#one of my favorite parts was when she literally pulls pebbles down to her level. like what. thats so cool
medi-bee · 1 year
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Please go read @nerdydowntherabbithole's fic Taking Life as Is. Please. I'm going mad over it.
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Congratulations, Caro! You’ve been accepted for the role of Krystal Cha. Please make sure to check our checklist, and you have twenty-four hours to send us your character’s blog. We’re really happy to have you in our family!
We were absolutely in love with your portrayal of Krystal. You took her bio to the next level and gave a glimpse not only of your ability to write her as a character but her experience as the visions come to pass. The imagery of her pain was something we were concerned would be the challenge for applicants applying for Krystal, but you have done an amazing job at it. We can’t wait to see what else happens to our dear Krystal and to see how you will bring her further to life!
Caro. 20. EST. She/Her
Activity level:
6/10. I have a full time job, right now, and I close most nights. I will most likely be online on my days off, mornings, and the very, very late hours after I get home from work. I’ll have more freedom with my time in the mornings and on my days off, and I will dedicate as much time as I possibly can to an accurate and 3-dimensional portrayal of this character. I can’t guarantee that I will be online every day, but I will be on as often as I can.
Further contact:
How did you find the roleplay?
I follow Riel on tumblr, but I also saw it in the supernatural rp tag, if I remember correctly.
Roleplay experience:
I have been roleplaying on tumblr for five or more years, now. I have been active in several rps over the years, ranging from appless to fully involved, 3-page apps. I would like to say I’ve improved over the years, in my portrayals and in my understanding of what makes good writing. This account is from a supernatural roleplay I was in almost three years ago, and one of the ones I remained in the longest. This account is from a Percy Jackson roleplay I was in about a year ago. If you would like more references of my previous roleplay experience, I will be more than willing to supply them.
Anything else?
Desired character:
Krystal Cha
Im Jinah
Why did you choose this character?
I’m an emotional person by nature. I empathize with a lot of people, find myself feelings things too deeply or too quickly. It’s a gift and a curse, and when I saw the teaser for Krystal, I thought maybe she was a character that I could pour pieces of this part of myself into. When I read her bio, I was absolutely sure that she was not only up my alley, but also a character that I would grow to love. (Also, I adore Im Jinah and that helped quite a bit.)
Para sample:
It was a knife through her heart–literally and metaphorically–that pulled her from her dreams. She’d been waiting for it–for about a week, actually–cautiously keeping herself inside and contained. Books and Netflix did a good job, but there was only so much she could do knowing that the warmth of the sun waited for her outside. The stabbing was almost a relief, tricky as that was. At least now, the image would clear, the anticipation and anxiety could fall to the wayside until her next trip into the rippled mirror that was time and fortune. It was there again, between her fourth and fifth rib, as a breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding choked its way up her throat.
Gasping for breath, her hands scrambled for something to hold onto. It was amazing, in a morbid kind of way, that she wasn’t bleeding at all. That she could feel the warm and sticky slip-slide of blood down her ribcage, the way it began to puddle under her back, to spread out like a red ocean, lapping at the thin material of her sleeve. And yet it wasn’t there, it wasn’t her. The excruciating labor of each breath–one after the next, slow and agonizing, until it felt like her bones were cracking with each heave of her chest. If she focused, thought really hard about it, she could feel the still cold of pavement beneath her back, pebbles biting into her arms.
But she didn’t. Instead, Krystal waited–it was all she could do, after all–until her arms were limp and lifeless, until the erratic slam of her heart against her ribcage slowed, muddled with time and effort. Until the adrenaline faded and all she could feel was the cool fingers of death sliding inwards. Along her fingertips, her calves, hairs prickling at the back of her neck. Sometimes, like a whisper, she heard pleading. But it was all in her head. It had to be. The emotions were her sickly domain, not premonitions. An empath, some ancient mold-eaten tomes called it, someone gifted with the ability to feel other’s emotions.
But what good was the regret of dead men?
Personality traits:
Loyal, cautious, respectful
Soft-spoken, heavy-hearted, anxious
Krystal’s grandparents have a flower shop and when she was about 12, Krystal started learning about the Language of Flowers. Because of this, she’s the favorite of some of the people in her town, helping them find beautiful and meaningful flowers for their friends and significant others.
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theherblifeblog · 7 years
Spotlight Series: The Stoned Housewife Maggie May
If you spend any time on Instagram looking at feeds to do with cannabis you will eventually find yourself on the page belonging to Maggie May AKA The Stoned Housewife. Maggie bills herself as a Metaphysics + Cannabis Oracle, a Frequency Healer, Shadow Alchemist and a Metaphysical Practitioner. Her website is a treasure trove of products, blogging and information related to energy, astrology and of course cannabis. She offers events, tarot readings, a podcast and a little online store full of beautiful things that would make a perfect gift for a friend or to yourself.  
"I am a cosmic incarnation and a channel of divine light. I am here to help you understand you are the same!"  -- The Stoned Housewife
Tell the readers a little bit about your website, what do you do there and what does “Where metaphysics meets cannabis" mean?
Where Metaphysics meets Cannabis is a way for me to bring the ancestral healing modalities of the Eastern world, that are rooted deeply in the energetic foundations of life, with a widely western view of acknowledgment of Cannabis medicine. My work as a Metaphysical healer for the past decade has led me down a road I wouldn't have believed when I was being raised in the conservative south. The Stoned Housewife has become a platform for me to creatively express the experience I have received through Reiki and working with Crystal Spirits, among many other things. I like to say I am getting stoned on two levels. I create content for people who want to get into Metaphysical realm and already have a base of Cannabis knowledge. There are so many websites out producing education on Cannabis but very little education on the energetic realm. 
I’m very intrigued by some of the services you offer, including tarot readings, how long have you been reading cards and how did you get into it?
Thank you so much, I have been practising reading cards for almost a decade. I began ritually using them for guidance after 3 years of solely studying the deep symbolism that the cards contain. I have been actively reading almost every day for the past 6 years. I resonate highly with the fortune teller aspect of culture. The cards bring a calming reassurance when times get a little vibrationally out of whack. I studied for years before I ever got my own deck to work with the Tarot, as a sign your first deck is supposed to be gifted to you. My Reiki healer gave me my first deck and it was a standard Raider-Waite deck. I now have just shy of 30 decks I have collected over the years, each with a different method of healing. 
You’re also creating content in the form of podcasts! I am such a podcast nerd so I was very happy to find the Lifted Life, tell us a little bit about your podcast.
Lifted Life came to me as a way for me to get my thoughts out in a more fluid way than writing a 40-page blog post. I love bringing in the simple but powerful techniques in the metaphysical healing space, I also enjoy talking a lot. I have had numerous people tell me they could listen to me speak for hours. I wanted to bring something into the space that I didn't see before and that was a spiritual podcast dedicated to all the energies including the stuff people think is "out there". Plus I am not someone who lives completely outside of the real world, I love Bob's Burgers and Game of Thrones as much as the next person. During the season I would look ahead and try to find spoilers though, which I am a sucker for finding out what happens before I watch a show. I tried to make it as real as I am. Not just solely spiritual based because we live in a 3-dimensional plane, so we can't ignore the other factors. They are all here for a reason.
Each episode has a foundation of 3 parts: Metaphysics, Cannabis, and 3D Life. I am always talking about the frequency of our surroundings in everyday life and the planets pull on us anyway so I was like, "Hey, I listen to myself talk about this, I am going to start a podcast." It started to grow and pour out of me in a way that flows perfectly. I plan to have other Metaphysical women and men on in future episodes. 
Do you find that cannabis helps you in your metaphysical side of your business? If so, how? 
Cannabis has heightened my energetic work exponentially. I began consuming Cannabis and would give myself Reiki treatments, I noticed how much more aware of the energies I became.  Whenever I begin to give a client Reiki, I have them fill out a questionnaire as to how, when, or even if they consume. This gives me what I like to call their "cannaaura".  If they do not, I know I can bring CBD products for them to use during the session as well as after. If they do consume I have them take part in a "passing of the pipe" type of ceremony. We both consume and I guide our messages with the intention to be delivered down Blue Road. The White Buffalo Calf Woman brought the smoking pipe to the Lakota natives and told them this was a way to communicate their messages to their ancestors. Whenever I smoke Cannabis, it is always intention based and I want my clients to feel as if they can call in their ancestors at any time. Cannabis helps loosen some of the conditioned patterns of how we experience the energy, thus helping people be more open to receiving higher frequencies. 
What are your plans going forward with The Stoned Housewife? What do you envision for your business?
I want to empower people to live a life that revolves around them keeping themselves on a frequency of love.  Our lives don't have to revolve around worrying about what others are doing, telling others how they need to be, or feeling helpless when something "out of our control" happens. We have all the control, it is just wrangling in the toddler energy level of our brains. Working with Reiki for the past 6 years has changed my life greatly. It is the path I chose and I have a divine inner feeling, I knew it all along. I want to empower people to take back their power, one way I have found works greatly in gathering people in a room and having them do their work. We so often give our power away in so many ways, from the very moment we wake up we are on our phones checking in on what the world has to say. I want to show people you don't have to give any power away and no one can take it.  Moving forward I want to bring these healing techniques to people all over the world. I feel confident in my abilities and the higher frequency energies I work with daily. I know I am guided solely to what is for my highest good. I envision my business continuing to grow on a global scale as I have books, magazines, and self-help programs in the works. I love collaborating and as for the rest of 2017, I have an event in Malibu, California coming up on Friday, October the 13th. I have teamed up with Cure Designs of the Emerald Exchange and two Holistic Health and Wellness coaches (@hintofgreens + @balanced_life_leslie) to bring together the goddess culture surrounding the number 13. It is a co-ed Sacred Space Sleepover on a private ranch, nestled in the hilltops. 
I noticed you also strain reviews… What is your favorite strains and why?
Oh my! It is so hard to choose. My favorite would have to be Wonder Woman. It is an amazing producer and a mood game changer! It is my favorite because being an empath, I absorb tons of other people's energetic junk. WW helps clear out those energies and leaves an actual high feeling, like your levitating. It smells like a combo of jet fuel and fruity pebbles. The terpene profile has pretty high amounts of Humulene and Caryophyllene. Humulene is found in Hops, Sage, and is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Black pepper and oregano have high amounts of Caryophyllene and it has been used in Alcohol craving reductions. I may be a little partial to this strain because my husband met Linda Carter, the OG Wonder Woman and gave her some of this strain. So not only is she my favorite but the actual Wonder Woman has smoked the weed I grew! That's freaking amazing. 
Do you have a cannabis ritual? Do you think rituals around consumption are important? 
I use Cannabis ritually when I want to communicate with the energies most cannot see (going into a Reiki session or conversing with the Tarot). I consume with the intention to be an open vessel and receive the guidance I need for the healing needed at that exact moment. I think we are naturally drawn to ritual as an ancestral way of healing. It's as if it is in our blood to perform rituals. Most people don't think they are rituals but refer to their rituals as "schedules". So for me if I do something everyday, I look to see if some kind of consumption would be beneficial. I religiously take CBD though, I wake up most mornings and reach for my Grapefruit CBD vaporizer with organic terpenes to supplement my coffee intake. This just sets me up with a higher energetic footprint for the day. 
Another thing you’re doing is events, what are the Green Lodge Events like? 
The Green Lodge is like stepping into a vortex of healing. Time stops and we just go within. I had a vision to bring women together under the premise of using different modalities of healing. I gather a lot of information before each lodge and no one lodge is similar. Each lodge is based on a foundation of Earth Realm Medicine. So that entails not only Cannabis and Crystals, but an animal, Goddess, Spirit, and Moon energy. We have had a Shamanic drumming chanting session which left the goddesses in tears and have planted wildflowers under the Budding Trees Moon. One month we had our local Brazilian Samba instructor come and we danced for the waters and the Goddess Oshun. TGL is more centred in giving you the tools to walk out the door and shift your perspective with literal frequency control. Nikola Tesla style! Not to say it is not work, I make you work. I make you question the self-talk you repeat every day to yourself and others. If our eyes could see the natural energetic auras that emanate from everything, we would have more awareness of our thought-forms. The Green Lodge is simply a portal, like something from Burning Man. You come in leave your Ego at the door and there is a good possibility you'll get to see some Fire. The next Green Lodge is November 18th in Boulder, Colorado, we will be having a food, coat, and feminine supplies drive and the proceeds will be going to a local domestic violence shelter in Denver. 
What about cannabis do you love?
I love how Cannabis raises people's vibration. It opens the heart chakra and some world-renowned psychic channelers say it is a literal "deprogrammer."  Energetically when someone consumes Cannabis it elevates them. I love explaining to people you don't have to get high to use Cannabis and that I could get them higher with an energy healing session most times. Getting lifted is an understatement. I love being somewhere and asking someone if they would like to share a joint or bowl with me because I can literally see the tension melt away that so many people carry. Cannabis has helped me develop my Reiki practice into a full-blown way of life. I have a confidence I knew was somewhere inside of me, and working with the Cannabis Spirit has definitely helped me feel more in my self.  
What advice would you offer to a woman interested in joining the cannabis industry?
Do your own thing but don't be intimidated to ask for help. This isn't a lone wolf pack as much as we have been taught on societal standards. The pack survives. So I would reach out to people who align with the work You want to do, not the work someone else wants you to do to fulfill their dream. If you have confidence in your self, the right people and opportunities will align into your path. I have met some amazing people and I simply reached out with the intention to have a mutually beneficial relationship, whether that be business, sponsor, or simply just a friend. The Cannabis industry is the tadpole of the world right now. It is just a little baby! So nurture it and yourself and we can grow this into something that benefits humanity as a whole for the better. 
Connect with The Stoned Housewife
Check out the Her(B) Life store
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