#oh my god selkie au is my favorite
chiropteracupola · 5 months
tagged in my favorite tag game by @sanguinarysanguinity, many thanks!
the game is: post the names of the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title of what most intrigued them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. if you want, tag as many people as you have wips.
treasure island:
selkie au
an oak tree in ithaca
chichester visiting / william bush’s nice summer
flight of the heron:
tam lin au
ladyhawke au
lake trip
to keep it real
french vacation / a season in exile
green knight thing?
winter birds
tea au / fuck it what if they were samurai
first snowfall at ardroy
soldier’s lass
wolf run free / werewolf au
the boys again :( / hagman is in a situation
ladyhawke au 2
kissing the homies goodnight
harris’s totally excellent amateur theatricals
sharpe and strange / jsamn crossover
siúil a grá / will you walk with me
babygirl you're coolawesome
uh oh lads it’s alan breck again / balquhidder take 2
alan just happens so much
wood-god / shapeshifter alan / a bonny moor-hen
boys get a little fancy
a haunting at shaws
home to aucharn again
the low road
henry v 1989 - a second bisclavret
pirates of the caribbean - two magicians / shapeshifter swann
the great escape - tunnel kings
team fortress 2 - assorted flintlock fortress fics
the wolf and the watchman - tavern futures
the body snatcher - fun for boys (with scalpel!)
oak savanna vampire
blood of the ash-tree
moth and compass - tie-mates
@dxppercxdxver, @kigiom, @baronetcoins, would you like to join in?
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hookahpop · 9 months
As I'm looking at this before I hit send I'm SWEATING this got so long oh my god this is embarrassing. Anyways. I'm a huge fan of the canon rewrite genre rn so I hope you don't mind that most of the fics I'm gonna rec are of that sort, but I promise I do have a couple that aren't! Not in any particular order but I bolded my favorites. Please mind the word counts T-T
where the stars do not take sides
Zuko's mother takes him and runs away from the palace on the night that he's supposed to be killed. She dies, and he spends the next several years hiding in the Earth Kingdom on his own. Enter the Avatar. Also, Azula is... good!
the Blue Spirit and the Warrior
Technically a series, but it hasn't been updated since 2021 and the first fic is phenomenal. Identity porn in Ba Sing Se.
winter solstice: an addendum
Currently an ongoing fic so if that's not something you're interested in then I get it but I feel like I remember you saying you follow ongoing fics so I'm including it anyways. The Gaang bring Zuko with them when they escape Zhao in Book 1 and work through some things with him.
Boomerangs and Rainbows
They leave Zuko in the snow at the North Pole instead of bringing him back. He dies. His ghost haunts Sokka. Genuinely loved this premise and imo the author did it very well. There IS a happy ending dw.
Unpathed Waters, Undreamed Shores
This one. Oh my god. Sokka is a selkie and he gets captured by Zuko's ship before the first episode. Otter penguins as a metaphor for how homosexuality is a naturally occurring phenomenon and also their relationship.
talk too much
Yeah it's about the COIN song. Sokka recognizes Zuko at the tea shop in Ba Sing Se and decides to figure out what he's up to. Copious amounts of "What are we" and a very nice "Nobody says my name like you do."
The Good Vanilla
Post-canon! Cooking IS a love language and YES somebody almost dies <3
(do you take this jerk to be) your one and only
AU where Iroh got the throne instead of Ozai and ended the war early. Zuko and Yue are betrothed. Sokka is pissed, and then he gets tasked with teaching Zuko how to complete the Water Tribe courtship rituals. You can connect the dots.
While Mighty Oaks Do Fall
Ongoing! AU where Zuko is blessed by the Sun when he is born (like Yue with the Moon) and because this freaks Ozai tf out, he gets sent to be a Fire Sage very early on. He's obsessed with the law. Basically a very autistic-coded lawyer at the age of 16 while also helping the Avatar.
twinkothydrake asked:
oh my god i can't believe that whole wall of text sent i'm so SORRY??? i hope that you enjoy them if you ever get the chance to read them fjslkdfsl
this looked so much more intimidating on my phone lmao but i'm definitely reading all of these!!! actually, the ghost one is already in my for later list, so now i need to bump it up.. thank you!!!
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grimalkinmessor · 3 months
10. Top three favourite fic tropes.
OH BOY *scrubs my grubby paws rogether* Ain't that a fun question? I'm a big fan of AUs—soulmates, hanahaki, A/B/O, you name it, I'm probably in love with it. My all time favorite trope is definitely arranged marriage, though. Or—I guess you could say it's technically dubious consent? Because it's really the power imbalance and the struggle for freedom that I really like about it, it doesn't have to be specifically Arranged Marriage, it could just as well be (and often is) captor/captive. The CODEPENDENCE. The PARASITISM that develops 😩👌✨ They need each other more than air, more than anything but they're killing each other, they're making each other stronger and worse, even if you die you'll never be free of me because a part of you is always in me and a part of me is soldered to you, I wish I could hate you, I wish I could love you, I wish things were different— the GOOD SHIT ✨👌🤌💕💞💖🙏✨❤️‍🔥💯✨⭐🔥🌟
Which sort of leads into my second favorite trope; fantasy AUs!!! Put some magic in that shit!!! Drop down some monarchial or even dictoral intrigue!!! World build!!!! Make that character a dragon!!!!! HELL yeah!!!!!!! Fantasy AUs are always so so so much fun for me and I love them. It's about 🤌🤌 the political/magical/moral intrigue 🤌🤌🤌🤌
Now. I say that vaguely because one of my favorite tropes that is hard as FUCK to find are creature AUs. Selkie and wing AUs specifically. Selkie AUs because they tie back into the above very nicely, but WING AUs always have me by the throat because it's just,,,,,everything to me. I desperately, desperately wanted wings as a kid (and still to this day), so a world where everyone has wings is my ultimate escapism fantasy. Plus the angst that tends to come with it?? Top tier, real shit. Your wings are broken, they're stigmatized, they're useless, they've been taken from you—or, my fucking favorite, they've never been touched :) Never been groomed :)) And the first time someone shows them that sort of intimate yet common affection you just start shaking because it's so overwhelming to feel loved. To be cared for. ESPECIALLY if the wings in question are broken, useless, bad luck. LOVE that shit 💖
11. Three tropes that are fine but overrated.
Tattoo/Flower shop AUs. They're alright but honestly they feel so much like coffee shop AUs to me that I can't really see the difference lmao. Plus it usually comes with too much fluff for me to find it interesting, even as someone who loves flower language and loves tattoos.
Gonna contradict myself with this one, but soulmate AUs. They can be good, but when you don't dive into the inherent darkness of having choice snatched away from you by fate itself and the horror that can come with knowing someone is the other half of you, connected forever with no way out, then what's the point honestly. The whole reason I adore soulmate AUs is because the very premise of it all is so fucked up, dressed up and romanticized as something sweet and wholesome. If you make it something ACTUALLY sweet and wholesome—which many people do—then I think it gets old quick.
Fake Unrequited Love. OH my God this one. It's fine, alright, it's fine but it irritates the shit out of me most of the time. I adore the angst of unrequited love, and to just say "well it only LOOKS unrequited because they didn't COMMUNICATE clearly enough haha the sillies" babe that is just dressed up miscommunication. Guh. Sometimes it doesn't bother me but honestly it's always been overrated to me. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Bonus one: There Was Only One Bed Trope. It's fine but I have personal issues with it. I like it in theory but it's one of the very few tropes that triggers the hell outta me. I wish I could enjoy it, but since I can't it just feels like it's everywhere, therefore making it overrated to me specifically.
(Hilarious because I keep intending to make use of it in my Matsulight fic but I chickened out the first time lmao)
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hexiewrites · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 43!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 562,348, which is honestly insane
3. What fandoms do you write for? right now mostly stranger things. I've got most of a ted lasso fic written but who knows if that'll get posted?? and prev, harry potter.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. don't take this sinner (dramione, marriage law ish), 2. same as it ever was (steddie, two timelines, one of my first steddie fics!) 3. carve your name into my chest (steddie, the hockey au of my dreams) 4. come get your man (he got lost in my DMs) (steddie, social media, steve being a horny DM guy) 5. there'll be a riot (cause I know you) (steddie, the matty-healy-rat-man-Eddie-vibed mostly smut fic)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? ugh. I WISH!!!! I want to be better at this, I really do. I usually start strong but I end up with limited energy/time and I want to filter that into writing more. if you've ever commented: I FUCKING LOVE YOU and think you're SO cool! if you really WANT a reply, the best way to get that is to ask me questions haha. it starts to feel weird just "thank you!"ing everyone, ya know?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I am.... not an angsty ending person tbqh! I think the closest is probably you love the sea, which is a flintwood rarepair selkie fic that I deeply love. it ends happy, insofaras they end up TOGETHER, but if you think more about the implications and how fucking sad it's going to be for oliver... well. I'll leave that to you guys.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? god, I'm well known for having "endings so happy they border on absurd", according to one person online. so, pick your poison I guess! anyways the fic THAT person was referring to was same as it ever was, so, let's go with that!
8. Do you get hate on fics? I have been so lucky lately to not get much hate at all lately, which is a real privilege in the fandom world. remember that I cut my teeth in early days of harry potter, and people were BRUTAL. I definitely HAVE gotten hate - my aforementioned dramione fic has a bit of a weird twist that some people were PISSED about (and once I got an incredibly detailed comment about how badly I fucked up my representation of black Hermione because she... didn't talk that much about hating her hair? which I know is AN experience but not necessarily a universal one) but overall, at least this fandom go around, no hate. thank you, everyone, for that!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes. lots and lots and lots of it. mostly kinda kinky and pretty much all pretty gay. let's not talk about how many times I've had to tag dacryphilia and what that means. I just like when people fuck about things, yknow?
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? nope, never! and I likely never will. too much to keep track of.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that I know of, thank god for that.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I've had requests but... I would need a translator willing to work pretty closely with me because I want to make sure certain choices come across well, and I haven't found that yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? not officially, though I did write a buckingham companion piece to the amazing cowboy-bar fic @riality-check did!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? OH GOD don't make me choose! ALL TIME is still probably dramione, but steddie is a very close second. in terms of canon ships, I'm such a sucker for buffy/spike (leave me alone), and veronica mars/logan (AGAIN LEAVE ME ALONE) and rory/logan (BECAUSE RICH WHITE BOYS NAMED LOGAN ARE A WEAKNESS, APPARENTLY)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? pour one OUT for you can't take the sky from me, which is my firefly inspired harry potter au ft pansy/percy, mostly because I had so many big plans for it that I've completely forgotten AND I just can't write in that fandom at all anymore. sorry everyone, I do love what I put out and I wish there was more of it.
16. What are your writing strengths? prose, smut, tying things together with little bows, and spending way too much time in my characters heads
17. What are your writing weaknesses? dual POVs, getting so lost in one character I don't flesh out the others as much as I mean to, action sequences, and consistent motivation
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've done it before (mostly in clean ice, cold hearts, can't lose) and my typical strategy is to indicate that the characters are speaking a diff language (in french, I use guillements and italics) but not to actually WRITE the french, unless it's very short and the POV character doesn't understand it on purpose like in carve.
19. First fandom you wrote for? harry potter baby! my oldest posted fic that I've found online was from 2002, when I was... too young to be interacting with the internet like that, that's for sure.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? carve your name into my chest and it's no contest. I love same as it ever was as well, which I think is a better WRITTEN fic technically speaking, but carve was a huge passion project that I had so much fun with, and the response to it had been one of my favourite things in the world. oh, and special shout out to make this inn our own, which is my second longest fic ever and was just an absolute joy to do. so, those three, I guess!
tagging with no pressure: @riality-check @hereforanepilogue @maxineholtzmann @stevespookington @stevethehairington @withacapitalp and whoever else wants in!
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👀, 🤲, and 🧠? also would love to hear your weirdest headcanon
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
hmmmmm do i have any Good ones that i havent already talked about and/or aren't oc shit.
i do have! a vaguely historical selkie au! that i think is really fun! basically tony is post-injury/captivity and is recovering on the seaside and goes to have a walk on the beach and finds a very fucked up steve. and drags him home to try to save his life. anyways steve is a selkie, and i have NO thoughts from then on out a;lksdjfasdf
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
you know what im also gonna do sea can't wait (selkie fic)
For a moment, he thought it was carrion, some poor dead animal washed up from the waves, wet-dark matted fur covering most of it’s form. And then he saw the blood, dark rust-red, dripping down towards the ocean, and under the blood and the mud and the fur… thing, pale, pink, human skin. “Oh, god,” Tony breathed, took a step forwards and took to his knees quickly enough to hurt. Now that he knew that it was a person, he could see the shape of them under the debris, curled limply, one hand laying outstretched on the sand, fingers curled loosely. Tony reached out — cautious, his hands were shaking — touched the person — the man, Tony reckoned, from the loose shape of his shoulders and the strength of his brow — on the shoulder, lightly, then harder. He did not stir. “Fuck,” Tony swore, fumbled to fit his hand around the curve of the man’s neck, and his stomach rolled when the skin he felt was cold and clammy, the same temperature as the water soaking his pants where he knelt on the stone, but, thank god, after a moment, he felt a pulse, thready and week, but there nonetheless. Heart pounding, Tony shoved at the man, rolled him onto his back, tried not to be sick when the man’s head just lolled to the side with the movement as if the man were already dead. There was a scrape under his cheekbone, the blood spreading fast over his face with the wet of the saltwater, but ducking his head down to the man’s parted lips, Tony could feel a breath, faint as anything and nearly drowned out by the wind coming off the sea.
🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
since you didnt specify character im just gonna go with tony
most of my favorite/most unhinged tony headcanons do revolve around the arc reactor and it's construction and all of that stuff and im sure ive talked about all of that before but i STILL think the fact that replacing the new element fixed none of the underlying issues so if the new element is degrading in any way. that's prob also getting into his blood. and just, shoving a completely new (likely radioactive) element based on an infinity stone into a leaky nuclear reactor inside of your chest seems like a TERRIBLE idea and i want more effects from it.
i really want like, weird dual signal from reactor when they're trying to trace the tesseract. i want more acknowledgment that that part of the reactor specifically is why the mind stone couldn't control him. i want the reactor to fuck him up more i think it's GOOD
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bluejayblueskies · 2 years
1, 12, and 18 (for either mal or TMA, your choice!)
ask me some random writer questions!
1 - Who’s your favorite character to write?
For Malevolent, I love writing both Arthur and John, but I think I like writing Arthur just a little bit more because I do love a regular human who is Going Through The Horrors TM and struggling with his own humanity <3 plus, from a more practical standpoint, writing a blind character has made me consider different ways to convey situations, focusing on the other senses (like, telling what somebody is feeling based on their tone of voice rather than their body language), which i've enjoyed.
For TMA, Jon Jon Jon Jon my beloved Jonathan <3 <3 for very similar reasons as Arthur in that he is a man Going Through The Horrors TM and struggling with his own humanity. i love him as a character AND he's very fun to write, which is a combination that has driven my (checks Ao3) 84 published TMA fics.
(the rest under the readmore as it got long)
12 - What is one character you love but rarely/never write?
For Malevolent, it's the KIY, which can be attributed entirely to Croik's Now That's What I Call Entangled! series which are some of my absolute favorite Malevolent fics and really endeared me to the Arthur/KIY dynamic. TFW ur an eldritch god who spends all ur time hunting down and tormenting the same human and,,,, maybe,,,, you fall in love with him 🥺
For TMA, it's a bit of a complicated answer bc I don't particularly love Peter as a character and don't necessarily feel compelled to write more of him but i also crave more jonpeter fic in my life so. idk. also daisy <3
18 - What is one theme/storyline/idea you wish to write but never have?
Hold on lemme dig into my big list of prompts
For Malevolent, I have a Bartimaus trilogy AU rattling around in my brain that i am 👀👀👀 wanting to write while simultaneously knowing it will turn into a Big Long Project and not having the energy for that rn 😔 i may do it as a series like my selkie au so I can publish specific scenes as they come to me/i feel inspired to do them.
oh, I also have this that i forgot about (copy pasted from my prompt doc):
arthur does actually die in ep. 20, and john gets stuck in a time loop by the kiy a la that one supernatural episode where he can't keep arthur from dying in increasingly horrible ways. the way he gets out of it is by finally giving in and going willingly to the kiy, giving up his autonomy and agreeing to live peacefully and without argument.
For TMA, I have,,,, so many lol. here's a non-comprehensive list:
leitner bodyswap au
hell's kitchen au
jon realizes in s4 that his invulnerability to injury extends to mundane death and becomes. quite careless.
au where martin goes with to great yarmouth and basira stays behind in london, and he gets out before the building explodes and goes searching once the dust has settled and finds jon
inkheart au
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tombstone-pisa · 2 years
What is your favorite au of the boys that you’ve seen?
There are so many good ones, oh my god, it's so hard to choose. I'm going to go ahead and disqualify my own AUs because that would be rude, haha.
I have a very soft spot for AUs where Emmet goes to Hisui. Even though I mostly write about them in a modern Unova context, I actually prefer the idea that they stay in Hisui... I just think it's really fun. I love the idea that they invent trains together! There are a bunch of these and I can't bring myself to choose a favorite.
Right now I really like the selkie au that @unovanhunny has going on. But give me a few days and I'd probably give you a totally different answer. I am just so full of love, I can't contain it to just one AU!
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cqlfic · 2 years
happy new year!!! [2021 edition]
god, 2021. what a year 😂😬😊 another 365 days past, countless spectacular additions to the fandom, and honestly too many new bookmarks for me to count on my end LOL
but! i made an attempt!! there were so many amazing works i read this year and i wanted to share some with you, kinda like a year-end summary in addition to the rec posts i’ve been doing. i split each month into fics with kudos above or below 1000, and then listed my top 3 in each category! since this just my favorite bookmarks and thus wholly subjective, this misses out on quite a few so please share your faves in the comments too, would love to read them!! (especially in the latter half of the year, school started and i feel like i missed so much 🥺)
before continuing, though: thank you all for sticking around! with my chaotic schedule, my presence was on-and-off this year but the fandom-community-family-team here is incomparable 🥰 and i can’t wait to go through another year with y’all, new friends and old!
and now here we go!!!
KUDOS under 1000:
Running Home to Me by songsofthespring (G, 34332 words): anastasia AU [my post here]
Nightingale of Longing by bee_knife (@disasterbialert) (T, 6985 words): 3 times lwj almost proposes; 2 times wwx almost beats him; 1 time it happens [my post here]
Falling Til Four in the Morning by phnelt (@phneltwrites) (T, 4951 words): mando radio DJ!lwj
KUDOS 1000+:
every breath that comes before by tardigradeschool (@leetlesapphire) (T, 10085 words): the wine wwx drinks for lwj is poisoned [my post here]
Night Breezes Seem to Whisper by cqlorphan (@jingyismom) (E, 16706 words): cursed!lwj needs to satisfy first sexual desire after cursed [my post here]
on your marks, get set, bake! by BlackWiresOnHerHead (@blackwiresgrowonherhead) (G, 41164 words): college + GBBO AU; series: Welcome to the Great Gusu Bake Off!
KUDOS under 1000:
one boyfriend coming right up by wearing_tearing (@wearing-tearing) (T, 3689 words): modern AU, 5+1 times people thought lxc/nmj were dating [my post here]
They Told Me I Was Gone by MajorEnglishEsquire (@chuckwinchester) (G, 2897 words): curse fic, true love’s kiss [my post here]
in the after hours by surething (T, 19279 words): modern sword-racing
KUDOS 1000+:
never love an anchor by tardigradeschool (@leetlesapphire) (T, 31416 words): fisherman!wwx and selkie!lwj
heartkeeper by postingpebbles (@theyhaveason) (G, 7382 words): to marry lwj, you have to take the key from the rabbit [my post here]
most times a wish by impossibletruths (@impossibletruths) (T, 16300 words): curse casefic, “don’t bring your work home with you” [my post here]
KUDOS under 1000:
searching for tomorrow by KouriArashi (@gingersnapwolves) (M, 47467 words): wen qing survives, jgy forces her assistance; mind games [my post here]
Step right up! by failedcharismacheck (@inyourorangeshirt) (T, 7516 words): hs AU, lwj/wwx go to a carnival; series: Keeping my fingers crossed/That maybe you'll take the long way home
And I Think It's Gonna Be a Long, Long, Time by sketchyscribbles (@sketchyscribbles) (M, 21251 words): the martian AU, wwx is stranded on mars [my post here]
KUDOS 1000+:
Tether by WithBroomBefore (@withbroombefore) (T, 40366 words): wwx tells the truth, sort of; canon divergence during sunshot
chasing you by jaws_3 (T, 10554 words): yllz will marry whoever takes the bell from his crow [my post here]
love, in fire and blood by cicer (@cicerfics) (E, 360042 words): immortal!wwx marries lwj in exchange with winning sunshot [my post here]
KUDOS under 1000:
in which everything is meant for you by ladyofrosefire (@ask-ladyofrosefire) (E, 5501 words): flight, fantasy, and letting oneself be caught; smut, CNC, yllz roleplay
a stitch in time saves nine by MonocerosRex (@megalodont) (G, 1963 words): hu junhui (OC) keeps nhs in line as sect leader
oh you fill my lungs with sweetness by Anonymous (Not Rated, 2309 words): wwx sickfic, modern AU + comfort
KUDOS 1000+:
save the bees (ride a beekeeper) by Ariaste (@ariaste) (T, 4220 words): there are bees in meng yao’s car
Blackouts by GravityWinsAgain (@gravitywonagain) (M, 10827 words): wwx gets roofied taking a drink for lwj
the cover of night (the covers on our bed) by overgrownruins (E, 3515 words): arranged marriage, marriage night
KUDOS under 1000:
live for just a little while by bosbie (@giftwrappingpaper) (T, 10952 words): wwx hires android!lwj as his bodyguard [my post here]
i’m not shy (make you sigh) by pink_fluff (@13parkfilter) (E, 7410 words): perfumer!lwj wears a dress to a party
the soft animal of your body by howodd5ever (@wei-ever) (M, 21533 words): post-canon casefic, wwx gets seriously injured alone 
KUDOS 1000+:
Our Voices Collide by Pip (E, 4829 words): pirate!wwx and mermaid!lwj [my post here]
Of Few Words by nirejseki (@robininthelabyrinth) (G, 5212 words): nmj bonding with lwj as kids
my body when it is with your body by fruitys (E, 8477 words): nude model!lwj, figure-drawing class
KUDOS under 1000:
in the water grass, in the green by nerdzeword (@nerdzewordart), twigofwillow (G, 25598 words): witch!wwx and river spirit!lwj [my post here]
sweet in your denial by HappyPrince (@happy-princess) (E, 5562 words): smut, wangxian enjoy lwj scaring wwx a little
手下留情 by RoseThorne (@rosethornewrites) (T, 1293 words): post-canon; grief, mourning, and gossip in the cloud recesses
KUDOS 1000+:
in the arms of the angel by ScarlettStorm (E, 37661 words): hulijing/fox!wwx gets his head stuck in a peanut butter jar [my post here]
i really want to know (who are you) by Stratisphyre (@stratisphyre) (M, 19407 words): CSI AU, forensic cultivator wwx; series: CSI: Gusu Edition
Pendulum by ShippersList (M, 69078 words): omega!wwx as a secret agent, canon divergence AU; series: omegaverse murder gremlins
KUDOS under 1000:
tessellate by mellowflicker (T, 18219 words): cottagecore in the middle of nowhere
Just Call by tinylilremus (@tinylilemrys) (T, 2463 words): modern AU, lwj trips over his pet rabbit
you, whose heart would sing of anarchy by doodlebutt (@wei--wuxian) (T, 9158 words): 5+1 jingyi watches sizhui break the rules
KUDOS 1000+:
Attempt the Impawsible by cl410 (@i-like-plan-m) (T, 5855 words): modern w magic AU, wwx is cursed into the world’s most chaotic cat [my post here]
As You Are by ilip13 (@ilip13) (M, 15735 words): modern AU, wwx starts wearing dresses
i know who i want to take me home by ScarlettStorm (E, 16693 words): bartender!wwx and drunk!lwj meet-cute
KUDOS under 1000:
murder is easy, especially if you're murdering an asshole by ravenditefairylights (@child-of-the-fairy-folk) (Not Rated, 5034 words): yunmeng trio do a murder and get away with it, family bonding
reach for the dream (it’s yours for the taking) by Alaceron (@smiting-finger) (M, 11439 words): olympics AU, synchronized diving
Facts and Feelings, or: Inquiry Season 1 by el_em_en_oh_pee (@dulosiswrites) (T, 7477 words): the inquiry podcast
KUDOS 1000+:
Time Loop by nirejseki (@robininthelabyrinth) (G, 1664 words): nmj gets stuck in a time loop
Tastes Like You by airinshaw (@airinshaw) (E, 30133 words): A/B/O AU, lwj gets a new neighbor
One for Heaven and Earth by cerbykerby (T, 7286 words): lwj has a divine robe
KUDOS under 1000:
5 times Jiang Cheng had to deal with Lan Wangji's presence when he wasn't even there by melonbun (T, 4536 words): 5+1 jc deals with lwj’s presence
Years Pass Like Flowing Water by ConstellationNights (T, 6816 words): lwj's 13 years without wwx
black ink on rice paper; repurposed by puddingcatbeans (@puddingcatbeans): what if nhs visited mxy earlier?
KUDOS 1000+:
Proximity To Knowledge by ChilianXianzi (@chilianxianzi) (T, 7427 words): the juniors revolt against the rule against wwx
Not Your Typical Alpha by Eudoxia (@eudoxiav) (E, 14684 words): fem!wangxian A/B/O AU, wwx gets a dildo stuck
kiss it better by azuresummer (E, 16673 words): A/B/O AU, omega!wwx attends gusu lan academy
KUDOS under 1000:
A Soul Within Flesh by Mules (@softmealsart) (T, 4823 words): post-canon, wwx gets poisoned
staying in (going out) by artsy_alice (@artsy-alice) (G, 10182 words): nhs - “is jiang cheng my boyfriend?”
The Turtle in the Lanshi by Brierilee (G, 1625 words): hanguang-jun’s ugly turtle figurine [my post here]
KUDOS 1000+:
a light hidden and singing by occultings (@wanlangji) (E, 48528 words): arranged marriage pre-sunshot, misunderstandings and miscommunication
throw me in the deep end by lazulink (@lazulink) (E, 12711 words): A/B/O AU, lwj shows up at wwx’s mating run
A Myriad of Blossoms by Itszero (E, 56910 words): yllz marries lwj after nightless city, very cruel wwx until he's not
KUDOS under 1000:
the clear bowl by appledtea (@appledtea) (T, 5980 words): killing spiders as a love language
From Underneath by steppjes (M, 15664 words): something weird is going, wwx needs to figure it out ("lwj died") [my post here]
in wild plums and river willows by SnowshadowAO3 (@angstsexual) (T, 17771 words): lwj’s 13 years speaking to a ghost
KUDOS 1000+:
Don't Let Moments Pass Along by Pip (E, 5917 words): physical therapist!lwj and athlete!wwx
shyer by mellowflicker (E, 2496 words): A/B/O AU, mxy turns out to be an alpha
to bruise them dearer by typefortydeductions (E, 47653 words): A/B/O AU, wwx presumed dead after sunshot
i’m still reading stuff as it comes out, so these haven’t had as much time as the others to accumulate kudos-- slightly different metric but nevertheless! here we go 😊💕
KUDOS under 500:
familiar sorrow by otherhippo (@lanzhanshands) (T, 6986 words): pining, wwx tries to stay away
Something at the Door by Pip (E, 50093 words): casefic, wwx is haunted by a horror mystery
From the Warm Sun by sunshineinwriting (T, 58286 words): cssr survives to raise wwx in the cloud recesses
KUDOS 500+:
instructions on not giving up by fruitys (M, 13694 words): post-canon, wwx doesn’t know what to do with himself
Songs Unheard by mondengel (@mondengel) (Not Rated, 3189 words): deaf!lwj in the cloud recesses (restricted on AO3)
my little love by mellowflicker (T, 54812 words): single dad!wwx moves to a new town, kindergarten teacher!lwj
so, thanks 2021 for uhh being a year. i guess. i hope we can carry the good things from this year forward into the next! to all you reading this down here at the bottom, and anyone else who needs these vibes: i hope you have as many good days as there may be bad, i hope your wins balance out the not-so-wins, and i hope you all get as much care and love and hugs as you could possibly want or need in the new year 💕 that’s it for now!!! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞
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I only have like 6 episodes left of 11 in my Doctor Who rewatch/catch up (everything with 12 is going to be new to me except Deep Breath) and I am SO excited to finally get to 12 and at least part of that is seeing your love for twelverose (if you've got any particular fic recs for once I'm caught up with 12 I would be very grateful)
oh!! hey, i wish you luck! i'll admit, series 8 and 9 weren't my favorite (with the exception of heaven sent and a few other episodes), but series 10? my girl bill?? yes. yes yes yes. and peter capaldi is a delight all around, tbh. i hope you enjoy!!
hmmm, let's see. caedmon was the queen of twelverose, so all of her fics get a big thumbs up from me. you've got what we're made of (cowritten by rishidiams), the shopgirl and the superstar, a series of little kindnesses... notes always makes me a bit sentimental, of course.
another great rishi fic is heartstrings, in which twelve is in a rock band—as he deserves to be.
my comfortingest comfort fic is a sort of twelverose au starring twelve as malcolm tucker, and i've recommended the fic a hundred times if i have once, but—stuck with you by gallifreyslostson and larxenethefirefly. i will recommend this fic until i'm blue in the face because it's sweary and fun and it makes pete's world feel so real to me. good shit.
the lovely liraelclayr007 has also done some great twelverose fics. rose is a selkie in lady of the loch, which is a total delight, and then there's also 'til midnight. god, that fic...
i don't know if it'll ever get finished, but whether it does or not, i feel like say it with flowers by memyselfandwe is well worth the read. i mean, come on! flower shop au? i'm sold.
and, of course, i simply must toot my own horn here, so if you fancy a shorter read, i've done a few short twelverose prompt fics that might possibly interest you!
anyway, go forth with fics! as always, mind the tags and ratings. and i hope you enjoy twelve!!
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years
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Us telling each other to go to sleep while simultaneously not sleeping
1) You can just stop writing the au if you hate it so much, or just take a hiatus. I know people like it but you shouldn't burn yourself out!
2) Have you ever heard of the Lykoi cat? Please search them up if you haven't
3) Diphylleia Grayi, is a type of flower that looks turns "invisible" when it touches water
4) Do you have a favorite spider?
5) Help I keep drawing porcelain Jekylls that I'll never post </3 /lh
6) hsjsvdjsgh I cant think of anything. Uhhh. The Wulver is a scottish creature that's a furry person with the head of a wolf and shares fish with locals. Honestly most drawings look like furries I've just noticed, why is no one drawing em with proper clothes
7) Similar questions to my last(?) ask. Do you have any thoughts on what supernatural/mythical creatures tgs characters would be if they were one? And what would your latest oc that I keep forgetting how to spell the name of be?
...The fact that that is accurate scares me-- I'm also going to save that meme for future references everytime either of us catch the other up late sdfds
1) THEORETICALLY YES... But I know that if I take a hiatus I will never finish it, and I know how guilty I would feel for not continuing it... Plus, most of my complaining is just dramatic but I'm not used to make chaptered fics and never will ever again. I guess it's just a mix between constantly having to worry about how the fic is perceived (especially since we are entering the more controversial/angsty chapters rn) combined with the deadline that makes... Me sad :'3
3) oo h h m y god... It looks like ice... Are they edible? My brain is telling me to go absolutely bonkers on them. O o h h m y god
4) I had a very weird phase as a kid, who was also very afraid of spiders, where I tried to convince my parents to give me a tarantula because I saw that they were fluffy. I'm still massively afraid of spiders but otherwise I'd say redkneed birdspider (is that the english name???)
5) Bestie I know how it feels my entire sketch book is just drawings of my ocs that will never grace tumblr </3
6) Oh man. I love Wulvers. I know jack shit about them but I had planned to have Henry meet a wulver in the Irrbloos Au at some point, since they were benevolent and helpful I had planned to have a wulver lead him back and get him back to the real world at some point but I never got so far into that plotline. But honestly... All pictures of werewolves of all kinds look like furries. Did you know that they have werehyenas in africa, which is basically just reverse werewolves (i.e a hyena that turns into a human instead of the other way around)?
7) I'm going to start off by saying that Cederic definitely would be some kind of nymph-like creature like an incubus of some kind or just a straight up male nymph/siren, something very pretty and very seductive because, I don't know if anyone read his part of the updated OC masterlist post, he was originally a prostitute and very much uses that to his advantage to get what he wants. Something cat-like would also make sense, as his mother (in the actual DND campaign) is the egyptian cat goddess Bastet, but regardless, he still has his cat so it would fit no matter.
*cracks knuckles* alright here we go. Not going to go into a lot of context i'm just going to spew shit out.
Jekyll - Werewolf, really, that's no surprise but a werewolf fits so good. Having a monstrous side he tries to hide that only comes out at night? *chef's kiss*
Hyde - Imp or poltergeist.
Robert - Vampire.
Rachel - Selkie
Jasper - since he already is a werewolf, he would just be Some Dude
Frankenstein - Dwarf, or Baba Yaga.
Griffin - Ghost that does not want to be a ghost
Emma - A Huldra, maybe? A benevolent nymph? A banshee? I just love her and I wanted to add her to the list somehow.
Maijabi - a ghost who is totally chill with being dead. Maybe one of those spirits who like to fuck with humans (metaphorically speaking) by hailing cabs and then ditching them in the middle of the ride.
Lavender/Ito - those centaurs that are deer instead of horses I forgot the name sdsdfs
thats all i can come up w at the moment sdfsdf
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She Came from the Water Chapter 1/?
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Between his dissatisfying job, a constant battle to keep seeing his daughter, and a history of mistakes, losses, and broken dreams, Killian Jones has no place for magic in his life. But when he pulls in his fishing nets one evening only to find a woman caught in them, his life becomes infinitely more complicated. Is she a siren, a selkie, like his daughter believes, or just another lost soul like himself? Suddenly, his life is a thing of fairytales; beautiful women hidden away in cottages, selkie husbands coming back to claim them, and, just maybe, a chance at happily ever after.
A Captain Swan AU based on the film Ondine (2009) for the @captainswanmoviemarathon​
Rated M for eventual smut.
Read it on Ao3
Huge, gigantic, enormous, (I wish I had more synonyms), amazingly big thanks to @ultraluckycatnd​ for her amazing work and help as beta for this fic. Thanks for putting up with all my last minute writing and procrastination. You're a superhero.
Chapter 1
Killian shivers. He’s cold. Cold and damp - the kind of damp that sinks into his bones and chills him so much that he thinks he’ll never feel warm again - the kind that shakes him from the inside no matter how many layers or jumpers he wears. It’s grey today. It’s always grey, the clouds blanketing the sky and a constant drizzle mixing in with the water splashing off the side of the boat. Not a ship - a boat. That’s what it is. Maybe once he’d dreamed of being on a ship, of sailing around the world, of feeling the ocean air and the sun on his face rather than the wind and the wetness that turns the bits of water in his beard to ice on the particularly cold days. He’d had a lot of dreams once, but one after the other those had slowly slipped away, one mistake after another, one drink after another, one death after another. 
Even now he wishes he had a bottle with him, one that would warm his blood and make the hours passing more bearable. But the trade off isn’t worth it. That’s what he tells himself anyway - every day for the last seven years. He shakes his head and then his hands that still hold that slight tremor after all this time and tries to focus on the task at hand. That’s the problem with this line of work: too much time alone staring out at the grey sky and the grey sea. Too much time to let melancholy in and to let hope slip away until his thoughts match the horizon. 
He tugs his knit cap down further over his ears and rubs at his eyes, trying to clear the wet and the sleep and the boredom from them as he tries to focus on the water, to spot his traps among the dozens that litter the surface. He hasn’t caught lobster in weeks but still he checks them every day. He hasn’t caught much of anything in weeks, really. That’s the other problem with choosing fishing as a line of work. One bad day, one bad week can mean the difference between keeping the lights on in his dingy little cottage, or spending another night huddled up by the old wood fireplace trying to dry the cold that seems to live under his skin. And Killian’s had many bad weeks now.
He pulls up the first trap, wincing as his fingers brush the icy surface. It’ll be winter soon - not that summer lasts very long on this little island. They get three, maybe four weeks of sunshine if they’re lucky, the rain giving just enough respite for the grassy noles to be overrun by flowers and birds before they skitter back off into their hiding places and the world goes back to the usual grey and faded green landscape he’s spent his whole life in. 
That was always his mother’s favorite time of year. It had been his too when he was a child but now he hates it - hates how it teases of warmth and happy days that are here to stay before it rips it away and plunges him back into the reality of his life. When she left, she took his love of sunny days with her. He wishes he hadn’t been born here - wishes he hadn’t been born at all most days - wishes he hadn’t stayed, that he’d left when he’d had the chance. He wants to leave now. But he can’t leave. Alice is here. And wherever she is is where he will be. Always. Even if that place is a miserable, damp, cold island off the coast of nowhere. 
The trap is empty. So is the next one, and the one after that. He swears under his breath though there's no reason to. It’s not like there was anyone who could hear him this far out on the water. He looks out at the vastness before him and thinks, as he does every day, about pointing his little boat in one direction and floating off until he can’t go any further. Maybe he’d find somewhere better, maybe he’d die out there. It brings a small smile to his face even as he throws the last empty trap back into the water. 
Pushing back the layers of wool and nylon on his wrist, he wipes the droplets from the face of his old, scuffed watch. It’s getting late. The sun will be going down soon and it isn’t safe to be out on the water at night. He smiles a little again. Alice would insist it’s because that’s when the sea creatures come to life, mermaids and sirens looking to lure nice fishermen like him to a watery grave - he doesn’t want to ask where she learned the term ‘watery grave’. In reality, it’s the roughness of the waves, the lack of guiding lights, and the rocky shores of the island. Sometimes, he prefers Alice’s version. 
The light is dimming from the sky, turning it from the pale grey of daytime to the foggy grey of twilight. He needs to get to the fishery and turn in his meager catches before they close. He sets about pulling up his nets, switching the lever and watching, listening to the familiar wiring sound of the mechanism as it slowly rolls the net in, out of the dark water. But, as more and more of it is pulled up, Killian grows more discouraged, its weight clearly light and therefore, likely empty - or mostly empty. 
He pulls his hat off his head in frustration and runs a hand through his too-long hair. He can’t afford another bad day. He’s nearing the end of his meager savings and if he was ever going to have any hope of getting custody - Killian freezes. The hand that’s been rubbing at the back of his neck stops as his skin turns icy under his touch. He feels the blood drain from his face and settle in his stomach as dread washes over him. 
A hand. There’s a hand reaching out of the water, pale and nearly blue with cold or - Killian doesn’t want to think it - death. He watches, unable to move for fear of his legs giving out from under him, his heart pounding painfully against his chest. He watches as more pale skin is exposed, the fingers tangled in the netting, as though they’d been clutching at the rope at some point and Killian has a horrific vision of someone being dragged along underwater after his boat. 
The clanking sound of the engine coming to a sharp halt when the net is fully reeled in, is drowned out by the blood rushing in his ears as the body inside jolts lifelessly. It’s a woman. He can see the narrow shoulders and slight frame curled up in the bottom of the net. The thin dress she wears is soaked through, exposing more blue skin, raw from salt and cold. Her light hair sticks to her face and shoulders in wet ropes and hides her eyes from his view. Killian doesn’t know how, but he can tell she’d been under the waves for a long time. Too long for someone to have survived. He’s glad he can’t see her face. He’s seen enough dead, expressionless eyes in his lifetime. He doesn’t need to see any more. 
Shit. Shit. What’s he supposed to do? Call the police? Bring her into shore? There hadn’t been a training day for this - on what to do if you find a dead body in the water. How had she gotten here? She looks young and healthy. Had she been killed? Had she swam out too far and drowned? Gotten caught in the undertow? Had she drowned herself? More and more horrific, unwelcome images flash through his mind.
The fingers in the net twitch. 
“Oh bloody hell,” he gasps. “You’re alive!” 
Killian nearly trips over his own feet in his desperate attempt to rush across the deck and pull the net over the side of the boat. His shaking fingers numb as he struggles to loosen the knot at the bottom that opens the net. He swears again when it won’t come loose and then once more in relief when it finally does. He tries his best to catch her, to prevent her body from falling the few feet to the hard wood of the deck. 
He manages to soften the blow to her head by placing a hand under it, hunches over her, holding her lips up to his ear to listen for breath and then pressing his ear to her chest when there isn’t any. He waits. There’s a moment before he hears it, a faint, weak heartbeat. She’s alive. He lowers her down onto the floor among the few fish that had been caught along with her in the net. Taking a deep breath and hoping to god he’s remembering this right, he covers her mouth with his own, releasing the breath into her lungs. He does it twice more before jerking back as her whole body convulses beneath him, coughing violently as water forces its way out of her lungs. Sitting her up frantically, he presses his chest to her back and pulls his fists in against her diaphragm. She coughs again, spitting more water onto the deck and gasping desperately for air. Finally, her eyes open and she looks around in panic. 
“What happened?” she demands between heaving, ragged breaths. Her voice rough like she’d swallowed sand along with the salt. 
“I don’t know,” he tells her honestly as she continued coughing and gasping, retching on her hands and knees. “I - I think you drowned.” Bloody hell. He did it. She’s alive. He did it.
He can feel her pulling away from him and he doesn’t let her go quickly enough. He feels her elbow collide with his stomach and gasps, doubling over and watching as she crawls across the deck and puts her back up against the edge of the boat. She looks at him with panicked eyes, darting around to take in her surroundings despite the fact that she can still barely hold her head up.
“Where. Am. I?” she asks, each word a struggle to push through her raw throat but he can hear her accent. American. She’s a long way from home. He waits until he has his breath back to answer, still holding his stomach.
“You’re on my boat,” he answers slowly, afraid to scare her any more. 
“Who. Are. You?” she demands warily. He can see the fear in her eyes.
“Killian. My name’s Killian. I pulled you up in my net.” He gestures weakly at the net he’d hauled her out of not five minutes ago. She looks to the mesh and then back at him, her breathing still ragged and panting but more from the prolonged lack of oxygen than from her panic now. 
“I died,” she whispers and the way she met his eyes he feels like she was asking him to confirm it, like she can’t understand how she’s sitting in front of him now with air in her lungs. 
“Aye,” he concedes. “But you’re alive now. You’re safe.” 
“Why?” she asks, the doubt still in her eyes and it makes him pause. He doesn’t know why. Doesn’t know why life like the sea swallows some people up and spits others out. Why it swallowed his mother and Liam but refused to take him or his father.
“Maybe the land’s not done with you yet.” 
He waits as she watches him wearily for a moment before finally nodding her head. As her breathing settles, he notices the goosebumps start to spread over her skin and the shivers wrack her body as the wind whips at her thin dress. She’s soaked through and her skin is still far too blue.
Shrugging out of his heavy rain jacket, he stands and crosses the space between them, hesitating when she flinches and then continuing when she calms. He kneels before her, draping the jacket over her shoulders and wrapping it tightly around her, rubbing at her arms to try and bring some warmth to her icy skin.
“What’s your name?” he asks. 
Something he can’t place washes over her and she looks out over the edge of the boat, avoiding his eyes, before answering. “I don’t know.”
“You lost your memory in the water?” he asks, trying to get a look at her head to check for blood.
“Maybe,” she says, pulling the jacket tighter around herself as more shivers wrack her body. 
Killian nods, not sure he believes her but there are more pressing issues than her memory. Like the fact that she’s a few minutes away from freezing to death and needs medical attention. Her secrets are hers and he has no right to demand them. Standing again, he heads into the small cabin to find the emergency radio. 
“What are you doing?” the woman demands as he picks it up. 
“Calling for help. You need a hospital.” 
“No!” she insists with more vehemence and life than he’s seen from her since he’s brought her back. “No hospitals. I don’t want to be seen.”
“You don’t want to be seen?” Killian repeats, frowning. She shakes her head, her hand coming up to worry a pendant around her neck. “I’ve seen you,” he points out. This woman is going to kill him. He’s torn between his need to help her and his desire to do as she wants. And the way she looks at him now makes his heart stutter. 
She turns to him again, shrugs. “I don’t mind being seen by you.” 
“You don’t mind being seen by me?” he repeats again. He has to stop repeating everything she says back to her but he still hasn’t fully convinced himself she’s real, that she’s here, that she was in his net. It feels like a fairytale, like something out of a storybook and if there’s one thing Killian’s life is not, it’s the stuff of stories and happily ever afters. 
She shakes her head. “You pulled me from the water.”
 She smiles weakly at him and Killian is surprised at how strongly the small turn of her lips affect him. He looks at her now, properly for the first time since he’d found her. She’s small, with thin limbs and a thin frame but the set of her shoulders and the way she holds her jaw betrays an obvious strength despite her size. He’s seen that defiance in someone’s face before, a smaller one. Her skin is pale and damp and there are dark circles under her large eyes, the long hair around her face slowly starting to dry and lighten as it curls. 
She’s beautiful, like one of the sirens from Alice’s books, and she doesn’t mind him seeing her. It’s been a long time since a woman hadn’t minded him being around and he feels a tightness in his chest at the same time as he feels warmth bloom in his stomach as she looks at him with trust in her wide green eyes. His gaze drifts down to the long bare legs stretched out in front of her. 
He clears his throat, trying to cast away the feelings she’s stirring in him. Here she is, terrified and clearly vulnerable and he’s looking at her like some sort of lecher. The last thing she needs is to be ogled by him. She needs help. She needs to feel safe. And if that means not wanting to be seen by anyone for whatever reason, then he’ll respect that. He sighs, hangs up the radio, and the look of relief on her face makes his heart hurt. What is she so afraid of? Just who is she? 
“Do you remember anything at all?” he asks, crouching down beside her. She shakes her head, her mouth setting into a hard line and he fears that perhaps, whatever she’s forgotten was forgotten on purpose. He doesn’t want to think of what could have happened to her for her to end up in that water. He can’t blame her for not wanting to think about it either. A fierce desire to protect her from whatever she’s left behind overwhelms him. Perhaps she is a siren. Perhaps she’s cast some spell over him. 
“What should I call you then?” he asks, giving her a small smile when she frowns. “I need to call you something besides the girl I pulled up in my net,” he pushes. 
“Do you name all the fish you catch?” she asks and he barks out a surprised laugh.
“No, only the ones who sucker-punch me.”
She smiles, looking a little embarrassed as she toys with the pendant in her hand again as she frowns, clearly trying to remember something, then she pauses and looks down at the little piece of silver she's rolling between her fingers. He follows her gaze, noticing the intricate and delicately etched bird in the center. 
“Swan,” she says, looking up at him again. “You can call me Swan.” 
He smiles at her and feels the warmth spread through him again when she returns it, even if it is a small shadow of a thing. It suits her, beautiful and elegant and fierce. 
“Alright then, Swan, let’s get you somewhere safe.” He thinks for a moment, trying to figure out where he could bring her but finally realising he really only has one option. “I can take you to my place if you like. It’s not much, but there’s dry clothes and I can make a fire.” He starts rambling when she doesn't answer right away. “It’s pretty remote. People don’t go up there so you don’t have to worry about being seen by anyone. I can stay on the boat if you like.” She looks at him in surprise.
“You’d give up your house?”
He sighs. “I’d really like to get you somewhere where you can warm up and not die of hypothermia. I brought you back to life once but I don’t think I could do it a second time.” He gives her a little, self-deprecating laugh. “So yes, if it means keeping you alive, I’m happy to spend a few nights on the water.” She looks at him incredulously but the hard stance she’s held since waking up relaxes slightly. “You’ve been through a hell of an ordeal, love. Let me help you.” 
“Okay,” she said after a moment’s hesitation. 
He smiles again. He can’t remember the last time he’s smiled this much with anyone except Alice. He stands, holding out his hand and she takes it, her fingers like little icicles in his own, and lets him pull her to her feet. She stumbles a bit, her legs unsteady and he wraps an arm around her waist, holding her to his side as he helps her walk the few steps into the cabin.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get your sea legs soon enough,” he teases and tries to ignore how her laugh makes his whole chest feel lighter. “You alright?” he asks as he settles her down onto a bench, finding another blanket and draping it over her lap. 
“Yeah.” She pulls his jacket around herself. He nods, heading over to the wheel across the cabin and turning back to shore. “Killian,” she speaks after a long, stretched out silence. He jumps, surprised by the sound of his name on her lips, at how much he likes it and he turns to her. “Thank you.” 
He flushes, nods, clearing his throat uncomfortably. He’s not used to being thanked, to being appreciated or wanted or seen as anything but who he’s become. It leaves him unsettled.
"You don't need to thank me for that, love," he tells her, coughing awkwardly. "It's what anyone would have done."
"No," she whispers so low he barely hears it. When he turns to her, he recognizes the look in her eye. It’s one he'd seen in his brother's, in his own, one too many times. "It's not," she finishes. 
Nearly half an hour later they’re rounding the bend of a small bay, one that’s hidden among the rocks and small islands that litter the surface of the water. He navigates his way through them with practiced ease, anchoring his boat and helping his passenger down into the dinghy that takes them to shore. 
They make their way silently to the little cottage further up on the rocks. The door creaks open and Killian winces when he takes in the state of the place. He hadn’t been expecting guests. He never has guests - apart from Alice and she’s not one for being indoors. The space that serves as the entranceway, kitchen and living room is littered with bits and pieces of fishing equipment. Netting on the sofa, hooks and bait on the table, and there are an embarrassing amount of unwashed mugs and dishes filling his sink and blanketing his counter. 
“Like I said, it’s not much,” he reminds her, feeling his cheeks going red. The cottage is really just one room with a small bedroom and a bathroom off of the back wall. When Alice is over he has her sleep in his room and he takes the couch. Damn, Alice. He was supposed to meet her after sunset. She wanted to go see the fairies by the glen. He doesn’t have the heart to tell her they’re lightning bugs. Maybe, he’s the one who told her they were fairies in the first place. 
“Right,” he says and she turns from looking around the room to face him. “There’s a bathroom through there,” he points. “You should probably take a hot bath to warm up and there are clean towels inside. You can sleep in the bedroom if you’re tired and you’ll find clean clothes in there too. There might be a trunk in the closet with some of my mum’s old things. Take whatever you like.” He reaches into his bag, pulls out a sandwich and hands it to her. 
“Here,” he says and feels his ears burn as she looks him over before carefully looking over the offered food. With all the commotion he’d forgotten to eat. “You must be starving.” She takes it, nodding her thanks. “I’ll be back later,” he tells her and she turns wide, surprised eyes on him. “I can stay on the boat like I said but I’ll need to grab a few things.” 
“You’re not staying?” she asks. He tells himself he must be imagining it. She looks disappointed. 
“No, I have somewhere I need to be.” 
She nods, that flicker of disappointment still in her eye. There’s an awkward silence between them as they both wait for him to leave. He can’t bring himself too just yet. He needs some kind of assurance that she’ll still be here when he gets back. That he hasn’t made her up and she’ll vanish when he turns his back. After a moment her stomach growls and she laughs, opening the sandwich and taking a bite. 
“I expected fish,” she says and it’s his turn to laugh. What the bloody hell has become of his life? 
Killian heads for the door, stepping through it when he’s stopped by a hand on his arm. When he faces her she’s not looking at him. 
“You’ll come back?” she asks, still refusing to meet his eye, focused on the floor and her bare feet as she shivers slightly under his jacket. He glances down at the fingers that are gripping his sleeve. After a moment, he covers them with his own. He feels her tense but she doesn’t pull away.
“Aye, Swan, I’ll come back.”  And he means it. If only to know that she’ll still be here when he does. 
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
tagged in my favorite tag game of all time by @harpernovakaine!! thank you!
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it
there are a very many of these, so I've gone ahead and sorted them so that at least a very little bit of sense is made.
treasure island:
silver/smollett 2
selkie au
no one gets marooned today
binds and oaths / the one with the tattoos
cold cold cold 2
(show-verse) tea party in el ferrol
flight of the heron:
tam lin au
ladyhawke au
lake trip
to keep it real
ah whoops you are dead / wormsfic
dislocate, disappear
french vacation
oh, brother
alas poor ewen
green knight thing?
winter birds
uh oh lads it's alan breck again
alan just happens so much
the rat piper
in which I put a werewolf in shakespeare and it's bad
wolfe macfarlane's meat incident
...and I'll tag @tgarnsl, @andrey-daddano, @wromwood, @verecunda, @acrossthewavesoftime, @cedarboots, and anyone else who'd like to share.
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imaginedmelody · 3 years
2020 Fic Roundup!
I don’t think I’ve ever done a fic roundup post before, and if you had asked me in the first six months of this year, I would not have believed that this would be the year I would start! I started 2020 in a serious writing slump, struggling even to finish the rare fic challenge I signed up for. And I thought that would characterize the whole year for me. But then in the last six months, I hit a stride unlike I’ve had in years. It only feels right to take a moment to review and commemorate it!
Total number of completed stories: 8 (seven one-shots and one completed WIP)
Total word count: 28,448
Fandoms written in: All For the Game; Stranger Things; Community
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? Oh more, absolutely. Community (my biggest fandom this year) wasn’t even on my radar at the start of 2020. I had a couple things in the works, but nothing I was making serious headway on. I hoped I might finish a few in-progress things, but I didn’t think I’d have and finish as many new one-shot ideas as I did. It reminded me of my days in the Shameless fandom when I would churn out little one-shots every month or so.
What’s your own favourite story of the year? My favorite is one of the ones that got the least attention: Cooperative Independent Studies. I guess it was hard for people to find- there’s no pairings in it, it’s mostly just a character study of Jeff (and, secondarily, of Abed). But I feel so good about the way it turned out. I’m writing a sequel right now and I’m equally satisfied with what I’m exploring there.
Did you take any writing risks this year? Not in the stuff I got to the posted/published stage, but I did start the first few pages of a selkie AU fic for Community, which is something I’ve rarely (if ever) done before. I’ve written canon divergences, but I’m not sure if I’ve ever written something that transplanted the characters into a whole different world.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? To keep up the pace, to second-guess myself less, to write longer fics. Maybe to try out a couple new fandoms or challenges!
Most popular story of the year? My gift fic for the All for the Game fall exchange- Not What It Looks Like, More Than It Seems- was by far the most popular fic I posted with 384 kudos. I was unsure about it when I posted it, so everyone’s enjoyment made me incredibly happy.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Either “Cooperative Independent Studies” or Bound to Be A Better Ride (Than What You’ve Got Planned), which is for an incredibly tiny pairing in the Stranger Things fandom that no one ships. (Although while the ship itself is underappreciated, the fic was very well received and appreciated by the fans who read it!)
Most fun story to write: Either Applied Footwear and Other Friendship Rituals or Functional Modalities of Videocalling and Progeny, although looking up the acro-yoga positions for my AFTG spring exchange fic, Hold Me Higher, was also super fun in its own way!
Biggest disappointment: I have been putting off finishing my Spring Awakening fic, From God Above, to the One I Love, for two years now. I only have one more chapter to go, and I probably have only 1000 words left of it to write. I hardly worked on it and did not update it at all this whole year.
Biggest surprise: I’m used to smut being one of the more immediately successful things you can write in a fandom, but while it did reasonably well, my one smutfic for Community, Fundamental Principles of Inhibition Management, accumulated fewer kudos than any of my other fics for that fandom. I’m not disappointed or complaining, but it surprised me because I’m used to more substantial non-smut fics being ignored in favor of easy-to-read sexy stories.
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the-great-bbe · 4 years
4, 6, and 17 please and thank you!
4. What fandom’s/ship’s fan fiction do you read the most?
I scour the Elia and Rhaenys tags for fics that don’t want to make me gouge my eyes out; unfortunately they’re few and far between since the tags are populated with OP Dragonlord Jon Mega Snow wank fics. I also read Tudors fanfic and MCU when I get frustrated in not finding stories I like.
Robb/Rhaenys, Elia/Happiness, Mary I/Happiness and Bucky/Darcy are my current favorite ships. I pretty much spearheaded the Gogo Tomago/Abigail Callaghan ship back when I wrote BH6 fanfic and I still love that ship even though I’ve left the fandom.
6. What’s the last thing you read that made you laugh?
It was a text in my family group chat about my brother saying how Halloween in the UK (he’s studying there for uni) is canceled and my stepdad said BOOOOOOOOOO (Ghost). Something about it just cracked me up, especially since the text to speech didn’t make the ghost properly.
17. Describe a fic that is still in the ‘ideas’ stage.
Oh god where do I begin? Most of “A Song of the Sea”, a story about Elia Martell being a selkie in a vastly different world than canon, still needs to have a proper outline and I’m super hazy on how to get to the ending cuz I’m too busy worldbuilding. “Our Lady Suspiriorum”, another Elia-centric fanfic based on the 2018 movie Suspiria where she eventually becomes queen, isn’t getting off the ground because I wrote the last half first and can’t figure out how to get to the bloody climax of the story. The file for “When the Waves Turn the Minutes to Hours”, another magic!Rhaenys AU involving water magic and the doom of the Baratheons and Lannisters, got corrupted so I have to start it entirely all over which is an absolute nightmare. “The Nonsuch Princess”, and Elizabeth I-centric companion piece to my Queen Mary I fanfics, is just a bullet point list of cool ideas I’d love to read but don’t want to put the effort in properly researching...I have so many ideas, but I hate writing them out lmaoooo
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timeisacephalopod · 4 years
Its been 82 years since I’ve written something for this blog and I know y’all don’t follow me for my spicy hot takes however often I deliver them so here, have a fun TonyRhodey urban fantasy AU!
“What’s the funnest way you’ve ever saved Tony from something?” Natasha asks, looking amused and yeah he’ll bet she thinks he has stories.
“Other than that time the little fucker tricked me into marriage?” Its not like he knew Tony was a selkie and he thought he was being polite, picking up his coat after they ran into each other but nope the fucker planned the whole thing and now they’re married. To be fair he could have stuck Tony back in his coat and thrown him in the ocean again but he’d been bored at that point in his life and figured fuck it, if nothing else Tony turns out to be that much of a manipulative ass all the time and then he gets to have fun paying games. He knows Sam would be down for the pettiest of revenge so he figured he was safe.
Turns out Tony isn’t much of a manipulative ass and he’d just been trying to escape his abusive father, which he told Rhodey after a couple months of them settling into living in the same space together. He’d felt bad for him so he brought him home and his momma loves him, probably because Tony loves her cooking. Fastest way to her heart is to compliment her cooking. So now he’s got a family, Rhodey doesn’t much mind the trickery in their marriage, but he does mind how god damn stupid Tony is sometimes. He’s got the impulse control of a brain damaged toddler except he’s a genius so its so much worse.
“That doesn’t count, Tony saved himself that time. You have something better than that, I’m sure,” Nat says.
Oh, he does. “My favorite is probably that time he decided to get drunk with faries-” he starts but Nat cuts him off.
“You’re fucking kidding me.”
“Nope, his stupid ass ate and drank his fill so I go to get him after he’s been gone for three days because he can’t leave and the faries are all ‘no he’s ours now.’ So I have to think fast, right? Make him seem unappealing so they’ll just throw him back out. So I’m like you know what, sure, he’s your problem now and I guess it gave them second thoughts because he was thrown back out,” he says, shrugging.
A snort comes from the doorway to the living room as Tony walks in, mug of coffee in hand. “Is that really what you think happened, platypus?” he asks as he sits down in Rhodey’s lap. “Oh no, I found out the king was corrupt and by then I knew too much so he kicked me out,” Tony says, grinning. “Rhodey thinks he saves me but I do most of the work myself.”
Yeah, in his dreams. “Baby, you were born with four brain cells and three of them are dead. And the last one has a terminal illness it’s going to succumb to soon.” He knows this because he once decided to walk right up to a werewolf and yank its tail. He’s lucky that Bucky isn’t much for biting and that Steve wasn’t around because Steve has no such qualms.
“Mhm. And who saved you from those vampires?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Uh, I did. You drove the car that we drove away and that is literally it.”
Tony makes an offended noise, “oh, and you think the fire started totally by accident and that it happened to not block your exit out? I’m hurt.”
Rhodey sighs, “I started the fire, Tones- wait, did you do something to make it spread that fast?” he asks because he’d thought that was weird at the time but didn’t think much of it.
Tony shrugs, “little magic I learned from Stephen. Made the vamps panic enough to give you time to run off mostly unnoticed. So basically I’m the real badass here.”
“You’re really not, but I will give you a part of the credit for that time,” Rhodey tells him.
Across from them Natasha grins, “the best time I had saving Clint was the time he accidentally discovered Atlantis and I ended up killing the king!” she says way too excitedly.
Tony frowns, “so Rhodey’s best was telling faries I was their problem and yours is assassination? Cool, Rhodey you need new less terrifying friends.”
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thelittlefanpire · 4 years
tagged by @hopskipaway @dylanobrienisbatman @the-most-beautiful-broom @probably-voldemort @kindclaws a little while back and I’m finally in the space to answer it! ilysm fam!
1. what’s your favourite genre to write?
Romance? According to all the fics I’ve written! lol there is just something about two people meeting and falling in love...*sigh* Modern or Canonverse are usually my main jams but I’ve really loved magical realism lately, like my Sphinx Chopped fic or my Hocus Pocus AU!
2. do you pull inspiration from real-life, or do you pull things from other books/fanfic?
Real Life. I’ll pull things from my own life or from someone else who’s story I know. I love taking little bits and pieces of life and stretching them to fit fanfiction.
Other books/movies/tv shows/etc. It is so easy to follow their plots which helps guide my fic and makes it feel more solid, I think.
3. do you tend to write one-shots, short stories, or longer things?
One-Shots! So when I first started writing twific, I thought I had to write 30+ chapters with 100k+ words, and then I never could accomplish that and got really defeated. When I came into The 100 fandom, I finally embraced that art of writing shorter stories and I love it. I’m most comfortable between 3-10k. even though I really want to write a few epic long fics one day
4. do you prefer description or dialogue?
Description! Dialogue is so awkaward. Describing things is so much better and I can be poetic.
5. favourite fanfic/book of all time?
GOAT the 100 fanfic: the feel-good hit of the summer (aka THE ROCK BAND AU)
I honestly can’t think of my favorite book right now.
6. favorite trope?
Oh, boy! I spend a lot of time looking at tropes these days.
MYTHICAL CREATURE AU - god, that trope has been my favorite thing to write and read! Chopped Round 1 was EPIC because of it. My favorites: Dragon!Bellamy and Sphinx!Octavia. I’ve got a Djinn!Wells, Selkie!Luna, Mermaid!Clarke, and Hobbit/Elf!Bellarke as ideas I hope to write one day!
7. are you the kind of person to work on more than one wip?
Not really? I have multiple WIPs that are of various lengths and I tinker around randomly in them but I usually have to focus on one fic at a time. And things get dropped to work on other things all the time.
8. how long have you been writing for?
I wrote my first Twific in Nov 2010. My first Bellarke fic in 2018.
9. do you tend to write more during the morning, afternoon, or evening?
NightNightNight. Once the kids are asleep and the house is quiet. It’s the only way I can get it done if I don’t have a crazy deadline. thanks, Chopped.
10. do you prefer to post your wip chapter by chapter, or do you prefer to wait until your wip is 100% finished before posting?
Completely finished or it probably won’t be completed for a long time. I say that and then post unfinished crap all the time. My Chopped 1.0 Round 4 fic from last year is waiting for me to write the last two parts! gah!
tagging: : @kinetic-elaboration @pawprinterfanfic @marauders-groupie @thefangirlingbarista @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @teeandsnowflakes @justbecauseyoubelievesomething @captaindaddykru @hiddenpolkadots @chants-de-lune @baellamy @talistheintrovert @raven-reyes-of-sunshine @eyessharpweaponshot @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky @asroarke @octannibal-blake and anyone else who wants to!
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