daniharperdominant · 3 years
Final Status - archived
Claim Status: no claim
Relationship Status: single
Post-Devereux: with the cancellation of her tour, Dani missed her shot at connecting with a record company.  She lived out her life on grove key instead, working odd jobs and living out of her van.  
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
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Baby you´re lost Baby you´re lost Baby you´re a lost cause
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
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It's much too quiet in here I wanna disappear I'm hearing myself thinking too clear It's too quiet in here Make it all go away Why can't we break this silence Finally
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
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A hundred million stories And a hundred million songs I feel stupid when I sing Nobody's listening to me Nobody's listening I talk to shooting stars But they always get it wrong I feel stupid when I pray So, why am I praying anyway? If nobody's listening
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
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It’s a good day, good cup of coffee to drink, it’s a good day, no dishes piled up in the sink
#Vanlife #Summer2021
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
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Now that my second home has become my first
Grovekey, Summer 2021
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
WHO: Ash & Dani @daniharperdominant WHEN: 7/29 WHERE: Dani’s Room Warnings; dummies 
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
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Sent to ( @daniharperdominant | Sunday Afternoon 7.25.21 )
I hope you’re having a wonderful Summer. Enjoy your time off. 
-H. Clarington
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
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Friday dinner.
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
Ash twisted the cap off a beer and discarded it in the cooler. She took a sip and then a longer one, gulping it down like apple juice. It’d been over a month since she’d used and alcohol was her saving grace, beer hardly even counted. “Thanks for meeting with me.” She said, leaning against Dani casually. She felt bad for forcing the Dominant to sneak around with her but, Ash also couldn’t miss seeing her again. She had been obviously failing at keeping distance between them no matter how many times she’d told Dani that she couldn’t be involved. It was stupid. “As much as I’ll like getting updates from the road…” Ash mentioned with a hopeful lilt to her tone, “I would have been… upset with myself for not seeing you before you leave.” She paused, sipping her beer and swallowed thickly. “When are you leaving?”
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Dani opened up a beer for herself as well, tipping the neck towards Ash before she sipped from it.  “Of course, Ash.  You don’t have to thank me for that, but you’re welcome anyway.”  As she felt a warm body against hers, Dani wrapped an arm carefully around her.  “You’ll definitely be getting updates from the road.  Which are mostly going to be me complaining about bad bar food, my temporary bandmates, and all those fun things - but you’ll also get drunk texts at 4am, so you’ve got that to look forward to.”  She nodded against Ash’s shoulder.  “I’d have been unhappy if I hadn’t seen you first, to be honest.  Really unhappy.  I’ve got a little flexibility, but my first show’s on the 24th so I’ll have to be gone by the 23rd.  So we’ve got a few days.”
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
After her company had gone Ash had plenty of time to get up out of bed and shower and eat something before she was meant to be headed to the beach but the submissive still waited until the last minute. Her hair was even still damp when she left her dorm, and though Ash was always glad to be seeing Dani she couldn’t bring herself to feel the need to rush getting to what was probably the last time she was going to see her for the summer, or potentially forever. It felt like a stupid thought, overly dramatic and very well untrue but Ash couldn’t help but keep thinking about it. Paranoid that she was being watched she took the long way around campus to the beach and it was no surprise that the Domme was already there. Ash smiled softly, offering a small wave before she could get close enough to be heard. “I thought I was going to miss the sunset.” She said, and sat down in the sand. “Hi.” @daniharperdominant​
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Dani was grateful for every moment that Ash volunteered to spend with her, especially knowing that Hunter was lurking in the background like a stalker at every moment.  Whatever it was he was threatening Dani with, she’d survive it - that wasn’t nearly as important as trying to ensure that Ash was happy as she could be.  It was more difficult knowing that she wouldn’t be able to come along on the summer tour, but at least they could see each other as much as possible before then.  Packing a cooler of beer and a blanket, she made her way to the beach and set up the blanket before taking a seat on it.  With a few minutes to spare, she sung softly under her breath - any practice she could get.  Only when she caught sight of Ash did she stop to smile and wave.  “You just made it,” she promised.  “Come sit, crack a beer with me.”
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
Hunter pushed his hands into his pocket, unmoved by her sentiment. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand. A scholarship student. Who was homeless at one point. There’s no way you could begin to comprehend, which just further proves that you’re not capable or deserving of someone like Ashley.” He took a few steps forward, inching close enough that she could feel his breath on her face. “This is your first and final warning. If you don’t leave Ashley alone, you will regret it.”
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“Aww, you know I was homeless - congratulations, I’m pretty sure literally everyone who’s ever talked to me knows that.  Excellent research skills.”  She didn’t take a backwards step as he closed in on her, refusing to give him the satisfaction.  “Maybe I will.  But I’ll let Ash decide what she deserves.  You have yourself a pleasant day, Hunter.  And maybe ask your boys to get you a breath mint on the way home.”
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
A Warning | Hunter & Dani
Hunter had done his research. And he was patient and thorough before approaching her. He waited for Ash sneak off with her not once, but twice. That told Hunter that she meant something to his sister, especially since she was willing to get caught to see her. He smiled only so he appeared approachable, but he wanted nothing more than to slap the look of contempt off her face. “Danielle,” he reiterated. He didn’t even call Ash by her preferred nickname, he certainly wasn’t going to bend for her. “I want to discuss your role in her life. By now I’m sure you know she has certain expectations when it comes to the people she surrounds herself with as well as the type of Dominant she is to establish a claim with. Neither of which you fit. This is me telling you that it’s best if you just leave her alone from now on.”
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Dani rolled her eyes impressively, profoundly annoyed by the lack of respect involved in not even using her name.  She didn’t drink the coffee she’d been given, just cradled it gently in one hand in case she needed a weapon at some point.  “I am aware of the expectations that have been placed on her and around her by people other than herself.  People like you.  I’m also aware that she should have the flexibility to make those choices for herself.”  She stepped fractionally closer, not so much that she’d alarm his security but enough that he could look into her eyes.  “This is me telling you that isn’t going to happen.”
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
A Warning | Hunter & Dani
Hunter could have just showed up at Dani’s room, but he always preferred to do things like this in public. That way there were always witnesses and he was good at making the witnesses see what he wanted them to see. His guards stood on either side of him as he waited outside of the Dom building, coffee at the ready. He got word that she left so he was waiting for her to come back. When he saw her approaching, he pushed off of the wall and approached her. “Hello, Danielle. Did you get my flowers?” He turned to his guard and motioned for him to hand the cup of coffee to her. “I have some things to discuss with you regarding my sister.”
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( @daniharperdominant​ )
Dani knew who Hunter was, of course.  Not only because he was Ash’s brother, but because of the reputation he carried around campus.  But she also knew that he didn’t have much to threaten her with either.  Her life was an open book, and there was nothing in it she’d be ashamed to have people read.  So when he approached her she rolled her eyes in response.  “Dani.  No one calls me Danielle.  And yes, I got your flowers - not my favorite kinds, but they were a nice gesture.  What would you like to discuss, exactly?”  The cup of coffee was accepted without a word as her attention stayed on Hunter.
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daniharperdominant · 3 years
I’m not the biggest golf fan - tennis is obviously my pick, but it is a great way to catch up with friends. And the course here is still great, you should see it for yourself when you’ve got the time. It can be very relaxing. We’ll go over those topics during the workshop and a few more. From explaining the idea, to keeping things interesting long-term. One thing I always say - it’s important to have a detailed and well-understood set of rules. That will always make your life easier. 
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I can’t say I’m really good at either, but I can see where a long walk with a group of friends would be a nice way to get caught up.  I’ll certainly have to check it out at some point.  That sounds perfect, and I am very much looking forward to it.  I hadn’t thought about that aspect of things, but I certainly appreciate getting a good starting point - thank you very kindly for that!
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