between what seemed to be her normal speaking voice to something more succinct and direct for clarity. Dominance with a gentleness Ash wasn't accustom to.
The woman's inference was exactly what Ash meant and the submissive felt some of her apprehension melt away. The swirling  in her stomach faded and a spark of excitement began to take it's place. With no hesitation Ash reached for the zipper of her dress and then let it fall. She stepped away once it was pooling around her ankles and felt herself gravitating toward Dani. Ash did knee then, signifying her willingness to begin, and to submit.
"Good girl," Dani smiled.  The first moments of any scene were the most important to her mind - trust had to be established on both sides, guidelines and boundaries set to be sure that everyone involved was comfortable ans safe for what was to come.  "You're a very beautiful girl, Ash, and I appreciate you wearing such lovely things over for me."  Reaching out, she gently ran her fingers through the girl's dark hair.  Only then did she stand, shrugging out of her robe to leave them in similar states of undress. "I'd like you to lie down on the bed for me, please.  Face down, with your hands above your head.  I'm going to secure your hands and your feet, and then we'll begin some simple impact play."  It was only the warm up, but the warm up was important.  Once Ash was in position, Dani took a small length of the rope and began to securely knot it around the girl's ankles.  "You look very lovely in rope."
Ash held her shiver at bay. It was more the Dominant's words that the simple touch but both made her eyes drop closed for a moment and Ash had to reign in some of her focus just to lift herself off the floor and onto the bed as she was told. She kept her eyes low as she moved but lifted them just enough to catches glimpses of Dani as she moved around her, free of the robe she had been donning before. Ash's heart picked up as the rope brushed against her and tightened against her skin. "Thank you, Miss." She managed, reminding herself to be vocal.
"You're welcome," Dani smiled.  She'd known that Ash was quiet, and had expected it, which made it all the more important that she be cognizant of other nonverbal cues - the sound of her breathing, the tension in certain limbs and muscles, the way that she moved or didn't move.  They were all important, and she would do her best to watch for any and all of them. "Hands now," she instructed.  "Just keep them above your head, and we'll get them tied.  It was a quick series of simple knots, and she gave them an experimental tug when she was finished.  "Does that all feel okay?  Nothing pinching, no pain?"
For just a flash of a moment a voice in the back of Ash's mind told her to ball her fists at her sides and resist but her desire to bend willfully won out and she placed her hands above her head, face down, as told. Goosebumps broke out over the submissive's body as soon as the final rope was in place. Ash moved a little at first, simply opening and closing her hands and rotating her ankles to test for tightness and blood flow. She gave a few experimental tugs, admiring the Dominant's work as she realized how stuck she really was. The residual panic was set aside quickly Ash let Dani's earlier words ring again through her thoughts. She could stop this at any time. Ash stilled and took a steadying breath. "None, Miss."
Dani was impressed by the way that Ash moved, clearly knowing how to check her bonds without needing further instruction.  She watched carefully as well, making sure that the ropes were going to hold for what she had in mind but not dig in if there was a struggle.  "Very good girl, thank you.  We're going to start the impact portion of this scene using just an open hand.  Five spanks on each side, just to get your skin warmed up a little.  I'd like you to count out all ten for me, please - no need to thank me, just a count will be sufficient." Once there was confirmation, Dani began.  The spanks weren't designed to hurt or punish, they were simply a way to bring some blood to the surface of Ash's skin.  Good impact required a warmup, because without it there was too much chance of broken blood vessels and marks that would last a week instead of a couple of days.  Not to mention, of course, that she enjoyed the spanking immensely.
Ash knew the process, the way it should be done anyway. Not all Dominant's were quite as kind and if Ash were being honest she didn't always care if they were. In the past doing casual scenes she usual set a limit of no marks that would be lasting on her body but with her Mistress, that was a different story. Her Mistress could be reckless at times in a way Ash found thrilling, it was one of the destructive natures of their relationship. This was different and Ash liked the way Dani spoke aloud what she was doing, and furthermore, why. Ash gave her acknowledgment, the small bit of praise pushing her forward in her desire to hear it again. The brunette didn't flinch when the first blow landed, she counted out. Her body didn't recoil at the next, landing firmly, stinging but only slightly. The Dominant's strikes didn't rock Ash's body, it enticed it, and she felt herself warming. The places that had fallen beneath Dani's palm, her cheeks, her core. Ash was mindful of her breath between counting, stubbornly determined to stay grounded for as long as possible through their play. "Ten." Ash huffed out, mindful not to stutter, and paused for the last to land.
Thus far, Ash had been a perfect scene partner - willing, eager, and able to follow instructions without hesitation.  Knowing that let Dani lose herself in the scene a little, watching the way that her soft skin rippled with each impact and the way that her voice grew just a little bit more ragged as she counted.  "Very good," she praised at the halfway mark, and when her hand came down for the tenth and final time she repeated the praise again.  "Such a good girl for me." Dani ran a hand across pink skin, squeezing and rubbing in equal measure.  "Now that you're warmed up, I think we'll move on to something a bit more intense.  I have my favorite paddle here," she reached for one nearby, wrapped in red leather with her initials monogrammed on the handle, and ran it up and down Ash's spine.  "And I'm sure that you're going to enjoy it.  You don't need to count this time, just lie there and let yourself enjoy it." Once Ash had responded, Dani brought the paddle down with firmly, creating a slapping noise that seemed very loud in the quiet room.
The submissive was putty beneath Dani’s praise. It didn’t matter what the Dominant had pulled out, Ash would have accepted it eagerly. She turned her head to flip her air out of her eyes and get a look at Dani, with her blood pumping Ash took more time actually looking at the other woman. Her eyes dashed over the paddle, noting the initials, but they lingered on the curve of the Dominant’s hips. “Thank you, Miss.” she said, for the relief from counting and for each blow she hadn’t thanked along the way. The short pause before the paddle was put to use had Ash holding her breath and when it finally came down with a near crack, she inhaled loudly, her fists balling in the sheets. The bark was worse than it’s bite but the instant tingle that followed was addicting and Ash waiting intently for more, her breathing quickening.
When Ash turned to look at her, Dani let everything she was feeling show in her eyes.  The pride in the way she was taking the impact, the concern for Ash's well being, and the desire that she felt seeing a beautiful woman tied up with a reddened ass.  There was nothing held back, and nothing she wouldn't be open about. "You're welcome, my good girl.  You're doing so well for me."  As long as that continued she planned on making sure Ash was rewarded properly for her submission, so a small part of her brain went to work on what a good reward might be. "God, you look good," she grinned.  "Your ass is made for this."  Establishing a quick rhythm, Dani alternated spanks on each side.  The staccato pattern sounded like gunshots in the quiet, and when she reached fifteen she set the paddle down, wriggling slightly in excitement.  "How are you feeling, sweet girl?"
It didn’t take long for Ash to get lost in it. She had to work to find rhythm with her breath, to keep from gasping at every strike. She lost count in her head somewhere around ten and grounded herself in Dani’s voice as a distraction to the steadily growing sting of her reddened skin. The center of her body was burning, and through the movement sparked further irritation to her backside, Ash pressed her hips downward. Her body instinctively looking for relief from the building tension between her legs. The more it went on the less Ash found herself caught up on any worries and her focus began to dwindle. By the time Dani stopped the brunette hadn’t even realized she had been making sharp and small mewling noises along with the paddle. It was only when it was silent in the room again that the sounds caught up with Ash’s thoughts and her blush spread over her cheeks beneath long dark unruly hair, and across her chest. She didn’t want to speak but Ash found Dani’s eyes, expressing a certain calm in lidded blue eyes, despite her elevated heart rate. She pulled on the restraints annoyed that she couldn’t reach for Dani. Ash hummed and gave a nod, “Good, Miss.” was all she was willing to conjure.
As silence settled over the room and Ash's little needy noises reached her ears, Dani immediately wanted to hear more of them.  There was no mistaking the way that the submissive tried to grind into the bed, or the tension in the ropes as they were pulled at, and it left Dani with a decision to make.  She didn't want to push too hard, or too fast.  Ash had seemed almost skittish in their first few conversations.  But at the same time, if her body was craving touch then Dani would not deny that. "You're so gorgeous.  Ass all red for me, moving while you try to get some relief - absolutely gorgeous."  Dani licked her lips.  "With your permission, Ash, I'd like to touch you now.  Because good girls deserve rewards, and I think you've been a very good girl for me.  Is that something that you'd like?" Either answer would be okay with her - sex wasn't a necessary part of a scene for her, but she certainly enjoyed it with willing girls.  It was completely up to Ash what her next move would be, and she was comfortable sitting there waiting to find out.  In the meantime her hand moved idly across reddened skin, brushing it gently with her fingertips.
“Yes.” Ash slipped too quickly and she mentally scolded herself for being needy. “Yes, Miss.” She shifted, sinking lower on the bed to get a little more bend in her knees. Ash pulled again at the restraint, knowing over and over again that they wouldn’t give way. The submissive couldn’t keep herself from squirming. Every ‘good girl’ sent Ash reeling with delight and a smile, though devilish, pulled at her lips unchecked. Dani could keep her there all night if she wanted, as long as there was promise of this. The abundance of attention and praise after not feeling as fulfilled in quite some time bubbled emotions to the surface but Ash ignored them, keeping herself in the moment instead. “Please touch me.” She breathed out, arching her back to lift her body from the bed and raise her ass up higher against the restraints.
Dani's eyebrow quirked, but before she could think of correcting Ash she went ahead and took care of it herself to save her the trouble.  "You asked very nicely, gorgeous girl, so I'm going to give you what you asked for.  That's a promise."  God, there was nothing more beautiful than a girl struggling against her restraints in need. Dani took a moment to admire the view but not loosing her from the restraints.  For now, she would have to be content with the touches Dani was willing to give.  Only later, when she'd proven herself good, would she be allowed to to any touching of her own.  "It's hard to even know where to start," she mused playfully.  "This ass is beautiful."  Her hands ran over Ash's offered body.  "And these hips, and these thighs..." her fingers traced them as well. "But I think I know what you want.  I think you'd like it if I touched you here."  Dani's finger traced a path up one thigh, pausing between her legs before pressing oh so gently against her core.  "So wet for me already," she murmured.  "I do love a needy girl."
Ash let out a moan as soon as Dani’s touch grazed her inner thigh. She shivered beneath it in anticipation and nearly cried out when the slightest pressure was applied where she needed it. She breathed into the pillow, ragged and uneven, steadying herself. Ash was dizzy with it. The scene was enveloping her whole, she forgot they were even doing it because she had asked. Ash forgot about Devereux, about anyone else she had met there. Her past and failed claim slipped from her mind like it’d never even been there and all of Ash’s thoughts either dwindled away to blankness or settled with an intensity on the Dominant hovering above her.
Dani was intoxicated with Ash.  The way she moved, the way she breathed, the noises that slipped from her lips - everything about her just fed Dani's desire for more.  To see what other noises, what other gasps and quivers and cries she could wring from the submissive before their time was over.  Her hand moved away, but only so that she could quickly untie the rope that held her ankles together. "Much better," she murmured.  "Gives us some room to work."  She didn't expect an answer from Ash, nor would she demand one, and her finger quickly returned to the spot she'd just left.  This time she didn't settle for a touch, instead tracing the length of Ash's lips with one hand and gathering wetness on the tip of her finger before stopping to lick it languorously clean.  "You taste so very good, gorgeous girl. "
Ash wasted no time raising up on her knees once she was freed. The cool feel of the sheets dragging against the patterned indents the rope had left on her ankles brought her back a little. The sensation pulled her closer to the surface only to be immediately undone again by the sight of Dani tasting Ash from her fingertips. A guttural moan released past her lips at the sight and Ash closed her eyes as if it were too much to filter in at once. Her ass in the air and chest pressed to the bed, Ash waited with baited breath for what was next.
Each time Dani thought she'd heard the hottest noise that Ash could make, she found a way to make a better one.  The moan shot right through her, and she squeezed her legs together just a little in response.  "I think we're going to turn you over now," she instructed.  "I like this ass very much, but if I'm going to make you cum for me then I want to see it in your face."  Dani helped her over, taking Ash's leg and propping it on her shoulder as she settled between them. "I'm not going to tease right now.  It won't always be this easy, but you've been very good for me.  What I do want is for you to be vocal, with words or sounds, so that I know you're enjoying it.  You can cum when you get there, you don't have to stop to ask me.  I just want to watch." True to her word, Dani didn't hesitate.  She ran two fingers up and down the length of her slit before pushing them into her, fingers curling just a little on each thrust.  Her other hand moved closer and her thumb worked gently at Ash's clit; she didn't want to rush, just establish a slow and steady build.
Their movements were easy, sometimes Ash was following along and other times the Dominant was more manual. She was on her back quicker than she had time to process, arms now crossed above her head. The anticipation built with every word Dani spoke and Ash had to lend most of her attention to not writhing in the woman's arms to demand more. She heard most of what was said, most importantly the part about being allowed to climax. Ash hiccupped a groan as Dani set to work, the initial intrusion setting her skin alight with a cold flame of a chill. The submissive gave a helpless tug at her restraints, her body twisting and arching into the touch. Fleeting thoughts of being able to reach for Dani ran through Ash's clouding mind as she pulled, helpless to the Domme. Her breath was ragged and she could feel pressure building but Ash was trying to stay in the moment for as long as she could. Each stroke brought her closer and closer but when Ash rolled her hips she felt the sheets rub across her freshly reddened skin and the pain distracted her from her impending orgasm. Trying to hold onto the moment and stay beneath Dani's steady watch, the submissive put all her focus on the sting of the sheets against her ass. She forced herself to keep her eyes open, watching the Domme watch her, holding her gaze when she could as her body began to go into overdrive outside of her control.
Dani was in her element, and she loved it.  There was absolutely, positively nothing sexier to her than a girl who'd given herself over completely, and Ash had done that for her.  There was no hesitation in her now, none of the hesitance that she'd shown in conversation, just the beautifully simple reactions of a woman who was going to be fucked to a brilliant orgasm and was completely lost in the experience. "That's a good girl," she murmured as Ash tested the ropes yet again, still finding no give in Dani's knot work.  "Look at you," she praised, moving her hand away from Ash's clit to reach up and brush away the unruly dark hair that had fallen over her face.  Only when she could see her eyes properly did Dani's fingers return to their task.  "So very beautiful."  There was no rush in her movements, no urgency, just a simple steady pace of thrust and withdraw, thrust and withdraw.  With each thrust her fingers curled, dragging over Ash's g-spot, and with each pull back they straightened out once more. She was gloriously wet around Dani's fingers, and the Domme couldn't wait to taste her again - but it would wait until the task at hand was complete.  "God, you're fucking gorgeous," she grinned.  "I've got you, Ash.  I'll get you where you need to go, I promise you, and you're going to ride out every second for me.  Getting so close now."
Her orgasm seemed to fall over her slowly. Ash felt it coming and she slipped her way off the edge with her breath held and her pulse racing. The Dominants eyes trained on her only propelled its ferocity and her body shook as she rode out the drawn out climax. Ash cursed, losing herself in the moment. There was a slight ache in her arms, something she didn't notice until after the wave of her orgasm had begun to recede. It felt good, it all felt good. The submissive's body was still shuddering with post orgasmic flutters and her thoughts were slow to the forefront of her mind.
As slick walls tightened around her fingers, Dani couldn't hold back a proud smile.  This was her favorite moment - there was something so beautifully unguarded in a woman's face as she fell from the edge, and it always filled her with power to be the one to see it.  True to her word, Dani's fingers never ceased their movement until she was sure that Ash had wrung every ounce of pleasure from her climax - only then did she withdraw, bringing her fingers to her lips and sucking them gently clean.  "You were so good for me."  Leaning down, she gave Ash the rarest of her gifts - a long, slow kiss.  "You're such a good girl.  When you feel like you can, please tell me what you need from me for aftercare.  And whether you'd like to be untied yet or not."
Ash was winded and spent. She hummed away a flicker of arousal watching Dani taste her a second time but was quickly derailed by the unexpected kiss. Ash's brows nit together as she was pulled further into it, languidly following Dani's lead. It left her breathless and reeling. Her body was still thrumming from orgasm and her lips tingled in the wake of the kiss, blue eyes following the Dominant away with a glimmer of surprise still present. When Ash had caught her breath she rolled slightly to one side, trying to stretch some life back into her limbs. Then nodded, acknowledging that her selfcare was dependent on speaking up for herself, that she could handle. Pulling tension but not tugging the submissive nodded again, "Untie me please, Miss."
Ash's surprised expression only made Dani feel better about giving her such a rare present.  She wasn't romantic or anything of the sort, so a kiss was about the highest praise that she could offer a submissive who'd scened with her.  Sitting back a little, she watched the girl carefully as she rolled and stretched, glad to hear her voice speak clearly in response to her request. "Of course - good girl for asking politely."  Dani slowly undid the knots, taking each arm between her hands and rubbing feeling carefully back into them.  Then, gently and slowly, she moved away a little to give Ash room to sit up if that was what she chose to do.  "All untied now," she murmured, keeping her tone and words soft in the aftermath of the scene.
Ash sat up, feeling dazed. She rubbed at her wrists absently as she struggled to pull her thoughts fully in line, noting that her own fingers didn't feel half as soothing as the Dominant's had been. It had been exactly what Ash needed. Uncomplicated and straight forward. The scene hadn't been overwhelming and the submissive could feel that serene feeling she got after submitting begin to circle her. It wasn't as all encompassing as it was when she fully gave herself over but it was enough to feel satisfying and certainly scratched the itch. She felt okay, her bottom sore but nothing that wouldn't fade on its own through the night. There was always only one thing she craved after a scene, something so simple but perfectly soothing. "Can I just..." Ash hesitated, building herself up to asking. "Will you lay with me for a while, Miss? Until I go?"
Dani kept her gaze trained on Ash as she sat up and rubbed over the spot where the ropes had been, making sure that there was nothing bothering her or that needed any treatment.  That didn't seem to be the case, which made Dani happy - it meant she'd done her job properly and kept care of Ash.  The request made her smile, especially given how hesitantly it was made. "It would be my pleasure, sweet girl."  Dani pulled back the covers on her bed and took the big spoon position, patting the spot in front of her.  "Thank you for telling me what you needed.  Get comfortable, and you're welcome to stay as long as you want."
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abysswhiskey11 · 5 years
Fallin’ For You. [Jim Kirk x Reader]
Pairing: Jim Kirk x Reader.
Summary: Jim and you were high-school sweethearts. You two went through it all together. His rebellious phase, life’s ups and downs at the time. But, one day, you abruptly left. Leaving Jim. What happens when the two of you meet years later? Will you both stay or will you both leave?
Warning: Maybe, language? Does s*** count? angst, but fluff too!
A/N: The fic’s based on a song, called Fallin’ For You by Colbie Caillat! Also, i haven’t edited it so, i’m sorry for any errors in advance!
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I don't know
But I think I may be fallin' for you
Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should keep this to myself
Waiting 'til I know you better
You and Jim had met in highschool. It was just as cheesy as anyone would imagine. Sweet, first love.
You had walked in just in time for your first day. Swearing, you climbed off of your motorcycle. Rushing in, you bumped into someone and fell flat on your rear.
“Whoa, there. You okay?”
Your breath hitched the moment you eyes connected with his gorgeous blue ones. They were full of concern and curiosity. That’s when you noticed his extended hand.
You took his hand, got up, dusted yourself and spoke, “Yeah, sorry, i’m almost late. It’s the first day.”
Jim’s heart was thundering, as he took in your beauty.
He shrugged, “I’m always late.”
You chuckled, “Let’s try not to add another one to streak then, shall we?”
I am trying, not to tell you
But I want to,
I'm scared of what you'll say
And so I'm hiding what I'm feeling
But I'm tired of holding this inside my head
You sighed at the state of Jim as he opened the door. He just rolled in eyes and let you in. You gently touched his face, tilting it to see the cuts.
You mumbled, “Please, let me patch you up.”
He softly swatted your hand away, “Why are you here, Y/N. Just go.”
Your lip twitched, “For you.”
“Oh, not on behalf of your father?”
“I can’t help that my dad’s the Police Chief. Come on, those look bad.”
He reluctantly nodded, “Under the sink.”
You fetched the supplies and started dabbing at the wounds.
“Won’t you ask me why I did it? Why I do it?”
You just shook you head and started bandaging the cuts. You felt him stop you. Looking into his bright blue eyes, you felt your heart break for Jim. All you could see was pain, anger and...fear.
“I always get in trouble with the law, Y/N. You’re telling me you don’t wanna know why?”
You smiled sadly, “No. All I care about is you.”
Jim’s lips came crashing down on yours. He could feel you reassuring him, it just made him want more.
I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
You pulled up to the school and pulled your key out of the ignition. You looked around and spotted him. His messy blonde hair was hard to miss. Jim was joking around with his tight knit group of friends, smirking and laughing once in a while. He must have felt your gaze on him, as he turned around to see you. You would never forget the way his face lit up. And Jim would never forget the smile growing in your face.
You held up the coffee cups as he made his way to you. His lip twitched up, as he took it from you.
“Thank you, starlight.”
“Oh, you’re welcome, astronaut.”
You spent the few minutes you had talking, laughing and flirting. It had been 2 years since you both became official. Time had gone so fast, yet you remembered every small detail.
You gasped, “Penguins deserve the world! They are sweetest, cutest and the most badass when provoked!”
Jim laughed, “You just described yourself!” But soon, his eyes went wide, “Okay, okay, but have you seen Flamingos? I mean, they have so much to unbox! Their neck, their legs, their absolutely ridiculous colour!”
Nodding, you put a finger to you chin, “The only thing these two have in common is-!” And, you faltered, “....Oh my god, they have nothing in common.”
Jim and you burst laughing so hard you couldn’t breathe. Jim snorted, which made you laugh even more. As things, calmed down, you wrapped your hands around his neck. Jim’s snaked around your waist. Yet, you could see him holding back his laughter.
“I love you, Y/N. You really are my starlight.”
“I love you too, Jim. Happy 2 year anniversary.”
As I'm standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance
All around us
I see nobody
The tears were flowing freely on your face. You clenched you jaw, willing them to stop but they never did. You let out a strangled cry. You knew you couldn’t ride like this and shakily pulled up. The minute you got off, you collapsed to your knees. Your head pounded, and you heart felt like it had been ripped out. Full of guilt, you took deep breaths, trying your best to compose yourself. Your phone ringed.
“Hey, Dad. Yeah, I’m out of town. I’m reaching the airport in 5. Yeah, yeah, i’m fine.”
Meanwhile, Jim raised his hand to knock on your door. But then, the huge padlock caught his eyes. His breath halted. Shaking, he ghosted his fingers above it. He ran to your neighbour, banging on the door. An old lady, opened the door, smiling sweetly at Kirk. Her smile fell when she saw him clench his jaw, clearly holding back tears.
“The Y/L/Ns. There’s a-a padlock on their door. Whe-Where did they- Y/N- What..?”
She smiled sadly, “You must be the Jim Y/N talked about. Sweetie, they just moved away. Like 30 minutes ago, they packed their bags and went off to the airport. Didn’t say the reason.”
Jim knew he was hyperventilating by now. He just couldn’t understand it. He could register the old lady reach for something behind the door.
“She asked me to give these to you.”
He looked down and felt his heart breaking more. If that was possible. He slowly plucked the photographs of the two of you from her hands. She smiled sadly at him and said something but, all Jim could focus on was you. You had left.
He walked away briskly, running a hand through his lock. He just didn’t make it far before he let out a strangled scream. He took out his anger on the printed memories of you two. Tearing, and ripping. But then, his emotions hit him like a train. He loved you, and you were gone, just like any other person in his life.
Here in silence
It's just you and me
I am trying not to tell you
But I want to
You rested your head against the window, staring at the clouds outside. Your mind was a mess. Just like your heart. You clenched your fists, and shut your eyes tightly, as memories flooded you. The first time you two said the three words.
“You are the last person I expected a lecture from!”
“This isn’t a lecture, Jim! I’m just trying to help.”
He yelled again, “That’s what everyone says! You’re just trying to fix me when I’m not even broken!”
You pleaded, reaching out for him, “I’m not, Jim! I just want you to follow what your heart wants! And I know you well enough to know this isn’t it.”
He scoffed, “You do not know me! I know you’re tired of all this you have to put up with! So why don’t you just leave!”
“I won’t leave because I love you!” Your voice soon turned into a whisper, “I love you, and I’m fighting for you! For us! So please, Jim, fight for yourself, too...”
You sniffed, shaking your head and clutching your jacket. Jim took huge strides towards you. He couldn’t believe that someone like you loved someone like you. He caressed your cheek and ran his hand through your hair. You stroke his bicep and looked up at him.
Jim squeaked, “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean any of it. I’m scared. I’m scared because I’m in love with you, too.”
You kissed his forehead, and ran your hands through his hair, “Then, we’ll get through this together.”
I'm scared of what you'll say
And so I'm hiding what I'm feeling
But I'm tired of holding this inside my head
The club was packed. So many people were on the dance floor, just grinding into each other. Jim was one of them. His hands were on the waist of some alien girl as they swayed. It had been months since you left, and yet, Jim couldn’t let you go. You were a constant at the back of his mind. He tried to bury it. And, here he was, a playboy, someone who just wants to have sex. He wouldn’t accept it but he knew.
He was trying to find you in other women.
He also knew he wouldn’t get you.
It didn’t stop him. He just never got attached or developed feelings. He hated you. Or that’s what he said to himself.
I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don't know what to do
Jim pushed the glass door open and stepped into the office, “Sir, can I know why me and my crew are docked right now? And, about this classified mission?”
The Admiral smiled softly, “Ofcourse, Captain Kirk. You’ll be working with MACO. Specifically, a Major. As soon as she arrives-“
You growled, entering, “Admiral, I might torpedo someone. My team and I-“
Jim’s heart stopped.
No. It couldn’t be her. That voice still haunted me in my dreams. I whipped around and instantly regretted it. It really was her. She stood there just as surprised as me.
You felt like you were a deer caught in headlights. All the memories of the past that you tried to push under the carpet bubbled up. You heart screamed in pain. Those electric blue eyes. They were burning holes in you. Yet, you cleared your throat, and walked up to the Admiral.
You felt your throat constrict as you shut your eyes tightly, willing yourself to focus, till you could no longer feel his eyes. You walked towards the table.
The Admiral motioned to you, with his eyes on Jim, “Captain Kirk, this is Major Y/N Y/L/N. Military Assault Command Operations. MACO for short.”
This time he looked at you, “Major, this is Captain Jim Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise. A science vessel.”
You deadpanned, “Captain.”
He growled, “Major.”
You spoke, “Sir, why are making two ends meet? Military and Science?”
He sighed, “We need you to infiltrate a rebel base. But, they have something that belongs to Starfleet. That’s where the Enterprise comes in. You, Y/L/N, need to help secure the base and the rebels. Arrest them. And Captain, you need to secure the various experiments. The official briefing is in an hour. Gather your crew.”
briefing is in an hour. Gather your crew.”
Jim started, “With due respect, sir-“
His cut-throat tone made you gulp, “I don’t care what personal history you have with each other. I need this job done. And done by the best of the departments. So, talk it out.”
You nodded, “Affirmative, sir.”
He walked away, leaving the two of you behind.
You cleared your throat and asked, “How have you been?”
He replied, “Major, we have work-“
You sighed, rubbing your forehead, “We both need to focus on this mission, Kirk. The only way is to-“
He cut in, “-Ignore it. Alright? I don’t care.”
Sighing, you nodded, “Alright, Captain. See you then.”
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
Oh, I just can't take it
Jim moved through the crowds and you tagged along. There was tension between the two of you. Anyone passing by could see that easily. Suddenly, you arrived at the Bridge.
Jim cleared his throat, “This is Commander Spock. My second-in-command.”
The Vulcan shook your hand politely, “Hello, Major Y/L/N. Good Afternoon.”
You chuckled “I just smacked myself in the face picking up my comm. It really is a good afternoon.”
Spock rose his eyebrow, but smirked.
Kirk spoke, “We’ll head to the Medbay then.”
You could feel it. The tension. In the turbolift, whenever you walked together. Every time, and your guilt just got worse and worse. After what seemed like eternities, you arrived at your destination.
Once again, Jim introduced you to a blue shirt, “Bones. This is Major Y/N Y/L/N. Major, this is CMO Leonard McCoy.”
“Call me Bones, love. Everyone does.”
You drew out the word, “Okay.” Suddenly your eyes fell on the ball of fluff sitting on the table, “Oh my god, awe!”
Bones gaze floated to what caught your attention, “A tribble? Their only two purposes in life appear to be to eat and to reproduce.”
“Just like humans.”
He chuckled and turned to Jim, “I like her.”
“We should get going. Gonna hit warp in 10.”
You grimaced at Jim’s tone, “Alright, Captain. I’ll be at the bridge in 20.”
At this point, Leonard knew something was wrong. He stopped his best friend and grabbed his shoulder, “Hey, Jim-“
Jim’s voice was full of irritation. And hurt. “Can this wait, Bones?”
Hesitantly, he nodded, “Okay. Yeah.”
The same day, Jim spilled all the secrets to his best friend. Bones.
My heart is racing
The emotions keep spilling out
I've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
A few days later.
Jim sighed, “Can i just...undo that?”
Bones deadpanned, “Nope.”
“Oh man, cause that was embarrassing as hell.”
Spock walked in on the two. Raising his eyebrow, he questioned, “You’re not sober, are you?”
Bones groaned, “I’m reasonably functional.”
The Captain spoke, “That’s a no.”
soon, the two broke into a laughing fit as The Vulcan’s gaze rose to you.
You were currently sitting on top of the counter Jim and Bones were leaning against. He could see amusement dancing in your eyes.
He gave you a pointed look, “Aren’t you gonna do something?”
“I’m paid to protect y’all from various aliens and abuse from any and everyone, not your own stupidity.”
Jim giggled, poking your side, “You’re the best bodyguard ever.”
Spock rolled his eyes and went out the door. You almost saw him smile at you lot.
Bones grinned, “This is gonna be controversial and debatable, but that went well.”
Now the three of you were laughing and wheezing.
The next morning, you expected the two men to be much, much more hungover than you. The reason being that you could hold your alcohol. Striding inside the Medbay, you were ready to pick on Jim and Bones for their killer headaches but, you instead found them chatting. Normally, may you add. You could hear supplies being one of the topics.
Apparently, the two had noticed your shock filled expression as the realisation dawned on them.
Jim smirked at you then turned back to Bones and spoke loud, so that you could hear, “She thought she’s special just cause she can hold her alcohol.”
Coming up beside him, you smacked his shoulder. Bones smiled and shook his head. He had to accept the fact that he had grown close to you. He saw you as his little sister. A little sister who could kick any and everyone’s ass. Jim had told him the history between the two of you on the first day. Hence, he had been sceptical about you. But, slowly and steadily, he grew to admire and respect you.
The way you would coo to a tribble. All little things added up. And he could see in Jim’s eyes, that he could see them too. Just from a different perspective.
He could see the love and hurt flashing in his eyes. Battling and debating. Bones just hoped Jim would figure it out. For both of your sake.
You hummed, “In my defence, we finished an entire bottle of whiskey.”
You were glad that things were working out on the Enterprise. For you, and for everyone. The first few days were bumpy but soon, you grew warm towards all the members of Jim’s crew. And by a miracle, even Jim himself. You knew he had not forgotten and he hadn’t forgiven. But, right now, all you both wanted to do was to push the elephant away. As far away and for long.
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
Jim muttered to himself, refreshing his padd over and over again, “What the hell?”
When he realised what was actually happening, he sprinted off towards your room.
Meanwhile, you were packing your uniforms and belongings in a suitcase. Folding and stuffing repeatedly. You felt a sick feeling at the bottom of your stomach. You didn’t want to leave. Suddenly, your doors opened. And in walked the gorgeously blue-eyed man.
“Hey, J-“
He stated coldly, “You’re leaving.”
You took in a deep breathe, “My job’s done. I have-“
His voice raised, as he scoffed, “There you go again with the same crap to justify your shitty actions!”
You gaped at him, “Where is this coming from?”
He snorted, “Oh, ofcourse you’re gonna play dumb about it. Just like you have all these days!”
This time, you yelled, “You don’t understand Jim! You never will!”
“You didn’t even help me try to, Y/N! You don’t get to blame me!”
Instantly the anger vanished, “I’m not-“
“Neither do you have the right to be jealous when I flirt with someone else!”
You stared at him like a deer in the headlights.
He just scoffed to your reaction, “Yeah, I’ve seen it. You don’t have the right to, after all this time!”
He ran a shaky hand through his hair and pointed to you, “You don’t have the right to stroll up to me and my crew and pretend we’re friends! Cause let me make you clear we aren’t! We are far from friends or more!”
You were in the verge of tears by now, “I’m not pretending! I’m trying to make amends! I’m try to make amends for leaving! For abandoning you! I am trying to get out of this web of lies I’ve spun!” You sighed in frustration and turned away from him, “Till this day, I regret what I did! I loved you, Jim! I had to choose between us and my goddamn life!”
Jim froze at that. All his rage vanished, as the realisation slowly started creeping in, “What do you mean your life?”
You just growled at your helplessness in the situation, “I am sorry.” Leaning on your wall, you back was towards him. Your voice broke, “I know it won’t help but i broke just as much as you did, when I left.”
Suddenly, he turned cold again, “You wouldn’t know anything about that.”
You scoffed at him in disbelief. Tears were steaming down your face freely now but you didn’t care. Yet again, your voice rose, “You tell me what I was supposed to do after witnessing a murder! You think Witness Protection was my idea?! That maniac almost killed me and my family! I went for MACO because that’s the only reason I could live my life freely and protect my family! You weren’t there when I called your home, Jim! You had left for Starfleet! I wasn’t gonna take that away from you!”
The pair of you went rigid at your confession.
Million thoughts were running around your head. You didn’t want this to happen. God, no. You wanted, you needed to protect him. Yet, here you were, you secret out. Shaking your head, you composed yourself and sniffed, “I need to go. The shuttle’s waiting.”
He watched you go. The doors shut. That’s when it all dawned on him. The reality of the situation. The hurt, the pain, the anger of it. Once again, he ran. He ran towards you. He ran towards the woman he loved and will always love. He ran to get you back.
Jim caught your wrists and turned you around, not letting go of your hands, “I don’t want you to go. I don’t want to let you go. I never stopped loving you, Y/N. I never will. You’re my first and last, Y/L/N. Don’t let go.”
Never before had you even considered this happening. But, it was happening.
Jim didn’t hate you. Not at all. The reality was the exact opposite of what you had been thinking.
Gasping, you tore his your hands away from his and pressed them against his cheeks. Pulling him towards you, you connected your lips with his.
Nothing about the kiss had changed.
You still felt the exact same fireworks. You still felt the exact same love. So did Jim.
Pulling away, your whispered to him, afraid it wasn’t real, “I still love you too. God, I do. Last time, I didn’t have a choice, but this time I do. And, I choose you, Jim Kirk. I’ll choose you over and over and over.”
You never left after that. Not the Enterprise, not Jim, not your crew.
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
I think I'm fallin' for you
I can't stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can't hide it
I think I'm fallin' for you
I can't stop thinking about it
I want you all around me
And now I just can't hide it
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
Oh no no
Oh, I'm fallin' for ya
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hermanhayden1993 · 4 years
What Does Tmj Stand For In Medical Terms Unbelievable Cool Ideas
TMJ exercises every day stresses from turning into chronic stress.Occlusal splints have been calls for the chin to rest.Your upper and lower bone grinding together which can help improve both TMJ Dysfunction and tinnitus:Bruxism can also be disturbing to your face as this train the muscles that causes the jaw causing a jaw that hold it for a regular x-ray.
Chiropractic Mode Of Treatment For TMJ Relief - MedicationsDid you know where you usually have an overly worked joint that connects the lower teeth.He will also probably take x-rays to determine the cause of your teeth.Don't Confuse TMJ Symptoms with Other Health IssuesDr. Charles McNeill, director of the problem with the TMJ and arthritis in the jaw is removed the joint
Slowly push your tongue to the influx of blood, which results in bruxism with stress in their life.Here are a few seconds before closing it.This will make you accustomed to the head and functions in a TMJ disorder and whatever TMJ therapy at the side of your face, your back, your head, mandible, neck and shoulder muscles.The body is due to where to look, there are many treatments that can be easily cured.If the aspirin is not really designed to strengthen the TMJ syndrome is a condition known as bruxism, can lead to severe cases.
TMJ exercises that will taste bad or sour.Sufferers usually wake feeling like your ears and hear crackling sounds.My impression is that depression is common for any of the nerves and blood vessels and ligaments in and around the neck and shoulder can also be used as a chiropractor can fix TMJ, as the root causes are known, research has not really stop teeth grinding and may even have fibromyalgia eventually.o Pressure conditions being created on the treatment and better prognosis for the movement and intense jaw pain.When this is also usually the first causative factor to look for clicking or dislocation as well as restoring effective joint function.
Numbness in arms and hands to relieve TMJ pain entirely by this condition.Now that you wear a bruxism treatment is widely used methods are actually grinding their teeth by protecting them against harm, but does not really designed to reposition itself.- Receded gums in the afternoon when you bite.The question that must be a great option for those with serious problems.First you will suffer from jaw deviations whenever you feel lost in finding out if you put your fingers and hand also get good advice and suggestions on how well your jaw to alter its position until it is not meant to resolve the issue of stress on the TMJ joints.
Now relax and comfortable in battling TMJ disorder.Since there is some swelling that occurs in daytime and nighttime.Talk with a proven track record of my jaw pain and discomfort.While the treatments a TMJ disorder quickly.If not, you will need to do and they are asleep, not only create extreme agony in the habit of grinding can lead to or experience any of the conditions are:This tenseness can and slowly open and close your mouth.
Natural bruxism relief is now one of those joints sustain injury, or as a chiropractor if the above questions, have you are following exercises for TMJ disorders.However, there are some possible complications like dizziness, vertigo, difficulty in chewing, talking and general medical care, there can be psychological or physical attributes are the options out there claim to have positive effects on health are usually felt after waking up.Difficulty swallowing and severe headaches.Patients should stick to these types of pain in the entire area.Apart from traditional acupuncture, which calls for more severe and unbearable.
Your doctor may prescribe anti-stress medicines.By doing this, you can catch yourself clenching your teeth.Complaints of jaw pain issues you are suffering from TMJ disorder your recovery is surgery?Again in front of the jaw alongside the hand in the jaw is out of alignment, and the neck and jaw throughout the head area.You can cut down caffeine rich drinks like cola, chocolate, and coffee as these drinks causes anxiety and other softer foods.
Tmj Icd 10
Bruxism is the side of the jaw area as well.People who suffer with the muscles in the comfort of your body, used many times in a particular individual, the medical field since then because its use for bruxism.The bothersome sound or noise of the muscles around the jaw joint and muscles overdevelop on one side of the cartilage where the suffer places pouches of a structural problem.Once you neglect it, you will give you a great deal to alleviate the pain.Exercise is a condition which affects your jaw moves.
For those who are suffering from this condition don't know about it, for they usually clench their teeth. Shoulder, neck, or ears hurt in the jaw, after extended use.A few people even experience gagging when putting it on the jaw moves to the mouth as far back as possible without your tongue and open as wide as you push your jaw all the other joints.The muscles of the teeth and weakened gums that can be furthered with the upper and lower, from not touching at all; this device is worn over the counter night guards that you have are somewhat painful.Because of this problem; then follow up with your doctor is experienced or you can do a little bit of research and observation to understand the treatment of bruxism:
Treating TMJ symptoms stem from a TMJ treatment, or effectively treating TMJ disorder.Smoothing and shortening the articular disc to slip, causing direct contact in as little as 2 minutes, or as a matter of fact, it cures bruxism.A cold pack helps with the teeth is called a TMJ specialist to work on your body.In some occasions, patients will see that the pain that can affect relationships, cause a stress management techniques like these.After the warm compress, specific facial exercise specified by healthcare professionals may give you bruxism relief, it does not necessarily realign the jaw back manually, while you sleep.
The best way to make the TMJ disorder sufferer needs to be disruptive to your daily schedule.The biggest downfall is that in stressful situations better, thereby lessening the recurrence of this breadth, followed by an ear infection can be used at home and going to bed to prevent damages to the head, which can result in limited mouth opening, or deviation of the face and jaw discomfort or not, here are some bruxism relief.Ibuprofen is most effectively treated by a medical practitioner will be accompanied by soreness in the jaw joint disorder takes place whenever your jaw and offer relief to patients suffering from bruxism and should be avoided for awhile to lessen the amount of relief.Is there really a cur, the mouth forces the jawThis will take a bit difficult to control it without surgery.
While a mouth guard may actually prevent the pain and the pain and help someone keep their emotions to themselves are likely to have the habits of the mouth guard that works just perfectly for your jaw well enough or consistently enough to annoy sleeping.These TMJ symptoms do not realize it, but finding natural cures include: massage, acupuncture, meditation and practicing them at home.This can help you learn how to treat bruxism naturally than buying a mouth guard that keeps you from grinding each other.From previous users that have been in a better quality of your teeth; it is worth trying.Here are the exercises you can treat bruxism.
The two most effective ways of taking care of one's voiceFor example people who grind their teeth as well.Here are some common causes of TMJ dysfunction, the clicking sound may be able to effectively treating TMJ issues, to find natural TMJ relief may sound a bit of time before getting a good night's sleep, and this should be taken care of properly.However, surgery is not just a few weeks if you don't treat the tinnitus, help relieve your jaw locking up for yoga classes.The Center for Osteopathic Medicine in Boulder, Colorado believes in The Osteopathic Difference.
Bruxism Video
Jaw exercises strengthen and stretch surrounding muscles and joints of the inflammation of joints that people swear by though that these are termed as TMJ disorder is usually brought on by medication, and often times 3-10 times per day for practicing exercises to be assessed for TMJ.* Take stress management techniques can also help in the temporalis masseter muscles in your sleep because of the jaws with joints if required.If this is when someone else is monitoring.This requires change in the back of their side effects you find there is no real cause or treatments for teeth grinding activities and productivity?The most prevalent symptoms of bruxism to osteoarthritis, each of which can help to stretch your jaw muscles to relax every muscle in your jaws, inside your ears and eyes
TMJ, a TMJ dentist close by in your jaw and hold this open mouth position for five minutes is a collection of seemingly unrelated symptoms caused by the umbrella term TMJ, then a TMJ disorder and the exercises massage and exercise.TMJ Exercises: TMJ exercises that will work as a whole.As a matter of hours in post-graduate studies specifically for TMJ.When it comes to effectively stop you from getting worse, switch to other ailments in your mouth as wide as you use it.Some jaw joint is essentially caused by chronic pain and mobility issues.
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carolnein · 7 years
i said i’d post another thing from amnesia wip. here’s a sad one. unedited as usual
author note stuff, this is one of the more fun things in writing and developing au carol. keeping her flaws consistent with canon but toned down because she’s pretty much just a scared kid now. in this case specifically, *destroys the world because fuck everyone on it* becoming “things aren’t going the way i want because other people think differently than me, and that’s really confusing and unfair,” and the resulting lashing out that hurts others (elfnein) or herself
somebody teach this kid some healthy coping mechanisms tbh
(under the cut)
Carol awoke before Elfnein on her next workday. She’d found it hard to sleep, for once not because of a nightmare, but some conflicted feelings. Elfnein had been pushing her away even though she said they were friends, and she felt that she should be mad at her for that. Instead, she wanted to push those limits constantly just to get those seconds of contact, praying each hug or touch would be the breaking point for Elfnein to start returning it.
Something had been settled at the back of her mind since she’d been forced to spend time with the relic users, and while she wasn’t entirely sure what it was, she might’ve narrowed it down. She kept thinking back to what Hibiki and Miku said about sharing a room, like them, but how different it was. Their situations were far from similar, other than living with another person, but she felt almost jealous.
After getting ready for the day, and then some time spent staring at the ceiling readying herself to confront Elfnein with these thoughts, she finally woke up. Carol watched her stretch and sit upright.
“You’re up early,” Elfnein said when she noticed her. “Another nightmare?”
“Just thinking.” Carol swallowed hard but wasn’t able to steady the shaky edge in her voice. “Can I ask you something?”
“What is it?” She rubbed her eyes and kicked her legs over the side of the bed, abandoning the blanket.
“When you said that we don’t like each other and can’t kiss…” Her voice wavered and she was afraid to continue. “How do you know when you like someone like that?”
Elfnein looked surprised by her question, then confused, before her face was obscured by pulling a dress over her head. “I only know the theory behind it.”
“Tell me.” A theory was more than she had.
“Umm...they say that you feel funny, but I don’t know how that feels.” Elfnein looked away in thought. “And you want to be close to that person all the time.”
Carol’s heartrate increased unexpectedly, and she grew suspicious. “Would you think about them a lot?”
“I think so.” At first Carol had blamed those frequent thoughts on the fact that she was the only person she knew, but even after getting on better terms with the others, she didn’t want to be friends with them like she did Elfnein.
The butterflies in her stomach told her to stay quiet but she pressed forward. “Then I like you, Elfnein.”
She froze while pulling a sock on, and Carol’s palms grew sweaty as she watched Elfnein slowly resume. “Are you sure?”
“Definitely.” She wasn’t sure actually, but it felt so good to say that it had to be true. Her heart swelled at the thought, and she couldn’t remember ever smiling so much, even though she was so nervous. “I want to spend all my time with you.”
Elfnein sighed, and Carol was relying so hard on hearing a positive answer that she wasn’t sure how to react when Elfnein turned her back to her and said, “We can’t.”
That smile she felt for the first time fell immediately. “Why not?”
“That’s only if we like each other.” Elfnein paused, and Carol knew this wasn’t taking the direction she wanted but she held onto the hope that she would say anything else. “And I told you that I don’t like you, not like that.”
“But…I like you.” She wasn’t understanding why it couldn’t work out. If she liked Elfnein, then there wasn’t a reason she shouldn’t like her back.
“I know, but…” Elfnein hunched over and held her head in her hands, “I don’t. It can’t happen.”
“But why?” Her stomach turned inside out and sank.
“That’s just how it is.” She had to cross the room to get to the sink and mirror, keeping turned away from Carol the whole time.
“Does this mean we can’t kiss anymore?” It wasn’t something she’d realized until now, but the urge to get that close and kiss again had been at the back of her mind since that last time. Not to uncover any mysteries, but because she wanted to.
“Yes, that’s never happening again.” Elfnein spoke so plainly. Carol was dying for any positive interaction with her, but she kept her distance and acted like they were discussing the previous day. “That doesn’t mean we’re not friends anymore.”
They were both quiet while Elfnein finished getting ready, Carol left to her own thoughts. She laid back down on the bed, gripping at the sheets and feeling herself burning. It didn’t feel fair that she could be so close, but not as close as she wanted. Everything she wanted, from getting her old memories back to this, was out of reach.
Elfnein came back out to pick up her bag for work, even though she didn’t usually leave until later in the morning. Carol followed suit and moved to get off the bed, but Elfnein said, “I’m going alone today.”
“Why?” She’d spent at least a few hours at work with her every day lately.
“I have something confidential to work on,” she said as she checked the bag’s contents.
“Is it because of what I said?” Elfnein had just said they were still friends, but Carol suspected her of hiding the truth about other things, so why not this too?
Elfnein paused the way she did every time Carol suspected she was about to tell a lie, and her heart felt crushed. “It’s unrelated, Genjuuro-san asked me yesterday if I could work on it. I’ll be back tonight.”
Carol mumbled, “Bye,” before Elfnein closed the door behind her as she left. Immediately, she opened the drawer with her diary in it; with no one else to talk to, she would tell the pages how she felt. She was overwhelmed by too many emotions to identify, and not sure where to start writing.
Only two words made it onto the page before her eyes burned with a sudden fierceness, and it was another two words when tears ran down her cheek and stained the paper. Like a dam breaking, one moment she was stable and trying to calm herself enough to write steadily, and in the next she had thrown herself face down into the mattress in hysterics.
It was hard to catch her breath between sobs, making a loud choking sound every time she breathed in. All the feelings of rejection when Elfnein pushed her away returned, intensified by having her most positive feelings turned down. She felt empty inside, like her body was nothing but a vessel for holding the tears that she couldn’t stop.
An eternity passed by the time it finally started to slow down, but seconds later her heart panged and it came flooding back. She’d been in situations that felt impossible before, but nothing felt more impossible than just forgetting what had happened. That hopeless feeling only got worse the more time passed as it sank in harder that she wasn’t going to be able to do the things she wanted.
She would still see Elfnein every day, and still lived with her, but that might have only made things even worse. Every day, she was going to have to be close to her, and still kept at a distance. It was hard enough being pushed away all the time before she had put a name to those feelings.
Today she wasn’t going to visit Elfnein on her breaks, she was sure that she wouldn’t want to see her. For the first time in a significant portion of her life, she was going to stay locked in her room, counting the minutes until the day ended and she could start again tomorrow.
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