#oh yeah same for replies… uwah. i wish you could just Like replies. it would be life changing i dont mean to ignore people >_<
lesbiangiratina · 1 year
I like it when you guys say things to me do it more often
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sohin-ace · 3 years
Josuke & Okuyasu - Magazine
Inspired by that one fanart I can't use because I can't find the artist.
'Boys will be boys'.
We don't count the times this excuse was used to justify the hormone-driven and often stupid decisions or behaviors of male teenagers.
This applies to our two protagonists, Josuke and Okuyasu who just happened to be at that age where boys were curious about their own selves but most importantly of course, curious about the opposite sex.
They couldn't really be blamed, sexuality was a normal part of a teenager's life after all. Which may or may not imply them oogling questionable things here and there or watching specific videos, for instance.
Josuke and Okuyasu decided to feast their eyes as a part of their numerous 'bro dates' as they called them, and made it a regular thing.
Of course, they made these moments very secret. Only them could know what sinful things they were doing after school. They trusted no one else than each other and nobody should ever know about their activities.
They especially couldn't let a girl know about their shenanigans. Oh no, that would be an absolute disaster if they were to be caught red-handed by a girl from their school. They would have to carry the heavy title of 'disgusting perverts', stamped right on their foreheads for the rest of their highschool years, if not their life.
One day as they got out of school, they decided to check out the X-rated section of a local konbini, section placed strategically in the far corner of the shop, and opened some nice porn magazine for their needy eyes. As one does.
"Yoooo Josuke check this out!" Okuyasu exclaimed to his friend while pointing to one of the pages, already blushing madly and coughing up an impressed chuckle.
"Oh my god!!" Josuke whisper-yelled to his friend, trying to not catch people's attention. "That's hot! You think those boobs are real?"
They kept on drooling over pictures of sexy women in bikinis or underwear and posing suggestively for 10 more solid minutes, completely forgetting about their surroundings.
They weren't really worried about getting caught as the section they were in was pretty far away from the entrance of the store and nobody really passed by this corner of the shop anyways.
As they were in their own little fantasy world, they didn't notice a certain H/C haired female coming up behind them.
"Hey isn't that the red head girl from last time?" Josuke commented as he pointed at a certain picture.
"The one who was licking a cherry? Yeah I think so." Replied his tan best friend who started chuckling.
"Who even licks cherries like that?"
"I don't know but she can lick my cherry if you know what I'm sayin'~"
They both snorted obnoxiously and stupidly to themselves until they suddenly heard a very familiar someone right behind them.
"Hey guys! What's up!"
The boys jumped, screaming high pitched 'Eeeks' and 'Uwahs' at the sound of your sweet voice startling them into the worst heart attack they'd ever experience, threatening to cut their short lives even shorter.
Josuke nearly dropped the lewd magazine from his clammy hands and they both turned around abruptly, sweating bullets as they desperately and clumsily hid the piece of dirty evidence behind their backs.
'Oh no. God, everything but not this...' They both thought in unison, as if connected.
The last thing they could have ever expected or wanted, was seeing YOU, of all people, here out of all places and now, out of all times. They really had the worst luck. Suddenly, getting struck by thunder seemed appealing.
"O-o-oh hey Y/N-chan..." Okuyasu stuttered shakily, still sweating profusely.
"What uh... Ahem... What are you doing... here...?" Josuke continued clearing his tight throat and eyeing his best friend with rising anxiety.
The boys were silently communicating, trying to come up with anything, any excuse to either hide their shameful crime from you, or make you leave as soon as possible. They had to work their so-called 'bro-telepathy' like they never did before.
"I was passing by to get some strawberry milk, but then I recognized your hair in the distance! I'm so glad to see you!" You smiled angelically at them while showing them your little pink carton of strawberry milk like it was some prize.
You were beaming so brightly at them, they almost had to squint at your radiating light and beauty. Oh no this was bad, they were both striked by you like an arrow right through their heart.
'She.... SHE'S TOO CUTE FOR THIS WORLD!' They both screamed in their heads.
You, in particular, should never know about what they were doing. EVER. You were way too pure and too innocent for this. Who knows what your reaction would be if you discovered their lewd secrets? Would you judge them? Be disgusted by them? Never talk to them ever again? They couldn't possibly risk that.
Sadly, they were not as glad to see you here as you were to see them. You eventually asked them the oh-so-dreaded question that they wished you'd never ask.
"So, what were you boys doing? Reading manga?" You leaned over to the side slightly trying to see what they were hiding behind their backs and they both panicked.
Obviously you didn't notice the big 'R18' sign over all three of your heads and surely, you couldn't know what this part of the store was since you probably never checked it in your entire life.
In an amazingly coordinated moment, Josuke swiftly handed the magazine to Okuyasu while walking towards you, passing in front of the Jobro, the action completely hidden from your sight.
Josuke came in front of you and grabbed your shoulders, smiling big and trying to act as natural as he could.
"Aah um yes! Manga! Actually there's this one manga I wanted to show you, good thing you're here!" The pompadour-haired haafu was still obviously in utter panick, even if he tried his best to play it cool.
As Josuke was trying to deflect your attention from their guilty pleasure, Okuyasu took this advantage to turn around and scurriedly hide the magazine back in it's original shelf.
You were confused at their shady behavior and furrowed your eyebrows a little bit. You noticed Josuke was sweating and panting slightly, but your eyes traveled to Okuyasu fumbling with the magazines behind and you tried to make out what he was doing.
But Josuke wouldn't let you discover their evil plan for anything in the world, and so, he cupped both your cheeks in his large hands earning a gasp from you as he almost squished them, and turned your head back to face him.
He leaned down to your height and your eyes widened, puzzled by his spontaneous actions.
"Y/N Look at me! Look at my eyes!" He stared at you with a serious expression and you blushed at his sudden bold act and how close he was.
"J-jojo...?" You yelped as your heart was beating fast in your chest.
You were so confused as to what the hell was going on and why they were acting so weird. You knew the two could be up to some truly bizarre adventures sometimes, but that was just so strange.
Whatever they were trying to distract you from, it was working. His face was so close to yours, and his big hands were so warm, you subconsciously put your small ones over his wrists in response, face now red with blood and adrenaline.
You were beyond puzzled at everything that was happening, but you were so lost in Josuke's ocean blue eyes, you completely forgot about what Okuyasu was hiding so clumsily.
Speak of the devil, the tan male suddenly came up to you both, and Josuke released you from his grasp as his best friend made a surprisingly genius offer.
"Ohh Y/N, you didn't pay for that milk yet, right? Good, it's my treat then! Josuke, let's get some too! I'm thirsty."
The scar-faced boy casually wrapped a large arm around your shoulders and swiflty turned you around in his strong hold, effectively dragging you away from the adult section of the store, and barely letting you any time to even glance at the overly sexual display around you.
"Eh? What about that manga you wanted to show me?" You looked back at Josuke, regaining your composure slowly.
"Oh that? Never mind, it's not important anyway- Hey Okuyasu, do you want banana flavor or chocolate?" The fourth Jojo quickly changed the subject as he opened the fridge doors and picked up some drinks.
"You guys are acting so weird today..." You loved the boys, and they usually brought you into their messes, that wasn't anything new, but sometimes you really couldn't understand them. "I'll go wait in line while you guys make up your minds."
You gently patted Okuyasu's chest who almost forgot to let you go and you walked away towards the cash register.
When you were finally out of earshot, they both stared at each other, thinking of how they just dodged a bullet so big, it might as well just have been an atomic bomb.
"D-dude... That was so clutch man...." Josuke sighed, still swallowing his stress out and his best friend only shut his eyes and cringed before grabbing his drink.
"Just shut up, let's not talk about it..."
"Aaahh!!" Okuyasu let out a loud sigh of delight as he sipped his banana milk. "Man, that hit the spot."
"Yeah! Nothing better than some fresh milk in the summer. Great idea Y/N."
You three walked out of the store and headed back home, enjoying your drinks. You giggled at their over-the-top reaction and handed them your own carton.
"You guys want to try strawberry flavor?"
"Oohh~" Okuyasu gushed before smirking and taking the item from your hands. "An indirect kiss from my little Y/N! Lucky~"
Josuke gasped and snatched the drink as well, snickering when he was done. "Can't say no when she's the one who proposed huehue!"
"Well you both drank from the same straw, so technically you two kissed too!" You laughed at their priceless shocked facial expressions.
"Naah dude, no homo, no homo." Josuke patted his friend's back, reassuring him with the holy expression famous for saving countless men from potential homosexuality.
Okuyasu sighed in relief. "Yeah, no homo! Still in the bro zone, bro."
You snorted at their questionable reasoning and kept on walking when you suddenly saw two familiar faces coming towards you.
"Oh! It's Koichi and Yukako!" You waved and smiled at the couple who approached you.
"Oh hey guys, what are you doing?" The short male greeted with a smile.
"Oh nothing much, I bumped into them in the konbini." You sheepishly answered and Yukako quirked an eyebrow at the two suspicious looking males next to you.
"Really?" She feigned, still staring at them. "What were they doing without you I wonder..."
"I don't know, reading manga I think? I'm not sure, they wouldn't tell me." You tried to look between her and them and they seemed to glare at the girl as hard as she did them.
"Huh?" She scoffed and shifted her weight on one leg." I bet you guys were reading porn again. Y/N I can't believe your patience around those guys."
"HUUUHHH???" Koichi yelled in pure surprise at the revelation and you three widened your eyes.
"YOU FREAKIN- OH MY GOD SHUT UP!" Okuyasu gasped and screamed at the girl who was smirking in victory.
"W-what?" You stuttered and looked at the two visibly stressed boys. "Po-... I don't- ... What??"
"Y/N DON'T LISTEN TO HER SHE'S LYING!" Josuke guiltily tried to reason as you covered your mouth in shock.
"Well it's the truth, right? Did I hit a sensitive subject, perhaps?" The brunette chuckled cutely, infuriating your friends even more.
Josuke sprinted towards Yukako who easily hoisted her awe-struck boyfriend over her shoulder and ran for dear life, having no regrets whatsoever.
An old one. A very old fic, it hurts to read it. I'm going to go ahead and post some old stuff I wrote just to get them out of my drafts. I hope they'll be enough for my beautiful gangsters.
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alicemitch09writes · 3 years
look, i know i’m an asshole but at least i’m trying
“Look at that, isn’t he amazing?” the blond boy yells, pointing at the TV on display, showing one of those heroes in work.
“Uwah, All Might’s so cool!”
(E/c) eyes followed the boys’ gazes, watching a big hulking figure power through villains.
She could only nod, half-heartedly, keeping her eyes on the screen, listening to the two boys go on about how amazing he was.
Booming laughter sounded off from the screen, the two boys anticipating as the hero turned to the camera. “I am here!”
And then, the boys went wild – gesticulating wildly, words of admiration leaving their lips, eyes twinkling with amazement. Honestly, it was easy to like someone as big and prominent as All Might.
But in a world ruled by quirks, and your perception of them tainted at an early age, it was difficult to really set yourself on where you stood.
“Isn’t he the coolest, (Nickname?)” green eyes turned to the (h/c) girl.
“Uh, yeah…” came the girl’s reply, rather dull and lacking in the same energy as the two boys.
“That was a weak reply, (Name)!” the blond boy turned to her, a bit offended. “You should be crying out like me and Deku! All Might’s the coolest!”
Chancing a look at the said hero on screen, she shrugged, unsure how to reply to that. “I mean, I guess he is.”
Both boys froze at their friend’s lack of admiration for their favorite hero.
“Sorry I’m not like you guys.”
“T-That’s okay, (Nickname).” The green-haired boy says, voice shaky and his eyes sheen with tears he’s fighting off, smiling warmly at her.
“Hey, that doesn’t mean I don’t like him, though. He’s just not my favorite hero.”
The blond boy’s carmine eyes widen at that, the three kids began to walk home together once the show was over.
“Then, who is your favorite?”
“Hm…I guess I prefer the quiet heroes, I guess?” she nods, mind thinking of policemen, teachers, cooks, train staff, and fishermen. “Ones that don’t really stand out but are cooler in other ways.”
“Ah, there’s this one hero I heard about from Kyoto!” Izuku tells her. “He has a healing quirk, but he’s also really good at martial arts and carries a cool staff with him.”
“That’s Merlin!” the girl gushes excitedly, her walking having a bit of a jump. “The Wandering Hero: Merlin! He’s so cool! I think my grandpa mentioned him before, having trained in our dojo when he was still in training. Ma says he was the prettiest looking man next to Pa. And Pa says his quirk’s extra cool if you get to see it in person!”
(E/c) eyes sparkled the more she gushed about this hero of hers, one he’s never heard of because of his rather elusive nature as a hero.
“That sounds amazing, (Nickname)! I wish my family could have known All Might as well!” the green-haired boy’s tiny fists shook with excitement, sharing her enthusiasm.
“Tch, All Might’s still better. Just wait ‘til I become a hero, (Name)…” muttered the blond, hands in his pockets. “Then you’ll see that I’m definitely the best outta the rest.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, looking at her friend in disbelief. Then mischief.
Getting behind him, she kicks the backs of his knees, causing him to topple to the ground face first.
“Ah, Kacchan!”
“What the hell was that for, (Name)!?”
“That was so lame of you, Katsuki!” laughed the girl, sticking her tongue out as she grabbed the green-haired boy’s hand and proceeded to run ahead of him.
Angered the boy rushes to his knees, cheeks definitely not flushed, and gives the two a chase. “HAH!? WHO’RE YOU CALLING LAME!?”
Three little kids ran down the streets, laughing in their wake.
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Traditions in Japan were rather a thing that made the country quite known to the outside world, as many adhered to certain types of customs.
And as per family tradition, certain family never fails to hand over ochugen gifts to the people in your lives.
A (h/c) girl was headed off to the Bakugou’s first, a box full of fresh harvest from her grandpa’s garden. Coincidentally, it also happened to be Izuku’s birthday and she got him special tickets to that superhero exhibit. To commemorate, she had even worn an All Might shirt!
Reaching the Bakugou’s, she put down the Midoriya’s box, before reaching for the doorbell. Someone yelled inside, followed by explosive remarks, which was something she’s rather used to.
Patiently waiting, she felt a buzz, taking her phone out of her shorts pocket, smiling when she saw a text from the birthday boy, feeling the excitement through his text.
The door clicked open, her smile still in place as she furiously texted Izuku back. As she pressed reply, she then pocketed her phone and readily met a pair of carmine eyes.
Except, the owner of said eyes came from the last person she cared for, smile flattening.
For a second there was surprise in his features, softening slightly as his usual scowl set in. His eyes took in her form, the box, then at the ridiculous shirt she had on. “What the fuck are you wear-“
Behind him, a voice called out. “(Name)-chan!”
It was Auntie Mitsuki.
Smile finding its way back, a rather polite one at that, the teen greeted her back. “Hiya, Auntie!”
Shouldering her son aside, receiving a snarky reply she didn’t bother with, the Bakugou matriarch’s eyes shined at the sight of the young teen. “Look at you, growing up so fast to be this cute!” unable to help herself, she reached over to pinch the younger girl’s cheeks before swallowing her into her arms for a hug. Releasing the girl, her carmine eyes then focused and shined at the items in her hand. “Ah, Shihan really has the neatest harvest every summer, thanks for these!”
“We most graciously bestow our gratitude to you, oh great Bakugou Mitsuki!” the teen implored, rather dramatically, earning a laugh between the two, like a running gag.
Bakugou could only watch, quite amazed at their relationship.
“Oi brat, get this will ya?” snapped his mother over her shoulder.
“Don’t tell me what to do, hag!” screamed the blond back, carefully taking the box from her hands.
Their eyes met briefly before she easily slid them away to focus on his mom, an instantaneous reaction.
“You seem dolled up, (Name)-chan. Got a date?”
Humming, she tilted her head to the side. “You could say that,” at that, Bakugou nearly stumbled in his step but she didn’t notice. “it’s Izuku’s birthday today and I’m just having a birthday date with him in a while!”
At the mentioned of Deku, Bakugou froze in his step, looking over his shoulder to take in her attire once more – a gaudy All Might shirt tucked into some simple denim shorts, then some sneakers.
“Aw, ain’t that cute. Oi, Katsuki, why aren’t you with them!?”
Caught, he burst out a reply. “HAH? Why the hell would I spend time with those extras?” his words got the best of him before he could control himself, her brows knitting together, pain flashing through (e/c) eyes for a quick second. He instantly regretted opening his stupid mouth.
“Anyways," he couldn't help notice the slight strain in her voice, feeling his heart drop "I just came to drop by our ochugen gifts. Thank you again for all your help, Auntie.” Grabbing the Midoriya’s gift box from the ground, the teen worked on a smile. “Please tell Uncle Masaru I said hi!” And with that, she was gone.
Both blonds watch the young girl walk away before the door closed. Without a word, Mitsuki walked back in, giving a quick smack to her son’s head before disappearing into the kitchen.
Her hit was rather soft, reprimanding.
Something unpleasant filled his gut as he dropped the gift box on the dining room table and headed off to his room, pained (e/c) eyes haunting him.
You always hurt the ones you love.
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Does it feel weird to feel close to someone you haven’t spoken to in years? That there’s always been this sort of connection between the two of you that instantly links you together even after days, months, years of zero contact?
Well, that’s how Bakugou Katsuki feels towards Yuroichi (Name).
Ever since they were kids and he was introduced to (Name), she was all he cared about. Well, there was Deku, but he was second on his list.
(Name) had always been special for him.
But then, things changed.
Since being paired up with Deku for his practical exam, he was unsettled. Well, he’s been unsettled for a lot of things for lots of reasons. But basically, what he’s been unsettled about with Deku was (Name).
While he remembered wimpy Deku trailing behind him, there was always (Name) ready to drag him away or be beside him. Where there was Deku, (Name) was sure to follow. They were like a combo; one was never without the other. He hated it.
Deku had no fucking quirk, was weak, small, a shitty nerd, yet he had the fucking gall to stand up and try to be a hero. With that, (Name) shifted her attention and adoration to him and him alone.
Honestly, he didn’t mind that they were quirkless – they honestly just got in the way.
Still, it fucking hurts that (Name) wouldn’t bother looking his way or even saying a word to him. Fuck, even Deku would acknowledge him even if it were outta fear!
Bullying probably made sense to keep her distance, especially since he loved targeting weak quirkless like Deku and her. But to be on the receiving end of those angry eyes, it made him weak. It may have enforced and asserted his dominance in middle school, but to her, it was a disgusting power play.
He may not be close with her compared to when they were younger, but he’s always kept an eye out for her (and Deku, shut up). He knows that she’s an expert martial artist, bagging and winning several competitions and tournaments, was the pride of the school and her family dojo, sleeps a lot during classes, and sometimes, the older kids would pick on her because they knew she was tough.
(However, after that one time in middle school, she stopped with the fighting and worked on a clean slate.)
She never befriended anyone without a quirk lightly, the majority of her friends either were quirkless or had a really minor, insignificant quirk. She didn’t seem to care nor mind. However, Deku remained her closest companion.
He’d see her a lot – in hallways, in class, on the way home, but he never got to be with her.
Nonchalant, lax, yet kind and sweet to others, but to him, she was forcibly polite and civil.
Those adoring, reassuring, warm (e/c) eyes were reserved for that one shitty nerd.
He hated to admit it, but he craved for her attention, yearned for her approval, and desperately lingered on the fact that they were childhood friends, so he’s obliged to keep a relationship, even when now they’re barely acquaintances.
On his middle school graduation, while he was surrounded by his so-called friends and his parents, his eyes easily caught on two people laughing amongst themselves.
Just seeing them, laughing together with cherry blossoms fluttering to paint an idyllic image, suddenly made him feel extremely lonely. His hold on his diploma slackened, fingers and foot twitching, eyes taking his childhood acquaintances in.
Graduating top of his class, with a bright future set for UA High School. He should be excited, right? Ecstatic even at what he’s gained? Yet why does it feel so lacking?
Carmine eyes began to soften, especially at the smaller of the two. Realization dawned unto him, the occasion was rather bittersweet for (Name), as it was nearing a year since she lost her parents and she couldn’t share the joyous occasion with them. Thankfully, she had her grandfather with her, then Auntie Inko, and Deku.
But not him.
Irked, he left before his mom could find them, no doubt, to use the opportunity to snag a photo of the three.
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Nothing hurts more than to realize that the one person – he swore to protect, to keep by his side, had completely shunned him.
At first, they were inseparable. But as the years passed, they drifted apart.
The day (Name) punched him was a literal awakening, a prologue really. It got him worked up. Then the Sludge Incident happened. Her parents died. The light in those (e/c) eyes weren’t as bright as before, even when she got a part-time job.
He knew he was wrong; he won’t deny that (but he won’t say it out loud either), but he won’t ever hide from it either.
After getting into UA, he felt her punch even more at the introduction of his classmates with quirks, as she aptly put it “better and flashier” compared to his.
That stung, hurting his ego.
Damn, the top was a challenge.
But he wasn’t backing down, damn it.
So, what is he was a proud asshole? He had every reason to be! He had compensated with his talents, smarts, and versatility.
Still, to be called out on having a shitty personality boosted only by the fact that he had a strong quirk could do a number to him.
When it came to matters of the heart, he sucked in that aspect.
(h/c) locks, framing a pretty face with (e/c) eyes, they always, always, always manage to catch him off-guard.
Unbeknownst to the green-haired nerd, whenever he opened his big mouth to his friends in 1-A, he’d hope there was something about (Name), no matter how small or insignificant. They even texted.
Pride would always win over him whenever Deku would openly talk about (Name) – Bakugou would pretend to be uninterested, looking out the window while he was actually taking in the nerd’s words like a starved man, he was the only source of news he had because for the first time in their life, (Name) was not there with them. It sucked. (She was very clear on steering away from heroics or people who had a quirk, despite having one herself)
The days were lonelier and duller without her. Deku’s ramblings were something – slightly comforting, but don’t tell him that, but it just missed that one figure next to him.
For all his bravado, just the mere mention of Yoruichi (Name) made him weak. Wait, scratch that, (Name) was a strong person by herself, he did not make him weak, shut up. Hesitate, yeah, that’s the word, she made him falter, hesitate. Whatever.
Thankfully, none of his idiotic ragtag of friends keyed in on that. Save for Deku.
Deku, who’d always known. Deku, that sharp fucking nerd who always tried to be the goody-two-shoes and goaded him to talk to her.
Like fuck he’d talk to him about (Name), fucking no way. He’d rather have his nails done with half-and-half bastard than to have a heart-to-heart talk with fucking Deku.
Still, there was just one thing he was sure of about Deku, one thing he’ll never admit to anyone – or even him, out loud: compared between the two, Deku was always the bigger person. He was kinder, gentler, better.
A part of him would forever be jealous of the fact that Deku had been there for her when he couldn’t. Deku had access to parts of (Name) he was barred from. Deku was protective of her. Deku had (Name).
And as for him? Well, he was probably good as a dead fuck to her.
The punch still stung.
Nothing hurts more than to realize that you never had a chance, to begin with.
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From: (Name) Yuroichi
To: Bakugou Katsuki
I’m glad you’re safe.
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A day after Kamino…
For once, the Bakugou household was at peace, a day after his kidnapping. The day before, there was screaming, yelling, crying from both parentals that probably had dried off for today. At least for the first few minutes of the day.
The doorbell rang, Katsuki called out to get it, desperate for a bit of distraction from the silence around him.
He opened the door then froze, breath hitching. Two breaths, actually.
Carmine met (e/c).
For once, indifference was not the expression set on her face that he was looking at, but a softened expression. So incredibly soft.
An image of a younger her suddenly came to mind, back to when they first met each other.
“Katsu- “stopping, her lips pinched together, a small frown setting in, not ready to say his name just yet.
Hurt flashed in his eyes, desperately taking her in.
When he was kidnapped, first of all, he was annoyed as fuck, but most of all, he was scared. The League of Villains had him by the neck, literally, immobilized him, just to lure out All Might. And the thing that kept him grounded was her, (Name). The memory of her soft expression after they’d washed the dishes, comforting silence between them, that burnt mark on her neck, her telling him to have fun at summer camp. Her text message.
Remembering her presence at his doorstep, his eyes caught hold of the item in her hand – ochugen gifts, he uncharacteristically gestured at it.
“My mom’s not home, so…” his words came out lamely, weakly. So, unlike him.
But she was so lost in her head that she could only nod.
Gently, he reached for the box, their fingers brushing against each other lightly.
Something fluttered in his chest, wildly and tightly. Summer seemed to have come quickly as he was beginning to sweat, the smell of burnt sugar bleeding through.
Head still hung low, he took it as her parting, something in his chest twisting painfully, and he slowly turned on his back.
(Before he headed back in, instincts – maybe, or her heart forced her to, she grabbed hold on the back of his shirt, stopping him, and pressed her head between his shoulder blades, taking in his scent.)
Bakugou didn’t move, feeling her shaking hands balling into fists, as though to ground herself.
“I…I know I said this already, but still, I want you to know,” her voice was shaky, but she continued to speak, taking a deep breath. “I’m so glad you’re safe.” The thing in his chest continued to flutter wildly, threatening to come out. “And I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
Silence followed, likening to a pregnant pause, there was more she wanted to say, but the fear of having your feelings get the best of you seemed off-setting in the given situation, so she settled for that.
Before another word was said, she hurriedly grabbed the Midoriya’s box and clumsily left, completely red in the face.
He watched her leave over his shoulder, she almost ran into the gate, fumbling with the box as she headed to the Midoriya’s.
Suddenly, he felt lighter. The punch no longer hurt, leaving a bruise in its wake. This was the beginning of progress with her, it was something. Proud as he is, Bakugou’s never one to admit his mistakes, but for her, he’ll try.
If anything, she was right about everything she thought about him. Especially the part that he was lame.
masterlist • eight
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 4 years
“We’ll Protect You!”
Pairing: Hanako(Yugi Amane) x Reader, Yugi Tsukasa x Reader
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Summary: You have attracted two supernaturals from your school. Someone told you about a rumor that you should try out. The two ghosts looked delighted as you agreed and went to the third floor. During your summoning, Hanako was trying his best to impress you. Tsukasa wasn’t originally supposed to be in his plan but Tsukasa just did. You three became close as fast as a flashlight turns on and off. They swore that they will protect you at all costs. 
[You called them the overprotective twins.]
Warning: Swearing, mention of knives, Hanako and Tsukasa being brothers without trauma event about someone killing the other. Yashiro and Hanako have not met yet. mentions of killing,
Genre: Fluff, 
Y/n- your name, h/s- hairstyle, h/l- hair length, h/c- hair color,
Reader: Female
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Made by: ??? (Please tell me who owns the art so i could credit them!)
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
“AMANE!- huh?” Tsukasa was about to tackle his brother but Amane was staring at someone who was in a classroom. He pouted. ‘Why would Amane ignore me? So rude!’ Tsukasa came closer to his brother and looked at where he was looking at.
“WOAH!” Tsukasa exclaimed, Hanako screamed, jumping then looking at his younger brother quite pissed. “What are you doing?” Hanako asked. “I was talking to you Amane! But you ignored me so i looked at where you were looking! Your such a pervert, Amane!” Hanako became flustered as he heard his brother’s words at the last sentence. 
Tsukasa looked at the trio happily conversing with one another. There was the purple haired girl to the left. Then a girl with fat ankles at the right side. And a girl with h/s h/l h/c hair in the middle of the two.
“Woahh..” Tsukasa looked at you grinning and blushing. You looked like an Angel! Hanako joined him. You giggled with the other two as you don’t notice ghosts were staring. “Dibs on that girl in the middle!” Tsukasa pointed at you. “Wait what?! I was staring at her first!” Then the two started arguing. 
A hand grabbed their collar and yanked them to a hallway where no one was. “What are you two doing?” A sickenly sweet voice asked, the voice filled with venom. The brothers gulped. “Why nothing!” Tsukasa smiled. 
The tall blonde looked at them annoyed. A sword was now seen at the hand of the tall blonde. “I am Minamoto Teru, nice to meet you supernaturals... Now leave before i change my mind, I’m not in a mood in killing you today.” Teru’s end of the sword started sparking. 
Startled, they disappeared leaving the president alone. 
Once they were in a safe place. “That was so close Amane!” Hanako nodded at his words. 
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Tsukasa and Hanako was trying to find where you are, when they saw you talking to the same people as earlier. They couldn’t hear what the three of you were saying so they decided on going closer. Like, close. Since you don’t see them anyways. 
“---Come on Y/n!-” ‘Y/n..’ They both mumbled, trying to see if they could pronounce it properly. “-Can you do it for us please? It’s just a rumor!”
“Then why won’t you try it Aoi-chan?!” Aoi and Yashiro looked at you with pleading eyes. You looked away and pouted, “Nu!” 
“UWAH! SO CUTEEE!!” Tsukasa shouted. Hanako nosebled. That was the cutest thing they had ever fucking seen. You too beautiful. 
“Y/n pleaseeee~!” Aoi gave you her cute puppy eyes that makes you do something you don’t want to do. You took a peak then looked away but this time, closing your eyes. “No!” 
You felt a hand touch your hand softly. You noticed it was Yashiro. Aoi immediately knew what was Yashiro planning, so she held the other hand. “Pretty please Y/n?” Yashiro and Aoi said in unison. 
You slightly blushed. “Fine...” They had let go of your hand and jumped to celebrate themselves winning. 
Tsukasa and Hanako perked up at this. You finally agreed! “She’ll finally see us later Amane!” “Yeah...!”
“So, how do i summon her again?”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
The Yugi brothers happily followed you as you went inside the girl’s bathroom. You took a look at the bathroom. It was dusty. No one came here for a long time. You stood in the same place as you thought of a wish. ‘What wish should i do...?’ You asked yourself.
Hanako and Tsukasa looked at you questionly. “Hey, Tsukasa. Why do you think she’s standing there?” Hanako asked, eyes never leaving you. Tsukasa shrugged. 
A few moments had passed and you finally thought of one! You stood infront of the third stall. “She’s doing it, She’s finally doing it!!!!” Tsukasa exclaimed.
You knocked on the stall door three times then saying. “Hanako-san, Hanako-san. Are you there?” You said without hesitation. Your lying when you said your heart wasn’t beating fast.
Eagerly, Hanako did his signature welcoming. He wasn’t really thinking for Tsukasa to join him. But to his dismay, Tsukasa joined with him.
The door slowly opened, you took a step back. You thought it was the wind but the window was closed. Your heart beated faster. You felt two hands on each of your shoulder. 
“I’m here~” The voice replied. 
You looked at the source of the voice. It was a boy- ghost? Who was floating. He was smiling at you. You noticed his other hand was beside him. You looked at the other side to see the same looking boy- twin maybe? But in different clothes. He was grinning at you. 
You jumped back. “There’s two Hanako’s?!” The realization hit you. “Oh no, no! Amane’s is my older twin brother! I’m Tsukasa nice to meet you!!!” ‘Tsukasa? Amane? Where’s Hanako?’ You thought. 
“I’m Hanako, nice to meet you!” Hanako- or ‘Amane’ the name Tsukasa said, gritted his teeth but he was trying to hide it by smiling. 
“I thought you were Amane?” 
“Oh, Hanako is just my nickname.” He explained. You gave him an ‘Oh’. “Anyways! What’s your wish? That’s the reason you came to me right?” 
“It’s ‘Us’ Amane!!” Tsukasa corrected his brother. 
“My wish is-”
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
After them granting your wish a bit too eagerly, you three began to hang out. They were so cool! Only if you had done these sooner, maybe you could hang out with them more often!
One day, Tsukasa decided on letting you join them in their adventures. 
“What?! No- What if she gets hurt?!” Hanako visibly looked worried. “It’s fine, Amane! We’re here with her! We’ll protect her no matter what! Plus if someone dares to hurt her-.... I’ll kill them!” He grinned. Hanako sighed. “Fine, but she’s going to stay near me.” 
“What?! No! She’s going to stay beside me!” Tsukasa argued. “No she’s not, You’ll just leave her side and go somewhere to entertain yourself!” Hanako looked at him stressed. 
“I’m not going to Amane! I’m going to stay by her side, She’s going to stay in mine!” 
“You’ll just drag-” They both stopped when they heard the door opened. “What are you both arguing about?” You casually asked them, already having the cleaning supplies in hand.
“Nothing!” They both said in unison. You looked at them curiously then started cleaning the sinks first.
☽✧ ✦ ✧☾
Both of them had an agreement that your going to have your very first adventure with them! But you have to stay beside them no matter what.
It was scary but you had fun, right? Your screams were mostly music to Tsukasa’s ears. It was soooo Melodic!!.
But after the event, you kneeled(or knelt) down and panted. Gosh that was scary. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it!” Hanako patted your shoulder. 
“But it was so scary!!” You whined. “Don’t worry.”
“We’ll protect you!” They smiled at you. 
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ryuukia · 5 years
[Translation] Tsukiutaya Tokuten Short Stories - Hajimari no Haru ver.
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(Really belated but) happy birthday, Haru~! University kept me too busy until now to be able to translate this, but spring break started so here it is. I will also post Rainy day’s ss these days (hopefully).
Many thanks to Ryota for assistance and proofreading. Please don’t repost/reuse my translations! Likes and reblogs are appreciated.
Hajimari no Haru ① 【Haru】
“Compared to this, the previous song had so many kanji…!”
“Is that what you think about my song?”
My unconscious spill of words didn’t go unnoticed, as I was smacked with the sheet music from behind.
Of course, by Hajime.
Just when I thought of giving my impressions, the first thing I got was being treated this way.
…...On the other hand, I also thought that alone was enough evidence that Hajime could lower his guard too, given that he would rarely retort to others (it’s like a law of the nature).
Is it too wishful of me to think that way?
“I was just thinking that reading this right after Koi Wasuregusa made me realize how many difficult words and kanji were there.”
“I guess.”
“The difference is that this song has positive lyrics and contents.”
I lowered my gaze on the printed lyrics from my hand
With you, with you, forever, wherever Let’s go, together, and bloom into the future
(This phrase is nice)
“Spring is in general considered the least season to have a dark image. If one had to sing about it, the song would obviously be a positive one.”
“Ah, indeed. In one way or another, spring has a bright image.”
“The snow melts, the plants sprout, the flowers bloom. The very image inspires overflowing life force. That, but also graduations, school matriculations, university enrollments and promotions. There are partings, but also meetings and breaks, making it in the end the season that gives one the power to move forward.”
I chuckled hearing such unusual words coming from Hajime.
“Fufu, is that the impression Hajime has about spring?”
“To me, spring gives in addition that gentle, warm and soft feeling, it’s pretty much a hazy thing. It’s wavering, fluffy and pleasant.
Something that has no shape.”
“Hmm? …...This song gives about the same impression.”
“Now that you mention it……. Hm, yes yes. It’s as you say. My spring, and Hajime’s spring. It feels as if that’s what both of us has settled on. Uwah, this song’s really good. It’s gradually starting to become my favorite.”
A song that involves both springs*.
‘Hajimari no haru’, my song.
Hajimari no Haru ② 【Hajime】
What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘spring’?
In general, many people would say spring, the season.
Some may also associate it with small sprouts, blossoms or the warm rays of the sun.
Others think of it as the period of spring storms, and the falling cherry blossoms.
However for me, (honestly involuntarily) I started to think at one point about the man in front of my eyes first, rather than think about the season ‘spring’.
一Yayoi Haru
He’s a quite dependant man who still shows me new sides of him even now, despite being friends for a long time.
“? Hajime? Did something happen? Ah, maybe you’re hungry. Do you have any snacks?”
“You’re wrong. But give me one.”
“If you say that, then I’m not wrong……. Well, anyway. Here it is.”
As I started to open the wrapping paper, I was thinking.
I normally am bad with saying decisive words and I generally tend to end my sentences as questions. The first person who pointed that out to me was this man standing in front of me.
Haru really sees through people.
Because of that, he’s pretty good at summarizing conversations, too.
He doesn’t run out of topics or wavers when he talks, and I think he’s able to guide a conversation well, too.
(He’s quite accomplished or should I say, it’s his strong point. But, unlike me, he doesn’t seem to be pushing himself.)
The difference between us is the way we speak.
The manner in which we express ourselves I suppose.
I lightly felt being a bit hungry and ended up thinking about that difference as I randomly took a freshly baked treat.
Warm, and gentle…… and according to the one standing in front of my eyes, spring is a wavering, fluffy and pleasant season.
On the other hand, it’s also an untamable season with violent winds blowing.
For me, all those together mean ‘spring’.
Hajimari no Haru ③ 【Haru】
“When converted to kanji, hajimari no haru becomes ‘The spring of beginnings’. For us, the ‘spring of beginnings’ is…… as expected, that spring when you picked up the soccer ball, isn’t it?”
“That’s sudden. But yeah, you’re right.”
Hajime nodded as if he was talking about a trivial thing, something maybe I couldn’t do. After all, that encounter felt to me like it was the hand of fate.
For example, if that ball had made it through the goal……
“Our team lost the game.
“It did, huh.”
“Despite losing by only one point, it’s not like I would be worried about it.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Anyway, if we had lost the game and I had made my way back to the classroom with a bitter smile…… maybe I would have never gotten this close to Hajime?”
“....... I wonder. I never thought about that.”
“Really? I think about it sometimes. At that time I couldn’t imagine a future with the two of us doing idol activities together. I feel like everything between us changed with one ball. I thought it’s strange and yet it feels somewhat amazing.”
Hajime neither affirmed, nor denied, just let out a small, whiffed laugh.
“You told me that story before. Not once, but several times.”
“Oh, is that so?”
“Yeah, sometimes you called it ‘amazing’, sometimes you said ‘I was moved’. Your impressions were different each time. Anyway, I have the feeling you think too highly of a single ball.”
“I wonder.”
Hajime continued as he tilted his head towards me and gave me a long look for a short while.
“For example……. Even if that ball hadn’t come flying towards me, I feel as if we’d still have talked sometime somewhere else. If you hadn’t approached me first, I would have. You piqued my interest because you stood out.”
“Standing out, you say… I really think that there’s no one who can compare to you, you know, Hajime?
But I see. So everything really did start when that spring came.”
“Are you satisfied, Haru?”
Instead of replying, I laughed.
“A song that involves both springs*.” → Spring refers to both the season and Haru, the character (whose name means spring too)
With you, with you, forever, wherever Let’s go, together, and bloom into the future → These are lyrics from the actual song (”anata to omae to/ itsumademo dokomademo/ ikou bokura kono 「saki」 he”)
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation] ZIX - brilliant - Drama Track 2
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Here’s the second track!
Track 2 [Special Guests: Growth’s Koki-kun and Ryota-kun!]
Under the cut for length, enjoy~
Track 2: 「スペシャルゲストのGrowthの昂輝くんと涼太くん」 “Special Guests: Growth’s Koki-kun and Ryota-kun”
  MITSURU:    And so~ We called for a special guest to help us advertise our brand new single!
MAKOTO:    They’re people you already know well.
MITSURU:    Well then, please welcome them!
MITSURU:    Our special guests from Growth! Koki-kun and Ryota-kun!
KOKI:            Good afternoon. I’m Eto Koki from Growth.
RYOTA:        Good afternoon. I’m Sakuraba Ryota from Growth.
RYOTA:        We were called here today.
MITSURU:    Welcome, welcome~ Koki-kun, Ryo-kun~
RYOTA:        (laughs) Thank you, Mitsuru-kun.
MITSURU:    It seems like people are calling us “rivals” lately. There’re a lot of times when we run into each other at the set, too.
MITSURU:    Since we run into each other a lot, we tried offering you something since we had nothing to lose~
MAKOTO:    And then both of you agreed to come here.
KOKI:            Thank you for the offer. Unfortunately, Kensuke and Mamoru couldn’t fit it into their schedules. Because they couldn’t please do invite us again when you have the chance.
MAKOTO:    That’s right.
RYOTA:        Oh, I have something to clarify before the program begins.
RYOTA:       Our units may be called rivals but we’re really good friends who hang out a lot normally, too.
MITSURU:    Right~ We invite each other to events. We get along sooo well, right, Ryota-kun~?
(Mitsuru stands up and approaches Ryota)
MITSURU:    Come on…! Let’s do a peace sign together…!
RYOTA:        (reluctantly) Peace…
MITSURU:    (laughs)
RYOTA:        This habit of Mitsuru’s is really getting shady to me~
MITSURU:    Oh my, Ryota-kun~ Isn’t “shady” a little too mean?
MITSURU:    Ryota-kun, too~ Your eyes are not smiling, it’s scary~
RYOTA:        Oh come on~ That’s not true~
MAKOTO:    That’s just how these two normally are.
KOKI:            (giggles) That’s true.
MAKOTO:    Well then, let’s leave those two with their flirting and continue with the segment.
MAKOTO:    Today we’ll be advertising our new single.
MAKOTO:    Together with Growth, we’ll be talking about… (the conversation slowly fades out)
  MAKOTO:    We finished everything safely. Thanks for the hard work.
KOKI:            Yeah, you too.
MITSURU:    Then, lift up your glasses~
RYOTA:        Cheers.
ALL:              Cheers!
  KOKI:            I didn’t think that we’d get to spend time together like this.
MAKOTO:    Exactly. Though, there were times when the atmosphere during the recording was getting too tense.
MITSURU:    Are you talking about me and Ryota?
MITSURU:    It’s totally fine! Everyone thought that we were just joking around.
RYOTA:        That’s right.
RYOTA:        No one would think that we really hate each other.
MITSURU:    Even though we really do in reality.
RYOTA:        No doubt about it.
KOKI:            You really don’t like each other, do you? I kinda wish that you did, though.
MAKOTO:    Same here.
MITSURU:    Though you say that…
MITSURU:    Even though Makoto’s acting all prim and proper, it’s obvious that you’re totally thinking of Koki as a rival. You just said so earlier, too~
MAKOTO:    Mitsuru.
KOKI:            Is… that so?
MAKOTO:    …
MAKOTO:    Well… Yeah, I guess. It’s not something that’s easy to let go of, you know?
MAKOTO:    Since I really do think of you as one.
KOKI:            I see…
KOKI:            You’re right…
MAKOTO:    We are rivals on stage. But when we’re not, it’s a totally different story.
KOKI:            Eh?
MAKOTO:    Koki. It’s true that I still get irritated by that “good boy” and naïve attitude of yours.
MAKOTO:    I get irritated so much that simply thinking about it irritates me again.
MAKOTO:    It’s very petty.
MAKOTO:    But, even though you’re like that, your pride in your work won’t go away. It’s like you look down on others.
MAKOTO:    It will always be somewhere deep inside your heart.
KOKI:            Makoto.
KOKI:            I’ve said this before but I don’t really have that kind of inten—
MAKOTO:    Listen until the end.
MAKOTO:    This is what irritates me the most.
MAKOTO:    I know that you don’t really have that kind of intention.
MAKOTO:    And I’m aware of the fact that I’m the one distorting things.
MAKOTO:    But…
MAKOTO:    Even though my mind’s already aware, my heart still can’t accept it. It’s really illogical.
MAKOTO:    It happens sometimes, right?
MAKOTO:    That’s how I feel about you.
KOKI:            …
MAKOTO:    But now we’re here, talking and drinking beer.
KOKI:            Makoto?
MAKOTO:    Mitsuru and I know that there’s no point in keeping up appearances in front of you.
MAKOTO:    That’s why you guys should also be honest and just say what irritates you or what you hate about us freely.
MAKOTO:    We’re not best friends. I really think that that’s our situation right now.
KOKI:            Freely…?
RYOTA:        Then I’ll say something.
MITSURU:    Oh~?!
RYOTA:        Don’t agitate Ko too much, will you?
RYOTA:        Ko’s really serious so if you tell him you hate him he’ll really believe it.
RYOTA:        He’s the type to really mull over it.
RYOTA:        That might be a reason why you think he’s such a “good boy” but that’s a reason why I really love and admire him.
RYOTA:        I won’t forgive you if you ever hurt Ko.
RYOTA:        Not only Ko but everyone else in Growth except for me. They’re too nice and sincere.
RYOTA:        I just want you to be careful with your words.
KOKI:            Ryo…
MAKOTO:    How scary.
RYOTA:        Of course.
RYOTA:        I won’t angry depending on how you reply though.
MAKOTO:    Sorry about that. I didn’t have ill intentions when I said that.
MITSURU:    Makoto just wanted to say that we shouldn’t keep up appearances and lie to each other but rather be true to ourselves around each other. Am I right?
MAKOTO:    Yeah… That’s basically it.
MITSURU:    Sorry, Koki~ That’s what he meant.
KOKI:            Eh?
KOKI:            Ah, it’s okay. It’s not like I didn’t realize.
KOKI:            I just thought about how situations like this really do happen.
KOKI:            I thought that I could only be myself around Growth but now it looks like that’s not the case. It’s a really fresh feeling.
RYOTA:        True. It’s not like we can just tell the other people at our agency what we really love and hate about them, huh?
RYOTA:        But they’re things that we really need to hear. Hearing it from a third party makes their opinions valuable, doesn’t it?
MITSURU:    I’m so relieved! We just got acknowledged, Makoto~!
RYOTA:        I’ve always hated this attitude of Mitsuru’s.
KOKI:            (in a playful tone) You really don’t hold back, do you?
MAKOTO:    Ryota.
MAKOTO:    Since you said something a while ago, I’ll say something about Mitsuru, too.
MAKOTO:    Him being shady is his trademark, you know?
RYOTA:        Heh~
MAKOTO:    I kept thinking ���What’s with this guy?” just like you did when I first got paired with him.
MAKOTO:    But then I found out. He might not look like it but he’s a really honest and hardworking guy.
MAKOTO:    It’s because he acknowledges Growth that he’s trying to improve.
MAKOTO:    When he wins he gets happy and when he loses he gets upset.
MAKOTO:    He wants to be popular so he pretends to be nice in front of fans. But since he can’t be himself around them, it’s sort of interesting what he’ll do, isn’t it?
RYOTA:        I see.
MITSURU:    W-w-wait a sec…! M-Makoto, can you stop that?
MITSURU:    You saying that with such a straight face… makes me feel embarrassed…
RYOTA:        I see~
MITSURU:    Uwah… I don’t like that face you’re making, Ryota…
RYOTA:        Eh? (giggles) How mean~ Here, have a drink~
RYOTA:        Your face is turning red so why not drink something cold to cool it off~?
MITSURU:    Ryota’s really quick to poke at other people’s weaknesses.
MITSURU:    That part of you is the same as my personality and it irritates me so much!
RYOTA:        Sure, sure~
KOKI:            (giggles) Hey, Makoto.
KOKI:            It’s not like I’m being such a “good boy”. I’m just awkward. That’s why I can’t really have ulterior motives.
KOKI:            Even though we’re like this, I don’t really hate you or Mitsuru.
KOKI:            Even from before when you would tease or get angry at me. I only got upset but I didn’t hate you.
KOKI:            I think you’re great rivals. From the bottom of my heart.
KOKI:            I’m happy that I can tell you this properly now.
MAKOTO:    …
MAKOTO:    That’s exactly why I say you’re a “good boy.”
KOKI:            If you think so then I may be.
KOKI:            But, that’s who I am. Makoto, don’t give up on me and please continue to go along.
MAKOTO:    Geez.
KOKI:            (giggles) Cheers.
MAKOTO:    Cheers.
※ Please don’t re-upload these translations anywhere, thank you ^^
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