#onew au
mymoodwriting · 3 months
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Request for Anon (Exs To Lovers With Idol!Taemin) 1.9k, exs to lovers au, idol au, idol reader, awkwardness, singing, tears, confessions, apologies, dancing (@starillusion13)
“Too young, too dumb to realize…”
Taemin perked up when he heard a familiar voice, looking around for the source. His manager noticed his confusion and gestured over to the TV. A music video was playing, and then he knew why he recognized the voice. It was yours, your beautiful voice and face on the screen. You were having a comeback. He didn’t keep up with your activities, but it seemed that this song had gone viral and was being played everywhere. His manager was about to change it, but he was okay with letting it play. It’s been a long while since he’s heard you sing.
“Shoulda gave you all my hours, when I had the chance…”
The video showed you going around with who seemed to be playing as your boyfriend. You were going on dates, but after a moment it would show you doing all these things alone. It was a bit amusing, given that this was all familiar to him. This was a heartbreak song after all. He understood the words, the meaning they held, and who it was meant for. He couldn’t help but wonder if your fans knew who this was about too. The older ones probably did, but the newer ones may not.
“Now I’ll never, never get to clean up the mess I made, and that haunts me every time I close my eyes…”
This song was one of your originals. Something you had probably been working on for years, and were only able to release it now. Your contract had been up for renewal recently, so you probably negotiated for this, and more. Although it made him wonder, if this song was going viral, was that a good thing or a bad thing.
“Although it hurts, I’ll be the first to say, I was wrong, I know I’m probably much too late to try and apologize for my mistakes but I just want you to know…”
Taemin was interrupted out of his thoughts when his stylist told him that they were done and he was ready to go. He finished dressing, glancing over at TV to see the end of it all. You had some flowers in your hand, walking in a garden when you spotted your ex-boyfriend with another. The flowers fell to the floor, the petals scattering in the wind.
“I hope she buys you flowers, I hope she holds your hand, gives you all her hours when she has the chance, takes you to every party ‘cause I remember how much you love to dance… do all the things I should’ve done, when I was with you… do all the things I should’ve done… when I was with you…”
“Taemin, are you alright?”
“You seem a little bit out of it.”
“I’m fine…”
“It’s the video isn’t it?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Anyone who knows anything about anything knows that song was about you.” His manager said. “Don’t know why she’s dragging this all up to the surface now but-
“I’m fine.”
“Taemin, I’m not asking cause I want to bring this up, but… one of your upcoming schedules is with her.”
“It’s a variety show, and she was a last minute addition due to her song going viral. Your schedules never lined up back then, so this would be a first, but I understand if you don’t want to do it. There’s no problem canceling. More attention would be on her anyway.”
“I’m not canceling.”
“It’s all in the past anyway. I have no problem facing her.”
“Are you sure about this?”
“Yes. I can’t avoid her forever anyway, not in this industry.”
Taemin was trying to be strong, but he was nervous. He hadn’t seen you in so long he wasn’t sure what you’d be like. Upon arriving at the location he saw that his dressing room was right next to yours. He could hear his manager already making a fuss about it but he said nothing. That is until he walked in and found some flowers on the table. Taemin didn’t pay them any mind and began preparing for the show. He was a bit nervous whenever he heard a knock, expecting you, but it never was. He thought he’d see you before the show, but instead he saw you when he went to the stage. You were sitting next to each other.
“Hi, Taemin, it’s nice to see you again.”
The show went on as he expected. He had done many of these before. It was a bit strange to be here with you though, given that he never shared a stage with you. His gaze couldn’t help but linger on you, seeing you smile and laugh. You had gotten good at the whole idol business. After all the games and pranks everyone was winding down. That’s when the host asked you about your latest hit.
“I honestly never expected such a song from you.” The host admitted. “Even today, you’re so full of energy and joyful. How is it that you wrote such a heartbreaking song?”
“Ah, well, as you said, I’m usually so cheerful, and I wanted to do something different this time. I wanted to be honest and deep, especially with my fans. There’s more to me than just my smile.”
“Truly. Tell me, was there something, or someone, in mind while you wrote this? It really seems like this song comes from the heart.”
“It does. Honestly this song was written for someone, and I’m sure they know who they are.”
“Oh, are you really just gonna tease us like this?”
“I won’t say anything more about who I wrote this for.”
“Wow, it makes it all the more interesting. Speaking of, Taemin.”
“The song is a bit similar to yours isn’t it? 2 Kids.”
“Ah, a bit. They’re both songs about heartbreak.” Taemin explained. “Although they’re in different stages. When I Was With You takes place at the end of the heartache, when one has moved on, leaving the other to reminisce about the past. We see our main character let go, expressing their regrets, and wishing their former lover the best. Whereas 2 Kids focuses on the beginning of heartbreak, still feeling the pain and full of regret for their actions, swimming in the what ifs of the relationship.”
“Wow, very insightful. So then how do you feel about y/n’s song? Do you think the intended party would like it?”
“I mean… I can feel the heart in it, the sincerity, so I would hope the recipient understands the other’s feelings, but I’m not so sure if it would end in forgiveness.”
Things shifted gears from there, trying to create a lighter atmosphere before the end of the show. You honestly don’t know how you kept your cool. To be fair there was plenty going on around you to distract yourself. Once done filming you chatted with some of the other stars there, getting many congratulations on your win. Taemin was nowhere to be seen, which you expected. You didn’t think he’d want to see you, especially after being forced to sit next to you, and answering questions about your song. After you spoke with everyone you went back to your dressing room, ready to get your things and get going.
“We were just two kids… too young and dumb…”
You were startled by finding Taemin in your dressing room. As soon as the initial shock passed you got a bit shy, lowering your gaze.
“Hi… how… how you been? Good I suppose, since you got great music and a successful career.”
“Congratulations on your comeback win.”
“Ta… thanks…”
It was silent for a moment, a long while actually. All you knew was Taemin was sitting on the couch, but you could feel his gaze on you. This was probably your only chance to be honest, so you had to be.
“I’m sorry, Taemin.” You said nervously. “I don’t expect your forgiveness or anything, but I had to say it. I’m really sorry. I hope we’re not awkward in the future, and I’ll do my best not to bother you either.”
“Y/n.” There was a knock at the door. “We need to get going.”
“I’ll be out in a bit.” You bowed to Taemin. “It really was nice seeing you again.”
You went to grab your things when you suddenly heard a lock, looking back to see Taemin locking the door.
“What are you sorry for?”
“Tell me honestly.”
You took a breath. “I’m sorry for all the miscommunication… for not realizing how much you needed me, and not treating you right. I was dumb, unsure of what we were, and instead of speaking to you about it I kept it a secret. As if I’d get the answer somehow. I was filled with doubts and that ate me up from the inside. You’re such a star, an incredible person on and off the stage, I couldn’t see myself standing by your side. I thought I was more of a burden to you than anything else. I’m so sorry… I shouldn’t have been so scared to be honest with you, but instead I took the easy way out. I regret hurting you, and I’m sorry for everything I did.”
“If you could go back… would you change anything?”
“Yes… I’d do better by you… treat you better and be someone you could be proud of…”
You didn’t know when the tears had started falling. You didn’t want to cry in front of Taemin, not like this. You wanted to leave, but you could feel the pain in your chest, finally able to speak the truth. The tears blurred your vision and you tried to be quiet. You were so focused on yourself you didn’t notice Taemin stepping towards you, not until he reached for your hands, taking them in his and pulling you close. As you dried your tears your eyes met Taemin’s, seeing the bits of tears he was holding back too. Without  realizing you two started slow dancing, moving gently, side to side.
“Sing for me.” Taemin requested. “Your song.”
“… too young… too dumb… to realize… that I should’ve bought you flowers…”
“You don’t need to get me flowers.”
“… and held your hand…”
“Hold them tight.” Taemin pressed a kiss against your hand. “Like this.”
“… shoulda gave you all my hours… when I had the chance…”
“We’re both busy with our careers, but we can set time aside for each other. I don’t want you to stress yourself out.”
“… take you to every party… cause I remember how much you love to dance…”
“We don’t need parties, I just want to dance with you like this.”
You wound up resting your head against Taemin’s chest as you both moved together. Hearing his heartbeat, the soothing rhythm, it made a few more silent tears fall.
“I didn’t like your music video.”
“It hurt to see you so happy and sad back to back. It was wrong.”
“Was it?”
“I never want to see you sad, and I want to be the reason you’re happy.”
“Can we… can we really try again?”
“What do you think?”
“I know better now, I won’t hide… and I have so many things I never did for you…”
“I’d like to try again too.” Taemin pressed a kiss against your head. “Do you still have my number?”
“Of course.”
“Call me.”
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itzynabi · 1 year
meet the fam
summary: in which san officially meets eve’s ahjussi
word count: 2.3k
set: 5 december 2022
warnings: mention of food and one (1) swear word
an: hey hey hey! more nasan coming your way! words in bold are english. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💘
eve’s masterlist
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Today was the day. San was going to – officially – meet her brother. After four months – almost five – of dating, Eve and San were going to have dinner with Kibum. San had just come back from tour the day before and was a little tired but still excited to meet Kibum.
“I’m sorry we're doing this so soon after you came back. It's just surprisingly very hard to schedule something with this man. I usually show up unannounced and make him host,” Eve said from the driver's seat of the car after picking San up.
“It’s okay. I’m actually glad we're doing it now because I am so nervous and excited and I just want it to happen. Perfectly,” he added, wiping his hand on his jeans.
Eve glanced at him from the corner of her eye whilst navigating Seoul streets at night. “He's gonna love you. You said he was nice to you on Amazing Saturday! Also, my members love you and they're only slightly less protective of me,” she reassured him. “And if he doesn't like you, then we can be Romeo and Juliet.”
San looked at her with a hesitant expression on his face. “You do know how that story ends, right?”
“They get married?” she guessed with a shrug, still focused on the road. “I’ve never read Shakespeare. I find him boring.”
“They die at the end.”
Eve looked at San and then back at the road. “Wow. What a bummer. We can be some other great couple that goes against their family. But if Kibum ahjussi reacts the way I suspect he will, then we won’t have to.”
San smiled at her. “I missed you,” he said quietly, reaching over to hold Eve’s hand on the centre console.
“I missed you, too.” She blew him a kiss as she drove to the gate of Kibum’s apartment complex. “Hello, I’m here for Kim Kibum,” she told the security guard when he came to the car window.
“Does he know you’re coming?” he asked as he called Kibum’s apartment.
“Yes, he does,” Eve replied.
Kibum soon answered and gave the security guard permission to let them in. Eve quickly found a parking spot in the guest parking lot and switched off the car, turning to face San.
“You ready?” she asked.
San exhaled deeply and closed his eyes. “Not quite.”
Eve chuckled and reached over to brush her hand against his cheek, causing his eyes to flutter open. “He’s not gonna hate you. It’s impossible to.”
San nodded. “Okay. I’m ready.”
She smiled and leaned over to press a quick kiss on his lips, pulling back with a smile on her face. “Let’s go.”
They exited the car and walked hand in hand into the apartment building, taking the elevator to his floor until they stood in front of Kibum’s door. They shared one last look before Eve put in the code for the door, entering soon after.
“Honey, I’m home!” she shouted as she and San took off their shoes. Commes des and Garçon ran to greet her. Kibum soon appeared at the hallway wall, leaning against it with his right arm above his head and a smirk present as day on his face.
“Nabi,” he said cheerfully, walking to her with a pep in his step and hugging her when the dogs had gone to inspect San.
“What’s up with you? You sound like a stay-at-home mom that had a bottle of wine at 10 in the morning,” she said over his shoulder, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.
Kibum simply chuckled as he pulled out of their hug. “Don’t be silly,” he said, swatting Eve’s shoulder. He then focused his attention on San, who had been standing in the doorway awkwardly and waving at the two dogs. “You must be San,” he said as San bowed.
“Stop acting like this is your first time meeting him. He knows you're a weirdo,” Eve scolded from behind them, causing Kibum to glare at her before facing San again. She called Commes des and Garçon to her so she could play with them more, tickling the area behind their ears.
“Thank you for inviting me, sunbaenim,” San said.
Kibum waved him off. “Don’t mention it. Let’s go to the table.” He directed the both of them, turning the corner into the living room area where the dining room could be seen, plates of food sitting on the table. Commes des and Garçon went to their beds where they had their dinner laid out in front of them in their bowls. Eve stopped walking the moment they turned the corner and her eyes focused on three figures already sitting at the table.
“What are ahjussi’s one, four and five doing here?” As far as she was concerned, this was supposed to be dinner with Kibum only. She looked at her brother and suddenly his odd behaviour began to make sense. “You were acting like a drunk housewife because you invited the other ahjussi’s?”
Kibum just smiled and nodded, letting his cult leader smile drop from his face. “Of course I invited them. This is a family affair!”
Eve rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, scoffing. San looked between the two siblings, unsure of what to do.
“Yah! Stop fighting, you’re making Nabi’s boyfriend feel awkward,” Minho scolded from the table.
The siblings turned to look at San and took note of his posture. They looked at each other and silently agreed to a truce. Kibum led them to the table, them sitting on one side and Jinki, Minho and Taemin sitting on the other.
“So. Ahjussi’s. This is San,” Eve introduced when they were all seated. “San, this is Jinki, Minho and Taemin,” she said, pointing at each of the members when she said their names.
“Hello,” San greeted and the members greeted back. The house was soon engulfed in silence.
“This is very awkward,” Jinki commented.
“If I was told the other ahjussi’s would be here then I wouldn’t be this awkward, but no! Everything needs to be a secret!” Eve exclaimed, causing Taemin to laugh.
“How about we start eating?” Kibum suggested. Everyone else agreed and started picking at their plates. Kibum started reaching to cut the steak on Eve’s plate for her when she turned to look at San.
“Can you cut my steak for me?” she asked him sweetly.
All movement at the table stopped. Jinki froze with his fork halfway to his mouth. Minho’s hand was stuck in the air from when he was taking a sip of his wine. Taemin had his hand over his mouth in shock. Key squinted his eyes at his sister. San’s jaw dropped as his eyes flitted between everybody at the table.
San quickly got over his shock and leaned in to whisper in Eve’s ear, “Um, is– isn’t your brother supposed to do that?”
Eve merely shrugged as everyone watched with bated breath. “He’d argue that he didn't sign a contract so…”
San blinked. Twice. “Are you sure?”
Eve nodded with a smile. “Yes.”
San gulped. He slowly reached towards Eve’s plate as everyone watched him. He was about to hold the plate when he stopped. “No, this isn’t right! Your brother is supposed to do this, Biyah,” he whined, much to Eve’s amusement.
She pursed her lips to conceal her smile as Kibum covered his mouth with his hand. Taemin looked to the side so San couldn’t see his face. Minho coughed to cover his laughter. Jinki put his food in his mouth to keep himself busy.
“I mean,” he continued, seemingly unaware of everyone's reactions, “even if he invited his members without asking you, he should still cut your steak. You told me that if you’re eating steak with him, then he has to cut it for you. So, I’m not going to!” He finished passionately.
Eve burst out laughing uncontrollably, leaning back against the chair for support and the other four men followed her. San watched them with questioning eyes, confused at why they were laughing.
“Well done, Sannie,” Eve said after calming down. She reached over and tapped his nose, his eyes closing shut at the contact. “You passed.”
San looked from her to Kibum – who had also calmed down – and back at her. “I passed?”
She nodded. “Yep. Kibum oppa said that in order to get his stamp of approval, you need to respect that he’s the most important man in my life – his words not mine – and this was the only way to test that. Therefore, you passed.”
“Oh,” San said, still surprised. He slowly moved to face forward again. “Okay.”
“You see, San,” Kibum started after taking a sip of his wine. “Nabi is my baby sister, and I wouldn’t want her to date some asshole that thinks he’s more important than me. Obviously we are important to her in different ways, but at the end of the day, I’m her brother. And if her boyfriend had no problem disrespecting me, then he'd have no problem disrespecting our parents. And that’s something I can’t allow.”
San nodded in understanding as he listened to Kibum. “I would never try to disrespect you, sunbaenim. Or your parents. Or the rest of your family,” he vowed. “Nabi wouldn’t even let me. I know how important you are to her and I wouldn’t want to cause any problems with her relationship with her family.”
“That’s good,” Minho said as he cut up his steak. “I liked you from the moment she told us she was dating you,” he added matter-of-factly.
As San proceeded to talk with Minho, Jinki and Taemin, Eve turned to look at Kibum with a smile on her face. He reached over to squeeze his hand before cutting her steak up for her. She sent him a finger heart when he was done and ate a piece.
“As much as we tease Nabi,” she heard Jinki say as she started listening to the conversation, “we would bury a body for her,” he finished, crossing his arms.
“Even if that body is her first boyfriend,” Taemin added, half-jokingly, causing San to gulp. Eve kicked her leg out under the table and Minho let out a yelp.
“Oops. That was for the oppa on your left,” she said, gesturing at Taemin. Minho punched Taemin in the arm, who immediately gasped in pain.
“Okay, I’ll dial it back,” he said, raising his arms in mock surrender.
“Goes to the military and immediately starts threatening people.” Eve scoffed.
The rest of the night went by in a blur. After finishing dinner, they all went to the sitting room and sat on the couch. Commes des and Garçon quickly warmed up to San and started fighting for his attention, causing Eve to pout because “Why aren’t they fighting for my attention?”. They played Monopoly and San beat all of them flawlessly, triggering Eve and Minho’s competitive spirits. To end the night, the SHINee members shared embarrassing stories of Eve.
“She just shaved it off,” Taemin said through his laughter. He was telling the story of the time Eve accidentally shaved off one of her eyebrows with Minho’s shaver.
Eve huffed and crossed her arms. “I thought it was a skin softener! I didn’t know why you used it all the time!”
San looked at her with pursed lips, trying not to laugh. She rolled her eyes at him and he burst out in laughter. “I’m sure you looked really cute,” he said.
“I think I have a picture of her,” Jinki spoke up, reaching for his phone. Eve scrambled to steal his phone and held it to her chest.
“Nobody can see these photos,” she said seriously.
San and her soon got ready to leave. She said goodbye to the boys, hugging them all before walking to the door as San bowed respectfully to them. Kibum walked them to the elevator.
“It was nice to officially meet you, San,” Kibum said, sticking his hands in his pocket as they waited for the elevator to arrive.
“You too, sunbaenim,” San sincerely responded.
“Thanks for not being annoying,” Eve thanked Kibum.
He rolled his eyes. “Thanks for only being mildly annoying.”
The elevator came and the two got in.
“Bye, oppa,” Eve said as she and San waved goodbye. Kibum waved goodbye to both of them as the doors shut.
When they got in the car, San let out a deep exhale and Eve chuckled as she fished her keys out of her pocket.
“How was it?” She asked, putting the key in the ignition and starting the car.
“Great!” He exclaimed. “They really love you,” he observed.
She shrugged as she pulled out the parking space and drove out the apartment complex, waving at the security guard. “Yeah, I’m their baby. They’re super protective of me. I’m basically Yeri but in JYP. And related to one of the members.” She rested her hand on the centre console and San soon linked his fingers with hers.
“I’m glad you have so many people that care about you,” he said.
Eve smiled. “Me too.”
“Did you know he was inviting his members?” He asked once they arrived at his dorm building. “Like, was that part of your plan?”
Eve shook her head. “I didn’t have a clue. The only plan we had was to get you to do something that he’s supposed to do. I merely saw my opportunity and took it.”
“Well, you guys really had me convinced,” San said as he got out of the car. He walked around to Eve’s side and she rolled down her window. “Goodnight, Biyah.”
Eve reached out and held San’s face in her hands, pulling his face to hers and placing a kiss on his lips. “Goodnignt, Sannie,” she said once she pulled away.
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tagging: @mystic-luv // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea
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©�� kim nabi
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softieming · 2 years
Always - Minho ♡
Note: This has been sitting on my drafts for so long already. Finally published it! Hehe. Sorry for any typos and grammatical errors. Just a TW that this will be sad hehe~
It was supposed to be a normal day, you went to your usual coffee shop about to order your favorite drink. Until you heard the barista call his name. “One tall americano for Minho” the barista called. You slowly turned, you couldn’t believe your eyes. It was him. It was really him. You met his eyes. He suddenly stopped on his tracks, you stared at each other, no one dared to say a word nor to move. Until the baristas interrupted you, “one tall americano for mr minho/what’s your order maam?” “Oh,” you snapped back to reality, “I-uh, one strawberry frappuccino please.” You walked towards the pick up area and he was still there, standing. “Hi” he greeted with a small smile which you returned. He stared at you for a few seconds before he finally came up to something to ask, “h-hi. I uh, how have you been?” “Good. I’m good. You?” You asked back. “I’m good too.” He flashed you a smile again, your most favorite smile in the world. “One strawberry frappuccino beverage for y/n” the barista called for you and you went to get your drink. “You still haven’t changed.” Minho said with a smile. “Hmm?” “Oh, I mean you still love that drink.” He said. “Oh. Yeah, I guess.” You smiled a little and sat on an empty seat. “Uh, may I?” He asked before sharing a table with you. “Oh, yeah. Go ahead.” You politely said. He gladly took a seat in front of you, “I can’t believe I’ll see you here.” “Yeah me too. It’s been two years.” You reminisced. You heard him sigh, “two years.” You did a little catch up until it’s time for you to go home. “Oh shoot. I have to go home now.” You gathered your things, “it was nice seeing you!” You smiled and started walking towards the door. “Wait up!” Minho caught up to you, “I’ll walk you home.” “No need, my house is just a few blocks away from here, I can manage.” You chuckled. “Please, let me.” You paused before slowly nodding, “okay” “Okay!” He smiled and you exit the coffee shop together. You were walking peacefully with ming when the rain suddenly started pouring. “Oh!” You both exclaimed. Ming covered your head with his jacket and you both ran to your house. Luckily, you were almost in your house when the rain started to pour. You told minho to stay for a while because of the bad weather, “I’ll get you a towel.” “You got a nice apartment.” Minho said as he shut the door behind him. “Thanks!” You said while getting him a clean towel, “here” “Thank you.” “You want anything to drink?” “No, I’m okay.” He politely declined. “Is— is this your boyfriend?” He picked up a picture frame from your center table. “Oh, no. That’s taemin. He’s a good friend of mine since I moved here. He demanded for me to display that picture of us there.” You rolled your eyes. “He looks nice.” Ming stated. “Yeah, he is.” You agreed. “H-how about you? Any girlfriend?” You hesitantly asked. He paused before answering, “y-yeah. We’re engaged actually.” “O-oh. That’s... I mean, good for you.” You faked a smile. “y/n” he moved closer to you before slowly kissing you. You were hesitant but you didn’t hold back. You missed him. You miss him. The kiss deepened. you longed for each other for 2 long years, you both know how much you’ve missed each other. The Next thing you knew, you were already in your room, doing god-knows-what. You were aware that it was all wrong. But you were willing to take the risk. - Minho pulled the covers up to your shoulders and hugged you, “did you know how much i miss you?” He asked and you just smiled and hugged him tighter. He tucked your hair behind your ear, “i missed everything and every inch of you.” He caressed your face and stared at your eyes, “your eyes, your nose, your lips, your smile, everything.” “Do you still love me?” You asked. “I did. I do. And I will always do.” He said as he pecked your lips. “How about you?” He asked back. You sadly smiled, “always.” He kissed your forehead and hugged you tighter. Soon, you both fell asleep. - You were preparing breakfast when you felt a pair or arms hugged you from behind. You giggled, “good morning” “Good morning” he said and kissed your cheek. “Eat up.” You gave him your homemade sandwich which he really loved, and filled up his cup with coffee. “I missed this!” He said and started eating happily. You watched him eat and smiled at yourself. But you were worried. You didn’t know what will happen after this. His phone started ringing, and of course it’s his girlfriend— his fiancée rather. You looked down and avoided ming’s eyes. That’s when it hit you. Everything felt right but still, it was all wrong. Minho turned off his phone, “love,” he reached out for your hand. You looked up to him with a smile but your eyes were already filled with tears. “No” he immediately wiped your tears. “Ming,” you held both of his hands, “go to her.” You said with a sad smile. “No.” He replied. You stood up and pulled him gently to stand up, “we have to do the right thing.” “No.” He pulled you into a hug. “I want to be with you.” He cried. You broke the hug, “minho, what we did last night was wrong. Everything. They were all wrong.” “What we did last night was all out of love. How is that a crime? I have never and I will never make love with anyone if it’s not with you. So how is it wrong?” “Ming... please. Just go. You’re about to get married.” You sternly said. “No. Please...” he kneeled in front of you and cried, “i can’t let you go this time.” You wiped his tears and pulled him up, “if you really love me, you’ll listen to me.” You stared into his sad eyes, “you have to go to her. Maybe... maybe we’re just not meant to be... or who knows, maybe in the future we’ll be together again...” you gave him a smile, “but for now.. ming, this is just not the right time for us.” You backed away from him and smiled, “go now. I’ll be fine. You’ll be fine.” He didn’t move, he just sadly stared at you, “go, ming. Please. I’m begging you.” He sighed heavily and unwillingly walked to the front door, “i love you, y/n. Always.” He reminded you before finally walking away. “Always.” You whispered.
Requests are open. // check MASTERLIST for more. Please do not repost without my permission. Thank you ♡  
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juicy-moonrose · 1 year
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Chapter [ 4 ]
Rumah Letta
Letta menuruni anak tangga di rumahnya dengan terburu-buru, saat sampai di bawah dia langsung menuju dapur, dan melihat Nando sang adik, duduk di salah satu kursi pantry yang sedang sibuk dengan Laptop di hadapannya.
“Weekend gini masih sibuk sama kerjaan aja.” Gumam Letta saat melirik layar Laptop Nando yang dilayarnya seperti menampilkan bagan perusahaan, entah lah apa itu Letta tidak begitu mengerti.
“Ayah sama Bunda kemana?” Tanya Letta ketika menyadari tidak ada kehadiran kedua Orang Tuanya.
“Bunda lagi ngurusin catering, Ayah biasa habis anter Bunda main golf sama temen-temennya.” Jawab Nando.
“Mau jalan Kak?” Tanya Nando setelah melihat penampilan Letta yang super duper rapih.
“Ho’oh, kayak biasa.” Jawab Letta.
“Ohh, ngedate sama Mas Dylan?” Tanya Nando tersenyum jahil.
“Apa kata lo Dek!” Kata Letta sambil memutar kedua bola matanya, merasa jengah karena orang-orang terdekatnya selalu berkata seperti itu.
“Lo berdua itu sebenernya kayak gimana sih?” Tanya Nando penasaran. Dia jadi mengalihkan perhatiannya ke Letta, satu-satunya makhluk hidup yang paling jahil dan ga mau kalah dengan dirinya. Tapi jangan salah, Nando sangat menyayangi saudara perempuan satu-satunya ini.
“Kayak gimana apanya?” Letta sebenarnya mengerti arah pertanyaan Nando, tapi dia hanya berpura-pura tidak mengerti.
“Kalian udah temenan lama banget, masa ga ada kemajuan dalam status hubungan?” Lanjut Nando.
“Ga ada ya Nan, Gue sama Dylan cuman sahabatan—” Ucapan Letta terpotong oleh tawa dan ucapan Nando.
“Hahaha cewek-cowok sahabatan, ga mungkin salah satu dari kalian ga ada yang punya perasaan lebih dari sahabat. Apalagi kalian sahabatan udah lama banget, berapa tahun?” ucap Nando.
“Lima Tahun” Jawab Letta singkat.
“Nah!! Lima Tahun bukan waktu yang singkat. Gue sama Aira aja yang tadinya temen berantem, sekarang malah jadian.” Lanjutnya. Setelah berkata seperti itu Nando kembali ke kerjaannya dan hanya melirik Letta, melihat perubahan wajah Letta.
“Puas banget bikin Kak Letta mikir, hahaha.” Gumam Nando dalam hati.
Sebenarnya mereka berdua sama-sama jahil, semakin mereka beranjak dewasa, malah Nando yang makin sering menjahili Letta, ya contoh kecilnya seperti tadi.
Sementara itu Letta hanya terdiam dan memikirkan semua ucapan Nando, tidak lama dari itu terdengar suara mobil. Letta pun mengenali suara mobil tersebut dan beranjak dari dapur sekalian menghindari Nando yang seringkali berkata blak-blakan.
Letta pun membuka pintu kayu rumahnya, saat pintu terbuka ,dan terlihat Dylan yang sedang masuk ke pekarangan rumahnya, kemudian berjalan menuju Letta yang tiba-tiba berdiri terpaku di teras rumahnya.
Letta Pov. Start
“Huh Nando ngomong apa sih?” gumam Gue dalam hati.
“Tapi omongan tuh anak ada benernya juga sih. Sial! Gue jadi kepikiran!” Lanjut Gue.
Gue melihat benda cantik yang melingkar di pergelangan tangan Gue, gelang pemberian Dylan. Entah ini barang yang keberapa yang diberikan olehnya, terlalu banyak barang yang dia berikan, “Apa iya Dylan ada perasaan ke Gue? Atau justru Gue?” Gue menggeleng untuk menghilangkan pikiran yang terlintas tadi. Kemudian terdengar suara mobil dari depan rumah, suara mobil yang sangat Gue hapal.
“Dylan!” Gumam Gue senang, Gue pun melangkah keluar untuk menghampirinya, pas Gue udah sampai di pintu depan dan buka pintu, Gue ngeliat Dylan dengan kemeja putihnya yang bergaris-garis hitam berjalan ke arah Gue. Ga tau kenapa Gue jadi terpaku melihat penampilan Dylan yang seperti itu, padahal Gue udah sering ngeliat dia dengan style seperti saat ini.
“Hey, kamu kenapa? Sakit?” Suara Dylan membuyarkan lamunan sesaat Gue tadi.
“Hah— I’m ok.” Jawab Gue setelah sadar kalau Dylan sudah berdiri di hadapan Gue. “Huh! Kenapa tiba-tiba Gue jadi salting gini.” Guman Gue dalam hati.
“Mau langsung?” Tanya Gue untuk mengalihkan ke-saltingan Gue.
“Sebentar ya, mau ketemu Nando dulu. Gapapa kan, nunggu sebentar?” Kata Dylan.
“Gapapa.” Jawab Gue singkat.
Dylan melangkah masuk membelakangi Gue, tapi tiba-tiba dia berbalik dan berjalan mendekat ke Gue.
“Kamu cantik banget hari ini.” Ucap Dylan dengan senyuman khasnya, lalu dia kembali berbalik, dan melangkah menghampiri Nando yang masih ada di dapur.
Ucapan Dylan barusan membuat Gue kembali terpaku. Gue ngerasa muka Gue mulai memanas dan memerah, “Sialan! Gara-gara omongan Nando tadi nih pasti!!” Dumel Gue dalam hati.
Gue mengekori Dylan ke dapur, mengambil segelas air dingin, dan langsung menegaknya hingga habis.
Gue memperhatikan Dylan dan Nando yang sibuk menatap Laptop dihadapan mereka, dan mata Gue berhenti ke sosok Dylan yang berdiri di sebelah Nando.
“Kayak ada yang beda dari Kamu.” Kata Gue dengan mata Gue yang masih ngeliat ke arah Dylan.
“Kamu— cat rambut lagi?” Tanya Gue, ketika menyadari perubahan rambut Dylan kembali menjadi hitam.
“Iya, di tegor Papa. Hehe.” Jawab Dia dan kembali lagi sibuk membantu Nando.
“Lagian udah dikasih tau belagu.” Kata Gue yang masih memperhatikan Dylan.
Kerena merasa bosan, akhirnya Gue meninggalkan mereka berdua, dan menunggu Dylan di ruang tamu. Entah apa yang mereka bicarakan, urusan para pewaris perusahaan keluarga.
“Udah ngerti?” Samar-samar terdengar suara Dylan yang bertanya ke Nando.
“Udah, makasih Mas, Gue ga tau gimana kalo lo ga bantuin.” Jawab Nando.
“Gue jalan dulu ya.” Kemudian terdengar Dylan pamit ke Nando.
Gue merasakan kehadiran Dylan dibelakang Gue, “Yuk.” Ajak Dylan sambil mengelus pucuk kepala Gue dengan lembut dan Gue merasa ada yang berbeda saat Dylan melakukan hal tersebut.
“Lah malah diem, ayok cantiknya Dylan.” Ucap Dylan, membuat Gue sempat tersipu karena ucapannya.
“Aku tuh emang cantik dari lahir, hohoho.” Kata Gue sambil mengibaskan rambut panjang Gue yang terurai.
“Hahaha, terserah kamu deh Lett,” ucap Dylan tertawa, “ayok, nanti keburu kesiangan.” Ajak Dylan.
Gue dan Dylan berangkat menuju ke Toko Furniture langganan Dylan, hari ini Gue bakal bantu Dylan untuk rapih-rapih di apartemen barunya. Yup, mulai minggu depan Dylan akan pindah ke apartemennya sendiri, dia sudah tidak tinggal dirumah Jeff. Begitu pula dengan Jeff, dia juga akan pindah ke apartemennya sendiri yang masih satu gedung dengan Apartemen Dylan.
Jadi, untuk sementara rumah Jeff bakal kosong sampai ada penyewa yang menempatinya. Bakal sepi nih ga ada mereka, apalagi ga ada Dylan yang biasanya kalau weekend pagi selalu ngajak Gue buat jogging.
Gue pun menatap keluar jendela mobil Dylan, menyelam dalam pikiran Gue sendiri, dan tanpa Gue sadari ternyata sejak tadi Dylan memperhatikan Gue.
“Letta, kamu kenapa?” Tanya Dylan khawatir dan membuyarkan lamunan Gue.
Gue menoleh dan tersenyum tipis menatap Dylan, “Aku gapapa.” jawab Gue.
“Yakin? Dari tadi kamu diem aja soalnya, lagi badmood? Apa kita batalin aja rencana hari ini?” Tanya Dylan berkali-kali.
“Yakin, aku lagi ga badmood juga, dan jangan coba-coba batalin rencana hari ini, nanti aku bakal marah sama kamu selama seminggu.” Jawab Gue dan ga tau kenapa, Gue ga mau hari ini kita batal jalan, huhuhu.
“Emang kamu bisa jauh-jauh sama aku selama seminggu?” Ucap Dylan memperlihatkan senyum smirk-nya.
“Hehe ga bisa sih, tapi kamu juga ga bisa jauh-jauh dari aku selama seminggu kan? Ahh jangankan seminggu sehari aja ga bisa, hahaha.” Ucap Gue sambil tertawa lepas.
“AAAWWW!!! Sakit Dylan!!” Gue teriak kesakitan, karena tiba-tiba Dylan mencubit pipi Gue dengan kencang.
“Hahaha, kamu tuh pinter banget ngejawab.” Kata Dylan ga ada rasa bersalahnya sama sekali ke Gue.
“Sakit.” Gumam Gue sambil mengelus pipi Gue dengan tangan sendiri.
“Maaf, kekencengan ya?” Tanya Dylan sambil mengelus pipi Gue dengan lembut.
“Masih nanya lagi,” kata Gue, lalu mengambil tangan Dylan yang mengelus pipi Gue dan menggenggamnya.
Kita berdua emang sedeket ini dan menurut Gue ini adalah hal yang biasa. Tapi ga tau kenapa akhir-akhir ini tatapan, perlakuan, bahkan ucapan Dylan agak berbeda dari biasanya, kalau kata Katty sih dari dulu dia emang gitu, tapi Gue-nya aja yang baru peka dan denial.
Jadi kepikiran lagi sama omongan Nando pas dirumah tadi, Gue menatap Dylan yang sedang berkonsentrasi mengendarai mobil dengan satu tangannya. Gue pun berniat bertanya, tapi dihentikan oleh nada dering handphone Dylan.
Leo Calling…
“Si garong ganggu aje…” Dumel Gue dalam hati.
“Leo tumben nelpon, aku angkat dulu yah.” Ucap Dylan dan melepas genggaman tangan Gue untuk mengangkat telepon dari Leo dengan mode speaker.
“Kenapa bro?” Sapa Dylan setelah panggilannya tersambung.
“Eh bray, nanti habis nge-date sama Letta, Lo langsung mampir ke Cafe—” Kata Leo dari seberang sana dan langsung di potong oleh Dylan. Gue pun langsung menoleh ke Dylan setelah mendengar kalimat dari mulut besar Leo.
“Speaker Leo, ada Letta di sebelah Gue.” Ucap Dylan memotong perkataan Leo dan terlihat telinganya memerah, lalu membuang wajahnya, dan menghindari tatapan Gue, kemudian suasana diantara kita menjadi awkward.
“Oh— sorry sorry, hihihi.” Terdengar suara cekikikan ala Leo.
“Yaa!! Kenapa deh lo nelpon-nelpon, ganggu Dylan lagi nyetir aja!!” Tegur Gue berusaha untuk mencairkan suasana di antara kita berdua.
“Itu— maksud Gue, nanti habis kalian beberes di apart, jangan lupa mampir ke Cafe, mau ada perform band baru disini, udah itu aja.” Kata Leo.
“Itu doang?!” Tanya Gue ke Leo dengan sewot.
“Iya.” Jawab Leo singkat, dia ga tau aja gara-gara mulut besarnya, Gue sama Dylan jadi awkward .
“Lo kan bisa chat aja ke Dylan, ga usah nelpon-nelpon segala garoooong!!!” Ucap Gue.
“Suka-suka Gue Violetta Dara Pramudya, ga usah ngatur-ngatur, emangnya lo siapanya Dylan?” Balas Leo dengan mulut besarnya.
“Leonard Yudhistira Pramudya, bacot lo tolong di kontrol!” Akhirnya Dylan bersuara dan Gue baru denger Dylan manggil nama panjang Leo. Dia langsung memutuskan sambungan teleponnya secara sepihak, Gue pun menatap Dylan tanpa berkedip.
“Jangan dipikirin omongan Leo barusan.” Katanya dan kembali menatap jalanan.
Selama di sisa perjalanan, kita berdua hanya terdiam. Gue baru kali ini liat Dylan marah, selama lima tahun kita temenan, dia ga pernah marah kayak tadi soalnya.
Toko Furniture
Akhirnya kita sampai di Toko Furniture langganan Dylan, dia langsung bertemu dengan Ownernya dan melihat-lihat hasil pesanannya yang sudah jadi. Sambil nunggu Dylan, Gue pun berkeliling di dalam toko, melihat-lihat barang yang dijual disana.
Ternyata toko ini ga cuman jualan furniture aja, mereka juga jual hiasan-hiasan unik, ala-ala aesthetic gitu, dan mata Gue tertarik dengan salah satu lampu meja, design-nya itu semacam jeruji besi yang dibentuk kayak botol wine, dan di dalamnya ada lampu bohlamnya. Gue pun cukup lama melihat lampu meja tersebut.
“Buat kado pindahan Dylan kali ya?” pikir Gue, “Dia kan suka banget yang unik-unik kayak gini, pasti dia suka Gue kasih ini.” Pikir Gue lagi.
Akhirnya Gue memutuskan membeli lampu meja tersebut, Gue ngeliat Dylan yang masih sibuk dengan si Owner, diam-diam Gue langsung ambil lampu meja tersebut untuk dibawa ke kasir, dan ga lupa Gue mengambil kotak kado sebagai tempatnya.
Dengan cepat kilat Gue membayar dan meminta staff kasir untuk segera memasukkan ke dalam tas belanja.
“Makasih mba.” Kata Gue tersenyum ke staff kasirnya setelah Gue menyelesaikan transaksi dan kebetulan Dylan sudah selesai dengan urusannya.
“Gimana pesanan kamu?” Tanya Gue ketika Dylan berhadapan dengan Gue.
“Udah bisa langsung diambil, terus langsung dipasang deh.” Ucap Dylan senang. Dia sangat puas dengan hasil pesanannya dan itu membuat mood-nya kembali membaik.
“Kamu beli apa?” Dylan sadar Gue lagi nenteng-nenteng tas belanja dan penasaran dengan apa yang Gue beli.
“Pajangan buat di kamar.” Jawab Gue asal.
“Aku selesaiin sisa pembayaran dulu sama masukin pesanan aku ke mobil, kamu duduk dulu aja di sofa sana.” Kata Dylan sambil menunjuk sofa yang tersedia di Toko tersebut.
“Gapapa kan nunggu sebentar lagi?” Tanya Dylan.
“Gapapa.” Jawab Gue, Gue pun akhirnya duduk di sofa tersebut.
Sambil nunggu Dylan lagi, Gue membuka handphone dan melihat-lihat Timeline social media Gue. Pas Gue lagi geser-geser layar handphone, tiba-tiba ada notifikasi chat masuk, dan langsung membuka notifikasi tersebut tanpa melihat siapa pengirimnya.
Jonathan Hi!
“Jonathan?” gumam Gue setelah membuka chatnya dan melihat nama yang tertera di sana, sambil mengingat-ingat nama tersebut, nama yang ga asing bagi Gue.
“Ohh Jona festival!” Seru Gue setelah inget cowok nyebelin yang ketemu pas The Rose performance di festival akhir bulan lalu.
“Siapa Jona?” Tanya Dylan yang sudah selesai dengan urusannya tadi dan ternyata langsung nyamperin Gue.
“Nobody,” jawab Gue agak panik, Gue ga tau kenapa jadi panik, “udah selesai?” Tanya Gue untuk mengalihkan perhatian Dylan.
“Udah, oiya ini kan udah mau lunch, kamu mau mampir makan dulu atau pesen delivery aja?” Tanya dia sambil duduk disebelah Gue dan reflek Gue masukin handphone ke dalam tas.
“Pesen delivery aja kayaknya, biar sambil nunggu makanan dateng, kita beres-beres apart kamu.” Jawab Gue.
“Kalau gitu jalan sekarang aja, biar cepet selesai, biar cepet berangkat ke cafe-nya Leo.” Kata Dylan sambil berdiri. Tanpa banyak bicara dia ambil tas belanja Gue, lalu menentengnya, dan ga lupa gandeng tangan Gue.
Apartemen Dylan
“Makasih ya Pak, ini ada sedikit ongkos.” Terdengar suara Dylan dari pintu apartemennya ke ruang tengah tempat Gue ngeliat beberapa kardus besar berisi barang-barang Dylan, dia berbicara dengan salah satu satpam gedung Apartemen yang membantunya untuk angkut-angkut barang.
“Barang kamu banyak juga ya.” Kata Gue saat Dylan berjalan ke tempat Gue berdiri.
“Yah ini juga beberapa udah aku loakin, tapi kayaknya masih banyakan barang kamu deh.” Katanya.
“Hahaha bisa aja kamu, kita mulai dari mana nih?” Tanya Gue dan kayaknya Dylan juga bingung mau mulai dari mana.
Akhirnya Dylan memutuskan untuk merakit meja dan kursi terlebih dahulu, merapikan rak yang dia pesan di Toko Furniture tadi, baru membongkar barang-barangnya yang ada di dalam kardus.
Setelah cukup lama kita beberes dan menata barang-barang, akhirnya ruang tersebut terlihat rapi dan lowong, tidak seperti tadi banyak kardus-kardus besar yang menumpuk.
“Laper—” Keluh Gue sambil rebahan di karpet yang ada di lantai dan Dylan mengambil duduk di sebelah Gue yang lagi rebahan.
“Oiya, kita belum pesen makanan ya? Hahaha,” Dylan tertawa dan mengambil handphone-nya untuk memesan makanan, “Mau makan apa Lettanya Dylan?” Tanya dia, ya ini yang Gue maksud ucapan dia yang berbeda, “Cantiknya Dylan,” “Kesayangannya Dylan,” “Lettanya Dylan.” Gue sebenarnya berusaha mengabaikannya, tapi kalau terlalu sering, Gue jadi kepikiran juga, bahkan beberapa kali Gue sempat berharap lebih.
“Hmmm, apa aja deh, yang penting enak dan mahal, hehehe.” Jawab Gue.
“Okk.” Dylan pun sibuk dengan handphone-nya untuk memesan makan siang dan Gue berdiri dengan malas, untuk mengambil handphone Gue yang ada di dalam tas.
Gue pun melihat layar handphone lalu terlihat ada dua chat dan tiga missed call dari orang yang sama, “Jona.” Ucap Gue dalam hati.
“Tadi kayaknya ada yang telepon ke hp kamu, pentingkah sampe tiga kali kalo ga salah?” Tanya Dylan yang masih sibuk memilih makan siang.
“Nothing, paling nawarin credit card. Hehe.” Jawab Gue dan berusaha mengabaikan isi chat Jona.
Jonathan Yuhuu Letta?
Jonathan Kok di read doang?
“Huhh!! Berisik amat nih cowok!! Mana Gue lupa ngedit foto dia lagi, nanti deh Gue balesnya.” Gumam Gue dalam hati.
Setelah selesai cek handphone dan menaruhnya lagi di dalam tas, Gue mengambil tas belanja yang berisi lampu meja yang Gue beli tadi untuk diberikan ke Dylan dan menyerahkannya.
“Nihh buat kamu.” Kata Gue menyodorkan tas belanja tersebut dan mengambil duduk disebelah Dylan.
“Ini bukannya yang kamu beli tadi ?” Tanya Dylan memasang wajah bingungnya.
“Iya, ini aku beli buat kamu, buka deh.” Pinta Gue, dia pun mengambil kotak yang berada di dalam tas belanja tersebut dan membukanya.
“Wow!!” kata Dylan tersenyum memperlihatkan eyes smile-nya, “kamu tau aja aku ngincer lampu ini,” Lanjutnya.
“Jadi, tadi pas kita masuk ke toko, aku udah ngincer ini lampu, tapi sebelum aku ambil, Koh Juna keburu nyamperin aku. Pas selesai ngobrol sama dia, aku langsung balik ke tempat lampu ini, tapi udah ga ada. Ternyata kamu yang beli.” Jelasnya panjang lebar.
“Makasih Lett, suka banget.” Lanjutnya.
“Syukur deh kalau kamu suka.” Ucap Gue lega, Gue sempet takut dia ga suka sama pemberian dari Gue. Dylan melihat-lihat lampu tersebut dengan memasang wajah seperti anak kecil yang baru dapet mainan baru.
“Lucu.” Puji Gue dalam hati.
Raut wajah Dylan berubah saat melihat dasar lampu meja tersebut, Gue pun penasaran dan mendekatinya.
“Kenapa, ada damage?” Tanya Gue.
“Ga kok aman semua.” Jawabnya.
“Ini masih ada harganya, hahaha.” Kata Dia sambil menunjukkan bagian bawah lampu yang masih tertempel label harga.
“Astaga!! Aku lupa nyopot, sini aku copot dulu.” Tangan Gue langsung meraih lampu meja yang ada di tangan Dylan, tapi ga dapet karena tangan Dylan mengangkatnya tinggi-tinggi dan kemudian berdiri menghindari Gue.
“Dylaaaannn!!!!” Gue pun ikutan berdiri untuk berusaha meraihnya.
“Udah aku liat juga harganya berapa, hahaha.” Kata Dylan, dia berjinjit dan makin mengangkat tangannya tinggi-tinggi, membuat Gue meloncat-loncat kecil untuk meraihnya, tapi masih ga bisa.
Karena ulah Gue, Dylan terpeleset karpet, kemudian terkejut dan menarik pinggang Gue untuk mencegah dirinya tidak jatuh, tapi kita berdua malah jatuh ke atas sofa, dengan posisi setengah badan Gue menindih Dylan.
“Untung ada sofa.” Kata Gue sambil mendongak ke arah Dylan.
Kedua mata Gue sama Dylan saling bertemu dan menatap satu sama lain, Dylan tersenyum dan mendekatkan satu tangannya yang bebas ke depan muka Gue.
“Berat!! Awas!!.” Kata Dylan sambil menoyor jidat Gue.
“Ishh Dylan nyebelin!!” Kata Gue sambil menyingkir dari Dylan dan mengambil posisi duduk, begitu pula dengan Dylan.
Ting ting!! Notifikasi handphone Dylan berbunyi.
“Makanan udah sampe, aku ambil kebawah dulu ya.” Kata Dia sambil berdiri.
“Jadi beli apa?” Tanya Gue.
“Sushi kesukaan kamu.” Jawab Dia dan kemudian keluar Apartemen ninggalin Gue sendirian disini.
Selagi Dylan turun ke bawah untuk mengambil makan siang kita, Gue melihat-lihat sekeliling Apartemennya, dan mengambil lampu meja tadi, dan menaruhnya di meja tinggi dekat jendela Apartemen. Gue pun duduk di kursi, pasangan dari meja tersebut, dan terduduk melamun melihat keluar jendela yang memperlihatkan langit cerah disertai gedung tinggi di sekitar Gedung Apartemen.
“ga mungkin salah satu dari kalian ga ada yang punya perasaan lebih dari sahabat. Apalagi kalian sahabatan udah lama banget,” tiba-tiba terngiang di kuping Gue sepenggal ucapan Nando tadi.
“Lo-nya aja yang ga peka Lett, Dylan itu dari dulu emang udah kayak gitu sama Lo dan menurut Gue dia emang ada rasa sama Lo, tapi Lo masih denial.” ucapan Katty beberapa hari lalu pun terngiang juga di kuping Gue.
“Masa sih?” tanya Gue ke Katty saat itu, Katty mengedikkan bahunya dan berkata, “Menurut Lo aja gimana.”
Suara pintu terbuka membuyarkan lamunan Gue, terlihat Dylan menenteng paper bag berisi makanan. “Yuk makan, habis makan langsung ke cafe-nya Leo.” Ajak Dylan sambil menaruh paper bag tersebut ke atas karpet, lalu duduk di atas karpet tersebut, dan menepuk tempat kosong di sebelahnya, menyuruh Gue untuk duduk disana. Kami pun menikmati makanan tersebut dengan candaan Dylan dan melupakan semua lamunan Gue tadi.
Letta Pov. End
Senada Cafe (Cafe Leo)
Setelah menghabiskan makan siang di Apartemen Dylan, mereka berdua langsung berangkat menuju Cafe-nya Leo, dan akhirnya sampai walaupun sedikit telat. Letta pun berjalan cepat dari parkiran mobil menuju Cafe, “Ayo Dylan, itu band-nya udah mulai.” Ucap Letta excited saat mendengar suara musik dari dalam Cafe telah mulai.
“Iya Letta sayang, tapi ini tolong bantuin aku dulu bawa titipan Leo.” Kata Dylan sambil menenteng dua tas belanja isi titipan Leo, tadi mereka sempat mampir ke Supermarket karena Leo tiba-tiba nitip beberapa bahan untuk Cafe-nya,
“bisa-bisanya tuh anak ga cek stok bahan dulu, udah tau malam minggu, apalagi ada band baru di Cafe-nya, pasti bakal rame, nyusahin tuh anak.” Dumel Letta saat di Supermarket tadi. Dylan menenangkan Letta dengan membelikan coklat kesukaannya, setelah itu Letta cukup tenang walaupun masih sedikit mengomel.
“Hahaha, sini satu aku bawain.” Kata Letta ketika melihat Dylan kesusahan membawa dua kantong belanjaan dan Letta mengambil salah satu dari tas belanjaan yang Dylan bawa.
Begitu sampai di depan Cafe, Dylan langsung membuka pintu dan menyuruh Letta masuk duluan, ga lama dia menyusul di belakang Letta.
Di dalam Cafe sudah cukup ramai dan terdengar alunan musik dari band baru tersebut, sekilas Letta melihat ke arah Vokalisnya yang ada di atas panggung.
“Postur badannya kayak ga asing.” Gumamnya dalam hati dan memperlambat langkahnya supaya bisa melihat jelas wajah Vokalis band tersebut, tapi Dylan keburu menggandeng Letta untuk segera berjalan ke dapur dan menaruh belanjaan titipan Leo.
Setelah selesai menaruh kedua tas belanja tadi di dapur, Letta dan Dylan langsung keluar untuk menemui Leo dan yang lain, saat itu juga musik pun berhenti dan terdengar suara dari Vokalis band tersebut memperkenalkan diri dan band-nya.
“Selamat malam, kita dari Onewe yang bakalan menemani malam minggu teman-teman Senada Cafe.” Ucap vokalis tersebut.
“Kok suaranya ga asing di kuping gue?” Gumam Letta.
“Gue Jonathan, kalian bisa panggil Jona. Vokalis dan Leader di Onewe.” Lanjutnya dan kemudian dia memperkenalkan member band lainnya.
Langkah Letta pun terhenti sesaat setelah mendengar Vokalis tersebut menyebutkan namanya dan tanpa sadar tubuhnya berbalik menghadap ke panggung yang sekarang dengan jelas memperlihatkan wajah Vokalis Band tersebut, yaitu Jona.
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0nho · 2 years
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late last night I was reminded of that one comment to peta, a gift to the internet, and threw this together for happy thanksgiving time
# internet social media onho au # jonghyun the voice of what's acceptable on the internet
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12/09/22 updates~
hi all!
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second, i wanted to come on here and thank everyone for their support on shine! i apologize for the lack of uploads on here, but please know i am active on my story right now if anyone would like to join in on reading! please feel free to leave me os suggestions in my asks! 
ALSO we just reached 111 followers! talk about angel numbers!! wow! <3
thank you all so much again!!
- anne
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jinkisbelly · 2 years
A Simple Request 14/?
Pairing: Jongyu
Rating: M overall, mostly pg this part
w/c: 2.7k
Other parts and posts about this story, here [x]   Ao3  AFF
Summary: The Fae King is under a lot of pressure to conceive an heir, while given a deadline by the Council he turns to his personal guard and best friend to help him with it  
Warnings: Future mpreg
          There, just between the spiraling trees and flourishing undergrowth of the Elder Tree Forest, was Saferus. He was curled up as close to the border as he could be, the early morning sun making his darker scales a bit lighter, reminding Jinki of the way the sunlight looked filtering through the tree canopy. It was still early morning, the sun not yet at the highest point in the sky above them, and the air was still a bit chilly because of it. Saferus lifted his large head, and Jinki felt like he was coming home almost when he heard his voice rumble in his mind, and felt how close his dragon was. ‘Hello, Little One.’  
             ‘Hello, Saferus.’ While they had talked a lot in their time apart, the bond didn’t feel taunt and stretched to its limits, and the throbbing in his skull stopped.
         A hand fell against his thigh and he whipped his head over to find Jonghyun looking at him with warm eyes, a little smile curled on his lips. The man looked so much better than he had on the journey into the Elven lands. His hand was still placed on his thigh as he gestured with his head toward Saferus. “Go on, Jinki. It’s alright.”
         He chewed on his bottom lip for just a moment. His place was right beside Jonghyun for this entire journey, but he couldn’t ignore how much he wanted to go to Saferus as quickly as possible. Jonghyun gestured with his head once again, smile widening, and Jinki gave in, kicking the side of his horse to cross the distance quicker. Soon he was pulling the horse to a stop and slipping from the saddle, gently thudding against Saferus’ snout and a bit up his head, hands flat on either side of his head and nuzzling his cheek against him. His scales were a bit cool to the touch but still soft, ‘I missed you.’
             ‘And I you. I am pleased to see you and your king return safely.’ All he wanted to do then, was climb into his saddle and fly, feel Saferus underneath him and the wind in his hair, the sun on his skin in a way being on the ground never managed to feel like, but he couldn’t. He pressed his forehead against Saferus and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to center himself completely. He laughed as his dragon lifted his head, having to hold on a bit tighter when his feet moved from the ground. Saferus didn’t lift him very high, just a few feet, before placing him back on the ground.  ‘We are being watched, Little One.’  
         Slowly he rose, but his hands were still on Saferus even as he turned his gaze to his right. Just on the fairy-elven border was their small traveling party. The elves had already turned back and were heading further into Elven lands. Jinki’s eyes found Jonghyun though, warm and golden in the sunlight now that there weren’t any trees to cast shadows over him. Jonghyun had dismounted from his horse, arms swinging just a bit as he walked up to them.
         “Hello, Saferus.” Jonghyun placed his hand softly beside Jinki’s, fingers spread just a little. Saferus rumbled in response, causing a huge grin on the man’s face when the dragon ever so gently pushed his snout against his palm. “You’d like to fly, wouldn’t you?”
         Jinki blinked, “How could you possibly know that?”
         “I know you.” Jonghyun nudged him with an elbow, smiling, “Let’s go.”
         What? He cleared his throat, “What?”
         Jonghyun laughed, so pretty and soft, as his wings slowly appeared bright and golden behind him. “Until we reach Faera I have to be with you. You cannot fly without me, and you desire to fly, let’s go.”
         Jonghyun easily fluttered from the ground and a moment later landed softly on the back of the saddle still attached to Saferus’ neck. “You coming?”
             ‘You heard him, Little One.”  
         Jinki sighed quietly, but he couldn’t hold back his grin as he climbed up Saferus to settle in front of Jonghyun. He made sure the man was close enough and holding him tightly after handing him his cloak. “It’ll be cold up there.”
         “Thank you.”
         He held the saddle before him with one hand and rested the other against Jonghyun’s still on his stomach. Before they took off he shook his head and looked over his shoulder at the way the man had his cheek pressed upon his upper back with his eyes closed. “No, thank you.”
         Before long the few remaining members of their travel party were small specks along the dark green of the grass, and then they couldn’t be seen at all. To him at that moment, all there was, was the blue of the sky, the white clouds, Saferus underneath him, and the warmth of Jonghyun pressed along his back. He felt.. At peace almost.
         Returning to Faera, there was a comfort to it once their duties began again. Jinki taught healing classes at the Temple twice a week during the time slot Jonghyun spent replying to letters and missives. They still tried to conceive almost every night, Jinki curling up into his back once they were done and falling asleep until early morning when he’d slip off to the Temple for morning duties. It was easy to fall into the routine of things once again, the pain and events of their trip soon forgotten with each passing day. Soon the Harvest Festival would be upon them, a week-long celebration of the successful harvest full of food and drink, and music swirling in the streets. They prayed to the Gods for a safe trip through winter and for their harvest to last them well into Spring.
         It was one of Jonghyun’s favorite times of the year. The way the leaves shifted from shades of green to orange and red, sometimes yellow, falling from the branches and fluttering to the ground. The sweet smells of cinnamon and nutmeg from stands along the street, roasting different nuts over an open fire, and the lowered temperatures allowed for extra layers. As a child, his sister had teased him immensely about being so connected to light and warmth, and hating the summer with a passion. There was just something about the way summer changed to autumn, and autumn to winter with the snow falling across the city like a white crystal blanket, that was comforting to him.
         He gazed out of the large, open windows, and grinned when all of the stands already up in the courtyards surrounding the castle came into view. By the end of the week, the festival would be in full swing, with stands and food for as far as he could see on each horizon. He leaned against the wall just on the side of the large windows and looked over at his advisors currently bickering in the middle of the room, all of them in various positions around the large round table. Jinki was due to return soon from a complicated healing case from the Temple that he had been called for and in his place was Minho. The Guard Captain stood at rest a few steps away, showing just how he felt about the advisors with an annoyed expression on his face. “Your Majesty, are they always like this?”
         Jonghyun snorted and crossed his arms over his chest, “Most of the time, yes. The only thing they usually agree on is my need to procreate.”
         Minho grimaced, shifting a bit before settling once more. “What are they arguing about now, exactly?”
         “During my Father and Grandfather’s time on the throne, the Harvest Festival was kicked off with a grand ball. Then the war happened and I didn’t see the purpose of how expensive the party would be. We were rebuilding, trying to make things better and whole again. It was a waste of money, especially when only certain people from the United Kingdoms were ever invited.” When he had announced that the first year after the treaty was signed there wouldn’t be a Harvest Ball, the outrage had drowned out the support of his decision. “They’re arguing over bringing it back this year.”
         “You’re not really listening to them though, Your Majesty.”
         Jonghyun flashed a little grin, “Correct.”
         Minho let out a chuckle, turning away from the advisors to gaze out the window. “I see, Sire.”  
         After a few moments, Jonghyun quietly asked. “Do you have plans for the festival?”
         “I am in charge of the security for most of it, Your Majesty. There won’t be much time for personal plans.” Jonghyun frowned. He had hoped that the man would have a few days off during the festival to properly enjoy it. Minho’s gaze lowered, hands held behind his back when he continued, “I had hoped to see someone rather important to me during the festivities, but I don’t believe they’ll be in the city.”
         “I’m sorry to hear that.” The other voices in the room slowly died down and Jonghyun took a deep breath before turning back to them. All of the advisors were looking at him, all in their seats even if the ones closest had to twist to see him. He let his arms fall to his sides, stepping down the dew steps away from the windows, and tried to keep his voice clear. “The ball will not be returning. That is my final say on the matter. If that’s all, this meeting is dismissed.”
         “But Your Majesty, you must-”
         Jonghyun raised his eyebrow, “I must what?”
         The older man swallowed thickly. “I just mean to convince you that the ball would be a good idea. It’s good for your public image.”
         “The Harvest Ball was only ever good for the image of the elite. The festival is for us all, every one of us. I stand by my decision.” Out of the eleven advisors, five were from when his Father was King, including his head advisor, Chanhyuk Choi who didn’t even think to hide how upset he was. Jonghyun knew for years the man disapproved of many of the things he had changed from the way his Father had ruled and hadn’t thought he was ready to take the throne when he had. Jonghyun cleared his throat and waited for everyone to look at him, but he kept his eyes on Chanhyuk. “If you wish to drink yourself silly surrounded by beautiful beings in nice clothes, there are plenty of upscale brothels in the city. We won’t use tax money for our own entertainment. Have a good day, everyone.”
         Minho leaned in closer, facing away from the table to softly ask, “Where to, Your Majesty?”
         “The library. The Keeper will meet us there.”
           Once the soiled linen had been pulled from his body, Jinki scrubbed at the dried blood on his cheek. It wasn’t often anymore he was called in for such a severe injury, but there was a thrill that came with a high-stakes healing session. The poor man had gotten into an awful fishing accident out in the cove while teaching their son how to use the harpoon. He would live, but Jinki hadn’t gotten to him in time to save his hand. Once the man awoke from his trance and his temperature signaled he was out of the proverbial woods from infection, Jinki would speak to him about a possible prosthetic. Craving each prosthetic from wood was difficult and very time-consuming, but he had put so much time into developing the methodology and perfecting it. It had been his final assignment, the one that showed he had mastered all Wixu could teach him and signaled he was ready to become Keeper.
           He tossed the cloth into the hazardous textile bin to be taken care of by one of the apprentice healers once he was done, flashed a smile at the attending Master Healer Sooyoung, and slipped out of the doors. Jonghyun should be out of his advisors' meeting if those old relics managed to stop talking for once, and they had agreed to meet in the library if Jinki finished before dinner. The quickest way to the castle was through Saferus, but the courtyards and streets around that were large enough for him to land were full of stalls and other things for the festival. He didn’t mind the walk, even if it could take a bit of time, but Jonghyun was safe and well looked after. Without any real pressing engagements to arrive at, a nice walk through the city felt like a good decision. Maybe the bakery off of the main street had those apple doughnuts Jonghyun adored. After the probable travesty of an advisor's meeting, he deserved something sweet.
           Just as he was making his way down the center staircase that led to the surgery and recovery rooms, he heard his title. There at the base of the stairs was Kibum, finely pressed elven silk tunic and dark hair twisted away from his face. “Do you have time, Keeper?”
           “I could make some, Councilor.” He came to a stop just before the man. He was slightly taller, but he had always been even as a child. Much had changed since then and even after so long it still hurt to be reminded of the many casualties his decisions caused. Shaking off that thought process, he smiled, “What seems to be the problem?”
           “I wouldn’t have bothered you with this if I didn’t need to,” With his left hand he reached over and pulled back the long sleeve of his tunic to reveal the wood of his prosthetic. It had weathered a bit over time, as was normal, even if it was evident Kibum had tried his very best to take care of it. “Something is wrong with the connection between my stump and the wood of the prosthetic. Every time I try to move or articulate the fingers there are excruciating pains.”
         “May I?” Once Kibum nodded, Jinki stepped closer and lifted his hands to touch either side of the connection between flesh and wood. He closed his eyes, feeling up and down the smooth wood as he sent his magic through the grains until finally he found the source of the problem. Jinki withdrew from Kibum’s space then, frowning just a bit. “There are many individual connections that go into your control of the prosthetic, eventually connected through the fibers of the wood all the way down the arm. It’s all woven together like a big web of energy. There’s damage to where those energy fibers are connecting and it’s causing harmful feedback because of it.”
         “Can you fix it?” Kibum tugged his arm close, his left-hand curling around the underside of it.
           “I could try to repair the damage to the prosthetic, but I think it’s more wear and tear than anything else. You’ve had this since just after the war ended, right?” Once Kibum nodded, Jinki gave a little smile. “I should still have the plans in my records, but I can come by at your earliest convenience to discuss a new one. If that’s alright with you.”
         “Between the two of us, Keeper, I think we can agree you are the busier of us.” The smile Kibum gave him reminded Jinki of so many he received as childhood friends. “What should I do in the meantime?”
         “If the pain is as terrible as you’ve described I can give you a tonic to help alleviate it if you still wish to use the prosthetic in the meantime. Or,” Gently, Jinki ran his fingers along the wood again before holding them just at the connection sight, “You can remove it until I’ve carved you a new one.”
           “Could you send the tonic to my lodgings?”
           “You’ll receive it tomorrow morning.”
           Kibum gave a little nod, arm still held tightly to his chest when he turned away. He stopped after a few steps and flashed a smile and bowed his head. “Thank you, Keeper.”
           “It’s a pleasure, Councilor.” Jinki stood there long enough to watch Kibum’s retreating form disappear, an ache in his chest over the formality of their once familiar relationship, before beginning to move toward his own destination. As he stepped outside of the large, round front doors of the Temple he noticed how low the sun was in the sky and cursed quietly. He’d have to go quickly if he was going to make it to that bakery before it closed for the day.
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kbandtrash · 2 years
Okay guys looks like if you want any writing out of us at this point you're going to have to ask about it specifically
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smtown-tourist · 4 days
Calling all BL-loving Shawols!!!
Someone please TELL ME that I’m NOT the only one that’s watched Bed Friend and gotten SHINee fanfic vibes!!!
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Like?!?!?! Seriously!!!! TELL ME that Bed Friend isn’t totally a SHINee Office Worker AU fic where JongKey is the main pairing!! Go watch it and you’ll INSTANTLY see what I’m taking about. If you’re too lazy to do that, let me break it down for you.
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Look at Uea! TELL ME he doesn’t remind you of Key!!! Other than the fact that he and Key are both dropdead GORGEOUS and have KILLER fashion sense, the ENERGY that Uea gives off is so Key-coded that it’s scary. Not to mention that he’s the protagonist and in most JongKey fics, we often times see Key being the main POV for the story. It fits so well!!
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Then we’ve got sexy Mr. King over here totally giving off Jonghyun’s puppy playboy swagger!! The amount of times I’ve seen Jonghyun portrayed this way in fics is an EXACT MATCH to King’s character in the show. King’s sense of style and mannerisms are also very Jonghyun-esc.
But wait!! It’s not just the main characters that give this show a SHINee Office Worker AU vibe. It’s the side characters that really drive it home for me because of course we can’t forget to include On2min!
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We’ve got Jade (one in glasses) representing Onew and Gun representing Taemin. TELL ME you don’t automatically look at Jade and think Onew!! His character on the show is also very clumsy and soft, just like our Dubu Leader.
And then Gun, with him being the youngest (the maknae!!!!) in the office, that TOTALLY makes him Taemin!!! He even acts like a brat just like Taemin does! It’s so cute.
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Last but not least, we’ve got Khun, the conflict love interest. Don’t think that we’ve forgotten about Minho because yup, that right there, that’s our Choi, Minho he’s channeling with that sweet, handsome smile. He’s tall and well-built, too, in case you needed another reason to connect him to Minho.
I’m currently rewatching Bed Friend, if you couldn’t tell LOL and I wanted to share these thoughts with you guys. I hope I’m not alone in feeling this way. Personally, it wouldn’t shock me if the writers of the show were Shawols.
Anyways, if you’re a Shawol looking for a new BL drama to watch, I HIGHLY recommend Bed Friend. It’s a great show regardless of the parallels I see between some of the characters and the SHINee members. ‼️ TRIGGER WARNING‼️ It does contain trauma related to childhood SA so if you’re sensitive to that, please don’t watch.
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hollisonceagain · 28 days
space au may day 10: onewe - star
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skzhocomments · 8 months
I can read your smile - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic - Chapter 18 - Christmas Eve
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
Wattpad | AO3
Chapter 17 | Chapter 19
Chapter 18 - Christmas Eve
word count: 3.4k words
~Christmas Eve~
~Crystal's POV~
24th of December. If you open the TV on any channel, you would either see Home Alone, Grinch, The Nightmare Before Christmas or whatever other Christmas movie with "Miracle" in the title and with a lot of green, red or blue in its cover.
I didn't dislike these movies per-se, but they did make me feel bittersweet. Christmas was a nice holiday, but how can I enjoy it when I'm once again spending it on my own?
Instead of wasting away on the sofa, I decided to do something I haven't done in a while, which is go to the gym in the apartment complex.
I changed into sports clothes and made my way downstairs.
Damn, Minho would be proud of me.
That thought made me chuckle a bit, and I pondered on whether I should text him or not. I decided against it.
Opening the door to the reception, a nice lady with blonde hair and a perfect silhouette welcomed me.
"The apartment number, please?" She smiled, and I told her. "Oh, I see there's two memberships under the name Choi Minho. Is that right?"
"Yes, that's right."
"Then you must be..."
"Crystal Kang."
"Right." She smiled sweetly. "I see Mr. Choi hasn't extended the memberships for next month yet. Would you like me to extend them for you now? Since it's Christmas time, we have a bit of a discount. Nothing much, 5% off, but you might be interested."
Didn't Minho say that if you live in this building...
"How much are the memberships again?" I asked with a smile.
"You've been paying 200$ for the two memberships up until now, but if you renew today, you would get them both at 190$. Again, it's not much, but..."
"I see. Thank you for the information. I will talk to my friend and let you know." I smiled, then entered the gym.
He's been paying for my membership for the past 6 months or so, 100$ per month.
Almost my whole rent.
Fucking hell, Minho.
I sighed and went on the treadmill, trying to run away from my thoughts.
After my intense 30-minute running session, I made my way upstairs, took a long shower, then made something to eat.
5 PM.
Time is moving so slow when you're alone.
Maybe I should've gone to work today.
I laid down on the couch and looked around the room, at the Christmas tree. Minho's gift sat untouched underneath, and it will stay that way until after New Years' Eve, when he comes back, and I'll give it to him.
Maybe I shouldn't have put it there.
Of course, there was nothing for me under the tree, because I was all alone, and Santa wasn't real.
Turning on the TV only made me more depressed, because all the films were about happy families, happy moments, happy endings. It was getting tiring to see the same shit over and over again.
It didn't make me happy. On the contrary, actually.
Barely 5 PM.
I sighed and covered myself with the fluffy blanket I brought from my room. Despite it being warm, I felt so cold, that I covered my whole body with it and went in the fetal position, hugging the blanket around myself tightly.
I am feeling so lonely.
I shouldn't be crying.
It's not the first time I'm spending Christmas on my own.
But why...?
Why does this house feel so big?
I'm so sad.
Why am I so alone?
It's always been this way with me.
I am so utterly alone.
It hurts so bad.
Tears continued streaming down my face with no control, and I just sobbed and sobbed, until the crying made me too tired, and I fell into a deep slumber.
~Third person POV~
"Crystal, wake up." Minho nudged the sleeping girl awake and she opened her eyes slowly, confusion plastered over her face. He's been looking at her for a while, and frowned upon seeing her puffy eyes.
She must've been crying.
"Huh...? Minho...? I must be dreaming." She concluded, then closed her eyes again and tried to go back to sleep.
"You're not. Wake up." He nudged her again with a chuckle.
"Hm?" She opened her eyes, confused, and it finally set in that she was, in fact, awake. "What are you doing here?" She asked, almost in a whisper, raising herself from the sofa in a sitting position.
"I came to check if Santa brought me anything, of course. I see he brought you a lot of presents. You must've been good this year." Minho smiled and looked at the tree, making Crystal turn her head towards it as well.
"Huh...?" She asked, confused, noticing that there were indeed about 10 bags under the tree. "What..."
"Come, don't you want to open them?" Minho grabbed her hand and helped her stand up, dragging her towards the tree as the blanket fell from her body back on the sofa.
They went together to the tree and sat down next to it, and Crystal grabbed the bags one after another, opening them and pulling out the contents.
Some of them had clothes; there were a few sundresses, two sweaters, a bracelet and necklace jewellery set and some face creams and make-up.
"So, what do you think?" Minho's eyes sparkled with excitement.
"There's so many!" Crystal said. "Now I feel bad, I only got you this." She grabbed the bag with his gift – a sweater she really liked that she thought would look great on him – and gave it to him.
"Thanks!" He said, still excited, taking it out and examining it.
"I'm sorry, it's not much, but-"
"It's perfect. I love this colour so much. I'm gonna wear it tomorrow at the family lunch."
"Thank you." Crystal hugged him, taking him by surprise, and he hugged her back.
She was glad he was here, and she didn't spend the day completely alone, even if he would go back soon.
"You forgot to open one, though..." Minho pointed to a small gift bag that was left there, neglected.
"Oh, I must've not seen it. You got me too many." She chuckled and grabbed the small bag, opening it. Inside, there was a box swiftly wrapped in brown paper, with a red ribbon on top. "What is it?"
"Open it and check." He grinned, and she obliged, ripping the paper and seeing the box; it was a new phone, the latest model.
"Minho, what the-"
"Your phone is still broken, and you haven't gotten a new one yet, so I thought-"
"You're fucking crazy." She shook her head in disbelief. "This is really expensive. I really can't-"
"Take a shot every time Crystal says 'I can't accept it'!"
"What?!" She scoffed then burst out laughing.
"I'm serious. We'd be drunk all the time if we played this game." He mocked her a bit more, and she playfully slapped his arm.
"What am I supposed to do with this? My phone still works!" She protested and frowned.
"Yea, your phone whose screen is literally falling apart still works perfectly, as new!" He chuckled and grabbed her phone, taking off the protection foil from the screen - quite literally the only thing that was keeping the multiple broken pieces of the screen together in their rightful position. He then turned the phone upside down, and small bits of the screen fell off, and Crystal watched in horror.
"But..." she started, but she was left speechless. He won this one.
"If you don't want the phone, sell it or something. It's yours." He shrugged.
"You're crazy." She shook her head again, realising this would go nowhere, and she opened the box, taking the phone out and placing her SIM card inside.
It was as he said when they met: once he sets his mind on something, it's unlikely you'll get him to change it. And this time, even if she didn't want to admit it, he was right. She needed this phone, as hers wouldn't hold on much longer anyway, even without Minho's painful display of showing her how easily the broken bits would start falling out.
Minho watched satisfied as she turned on the phone and configured it, and when she was finally done, she asked him "Happy?", and he just nodded with a large smile on his face.
"Yes, very! Thank me again." He grinned.
"Woah!" Crystal scoffed. "Do you want a kiss on the cheek too?"
"Yes, right here!" He turned his left cheek to her and tapped on it a few times, and Crystal said fuck it, and grabbed his face and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you." She chuckled, noticing his flustered state. It was obvious he didn't actually expect her to kiss him, and he was quite cute.
"Okay, now that you opened the gifts, you have to go get changed." Minho changed the subject quickly, his fingertips still inspecting the skin her lips touched.
"Get changed?" She tilted her head. "Why?"
"My family is waiting for us. We have to hurry up, or else the chicken would get cold."
"Wait... what?"
"We're going to a Christmas dinner, silly."
"We? But... why?"
"Because I want you to come." Minho shrugged. "Now go get changed!"
"Okay..." Crystal stood up and went to her room, putting on some comfortable clothes. She wasn't sure exactly why Minho came to get her, but she started feeling excited, nonetheless. She's never been to a family dinner before.
She wondered what his family was like. Were they as nice as him? Did he have many siblings? She realised she's never asked him this before.
"Ready?" He smiled upon seeing her.
"Yes, but we have to go to the supermarket first. Is that okay?"
Minho nodded and they exited the building together, going to the supermarket in their complex. There, Crystal grabbed a small basket and filled it with Belgian chocolate.
"What is this for?" He asked, perplexed.
"Your family, of course. I can't go empty handed, and you can't go wrong with chocolate. This is my favourite."
"Is it? I've never seen you eat it though."
"That's because it's expensive, so I don't buy it on the daily basis." Crystal chuckled. "Should I get them anything else? Like... wine, or something? I don't know!"
"Don't stress it, Crys, they don't expect you to come by with anything."
"But is it really okay if I come? I mean, it's your family and I don't want to intrude-"
"They are quite excited for you to come, actually. Especially my brother's wife. She said family dinners always feel lonely because there's no one her age to talk to." He laughed.
"I see..." Crystal looked down in the basket, and then at the shelf. She picked one more box of chocolates, just for good measure, and they went to the checkout to pay.
Minho pulled out his wallet quickly, but Crystal already started intercepting his thoughts, and she was quicker. It was her gift for his family. She put her hand over his wallet and handed the cashier her card with a smile, and Minho grabbed the hem of her sleeve and dragged it with a pout.
"Let me pay-"
"Don't even start. I wanna rip your ear off about the gym membership anyway." She looked at him with squinted eyes, and he avoided her cold gaze.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Let's go!"
Minho's family house was a fairly large white picket fence house, just as the ones she's seen in Taemin's grandparents' villa town. All sorts of Christmas decorations made it literally sparkle in all the colours of the rainbow, and there was a big Christmas Tree on the front porch.
"You both made it! You must be Crystal!" A middle-aged woman with dark hair smiled brightly upon seeing them come in, and came and hugged Crystal tightly. "I'm Minho's mother"
"Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Choi." She spoke and smiled, letting the woman look her up and down. "This is for you. I'm sorry, I would've brought something more if I knew-"
"It's okay, love, we are just happy you're joining us." She grabbed the gift bag with chocolates and rubbed Crystal's arm lovingly. "Now, let's go to the dining room! Everyone was waiting for you two."
They both took their shoes off and Minho smiled at her assuringly, guiding her towards the dining. It was a spacious room with a big dinner table that had all sorts of foods on it, and it was full of family members of all ages, from kids to older people with white hair.
Minho introduced Crystal to everyone and helped her sit down, and then everyone started talking to her and placing all sorts of foods on her plate, wanting her to feel at home and eat as much as possible. Minho couldn't help but chuckle slightly at her flustered state, and he grabbed her hand under the table soothingly, letting her know that she can relax, and that everything is okay.
She talked a lot to his brother's wife and his aunts, and ate so much food, she was sure she would explode.
Still, Crystal never felt so happy.
So this is what a family dinner looks like. She thought, glancing around the table with a smile on her face, trying to hold back her tears.
"So, Crystal, I heard from my nephew you're also studying business." Minho's uncle smiled at her, and she nodded. The chatter around the table quieted down, as the children went to sleep and some of the adults were cleaning around the kitchen. She tried to help too, but Minho's mother refused vehemently, and urged her to sit down at the dinner table and just relax and be a guest.
They've been talking about business-related things for more than an hour now, but Crystal just listened closely and hasn't joined in the conversation, not wanting to interrupt. She was always more of a listener, and in the span of an hour she found out that Minho's family owned a large business called Choi Enterprises that his grandfather founded, his uncle being the actual CEO. His father was not working in the company; he was a famous football coach, which explained Minho's passion for football, and Minho was studying business because, despite his interest for football, he and his brother were supposed to take after the business in a few years when his uncle would retire.
After Minho's older brother and wife left the table, only him, Crystal and Mr. Choi, Minho's uncle, remained in the dimly lit room. He seemed like a stern man, but his eyes held warmth towards his family.
"Yes, that's right. I've just started the 3rd year." Crystal replied with a sweet smile.
"You have a long way to go." He smiled. "Business is tricky."
"Indeed." She affirmed and nodded.
"Let me ask you something. It's a riddle. If you have three, you have three. If you have two, you have two. But if you have one, you have none. What is it?" He asked, amused, and Minho shot her a curious glance as well.
Crystal pondered on the answer for a bit, rubbing her chin with her fingers.
"Choices." She replied after a few seconds, much to Mr. Choi's delight.
"You're clever." He grinned. "Okay... one more question. One of my employees made a harsh mistake that cost us a lot of money. Let's say, someone's salary for a whole year. Should I fire him?"
"That's more of a management question, isn't it?" Crystal smiled.
"Good management is part of any successful business."
"That's correct."
"Of course, this is dependent on more factors, including their performance up until that point and what kind of mistake they've made, but personally I wouldn't fire that employee."
"Why not?" He raised a brow questioningly.
"Because they will never make that mistake again. Someone new might."
"I see... that's an interesting take." Mr. Choi smirked.
"Did you fire them?" Crystal asked, curiosity lacing her tone.
"No. I had the same thoughts as you, and indeed, he hasn't made any mistakes since. He's proven to be a valuable employee."
"That's great. I'm glad it worked out in the end."
"Crystal, dear, what's your biggest weakness?"
"Oh, I'm definitely a perfectionist who doesn't know when to stop." She chuckled.
"Minho, you picked a good one." Mr. Choi stood up from his chair and looked at Crystal. "Apply for a summer internship at our company as an assistant manager. You might just be the right fit." He winked, and with that, he retreated to his room.
Crystal looked at Minho, who looked back at her shocked. He knew she was smart, he just didn't expect her to impress his uncle enough for him to offer her a job.
"So... we should go to sleep too. I'll take you back home tomorrow." Minho stood up and offered her his hand in support. "Sorry, but the whole house's full, so we'd have to sleep in my room... I can sleep on the floor if you're uncomfortable."
"Don't be silly." She chuckled. "We slept many times next to each other."
They went to his bedroom and Minho gave Crystal some clothes to change into. They were a bit too large for her, but they were his, and they smelled just like him, and her heart started beating faster.
She sat down on the bed and waited for him to come back, her heart ringing in her ears. She felt emotional, but most importantly, she felt happy, and he was the main reason for it.
"Thank you so much for today." She smiled as he sat down in front of her. "I've never... had a family dinner like this before. Your family is very sweet, and I had a great time."
"I'm glad you came." He returned her smile.
"Why did you come and get me?"
"Just... you being home on your own on Christmas Eve didn't sit right with me..." He briefly looked away, and she felt her eyes swell up with tears. Why the fuck was he always so thoughtful?
"Thank you. For everything." She leaned in and hugged him, and his arms surrounded her body, dragging her closer, until she ended up in his lap.
They stayed like that for a little while, their hearts beating in unison, and then Minho moved his head a bit away, looking at Crystal.
How beautiful she was like that, in his clothes, with her big dark eyes looking directly into his.
He would be stupid if he let her go again, so he cupped her cheek with his left hand and glanced at her beautiful lips.
The air was stuffy and hot, and he wanted nothing more but to kiss her. He wanted to give in and feel her lips against his, to tell her how beautiful she was, and that he's been in love with her for months now, that he rejected her because he was stupid, and that he's regretted it ever since. He wanted to tell her that she's been occupying his mind all the time, that ever since he left he's been wondering if she ate enough, if she was sleeping well, if work's been difficult.
She wanted to tell him how confused she was once again, because she thought he brought her over as a friend, but now she was in his lap, which must've been the most comfortable place on Earth, and her feelings were all over the place once again, because she's been trying to get rid of her feelings, but they would just come back stronger each time he would do something thoughtful for her.
Instead, they just looked in each other's eyes and tried to understand the other between their unspoken words.
They've both been waiting for the other to say something, and just when Minho gathered enough courage to close the distance between them, a knock on the door pulled them out of their trance, and the moment was gone as quickly as it came.
His mother wanted to check if they had enough pillows and blankets, if Crystal was comfortable, and if there was anything else she could do for them before they went to sleep.
The next morning, Crystal had breakfast with Minho's family, and they all opened presents together and ate the chocolates she brought.
Minho then took her home at her request, as she didn't want to intrude any more than she already had and she would have to get back to work soon anyway, and they both pondered on talking about last night, but still, it just didn't feel right for some reason, so neither said anything.
They hugged goodbye in the car and smiled at each other, and Minho told her he's going to come home after New Year's Eve, because training would resume on January 3rd, since the game itself would be on January 15th.
He was going to have a busy time.
Chapter 17 | Chapter 19
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mymoodwriting · 1 year
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5k, yandere, amnesia, domestic romance, motorcycle accident, car accident, kidnapping, drugs, restraints, blood, fire, murder, guns, threats of violence
“Promise you won’t forget…”
     Kibum was lost in thought when a kiss on the cheek brought him back. He looked over to see you smiling at him, eyes so full of love. He smiled back at you before pressing a kiss to your lips. This was his life now, and he wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“I’m heading off to work.”
“Have a good day.”
“You too.”
    Kibum watched you from the window as you got into your car and drove off. It was such a lovely day, and he was always reminded he was lucky to be alive. Once he finished his coffee he washed the cup and gathered his things so he could head to the shop. As he got his keys from the entrance hall his eyes lingered on a photo of the two of you. He remembered taking it like it was yesterday, when in fact it was over a year old. It went as far back as his memories did.
    Nearly two years ago the two of you had met under very unique circumstances. Your vision was blurred by tears as you had just broken up with a long time boyfriend, so you didn’t realize the light was green. You were crossing the street when you heard a loud engine approaching fast, barely able to make out the motorcycle swerving out of the way to avoid you, and crashing. You quickly dried up your tears and went to check on the cyclist. Now you felt way worse, but you had to keep yourself together.
    You called emergency services and stuck with the cyclist all night. You waited as they underwent emergency surgery, and then stayed with them all night until they woke up the next day. You were relieved they were alive, profusely apologizing and promising to cover all the costs for his bike repairs and hospital bills, only to be met with a strange question. The cyclist asked who you were, which wasn’t odd, but when he asked who he was, and where he was, you realized what had happened. The gentleman was suffering from amnesia, likely a result of the head trauma. The doctor said he should regain his memories over time, so there was nothing to worry about.
    Still, you were responsible for all this, so you took him in. Promising to look after him until his memories returned, and he could reach out to those who knew him. Once he was discharged from the hospital you brought him home, taking care of him as he recovered from his injuries. After a week he remembered his name, Kibum, which was cause for celebration, but that was really the only thing he clearly remembered. He regained notions of his past life, feeling that he was a contract worker, and was good with his hands. He discovered his ability to cook, and when your car had troubles he just seemed to know how to fix it.
    Once he was fully healed he began to do more around the house, not wanting you to overexert yourself for him. Soon enough it felt like you were roommates, and he got used to living with you. Even if he was missing his memories, you never treated him differently, and showed him nothing but kindness. It was impossible not to fall in love with you, so he confessed. He had a new life, and he wanted to spend it with you. It all brought tears to your eyes, you still felt guilty, feeling like you stole him away from those of his past. Yet Kibum swore to you he wouldn’t stop trying to remember who he was, and even if he did, it wouldn’t change his feelings.
    The two of you started a new relationship, and he truly began to build his life with you. Since he was good with his hands he got a job at a mechanic shop, muscle memory and buried knowledge surfacing to allow him to work diligently. Soon enough he was providing for you, wanting to pay back your kindness and love times ten. Even if the way you met was less than ideal, and you still felt bad about it years later, you were both happy to be in each others life, knowing nothing could ever change that fact.
    Kibum made it to the shop, greeting his boss and seeing what he had to work on today. He followed a pretty simple routine, and he enjoyed his quiet life. Although he did have his secrets. Everything he had remembered about himself he told you about, except for one thing. When he had a break he went to the back of the shop, finding his beat up bike. He had been trying to fix it since the accident, hoping to remember something about himself. After all this time he hasn’t had success fixing it or remembering, except for one thing.
    He remembered fire, and an accident, but it wasn’t his bike, or himself. Instead he watched as an overturned car went up in flames. He could remember the fear and guilt he felt, and how that drove him to flee the scene. The night he met you, he had been running from another accident, one he had caused. No wonder he had nearly hit you, he wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings either. He couldn’t remember exactly what happened in regards to his hit and run, but he wanted to. He had quietly been looking into car accidents that had happened back then, to see if he could find the one he caused and trigger some memories. It’s been a year now and he had nothing. It almost made him question if the hit and run had even happened, but he knew it was real, he could feel it.
    Despite his best efforts his bike was still completely thrashed, but he knew he could repair it and return it to its original glory, even if it took years. Being able to ride it again could possibly trigger more memories, especially about the hit and run, so he wouldn’t give up on it. All this he kept a secret from you though, knowing the bike would bring up your guilt and trauma of that night, and that he could possibly expose the dark bit of his past. You were both happy as things were, and he wasn’t going to ruin that. If you somehow found out, and asked him to stop, he’d give it all up in a heartbeat just to keep you by his side. He meant it.
“Kibum. We got a new client. A Mr. Lee.”
    Kibum set down his tools and covered up his bike, heading out to meet a new client. He was informed who to speak with, and what car he would be looking at.
“Hello, I’m Kibum, what can I help you with today Mr. Lee?”
    The gentleman just stared at him. It was already awkward but it kept going, and Kibum couldn’t help but get nervous.
“Uh… sir… are you alright?”
“Kibum… report.”
“I need to know why you brought your car in first so I can examine it and then report to you.”
“Yes… that’s how this works?”
“Is there a problem?” The boss came over. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing, nothing.” The client apologized. “I brought my car because it keeps rattling. Not sure what the cause is but it’s coming from the front.”
“I’ll pop the hood and see what we got going on.” Kibum explained. “Give me a moment.”
    Kibum could feel the client’s eyes on him as he inspected the car. It made him uncomfortable, and complicated his work, but he made it through. He asked for the keys to turn on the engine, hearing the sound for himself and finding the cause. He double checked and then reported to the client, letting them know this could be fixed in a couple of hours, and the estimated cost. They didn’t seem to be listening, simply staring straight at Kibum with a perplexed look on their face. After a moment of awkward silence Kibum directed them to the front to set up payment and give a number to call when the job was done.
    With that done he quickly scurried off to find his tools, hoping the client would be gone and not watch him work. He got lucky in the regard, pushing aside the whole interaction and just focusing on the job. By the time he finished up it was the end of his shift. He double checked everything, and handed the keys over to the front, letting the receptionist know the car was ready for pick up. He cleaned up a bit before heading home to properly shower and change clothes. As he prepared dinner he thought back to that client, wondering why they had been staring. That whole interaction was strange, but at least he wouldn’t be seeing them again.
“Kibum, I’m home!”
    You happily called out to Kibum, running over to find him in the kitchen and hugging him from behind. He giggled and managed to give you a kiss.
“Smells good.”
“You know I’m a great cook.”
“And I’m very lucky to have you. So, how was your day?”
“Good, but a bit strange.”
“Strange? How so?”
“A client brought in their car but they just kept staring at me.”
“Did they do anything to you?”
“No, no, just stared. It was really weird and awkward. Thankfully they left once I started the repairs so I could work in peace.”
“Maybe they just didn’t want anyone touching their car, but obviously they had to have someone fix it up if they couldn’t.”
“You made it home in one piece, so that’s what matters.”
“Yeah. I’m very happy to be here with you. So, how was your day?”
“The usual. Real estate can be boring at times, but it’s nice to help people find a home.”
“You’re really good at your job, you know.”
“I do my best.”
“You helped me find my home.”
“Kibum.” You giggled. “I’m gonna shower.”
“Alright. Dinner should be ready soon.”
“I can’t wait.”
    Life was so perfect for both of you. Every day felt like a dream, and every night you got to be with the one you loved. You tended to fall asleep right away but Kibum would always find himself watching you.
“You know you saved me, right?”
“No…” You were half asleep, but aware of his words. “I nearly got you killed…” 
“You can’t blame yourself over that.”
“Yes I can…”
“Don’t. You saved me that night. I can’t always explain it, but you did. I love you.”
“Love you too…”
“Sleep well.”
    Even if Kibum slept after you, he’d always wake up first. He did so well running on so little sleep it worried you, but during the weekend he certainly slept in. That’s how you always had a warm breakfast to enjoy before going to work.
“Have a good day, Kibum.”
“You too, my love.”
“I’ll see you later.”
    You lived in a quiet little neighborhood, and your job was about a half hour drive, maybe more depending on traffic. When you arrived at the office you greeted your coworkers and checked on what you needed to do. It seemed like another normal day until you had a knock at your door. Your boss introduced you to a potential client, and wanted you to take the lead. You were more than happy.
“Hello, my name is y/n.” You held your hand out. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Minho.” He shook your hand. “The pleasure is all mine.”
“Well, welcome to the neighborhood. I’m more than happy to discuss your budget range and what kind of dream home you’re looking for. We have many options, and I’m sure we have what you’re looking for here.”
“That makes me very happy to hear.”
“Please, have a seat and we can begin.”
    You took a seat after Minho did. You began pulling up the starting paperwork and preparing to enter some things into the system. While you did that Minho was glancing around your office, his eyes landing on a picture of you and Kibum on your desk. He grabbed it, taking a closer look at it.
“Is this your husband?”
“Huh? Oh, no, we’re still boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“How long have you known each other?”
“Uh, about two years now, but we’ve only been dating for a year.”
“Wow, so how did you two meet? It must be a nice story.”
“Oh, no, far from it actually.”
“What do you mean?”
“He crashed his bike because of me and wound up in the hospital. He had to get emergency surgery and I couldn’t just leave his side. Especially once he woke up and it was discovered he had amnesia. The only thing he managed to remember was his name.”
“Yeah… wait, how-”
“Has he remembered anything else? Surely his family is looking for him.”
“Huh? No, sadly his belongings had nothing to identify him or contact others. He’s still trying to remember, but it’s been years now.”
“Do you want him to remember?”
“Of course. There are those out there looking for him. We’ve tried reaching out to nearby towns, but it seems he isn’t from around here. So it’s been difficult. He doesn’t even know his last name, so it’s not like we could search the web for him.”
“That’s quite a story. Very unique. You found each other and fell in love under such circumstances.”
“Yep. Certainly a memorable first meet.” You cleared your throat. “Apologies for the ranting. We can begin the process of finding you a home. If you fill out these papers we-”
    Minho’s phone suddenly began ringing and he apologized, saying he needed to take it. He didn’t say anything and just listened before hanging up.
“I’m afraid something has come up and I must be leaving.”
“I do intend to return. Settling down is a long process after all.” Minho stood and held out a card. “I apologize for wasting your time like this today.”
“No, no, I understand.” You stood and took the card, giving your own. “Let me know if you wish to set up a proper appointment when it’s convenient for you.”
“Thank you.”
    You saw Minho out, hoping everything was alright with whatever that call had been about. At least now you could continue with your original workload and not get behind on anything. For lunch you ate what Kibum had made for you, sending him a picture and telling him how much you loved him. He questioned if it wasn’t just his food you loved, but you assured him it was all him. Even if he couldn’t cook you’d still love him the same. When you got home later you found the kitchen surprisingly empty.
“Welcome home.”
    Kibum rushed downstairs to greet you, pulling you into a hug and spinning you around. You laughed and held him tight, being put down and met with plenty of kisses.
“Ya, ya, you know I’m ticklish.”
“Maybe I want to hear more of your laugh.”
“Aren’t you a little trouble maker?” You teased. “Did you already make dinner? Or is it my turn?”
“Actually, I was wondering if you’d let me take you out tonight. It’s been a while since we had a date night.”
“Hm… I like the sound of that.”
“Then go get ready. I have the perfect place in mind.”
“Alright, I’m very excited.”
    You rushed up to shower, but picking an outfit and getting ready was a whole other story. At some point Kibum was calling out to you, asking you if you were alright and needed help. You asked for five more minutes, knowing Kibum would find you beautiful, regardless of what you choose to wear. As you went down, he watched you in awe.
“There she is. The most beautiful woman in the world.”
“And I get to be with the most handsome man in the universe.”
“Aish, had to one up me?”
“Of course. Shall we?”
“We shall.”
    Kibum drove you into town, and you already had an idea as to where he was taking you. Once you found parking he was such a gentleman, getting the door for you and helping you out.
“So sweet.”
“Only the best for you.”
    You hooked your arm around him and let him lead the way. It was a beautiful night, and a quiet one, that is until two gentlemen approached you. Kibum’s grip on you got tighter as the two were strangers, at least to him.
“Oh, Minho.” You were surprised to see him. “It’s nice to see you again. What brings you out tonight?”
“I was looking for you.”
“Really? Well I’m not working right now but-”
“Uh… you know my boyfriend?” You looked at Kibum. “You know him?”
“I don’t.” 
    Kibum was tense, not liking this at all. He couldn’t explain it, but this didn’t feel right. The fact you seemed to know this person made him all the more uneasy.
“We should go.” 
“But we just-”
    Kibum gently pulled you along, wanting to get back to the car. Although when he turned around there were two others standing there. This time he did recognize one of them, the weird client from before.
“You two should come with us.” Mr. Lee spoke. “And we’re not asking.”
“Everything’s going to be okay, baby.” Kibum assured. “I’ll get out my wallet and give you everything, alright.”
“We don’t want your money.”
    Mr. Lee nodded his head, and suddenly you were grabbed and pulled away. A rag was quickly over your mouth, muffling your screams, and drugging you into unconsciousness. Kibum tried to grab you, only to be yanked forward and then get sucker punched. He collapsed to the floor, his vision a blur. He could barely make you out before he got kicked in the face and everything went dark.
    As Kibum regained consciousness he could feel the restraints around his body. He found himself some place dark and empty, like a warehouse, and he was tied to a chair. You were across from him, tied up as well, but still unconscious.
“Y/n! Y/n, wake up!”
“Hm…” You slowly opened your eyes. “Where… Kibum… Kibum!”
    You immediately began to struggle against your restraints, but you couldn’t break them. You were terrified, tears sliding down your cheeks.
“Kibum, what’s happening! Where are we?!”
“It’s okay, everything’s going to be okay. I’ll get us out of this.”
    You were trying not to get lost in panic and fear, but you screamed when you suddenly felt hands on your shoulders. You looked over to see Minho, and three others, but they weren’t looking at you, just staring straight ahead at Kibum.
“What do you want from us!” Kibum yelled. “What the hell is this?!”
“Do you have any idea how long we’ve been looking for you?” Minho said. “We thought you were dead.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“You… you know him…” You mumbled. “You know Kibum… you’re from his past…aren’t you?”
“What… you know me?”
“More than this girl here. Rumor is you have amnesia, and I don’t quite believe that.”
“You think I’m joking?”
“I can vaguely understand why you’d lie, but this has gone on long enough.”
“I’ve tried to remember! I have, but I can’t!”
“Or you won’t. Taemin, what did the hospital reports say?”
“Kibum’s file does show he got into an accident on the 13th of February, originally admitted as a John Doe, and was given emergency surgery.” Taemin stated. “It also notes his amnesia and claims it to be temporary. By now he should have completely recovered. The fact he hasn’t is quite an anomaly.”
“You say you want to remember.” Minho stated. “But I have reason to believe you don’t.”
“Why wouldn’t I want to remember my past? You think I don’t want y/n to meet my parents? You think I don’t want to show her my hometown, tell her where and how I spent my childhood? I want to remember who I am so I can share my life with her!”
Minho scoffed. “You have no idea how badly you’re lying to yourself. But if you really want to remember we can help with that. Jinki.”
    You heard a gun cock, and suddenly felt cold metal against your head. You could vaguely make out the weapon in the corner of your eye, and you started crying and screaming.
“Please don’t kill me! Please, please!”
“Don’t hurt her!” Kibum screamed. “She has nothing to do with this.”
“If you don’t want to see her brains blown out then come to your senses.” Jinki spat. “This isn’t who you are! It’s fucken laughable that you’re pretending.”
“I’m not pretending! I can’t remember.”
“I can’t just summon my memories!”
“Try. We’re actually giving you a chance here. I’m sure killing this girl would bring it all back, but we’re not one to take innocent lives so carelessly.”
“I can’t!”
“I told you I can’t!”
    The gun was aimed up at the ceiling and fired, making you jump and sob harder. You couldn’t do anything. You knew Kibum had always been trying to remember his past, but for whatever reason he couldn’t. When you had spoken to the doctor about it, they said it was possible something traumatic from his past was preventing his recovery. You never told him this. The Kibum you knew was enough, you were happy with him, and he seemed happy too. Now you were starting to feel like maybe you shouldn’t have lied to him in the first place.
“I can’t!”
“I remember that night!”
“Now we’re getting somewhere.” Minho said. “Explain.”
“The night of the accident…”
“We know about your-”
“Not that one… the other one… from before… the car accident… the hit and run… I remember it…”
“Hm, what do you remember about it?”
“The details aren’t clear… but I was the reason the car flipped over… I didn’t stay… I didn’t check to make sure they were alright… I fled the scene… I wasn’t thinking straight… and because of that I nearly hit someone…”
    You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. He had clearly known for a while, and had kept this to himself. You couldn’t imagine the agony he had been because of it. You wanted to comfort him, to tell him everything was going to be okay, but then the four who had kidnapped you began laughing.
“Is that what you really think happened?” The fourth spoke. “You caused an accident and fled the scene?”
“I… I don’t understand…”
“Think harder.” Jinki said, pressing the gun against your head with more force. “What really happened that night?”
“I told you the memories-”
“Try! You think you were a coward and fled the scene, and that’s why you don’t want to remember. You feel guilty, but that’s not true at all.”
“How about I knock some sense into him.”
    Taemin walked over to Kibum, pressing a fist to his palm. You screamed at him to leave Kibum alone, but all you could do was watch as Kibum was knocked out cold.
    As Kibum came to, he found himself somewhere different. He was no longer in the empty warehouse tied up. This time he was alone, and on a vaguely familiar road. As he looked around he began to hear the sounds of fire crackling, and slowly looked back to see an overturned car on fire.
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“No… no, no, no!”
    Kibum rushed to his feet and tried to run away, but no matter how far, no matter how long he ran, the burning car remained behind him. He was exhausted, stumbling about, trying to block out this part of him. Then you came to mind, and he remembered you were in danger. If he couldn’t remember who he was, then he’d lose you forever. Kibum took a breath and faced the fire, cautiously walking towards the wreck. He feared every step, and then suddenly the events of that night came rushing back, that dreadful night.
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    He had been riding on a quiet road, but with purpose. Eventually he came across another vehicle. He swerved around it, getting ahead, and then he dropped something behind him. A moment later he heard an explosion, swerving his motorcycle to the side to watch as the car flipped over. Once it settled he removed his helmet and got off the bike. He grabbed pieces from the sides, combining them all as he stepped towards the wreck. When his weapon was complete he started it up, using a flamethrower to add to fire, making it grow bigger and brighter.
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    Perhaps there were some screams to be heard, but he paid them no mind. He kept at it until he heard nothing but the crackles of the flame. His job was done, and he retreated. Reassembling his motorcycle as it should be and riding off. He had a destination in mind, and kept on the road he was traveling on. Considering how late into the night it was it should have been a smooth ride, but there was a complication. As he was passing through a town he saw a civilian crossing the street, stumbling about. He wasn’t going to hurt someone, and swerved out of the way. The crash was far worse than he anticipated. Now Kibum was back at the crash site, watching the car go up in flames.
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    Everything had changed now. The guilt was eating him alive, knowing this wasn’t just his recklessness, but that he caused it on purpose. Still, he couldn’t understand why. He wondered what kind of person he was to do such a thing, and then his life flashed before him. Suddenly the people who attacked him were familiar, the reason for his actions made sense, and the guilt faded away. One moment he had been in despair, the next he was laughing, maniacally. 
“I’m the killer.”
    Key inhaled softly, his eyes opening as he lifted his head up. He took a deep breath, tilting his head to the side. His eyes landed on you, tears still streaming down your face with a gun pointed to your head. He rolled his eyes, beginning to move about with his restraints and ultimately freeing himself.
“Put the gun down, Jinki. We don’t hurt innocent people.”
“There he is.”
    The gun was lowered and the four boys approached Kibum, seeming like old friends. You had no idea what was going on, but you could certainly see that Kibum had changed.
“Ki… Kibum…”
“You shouldn’t know that name.”
    Kibum put his attention on you, walking in your direction. Your tears had stopped, but you were still afraid. Moreso when Kibum got close, placing his hands on your arms and leaning in close to you.
“The name’s actually Key.” He chuckled. “I should probably apologize for stringing you along, but really it was you who messed with me.”
“Wa… what?”
“Your little broken heart made you reckless, and cost me two years.”
“Me… I don’t-”
“While you were busy helping me heal, I was healing your heart inadvertently, and you were carving yourself into mine. Quite rude of you don’t you think? Taking advantage of someone in such a vulnerable state.”
“I… I never… that wasn’t my intention! I was just repaying-”
“Two years of my life. If you had just left me alone after the accident I would have regained my memories and returned to my brothers.”
“I… I never meant-”
“We don’t hurt innocent people! That night I was afraid of hitting you, of hurting you, and those feelings stuck, manipulating my memories. Making me think the car accident was my fault and something to feel guilty about when that wasn’t the case at all. Causing me to bury everything about my past!”
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, if I had known I’d do this to you I never would-”
“Liar. I know your heart, you wouldn’t be able to leave me alone even if you knew what you’d do cause that’s the kind of person you are. Surely you’d try to leave me when I was better, but by then it’d be too late for either of us to let go.”
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry, Kibum-”
“Quiet. The question is what do I do with you now? You know me, well, not the real me, but you do know me regardless. We can’t have you running around.”
“I… I won’t tell anyone about you… I’ll move away… destroy all your pictures… I’ll forget you, just please… please, don’t kill me.” 
“We don’t kill the innocent.” Jinki reminded. “But what are we going to do with her? Whether she does all that or not, it doesn’t change the fact she knows your face. Our faces now too.”
“I’ll forget everything! I swear it!”
“Doubtful, unless we give her massive brain damage.” Jonghyun said. “Make her forget everything about us, and maybe other stuff.”
“That leaves the possibility of her remembering down the line.” Minho stated. “So it’s risky.”
“How about I just keep you.” Key suggested. “After all, I do own your heart.”
“Wa… what…”
“Yes. I like that idea. Let’s take her with us.”
“Seriously?” Taemin questioned. “Is that really a good idea?”
“It’s not like she can run away from us. Besides…” Key pressed a kiss to your head. “She’s mine. Isn’t that right, love?”
“Uh… I…”
“It’s a yes or no question.”
“Ye… yes…”
“Good girl. Promise you won’t forget.”
“I… I won’t… forget…”
    The others had gathered around. Key reached over into Minho’s jacket pocket, pulling out a rag. You immediately knew what that was, getting a bit tense. This wasn’t the Kibum you had known for the past two years, he was gone. Key, as he said his name was, he was someone else, and you weren’t sure what he was capable of. His words were still processing, but that was secondary to the fear.
“You don’t need to be scared. I know you have lots of questions but we’ll save those for later.” Key pressed the rag against your face. “Sweet dreams, love.”
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itzynabi · 2 years
big news
summary: in which eve has something to tell her ahjussis
word count: 1.1k
set: 6 september 2022
warnings: some tears
an: idek if shinee was in korea at this time, i'm just taking a leap of faith. please enjoy! feedback and reblogs are much appreciated
eve’s masterlist
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Eve was nervous the entire time she drove to Kibum’s apartment. Did she call the boys there? Yes. Did she actually want to go? Yes and no. Yes because she hasn’t seen them in a while, and no because she knew she was going to tell them about her and San.
Don’t be nervous. What could go wrong? Don’t be nervous. What could go wrong? Don’t be nervous. What could go wrong? That was playing as a mantra in her head, over and over as she parked her car, got into the elevator, stood outside Kibum’s door and Even now, as she stood in front of his couch where he, Jinki and Minho were sitting, staring at her in confusion and curiosity.
“You’re probably wondering why I called you here today,” Eve said, looking them all in the eye.
“Of course we are,” Jinki said.
“Well wonder no more. Because I am going to tell you now,” Eve said, then kept quiet and looked down. The boys passed looks on the couch in confusion.
“Are you telling us now or..?” Minho asked.
“Just give me a second to be dramatic please.” Was she starting to get nervous? Totally. Did she want the ground to swallow her whole? 100%.
“Oh, sorry. Take your time.”
“Thank you,” Eve sighed. “I have big news to tell you.”
“I’m so hungry,” Kibum complained, absentmindedly playing with Garçon.
“You should’ve had breakfast. This news is very big. I don’t think you guys are ready for it,” Eve said, stalling as she felt her heart start beating faster than normal.
“You’re making me scared.” Jinki looked at the other members quizzically.
“That’s crazy because I’m also scared.” Eve raked her hand through her hair and started tapping her foot.
Kibum stopped playing with Garçon and looked at Eve, noticing the tremor in her voice. “What is it?”
“Well, as I said before, it’s big news,” Eve said as tears welled in her eyes, silently cursing her nerves for getting the best of her.
“Ah, why are you crying?” Minho asked as Kibum got up and hugged her, kissing her hair.
“I don’t know!” Eve groaned and wiped her eyes. Kibum rubbed her back comfortingly, looking over her head at the two boys on the couch.
“Are you okay?” Jinki asked.
“Yeah,” Eve took a deep breath and stepped out of Kibum’s embrace, looking at the three men in front of her before letting her eyes land on Kibum. “Ihaveaboyfriend,” she muttered under her breath.
“Eh?” Minho asked, leaning forward to try to hear her better.
“I have a boyfriend,” Eve repeated louder, still keeping her eyes on her brother, who just looked at her blankly.
“Like a male friend? Many people have those,” Jinki said, looking at Minho and Kibum questioningly.
Eve chuckled dryly. “No, oppa. Like a boyfriend. You know, romantic partner?” she added the last part when she noticed the boys still looked confused.
Kibum was the first member to understand what she was saying and lightly punched her arm. “Yah! Is that what you were so scared to tell us?”
“Yeah, I mean you guys overreact every time a male so much as looks at me so… I don’t know,” Eve sighed defeatedly, putting her hands on her hips. “I thought you guys might be upset, or disappointed or something.”
“Ey, that’s just to annoy you,” Minho said as Kibum led her back to the couch, holding her hand. She was now between him and Kibum. “We don’t actually mean it.” He reached over and nudged her shoulder.
“Yeah. That’s just us being overprotective of you with the intention of annoying you,” Jinki adds.
“Thanks,” Eve said dryly, accepting the tissue Minho gave her.
“So,” Kibum started, singsongingly, “who’s the lucky guy? Is it the one you told me about?”
“Yeah, it’s him.” Eve playfully rolled her eyes as a light blush coated her cheeks.
"”Wait, wait, wait. Kibum knows who he is? That’s unfair!” Minho complained.
“How is it unfair? We’re siblings! We gossip and update each other about our lives! Don’t you do that with your siblings?” Kibum retaliated.
“Well, I do, but I want to know what’s going on in Nabi’s life.”
“Don’t worry ahjussi, I haven’t updated Kibum oppa about it ever since he told Taeyeon unnie, who then told Hyoyeon unnie, who told Sooyoung unnie, who told Tiffany unnie. And they all one by one gave me advice on how to deal with my crush,” Eve said as Kibum looked away in shame and Jinki laughed.
“Wow! You really can’t be trusted with secrets,” Jinki said from the end of the couch.
“I don’t even remember telling her!” Kibum defended himself.
“That’s so funny — hilarious even — but I just want to know who your boyfriend is,” Minho interrupted, causing Kibum to reach over Eve and pinch him.
“I don’t know if you know him. He’s San from ATEEZ. He’s really funny and kind and sweet. He asked if he could be my boyfriend and I said yes,” Eve said, tucking some hair behind her ears.
“He asked if he could be your boyfriend?” Jinki asked.
“Not if you would be his girlfriend?”
“Nope.” Eve shook her head.
“Wow. people are really stepping it up these days.” Jinki rubbed his hand over his face.
“I approve!” Minho exclaimed. “Him asking to be your boyfriend is the best thing I’ve ever heard someone do, seriously. And we all know that you wouldn’t say yes to him without thinking things through.”
“Thank you, ahjussi,” Eve chuckled.
“Did you tell your members? And the company?” Kibum asked, still holding Eve’s hand.
“Yeah. They weren’t surprised in the slightest,” Eve answered, leaning back into the couch.
“Who else did you tell?"” Jinki asked.
“No one else. I’m gonna tell mom and dad either today or tomorrow. But I wanted to tell you guys first because, believe it or not, I care about what you losers think.”
“So sweet,” Kibum said dryly and dropped Eve’s hand, causing her to laugh and lean on Minho instead.
“Once again, I’m shocked by how much you’ve grown,” Jinki said. “It makes me feel like I’m a dad.” He wiped away fake tears.
“The whole lot of you are so dramatic. No wonder I turned out like this.” The boys laughed at her, Minho jokingly nudging her in the ribcage.
“Next time you have news to share with us, how about you don’t call us at 6am on our day off?” Minho asked.
“I’ll try my best,” Eve said coyly.
“You know we’re gonna support you no matter what you do. As long as it’s not illegal, though,” he added seriously.
“Taemin ahjussi would,” Eve muttered under her breath, causing the three older males to roll their eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. You demon children like to cause trouble,” Jinki said, causing Eve to laugh.
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tagging: @lunarxsun // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea
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©️ kim nabi
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softieming · 2 years
NOTE: Hello! I have been inactive for years but I’m still here lol I will still try to post from time to time but I won’t be accepting requests for now since I can’t promise that I will be very active again here~ hehe always stay safe and healthy!  ♡
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Lee Jinki
soft but serious af when working
Greets every employee with a smile
Treats his team to dinner at least twice a month
Gets along with his employees
Has an inner Chrisitian Grey vibe (i know. I’m sorry, I had to)
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Kim Jonghyun
Brings Roo to office to play with everyone
Almost wanna cry when someone resigns
Always sings when working
Makes sure everyone is doing okay
Doesn’t let his employees suffer from too much stress and pressure
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Kim Kibum
A strict yet fun boss
Wants everything to be done as soon as possible
But commends and appreciates all the employees’ efforts
Makes the team laugh
OOTD is always on point
Loves having team parties, he is indeed the life of the party
Has an aesthetic office-- but messy drawers lol
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Choi Minho
Very hardworking
Hates losing to other companies or teams
Gets disappointed when someone fails to do their job properly
But will help the employee think of a way to resolve it
Makes sure everyone is doing their job
Goes straight to gym after work
Plays golf with his colleagues on weekends
Brings coffee for the whole team
Everyone has a crush on him
Has an inner Christian Grey vibe too....
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Lee Taemin
A boss who doesn’t seem like one
Plays vid games in his office
Ask his employees to play with him
But works hard whenever he has to
A boss but at the same time a baby
Everyone is soft for him
Everyone calls him “boss baby” behind his back
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Requests are closed. // check MASTERLIST for more. Please do not repost without my permission. Thank you ♡  
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juicy-moonrose · 1 year
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Chapter [ 3 ]
Flash Back On - 2017
Teras Rumah Jeff
Sore itu Dylan dan Jeff terlihat sedang berbincang di teras rumah Jeff, sambil menatap layar ponsel masing-masing. Sejak masuk kuliah Dylan diizinkan oleh Orang Tuanya untuk tinggal di rumah Jeff, karena saat ini Jeff tinggal sendiri dirumahnya, sementara kedua orang tua Jeff kembali pindah ke Bandung.
"Aah, teu hayang urang nonton horror!"* Jeff menolak ajakan Dylan untuk menonton film horror yang sedang booming dunia perfilman Indonesia.
“Nonton sorangan we ditu.”**  Sambungnya. 
“Yeu cupu!” Ledek Dylan.
Ternyata mereka sedang memperdebatkan tentang film yang akan ditonton besok sabtu, Jeff berencana mengajak Dylan berkeliling Jakarta. Jeff memasang wajah kesalnya, mendengar ledekan Dylan, dia pun berdiri dari duduknya.
"Rek kamana?"*** Tanya Dylan.
“Boker!” jawab Jeff ketus, padahal dia hanya berniat berdiri saja.
*Ahh ogah gue nonton horror! **Lo nonton sendiri aja. *** Mau kemana?
Saat Jeff berdiri, dia melihat Letta sedang berjalan didepan rumahnya, kemudian memanggilnya.
“Oii Letta!!” Jeff berteriak memanggil Letta, tapi Letta tidak menghiraukan panggilan Jeff. Dylan pun melihat Letta yang berjalan melewati rumah Jeff, terlihat Letta seperti sedang asik mendengarkan lagu.
“Pake earphone pasti tuh anak.” gumam Jeff, kemudian mengambil salah satu sandalnya, lalu berjalan ke arah pagar rumahnya, dan mengambil ancang-ancang untuk melempar sandalnya.
Dylan melihat apa yang akan dilakukan oleh Jeff, “Lo mau ngapain Letta?”
“Mancing! Manggil lah!”
“Ga usah lo lempar sendal juga.” kata Dylan. Jeff tidak menggubris perkataan Dylan, dia pun melempar Letta dengan sandalnya.
“WOII LAMPIR!!” Jeff pun berteriak dan lemparan sandalnya.
Plak!! Lemparan Jeff tepat mengenai kepala Letta.
Letta pun terkejut dan berbalik, lalu melihat wajah Jeff yang sedang tertawa. Dia langsung mengambil sendal tadi dan berlari mengejar Jeff.
“JEFF SIALAN!! SAKIT BEGOO!!!” teriak Letta sambil mengejar Jeff, Jeff pun berlari ke halaman rumahnya, Letta pun mengikuti arah lari Jeff.
Mereka kejar-kejaran di halaman rumah, Dylan hanya bergeleng-geleng dan tersenyum melihat kelakuan kedua temannya yang seperti anak-anak.
“Hahaha udah Jeff, kasian Letta.” Dylan tertawa memperlihatkan eyes smile-nya.
Jeff berlari kebelakang Dylan untuk melindungi diri dari amukan Letta.
“EH TIANG!! JANGAN NGUMPET!!” ucap Letta, karena dipikirnya tinggi Dylan tidak setinggi Jeff, dia pun melempar sandal yang ada di tangannya ke arah Jeff yang berdiri di belakang Dylan. 
Plak!! Lemparan Letta tidak sampai ke Jeff, sandal yang di lempar Letta malah mengenai wajah Dylan.
Suasana yang tadinya gaduh menjadi hening seketika, memperlihatkan wajah Dylan yang memerah menahan marah.
“Untung Letta.” gumam Dylan dalam hati.
Letta pun berjalan mendekati Dylan dan meminta maaf, “Dylan sorry.” katanya dengan rasa bersalah. Letta membersihkan wajah Dylan yang terkena lemparan sendal tadi, dengan mata tertutup Dylan merasakan sentuhan tangan Letta di wajahnya. Muncul getaran aneh di dalam diri Dylan saat tangan Letta menyentuh wajahnya.
“Lo sih Jeff!!” Tuduh Letta ke Jeff.
“Lah kok gue? Lo yang lempar sendalnya.” Elak Jeff.
“Kan lo yang mulai!” Kata Letta tidak mau kalah, sekarang dia mengusap pipi Dylan.
“Udah-udah!” Dylan pun akhirnya bersuara untuk menghentikan pertengkaran mereka dan berusaha mengalihkan getaran aneh yang muncul tadi. Letta pun menjauhkan kedua tangannya dari wajah Dylan.
Dylan membuka kedua matanya dan langsung melihat wajah Letta di depan wajahnya. Satu detik, dua detik, tiga detik, hingga sekian detik, mata Dylan tidak berkedip dan menahan nafasnya saat melihat wajah Letta yang terlihat khawatir dan merasa bersalah.
“Kamu gapapa Lan?” Tanya Letta yang menyadari keterdiaman Dylan.
“Haah— gu— aku, gapapa.” Jawab Dylan tergagap.
“Cihh! Aku-kamu, dulu lo sama gue ga gitu Lett!!” Protes Jeff ke Letta.
“Suka-suka gue, sirik ajee!! Bwekk!!”
“Berisik!” Kata Dylan sambil menoyor kepala Jeff, kemudian tanpa berkata-kata dia masuk kedalam rumah.
“Kan Dylan ngambek, lo sih Jeff!!” Letta menyalahkan Jeff karena Dylan tiba-tiba masuk ke dalam rumah.
Padahal yang terjadi sebenarnya adalah Dylan hanya ingin menghindari Letta sementara, entah kenapa tadi tiba-tiba saja muncul getaran aneh dalam diri Dylan saat Letta menyentuh wajahnya.
“Huft! Gue kenapa ya?” tanyanya pada diri sendiri. Dia pun mengambil segelas air minum untuk dirinya. Sebelum kembali, dia mengambil segelas air minum lagi untuk dibawa ke teras.
Setelah Dylan merasa sedikit tenang, dia pun kembali ke teras menghampiri kedua manusia yang jarang akur jika bertemu. Dylan melihat Letta yang duduk di lantai teras sambil melihat ponselnya, sedang Jeff duduk dikursi yang tak jauh dari Letta.
“Nih minum.” Dylan memberikan Letta segelas air minum yang diambilnya tadi.
“Wuihh makasih Dylan, tau aja aku haus.” Ucap Letta tersenyum, Dylan ikut tersenyum dan tanpa sadar mengelus pucuk kepala Letta.
Jeff yang melihat Dylan memberikan segelas air minum hanya ke Letta pun protes, “Letta doang? Buat gue mana?”
“Ambil sendiri.” kata Dylan sambil tersenyum menatap Letta yang menegak minuman yang dia berikan tadi sampai habis. Jeff menyadari tatapan Dylan yang berbeda ke Letta, muncul ide cemerlang di otaknya.
“Eh Lett, lo bukannya mau nonton film Pengabdi Iblis?” Tanya Jeff tiba-tiba.
“Iya, belom ada temennya nihh. Temenin yukk—” Letta menoleh ke Jeff.
“Noh sama Dylan, dia pengen nonton juga.” Kata Jeff sambil menunjuk Dylan dengan dagunya.
Letta pun berbalik ke Dylan yang duduk disebelahnya, “Serius Lan, kamu mau nonton juga?” tanya Letta dengan mata yang berbinar. Dylan mengangguk menjawab pertanyaan Letta.
“Yes!! Akhirnya ada temen nonton.” Ucap Letta senang.
“Emang temen-temen kamu ga ada yang mau nonton?” Tanya Dylan.
“Hahaha, ya ada tapi— pada nonton sama pasangan masing-masing.” Jawab Letta manyun.
“Kamu ga punya pasangan?” Tanya Dylan menyelidik. Letta menggeleng lesu, tanpa Letta sadari Dylan tersenyum tipis mendengar jawaban Letta.
Matahari senja pun digantikan oleh rembulan yang menyinari kegelapan dimalam itu dan menemani tiga remaja yang sedang bermain kartu di teras rumah Jeff.
“Hahaha! Kalah terus Lett!” Ledek Jeff ketika Letta kalah bermain kartu untuk yang kesekian kalinya. Sejak permainan pertama di mulai, Letta hanya sekali menang. Letta memasang wajah cemberutnya mendengar ledekan Jeff, Dylan hanya menghela nafas karena sejak tadi melihat Letta dan Jeff saling meledek.
Tidak terasa malam pun semakin larut, akhirnya Letta pamit untuk pulang dan Dylan mengantar Letta dengan berjalan kaki sampai kerumahnya.
“Harusnya kamu ga usah repot-repot anter aku.” Kata Letta sambil berjalan berdampingan dengan Dylan.
“Gapapa, sekalian beli nasi goreng ke pertigaan sana.” Kata Dylan.
“Sampai!!” ucap Letta saat berhenti di pagar kayu bercat putih.
“Makasih Dylan, see you tomorrow.”
“Oh iya besok mau dijemput jam berapa?” Tanya Dylan.
“Hmm, sebelum maksi kali yah, jam sebelasan? Jadi maksi di deket-deket bioskop aja.” Usul Letta.
“Okk!!” Dylan setuju dengan usulan Letta.
“Oiya, besok aku jemput pakai motor ya.” Kata Dylan sekedar memberi informasi agar Letta memakai pakaian yang nyaman.
“Sipp, thanks Dylan.” kata Letta dan dia membuka pagar kayu tersebut.
“Aku masuk dulu ya, udah sana, nanti kehabisan nasgornya, hehe.” Kata Letta saat badannya sudah masuk setengah.
“Tadi udah pesen lewat chat kok, jadi tinggal ambil. Kamu masuk duluan aja, nanti aku baru pergi.” Ucap Dylan.
“Okk, bye Dylan see you Tomorrow.” Letta pun masuk dan menutup pagarnya.
Dylan tersenyum setelah melihat Letta masuk, dia pun melangkah menjauh dari rumah Letta untuk mengambil Nasi Goreng pesanannya. Dylan bertanya-tanya pada dirinya sendiri, kenapa saat disisi Letta, seperti ada kupu-kupu yang menggelitik perutnya. Dia pun mengacak-acak rambutnya, tidak mengerti yang terjadi kepada dirinya.
Keesokan harinya tepat pukul sebelas siang, Dylan sudah di depan rumah Letta dengan motornya. Dylan mengirim pesan ke Letta kalau dirinya sudah sampai depan rumah Letta.
Tidak lama dari Dylan mengirim pesan, terdengar suara pagar kayu putih terbuka dan muncul Letta memakai celana jeans, kaos putih dengan outer kemeja kotak-kotak berwarna biru, dan tidak lupa dia membawa tas selempang kanvasnya.
Letta tersenyum saat melihat Dylan dan langsung menyapanya, “Hei,” Dylan menoleh ke Letta.
Dylan terpana melihat rambut panjang Letta yang di gerai begitu saja, mungkin jika Dylan tidak memakai helm, kuping Dylan akan terlihat merah, tapi untungnya saat ini dia sedang memakai helm.
“On time banget, untung aku cepet siap-siapnya,” kata Letta.
“Hello— ” Letta mengibas-ngibaskan tangannya didepan wajah Dylan karena melihat Dylan hanya terdiam.
“Oh iya, pake helm dulu nih.” Kata Dylan setelah sadar dari lamunannya dan memakaikan helm yang dia bawanya untuk Letta.
“Berangkat!!” Kata Letta dengan ceria sambil naik ke kursi penumpang.
Akhirnya mereka pun tiba di sebuah Mall Jakarta, tempat Letta selalu hangout dengan teman-temannya atau pun me time. Letta menunggu Dylan untuk parkir motornya didepan pintu masuk Mall yang ada didekat parkiran motor Basement.
Dylan menahan senyumnya saat sudah ada di hadapan Letta, “Kalo mau ketawa, ketawa aja.” Ucap Letta.
“Hahaha,” Dylan tidak tahan untuk tidak tertawa “Katanya tau jalan kesini, tapi malah salah kasih arah.” Ucap Dylan.
“Ya maklum, otak aku limit kalo buat inget jalan.” Ucap Letta.
“Hahaha iya-iya, kita beli tiket nonton dulu kan?” Tanya Dylan.
“Iya, habis itu makan siang sekalian nunggu jam tayangnya.” Jawab Letta.
Mereka melangkah masuk ke dalam Mall dan menaiki lift disana, saat di dalam lift Dylan iseng bertanya ke Letta, “Ini— kamu inget jalan ke Bioskop?”
“INGET DYLAAAN!!!” teriak Letta, untungnya di dalam lift tersebut hanya mereka berdua saja.
Dylan pun tertawa, “Hahahahaha, ga heran kalo Jeff suka gangguin kamu, seru juga gangguin kamu.”
“Jangan nyebelin kayak Jeff!” Kesal Letta.
“Ga nyasar kan,” ucap Letta bangga saat mereka sampai didepan Bioskop.
“Yuk, keburu kehabisan tiket.” Kata Letta sambil menarik Dylan ke dalam Bioskop dan Dylan pun mengekori Letta.
Setelah mengantri cukup panjang, Letta dan Dylan melangkah menjauh dari loket, dengan wajah Letta yang murung.
“Udah jangan cemberut.” Kata Dylan berusaha menghibur Letta.
“Coba tadi ga nyasar dulu, pasti ga kehabisan tiket.” Kata Letta menyesal karena saat perjalanan kesini tadi, mereka sempat kesasar.
“Kalau besok gimana? Kamu bisa?” Tanya Dylan.
“Hmm ga tau. Besok rencana mau pergi sama Bunda sama Nando.” Jawab Letta lesu.
“Kalau besok bisa kabarin aku aja, kita langsung janjian disini, gimana?” Dylan berusaha memberikan saran, agar mood Letta kembali membaik.
“Liat besok ya.” Kata Letta dan dia berjalan pelan menjauhi Dylan.
Karena moodnya yang memburuk, dia hanya diam selama berjalan menelusuri lantai Mall. Dylan pun ikut terdiam juga, hanya mengikuti Letta dari belakang. Dia berpikir keras, bagaimana caranya mengembalikan mood Letta.
Kemudian Dylan pun teringat tempat makan yang disarankan oleh Jeff sebelum dia berangkat tadi. Dia pun menyusul Letta, menyamai langkahnya dengan Letta.
“Lett—“ Dylan memanggil Letta saat langkahnya sejajar dengannya.
“Hmm.” Letta hanya bergumam menjawab panggilan Dylan.
“Kamu ga laper?” tanya Dylan, Letta menggeleng menjawab pertanyaan Dylan.
“Yakin?” Tanya Dylan lagi.
“Yakin.” Jawab Letta, tapi ga berapa lama terdengar suara dari perut Letta.
Mereka pun berhenti melangkah, Letta menatap Dylan dengan cengiran. Mulut bisa berbohong, tapi perut tidak bisa berbohong.
“Hehe, kedengeran ya?” Tanya Letta malu.
Dylan tersenyum, “Makan yuk, aku juga laper,” ajak Dylan. “Sebelum jemput kamu tadi, Jeff kasih rekomen tempat makan.” Kata Dylan.
“Oiyah? Dimana?” Tanya Letta penasaran, karena kalau Jeff yang kasih saran pasti aneh-aneh.
“Kalau ga salah nama tempatnya Soto Gebrak.” Jawab Dylan dengan semangat.
“Ohh aku tau, itu tempat langganan aku sama yang lain. Ayokk!!” Kata Letta dengan semangat, kemudian merangkul lengan Dylan untuk segera menuju tempat Parkir Motor. Dylan pun tersenyum senang melihat mood Letta perlahan kembali membaik.
Soto Gebrak
Akhirnya mereka pun sampai ke tempat makan atas rekomendasi Jeff. Letaknya ga jauh dari Mall yang mereka datangi tadi, warung soto tersebut terletak disebuah ruko dipinggir jalan.
“Halo Bang!!” saat masuk ke tempat tersebut Letta menyapa penjual Soto yang sudah dikenal.
“Eh mbak Letta, apa kabare? Udah lama ga kesini.” Kata penjual Soto itu.
“Sibuk kuliah bang, maklum baru masuk, banyak tugas. Hehehehe, pesen dua kayak biasa ya bang.” Kata Letta sambil mengajak Dylan duduk, ga jauh dari gerobak soto yang terletak didepan.
“Tumben si Jeff nyaranin tempat yang bener.” Gumam Dylan, saat mereka sudah duduk dan menunggu hidangan soto disajikan.
“Emang selain kesini, dia nyaranin kemana?” Tanya Letta.
“Halfway.” Jawab Dylan singkat.
“Hahaha, emang kamu tau itu tempat apa?”
“Bar kan?”
“Hahaha, tau juga kamu?”
“Aku langsung searching di Internet, makanya tau.”
Letta tertawa hingga ingin menangis, melihat kepolosan Dylan.
“Kamu pernah kesana?” Tanya Dylan.
“Belom pernah, Leo sama Kak Sammy yang sering kesana,” Jawab Letta. “Pernah pengen ikut, tapi ga dikasih sama Leo, katanya bocah ingusan kayak lo ga usah coba-coba ke bar.” Lanjutnya sambil meniru gaya bicara Leo.
Dylan tersenyum mendengar jawaban Letta dan tiba-tiba terdengar suara gebrakan dari gerobak soto.
Dylan pun terlonjak kaget, “Astaga!!”
“Abangnya kenapa marah-marah?” Tanya Dylan.
“Ga marah-marah, emang gitu khasnya. Gebrakin botol kecapnya ke papan itu.” Jelas Letta sambil menahan tawanya melihat ekspresi Dylan.
“Ohh makanya namanya Soto Gebrak?!!”
BRAKK!! Bunyi botol yang dibanting terdengar lagi dan Dylan pun terlonjak kaget lagi.
“Hahahhaha.” Akhirnya Letta pun tidak tahan untuk tidak tertawa.
“Nyesel aku bilang Jeff nyaranin tempat yang bener.” sesal Dylan.
Dylan terdiam melirik Letta yang masih menertawainya, “Kamu tau?”
“Ya tau lah, aku sering kesini sama Jeff, Leo, Kak Sammy. Hahahaha.” Letta tertawa lepas dan sudah melupakan acara nontonnya yang gagal.
Dylan merasa dibodohi oleh Letta dan Jeff, ingin rasanya marah, tapi ditepisnya amarah itu ketika melihat tawa Letta yang lepas.
“Sotonya enak kok, makanya aku sering kesini,” kata Letta setelah menormalkan nafasnya karena tertawa tadi. “Jeff ga salah rekomendasiin tempat ini.” Lanjutnya.
“Silahkan sotonya.” Akhirnya pesanan mereka jadi dan langsung diantar oleh Abang Sotonya.
“Pacarnya mbak?” Tanya Abang Soto penasaran setelah menaruh kedua mangkuk di meja tempat Letta dan Dylan.
“Temen bang, jangan ngadi-ngadi.” Jawab Letta.
Entah mengapa perasaan Dylan sedikit kecewa mendengar jawaban Letta barusan. Perasaannya seperti ingin dianggap lebih dari sekedar teman oleh Letta, “Mikir apa sih lo Lan!” Pikirnya.
“Kalian—“ Si Abang mengambil jeda, “Bakal jadi nih, tapi lamaaaa banget.” Lanjut Abangnya seperti bisa melihat masa depan mereka.
“Yaelah bang, jangan mulai,” kata Letta dengan wajah memelas, lalu sekilas melirik ke Dylan, “Tuh temen saya jadi diemkan.” Lanjutnya.
“Haha, mas—“
“Dylan.” Ucap Dylan pelan.
“Mas Dylan harus sabar sama mbak Letta,” kata si Abang.
“Sama ikhlas juga.” Lanjut abangnya, kemudian dia langsung berlalu, karena ada pengunjung yang datang.
Dylan tidak mengerti maksud perkataan abangnya barusan dan bertanya ke Letta, “Maksudnya?”
“Ga usah dipikirin, emang suka gitu abangnya,” jawab Letta.
“Di coba Sotonya, pasti ketagihan.” Kata Letta.
Dylan pun akan menyuap kuah soto tersebut, namun—
Lagi-lagi suara gebrakan botol kecap terdengar lagi, membuat Dylan terlonjak kaget dan kuah sotonya terciprat ke wajah Dylan.
“Hahahhahaha.” Letta tertawa melihat Dylan dan mengambil selembar tisu untuk mengelap wajah Dylan yang kecipratan kuah soto.
“Gimana, enak?” Letta tersenyum melihat ekspresi wajah Dylan.
“Belom sempet nyuap, udah dikagetin Lett.” Jawab Dylan dengan wajah cemberutnya dan Letta pun kembali tertawa.
Tak terasa waktu pun cepat berlalu, setelah makan siang di Soto Gebrak tadi, Letta mengajak Dylan untuk keliling Kota Jakarta hingga malam pun tiba.
Tepat pukul 8 malam, mereka sampai di depan rumah Letta.
“Makasi Dylan.” Ucap Letta setelah dia turun dari boncengan sambil memberikan helmnya ke Dylan.
“Harusnya aku yang makasih sama kamu, udah ngajak aku jalan-jalan,” kata Dylan sambil turun dari motornya dan bersandar di kursi motor. “Oh iya, jadi mau coba nonton besok?” Tanya Dylan.
Letta berpikir sejenak, “Hmm, kayaknya minggu depan aja deh,” jawab Letta. “Aku ga enak sama Bunda kalau besok qtime kita keganggu. Gapapa kan?” Lanjutnya.
“Gapapa, santai aja kok,” jawab Dylan. “Sebenernya kalau mau nonton film yang lain aku ga masalah juga sih.” Lanjutnya.
Tiba-tiba muncul ide dibenak Letta, “Ahh gimana kalau setiap ada film baru, kita nonton sambil hangout bareng?” Usul Letta.
“Kita berdua aja gitu?” Tanya Dylan.
Letta mengangguk, menjawab pertanyaan Dylan. Dalam hati, Dylan bersorak kegirangan, “Yes!!”
“Ok, mulai sekarang sampai seterusnya kita selalu nonton bareng kalau ada film baru yang menurut aku atau kamu yang recomended.” Dylan menyetujui usulan Letta.
“Ok janji ya.” Tanpa mereka sadari, mereka membuat janji, janji yang sangat sederhana, tapi disuatu hari nanti salah satu dari mereka akan mengingkari janji tersebut dan dapat melukai perasaan salah satu dari mereka juga.
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summerofshinee · 1 year
Rich people are crazy.
tags: Humor, Fluff and Crack, High School, References to Ouran High School Host Club
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