#once again i drag pvris into things
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Yeah, we know we shine, born out of a fire And we're burning through, through...
Oil & Water - PVRIS
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ghost-town-story · 3 years
Positivity Prom Week 8
And I’m actually doing this on time/early for once! lol
Share something you’ve created specifically for your wip, whether that be artwork, a playlist, or a moodboard. Do you refer back to these things to help inspire you while writing?
My main thing is playlists! If a song’s vibes remind me of a story I’ll toss it in the playlist so I can easily get those vibes again when I wanna write lol. Surprisingly tho, I don’t have a lot. Only 6 total, so I’mma share vibes and one or two specific songs that I really love in the playlist bc why not :P
First up, Astral. “Listen, Astral doesn’t have a theme” I say, you know like a liar, as I shove the three songs titled Home under the rug. General vibes are homesickness (wow who coulda guessed :P) and wanting something more. Some highlights: Living Louder by The Cab. Specifically for the line “Cause we’re all just kids who grew up way too fast” because that is such a mood for my Astral kiddos.
Next up is Nova! Which is a very fun playlist that kinda goes all over the place lol. Main vibes would be angsty rebellion, and trying to find a place where you belong, and some lowkey romance too lol. Highlight for Nova is Ghost Town by Tilian. This song is just so Jay: "There’s meaning in the drag of a cigarette”, “I never faked a meaning, I never forced it”, and “At the end of the day we’re both still alive”
Next on the list is not exactly a writing playlist, because it’s Band AU. This one is less for the vibes and more “Here’s all the songs so far I can think of that I’ve integrated into Band AU”. So, lots of the bands that Midnight Run and The Sirens steal their sound from, which means lots of rock, pop punk, heavy metal, and all the genres in between Highlight: For Baltimore by All Time Low, because whenever James plays it around Aiden, Aiden will drop everything to kiss him at the line “Shut up and kiss me now”
Next playlist is for Dumbass Immortals! Which.... idk if I can give general vibes. They’re all just pretty specific to Jayy and Harmony’s dysfunctional af relationship. Smoke is Harmony and the later years of their relationship, Letdown is Jayy and the early years (more specifically. Back when they’re first engaged lol). Home is a general vibe for those two, and I Will Hide Myself Away gets to be on the playlist because I was listening to it obsessively when I first came up with these dumbass immortals lol
And the final original wip playlist is for Stars! Which is generally a lot of slower stuff with punchy lyrics lol. Vibes are romance and trust. Make of that what you will lmao Highlight for this one is Mind over Matter (Acoustic) by PVRIS, for the lines “So just trust me, you’ll be just fine. I need your trust just for tonight” and “This is not a place in my head, reach out your hands and tell me just what you feel. This is not just all in your head”. They fit so well, even if explaining why would be a spoiler oops lol
The actual last playlist is for my still-untitled, currently-on-the-backburner Royalty AU TUA fic, and the playlist is... a mess that I can’t explain except for two songs lol. First off is Run Boy Run by Woodkid, for obvious reasons of it was in the show lol (and is probs one of my favorite scenes of TUA). Second is Death of the Robot with Human Hair by Dance Gavin Dance, which earns its place on the playlist for the line “Swallow your pride my soldiers and embrace your abilities” which. Gotdamn if that ain’t Hargreeves with the kiddos lol
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dstrt1xn · 3 years
Dark Domain AU
Based on Sacrificial by Rezz ft. PVRIS
Been wanting to write a jmart to this song since it came out
It’d been just over his shoulder. Callum Brodie had opened the door and just over his shoulder, Martin had seen a tendril of something dark and sinister trying to creep out into the night. He’d breathed a sigh of relief as Callum had closed his door to leave him and Jon outside, but that relief had been short-lived.
Jon had just been adjusting the straps on his rucksack when another tendril of whatever Callum was keeping inside had seeped beneath the door to reach up towards one of Jon’s newly tightened straps. As if on autopilot, Martin stamped his boot onto it with all his might before grabbing Jon’s hand and dashing them both down the street. Jon had let himself be led without question, but even that had been momentary. With a jolt, Jon had outpaced Martin and dragged them both into the rather elaborate garden of one of the dark properties. He’d only let them stop once they’d both found sufficient coverage behind quite a tall shrub.
“Won’t they still find us here?” Martin whispers once they’ve finally come to a standstill.
“Eventually, but not within this current cycle. The Dark is mostly focused on the houses at this point, so anything not within its direct line of fire tends to slip through the cracks.”
Jon’s voice is velvety in the the dimness and Martin realises they’re pressed so closely together that he can feel the warmth of Jon’s breath against his skin.
Just outside of their field of vision, there is suddenly a harsh rattling sound, like something trying to force its way out a window that won’t budge. Martin whimpers, grabbing onto the first thing he can find – Jon’s shirt.
“You’re okay,” Jon whispers, wrapping his arms around Martin and pulling him close. “I won’t let anything hurt you.”
“But what if something hurts you?” Martin barely gets out, too terrified to do anything but comply with Jon’s motions.
“It can try,” Jon challenges, a smirk on his face as he pulls Martin even closer.
A sigh leaves Martin. He finds himself relaxing into Jon’s grip as the other man’s warm hands press at his muscles and rub soothingly at his skin in an attempt to keep him calm. It works, too, as Martin leans against the wall of the house behind him and Jon presses their bodies flush together before reaching up to run his fingers through the soft, strawberry blond curls in Martin’s neck.
As if to ruin this for Martin specifically, the odd rattling starts up again, along with something akin to a low growl. He barely has a chance to tense up, however, before Jon is murmuring quietly between them again.
“Pay it no mind, love. You’re safe here. I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.”
“My hero,” Martin smiles, slipping his hands under Jon’s jacket to his back, where it feels warm and safe and alive.
The rattling intensifies and this time the growl forms words, a low, grinding sound, grinding Martin’s own name into his brain in a way that makes him resent his very mother for giving him this name in the first place. A crash sounds up.
“You’re shaking,” Jon whispers, his fingers knotting in the back of Martin’s hair.
"Didn't you hear it...? It... It knows me..."
I WON'T cry right now, he tells himself. I WON'T.
"It only knows how to scare you," Jon reassures. "I know you."
And, with that, Jon kisses him. Martin grips him so close, sighing at the intense softness and simultaneous heat of Jon's mouth. It makes his knees want to give out, so he's grateful for the wall.
"You're a blessing," Martin exhales without opening his eyes.
"Kind of you," Jon chuckles, grazing a thumb over Martin's bottom lip. "I, on the other hand, must've done something right to be able to literally end the world and still have you. I love you so much..."
He breathes the last part – like a secret... Like a promise. Martin leans in to kiss him again, and Jon seems to have had enough of the softness. He knots his fingers in the back of Martin's hair and kisses him so hard it makes Martin's head spin. The pure pressure – the heat of Jon's breath as he teases Martin's lips apart – has Martin forgetting himself for a moment and his hands go to grip Jon's hips maybe a little harder than he'd intended.
The resulting gasp is like a tonic to Martin, but before he can do so much as revel in it, Jon's lips migrate from his, up his jaw, in what can only be described as a line of fire. It's as though Martin only has to think it and Jon knows exactly what he wants.
"Not so against my Knowing when it's for this, are we?" Jon murmurs lowly in his ear, kissing a bruise into the soft skin just below.
"Are you sure the Eye would approve?" Martin manages a smirk, despite the fact that he is now putty in Jon's hands.
Without even stopping to the think, he takes the hair tie out of Jon's hair and revels in the shiny, dark and silver waves cascading down his back. As his fingers go to lose themselves in the softness, their mouths meet again, but Martin is prepared this time. He could lose himself in Jon forever.
Which is why it leaves him so empty when he feels Jon step away. Martin opens his eyes in a frown, wondering what could possibly be more attention-grabbing than this. He would by no means call himself an expert kisser, but surely he can't be that bad?
"Is something wrong?" Martin asks quietly at Jon's ear, getting close without scaring him.
"I have to go," he announces.
Martin steps back. "What?!"
"Something's coming. I don't know what, but it's big. I have to try and stop it," Jon explains, peeking from behind their shrub to scan the darkened street beyond.
"What happened to them being too preoccupied to find us?" Martin can't keep a hint of acidity out of his voice.
"They probably won't," Jon says, turning back to meet Martin's blue eyes with his green, "but what if they do? What if they hurt you? I have to stop it before that happens."
"No," Martin insists. "No. You have to stay with me. I can't lose you either, you know."
With a small smile, Jon steps up to him again and gives him another one of those knee-weakening, head-spinning, scorching hot kisses.
"Unfortunately, you chose me, love. If I have to give you up to keep you safe, then that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make," Jon breathes against his lips. "Stay hidden."
Quicker than Martin would have thought possible, Jon is out from their little hiding place and into the dark.
This time, when the rattling once again catches Martin's attention, he walks up to the window, yanks it open and drops a lit match inside. Jon was right – it might know how to scare Martin, but it doesn't know him. And neither does Jon if he thinks Martin would ever let him face anything alone.
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thran-duils · 4 years
Grateful (I’m Yours, P3)
Title: Grateful (I’m Yours, Part 3) Summary: Kylo Ren/Fem!Reader. Reader is employed at a brothel and has a customer willing to pay enough to keep her to himself. But, she doesn’t follow the rules… Words: 1,650 Warnings: Angst angst angst Author’s Note: Okay, again, people asked for a third part. And for a long time (it’s been 3 years, holy shit) I didn’t have any idea of how I would tie things up if I started again. But, upon hearing “Old Wounds” by PVRIS, I found that muse. There will be a part four to tie this up (and I do already have it planned out!) and I will promise smut. Because that was the basis of this fic to begin with.
Part 2 || Part 4 || Masterpost || Fanfic masterpost
They say don't open old wounds But you're still brand new And all the flames you said you ran through You got a little more to prove One day I'll give you my heart When it's not in two They say don't open old wounds But I'm going to
“Where are we going?” you asked, trying to make conversation.
The storm troopers stationed near your table barely let on that they had heard you. The only indication was the slight cock of their heads.
When they did not answer, you began, “If you’re not allowed –”
“We’re not,” the one closest to you informed you robotically.
Your mouth snapped shut and you turned your eyes downward, staring at your half-eaten plate. The food was bland today, flavorless and a sad attempt at anything resembling a proper meal. The meals seemed to go awry at times large amounts of storm troopers were deployed, the ship standing emptier than usual.
The knowledge of that frightened you more often than not. Especially when Master Ren was one of the absences. Despite your dislike for the First Order, knowing you were on one of the main – nay, the main – ships, you were ever aware of the potential danger of attack from the Resistance. How funny it was to you to find yourself fearing injury from the side that claimed virtue, the good guys. Here on this ship, you were opposite. And how you longed to be back on neutral ground.
Pushing the food around your plate, you stalled having to leave the room – one of the many designated for breaks for the soldiers. Three times a day it was for you alone to eat in.
In silence.
Although, even if there were others here, all of the storm troopers acted callous like the two accompanying you now. You were not even sure I fit was always the same ones that were at your side. It was difficult to assess the voices through the static and they never removed their helmets. So, even in a room with them would still be lonely. Though you supposed they had to remove their helmets to eat. Therefore, they would be able to speak. Frankly, there were barracks upon barracks of people to socialize with if only you were allowed –
“Are you finished?”
The guard’s voice broke through your thoughts.
Dropping your utensils, you nodded stiffly. “Yes.”
Sighing, you stood up from the table, readying to head back to your room.
To stay there and read. Or grab a book and find another room to read in. Preferably next to a window. At first you felt bad about having two people follow you around constantly while you went about your leisure. But in the last couple months, you learned they were stationed outside Kylo’s room anyway. So what did it matter where you were?
The time spent here had been extremely lonesome. You found yourself craving Kylo’s attention, basking in it. Maybe this had been his plan all along and if it had been, he had surely won.
<> <> <>
“Y/N.,” General Hux acknowledged you with as much disdain as ever.
He had never given you a chance. If you meant something to Kylo, you apparently were not worth the effort. You were surprised he acknowledged you sitting in the hall at all to be honest.
“General Hux,” you returned, your hand placed on your book to mark your spot.
There was something in his expression that was setting you on edge. He rarely looked amused and his amusement seemed malicious. His eyes dragged over your frame before meeting your gaze again.
“Funny that Ren brought you aboard.”
“Is it?”
“It is. I didn’t think he had the capacity to care about anything outside of himself,” Hux returned.
Did Kylo actually care about you though? Perhaps Hux’s view of emotion was as dense as you expected Kylo’s to be. It seemed to you that the only things he was capable to feel – or at least display – was solemnness, anger, and lust. His warped view of treating you kindly as he so boastfully expressed before bringing you here had slightly altered. But not by much. His touch was gentler, yes, as were his words. And he brought you tokens, trinkets, and gifts instead of money. But you still could not bring yourself to forgive him for making you leave.
“I am sure you are grateful.”
You could not hold back a snort, picking back up in your book, tired of the conversation.
It seemed he was not done yet. “Even if it was not your planet that had been sacrificed.”
Your attention was back on him. “What?”
“The Supreme Leader let me choose. I think Ren knew I would have… temptation to choose your planet. Just to spite him.”
“What do you mean sacrificed?”
Cocking his head to the side, Hux studied you. A smile grew, tight lipped, more malicious than before. “Hmm. It seems Ren didn’t confide with you?” Your silence said enough. “Don’t worry your pretty little head, Y/N. Your planet is still intact. And you are safe enough here. I would not blow up my own ship. Even if it would cut Ren deeply. I am practical. He knows this.”
You had nothing to say, so you stayed quiet.
Hux smirked once more before departing with, “I’d stay close to Ren if I were you.”
<> <> <>
You were waiting in Kylo’s quarters when he returned. Your hands were red from wringing them, your feet beginning to tire of the pacing. The wait had been inpatient.
He had barely closed the door before you were on him, “Why did you bring me here?”
His helmet was released, exposing his face. He looked perplexed with you.
“I told you why,” Kylo stated, turning away from you to place his helmet down. “My time is saved with you here with me.”
Fists balled at your sides, you spat, “You’re lying!”
He studied you then, you felt him prodding.
“Tell me the truth!” you demanded. “Did you really believe Hux was going to hurt me? That he would slaughter millions to get underneath your skin? And I mean what the hell? How unhinged is he? Did he really blow up an entire planet?” You ran your hand over your face, anxious. “Oh my god.”
Exhaling deeply, Kylo unhooked his coat, tossing it over the back over one of his chairs. “Y/N. I’m tired. This can wait.”
“No! No it can’t!” you exclaimed, seeing his jaw tense. “I deserve the answer. You know I do. I am left here all alone all the time. I have no one to talk to, to spend time with until you come back. Which is because you insisted that I came aboard this ship. So, you are responsible for me! If you even care about me at all, just at least be honest!”
Silence stretched between the two of you, your chest heaving, waiting for him to grant you an answer.
“Fine,” Kylo finally said, stepping closer to you. “Yes. There was the possibility your planet could have been chosen. Hux wanted to test his new weapon. Is that all? Are you satisfied?”
Tension left you in a sharp gasp, shaking your head.
“What –”
“I don’t underestimate Hux’s deep loathing for me,” Kylo pressed on, ignoring what you had been about to say. “He caught wind of what I was doing when I visited your planet. Found out who you were, what we were doing.”
You breathed, “Why didn’t you just tell me that?”
“Because what I said wasn’t a lie.”
“You just omitted the whole part about someone possibly wanting to murder me,” you retorted, anger swelling up again.
“And?” Kylo drawled.
Staring down at your hands, you let this sink in. You had left because you thought him possessive, unable to stomach the possibility you could have someone else. But, there had been a deeper reason. And he had done it to protect you.
“But why couldn’t you just tell me?”
Touching the side of your face, Kylo began to speak but you flinched away. His expression was unreadable as his hand fell back down by his side. “Would you have come as easily if I had told you that? If you could not put the blame at my feet for mere selfishness?”
“It was easier to have you angry with me than worry you and let that eat away at you. That a whole planet could have been in danger because of you.” He cleared his throat and admitted, “I never meant for you to find out.”
Shaking your head, you tried to move around him, but he stepped in your way. “Y/N.” His voice was taut.
“I need a moment.”
You tried to move around him again, but he blocked your way again, holding his hand out, stopping you in your tracks.
“Don’t!” you exclaimed, trying to push back against his Force to no avail.
“Calm down,” Kylo ordered you. “This is exactly how Hux wanted you to react. He wants you angry at me!”
“Well, I am! For letting me get involved with any of this at all!”
“He is who you –”
“I’m angry at both of you! You both… you have so much power and you use it for all the wrong reasons.” Tears formed. “You let him kill so many innocents!”
Kylo swallowed sharply and told you, “Don’t be foolish, Y/N. I could not stop him. That was between him and the Supreme Leader—”
“Oh, bullshit!” you shouted at him and he closed his mouth, gawking. You suspected he had half a mind to punish you right then and there but to your surprise, he did not. “You could have done something. You know you could have! But you did not care the moment you brought me here!” Shaking your head, a tear escaped, rolling down your cheek. “Because at least it wasn’t me that was dying. Right? It was okay then?”
Guilt pooled in your stomach, causing knots. That others died in your place, that he had openly admitted it.
“You should be grateful,” Kylo told you gruffly. “I saved your life! I have provided you protection and stability.”
Staring him down, you grated, “Let me go.”
Weight lifted off of you and you stormed around him, free of his grasp.
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Chemicals (MurphyxOC Chapter 1/3)
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This was originally a short three part fic I posted on Ao3 as a gift for a friend over there. Since I’m currently sick I figured I’d post it here for you guys to give you something to read. Instead of posting the three chapters once a day, I’m posting them all now back to back. It seems silly to make you guys wait for the chapters since there are only three parts, sorry if that's weird looool
It’s Murphy/OC, I feel weird about it just being Murphy, it’s so foreign to me now loool.
The name of this fic was once again inspired by a song; St Patrick - Pvris.
‘I know it's chemicals that make me cling to you
And I need a miracle to get away from you
I know it's chemicals
and I need a miracle
And I'm not spiritual
But please stay
'Cause I think you're a saint and I think you're an angel’
Katie pushed through the people warily as she made her way to the T. She had just finished work at the hospital, she was a porter, and now she needed to get home. The issue was the fact a creepy guy had been following her since she left work and it was making her worry. She’d never really been in this situation before, she didn’t consider herself stalker-worthy. She was a bit of a plain jane; shoulder length blonde hair that was almost always in a ponytail and her clothes were just standard jeans and a shirt. She would wear scrubs at work but she would change when she was there, and currently, she was wearing beat up black converse with her jeans and a black shirt. She had no idea why this guy had decided to follow her instead of anyone else, but it didn’t make her worry any less. She hoped he wouldn't get on the train and end up following her home.
She had just moved, the 23-year-old wanted to spread her wings and it lead her to South Boston, where her cousin Jenny lived. She had found a new apartment, if it could be called that, but it was dirt cheap and was better than nothing. As she got to the terminal, her train wasn’t there yet and when she glanced back, the man was still trailing behind her, making the hairs on her neck prickle up. She glanced around, trying to find someone to ask for help but there weren't many people around. Her eyes settled on a young guy who didn’t look much older than her. He had messy brown hair and one thing she noticed instantly was the tattoo on his neck of the Virgin Mary and what appeared to be rosary beads poking out the top of his long sleeve black shirt. 
She hoped his tattoo meant he was devout and maybe he would help her, Christian charity and all of that, it beat standing around on her own with the weird guy following her. She took a deep breath and went over, sitting next to him and angling her body towards him like she knew him. It caught the guys attention and he turned to look at her curiously, quirking a brow.
“Hi, I know you don’t know me, but there's a creepy dude that’s been following me from the hospital, so if you could just pretend we know each other that would be great.” She was smiling, just for show, but her eyes were pleading and the man seemed to pick up on this, realisation crossing his face. His eyes darted over her shoulder before they settled on her with a warm smile, like they were friends greeting each other.
“The creepy bald fuck wit’ the paedo tache?” He asked with a wry smile, making her snort a little.
“Yep, that's the one.” She grinned, glad the stranger was helping her. 
He nodded and she was a little surprised when he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, but she relaxed and sat with him.
“Thank you.” She smiled softly, making him beam a grin at her.
“Ain’t a problem love.” He smiled back, making her blush ever so slightly at his Irish brogue. It was quite attractive, like the man himself. She tried to relax as she sat with him, waiting for her train, but when she glanced over, the man was still watching them both and it made her nervous. She shifted a little and the Irish man looked over, seeing what she was seeing. 
“Don’t freak out.” He muttered as he looked at her, making her look at him questionably, but she didn’t have time to ask what he was on about before he cupped her cheek and kissed her softly. It wasn’t anything crazy, but it was still a kiss and she tensed a little. She caught on to what he was doing and she kissed him back, hoping it would be enough to make the creepy fucker go away and not follow her home.
When he moved away she was breathless and her cheeks were crimson, she hadn't really expected a handsome Irish stranger to kiss her today, but she couldn't complain. She almost felt like she should thank the creepy guy. 
“Aye, he’s gone.” The man smirked as he watched the creeper walk away. Katie looked over, relief flooding her body as she saw the man skulk off. The Irish man's arm left her then and she gave him a grateful smile.
“Thank you, I really mean it. I was scared he would follow me back to my place.”  She said sincerely, making him smile at her again.
“Like I said, it ain’t a problem, glad I could help.” He replied breezily, like kissing a stranger was no big deal. Before she could reply again, the train pulled up. She stood up and noticed the stranger get up to, seemingly getting on the same train as her. She followed behind him as he got on and when he sat down, she wondered if she should sit next to him. She didn't want to seem like she was following him or being weird. He had helped her and he seemed nice, but she didn’t want to be annoying him. He looked over at her though and gestured with his head for her to go over, so she did. 
She sat next to him and the journey home was full of small talk. She learnt his name was Murphy, he had a twin brother called Connor and he worked at a meat packing plant.
“It was really nice meeting you, but my stop is next. Thanks again Murphy.” Katie said softly as she stood up, her hand clasping the strap of her bag. 
“It’s my stop too. I’ll walk ye home if ye want, just to be safe.” He suggested with a warm smile as he stood up too. 
“You don’t have to do that, you’ve already done enough.” She protested weakly. She wasn't averse to the idea of him walking her home, she still felt a little shook up at being followed and she didn't feel very safe.
“I want te, so hush.” He grinned, walking past her as the train stopped. She once again followed him and she started leading them back to her place. They made some more small talk again as they walked but when they were just outside of her building, he stopped and looked at her looking somewhat amused.
“What?” She asked with a quirked brow.
“Ye live here?” He asked, still looking amused and she blushed. It wasn’t the best, it was illegal loft housing after all but it was a roof over her head and was dirt cheap. She felt embarrassed like he was calling her out. 
As if sensing her embarrassment, he shook his head with a light laugh.
“Nay lass, it’s not that. This is where I live. Yer the new neighbour on the second floor?” He smirked, making her eyes widen in surprise. What were the fucking chances that the guy she went to for help lived in the same building as she did?
“Yeah, that’s fucking weird.” She snorted, making him bark out a laugh. He seemed even happier now, somehow lighter as his eyes lit up.
“C’mon, Ye’ve gotta meet Connor.” He left no room for discussion as he took her hand and practically dragged her inside. He only let go once they were in the elevator.
“I can’t believe you live here.” Katie huffed a laugh as the elevator ascended. Murphy flashed her a sly grin, seemingly pleased with the news. He lead her to their apartment and for some reason, he stood behind her as he told her to go in first. She opened the door and was greeted with an eye full of someone's ass in the shower.
She squeaked, turning around as she blushed furiously and Murphy burst out laughing, she wondered if Murphy had planned this since he was adamant she went in first.
“Fuckin’ Christ Murph!” The man yelled, making her blush even more. She was just glad he had his back to her or she would have got an eyeful of something else. She heard the water turn off and Murphy smirked at her, gripping her shoulders and spinning her around. This time when she came face to face with the man, he had a towel slung around him.
“This is Katie.” Murphy grinned, stood behind her with his hands still firmly on her shoulders as she blinked up at the blonde man. Connor quirked a brow at her curiously before looking back to his brother.
“Pickin’ up strays again brother? Could have at least warned me.” He huffed a little. Katie squinted slightly at him, not liking being referred to as a stray or his attitude. Murphy had told her all about Connor and this didn’t seem like the good guy Murphy had been banging on about to her. It also unsettled her that it seemed it wasn’t abnormal for Murphy to just bring strange girls back. She wasn't sure why she felt a pang of envy and she tried to ignore it.
“She’s not a stray, ye fuck. She’s our new neighbour.” Murphy glared, giving his brother a pointed look over his shoulder.
Connors' eyes widened as he looked at her again and he actually looked contrite this time.
“Fuckin’ hell lass, I’m sorry. Murph’s a bit o’ a slut, can’t blame me for presumin’.” He snorted, making Murphy grumble behind her as he finally released her shoulders and went to the fridge. Katie was left with the lighter haired brother and she was glad he wasn’t being rude anymore.
“It’s okay I guess.” She smiled awkwardly, feeling out of place and weird.
“I’m Connor, it’s a pleasure te meet ye.” He smiled charmingly at her, taking her hand. She thought he would shake it, so she was a little taken aback when he kissed it instead and she blushed just a little. 
“Hey, hands off. I’ve already claimed her.” Murphy piped up with a grin as he sat on the couch, making Katie’s cheeks flush even more as she glanced to him. He did what now? Connor raised a brow and smirked at his brother.
“Did ye now? And how exactly did ye do that?” He asked looking thoroughly amused.
“I’ve already kissed her.” Murphy smiled smugly, again making Katie blush. Maybe she would just stay red forever if she kept blushing this much. 
“Fuckin’ hell Murph. Can’t ye go a day without harassin’ some poor girl.” Connor laughed as went over to a pile of clothes. She turned around the second the towel dropped and she got a second eye full of his ass and Murphy snorted at her, he seemed to enjoy her discomfort, the little asshole. He held his hand out and she went over, sitting on the couch with him. He casually slung an arm around her shoulder and she wasn’t really sure what the fuck was going on with him. He had kissed her, yes, but he had done so to make a creepy dude go away. But now he was saying shit like he had claimed her and she didn’t really know what to think about the whole thing. She figured she’d just go along with it and see what happened.
“Some fucker followed her from work te the T.” Murphy stated seriously. Connor was dressed now and moved to sit at the table looking at them. He shared a dark look with his brother and nodded, scratching the scruff on his chin thoughtfully.
“Hmm, aye. We’ll need te keep an eye on that then.” He murmured, making Murphy make a noise in agreement. Katie wasn't really sure what that meant but she felt good they were looking out for her. Living here with them, she felt a little safer now and it made her feel better to actually know people here in the building if she ever needed help.
“Alright then, McGinty’s?” Connor asked Murphy with a grin.
“What’s that?” Katie asked curiously, glancing to Murphy who still had his arm around her.
“Irish pub love, ye comin’?” He asked with a smile. He was beautiful, she couldn't deny that, especially when he smiled at her like that.
“Why not?” She replied with a smile of her own. This was a new start for her after all, maybe it was time she let her hair down and just went with the flow and lived a little.
Taglist; @risingphoenix761 @daryldixonandfrogs @arlaina28 @divadinag
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hvarchivefinal · 6 years
Unify Gathering 2018: A Review
As someone who bussed down to Unify, I’m definitely glad I did. The relaxing and hassle free ride down to Tarwin was only interrupted when it started raining when we reached the coast.
With my tent set up in a matter of minutes (cheers Kmart), I met my fellow campers and was introduced to the ‘Unify Vibe’. Everyone was incredibly friendly and the atmosphere couldn’t even be dampened by the incessant rain.
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I only caught the last few songs from Belle Haven, but if their charismatic Sunday acoustic set was anything to go by, they’re definitely a band worth keeping an eye on.
I was one of the lucky few to get my Unicoin wristband early, so I can’t really complain about the incredibly long line that I walked past after Belle Haven finished, but after running into some friends and waiting with them for their wristbands, I guess if there’s one thing to take away from Unify 2018, it’s that it definitely pays to get in early, especially at a festival of 7500 people.
Knocked Loose were up next and by god, the hype was palpable. The pit opened as soon as the band came onstage, and the crowd followed frontman Bryan Garris’ every move. Finger pointing goodness ensued as the band ran through fan favourites Counting Worms and Deadringer. Halfway through the set Garris asked how many people had heard of Knocked Loose, and was greeted with an entire crowd of raised arms. Hardcore is set to dominate 2018.
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If Knocked Loose had already set the bar high, Sydneysiders Polaris absolutely obliterated it. Opening with ‘Lucid’, the band powered through a setlist comprised largely of songs off their debut album ‘The Mortal Coil’, much to the crowd’s delight. At points, fans almost drowned out the band, particularly during set closer and hottest 200 charting ‘The Remedy’. The band’s growth in the last 12 months is incredible, and proves that the Aussie scene is stronger than ever.
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After going fucking hard to Polaris, I retreated to the campsite to have a drink and a game of Uno. I legged it to Tonight Alive’s Underworld release party at the bush bar, and was almost blinded with a sea of yellow. When Tonight Alive finally arrived they greeted every fan and thanked them, after spending so long overseas (Australia wasn’t even graced with a proper Limitless headliner), the release of ‘Underworld’ couldn’t come at a better time for the Sydney ‘Conscious Rockers’, Tonight Alive are definitely back. It was still raining by the time their set rolled around, but the mood was electric. Some in the crowd were still wearing yellow flower crowns from the release party, as the band belted out a mix of classics and newer songs. Welcome home Tonight Alive, we’ve missed you.
Next up was one of the most anticipated sets of the night, Architects burst onstage amid a flurry of lasers and cryo. Their set consisted mainly of songs from their last 2 albums, and while bodies hurled over the barrier during ‘Gravity’, everyone wanted to be in the mosh for crowd favourite ‘These Colours Don’t Run’. Rain split the light from the lasers as the crowd pulsed to the beat of every song. It was already set to be an emotional night, but following the new track ‘Doomsday’, everyone knelt on the ground as a tribute to Tom Searle as Sam Carter made a speech about loss and the importance of being able to grieve. There was barely a dry eye in the crowd as the band rolled onto ‘Gone With The Wind’. Architect’s Unify set was incredibly special, and will no doubt a favourite for many for years to come.
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It’s been a while since Parkway Drive were last in Australia, but their first shows back were definitely special, celebrating a decade of metalcore classic ‘Horizons’. While the mosh had definitely gotten rowdy earlier in the day, Winston McCall definitely knows how to command a crowd. The Oompa Loompa boatrace was another highlight of the night, with other favourites ‘Wild Eyes’ and ‘Bottom Feeder’ chucked in for good measure. One last blast of confetti and it was over for the night, we all shuffled back to our tents, hoping that they had lasted the storm.
While I would’ve loved a sleep in, I was up bright and early (as in, 6am early) on Saturday, and was able to catch some of the brief glimpses of sun before the clouds began to roll in once again. I spent the morning hanging out at the campsite until it was time for my first set of the day.
I’ve heard about The Beautiful Monument quite a bit in the last few months, and so I was pleasantly surprised when I finally saw the band live, performing their own blend of synthcore and rock which ends up sounding a little like a PVRIS/Motionless in White mashup. Definitely a band worth checking out if you haven’t already, they also pulled a decent crowd for so early on in the day. Here’s hoping we see more of them in 2018.
I only caught the last of Outright’s set, but it was absolutely incredible.
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A little more relaxing before what I like to call ‘The Marathon’, with back to back massive sets, starting off with Perth’s Cursed Earth. Applause was scattered as the band came onstage with a different vocalist, but they still gave an absolutely blistering set, full of hardcore mosh anthems off their newest double release ‘Cycles of Grief’.
Young Lions were a refreshing breather of rock goodness, and even the return of rain couldn’t stop the seemingly nonstop crowdsurfing. Ending with ‘Burn the Money’, Young Lions undoubtedly earned a load of new fans.
It was now raining heavily as Void of Vision finally came onstage, throwing merch into the crowd. The set relied heavily on cuts from their latest EP ‘Disturbia’, vocalist Jack Bergin climbed up the stage frame halfway through their set (what OHS?).
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Roam were seemingly blown away with the size of the crowd during their set, pumping through a mix of old and new songs, before the crowd sang vocalist Alex Costello happy birthday. Watching the band’s growth just since the release of 2017’s ‘Great Heights & Nosedives’ has been incredible, and I can’t wait to see what the Roam camp has up their sleeves next.
The sun had just begun to peak through the clouds as Being As An Ocean took the stage. Playing songs mainly off their most recent album ‘Waiting For Morning To Come’, Joel Quartuccio dove into the audience to sing their last few songs. Despite a rough few months and a label dispute hindering the release of their 2017 album, the fan reaction to the newer songs (OK, Black & Blue, Thorns), proves that in 2018, fan support can still go a long way.
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Next up was Make Them Suffer, who pulled a massive crowd following the incredible success of 2017’s ‘Worlds Apart’. As everyone has already heard by now, the walls of death and moshing was only interrupted by the absolute legends playing Uno in the pit (during Widower of all songs). The set was a perfect balance of old and new (though I was a bit emo when they didn’t play Fireworks).
Following a brief game of ping pong cricket in the pit, Knuckle Puck came out to give us all one final kick of Pop Punk for the night. The band seemed at home onstage, pumping out songs ‘Evergreen’ and ‘Gone’. Vocalist Joe Taylor proved he was a pro at Aussie festival culture, doing a shoey before the band had even played their first song.
The temperature had well and truly started to drop as Stick To Your Guns kicked off their set, full of cuts from their newest album ‘Married to the Noise’ as well as hits like ‘Amber’ and ‘We Still Believe’. Jesse Barnett took time out of the night to say how special it was that Unify gave bands the opportunity to play in front of massive audiences, and how mind blowing it was to see how many Aussie fans they had.
If anyone had any expectations for Hellion’s set, they were well and truly exceeded, to see how far the band have come since the release of ‘Opera Oblivia’ is incredible. Real Bad came out for his feature on ‘Hellions’, and a sneaky appearance from Northlane’s Marcus Bridge, as well as a debut of their still unreleased new song ‘X’, made the landmark set feel truly special.
Having seen Hands Like Houses multiple times on their ‘Dissonants’ cycle, I slid to the side of the crowd to watch the full show from the Canberra rockers. And by god I wasn’t disappointed. Confetti and cryo burst into the air as they powered through absolute bangers ‘I Am’, ‘Drift’, and slower songs like ‘A Tale of Outer Suburbia’.
It was bloody cold by the time The Amity Affliction came onstage, and despite being advertised as a ’15 Year Anniversary Show’, fans waiting for some deeper cuts were most likely disappointed, but the start of the set was full of classic hits pre ‘Let The Ocean Take Me’. Even the band seemed bored though as they dragged through the last few songs, and everyone seemed glad to be able to lug themselves back to the campsite.
Most people had left early on in the morning, so by the time I wandered down to the acoustic stage, the vibe was incredible. The sun had finally come out, and those who had waited around were greeted with clear blue skies and mellow tunes.
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Belle Haven were the first acoustic I saw, and the intimate vibe seemed to suit them better as they chatted with the audience in between songs. Their cover of Paramore’s ‘Decode’ with an unbelievable feature from Brie (? My god, I’m sorry I can’t remember her name but she was so bloody good) was a particular highlight.
I didn’t know too many of the bands on the acoustic stage, but I’m now proudly a fan of Chasing Ghosts.
Introvert were up next, and even though the band seemed a little worse for wear from the previous night, they were still absolutely incredible.
I finally lugged all my shit to the bus area, which was full of people staring at the ground, eyes glazed. The ride home was a quiet one, with almost everyone on my bus taking the opportunity to have a nap on the 2 hour ride back to Melbourne. For my first Unify, I’m incredibly glad I went. Even though it rained all weekend, spending time with friends and making new ones all while listening to incredible bands made it a weekend I’ll never forget.
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RIOT FEST  Day 2, September 14, 2019
When I first saw the schedule for Saturday, based on bands that I am familiar with, it seemed like the weakest line up of the three days. However, as I started sampling music from the Day 2 bands, I came to realize that it was actually going to be a very good day. There were even some tough choices where I had to think long and hard about which band I wanted to see in certain time slots. The weather was awesome this day; blue skies and comfortable temperatures.
·         Monday Over Monarchy (Rebel stage) – This is a quarter of teenagers from Chicago that play what they call Basement Refrigerator Rock. In 2018, they were the winners of the Illinois Battle of the Bands. They played a good energetic set which included an excellent cover of The Stooges great Proto-Punk song I Wanna Be Your Dog. Watching them on stage, they reminded both my wife and I of our son’s band when they started out in high school, somewhat in sound and very much in stage presence.
·         Masked Intruder (Roots stage) – I wasn’t sure what to expect from this band from Madison, WI. I had not listened to them and thought they might be kind of gimmicky since their schtick is that they all wear different colored ski masks on stage. We caught the second half of their set because we went over to see The Hu at the adjoining Riot stage. This band turned out to be great! They played excellent Pop Punk and provided humorous banter between songs. While they all wore ski masks, once band member did not. He was dressed in a police uniform with short pants. He primarily danced around the stage and provided humorous mimes to the lyrics. Toward the end of the show, he stripped off the uniform and was wearing a Tarzan-like leotard that left little to the imagination. I wasn’t sure if he was a regular part of their act or if it was one of the Village People (who were playing Sunday) that perhaps Masked Intruder asked to join the show. At one point, they brought a young female fan on stage and she sang some of the lyrics to one of their songs. They were very entertaining and a pleasant surprise for me.
·         The Hu (Riot Stage) – Yes, their name sounds like the famous English Rock band. For me, this was the most interesting band of the weekend. A quartet rounded out by another quartet of touring musicians, this group from Mongolia are a Folk Metal band that play traditional Mongolian instruments as well as Rock instruments. Their style is kind of a heavy drone resplendent with Mongolian throat singing. It was very mesmerizing music. The fans were really into it, frequently chanting “Hu, Hu, Hu” between songs and the band’s vocalists happily joined in. They wore costumes that looked to be a mash-up of Heavy Metal garb and Mongolian Warrior attire.  They were rather menacing looking and I commented to my wife that they looked like they could kick the ass of any American male at the festival. However, we did see an older Mongolian lady in the soundstage pit filming the crowd with her camera. I had to assume it was one of The Hu moms. So maybe they are not that tough. 😉 Up to this point, they had only released some single songs, but they released their first full length album on the first day of Riot Fest. I have to believe that was no coincidence as this appearance at Riot Fest was their opportunity to gain an American following. It was a very cool show and while it meant missing Cleopatrick, I’m glad I caught this unique band.
·         Cherry Glazerr (Rise stage) – Good band from L.A. Kind of a Grunge/Punk sound. We wanted to get out of the sun for a bit so we sat back on the “chill hill” and listened to their set. Nice rockin’ set.
·         GWAR (Riot Stage) – I had to get my ten minutes of GWAR as I do each year. They are one of two acts (along with Andrew W.K.) that play Riot Fest every year. A theatrical Heavy Metal band who wear extreme science fiction costumes, they are humorous and fun to watch in small doses.
·         The Selecter (Radicals stage) – It was a late decision to see this band. I was planning on seeing Avail in this time slot. They were performing all of their great album Over The James. As I was having my morning coffee before heading to Douglas Park, I listened to Too Much Pressure, the debut album for The Selecter from 1980. It’s a great album, and since I was going to hear plenty of Punk over the weekend, I decided to forego Avail in favor of The Selecter. The band has gone through numerous personnel changes over the years but original lead female singer Pauline Black eventually gained the rights to the name and has kept the band going. She served as emcee and co-lead singer and the band blended an excellent sound. It was a bright sunny day and a bit of 2-Tone Ska was the perfect dance music under the late summer sun.
·         The Struts (Rise stage) – I had planned to see PVRIS in this time slot. Their album All We Know Of Heaven, All We Need Of Hell is excellent. The only thing I new about The Stuts was their song Body Talks. A few days before Riot Fest, I gave one of their albums a spin. My initial impression was, “meh, they sound like Queen imitators.” By the third song, they were growing on me and by the end of the album, I was loving their sound. I thought it would be fun to see some English Glam Rockers with an entertaining front man. That notion was reinforced earlier on Day 2 when my wife and I met a guy from Cleveland and he was talking about how great The Struts are live. And they were! Excellent good old Rock music with great vocals and superb “strutting” from Luke Spiller. He was adept at getting the crowd fired up as he sang and danced across the stage. Their 45-minute set just seemed too short. Hopefully I’ll catch PVRIS another time but I also wouldn’t mind seeing The Struts again at some point.
·         Manchester Orchestra (Rise stage) – The only album I really ever listened to by this band is Mean Everything To Nothing. I wanted to see them last year during my one day at Lollapalooza but somehow ended up missing them. I actually had not listened to that album in some time so I really had very little reference point for expectations. I think I thought they were a little more Indie sounding but they turned out to be edgier and more rocking than I had anticipated. And that suited me fine. They played an excellent set and I was happy I had this second chance at seeing them.
·         Bloc Party (Rise Stage) – While we had stood fairly close to the stage for the two previous bands, I was dragging a bit at this point and we retreated to the “chill hill” to kick back a bit while listening to this band. They were another band I had not listened to much, but I was a little familiar with their album Silent Alarm which they played in its entirety. It is a very good album and an enjoyable set for ending Day 2.
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noodlecupcakes · 7 years
Hot for Teacher - Chapter 8
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Warnings: Language, More flirting, Inappropriate touching, Roxy and Negan being cute dorks 
AN: As of today, this is the last prewritten chapter so i probably won't be able to upload a chapter a day anymore, but maybe like a chapter or two a week at best. Please forgive me. 
Shout at me if you want to be added to the taglist 
Chapter 8
Negans P.O.V
Roxy showed up a little early to class, dumping her things in a chair at the front of the class before coming over to me. I smiled and kissed her softly. She put a piece of paper in my hand and returned the smile. I opened it to find an address, one that I wasn’t too sure of. “It’s for our next date,” she explained. “And it isn’t your apartment address, that’s a damn shame,” I smirked. “Maybe you’ll get that for the third date providing this next one goes well.” “Or maybe you’ll get mine.” “Inviting a student to your apartment, don’t you think that’s a little inappropriate sir?” She asked in a mockingly disapproving tone. “Baby girl the things I have planned for you are more than a little inappropriate.”
She bit her lip at this, unable to hide her smile. At this point students began to enter the class and take their seats. Roxy sat down, pulling out her books and rested her chin in the palm of her hand. “Alright so I hope you’ve all finished the book because next lesson we’re gonna start off with watching the Swedish version. I took the liberty of making a little pop quiz so you can’t lie to my fucking face when I ask if you’ve finished the book or not,” I explained. I saw a few faces drop but Roxy of course remained confident, a hint of surprise on her face. She probably thought I wouldn’t bother to finish the book myself. Well she was right somewhat. I hadn’t read it; I’d downloaded the audio book and finished it that way.
That still counted as finishing it though. I handed out the papers and gave them thirty minutes to complete the quiz. Roxy finished in half the time, putting her pen down and pulling her phone out. My phone soon buzzed with a text notification from her. I didn’t think you would have finished the book. Or come up with such good questions. Consider me impressed. I aim to please Miss Williams. She smiled at this, glancing at me quickly. The timer I set on my phone soon went off and some students sighed out of frustration of not finishing the quiz. “Alright swap papers with the person next to you, question 1, what crime was Mikael Blomkvist tried and convicted for?”
A handful of people raised their hands, Roxy being one of them. I picked someone else at random. “Libel,” the student answered correctly. “That’s one point for those who gave that answer.” We continued through the questions and answers, finally reaching the last question. “What really happened to Harriet Vanger?” I asked. This time I picked Roxy to answer. “Harriet Vanger ran away with the help of her sister Anita when she saw her brother and rapist Martin at the Hedestad parade. She moved to Australia where she lives on a farm and has a family of her own,” she explained. “And what event happened that day that helped Harriet’s escape?” “There was a crash on the bridge. Harriet hid in the boot of Anita’s car the next day.”
“Very good Miss Williams. I expect you got ten out of ten.” The student next to her looked up and nodded, confirming my statement. The papers were passed down to the front where the student on the end collected them in a pile, handing them to me. “Those who haven’t finished the book, you have until next lesson and with these I know who you are,” I held up the pile. The bell rang and I dismissed the class. Roxy lagged behind deliberately. I headed over to her tiny desk. “So where are we going Saturday?” I asked. “You have the address, look it up yourself,” she said matter of factly. “Why won’t you tell me?” “Because if I do you’ll say no. So, let’s just leave it as a surprise.”
Date night arrived and I waited at the meeting point for Roxy. She rounded the corner, wearing a black flared skirt, white blouse, denim jacket, black knee high socks and black boots. I changed the way I was standing, willing my dirty thoughts away. She looked fucking good in knee socks. I kissed her softly before handing her the spare helmet. “I looked up the address. You’re lucky I like you enough to do this,” I spoke. “Oh don’t be such a grump. It’ll be fun.” We climbed on to the bike and I drove to the location. It was a little way out of town again so we wouldn’t be caught together.
We reached the small bar and headed inside. I led Roxy to the bar area so we could get drinks. The bartender seemed to recognize Roxy and smiled kindly. “No Gwen tonight?” He asked. Roxy’s cheeks slowly began to turn red and she averted her gaze. I raised an eyebrow, smiling to myself. “So you’ve been here before?” I asked. Before Roxy had a chance to respond the bartender cut in, “oh yeah, those two are regulars. Quite the Spice Girls duo.” I could feel Roxy cringing from here. I ordered us drinks and Roxy quickly lead us away to a table.
“Spice Girls huh? Scary, Baby, Posh…I forget the other two,” I spoke. “Ginger and Sporty. Everyone tends to forget those two.” “I’d say Gwen’s a lot like the scary one.” “She isn’t that bad. It’s only because she doesn’t like you. In her eyes your still an asshole.” “And what about in your eyes? Am I still an asshole?” “You have your moments.” “I hope you’re not expecting me to get up on that stage and sing tonight. That’s not my thing.” “There’s a part of you that says it is. Otherwise you wouldn’t have brought me here.”
Roxy rushed off to pick a song up on the small stage area. She flipped open a huge folder and began scanning pages. She eventually settled on a song and wrote it down on a list of people waiting for their songs to be played. She joined me back at the table, gabbing a menu and opening it. We both ordered burgers with fries to share. “You ready to be blown away by your student’s skills?” She said confidently. “Just because you’re a regular doesn’t mean you’re good.” “You’ll see.” Roxy glanced at the stage and smiled to herself, getting to her feet. I guess it was her turn already. She took her place on stage, picking up the microphone and clearing her throat. Music began playing…more to the point Abba began playing.
Roxy began singing Honey Honey and she was right. She certainly had some skills. She held my gaze for the entire song as if to make a suggestion with the lyrics. Once finished she got a round of applause and few cheers. I noticed a wolf whistle and quickly turned around to glare at the person. Roxy climbed down from the stage and sat back down, just in time too as our food arrived. “Alright, consider me impressed. Although I didn’t have you down for someone who would listen to Abba,” I spoke. She shrugged, “I grew up with my parents playing them a lot. Same with Johnny Cash, Meatloaf…I guess that’s where I get my wide variety from.” “They sound like they have a good music taste.”
We finished our food and Roxy glanced at the stage, smiling to herself. “It’s almost our turn,” she spoke as if it were nothing. “Roxy I said I don’t do this kind of stuff.” “That’s why you won’t be doing it alone.” “No. Not doing it.” “You sound like a child…I thought you were supposed to be the adult in this situation,” she teased. With that she took my hand in hers and practically dragged me on to the stage. She forced the microphone in my hand and smiled to herself. I was dreading what she had picked out. I heard the first note and met her gaze.
Rocky Horror fucking Picture Show. Dammit Janet. More like dammit Roxy. I let out a defeated sign. Fine. If it made her happy. I ignored the small audience, completely focusing on her. It made things a little better. Thankfully the song soon came to an end…even if I had started to enjoy it a little. We went back to our table and ordered dessert. It began to get late and the bar began to empty. Roxy however wanted to do one more song. Something I wasn’t familiar with. Heaven by some band called PVRIS. The song took on a much darker tone compared to what we had sung tonight.
I think we were cursed from the start, second I let you into my heart. Do you think we were speaking in tongues? Or simply not enough?
Yeah, it was official. I wanted her to be mine and I wanted to be hers. This date had seemed to gone well, at least in my eyes. I just had to hope she felt the same.
You took my heart; you took my heaven away
Good thing this date wasn’t over. I kinda didn’t want it to end but I’m sure if she didn’t come home tonight things wouldn’t go well. Roxy finished her song and left the stage coming back over to me. We left the bar deciding to take a walk in the park opposite. She didn’t need to go home just yet. She linked her arm with mine and pressed her body close to mine as we walked. She shivered a little and I unhooked my arm from hers and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her closer. We took a little break at the next bench. “Are we having a third date?” She asked, looking hopeful. “Are you kidding? You really think I’m gonna turn down another date with a smoking hot girl that has many fucking talents?”
I leaned forward and kissed her softly, one hand in her hair, the other wrapping around her waist. She returned the kiss with a little more ferocity and need. She grew a little bolder and nipped at my bottom lip. I groaned, feeling a jolt of arousal run through me and down to my cock. I kissed my way down to her neck noticing how quickly she got breathless. I nipped at the sensitive skin earning a soft moan from her. The hand in her hair now rested on her knee, slowly inching up her bare thigh and under her skirt. She spread her legs a little and let out another moan as I began rubbing her through her lacy panties.
Roxy tangled her fingers through my hair, pulling me back up to her lips and her tongue slipped into my mouth. I heard approaching footsteps and pulled away, removing my hand from her skirt. She was still a little breathless, her cheeks pink with arousal. It was just a late-night jogger but still it was irritating to be interrupted when I wanted my hands all over her. “I think I better take you home,” I spoke. She made a small irritated sound but didn’t put up any more fuss. We headed back to the bike and I took her back to the meeting point. She kissed me goodbye, looking over her shoulder with a small smile as she walked away. If I didn’t need her before, I did now.
Taglist: @genevievedarcygranger, @mypapawinchester, @jessie-cake1994-blog, @grungedaddykinks, @astrangegirlsmind, @ladylorelitany, @negandarylsatisfaction, @mwesterfeld1985, @warriorqueen1991, @isayweallgetdrunk, @almostinwonderland, @jungle-feeveer, @negans-network, @slothdoll, @shadesofarrogance @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash, @jml509, @glittered-unicorn-lava, @thewew, @prettyepiic, @eldritchmortician, @neganisking, @jmackie1983, @cranberrysymphony, @negans-girl, @ali-pennell, @thamberlina, @backseat-negan, @libby822, @harleysandbats, @ibelongtonegan, @kellyn1604, @badsongwinchester, @jeffreydeanneganstrash, @haleyea
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