#oh yeah context: im going to see phantom of the opera with a friend
murmurmurl · 1 month
hello gay people in my phone, please help idk what to wear (except I'm not describing the outfits properly)
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i-am-vpelno · 4 years
Review of Love Never Dies (aka Phantom of the Opera 2):
I’m no theatre expert so I assume the reason it takes a while to start is so people can get to their seats but yeah it takes a minute to actually start the show. First song is one of my favorite though the giant ass picture of Christine is awkward.
I’m sorry but I hate the clowns in this entire thing it’s just too much and I don’t like their songs. Aside from the main three, who are tolerable and kinda have unique characters. Costumes and sets are beautiful. The sets are quite sparse however, I think a few more walls and little pieces of furniture could’ve added to everything.
The previous performance explains that they are now in Coney Island America instead of Paris and explains some of the acts. This makes it weird for Meg’s performance to also explain the performance rather than show off a unique song. At the same time, I still like this performance because it shows how non-special she is. Also I’m going to assume the lethargic dancing was a purposeful decision to show that Meg just isn’t that good. I really like the actress’s voice and acting tho.
I love love love the introduction to the new De Chagny family and how they’re not used to this American brashness that the actors play up. Raoul has a complete character shift that, while its an amazing performance, I don’t understand it compared to the ‘Charming Prince’ he was in Phantom. I like Christine’s comforting song to Gustav but I feel like it was just put in to enforce the “LOOK, LOOK HOW MUCH I LOVE MY SON” thing. Also, if the events of Phantom were so traumatic that Raoul can’t stand music and Christine gets PTSD flashbacks from that familiar tune, I’d just leave. 1 point to Raoul for recognizing that this isn’t a great situation.
Fucking, best song goes to Beneath A Moonless Sky. Like, I feel that, I believe that, I’m in that tension like UGH THE CHEMISTRY!!!!! Like if Lloyd put in a weird on stage no nudity sex scene I’d be there for it honestly. THE WAY ERIC GRIPS HIS THIGHS AND THEN SHE CARESSES HIS HEAD I BELIEVE THEY SEXED. Like she even stares at his lips as he gets closer and they just get closer as they specifically recount the sexing. It’s just UGH it’s all there, the song, the body language, the emotion in their voices. Seriously though this is super believable and I even imagined this happening before I saw this but, and this can be said for the entire show, it’s just stuff shoed in for a second story.
Once Upon Another Time is weird and shouldn’t be there because Christine is obviously done with the Phantom so it’s weird that she sings a whole diddy about love and stuff. The only part I like is that when she drops the “no choice” bit the Phantom seems to realize she’s not happy with Raoul, or so I assume. Then Phantom starts being psycho again and Christine is like 👁👄👁 shock. Like you knew he been bad wtf you on Christine???
I like the reprisals, though I feel they’re too squished together, they’re put in places where it’s like “uh oh, the phantom’s acting up again, remember this tune?” Or to exacerbate the mood. Also something I forgot to mention, this time around the Phantom has object inventions such as a self driving carriage and ?electric? Toys to show he’s improved as an engineer/inventor.
I also fucking love the reunion between the Madame, Meg, Christine and Raoul. Though Raoul and Madame aren’t old friends?? But the spicy tension here is amazing for interactions not with the Phantom! Again though, the Phantom is a criminal and Raoul is a “famous” viscount. The move should be grab your wife and kid then go to the police. Also, I have started shipping Meg/Raoul lol.
Remember the creepy kids from Nightmare Before Christmas? Yeah, that’s the three clowns...making the Phantom Oogey Boogy lol. Okay, I specifically hate singing children, I always have but have not specific reason. “He plays like me 😲” I hate the way he says this JFC along with “I want to know what you think 😯” But the “10 Years OLD😫” is amazing tbh.
THE BEAUTY UNDERNEATH SUCKS ITS A MAURY STYLE QUESTIONNAIRE PUT IN A SONG DAMN IT!!!! It’s just an excuse to be weird!! Also is this glorifying freak shows or something? Something about how the “not so bad” guy is associated with the “freaks” makes me feel some type of way that I can’t define. It’s a weird translation but the Phantom’s face is supposed to be so horrible he looks like a corpse so I didn’t get why the kid was scared of Ben Lewis but I forget that he’s not supposed to be that hot lmao, also PHANTOM CRY LIKE A BITCH, *comforting head grab*. Christine out here being a dumbass, HE TOLD YOU TO LEAVE seriously just go! But no Christine has to let his music be heard.
Okay I like that Madame Gerie is getting more stuff to do but I don’t get how “everything” will go to Gustav. Didnt she hear that they leaving? I don’t get it.
OKAY okay I’m dying laughing as it’s apparently almost morning in this bar, then “the morning shift” comes in AND SO DOES THIS CHIPPER FUCK WHO JUST TIPS HIS HAT AND STRUTS IN. I really don’t like Raoul’s “I’ve always been empty and dark, etc.” Like, come on bro, not true. Suddenly it’s dawn after his wallowing song, and in comes Meg and HOLY SHIT JUST KISS.
“I’m not afraid of him!” 🙃😨 I loved that moment. Devil Take the Hindmost is 3rd place for best songs, it really shows off...sorry I’m distracted by Ben Lewis’ tall slender figure AHEM instead of straight up fighting it shows off Raoul’s cowardice and basic bitchness “You’re ugly” whirl the Phantom out here like “Are you sure the kid’s yours and OH YEAH IM A MURDERER” like his insults are written to cut on a deeper level. Okay I see now, the Phantom wants to keep Christine and the boy of course, but he knows she intends to sing.
ExuSe Me? SWIM SUIT BOYS THROWING IT BACK??? Bathing Beauty is adorable but slowly making me realize I haven’t seen a single scene between her and the Phantom and this is making me question what her deal is with him. Also, just made me realize she has an American accent?? I wish it was more about Meg and the Phantom, I need to know more!
I like seeing Christine being silly. Okay “single red rose” line is weird. Ew Raoul crawling back just so he doesn’t lose. First time Raoul looks hot tho but it’s just another ploy dammit! I do like this direct choice though unlike the first one, despite what Raoul knows, Christine thinks there’s no danger and that she’s merely doing Eric one last favor. This leaves her mind pretty clear on what she wants without the pressure of death at least. Okay scratch that, the necklace being placed and then the Phantom guiding her head makes me think Lloyd is trying to imply the Phantom still has an almost psychic control over her. UGH THE REPRISE WITH BOTH THEIR VOICES THIS TIME UGGHGGGGGGGHHHHHH SO GOOD.
Who will keep an eye on this well dressed little French boy lmao. Again, did Meg and Eric shabang? Devil Take the Hindmost reprise is good but a little on the nose with Gustav’s part. I absolutely love that the stage is used as an in universe stage btw, especially during Love Never Dies. Those earrings don’t go with that necklace hon. God I love this song and the message but only in this context! I can’t listen to it outside this musical! Does anyone else get the feeling that she’s singing to Raoul in the context that yes she’s singing for the Phantom but she’s choosing to stay with Raoul??? Especially from that reaction of discomfort when he grabs her. Like they’re my OTP here but she doesn’t seem decided honestly despite it being obviously implied by the kiss.
I like seeing the Phantom freak out about Gustav tbh. It seems like honest care and worry not peacocking or triumphing over winning Christine from Raoul. The kidnapping just makes Meg’s story seem more weird because why kidnap the boy if she’s not going to hurt him??? Not saying this whole confrontation is fucked up and I feel her pain, I just don’t feel like I know everything. THEN FUCK! What a bullshit way to die. Would you trust this man with your child, honestly! That awkward shimmy he has to do to get closer tho 😂 THE EW FACE ERIC DOES AS HE LEAVES AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 THE REAL TEARS THE SON ACKNOWLEDGING THE FATHER awkward face touch END.
Overall, beautiful disaster piece with great music that I’m glad exists even though it shouldn’t!
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br0ther-theloops · 7 years
a “should we know us a little better” tag 🌸
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people (i’m not going to tag twenty people are you insane)
Tagged by @hobisol​ thank you so much for tagging me!! 💕 💕
1. Drink: water because we have nothing else in my apartment...
2. Phone call: UMMMMM my mom i think???
3. Text message: a group chat between @bangtanboysboo, @lol-hobi, @vrlskaserket, @bubblegumlookinass, and myself and it’s just me talking to myself rn UPDATE: we’re talking about teens making out in a line at cedar point lmao
4. Song you listened to: blackpink’s NEW SONG BECAUSE I FFHUEIWKFHWEukhjgwK
5. Time you cried: i answered this in an ask yesterday but i remember now that the last time i cried was like monday and it was because i was looking up pictures of corgi pups 
6. Dated someone twice: nope~
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: oh yeah, for sure, it’s what i would like to call, my first year of college 😬😬😬
8. Been cheated on: lmao yeah
9. Lost someone special: yep
10. Been depressed: 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yeah the first and only real time was the saturday right before finals and my friends tucked me in and let me sleep on the bathroom floor 👌👌
12-14: mint green/tiffany blue, pale pink, and either burnt orange or dark magenta 
15. Made new friends: yes yes yes~~~ i made some of my best friends this past year ❤️💞💘💝💖💜
16. Fallen out of love: oh yeah
17. Laughed until you cried: yeah probably
18. Found out someone was talking about you: ....have i really not?? well damn, either people really like me or im just great at being completely oblivious
19. Met someone who changed you: definitely!
20. Found out who your friends are: i mean, everyone’s my friend. i get the context and meaning of this question, but it’s okay to have friends who you’re not super close with that’s fine.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: i mean yeah
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i don’t give out my facebook to people i don’t know irl because it’s used for school and family.
23. Do you have any pets: i don’t have any pets and it makes me so sad ☹️
24. Do you want to change your name: it has taken me a really long time to like my name, so no
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: i got lunch with my family and my boyfriend at the time and then i had practice and did homework because my last birthday was on a sunday
26. What time did you wake up: around 10 but i didn’t get out of bed until almost 11 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: what was i doing uhhhhh reading i think
28. Name something you can’t wait for: my life to finally seem put together lmao
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: my biological mom; it’s been almost a year in a half i believe? and then i saw my step mom a couple weekends ago lol
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i want people to be loved for who they are and how they choose to present themselves and not be afraid of being harmed because of that. on a more personal level, i want to be better at saving money lol ooo or to love myself more
31. What are you listening right now: the ac unit in my wall. i rarely have music on as background noise when i’m writing or typing something up
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah when i was like seventeen or smth
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: uhhhhhhh the fact that it’s so humid in my apartment and the one ac unit is in the wall in my kitchen, which is closed in so the only place getting cooler in my apartment is the kitchen
34. Most visited Website: tumblr lmao rip
35. Mole/s: i have only one mole and it’s on my thigh kind of near my butt! it’s in the shape of an upside down heart!
36. Mark/s: listen, i have a lot of scars because i’m a delicate baby that accidentally hurts themself a lot, but as of what i know i have right off the top of my head: three scars on my forehead, one on my right knee, one of my left shin, one on my right thumb that looks like a crescent moon, two on my left arm which were the result of my clothing hating me, and i think that’s it? oh! and i have a bruise on my side that i’ve had since i ran into a dresser when i was younger.
37. Childhood dream: i wanted to be a singer!🎤 
38. Hair color: right now, a brownish, reddish, dirty blonde, but naturally, dark red!
39. Long or short hair: long. it’s down to my nipples. i haven’t had hair this long since high school.
40. Do you have a crush on someone: not really anymore i don’t think ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
41. What do you like about yourself: i like...my eyes and my ability to not take myself seriously all the time. i also like that i usually see and understand both sides of a situation!
42. Piercings: three on my nose 
43. Bloodtype: O
44. Nickname: most people just call me ashley, but sometimes people refer to me as ash (but like, please ask me first because i do like being called ashley and being called ash without permission makes me super uncomfortable. also ashley is p gender neutral!). my mom calls me ash ketchum, and my family calls me ashley lynn. 
45. Relationship status: 😬  no one likes me so lol
46. Zodiac: libra and i’m three days younger than jimin!
47. Pronouns: they/them/she/her. i don’t mind either!
48. Favorite TV Show: UMMMM i don’t really watch tv but i like steven universe and gravity falls and chopped and anything on the food network tbhhhhhh also stuff like hoarders and my strange addiction hold my attention like no one’s business
49. Tattoos: i have one!
50. Right or left hand: right handed 
51. Surgery: ummm i had two teeth removed and a root canal so do those count? i also had to get stitches twice for cut because i was young and an idiot
52. Piercings: two on my left nostril, and one on my right 
53. Sports: the only sports i have ever done is track and that was for like two years. i dance for fun and perform dance covers with my club!
55. Vacation: i haven’t been on an actual vacation since i was sixteen. 
56. Pair of trainers: like the shoes? um, i have one pair of adidas.
57. Eating: i was just chewing some gum, but hard boiled eggs?
58. Drinking: water
59. I’m about to: probably make dinner or write, who knows.
61. Waiting for: my ask-kimdaily stuff to come in the mail ;;;;
62. Want: pizza, but a lot of things
63. Get married: idk if i really want to get married, i just want to live with a partner for a while and be domestic and shit because that stuff 👌👌👌
64. Career: a writer or smth who knows
65. Hugs or kisses: both?
66. Lips or eyes: i really like looking into people’s eyes, but i also have a slight eye phobia so 
67. Shorter or taller: both? it’s not that hard to be taller than me, though
68. Older or younger: a majority of my friends are younger than me, but both is fine
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: both??
71. Sensitive or loud: you can be both tho i’m so confused
72. Hook up or relationship: i mean both have their ups and downs
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: what is this even asking fam
74. Kissed a stranger: surprisingly, no
75. Drank hard liquor: i’m an actual adult and a college student not to make generalizations but like yeah.
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i lose my glasses every day of my life hekwjfhwilukgjr
77. Turned someone down: yeah a few times
78. Sex in the first date: yes
79. Broken someones heart: yeahhhhh....
80. Had your heart broken: lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
81. Been arrested: nope but i have been frisked by a cop when i was 13 because someone thought i stole smth and i cried 
82. Cried when someone died: yep
83. Fallen for a friend: lmaoooooooooooooo rip me
84. Yourself: is this some naruto stuff or what
85. Miracles: sure
86. Love at first sight: i mean, it was love at first sight when i saw min yoonji so i guess you could say so
87. Santa Claus: not any more. i don’t think i was ever told he wasn’t real, but i just had a realize and was okay with it
88. Kiss in the first date: fam i’ve slept with someone of the first date i think we know what i think--you should only do something, like kiss someone, or even have sex with someone, when you are completely comfortable with the situation and are able to give full consent and are okay with it. 
89. Angels: i think so? i’m not sure lmao
90. Current best friends name: names lmao bethany, becca, erin, julia
91. Eyecolor: hazel/green blue/sometimes they look gray
92. Favorite movie: this is constantly changing but spirited away, moana, phantom of the opera, ooo zootopia, harry potter and the chamber of secrets, and more!
do not feel obligated to do this, this took a long time even with minimal distractions but i tag: @minminyoongi @ahoneyyboy @nochucametru @otpvmin @giveemhelllex @1995winemom @blushguk @chocoulat @lqhani
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