neko-no-oto · 2 years
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Today is the autumnal equinox, ohigan.
We have 2 Ohigan. The first one is in March and the second one is in September. In these Ohigan days, we go and visit the family cemetery.
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New Blog Post
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sakurastarkey · 1 year
Weathering With You. 🌧️
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clawz-out-archive · 1 year
Michigan x Ohio Enemies to Lovers
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thekimonogallery · 1 year
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"Ohigan". By Japanese artist Minahamu. Ohigan Is a Period for Remembrance [Japanese Buddhism]During the equinox, days and nights are of equal length, and this period is thought to be when the world of the living and the world of the dead become close. This changing of the season becomes a time for personal reflection and for remembering and honoring the dead
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gothgleek · 7 months
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Avatar x Mortal Kombat AU
Once a proud house, the Order of the Ohigan they now hide in the shadows, raising their children on stories of their greatness. As the eldest child, Mai is tasked to restore them to their former greatness through a marriage with Prince Zuko. However, when Zuko is banished and Mortal Kombat is declared, Mai is forced to make a deal with Princess Azula in order to fulfill her family’s desires.
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iheartmomochi · 2 months
Everyone seemed surprised to learn that Momochi is a virgo. To be honest I’m not really sure if rejet was actually considering astrology when they were deciding birthdays because some of them definitely feel… random. But I had a strong feeling he WASN’T a gemini not for any real reason but simply because I’m a virgo and I was secretly hoping he was one too so I was honestly really happy when I saw his birthday (September 20) made him a virgo. Kudos to whoever at Rejet came up with that birthday. 
I’m not really into astrology and I’m not even sure if I really believe it. But I do find it funny how if you google “virgo male traits” some of the things that pop up are “difficult to love” and “Over Thinks A lot.” We all know that momochi is not the easiest person to be in a relationship with and he definitely does just jump to conclusions so at the very least those traits apply to him. 
But the thing about his birthday that really interests me is his birth flower or rather the flower that blooms around the time of his birthday. This was actually brought to my attention by a tweet from a jp fan. Red spider lilies start to bloom in Japan from mid september (September 16) and they symbolize abandonment, loss, death, separation and farewells.  The story behind why these flowers are related to loss and death is very interesting and you can read it here.
The correlation between this flower and Momchi’s own character lore is really spot on and was definitely done on purpose. After all it is heavily implied (if not straight up said) that Momochi does not like the color red because it reminds him of his mother’s suicide and he does feel abandoned by her. But the red spider lily can also symbolize rebirth because of the unique way it blooms. Which makes his correlation to the flower even more strong when you consider the fact that death AND rebirth are themes in momochi’s songs. Not to mention the fact that red spider lilies bloom during the Buddhist holiday of Ohigan and buddhism also seems to appear in his songs quite a bit.
There’s a bit more I would like to say but I’m really not sure how to word it… but that’s mainly what I have to say. Very interesting stuff!
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El Equinoccio de Otoño es un suceso astronómico que representa el cambio de estaciones durante el año: el 23 de septiembre en el Hemisferio Norte y el 20 de marzo en el Hemisferio Sur, marcando el inicio del otoño.
La palabra equinoccio proviene del latín aequinoctium (aequus nocte) cuyo significado es "igual noche", haciendo referencia a la misma duración del día y la noche, que tienen lugar en los equinoccios de primavera y otoño.
¿Cuando es el Equinoccio de Otoño?
Un equinoccio es un evento astronómico que se genera cuando el sol se ubica directamente sobre el ecuador del planeta, con una misma duración de los días y las noches. Esto es debido a que el ecuador de la Tierra se alinea con el Sol, de manera que la luz solar se distribuye de manera uniforme sobre ambos hemisferios.
El Equinoccio de Otoño ocurre anualmente entre el 22 y 23 de septiembre en el Hemisferio Norte (equinoccio otoñal), mientras que en el Hemisferio Sur se lleva a cabo entre el 20 y el 21 de marzo.
La órbita del planeta dura 365 días gira con una inclinación de 23,5 grados, en donde los hemisferios norte y sur se encuentran más cerca o más lejos de los rayos solares, ocasionando la misma cantidad de luz y oscuridad en un día, durante dos veces al año.
¿Cómo se celebra el Equinoccio de Otoño en el Hemisferio Norte?
La celebración del Equinoccio de Otoño representa el inicio de las festividades de la cosecha y de acción de gracias en varios países y culturas, por los frutos recogidos y las bendiciones recibidas durante el año, entre otros significados.
Te contamos algunas tradiciones sobre cómo se festeja este fenómeno astronómico en el Hemisferio Norte:
Ohigan (Japón):
En Japón los equinoccios representan el inicio de la temporada de Ohigan u O-Higan, una celebración budista en la cual los japoneses honran a sus antepasados, visitando sus tumbas y realizando ofrendas.
Existe la férrea creencia por parte de los japoneses que los difuntos descansan, cuando el sol se pone directamente sobre el oeste.
La serpiente emplumada de Chichén Itzá (México):
En México, durante la ocurrencia del equinoccio la luz solar que se refleja sobre la pirámide maya de Kukulcán (ubicada en Chichén Itzá, México) reproduce una sombra que genera un efecto óptico con forma de serpiente emplumada, que desciende por las escaleras del templo.
Se estima que este fenómeno era interpretado por los mayas como el descenso del dios serpiente Kukulkán, que determinaba el inicio y el fin de la temporada agrícola.
Los visitantes que asisten a este complejo arqueológico se visten con ropa de color blanco, para atraer las buenas energías y realizan algunos rituales de purificación.
Haleg-Montah o Mabon (Reino Unido):
De acuerdo a la cultura celta, el inicio del otoño se celebra con la festividad conocida como Haleg-Montah, que significa "mes sagrado".
Este evento es popularmente conocido como Mabon, en honor a un personaje de la mitología galesa.
Actualmente esta festividad es conocida como "Tiempo de Cosecha", "Día del Banquete" o "Día de Acción de Gracias", cuya finalidad es la de agradecer por los frutos obtenidos de la tierra y la importancia de compartirlos, para así obtener bendiciones de los dioses durante los meses invernales.
Equinoccio en el Río Neris (Lituania):
En la capital de Lituania (Vilna) se celebra anualmente el equinoccio de otoño, a orillas del río Neris.
Los asistentes acuden a la quema de esculturas construidas con laja, encendiendo velas para dar la más cordial bienvenida al otoño.
Esta festividad judía tiene su origen en la Biblia, la cual es conocida como la "Fiesta de las Cabañas" o de "Los Tabernáculos".
Se celebra la importancia de las cosechas, rememorando las vicisitudes de Israel después de su travesía por el desierto.
Festival del Medio Otoño o Festival de la Luna (China y Vietnam):
Es un evento que festeja la abundancia de la cosecha obtenida durante el verano.
En China se realizan reuniones familiares para cenar y saborear dulces típicos denominados pastel de luna.
Vietnam acostumbra a celebrar este festival con los niños como protagonistas, usando máscaras de diversos motivos, así como linternas con forma de pez carpa.
Monumento de Stonehenge (Reino Unido):
Son un grupo de monumentos monolíticos ubicados en el Condado de Wiltshire (Inglaterra), alineados en forma circular para marcar el paso anual del sol.
Fueron declarados por la Unesco como Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
Anualmente atrae a millones de visitantes de todo el mundo.
Templos megalíticos de Malta:
Son un conjunto de templos de piedra ubicados entre Gozo y Malta.
Son considerados los templos más antiguos que se conservan en el mundo, con una data de más de 5.000 años de antigüedad.
Han sido declarados Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO.
Las cámaras semicirculares de los templos de Hagar Qim y Mnajdra están alineadas, de modo tal que el sol se enmarca entre las piedras durante el equinoccio.
¿Cómo se festeja el Equinoccio de Otoño en el Hemisferio Sur?
En el Hemisferio Sur la celebración del Equinoccio de Otoño cuenta con diversas tradiciones. Mencionamos a continuación algunas de ellas:
Actividades Culturales (Chile):
Durante la época de otoño se llevan a cabo actividades organizadas por el Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes, para divulgar el arte y el quehacer cultural de este país.
El acceso al público a los museos del país es gratuito durante el primer domingo del mes de abril.
Festival del Medio Otoño (Buenos Aires, Argentina):
Este evento, conocido como el Festival de la Luna, se celebra en el barrio chino, con la finalidad de divulgar las costumbres chinas a la población argentina.
Se realizan los actos típicos conocidos como el baile Dragón y León, así como exhibiciones de artes marciales y música china durante los días cercanos al Equinoccio de Otoño.
Otros países
En algunos países latinoamericanos el Equinoccio de Otoño representa el inicio de la época de cosecha.
Existe la tradición de confeccionar un muñeco, conocido como espantapájaros, que simboliza la llegada del otoño. Son utilizados para alejar a los pájaros de los cultivos vegetales.
En varios países de Sur América, como Argentina, Bolivia y Perú, se encuentran lugares icónicos como los Caminos del Inca, ideales para visitar en la época de otoño.
Algunos rituales para celebrar el Equinoccio de Otoño
El Equinoccio de Otoño es un evento de suma relevancia en varias culturas y tradiciones, las cuales son reafirmadas mediante la celebración de rituales, para agradecer los deseos cumplidos y las metas alcanzadas durante el verano. A continuación recomendamos algunos rituales para celebrar este evento:
Ritual con flores:
Recoge flores y déjalas reposando en un recipiente con agua durante la noche a la intemperie, con un poco de azúcar.
Al día siguiente puedes darte un baño, para atraer la abundancia, activando la armonía y el balance personal y del planeta.
Sal a caminar a un parque o algún espacio abierto con vegetación o cerca de la naturaleza, con una respiración relajada.
Puedes recopilar flores, hojas, frutos o piedras. Colócalas en un sitio especial en tu hogar, simbolizando una ofrenda en agradecimiento a la naturaleza.
¿Sabías que? Algunas curiosidades acerca del Equinoccio de Otoño
El Equinoccio de Otoño representa una época de cambio y transición entre las estaciones del año. Mostramos algunas curiosidades y datos de interés acerca de este fenómeno astronómico:
Según la mitología griega, el equinoccio de otoño simboliza el regreso de la diosa Perséfone al inframundo durante tres meses, para reencontrarse con Hades.
En la época de otoño algunas especies de árboles cambian sus hojas de color. Son conocidos como "árboles de hoja caduca", debido a que pierden su follaje durante el invierno y el cambio de color representa la próxima pérdida de follaje.
Un estudio efectuado por el Journal of Aging Research, señala que los bebés nacidos durante la época de otoño tienen una esperanza de vida de 100 años.
En el equinoccio los hemisferios Norte y Sur están a la misma distancia del sol, en donde una mitad de la Tierra está iluminada.
Durante esta estación del año varios tipos de plantas son afectadas por los cambios de temperatura y humedad, generando la época de la cosecha.
Comparte información útil e interesante en las redes sociales acerca del Equinoccio de Otoño, utilizando los hashtags #EquinoccioDeOtoño #otoño.
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taichi-x-koushiro · 7 months
Just Koushiro Izumi Things
Concept, or, an A.U. I Haven't Written Yet: One day, Koushiro just isn't responding to any of the Chosen who try to get in touch - including the 02 Chosen, who were currently heading the group in the Adventure Chosen's various absences. They begin to panic a bit, because a Situation is happening, and they Can't Get In Touch With Koushiro, The Only One Who May Have A Semblance of Whats Even Going On (Technologically) Here. Taichi tries to get to the bottom of what's going on, by attempting to find out where Koushiro is, trying to get in touch more directly - but Koushiro isn't even answering Koushiro's personal cell number. It's only after Koushiro's left for a couple days - and after Taichi finally gets back in touch with the Izumi household (Mrs. Izumi had answered calls from Taichi before, so Mrs. Izuzmi knows Taichi enough) that they finally find out what's going on - Koushiro took a days+-long trip to visit the cemetary where Koushiro's biological relatives are buried. (Koushiro does this every year, after all. Notably for ohigan.) But now the Situation is getting out of hand - and Koushiro is somewhere with bad cell reception - so Taichi's the one who has to go help pick Koushiro back up (and FAST). There's just one other problem - Koushiro hasn't actually told the Chosen about BEING an Adoptee yet.
#taishiro headcanon#taishirou headcanon#taichi x koushiro#koushiro headcanon#izumi family#izumi koushirou#taishiro roadtrip au#(Im Not HosodaTM Voice ' The original concept {for 'Bokura no War Game' was a road-trip type story ')#(Yeah I Wonder How Such A Road-Trip Type A.U. Would Work Out Here)#(Hey Whoa There's A Scenario rIGHT THERE)#(A.K.A.: A.U. ideas that will never leave my mind until one day they force me to write them but today is Not That Day)#(Also A.K.A.: GIVE KOUSHIRO SOME LEGITIMATE DOWNTIME + *RECOGNITION* FROM THE OTHERS T O E I)#(In Which Koushiro Izumi Is A Human Being Too)#(MIYAKO IDEK ' But Izumi senpai HAS TO COME BACK we can tRY to get into {enemy territory} but we NEED Guidanc--- ')#(KOUSHIRO IN MIND IF KOUSHIRO KNEW 'Im Sorry . I Was Visiting My {Deceased Biological Relatives I Told You Nothing About}')#(YAMATO ' CANT YOU JUST COME BACK ')#(Koushiro ' Yamato san I am {OVER 5+ HOURS AWAY} And that is {ONE Way.....} ')#(JOU ' I know we ran into you between there before but youre BACK THERE????? ')#(KOUSHIRO ' Its A Very Long Story {I Am Not Sure I Can Tell Right Now} ')#(This is also before they figure out how to warp using the gates ok dont @ me so itd be before 2010 canon timeline wise)#(Anyway I One Hundred Percent Maintain This Happens At Least One Year of Koushiros Life BESIDES just 2012 The Beginning Timeline)#(AKA BESIDES just ' oh Koushiros busy with work again!!1!1! ')#(This is still something I plan to work with F.Y.I. it just may take me Many Years for it to Form into Something Written)
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ranmaruswife · 9 months
Hanamaru - Spider Lilies
In honor of Ranmaru's event in Shining Live that begins tonight, I thought I would write up a piece on the flower featured prominently in his new card art: spider lilies.
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Red spider lilies are known scientifically as lycoris radiata (referenced in another work within Utapri - “Lycoris no Mori” or “Forest of the Lycoris”). They are one of the most popular symbols in Japanese folklore and in hanakotoba they are heavily associated with death and final goodbyes. As such, they are known by a plethora of ominous names including “hell flower” “flowers of the dead” and “ghost flowers.” 
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Their most common name, however, is “higanbana” with “Higan” referring to the “Far Shore” in Buddhism (the realm of the dead), as well as the Buddhist holiday of the same name, which takes place in the days surrounding the autumn equinox, the specific time of year in which these flowers always bloom. During Ohigan, it is customary to visit the graves of one’s ancestors and pay your respects. So it is no wonder that they have become heavily associated with loss, death, and separation.
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These blooms are also often grown near temples and graveyards for two reasons. The first is that they are thought to guide departed souls through the cycle of death and rebirth, while the second is that the leaves, bulbs, and flowers of the spider lily are poisonous. In old times, before cremation became the norm in Japan, these deadly blossoms would keep wild animals from disturbing the buried corpses of deceased loved ones. Their crimson pigment around gravesites is also said to be attained by the blooms sucking up the blood of the dead.
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Another interesting piece of Japanese folklore related to spider lilies is one of a mother who died in childbirth, thus abandoning her child, who turned into a lycoris, earning them the name “sugetobana” or “orphan flower.” There is also a superstition that having one of these flowers in your home will cause it to burn down!
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Now while red spider lilies are heavily associated with death and loss, white spider lilies on the other hand are representative of rebirth, new beginnings, and a simple way of life. They are also considered a guiding force, growing along the mythical Sanzu River, on the path to enlightenment.
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Now that you’ve read this far, it’s time to tie all these meanings back to Ranmaru and his character in Shining Live’s Onmyouji series. In this drama, Ranmaru plays the character Ran, a kijin or oni god, who looks over Tokiharu, a half-human half-demon who was orphaned when his parents gave their lives to seal his power. Obviously, as an oni god and a warden of hell, it is only natural for his character to be associated with a flower with so many ominous meanings and connections to Buddhist mythology. As well as the awesome fire powers he seems to possess in the idolized artwork. But beyond the character he plays, these flowers can similarly be related to Ranmaru’s own life experiences.
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Ranmaru’s backstory is one comprised of death and loss. And much of his character arc is about coming to terms with his feelings of abandonment and starting life anew with the person he loves. He cannot allow himself to be weighed down by death and grief; he must move forward on a bright road to the future, leading a simple, uncomplicated life without worry of what tomorrow holds. As he knows that anything can be taken away in an instant, he chooses to live in the present, which is considered a foundation of ultimately reaching enlightenment. 
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Anyway, I really love rambling on about Ranmaru and flowers. So I’m happy to have a new one to canonically associate with him. ^^ If there is more information to be shared once the story is released for this event, I will be sure to update this post. And will also add on the symbolic meaning of that juicy pomegranate in his hand~
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youkaigakkou-tl · 2 years
Timeline of the main story
I actually made this blog to share stupid trivia i find while translating, so stupid trivia you’re getting.
Youkaigakkou is actually surprisingly clear with what happens when, although im not sure if thats the case with all school life manga, since i dont read school life manga that much lol
this is gonna get long real fast, so everything is under the cut
Generally the school year starts at the beginning of April, but it doesn’t actually get any more specific than “April”
In yoseito ch 22, its april 18 on hatanaka’s 2nd day of school, so school started on April 17 for him. It also says 200X, and this is 9 years before yoseito, so 10 years before main story, which means the year timeframe is 2010 to 2019.
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Chapter 4 (MIki’s lesson) happens at least a week after the start of school
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Chapter 6: we get a calendar at the end of the chapter!!
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pretty shite calendar. why aren’t the columns labelled. honestly not quite sure how to parse this.
i believe ch 7 (spooking lesson + haruaki goes home directly after) happens on may 1st
ch 8 and 9 (the gang goes to haruakis house) happens on may 2nd
the end of ch 9 is the next day and the train ticket says may 3rd
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ch 10 (run melos) is a week before midterms, so like, mid may? idk
ch 11 (senseis sunday), pretty sure it’s may 26. see the next point
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idk what this is called but ch 13 sure gives us this.
this would be 2013 or 2019, this kinda lines up bc this manga started in 2014
but also theres no world where this lines up with the calendar from above so whatever
ch 13 is sports day prep, which is may 31, friday
ch 14 to 16 is sports day itself, june 2, sunday
No specific dates for anything that happens in june (ch 16 to 19)
ch 19 (zashiki and co sneak into school at night) happens a week before end of term exams (early july), so like late june.
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ch 20 (momoyama perfume) happens right before sano’s birthday! (july 7)
we dont actually get a chapter about sanos birthday. wtf
we get another timetable in ch21, but its the same one as the one above so im disregarding it. this is called reusing assets, a very smart move
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ch 21 and 22 (karasutengu troupe introduction) happen on the same day as ch20, just in the afternoon
ch 23 (amaaki impersonation) happens after july 7, thats all i know
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everything that happens in july is before the 20th, since thats when summer vacation starts.
a lot actually happens in that small timeframe
ch 26 (teacher trio go to kyoto + reminisce) happens some weekend
ch 28 to 30 (spookology camp) happens at some point, idk
ch 36 to 38 (lost in tokyo) happens a week before summer vacation starts
summer vacation should be july 20, but i cant be sure since it isnt mentioned in any chapter, but the timeframe is around there.
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ch44 and 45 (beniko haunted house) is august 10, and it says “middle of summer vacation” so the start would be around july 20, yeah...?
ch 46 (beach episode) and ch47 to 49 (miki house) happen on the same day, not sure what day exactly tho.
ch50 (august 31) happens on august 31. shocking!
we also get this calendar.
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which would be 2016, which.... wasnt even the year this chapter came out on. this chapter came out in like 2019
anyway, second term starts september 1, which we do get confirmation on in ch50.
ch51 (haru and sano get handcuffed together) happens 2 weeks into september
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my mans, can you be less casual about predicting the future like that
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ebisu came to hyakki at the very least around 2.5/3rd week of september, since the above is already 2 weeks into september, and in ch52 he says “starting next week”
the timeline’s surprisingly tight around this time, since
ch55 (part time job)
ch56 and 57 (culture festival discussion)
ch58 and 59 (youkai train)
all happen within a week or less, and they happen on different days
the culture festival (ch61 to 66) is two days, and happens around 22 to 23 september. the second day of the festival is the autumn equinox/ohigan, which is 23 or 22 september depending on the year
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the whole of the renren arc (ch 67 to 77) happens in one day
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this one day is actually really tight. in ch67 u can see a clock, i do believe this is around 1:40pm and not 8am
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and then another clock in ch70, which is 5:50pm. this is after haruaki was trying to come up w a plan for 2 hours and then actually executing his genius social media slander plan
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and then this
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and then the whole ordeal actually goes all night, and ends at sunrise
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Unclear when exactly the school trip happens, but its sometime in october.
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ch 83 until ch 90 (so far) has been the 2nd day of their 4D3N trip......
also, a fun bit of trivia:
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ebisu’s festival is 20th october, so even when all the other gods are gone for kannazuki, ebisu is still available for worship in october.
the fact that the mangaka managed to line up the exact right characters and situation for this to happen and this detail to be relevant is kinda impressive.
thats all the chapters for now, heres how the months measure up
april: ch 1 to 7 (7 chapters)
may: ch 8 to 13 (6 chapters)
june: ch 14 to 19 (6 chapters)
july: ch 20 to 43 (24 chapters!)
august: ch 44 to 50 (7 chapters)
september: ch 51 to 78 (28 chapters!)
october: ch 79 to 90 (12 chapters so far)
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pa-stella · 1 year
So like can you do Kiss Prompt 42 (kissing away tears) but with Ichijyushi (Ichiro x Jyushi)?
Sorry for the long wait! I had something completely different in mind for this, but this week I received some bad news about my grandma and… eh. Sorry.
Title: Comfort Food Fandom: Hypnosis Mic Pairing: Ichiro/Jyushi Prompt: Kissing Away Tears Contents: Angst, mention of death.
Ichiro observed as the incense smoke danced in front of the headstone. It was a calm November afternoon with only a weak cold breeze to remember everyone that winter was coming. Said wind was cradling the yellow and white flowers Jyushi had brought, making a few petals fly away from the couple.
“We can go now.” Jyushi whispered and got up from his crouched position. They had prayed together for a few minutes, paying homage to his departed grandmother.
When Jyushi had told him that the memorial of her passing was going to happen during his monthly visit to Nagoya, Ichiro had insisted on visiting her with him. He knew Jyushi’s parents wouldn’t have time to join him because of a business trip and he didn’t want his boyfriend to go to the graveyard alone like it happened during the ohigan celebration.
“Are you sure? We can stay a little longer if you want.” 
Jyushi nodded and smiled softly. “I can visit her again once you go to Ikebukuro. You’ll stay here just for a few days… we don’t have much time to spend together.”
Still unsure, Ichiro took his hand and they bowed one last time before walking towards the exit of the cemetery. On the way home, they chatted about Ichiro’s last odd jobs and Jyushi’s band, but it was clear the latter was a little absent. He replied to his questions and smiled a lot, but behind his blue eyes there was a thin layer of sadness. That behaviour didn’t surprise Ichiro at all. On the contrary, he understood Jyushi’s feelings very well.
“Why don’t you go back home while I stop and buy a few ingredients for tonight's dinner?” The oldest Yamada brother asked suddenly.
“Uh? I already went grocery shopping this morning…” Jyushi murmured before gasping. “In addition, you’re a guest! I can’t let you cook for me!!”
“I’m your boyfriend, not a mere guest.” Ichiro chuckled and lifted a hand to cup Jyushi’s cheek. “I just want to spoil you tonight.”
“No buts.” 
Jyushi pouted. “Ok, fine.” He sighed. “Do you remember the way back and everything? Do you want me to send you the address?”
“There’s no need, don’t worry.” Ichiro grinned. “See you in a bit, okay?”
The young man nodded and the two walked towards different directions. 
As Ichiro entered the small konbini he had seen a few minutes earlier, he searched online for the recipe of a specific dish. Jyushi reminded him of Jiro and Saburo from time to time and, when his brothers would feel under the weather, he would prepare their favorite meals. Last time he had cooked Napolitan Pasta he was still a teen, but he remembered it was easy and almost impossible to ruin.
When he reached Jyushi’s home, he basically locked his partner out of the kitchen to try and keep the dish a secret until the very last minute. He had almost finished when Jyushi’s chuunibyou voice raised from the other side of the door.
“Ah, did you really think these wooden gates could conceal the supreme scent of a divine creation?” The thunderous laughter made Ichiro chuckle as well while he unlocked the door. When he opened it, he was met with Jyushi’s expression of pure joy. 
“You can sit at the table while I serve everything.” He smiled, ruffling Jyushi’s hair a little.
“I can’t believe you cooked Napolitan Pasta…” Jyushi cooed as a full plate was placed in front of him. 
“I just hope it tastes good!”
They both began to eat and Jyushi was the first one to speak. “It’s delicious! So good and tasty and…”
As he was speaking, tears started to fall down his cheeks and Ichiro stood up in alarm. He placed a hand on Jyushi’s back. “What’s happening, babe? Are you okay?”
“E-everything is fine… it’s just…” Jyushi sniffed a little. “It’s… it tastes like the one she used to prepare…”
After that, the dinner was completely forgotten and the pasta was left to get cold on the kitchen table.
Ichiro helped Jyushi move to the big sofa in the living room and retrieved Amanda from the armchair where they had left her earlier. He hugged him tightly, kissed his wet cheeks, caressed his silky hair and waited. He waited for him to cry everything out, to push all the feelings he had suppressed during that long day. He waited in silence as his mind brought to light old memories of when he was a child and nobody gave him the time to face his pain.
“It’s been a long time, but… I still miss her so much…” Jyushi said between sobs.
“I know, Jyushi.” Ichiro held him tighter. “I know.”
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sarkos · 30 days
In apology for the chunk of LycoReco posts in my Queue, and the series nearing the end on Toonami, I've been trying to gather my thoughts (until season 2 hits...)
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I'm not the only person who remembers Noir T-T
Mostly, I've been trying to find more about Asaura and Spider-LIly, and not having much luck (the Manga "Death Need Round", and a good writeup on Ohigan / Higanbana, which would explain the "darker initial tone" comments).
The reason I've been looking is because I'm a comics nerd, and there are some bits that make me think of the most common fan interactions, ie "if Superman can *, then why..."
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I remember reblogging this before I ever watched the series, because it whips
So we start with Chisato being the Strongest Saiyan Lycoris, which means she's going to break Zod's neck to be hard to beat without also breaking immersion right? There's a part in almost every series where you have a "Strongest Guy" where they get sandbagged for plot convenience, because Toriyama was about the only one to understand how to write Superman (No-one but a Supes fan uses Nam-Ek as a name).
So how do you go from the Firefight in Ep 3 to the beatdown in Ep6?
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Well, they explain it in that episode, by setting up the Rock/Scissor/Paper scene. Chisato beats Takina, it's explained, by predicting her movements, so if she's caught by surprise or can't predict the enemy's actions she's helpless (as Kusunoki put it, "she's still a girl", no matter how unshootable she is, she's still mortal), also setting up chaotic asshole Majima as a foil.
Likewise, before the "Heart Attack" she has a run-in with Majima, and Takina gives her an ultimatum about answering her phone that, minutes later comes into play.
And it's not like I'm saying it's the clockwork plan from Where Eagles Dare by mentioning something a couple minutes before that thing happens, but it seems so naturalistic you don't have to bring in over the top Lupin III antagonists when you can turn out the lights or pop a flashbang. Or at least as naturalistic as a world full of orphan girl John Wicks run by the Driest Lesbian and her magical crime predicting computer.
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rangudosha · 7 months
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writertrust · 2 years
Mochi near me
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Therefore, it’s best to keep some coating and reapply it right before serving.Mochi Shoes Online - Stylish Footwear for Men and Womenįirst opened in a famous shopping street in Bangalore, Mochi is a brand that has over 104 outlets spread over more than 50 cities throughout the country. This happens because the moisture in the rice is released to the coating. Within 10-15 minutes after you coat the rice balls with black sesame seeds and soybean flour, you will notice the color of those Ohagi (Botamochi) get darker and spotty. Save and Reapply Black Sesame and Soybean Flour I’ve tried using my bare hand instead of plastic wrap, but I think you need a lot of practices to make it look presentable. Plastic wrap helps tremendously when you need to spread a thin layer of red bean paste around the rice balls. Use Plastic Wrap to Thinly Spread the Red Bean Paste This half-pounding technique is called “ Hangoroshi“, literary a half kill (半殺し). Unlike other similar mochi sweets where fine rice flours are used, the rice is pounded partially, not mashed or knead all the way. One of the unique features of Ohagi (Botamochi) is the noticeable rice texture when you bite into it. If you pre-measure the paste and roll it into balls ahead of time, you can just grab the paste and stuff in the rice balls quickly. Once the cooked rice is pounded, it’s best to shape it while the rice is still warm. Mixing it with regular rice helps to keep the texture softer and chewier. However, I do not recommend using just glutinous rice as these sweet rice balls get cold or less “fresh”, the texture will become hard and not so chewy. Ohagi (Botacmochi) are often made with only glutinous rice (sweet rice). Regionally, people may grow up calling it just by one name, but they are essentially the name.ĥ Tips to Make Ohagi (Botamochi) 1. In spring, they are called Botamochi (ぼたもち), named after the spring flower, botan (牡丹 peony). In autumn, they are called Ohagi (おはぎ), named after the autumn flower, hagi (萩 bush clover). That’s because we call these rice balls differently in spring and autumn. You’ve probably noticed that I keep calling these sweet rice balls with two names – Ohagi and Botamochi. Is there a difference between Ohagi or Botamochi? They are commonly eaten during Ohigan (お彼岸), a Buddhist holiday during both spring and autumn equinoxes. There are also variations where the rice balls are coated with sweetened soybean flour or sweetened ground black sesame and stuffed with red bean paste on the inside. The rice balls are formed into the shape of a small cylinder and covered with red bean paste on the outside. These sweet rice balls are usually made with glutinous rice, sometimes rice, and red bean paste. Today, I’ll share little cultural tidbits of this traditional sweet along with the recipe! What is Ohagi (Botamochi)? They are sweet rice balls filled or coated with red bean paste. Ohagi or Botamochi is one of those special foods we enjoyed during spring and autumn equinoxes every year. Growing up in Japan, I remember we had a lot of cultural, seasonal, and sometimes religious celebrations that often come with specific foods.
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kasa51 · 5 years
flower shop in the cemetery by kazu saito
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