#ofmd s3 wishlist
I agree with all your takes on omfd season 2... wasn't all that a laugh and a half :/ do you have any thoughts on a prospective (?) season 3?
Oh yeah lmao, the writers were definitely having a laff, unlike me 😭😭😭
When it comes to season 3:
• I can't imagine or accept a situation in which Izzy is not there in the flesh. Not after a season that specifically introduced the concept of magic and the gravy basket. I don't want him to be a ghost or a vision of guilt-ridden characters. I want my boy back, in the flesh, to pester everyone around him and to finally have his hot girl summer ‼️‼️‼️
• as much as even after the first 3 eps of s2 I could potentially see Steddyhands happening, all of that kinda went to shit in my eyes after they killed Izzy off.
• After everything that happened I can't and don't want to imagine Ed and Izzy reconciling enough to get involved with each other romantically.
• I can see Izzy with Stede tho. I'd actually like that quite a lot.
• at this point I'm not a Blackbonnet girlie (gn) by any stretch, and well, I can't imagine myself enjoying a potential season 3 if all it has to offer will be more drama between those two
• knowing them both, I think they will be making genuine attempts at running an inn for half an episode. And I'm being generous
• also, I can't imagine a season 3 that has Zheng just. Hanging out on the Revenge. Making out with Oluwande. And not even attempting to rebuild her pirate empire. I need my girl cunning and powerful with a fleet to show for it. I think that what they did to her by the end of the season was a shit writing decision. Was her losing her entire fleet... Supposed to humble her? To teach her a lesson? What lesson? That it's not things but people that really matter? It's kind of a weak message, especially for this character. And the execution of it was just. Plain bad lmao. Her talk with Auntie by the end was cute, yes, but it came so out of the blue tbh. If it has been established earlier on that maybe Zheng feels insecure sometimes and would like for Auntie specifically to tell her she's proud of her, that would make more sense. But this way it was kinda. It didn't have the punch it should've had.
• also sidenote: Zheng deciding to team up with Stede (even if it was mostly because Ed was also there) doesn't reflect well on him... It reflects badly on her. My girl deserves allies as powerful as her and Stede is simply not that.
• I want more crew shenanigans. And more backstory for every crew member!!!
• I can imagine a version of the story in which Stede and Ed break up and just don't get back together again by the end. It's so beautiful here. Hold my hand
• also sidenote, but has Jim just completely given up on taking their revenge on the Siete Gallos? I think it would've been fun to revisit that storyline
• honestly - after the shitshow that was season 2, I can't think of an actual potential way that the story could end. And tbh I don't think the writers do, either. I do have ideas, but they're mine and not the writers' of the show, and thus not very likely to actually happen.
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okayestokapi · 4 months
I started this list ONE DAY before Max axed us. I'm fucking posting it anyways.
Our Flag Means Death Season 3 Wishlist
There are links to examples, none of which lead outside tumblr. Trust or don't trust at your discretion.
Give Stede Fancy Boy Time
Put Ed and Stede TOGETHER (squash them together, de-seperate them, subtract distance!) Personal space of 1, for 2.
Show Ed and Stede being affectionate with eachother in the background, foreground, sideground, everywhere!
Ed bonding with Revenge Crew (Without Stede. I want these relationships to grow independently!)
Lucius back to his old ways to some degree, as a treat.
Buttons. I'll take anything. Give me a CGI seagull for godsake. Give me Ed noticing a cloud shaped like a seagull that doesn't even get shown on screen. I don't care, just something, ANYTHING!
Another mention of Ivan, because I love him and him not being there still hurts. TT^TT
I didn't list some things because they're sort of a given. Like, of course more Jim. Like, obviously.
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soupbtch · 5 months
Hi Danny babe have you considered that after spending an entire day at their inn Ed and Stede just sit next to each other quietly on the porch and just talk about their day or read next to each other and sometimes Ed will fall asleep and Stede carries him to bed? 😇❤️
good morning meow babe I hadn’t considered this today yet but now I am thinking about stede’s rippling biceps as he scoops ed up in his arms and ed nuzzling into stede’s neck (he definitely woke up and is doing a very bad job at pretending to still be asleep because he loves when stede carries him) and stede doesn’t care because he gets to carry his princess across the threshold of their home and tuck him in bed and give him a little kiss on the forehead before snuggling up next to him ❤️
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orderxchaos · 2 years
I want it to become a running joke that Stede and Izzy are secretly fucking and everyone (except Lucius who has been blackmailed into keeping it secret) thinks that they're just really aggressive with each other. Like full on screaming match on deck "meet me outside" style and after they have "resolved" the issue Izzy comes out looking like a flustered mess and Stede doesn't have a single hair out of place. Ed and the crew are like 😍 good job Stede you really showed him 🥺
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Knowing that David Jenkins and the OFMD writers do stuff for the fans and quite possibly see fan theories/desires…………here are my dream plot lines for S3
-compilation of Ed and stede trying and failing to rebuild the shack, they end up needing everyone’s help to do it
-The inn becomes a home for all of them and they eventually turn the island into a resort where they all have their own thing (Jackie has a bar on the beach, wee John has a clothing shop, roach has a restaurant, etc)
-heist episode. Don’t care how you do it I just need some kind of fuckall elaborate pirate heist to happen
-Ed and stede attempted proposals (yes, multiple, which keep ending in misunderstandings or failures; the classic sitcom ‘try to do a big elaborate thing to propose, everything falls apart, it ends up being simple and sweet’)
-a very painful and prolonged and torturous death for Ricky <3 I do NOT want him to have anything quick and painless thank you! 🥰
-Ed and stede elaborate insane batshit wedding with many hijinks
-the obvious, has been said before, Mary and Doug and the kids ending up at Ed and Stede’s inn somehow
-The Gang Blows Up England
Feel free to add your season 3 wishlist plot points <3
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I suspected it in s1, as something just seemed off. Wasn't anything canon yet, so I just chocked it up to a hc
Now there's just too many itches in my head, so I'm going to pin it as apart of my theory list (which if I made a ofmd wishlist I guess I gotta do it now for s3) and say:
Metatron was in charge of The Fall, or Crowley ever reported to him when asking his questions
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nicnacsnonsense · 1 year
Just had inspiration strike from a dream, and now I’m adding to my OFMD s2 (or even hypothetical s3) wishlist: climatic scene scored with a cello cover of We Will Rock You
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iwannabeabadrobot · 1 year
My OFMD S2 wishlist:
-Actual buried treasure
-Underwater Ed/Stede embrace
-Now that Stede has no money, Ed gives him a fancy outfit he picked out just for him
My OFMD S3 wishlist:
-The return of Alma
-Muppets for an episode
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