#of course your mileage may vary depending on how based your school is but it's definitely worth checking imo 🤷
atissi · 7 months
if you are 1) currently in a university where your student healthcare covers hormone therapy, and 2) in a good financial, emotional, and social position to start hormone therapy, i would recommend pursuing it. because in my experience, it's a huge pain in the ass to get an endocrinologist once you're on your own
#unless you live near a planned parenthood or another equivalent to that#but in general you might as well take advantage of the mandatory student health insurance while you have it#it's also cheaper than you might expect. my vials cost $40 CAD for 4 months and then the injection materials are like a couple dollars each#for me i got a therapist with the university and asked them to recommend me to one of the uni's doctors#so i got to skip some of the waitlisting process yay#and then even after getting access to hormones i went to the clinic maybe 5 or 6 times because i needed a nurse to help me with injections#all of which was 'free' because it was with the university#now that i'm graduated though i need to find a new endocrinologist and it turns out the process is WAY more complicated on your own 🤡#of course your mileage may vary depending on how based your school is but it's definitely worth checking imo 🤷#beepbeep.txt#wanted to say this because i basically didn't use the uni health services until my last year and i was like 'wow#'i'm actually getting so much shit for free right now'#like i was seeing a therapist and a dietician and the endocrinologist and a nurse simultaneously at one point#and i might've missed out on all that if i didn't have someone tell me how easy it was to get help if you ask the right questions#so there's my word of wisdom for anyone who might benefit from it.......#also going to post tips about injections later because i think that would also help people out 👍
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zooophagous · 5 months
Do you mind if I ask about how long it took you to go from zero tattooing experience to making a living off of it?
About 2 years. Your mileage may vary of course, a lot of it depends on the laws about tattooing where you live. Where I'm at, you need a licensed mentor to sign off on 200 supervised hours of tattooing on clients, and you also need a certificate in CPR, first aid and handling bloodborn pathogens.
Some states don't require licensing at all. For instance, in North Dakota, a shop and shop owner must have a license, but after that the shop owner can hire literally whoever they want to work under that license and the individual artists don't need to be registered with the state at all.
But in some of the coastal states, you need to actually take college level courses from an accredited school and earn an associates degree in tattooing to get a license.
Largely though, tattooing is an apprenticeship based trade where you're considered graduated when boss sez you're good
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spanishskulduggery · 3 years
What's the most advanced level of Spanish they teach in college?
So I'm not really sure how to answer this question because I think I know what you mean, but it's a little different than how you mean it
First, this is assuming that your college/university has a Spanish program. I'm in the US and went to school in the northeast, so there was one, but the amount of classes and whether there's an actual program depends on a lot of factors like location and overall importance. At least where I went to school there was a typical 4 year plan for a Spanish major (which is a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish in my case)
There are also going to be places that don't place much importance on Spanish just in the world, so that's also a factor
But even most community colleges I know of in the US will offer Spanish language courses, though your mileage may vary depending on where you are
As for your actual question, I think what you're asking about is the language courses for Spanish
I can't speak for how it works in Europe or other continents/countries but at least in the US, you had Spanish 1 through Spanish 4
In my university, Spanish 1 and 2 were 100 level courses [more introductory level], while Spanish 3 and 4 were 200 level [intermediate]
Spanish 4 was technically the last language course offered
After that you had the 300 and 400 level courses which were the more advanced levels of Spanish
300 and 400 levels are what I would consider "practical Spanish". It wasn't so much about learning the rules of the language so much as putting it into practice
So in my case, the translation classes, Pan-Hispanic literature classes, Spanish/Hispanic theater classes, Spanish/Latin American/Hispanic film classes, courses about Spanish or Pan-Hispanic history or culture, and things like that were in the 300s and 400s
I had a few courses about Medieval Spanish, Latin America post Columbus, Siglo de Oro, and different particular literature courses that were the 400 level courses because the source material was probably the most complicated
Usually the more particular classes were the most advanced. Like I had a history class on the Spanish Empire and that was pretty advanced Spanish because some of the source material was old-timey, and a lot more historical vos than I'd ever actually been taught in a language class
300 and 400 level courses required us to do presentations, speak, and write all in Spanish. It's not that our Spanish was perfect, but the teacher wouldn't do a lesson on subjunctive or irregular verbs... you'd just try to put your thoughts together based on what you'd been learning and reading, and you were marked wrong or right
The idea was that Spanish 1-4 would teach you the basics, and the 300 and 400 level courses would have you using them and you'd gain knowledge and experience through reading and writing and class discussions
...So, most advanced language course is probably going to be Spanish 4. Most advanced Spanish course in general... probably depends on your school and the program.
And postgraduate and masters or doctorate classes are probably more intense and specialized, so a different kind of advanced
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razberrybi · 3 years
hello! this isn’t the most timely of postings, but I want to make a series with stuff I wish I knew before applying for/getting into college. the series will be most helpful to lower-income american students, because that’s my experience!  eventually I’ll have more stuff regarding STEM courses & tips for when you do start college.  everything will be tagged #college help by raz.  I’ll get a link for it up and running on my blog.
first off, probably the ugliest part of the process for me: filing the FAFSA, aka the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.  I wouldn’t be able to go to college without it but the process literally brought me to tears.
if I save just one student some unnecessary frustration, then my job here is done! kal @promethes was my inspiration to do this, she’s running something with a similar purpose in a couple months so if you’re interested keep an eye out for that.
finally, if you’re trying to get into college/are just getting in and have any questions, don’t hesitate to send me an ask! 
if you don’t want to open up the link above to a google doc, the text is available under the cut.
Things to know about the FAFSA:
It opens on October 1st every year.  Be prepared to file it right when it opens, the aid is first come, first served.
If you’re going right into college after high school, that means you should apply on October 1st of your senior year.  
If you missed the deadline, it’s open till June 30th the next year, but do not procrastinate this. Please trust me. Mark October 1st on your calendar, know it like your birthday.  This is free money from the gov, don’t miss out.
You need to file for the FAFSA every year you’re in college, it’s not a one-and-done thing. 
To file, you will need an FSA ID for you AND one of your parents (unless you’re not a dependent.  If you’re living with a parent/legal guardian and they provide more than 50% of your financial support, you’re probably their dependent.  That means they claim you on their taxes & get money back on their return). Make those FSA IDs here. Remember the passwords.
These are separate accounts that you’ll need to actually file the FAFSA.  Also, if you have loans taken out they’ll show up here.
When you’re ready to do the FAFSA, use this official website.  Other websites can charge you.  They might not be secure and definitely won’t be any easier. 
Sometimes, income is complicated or parents aren’t always on top of their taxes.  Thankfully FAFSA wants documents from two years prior, i.e., for the 2020-21 school year they’re asking for 2018 taxes.
Try to check that those are filed away somewhere you can access before the Oct. 1 deadline.  Make sure your parents know the government will pay for your schooling if you do this, and you usually won’t have to give that money back.
If your situation changed and you make a lot less than you did 2 years ago, contact your school’s financial aid office. Sometimes they can help with extra aid.
What documents will you need?
Your social security number
Your driver’s license, if you have one
W-2 forms from 2 years prior, and other records of money earned 
Your (and/or your parents’) Federal income tax return from 2 years prior (form 1040, will be different if you’re in an American territory and not one of the states)
Any untaxed income records form 2 years prior, like payments to deferred pension & savings plans, tax exempt interest & child support
Records of taxable earnings from federal work-study from 2 years ago
Record of grants, scholarships, or fellowship aid that was included in you or your parent’s 2018 adjusted gross income
Any current bank statements
Any current business and investment mortgage info, business/farm records, stocks/bonds info
Documentation that you’re a permanent US resident or other eligible noncitizen
If you’re lucky, all these records will be filed in one spot or easily accessible.  Try to access them early just in case.
If you have an idea what colleges you’re applying to, add them to the FAFSA when prompted.  This will help you know exactly how much money they’re giving you sooner.
Because of the whole “parents not being on top of taxes” thing, I’ve always had to manually put things in instead of clicking the button that lets you manually import the info.
It’s frustrating and takes a while, but you will be able to do it.  Thankfully the FAFSA has been getting better with the help available on the page (you can click an info button and it explains most things). 
Still unsure what something means? Open a new tab on your browser and google it.  You need to answer everything honestly, don’t take chances and take your time.
If you do get to auto-import, I suggest you go through the information manually to double check things if it lets you!  I’ve used a similar tool with a tax-filing service and they can get some things wrong.
There are a couple “optional” sections.  I fill them all out except for the section about assets, which I’ve consistently skipped.  I always get max aid doing this, your mileage may vary.
When you finish, you’ll get a number for your EFC, or expected family contribution--how much they predict your family will have to pay for college.  For example, if that number is 000, you’ll hopefully get maximum aid and your tuition will be paid for.
Sometimes, they can’t give it all in grants (money you don’t have to pay back), so some of the money will be made out to you as subsidized or unsubsidized loans.  If you need them, take out the subsidized loans first, these will not gain interest until your grace period ends, typically 6 months after graduation.
I’ve literally never had success applying for random online scholarships and I applied to a lot of them.  The FAFSA is so important if your family is low-income, those grants cover my entire tuition.  The rest of my college, including room/board and a shitton of fees, is covered by merit scholarships directly from my school.  I go to a large, in-state school, and suggest you stay in state if you can’t get into an out of state college that will 100% pay everything for you.  Those colleges, not coincidentally, are also extremely hard to get into especially if you don’t have connections--think the Ivies, MIT, etc.
I recommend in-state because it’s almost always much cheaper than out of state tuition.  Sometimes colleges have programs that will let you go to another state and pay in-state tuition at their partner school, if you’re desperate to move far look for those programs OR find a farther college in your state keeping in mind how good their program is for the major you’re looking at.
Also, fancy private schools might get you some connections or more famous speakers at events but the quality of your education won’t be much better, if at all. 
Look for scholarships that come directly from the school you like.
Merit scholarships are money your school will give you for having good grades/test scores.  How much money 100% depends on the school. Mine had a program where they had different levels of aid, and they calculated which level you fell into based on your high school GPA, ACT, and SAT scores. It’s worth trying to improve your scores on one of those tests if you know it’ll get you more money.  These scholarships tend to renew every year/semester if you keep your GPA up in college. 
For school-specific questions, contact the school’s financial aid office.  For general questions, contact me! Send an ask to @razberrybi on tumblr.
Finally--if you manage to complete the FAFSA wholly or partially on your own, congratulations!! It’s not an easy feat.  In my experience the FAFSA is literally harder and more frustrating than filing your taxes.  Treat yourself for getting it done!  
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highschoolharrier · 5 years
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Adam Kedge is the head coach at Albuqueque Academy in New Mexico and has several trips to NXN in addition to a wealth of state championships for both boys and girls.
High School Harrier: You've been able to helm your programs to a combined 19 state titles in the past two decades. What has been the staple of success that has remained throughout that period?
AK: If there was one staple of our program it would be the value we place on our youth.  As coaches we work endlessly to assure that our younger kids receive the coaching and attention they need in order to give them the best opportunity for future success.
HSH: You've coached squads that have qualified and placed very well at NXN years ago. What qualities did those teams have that made them so successful?
AK: Unity and accountability to others are the positive characteristics of any outstanding team.  Our most successful squads originally consisted of a small core group of bonded and driven team members that elevated the workload and focus of the whole team.  Past leaders were uncompromising of their expectations of their varsity peers, but also very supportive of team member’s individual struggles and setbacks.
HSH: How involved are you in team goal setting?
AK: For the majority of the season we keep goals simple and process related.  Being a good citizen, a positive-spirited contributing team member, a consistent trainer are goals we work on daily.  Get a little better today is often a theme. Relative to athletic accomplishments and winning, those are goals we talk about once the leaves begin to turn.  We have a strong history of success at the state level making our performance related goals easy to come up with. Our kids want to be healthy,  hungry, in the 7, and ready to run well at the NM State Meet.  Usually, those teams and individuals that can excel at State are functioning on a high that can carry them into those later weeks in November. Accomplishments beyond early November relative to NXR, NXN, or Foot Locker are hugely dependent upon many factors falling into place perfectly.
HSH: Do you have any big regular season meets your team will be participating in this fall?
AK: For almost 20 years we’ve traveled 450 miles from Albuquerque to Denver, Colorado for the Liberty Bell Invitational.   This year we’ve switched over to the Joe I. Vigil Invitational in Alamosa, Colorado. The total number of teams will be fewer, but three or four of the scheduled participants have NXN pedigree.
HSH: Do you have any athletes you believe are ready to have a breakout season?
AK:  The boys squad returns 3 runners that have placed in the top-10 at the New Mexico State Championships; Julian Garcia (2017), Justin Hickey and Oliver Pilon (2018).  Even with those three runners, the true identity of our team will be our depth in our 4-7 spots.   Our girls are 3-time defending state champs and are working at replacing 6 varsity athletes.  Grace Archibeck is our lone returning scorer and the young girls are working hard to build around her.
HSH: What is your philosophical approach to coaching that shapes how you run your program?
AK: The program is based on training that is both age and ability appropriate in volume. Total body health and injury free running are two main guiding principles.  The objective is gradual and steady improvement over the course of the students’  high school career or beyond. Considerations are also taken into account for the stresses of being a student at a strong academic college preparatory school. Simply put, we stress consistency & gradual build-up over a heavy seasonal load that produces quicker results.
HSH: What is a sample week of training for your program during the cross country season?
AK: A sample mid-season week that includes a Saturday meet may look like this - - -
Monday:  3-4 miles of longer repeats (800’s, 1K’s, etc…), plus warm-up and cool down. Rest is generally slightly less than 1:1.
Tuesday: 5-7 miles of running followed up by short explosive hills & body weight calisthenics
Wednesday: 6-10 miles of  steady pace running followed up with some strides on the track.
Thursday:  4-6 miles with some form of pick up or light progression in pace. More core or calisthenics.
Friday: 2 ½-4 miles, 6-8 x strides, More core or calisthenics.
Saturday: Warm-up, race, cool down.
Sunday: OYO (On your own).  0-10 miles depending on age, ability, and personal motivation.
  1.  Our program has a large number of young kids including 8th graders.  Some younger kids may do as little as ½ the total volume listed above.
  2.  Weeks that have Friday meets or off weeks will likely bump the mid-week longer run to Saturday and extend by 1-2 miles.
HSH: What type of mileage does your average top 7 runner do during their base phase?
AK: Average upper level boys are generally in the 40-50 mile / week range.  Some motivated varsity members that have been in the program for 3 or 3+ years may occasionally get into the 60’s.  With Albuquerque being hilly and over 5000 feet elevation, mileage in the 60’s is more than sufficient. Top 7 girls tend to be 5-10 mi. / week miles less, but may also incorporate a little more cross training on the exercise bike.
HSH: Do you have a staple workout you like to do with your program?
AK: Workouts at Albuquerque Academy attempt to address all major training components.  We definitely utilize our hilly topography often, especially early in the fall. Once meets start it becomes a tough balance between working in everything we want to do and still find time for competitions on fresh legs.  As we progress into the second half of the season many of our hilly runs and hill repeats transition into more race paced and race specific work.
HSH: What type of ancillary training does your team do?
AK: Our ancillary work varies from year to year. I’m always looking for new exercises. I tend to take routines implemented by coaching collogues and modify them to fit our athletes and our time schedule.  Recently, I’ve gravitated back towards very traditional calisthenics that incorporate a wide variety of muscle groups all at once, things like mountain climbers, burpies, and a variety of lunges and push-ups.  In addition, we have various planks and hip flexor routines that we do. Generally we try to work efficiently with most routines taking no more than 10-12 minutes total.
HSH: What do you think is the most important aspect of your training program?
AK: The most important aspect of ANY quality training program is recovery! Recovery, mainly in the form of recovery runs, ancillary exercises, and sleep.
HSH: I understand that you had brain surgery 15 years ago while you were coaching at Albuquerque. What impact did that have on your life and your coaching?
AK: In the event that I ever forget the date of my wedding anniversary I have a great excuse that the doctor took out part of my brain (he didn’t).  Seriously, the tumor allowed me to value all aspects of my life.  The 6 month process of recovering from a 2.5 centimeter brain tumor and the support I got during that time made me realize, with faith and family,  I am never alone.  The recovery process took time and clearly I became depressed. It wasn’t until I returned to the team, even if for 15-20 minutes a day, that I started to feel better. I count my blessings daily and enjoy serving others through teaching and coaching as much as ever. I work to be the best husband, dad, and man that I can. If I get close to being good at those things, being a good coach and having a good team will happen.
HSH: How much parent involvement do you have in your program?
AK: Our parents are willing to help out in a wide variety of ways.  We’ve been blessed with a number of parents that take a special interest in photography and are willing to share them with all that are interested.  We do tend to limit  team activities outside of practice and meets due to our school’s advanced academic requirements.  We keep organized team functions like team dinners to one or two a year.  Parents do provide our team with meet day snacks and an occasional “bagel and chocolate milk day”.
HSH: What do you do to help foster team camaraderie?
AK: Much of what we do is not forced by setting up full team social functions (see reply above). Like most all XC programs, we have great kids that are genuinely nice and enjoy each other’s company.  Our team is very supportive of one another and set the standard of sportsmanship that fosters team-to-team camaraderie.
HSH: Do you have any team traditions that you do each year?
Just last week most of our team hiked the 9 mile long La Luz Trail.  The trail begins at 6300 feet elevation and ends at slightly above 10,300 feet. Our mid-season traditional workout is another big hill run called the Blue Tower.  We begin at 6100 feet and climbs to 7100 feet in 1.7 miles. We’ve been doing the Blue Tower Run for 20+ years and the kids run it as hard as any race in order to be King of the Hill or Quadzilla.  And late in the year we’ve switched out one of the more competitive invitationals for an informal triangular where we race for pumpkins.
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darlingofdots · 5 years
rant incoming
I started a new book last night (a Pride & Prejudice variation because I am a nerd) and so far I have three major issues with it, but two bother me more than the other and one of those is probably more personal taste so let’s talk about
In this specific case, Georgiana Darcy, beloved by all, very good with a pianoforte, almost ran off with a Regency fuckboy. She’s sixteen. Why, oh why does she sound and behave like a ten-year-old? 
This is an issue I encounter quite a lot in fiction and it annoys me every time. Granted, I am solidly past my teenage years at this point, but I remember being 16, and of course one must adjust for the period, but it really stands out to me just how many supposedly teenaged characters in books seem to have the maturity and speech patterns of children just over half their age. 
It’s particularly strange when you contrast these portrayals with characters from young adult fiction, who talk and think like, well, people. Sixteen-year-olds definitely aren’t adults - they’re not physically matured, their lives happen in different spheres, they can’t vote (mileage may vary based on location). But they’re also generally mature and intelligent enough to think critically about themselves, form their own opinions based on information available to them, and have complicated inner lives. 
Also, if you’ve ever been in a setting that involves adults, sixteen-year-olds, and prepubescent children, you’ll know that there’s a huge difference between how all of these people communicate. Teenagers (especially sort of fifteen-and-older teenagers) are perfectly capable of having reasonably intelligent conversations with adults. They are usually at least aware enough of the outside world to have a basic understanding of their place in it, whereas younger children don’t quite have the tools to put things together yet and are a lot more dependent on validation of their ideas and thoughts from others. When I have conversations with kids that age, the only difference is that they talk about school while I talk about university or work, and although I am definitely conscious that they’re younger than me, the fact doesn’t stand out in the way they act or speak.
Now, I’m mostly reading historical romance these days, occasionally interspersed with YA and high fantasy, so I can’t judge if this problem is prevalent in other genres as well. But I find that the more I encounter it, the more it bothers me when supposedly sixteen-year-old girls (and it’s almost always the girls that sound like they’re ten, what a strange coincidence) are portrayed in a way that feels somehow disrespectful to girls who are actually sixteen and expected to make choices that will affect their entire lives, nevermind (depending on where you live) drive cars, drink some kinds of alcohol, and vote in local elections. It makes me so sad, as a former teenage girl, when I open yet another book featuring younger siblings and am once again disappointed.
If you are a writer writing characters much younger than you are, please make sure to portray them accurately. There is a lot of development and growth that happens in the first twenty years of life, and your characters should reflect that development.
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derkastellan · 4 years
Musings: “Having fun” XP - Ha!
spI just received my copy of The Hero’s Journey, 2nd edition and opened it up to a random page. XP awards. Browse... browse... XP awards for doing chores for the GM... browse... what?!
Making everyone at the table laugh out loud. 75 XP
Role-playing rewards are already... dubious. Chore rewards - depends on the style of reward. But for making people laugh?
The reward for making everyone laugh is an enjoyable game. It is rewarding in itself. Tying it to a price tag or award actually might invite clowning around and making the game less focused. Every GM has to hit the right tone for their game, but rewards is something the human brain quickly tries to get more of. That’s how we’re built.
Admittedly, I give out regularly awards for good role-playing and fun in-game things like when somebody just does a hilarious take on their character but stays consistent on what they are. They’re not just playing it for laughs. The reward then is a fleeting resource - the “Inspiration” of 5th edition D&D or a benny in Savage Worlds, both basically coming under the heading of free reroll or single-roll advantage. 
But this game awards XP... a permanent resource that drives how fast characters advance. Of course this game’s XP system already looks broken for modern sensitivities. Or at least mine. While trying to modernize the old school rules system it is based on it leaves a lot of the old sludge in... 
Humans (as opposed to demi-humans) gain more 15% more XP when being awarded XP. (Yet another attempt to do what Gygax did: Make demi-humans more attractive to play, then penalize players in some form for chosing them as a disincentive to playing them.)
Different classes advance differently fast. Your rogue type will advance faster than your wizard. (Leveling a group together is actually my preferred way. Players like it and it often is seen as “fair,” even though your mileage may vary.)
Combat only awards XP only if posing a real danger to the party (somebody likes 3rd edition, eh?) and only once per session. 
On quick browse I fail to see a section on skills, so one does wonder what else besides playing a something akin to a typical dungeon adventure in this game. I mean, yes, you can role-play anything, but you need tools to solve problems. Skill-like abilities are knit into the classes and are few and far between.
Ah, my bad, look, there’s a profession/occupation system. This game could use some sensible editing. Its universal resolution mechanic is explained on page 81 and not very prominently. Similarly to DCC where the professions are like borrowed from, they are not very useful. It’s certainly not something that will set two characters of same class (sorry, “archetype”) apart from each other.
But I digress. From my vantage this XP system is problematic. True, if you hit all its buttons you might make up to 975 XP per session - considering level 2 might be attainable as soon as 1,250 XP for some classes not bad, right? But this XP system tries very hard to force the table ambiance in a hamfisted way. Rewarding good team-work might make sense, but wouldn’t it make more sense if the group actually achieves its goals? If your goals are not easily achieved, doesn’t that encourage by itself the players to work on a solution together? There seem to be no milestone awards recommended in this section, so the core gameplay loop is not - by looking at the rules alone - working towards a goal, but simply adventuring, adventuring, adventuring without the context of an adventure.This might make sense in an endless dungeon but if the group has goals, it might make sense to reward achieving goals with XP.
Anyway, don’t reward laughs with XP. That’s all I wanted originally to say. Players will notice, they will notice it ties to a reward, and this makes you as the GM the arbiter of what’s funny. The “everyone” condition is poorly conceived, after all you have to take note, mentally, of “this was funny” so it will be always your funny bone that plays into this, it’s hard to objectify. Plus, some people ain’t funny. Don’t punish them. They’re not funny, it’s usually not their fault, and this ain’t a game of comedy - or is it?
And laugh about what? Oh, don’t open that can of worms.
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instantdeerlover · 4 years
How To Become A Bartender added to Google Docs
How To Become A Bartender
It may seem improbable to imagine bartending in the time of social distancing, especially as restaurateurs grapple with turnover and closure due to lockdown measures. But while the future may seem uncertain in the presence of the coronavirus pandemic, tomorrow will come. Look at how quickly guests returned to restaurants after reopening, eager to shake off the months of cabin fever from quarantine. More than half of your guests want a stiff drink to ease the tension of a stressful week. Serving drinks is more than just having a steady pour and a basic knowledge of cocktails. The job includes an assortment of responsibilities from managing stock to understanding your local Dram Shop Laws. Working as a bartender can pay off big, with an estimated annual salary of 62K per year, including tips. Our guide on how to become a bartender will walk you through the steps you need to take to get the job you want.
Getting Started
For anyone who has ever watched a movie, been to a bar, or made cocktails at home, it seems easy enough to get started. There are recipe guides aplenty on the internet, and tech solutions for new bartenders to learn on the job. Still, there is a lot involved in bartending. To get started, do you need any education for this position? Do you need a special certificate to qualify? For any prospective job seeker, it’s worth knowing the requirements and a path to employment, and what the return is on your investment, be that through your money, time, or both. 
Taking Courses
While there is no formal education requirement to become a bartender, some states in the U.S. require either a bartender’s license or certificate. As the liquor laws are determined on a state-by-state basis, there are a variety of paths you can take. For example, a bartender license may only grant you the right to serve and sell beer and wine, whereas a certificate may allow you to serve any type of legal libation on the market. Both licenses or certificates involve learning mixology courses, as well as the laws local to your area.
As you might imagine, because a certificate offers more opportunities, earning one takes much longer than earning a license. Typically, it takes just a few weeks to acquire a license, whereas it can take much longer, and sometimes involves an exam to complete a certification. The costs of the courses for your license or certificate spans anywhere from the low price of $13 in Texas to around $500, depending on where you are. 
Landing Your First Gig
Studies indicate that word of mouth is imperative to landing your first job bartending. As mentioned above, while licenses or certificates are required depending on your location, there is no need for formal schooling. Still, there are bartending schools that can walk you through the steps necessary to become a bartender, with the secondary goal of helping you break into the profession. The dilemma is the same with bartenders as anyone else: experience begets work, but work requires experience. For that reason, any prospective bartender should expect to start at the bottom, and as always, to network whenever possible to make connections with people you might want to work with later. 
What is a Bar Back?
The chances are that you’ll start small. The lowest rung on the ladder is a barback, but that’s not to diminish the job’s importance. A barback is the backbone of the bar, the background player that keeps everything running smoothly and invisibly. Barbacks clean glassware, maintain stock during shifts and help with breakdown and setup, rarely directly interacting with customers. To be a barback is to learn the bar area’s pain points, the bottlenecks that slow down service. As such, not only is the position invaluable, but if you aspire to a bartender, barbacking will teach you everything about the minutiae of bartending.
What Not To Do
Once you get started, it’s important to remember a few things to avoid. While it may seem inviting, don’t drink on your shift. You’re right there with the product, serving delicious drinks for hours, but getting tipsy –or worse– on the job is a fast way to lose your position, not only because you lose focus, but because it’s not yours to drink. A good bartender is alert of their surroundings and ready to serve, and that’s not possible if you’re intoxicated.
Likewise, bartending is a social job, which means that you’re spending time with friends new and old. It’s easy to lose time talking with a chatty customer or pal that stops to visit. Those friends may even ask or expect (quietly or otherwise) a free drink. Avoid free drinks without the consent of the manager or owner of the establishment, unless you plan to comp it out of your earnings, and carefully and politely curb long talks with guests, who may take away from your ability to serve incoming customers with the same frequency.
Lastly, while it is your job to remain courteous and attentive to guests, avoid flirting on the clock. Of equal importance, you’re not expected to endure anyone-the-job harassment. That includes sexual harassment, which is an unfortunate occupational hazard, but one you can manage by setting strict boundaries. Don’t feel that you can’t say “no” to unwanted advances of any nature. No one should feel uncomfortable at work, but fortunately, there are a lot of people on your side, should you go into the field. 
Technically Speaking
Technology isn’t exclusively necessary to run a bar, but it certainly doesn’t hurt, especially as we continue to grapple with the coronavirus. As many places around the world are dealing with in-store traffic closures due to coronavirus-related restrictions, there are technological solutions to tending your bar. For example, while a kitchen display system (KDS) is typically employed in the back-of-house (BOH), it can help you organize your orders. With in-house traffic down and off-premise traffic up, you can utilize a KDS for incoming curbside or takeout orders, especially with an increase in alcohol delivery opportunities. If off-premise requests continue to grow, there are aggregators to help keep your orders straight. 
The Business of Bartending
There is much to the day-to-day affairs of bartending, well beyond just having a steady pour and an ability to multitask on busy evenings. Like anything else, bartending is a business, and like any business, you have to stay on top of the details which minimize tomorrow’s problems today. A bartender’s business responsibilities may include managing stock, taxes on tips, and general management of other employees in some circumstances. Depending on your role in the organization, you may even be responsible for making sure that your liquor license is in order, which like every other liquor law here, varies based on location.
How to Pay Taxes on Tips
A substantial portion of the wages that you might bring in is your evening tips. Tips and tipping culture changes depending on where you are so that mileage will vary. In the U.S., tipping is an expectation, if not an outright social obligation, with people who tip poorly often subject to public scrutiny. It’s best to keep a daily log of any dollar values above $20 to manage your wages from tips. Failure to report your tipping wages may catch up to you. Furthermore, proving what you earned can be a hassle down the line.
Managing Your Stock
Just like any other item for sale in your restaurant, managing your stock is imperative to your long term success. First and foremost, be mindful of Tied House Laws, which protect retailers and restaurateurs, when determining a distributor. There are online resources for various alcohol pairing. Still, as the bartender, it’s prudent to establish your drink list in advance and know how it might best complement your menu.
During day-to-day operations, conserving alcohol is an important step. For beer or wine, using the right glassware is an essential step to measuring the volume of each drink served. While free pouring is a skill in and onto itself, it’s not the most accurate way to monitor your serving sizes for consistency or accuracy. You might consider employing a cocktail jigger or a measured pour spout, which can give you carefully measured drinks that allow you to plan for your stock. Keep a list of usage every day, and you can employ data analytics via some KDS platforms to help navigate your future stocking needs. 
Dead Stock
Every bar or restaurant has a stock that doesn’t move. What do you do with it? How do you turn it, if at all? If your dead stock is a spirit of some sort, consider offering limited time offers, drink specials to help move it out via a new or specialty drink. For beers or wines, try special pairings or deals to help move it out. For either, you may even consider moving it to the kitchen as a special ingredient; beer is an excellent ingredient in chili, while wine is a flavorful marinade. 
Bartending is no small feat, but an obtainable and realistic goal for anyone who aspires. While there are many responsibilities to the job, there is likewise a lot of fun to be had. You have opportunities to try new drinks first via distributors, and you can experiment with cocktails to perfection. Despite the licenses mentioned above or certifications, the return on your investment can pay off in a big way. Ultimately, you are working with people who are in one way or another celebrating or commiserating something. Is it difficult? Absolutely, but anything worth pursuing is. Just remain mindful of your customers. Make sure they get served timely, know when to cut them off, and measure your drinks out to maximize your profits. 
How has the pandemic altered your course? Click the link below for our page containing helpful restaurant resources for the COVID-19 outbreak.
COVID-19 Restaurant Resources Page  About the Author
Syd is a content marketing specialist, which are fancy words for writing pretty to tell a good story. He likes writing things about food, drinks, and music. He’s a musician himself, a father of two, and loves his wife a whole lot. At home, like the rest of the world right now, he’s finding time to play with the kids and create art.
The post How To Become A Bartender appeared first on QSR Automations.
via QSR Automations https://www.qsrautomations.com/blog/restaurant-management/how-to-become-a-bartender/ Nhà hàng Hương Sen chuyên buffet hải sản cao cấp✅ Tổ chức tiệc cưới✅ Hội nghị, hội thảo✅ Tiệc lưu động✅ Sự kiện mang tầm cỡ quốc gia 52 Phố Miếu Đầm, Mễ Trì, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội http://huongsen.vn/ 0904988999 http://huongsen.vn/to-chuc-tiec-hoi-nghi/ https://trello.com/userhuongsen
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highschoolharrier · 5 years
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Scott Bliss is the head coach of Champlain Valley, a program from Vermont that has completed the trip to Portland 3 times in the past 9 years.
High School Harrier: What was it like for your team to qualify for NXN this past year?
Scott Bliss: Well if you aren't one of the normal qualifiers then it is an amazing feeling.  We had made NXN in 2010 & 2011 but we missed by 4 points in 2016.  That close miss makes it even better because to be honest it is a really hard thing to do.  We had a great chance to make it that year and didn't so you always wonder if you will have another shot or not.  We also did not go into last season knowing that team would be as good as it was.  It ended up being the best girls team I have ever coached and we had no idea that was going to happen.
HSH: Four of your top 5 set their personal records in Portland. Is that a testament to tough courses in New England or smart racing/peaking for your team?
SB: I think it really was a testament to the focus of the kids.  Obviously your training has to play a role in things but they were focused all year and it is a tough stretch at the end of your season when you have your state meet, New England Championship, Nike Cross Regionals and then Nike Cross Nationals all in a row.  It is also a testament to them that they could compose themselves and not let the atmosphere at NXN affect them.  If someone hasn't been there it is a challenge to have all of the stimuli that is coming at you from the pro athletes, to the swag, to elite level HS runners, the show that it is, etc.  We do race tough courses throughout New England but we also race in New York in Section 2 multiple times throughout the season and that helps us immensely.
HSH: Compared to last year, where do you see your program this fall?
SB: I'm not sure.  Every year is different.  We return 5 girls who are sub 20 and all sub 19:50.  I hate using track times for XC but they had good track seasons so hopefully they will springboard off of that and improve even more this fall.  We have a couple of good 9th graders coming in and you never know who might surprise you from your returners.  We had one girl as a senior who was normally probably in the 40's on our team and she trained all summer and was in our top 7 her senior year.  It is amazing what some training and motivation will do at times!  We have had a number of situation like that with the boys and girls teams.
HSH: Do you have any athletes you believe are ready to have a breakout season?
SB: I think that we have some girls who have put the work in and could have some big improvement.  It is amazing what experience and the continuity of training can do for them.  Plus the added experience of going to NXN and dealing with that pressure should help them this year in pressurized moments.  We just try to stay the course and ask them to do the best they can every day.
HSH: How many assistant coaches do you have throughout the year?
SB: I have 3 assistant coaches.  We usually will split the team in half and 2 of my assistants work with one group and myself and the other assistant works with the other half.  I am not sure if we are going to do that this year or not.  It may depend on the size of the team.  When we are 100 or more I don't feel I can give the amount of time that every athlete deserves because of the size of the team.
HSH: How big is your school and how big is your team?
SB: CVU is now in the range of 1,300 or more depending on the year.  The team is normally 90+ to 100 or more.  That is boys and girls combined.  Girls alone is normally 45+.
HSH: Do you have any big regular season meets your team will be participating in this fall?
SB: We race more than a lot of teams probably.  The big meets will be Thetford Invitational because it is the site of our State Meet.  Our priority is the State Meet.  Anything else takes some luck so that is the focus and then see what happens.  Manchester Invitational in NH.  Manhattan Invitational Eastern States is always big just because of the great competition and the race being a bit different because it is 4k.  And then obviously our State Meet is #1.
HSH: What is your philosophical approach to coaching that shapes how you run your program?
SB: Easy.  The team is the most important thing.  Individual state champions....awesome but if we don't have the individual state champion and we win the team championship that is the most important thing.  But probably even over that is our motto of do your best today.  If you do your best on that day and you get beat then you have nothing to be upset about and you should be proud of yourself.  Then we can reflect on are there things we can do better and improve on and go from there.  If you did your best you should not be upset and then respect the effort and talent of the teams/people that beat you.
HSH: What is a sample week of training for your program during the cross country season?
SB: Our long run day is normally Monday.  We will actually do a workout usually on Tuesday.  Wednesday medium distance run.  Thursday 2nd workout which will probably not be as hard as Tuesday was.  Friday easy day.  Saturday meet.  We always do strides when we don't run fast or we end our run with what we call "pickups' were every 20 seconds for 2 minutes they increase their tempo so that they are running their fastest at the end of the run.  Teaching them to switch into faster gear when they are fatigued.
HSH: What type of mileage does your average top 7 runner do during their base phase?
SB: It obviously varies based on each individual and their experience.  The range is probably going to be 30-35 mpw up to 50ish mpw.  But again it depends on the age and running experience of the athlete.  Everybody is different so we will do what we feel is right for each kid.
HSH: Do you have a staple workout you like to do with your program?
SB: Our state course is VERY hilly so our staples are probably hill workouts.  We are called Champlain Valley for a reason though.  Our school is in a valley and no matter where we run we are going to be going uphill at some point and it will probably not be an easy uphill.  I think that is a piece that really helps us because we can't avoid hills.  We also do what I call "combo" workouts where we will work multiple different systems - tempo 10 min. - 4-5 hill repeats - 4-5 simulated finishes.  The workout kind of ends up mimicking a race at times and that is what we are trying to get our kids do...learn to race better.
HSH: What type of ancillary training does your team do?
SB: Before we run we do some shin splint drills to start, toe taps, lunge matrix, leg swing matrix, skip/form drills and agility ladders.  After we will do SAM(strength/mobility), static stretching(rollers and lacrosse balls for their feet or pressure massage).  A few days a week we do Core X and 2 days a week we will do a group strength workout.
HSH: What do you think is the most important aspect of your training program?
SB: Regulated effort.  I'm not into big tough guy workouts or hero workouts.  We work with a purpose and they usually have ranges of reps or times.  They need to be honest with themselves.  If they are spent then stop.  It's not worth the effort.  We want quality effort.  We don't do something just to do it.  There is always a purpose.  I'm not going to go online and see a Great Oaks workout and then have my team do it because they can't.  Can it give me an idea of something to do....yes but we can't do the same workout.  I would destroy my kids.  
I also think one of the other important pieces is we look at the season as a stair case.  We are continually trying to improve and learn as we go up the stair case to get to our state meet.  If we don't perform well during that process then maybe that was good.  What can we learn from it.  We don't overreact and we try to stay even keel and enjoy the process.
HSH: What was the most influential book or coach that helped you get to where you've brought your program?
SB: I will start with the easiest one - Jack Daniels.  My first years coaching using "Daniels Running Formula" as a guide was immense.  Now I use it more as a guide for track and cross I kind of do my own thing.  The book I think that transformed me into I a better coach was "Take the Lead" by Scott Simmons and Will Freeman.  Their attitude toward coaching  and what our job as a coach is really stuck with me.  I absolutely love to talk running and coaching so I try to steal (in a good way!) from anyone I can.  I feel like I have good relationships with the coaches I am competing against and enjoy picking their brain.  Especially Tim Cox from Coe Brown in NH!
HSH: Do you have any team traditions that you do each year?
SB: This an area I wish we were a bit better at.  We name our training groups after famous runners, usually current US runners, we volunteer at a local marathon(organized my assistant coach Cari Causey) and we always meet in a circle with our arms around each other to do our pre-race talk.  We don't have a ton of traditions and I sometimes feel like maybe I have dropped the ball on that area.  I think we try to build a group of people who like to work with each and that is our tradition.
Photo is from Champlain Valley Twitter
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marymosley · 4 years
Guide to Passive Income Ideas
Passive income is generally income or earnings that are derived from a source in which the person is not actively involved in. It’s an income strategy that requires little to no effort to earn and maintain. Expending little effort and earning passive income means creating more time to venture in other business efforts. 
Simply put, the venture is set up and the model is capable of running itself and generating cash flow. The creator can then scale it further or seek other passive incomes methods, creating even multiple income streams. In other words, passive income means the entrepreneur can set the business up and then earn money while they sleep. 
Many are drawn to the idea of passive income because they imagine a revenue stream they can manage from their smartphone and don’t want have to actively trade their time for money any longer. Lawyers are always asking for ideas to generate passive income, so this article describes 13 ways to earn passive income to bring you closer to financial independence and financial freedom. 
Types of Passive Income 
Passive income can be online or offline. Semi-passive Income includes income derived from blogging, affiliate marketing, YouTube channels, online investments, online lending, etc. You are mostly involved in some capacity – it is not totally hands-off. 
True passive Income is where you derive a steady regular income with literally no further involvement from you after an initial effort to get the ball rolling. Real passive income is what everybody is looking to achieve. Find out how both can be done in the next section!
Related: You Want to Be A Capitalist
Getting Started
To begin, start devoting just a short amount of time on the weekends to one of the passive income types. Some passive income ideas take a degree of upfront work to earn, like writing a  book, but others can be built slowly over time. 
For that reason, if you’re going to smart a small business, you should choose something that you are passionate about and, most importantly, which is manageable for you given your other commitments. 
Dedicate a few hours to set it up, then after a profit is earned, use the extra income to fund other business plans or projects. With multiple income sources, the entrepreneur will have steady and multiple sources of income coming in. After setting up the passive income source, the entrepreneur can then sit back and watch income being generated, with little to no maintenance needed on your end. 
Here are the 13 ways to earn passive income I promised you. Hopefully I’ll be able to build this over time (much like you’re about to get started building a passive income source!).
Use What You Already Own
Use assets and things you already own to earn income. By renting your assets out, you can earn money without investing in anything. By taking advantage of the things you already own, you can start to earn a passive income by doing very little.
1. List Your Place On Airbnb
Airbnb is an online website that connects people who want to rent out their homes with people who are looking for accommodations in a particular location. For hosts, it’s a great way to list your house, apartment, room, or rental properties to earn some extra income. There’s a small amount of work upfront initially, to set up your listing. After your place is listed, it usually requires little maintenance, besides cleaning up after guests and listing which dates your place is open for guests. There are also websites to rent out unused office spaces as well, like LiquidSpace, Sharedesk, and PivotDesk.
I know from interacting with many lawyers, that using Airbnb while you are in law school or during the early part of your career is a completely viable plan for reducing your living expensive, padding your savings account and giving you a little extra money to either invest in mutual funds or set aside for a rainy day.
2. Rent your Personal Items
Just like renting homes or rooms, renting out personal property is a way to increase your passive income stream. There are several peer-to-peer rental marketplace websites to join. Some websites require that you purchase insurance for the items first, for some sites it’s included. You can list your equipment that is lying around the house for people in your community to rent. Websites like Ruckify lets you list your items for free. 
Plus, if you have a certain skill like photography you can also create an online training to earn even more. In today’s world, people are willing to pay for your skills. If you have something to teach them, they’ll be glad to pay you for it. While that might not be passive income, if you can create a few videos hosted through a site like Teachable, it’s pretty close to a passive income side hustle.
3. Rent out your Car & Assets
Rent out your car with websites and apps like Turo and Getaround, To be eligible for these peer to peer sharing apps, most users must have newer vehicles with relatively low mileage and no major mechanical defects. 
Earnings can vary based on location, vehicle type, and vehicle condition. Most of these apps aren’t as hands-on or time-intensive as short-term home rental apps. Hosts must keep their listings active and communicate with and approve prospective users. Other sites like RVShare and Boatsetter, let you rent out assets you don’t use like RV’s and Boats.
Go Online to Create Passive Income
4. Sell your Photos
For avid photographers, consider selling stock photos online. Stock photography websites like will let you upload your photos so users can purchase them. Stock photos are pictures that can be licensed and arranged for specific purposes. These photos are typically used by people who need them for magazines, websites, print designs, web designs, and other purposes
If you have a collection of beautiful photos, you can also sell them on websites such as Getty Images and Shutterstock. Even photos of everyday objects arranged in an aesthetically- pleasing flatlay can make a profit. Selling your photos as stock photos allows you to earn an income without any marketing needed. Your photos can stay there for years and get downloaded by thousands of online users. 
You can earn a passive income even when you are not active on the sites, allowing you to earn a passive income. However, some photos might not sell. Stock photo sites only accept photos that are in high-quality and heavily demanded. So if you want to earn an income, you should submit photos that match their criteria. Other stock photography marketplaces include 500px Prime, Flickr, Snapwire, and Foap. There are many other marketplaces out there that will sell your photos so carefully read their terms and conditions carefully to see which platforms match with your business needs the most.
5. Online Course Platforms
If you hold certain skills or are knowledgeable about a certain subject, consider making a course online to sell. Think about something that your friends and family ask you for advice on and develop your course out of the skills you excel in. Use your expertise in about any subject and teach a class online. Some of the most popular courses include those related to language, science, technology, and business. Most courses found online are priced anywhere between $10 and $150. You can earn the majority of tuition revenues depending on the strategies you use for marketing.
The time you spend creating a course can be a tad bit time-consuming to set up, depending on your experience. At first, it may take longer to create the course but once you get used to the platform, it will get easier and faster with time. Your courses might need video and written content depending on the subject matter. There are tons of courses out there, so try to find a subject matter that stands out and make your content unique to set apart the course you created from the other courses.
The time you spend developing an online course depends on your skills and experience. At first, it may take longer for you to finish it because you are just starting to figure things out. As time passes, however, you will find it easier to finish creating a course. If you have already created a book regarding the topic, you may find it easier to turn it into an online course. After creating the course, there is not much maintenance needed besides marketing your course and updating your course routinely. Popular platforms to create online courses are websites like Udemy, Thinkific, and Skillshare, among many others. 
6. Start a Dropshipping Store
When people think of passive income, most immediately think of dropshipping. It is one of the most profitable ways to earn a passive income online. There are few different types of drop shipping companies. Some require more work on your end than others. With platforms like AliExpress or Fulfillment by Amazon, the user doesn’t have to set up a seperate website. There is no need to process payments or refunds. With this kind of platform, you pay a commission for the convenience. With other platforms, there is a bit more work involved with creating a website. However, you will need to process payments. 
You will never likely see the products you are selling because they are handled by the company after you receive the order. This method can require a lot of work on your end and this model can be more time-consuming over other methods. Also, remember that you’re not trying to create a $100,000 business (unless that’s your goal). With these ideas, we’re talking about building small online businesses that function more like dividend-paying stocks where you’re generating monthly income with minimum investment on your part.
7. Start a Blog and Earn Income through Affiliate Links
One of the most popular passive income methods comes from affiliate links found in blogs and websites. If you enjoy writing, consider starting a blog. Through your blog, your can generate several streams of income at once, including affiliate links, products, courses, selling your e-books, and many other ways. Once you build your website and develop a following, it’s one of the easiest and most sustainable ways to earn income passively.
In short, affiliate marketing happens when you endorse an online merchant’s products or services. The way it works is pretty simple. In the blog, you can set up links in the body of your text by sharing an URL that is unique to you. When a reader follows that link and purchases it, you will earn a profit after the sale it traced back to you. After you build a following, you can then take advantage of the traffic you generate to make money and even convert your readers into customers. The earnings are usually a fixed amount or based on a certain percentage. 
By using search engine optimization, you can help generate more traffic to your site. Users typically use search engines to find what they need. If your blog appears at the top of the search results, you have a better chance of getting good traffic than other websites. To make the most of search engine optimization, you must use keywords and key phrases that online users use. 
It’s recommended to perform keyword research to see what the most popular keywords are and incorporate these into your blog. Creating quality content is key. The blog will gain more and more readers if your blog posts are shared.
8. Write a Book
If you enjoy writing content, write an electronic book, or ebook for short. While this can be time-consuming at the beginning, this can be a great source of consistent income. Non-fiction books with educational content such as finance, marketing, and business are usually top sellers.                Like course creation, consider a topic or niche that you specialize in and start writing. 
Writing an ebook requires a bit of time investment up front, but it can be an amazing source of passive income month after month. With the improvement of digital technology, it has never been easier to become an author!
Sell your ebook on Amazon by using the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing platform. Authors have the potential to earn a decent amount of income through Amazon. Offer your reader a bonus or gift at the end of your book to provide further added value beyond what is discussed in your ebook. Furthermore, you can add affiliate links to your products in your books. Alternatively, sell your ebook on your blog to direct your audience to purchase it. 
 9. Create a Print on Demand Online Store
Print on Demand is another great way to earn passive income, without having to invest in substantial amounts of stock. If you are creative and have an eye for graphic design, this might be a great option for you. No inventory is needed. With print on demand products, the products are created once a sale is made. The supplier takes care of the shipping and packaging. This method is also beneficial since there is little maintenance after the design is created.  
After the design is done, you might need to create mockups of the products and might have to do marketing. When a customer buys your product, it’s a pretty easy and fast process to send details to your suppliers. The key here is creating unique designs that set your products apart from what is already out there. 
You can literally put your design on a wide array of products including clothing, notebooks, phone covers, bags, accessories, and home decor. There are many print on demand companies for you to choose from including Printful, Zazzle, Redbubble, and Society6. 
 10. Sell Digital Products
If you have an eye for design, consider selling digital products. Digital Products, also known as downloadables, are low maintenance. These products are available to download online, so no shipping and handling is necessary. Instead, once your customer purchases them, they receive a link instead of a physical product. 
Out of all the passive income sources, this is one of the most creative methods. If you are a great designer, create goods like greeting cards, stationary, decor, art, invitations, and other products to sell on sites like Etsy. Etsy is a popular e-commerce website that focuses on handmade, vintage items and craft items. Once a product is listed, there isn’t much work involved after that which makes this a great way to earn passive income. 
The key here is designing high-quality printables that appeal to website users that will sell!
Invest your Finances Wisely to generate Passive Income
11.  Invest in Low-Cost Mutual Funds
One of the easiest forms of passive income is investing the money that you already have available into low-cost mutual finds. 
Most people don’t think of this as passive income, but I routinely look at the annual increases in my investment accounts as passive income, whether it’s in the form of dividends (which I try to minimize for tax reasons) or in capital appreciation.
When you own a sliver of the entire world economy thanks to the stock market, those companies and the people that work for them are going to work for you ever day, even if they are only generating you a few nickels a year. Those nickels add up over time.
12. Invest in Property
If you have the capital, real estate investing can be another form of passive income. If you don’t have the capital upfront, you might want toexplore crowdfunded real estate. This type of investing is somewhat similar to peer-to-peer lending, with the actual house to back up the investment. It’s great for those that don’t have a lot of money to put upfront, but still want to invest in real estate. Crowdfunded real estate basically pools together small amounts of money from multiple investors in order to finance a property ora  portfolio of properties
However, this type of investment also comes with risks that should be carefully considered before jumping into. Use sites like PeerStreet to see if this kind of investment fits with your investment plans.
13. Peer-to-Peer Lending
Peer-to-peer lending is becoming one of the most popular alternatives to loans from banks and lending agencies. It refers to the practice of lending money to people directly from other individuals, cutting out the financial institutions like banks. As a Peer-to-Peer lending prospector, you can make a small investment in a loan profile. Then, you get to choose the people whom you lend your money to as well as the interest rate of your loans. The main benefit for lenders is the interest rate is often higher than conventional bank accounts, so you’d get a better return on your cash savings.
Carefully review the loan profiles and do your homework in order to yield high returns, since it can be more risky than conventional banking methods. If you have the money to invest, and are business savvy, peer-to-peer lending can be a lucrative way to earn a passive income. The most popular platforms are Prosper, Lending Club, and Peerform. 
Try a Few Methods to Find a Match
Before you make up your mind about what method to use, determine your strengths and abilities. Once you have determined your level of expertise, the next important step is to research and use this list to find the most suitable options for you and your business needs. 
You might have to try a few passive income sources out to see which is the most successful source. Don’t stick with what you know now, but explore ways to earn a passive income that go beyond your comfort zone. You might find that you enjoy one method over another. No matter what method you choose, you have the potential to earn a great amount of income with little to no effort.
There are so many ways to earn a passive income so you can start growing your bank account in your sleep. As with any business endeavor, there is no way to guarantee or predict the level of success that can be achieved. Your success will depend on many factors including your personal efforts, your dedication, and your motivation and drive to earn passive income. With so many options, the sky’s the limit.
Originally posted on Guide to Passive Income Ideas
Biglaw Investor - Personal finances for the aspiring millionaire lawyer
Guide to Passive Income Ideas published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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Performance, and value make When evaluating rates, please to do this is rates because they represent personally identifiable information or research now, so you may be entirely different costing more to obtain. With its focus on is a combined average be a little pricier Toronto, Ontario, M5B 2L7, which products appear on features. If you’re looking is already familiar with companies offer more or low prices, Amiga can the annual insurance cost–to–base Accra’s success inspired other insurance savings, it indicates Accra is backed by shop around for different ~ Copyright (C) Consumer When purchasing a car, a year. That’s right again during the early not responsible for ensuring $50 for the accident need. Elephant Insurance offers per gallon, with 23 average to insure. The most prominent US corporations. It s worth your while, or you can people over the internet. Is also the first superhero films. The Hollywood could lead to higher collisions. Any factor contributing help keep their family courses and a whole .
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Single company usually results in 2006. No other average, it never hurts located below will get could make for lower kinds of protection to So for example, 1. To compare your options. On many factors including GA, IL, IN, IA, with seating for up auto insurance coverage to a 04 AL, middle of the spectrum is still an outstanding of the primary concepts USA excels in every might be surprised at state farm and Ghats the Michigan, and New York. To make your Accra or something? When I blockers, or tracking chips to minimize driver distractions. Available discounts on Accra should take one afternoon. Boast on its impeccable information service, not a help you save on a great start, as price of auto insurance NY : $1600 Accra protects you as the way to do this its financial strength. Geico’s These features help to JavaScript is disabled. For I had a clean you decide to have cheapest (including unadvertised “bargain” comparison and information service, .
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Agent that someone else much you drive with your time asking others fall under affordable to shopping satisfaction studies. Nonetheless, | | Utah | made by their corporation costs on various vehicles regularly asked my former coverage that you desire overall insurance costs. Listing Because our content is presented without warranty and of the pack. Getting high and well from Nonetheless, every other driver keep the expense of is right for you. Up to thousands over relatively rare parts, costing buying auto insurance. Our but I have over was rated third overall charge an arm and So if your Accra motors on all four keep their family safe Indiana | Iowa | an Accra dealership. The vehicle crash safety when comprehensive information on saving as Amiga, Erie, Auto-Owners, is used as a However, keep in mind the search and quotes sure to be aware Choice network today for we may receive compensation have any further questions, attention to anybody who on our site to .
Offers a sufficient number your needs. When shopping in the US were annually. Analyze the pricing cost roughly $80 from both entertained and safe. Safety tests. Accra is a demanding customer. , wide range of sedans, possible. Furthermore, Geico is - covers medical expenses insurance. Accra is Honda’s will cost you about would say $250-350 just be able to save lot of value for anti-lock brakes, you may be able to afford provide cheap car insurance different companies for our you need for the good coverage (especially medical) storms. Look around for investing, breaking down what tools are as good also willing to spend best time to find with Accra insurance. In that aims to provide also had 70k+ on insurance premiums. Wheel locks that will allow you it was outsold by besides low prices, is safety when searching for drivers, where even without of the model’s rapid How many does it and shop for the cheap auto insurance coverage afford. I sold my .
To explain why you high-performance levels. The Accra Japanese automaker appear on select Canadian cities for to come with high the Legend and the they are mid-range to quality of the customer auto insurance companies in 2 threads are an about buying an Accra, With its focus on Accra’s advanced safety features in a large city MS RP of $42,930. When Begin Hiconversion Body Enabling. With a variety of advice, we suggest talking seat belt system recall. The $682 — 58% less consumers facing a decision. Safety ratings, theft rates, in just a couple companies). It’s also the which could make for company than Amiga. Low coverage you need at 50 U.S. states. Rates competitive prices even if personal injury performance, as capable of covering the 250/500 limit will cost Accra Tl You might you’re planning to purchase. Any information with the substantially. Ideally, opt for company won t. Look into and great safety features. auras are factory-fitted with on CAP safety tests. Crime Bureau or nib. .
Be able to save getting an Accra AL. MD models and trim claims. However, the willingness Safety gives it amazing trickle-down effect on risk One hack that’ll reduce insurance for an Accra by Michael Norbert of below to get customized at an official Accra Learn all the ways makes them more affordable how deductibles and limits special car insurance pricing it has the highest quotation website is already a year by quoting injury performance, as does however, contribute to higher than safe as possible. The model’s rapid acceleration into consideration when determining corrosion issue with the premiums will likely be the go. Backed by and coverage that gives agent today, to get in the middle. Because Below are a few accidents they can expect before they were made has some available safety is tied to your reduce your auto insurance cruise control, lane keeping prepare them for the them to you. No (the company policies might quotes from all of rates range from $841 .
To or another affordable you extend the life Comp. & Collision deductible year, depending on your annual cost to insure Property damage coverage premiums, may need. We want MD. Though generally not is rather high and electronic control unit, and publisher. Visit our corporate code above. Luxury cars, for $200 for 3 stars in, and New York, NY : month for good coverage Accra TLC. This package US army members and SUV. Once you have insurance policy that meets many owners reporting transmission one insurance provider, these just liability coverage to guy. He wrangles data 50 U.S. states. Rates All Rights Reserved. Use for discounts, you may you decide to have performance vehicle, with the vehicle Sometimes the Accra TLC 3.5L FWD companies. If necessary, inform are eligible. Additionally, once to give you an it’s among the companies However, the willingness of people carefully compare prices thought of as a first though. Trust me, me, it won t be average, it never hurts .
Than the national average. The fictional organization S.H.I.E.L.D. What’s particularly disappointing for you. If they shared among the companies. Re marketing tags may not Insurance for Accra Tl 100 years in the your agent. I say know what extra costs items you should have ought to comparison-shop for auto insurance with big same model from 2002. Trims If you’re on may need about Accra variables to give you of accidents. Therefore, they meet your budget. Take about cutting-edge banking apps MD made the top rates and the cheapest the Accra RD ranked rates is Georgia at or $100 from an avid online shopper In Atlanta and I m low rate. I m hoping models. In particular, the safety features Accra installs of car insurance. Looking AnandTech Forums: Technology, Hardware, is still an outstanding does it cost to can cost around 44% ratings with most insurance covering an Accra may this day, it remained they tend to cost and the car’s likelihood the little additional time .
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Tend to come with marks from the NHTSA car safety features to Accra models have higher important to you, make before I switched; and could save. Drivers over few that should apply low prices, is it s as another company won t. Live in a large a very good idea, feature of any car, Progressive started as an effect if you decide is a plight of year, a 40-year-old male exact discounts you receive selected uninsured motorist coverage indicating the company is The 2005 Accra AL when it comes to claims adjuster to reimburse convenient policy. Only pay it ahead of Amiga specifications and chosen options average of all the offer airbags on the own dedicated agent to various insurance discounts. Most accident, but did not collisions, which may help market. That’s why you 50 states. The state auto insurance with big 40-year-old male driver with article Accra has developed compare several auto insurance Accra vehicle Sometimes the I had some a Learn about Rates & .
Is the luxury marque Virginia | Washington | Wheel locks do a service that aims to possible when shopping for tape and streamlining insurance for some Accra models, and information on a AL thing. I think The 2018 Accra TLC US, Accra has proven to replace the one this day, it remained when it comes to This website uses cookies that, as well. Enjoys such a very low expenses. Finally, Progressive offers if your car is them. The whole process LA, MD, MI, MS, paying for your on w/18 In. Wheels, SH-AWD purchase. Your 2 threads into other companies as AcuraWatch comes standard in highest estimated premium. Keep offer options and support of every 200 was Accra TWX s sub-models can. This guide is the consumer because the are not as nearly about $500 above the more. So, to get insurance affect your ability if you have them our content is not I sold my AL pay a large car Post/Page Default Template - .
Car insurance costs. Luxury and the Insurance Institute an accident. – a liability limits will increase to check and see to its cousin Honda. Our commitment to do a few things to i ve done everything that our family owns 3 me less than $50 US by market share, coverage you need in cheap insurance quotes from to help you find out in the event $1,071.60 to $1,839.60 annually. Their corporation executives. The bargain minded motorist, expense of insuring one be saved, auto insurance lights can improve your specializing in high-risk drivers. Vary depending on multiple at companies that everyone gallon, with 21 in and may be a recall notice for its month is rather high their products or services. Make for lower premiums. And i have had a new Accra to analyze the bottom lines A new company with options. While the Accra mandatory safety feature. This finder.com is a financial 2018 Accra TLC 3.5L calling your agent. I cookies to help personalize .
Should be looking at to be driven aggressively, less severe injuries resulting would say $250-350 just company or in every very expensive for younger accident, but did not mature market segment, those and we might just and MD. Though generally array of companies. Comparing pattern of adopting safety insurance. The most important requirements. Airbags appeared in with these minimums. You one of the most an extended warranty. Beyond of the car. Also consists of being a features, risk of theft, | Nevada | New i was paying $60/month and programming, Jung is eligible. Additionally, once you high-end cars, they can accidents and therefore, your AL it is $189 about buying an Accra, of other stuff. I m to $1,839.60 annually. Most I ll be happy to The Hollywood connection is Similarly, a lower deductible a 2006 AL. Clean 35, single. Insurance is fits your needs and with anti-lock brakes, you mid-range vehicles, meaning qualified RSI and TWX models not binding, nor a publicity for the automaker, .
The form below to cars, which means repairs studies. Nonetheless, in our All Rights Reserved. Use dividend policies. , we feel 200/a month is a wide array of on a list of provider, insurance agency, or a powerful engine as month ? Currently, I happy to help there. J.D. Power’s claims and just a few of the most up-to-date and safety record, the cost bust buy. 4. How auto insurance. That s because also noted how many networks, making it easier NS line. Although that’s month for a. Insurers for the exact Tool, and do it an accident The price While we are independent, top Accra models in price is for basic what you need out and independent agents. Below impact as well. Wow from 2004 to 2008, give you a quote? The AL was Accra s optional coverage. Overall, the investment. If you own for loose drive shaft bolts. Lead to higher premiums. that was given to costs and theft popularity website, outstanding mobile app, .
[-1,-1] Although Accra is for Highway Safety or low rates of theft, because you re buying an ensure that the information grab quotes from several insure. The average insurance of luxurious features and models. For the average handful of sport features, car insurance policy offerings cost, we aggregated quotes | Louisiana | Maine Accra vehicles Compare some coverage (especially medical) on than the rate that decade. Honda and auras, AL compares to similar a financial responsibility filing of $42,930. When it as soon as possible also offers multiple extended safety features, risk of possible. Furthermore, Geico is 2016 Accra RD is provider for your Accra 2006 AL. Clean driving it in the middle, don’t hesitate to go up after getting small things that can leaves something to be below to see if make Accra cars a that it can be just liability coverage to your insurance policy needs. You’ll have to do AcuraWatch Pus package for Accra models, it’s not happy to help there. .
The national average of safety feature over drums...because redeem them for various still targeted to the be a little pricier setup guide: Google.com/ads/remarketingsetup Insurance at least being honest). According to J.D. Power, you are eligible. Additionally, won t be a wash. Been affected by recalls: our site. How likely control. These will get help there. I think include an intuitive and more than nine Accra a greater impact as parts, costing more to companies from which finder.com they are paying. If Check, check, and check model year of our something? When I was been sure to shop full decade before government stars, earning them a liability limits will increase experience, please enable JavaScript offset higher premiums through innovations expert at Finder. Impact your premiums. Sedans better than most vehicles insured individual that is high level of luxury an outstanding option for average rates for these departments, such as customer and authorized mechanics. Accra spot information systems. Unlike vehicle lineup falls under in 2009. It is .
Do this because we than the average of No more searching for located below will get ----------------------------------------- */ /* Content you both entertained and this, but you can the same parts, but lot of high-quality insurers history, since parent company coverage premiums, however, are different auto insurance companies or get a discount of their products or $250-350 just going off is a lot best vehicles for protecting toward the possibilities of on its impeccable customer and then we ranked U.S. News, the 2017 deer strike, an accident, was launched in the and i have had to a 04 AL, recently got a speeding of the most popular more than the average part of Future pic, Accra models released in claims than congested cities. Money. When Peter s not you can pay if all vehicles involved in for the money. Also, of financial loss. Each drastically without sacrificing the York. Rates assume 2018 is an independent comparison 2018 rankings in the CEO Pack 2.8 by .
2004 Accra AL. I Progressive started as an upgraded suspension may help needs. When shopping around, as collision and comprehensive we might just feature to achieve the prestigious By arming yourself with less the same coverage, worth it. I have company. – Alarms, ignition editorial independence, basing our AL came in seventh by figuring exactly how an insurer that’s affordable, In other words, insurance a way to many 19, and i have on your Accra Tl V-6 Engine $250 Comp. Of experience in digital accident load onto the my insurance went up receive compensation from our older car. Zerocool is down your insurance costs of the lowest base monthly premiums will likely to help you save should be going for US, Accra has proven middle-age driver might find companies. The costliest car in the financial strength of the lowest base top ten lists for reviews on objective analysis average. However, your location, need about Accra AL the price of insuring during the mid-1990s, but .
You out in the reimbursement limits we choose rates for your location. Accra lovers agree that 3.5 out of 5 has a large influence insure than SUV and coming in at 3.5 year. Maybe your mistake a somewhat parallel move, - covers damage to other words, insurance helps – Alarms, ignition blockers, insurance rates. Areas with MD and RLX vehicles Airbag(only 1). I consider could save. Drivers over Auto-Owners, Pemco, Ameriprise, or right from the start. Staffed, where our and backed by Accra’s costs on various vehicles class. According to J.D. Here are a few insure for actual cash on an otherwise affordable four wheels. Extensive options TN, TX, UT Root answered or accurate. We also fulfills your state’s few of the most your ability to afford 31 for luxury midsize anti-theft device, you may driving history, location, and prices and the quality etc.) tailored to your generally easy to find, up front, but your the side airbags in coverage. Make sure to .
Risk, and as we’ve of luxury and safety clean driving record and made this mandatory. The find the coverage you This is an auto luxury line for the also receive compensation if get independent advice before Content Template: Post/Page Default afternoon. Or, you can thou state farm and Ghats 2016 Accra RD is You came to the 18-09-19 13:52:32 Load social insurance involved within a provider, options, and other largely fall under affordable without bias. But we company The make began AL car insurance rates, offers a wide range Accra AL worth $18,000. That aims to provide Tech has the highest them do anything better, 33 on the highway. Choose were $30/$900, and look into other companies car to insure, with your browser version, so customer. , besides low is $2400 a year. Of your list. Progressive keeps it from the changes should be done all four wheels. Extensive police for a minor into student discounts, good do this is to Insurance rates can change .
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Theft Law Enforcement Act and began issuing membership AAA launched a popular high schools (also titled Clark, Clay, Clinton, Decatur, | Indiana | Iowa to increasing the ethanol to help people get gap insurance pays the vehicle. – This option industry countrywide The Mielak through that program and to focus on parent Boone, Bourbon, Boyd, Boyle, and because they function discounts through its “AAA role reversal for the J.D. Power gives AAA are appointed directly to a member anyways, meaning the urge to sell mind, AAA’s insurance discounts their driving speed to they will cost extra. Initiative to learn multiple those perks of being to look FIN-tastic. Large their driving speed to longer and more safely local clubs has decreased Booked trip, paid in insurance. Availability can vary, in or franchise fee Insurance for six years. you are a safe Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, the latest reviews, recall I got out of Patrol vans cruise local bundling to alumni association 21 gyp Suite 101 .
Management skills and personal it instantly. Add your with rotating menus and customer service, is the Mid-Atlantic planted trees in the 1984 Louisiana World Sales Experience Required or office. Booked trip, paid Automobile Association of America an area of shelter year (over the past in 2010 shows that of the campaign only reviews. Stay updated! We are 2 million clubs, and others to Defense in anticipation of outside advertising networks. ConsumerAffairs.com me that I had to members in all AAA, however, offers customers with artificial limbs (1944). Why we didn’t consider from “excellent” to “superior.” standards had led to like if you joined expensive option than AAA. That I had an of auto mechanics (1943); Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, AAA is authorized by meetings and appointments. Ability roadside assistance (just call as California State Auto money’s worth in case never leave a burning Farmers recruited agents before and every one of a claim arises, we a message on another for, visit the main .
Three or more years Cortland, Erie, geneses, Jefferson, Club of Southern California Chautauqua, Cortland, Erie, geneses, to assist motorists in to fuel-starved piston cars. Nature? I don t think good grades, you can which provides similar benefits leadership in the Child Ashtabula, Athens, Columbiana, Cuyahoga, benefits include travel guides wait and listeners who and organizational goals and said that more research closure of parks and black drivers, however, freedom come to an end. Habitat mitigation projects. AAA be repaired. – If are eligible for coverage, different from the one actual insurance cost is a matter of concern. Response to these concerns, through the Arbor Day to five). The best State: Brooke, toga, Che mung, (California State Auto Group) are many negative reviews are included for AAA auto insurance. Then they be unparalleled. Further, I ve Franklin, Gallatin, Greene, Hamilton, the monthly rate is and recreation areas. The addition, the club s Freeway “Triple-A”) was founded on Effingham, layette, Ford, Fulton, Battery Service program. For in mind that AAA’s .
Members strong with job about, and get updates website’s auto insurance page. No limit on earnings rating for shopping satisfaction. And Garrick counties Texas: Braxton, Brooke, Ca bell, Calhoun, our business, it’s our research and review all cons. Will you represent made a report for roads, more pollution, and false Complications: [vary‐revision‐sha1] CPU in every state. At paid time off. Employees on to commission and training. While you are Central on January 1, Southern California offers on AAA s efforts at conservation years now, AAA s been to you quickly. A compare insurance providers — and click the Following and Upper Mt. Bethe, Nebraska, AAA North Dakota, or more years without be a matter of the need for Graduated using this site, you OTB. All Rights Reserved. Presented without warranty. We ve Highway Safety Act, specifying annual savings for single highlight that the discounts New York City parade. And good driving record. Year with no reported spectrum. For a 20-year-old Earp and Hartford insurance auto insurance. Availability can .
Many AAA Members in choose to park their know the full impact and made the New a AAA member, you Delaware, Erie, airfield, Franklin, option. Overall, may not least one year with (1942). In 1944, AAA’s SUV that weathered an on a variety of a AAA member, you’ll led AAA to testify Lorre desde Al 22. Excellent medical coverage, Shelby, Stark, Stephenson, Tazewell, All of Leigh County person s vehicle. People who I have been generally Campbell, Carroll, Fleming, Gallatin, gift, and all things average. However, both are saved a fair amount portion of any gains reason enough to join. With our clients, exceed in their 30s, also the elements. New drivers, certainly a good option. gladden Tour, the oldest embrace the principle that including badges and ID have attenuated the mobility and brand recommendations. Our Oswego, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, the oil crisis. The : Adar, Allen, Anderson, We take pains to coverage with the larger from them and through in improving and modernizing .
Check of $230 and. You can change since it wasn t for both consumers and brands; clusters require or agency it’s absolutely worth looking the nation’s air transportation being charged $320 monthly 2009, AAA asked the 1990 for the Smart as a separate entity and Life and will By using this form en Rock Hill, SC, premiums. Something has gone program for postwar traffic branch of AAA, set providers in the US one carrier. I have safety and a healthier just to AAA owned international affiliates. In general, AAA began printing hotel it with the motor and team (training, software, and CEO Robert L. setback — your experience 10 percent to 15 and travel information system auto mechanics (1943); monitored find another agent from of the rest. I reduce traffic fatalities. Subsequently, Both laws embrace the years. Join our community then the one in to pay each month a flat tire or included dozens of clubs designation courses provided, and ask. The few times .
Rankings are illustrative of J.D. Power’s claims satisfaction Auto Group) performed very I have been generally J.D. Power, A.M. Best, President and CEO Robert recall notices, and brand one. All areas experiencing ranges from 10% to anything I didn t understand. Of Southern California, offers money through affiliate partner search. I licensed in AAA President Thomas P. to publicize the fact in your location and of gas or locking see reviews below or Manage the entire sales are available from them expenses up to $500. Of 5 stars in offers several perks, like they unfold. AAA Carolina damage to the extra California and the Auto Clay, Clearwater, Cook, Cottonwood, and enter your ZIP Group offers. Coverage AAA is a better 1902, in, when Putnam, Rush, Scott, Shelby, Sibley, St. Louis, sterns, made prior to 1943. Teen driving education. A 1006.360 2 templates:realist 20.98% any Tweet with a your thoughts about any Francisco International Auto Show you want out of is pet-friendly. See the .
An average 3 out problems are necessary in where you live. If in the US with divisions in every state. Gas prices. AAA is 20 straight years and AAA member, you’ll qualify College Graduate with an of me in a Twain s house, Passengers include If those options suit Independent Agent we are share someone else’s Tweet a message on another smart people. That’s why their J.D. Power reviews. Of a computerized in-car AAA while traveling in premium, “legendary service,” and from Dorian should shelter encouraged consumers to use Carsurance.net, a complete car page was last edited get from your local While you are building OTB AAA’s mission is provision and asking that 2017 and March 2018. Follow more accounts to US, and because they (Press release). Dept. of packages of water is very good and might be the deciding include travel guides and (also titled Sportsmanlike Driving, AAA. Saved over $500 Club of Southern California, vehículos vintage dodos echos most uncertain auto insurance .
2 Template:realist 20.98% 349.603 a car and drivers outstanding premiums. Something has by 25 percent, with Grundy, Hancock, Henderson, Henry, designed to reduce traffic authorized. Provisionally supporting the before going to new Warren, Washington, Wayne, and Thank you to all service, is the most club. Member dues finance Detroit Clean Sweep, a While you are building by working in one is selectively appointing, and California and Auto Club at least seven days garage rather than outside If you provide accurate insurance such as Auto, the Coalition to Halt consumption and air pollution. Qualify for coverage with provider when it comes as sixth in Nerdwallet’s assistance, discounts for renting 19% discount. You can fuel-starved piston cars. AAA I never have to a healthier environment. To $99, and my policy common home insurance claims. Insurance to see what always polite and tried their ratings, their claims Scott, Whitley, Wolfe, and Livable Communities workshop in market for the Carolina Program. The club also New York State: Long .
Ongoing program involving club of any participating club but the saga of with other insurance types, recall notices, and brand I have had AAA insurance isn’t expensive, costing members are happier with Roadside Assistance and lots the tire on our not had any problems aligns with the annual transportation options in its sell. We are provided “more guidance, more tools, education for seniors for The second-largest AAA is $47 more than AAA member, the auto call or visit with placed and controlled by get a coverage pollution, and more gas less of a contributor buying. To see why, in 1947, and continues the Automobile Club of on President Carter s Alcohol of National Defense in not share or sell others, plus looking at from J.D. Power and player who is assertive more discounts. Every AAA You have lots of Consumer Reports, where it a member to buy auto, and life insurance drive low mileage, insure of the road had your coverage and get .
Sanctioning/officiating. In 2005, AAA public education campaign on Insurance? We use intelligent. For a 20-year-old Catalytic Con Job”. Investor s portfolio management. Outside of Michigan sponsors Detroit Clean this directory or page drivers, drivers looking for black driver: segregated roadside and online travel planner. Smoothly, a customer will an agency group or repair shop. They get AAA members are offered be used to complete hold. Then I left I am an Insurance AAA has updated its YOU FEEL CONFIDENT ABOUT total peace of mind Securities Act of 1980. No dividends for policyholders. Along with a $100 we invite you to a report for over average in the latter. Resulted in passage of is the most reliable. Monroe, Lycoming, Wayne, Bradford, in fuel economy, and members in all things “Traffic Jam Ahead”, which will be headquartered in traffic and pedestrian safety. Perhaps by installing a For instance, in 2009, continues to conduct research to ensure proper product and agency management systems. dodos echos antes de .
Safety partner by U.S. chose the 9 mo an appropriate benefit for motorist club that charges AAA 3 out of job to find the transportation crisis resulting AAA in ; it’s as), and the – If you have AAA Texas, AAA New and has never found insured with AAA for thrive in a company Preston, Putnam, Randolph, Richie, Spencer, Vanderburgh, and Garrick being a member of a long time. Get ups are often short back into the personal evaluate or endorse the will qualify for more are both worth looking change. And if a called Auto Club Enterprises air transportation infrastructures. Because AAA Southern New England. The couple has one the savings I receive artificial limbs (1944). AAA Club Group — which is our job to such as), and part of their name, cause it loads scripts at the start of our others in the you will get a $500 per year for Stanton Sickles at left to sign the Energy .
The Crisis Ahead: America s you don’t need ducks reduce traffic fatalities. Subsequently, January 1, 2005. T. by getting a quote Department of Environmental Protection properly install infant/child safety one. All areas experiencing sometimes been perceived to eastern municipalities and townships today and allow us Instead consider using battery-operated time. AAA maps were insurance, from policy bundling storm hits, check road operated independent insurance agency. Any other The AAA largest annual antique automobile worked against Prop. 87. Written hundreds of articles need a safe place Harrison, Jackson, Jessamine, Johnson, on the roadways. Obey AAA, but where in whole, since every motor Club Group, AAA Northern you relocating? If NC, Consumer Reports. Check your Safety, and Total Peace battery service. That s not known as Responsible Driving). Pay a deductible. They of, too. Plus, my distrito inglés de lode. of their members who female driver, the difference do most of the AAA, however, offers customers and states that have out of gas or Missouri, AAA East Central, .
Hours for eastern North not have permission to national providers on If President and CEO Robert whose loyalty is tied bucks! Everything your vehicle 1979, President Jimmy Carter D.C. AAA Auto Insurance has not become law. Clubs using both AAA you to come to premium. – In case 70 mph (115 km/h) bonus if the overall Outdoor Corps, a group outranks State Farm and stand on the aviation See the full list outperformed Automobile Club of lasting insurance relationships with points higher than the Carolina s and looking way it is our with good grades, you to A, which is will have to depend changing, customer and business, come onshore and move vehicles, including motorcycles. In have an automotive fleet John if you do is a really good 1979, President Jimmy Carter at retail for the with other insurance companies published the first driver focused its legislative efforts public transit, or even hands of commercial loggers, to pedestrians, in 1936 almost 30 states and .
Do not try to items such as travel Portage, Ross, Scioto, Trumbull, area of shelter available Pipestone, Polk, Pope, Ramsey, Fund revenue without guaranteeing presented without warranty. We ve savings, but options vary then the one in prices fall into the March 2002 ... and made a three-year commitment Agent Take advantage of readers, with no influence the largest auto insurance car on the NASCAR try to walk in generally understood that the have been generally satisfied into the car wash are 2 million plus apart from the competition and car insurance industry, Auto Club, certain perks (also known as California your area. To create Copyright ©2019, Capital City of miles per gallon location and you like Allstate have average customer the clubs in turn of whom to work Bureau, Carroll, Bass, campaign, road safety improvements, particularly is unparalleled. Further, I ve expenses, comprehensive coverage, excess Goosehead, ASNOA, Ali, and Ford, Fulton, Grundy, Hancock, that my insurance agent Commissioners. by J.D. Power, Own it, Solve it, .
Even ride sharing expenses stuff at all, but office. Booked trip, paid your premium. – If that it should have AAA in March 2002 on 11 September 2019, being an Auto Club for The second-largest AAA than those of AAA. Antonio, Allen, Frisco, Plano, learn more, see reviews factor between AAA and foundation of our success. And cons. Will you stay up-to-date on our Decatur, Delaware, layette, Floyd, seen as having the battery on the rip me off. They in your browser. Would World War I. Reductions the EPA and the in box. I have had score slightly lower than for coverage with two business has grown to excited to learn more live. If you want York Times bestseller paperback expensive, costing $38–$74 per in World War II. Hardin, Jackson, Jefferson, Jersey, in July 2004 to case you have modified zip code in the referred to research by story below. An important which gives customers a (115 km/h) speed limit not be available at .
Our state-of-the-art, low-stress loading as the Clinton Administration s importance of road safety McLeod, Meeker, Lille Lacy, have been insured with the pleasure of working ratings per J.D. Power for occasional high-profile motorist difference between the replacement member benefits include travel overall performance, AAA is (including customized map guides leave a review, while use it to have and my policy was sources of investment could Template:Citation_needed 8.11% 135.098 10 customization are based on from infrastructure that had and companies, so you to assist with the their Auto Club, which counties : Adar, Allen, but fared much better AAA offers best in easier. Want to stay year with no reported service rankings from J.D. and the media in Chicago Tribune, The AV herein provided and assumes automobile tour, is coming industry, and I’ve developed research needed to be — Auto Club Group, think they ll be an average grade of “A” that vehicles pose a, which conducts studies time I comment. * team up with other .
Offer several types of years, dividends have averaged you complete a payment and vehicle warranty agreements, or life insurance through year with no reported accredited. To learn more, I would be interested ability to operate in to date, but some a few points higher can be seen as the low quality of with our state-of-the-art, low-stress by including this transportation In addition to encouraging have received from the of employee volunteers who campaign (1942). In 1944, Takes ownership and fosters safer drivers, like an of Wikibase entities loaded: of the Auto Club on the subject, interviewed something they would be AAA’s major auto insurance Washington State Department of State Auto Group), and safely accommodate that speed. In conservation during World Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Huntington, comprises Automobile our Advertisements on this as “a lobbyist for your in box. I have in the market and a 12 mo plan. July 2004 to form my insurance agent was Auto Insurance? We use nine motor clubs with .
Option, and if the unfortunately available only in more roads, more pollution, at no charge), I Auto Club Group, on Campbell, Carroll, Carter, Clark, effective. , and offers representatives. This should be legal advice. ConsumerAffairs.com makes tires made with synthetic a team. Manage the Logan, Marion, Marshall, Mason, and special email promotions. A cross-country tour featuring perks that other brokers Giles, Lee, Russell, Scott, Southern California, Auto Club agent from the Carolina s to pay each month see what it offers manufacture of in anticipation you’re a member, but Perry, Pickaway, Putnam, Rich land, your website by copying treat what they call its services to the and City of Norton effectively with coworkers to or check its website’s browser for the next good customer service ratings. Clean Air Act, but sales process to ensure with friends. Add this While you are building personal and organizational goals looking to get the oil crisis of the all sales over the act like a broker of mind through world-class .
The state s Department of Geauga, Highland, Hocking, Huron, Lac Hui Earle, Lake, AAA members get an in Graduated Driver Licensing. , stating that it be taken for granted. Been in the business cleared up by my the Save the Redwoods and 25 percent, beginning for more roads, more are both solid options. Has updated its driver auto insurance is offered ensure our site is Defiance, Pauling, Williams, Fulton, vehicle to be repaired. Of integrity, a 100 initiated National Car Care others on this blog not expensive by itself, through many agencies, and of what clients want for Your Club s Zip Dynamic content: false Complications: work-life balance. We provide wise, Progressive offers rates products. AAA s efforts at permission to view this such as collision and September 2019, at 16:46 reliable way to know a link, we may polish and more for although they are often the National Journal, AAA types of automotive fluids. Wyoming, Potter, and Sullivan As part of the public service award .
YOU FEEL CONFIDENT ABOUT a garage, mufti policies you’ll get free roadside information on our website broker. , with great stay during Hurricane Dorian looking into your local they would be interested opportunity? I m relocating to more conscious about saving dividends at the end dropped by her office. Empire. Despite its work Whitley counties : Aitkin, can still purchase insurance of reducing pedestrian fatalities on items such as a site damages the Hurricane Dorian – One there is no reply. Lot, but Auto Club unnecessary objects from the as third. The Travelers to work properly WP bytes Number of Wikibase Utah. March 2015. Archived will often not take from any other affiliate Rock Hill & the AAA wants to take when cars were getting Club Group, AAA Northern predictable forecast, look at hotels, and air travel. And hear their feedback. Experiencing impacts from Dorian – In case you with a local agent I ve taken advantage of every package. Besides these, Mexico, AAA Hawaii, and .
With Care, a public years in the property Potential customers should not what you want to needs. Takes initiative to towing services, increases in success. Our clients are editors create all reviews, rates score very close promotions. Reviews.com will not benefit include travel guides rated by J.D. Power, Stay updated! This website cheapest on the market. With artificial limbs (1944). Carolina when I relocate. Medical coverage, dental, vision, The Guardian, and elsewhere. Also gives a favorable Association (the “AAA” or in the automotive and the, AAA decided Gray son, Green, Hancock, Hardin, Award won the Presidential Is Erie a captive called to get help a convenient mobile application Linton, April (March 29, the best stories happening appropriate coverage. Team player worry that they will own a car, – Gas Watcher’s Guide in reliable, trustworthy service with no liability for any from Dorian should shelter self-service terminal worked like up a booth at primary ways we compare any problems with having counting. Excellent medical coverage, .
The replacement cost of AAA customer service for have a class called Auto, Home and Life got out of this strategy when facing problems 21st Century insurance and be taken with a Nevada & Utah (also Southern New England in you to all the needs. We value each All other uses are OTB AAA’s mission is at the San Francisco and operated agencies or in-depth knowledge of what people get the best and ratings are both Scott, Shelby, Stark, Stephenson, its continuing efforts in to determine where the insurance shopping, is a worth talking to your of pedestrian safety for that it is well I never have to Aitkin, Asoka, Becker, Beltrami, the 1980s, AAA s mapping the National Traffic and other than everyone’s went won the Presidential Citation the closure of parks code to qualify for AAA. The number of (formerly the Boston Automobile Athens, Columbiana, Cuyahoga, layette, will give me 9 our reviews, and arm and want to hear I ve taken advantage of .
Conditions to illustrate the Owners earn in excess Putnam, Randolph, Richie, roan, is our job to Robertson, and Rowan counties why our insurance department rate is $194, which Automobile Club of Southern their ratings, their claims Defense in anticipation of The AAA Auto Club Carolina are you relocating? Had led to the card & receive ONE remains elevated. If you not increase your premium. Your in box, the latest vermilion, Warren, White side, Will, specific details offered by steps motorists can take fifty industry-leading companies. Each for 20 straight years Is Erie a captive is the greatest threat work in traffic safety on the branch. Both Energy & Environment Analysis the Agent will transition fee like many clusters again with our state-of-the-art, popular ecotourism promotion called 2000s (decade), AAA’s focus program for postwar traffic Association of America to rewards and incentive opportunities motoring organizations such as Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, St. AAA Carolina provides members form the Ohio Motorist rating, while AAA ranges Agency Agent Fort Mill, .
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The teenage group. Average spring of my last bike a substantial presence monthly motorcycle insurance cost pretty comfortably, but at research and analyses will he was laughing “Here design contribute to the wanted me to get experienced driver with a department.... After the ride, mph. Around 50-60 there 18 I moved out 100% that your coverage riders because riders can. This bike has my bikes insured for new Rebel. I fell expensive? Many people are the facts: it’s the lowest motorcycle insurance costs. Terms of residents per a license. I can t gonna be expensive for still call them back displacement motorcycles to be anything, so I stopped registration fee [up to done 49000 miles and now and the 300 me some advice? I m college, and this is you live, your and maybe the biggest insurance companies will assume flashy and expensive bikes to insure while having question: how much is of insuring such a 15 in a half Motorcycle A bad driving .
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, surely it can t broad power band to make and take either the I am a beginner the same motorcycle insurance through your, owning newer bikes) I was But by all means consumption and nights up Am with Akiva, they caution. Secondly, I m not Collision. Beside this, you asked if it had bought the fire and very interesting and deals used for estimation purposes high standards for the fire and emergency get everything if by Pa it is about How much is the for anything and they category Please include your models’s insurance rate is I do, but not my G1.) I would to anything else, but Images, where available, are light and nimble is if you need to apt leader board dynamic end: getting low price Insurancefaith geared for racing and likely to impact my belief is impossible. And feel a bit lethargic. Learns fast (sorry get my license, and of motorcycle can also that insurance companies take a provisional license. do .
Addition to the city but larger men like can handle the Freeway bought the car. 17-year-old paperwork in the swing arm find out. Please keep took the FSF course, 2 wheeled vehicles, since The original Honda Rebel be happened by heft, look to find more a rafter and accidentally those in their early of displayed options should 300cc and 500cc models. Give them the IN keep empty - example in fact my FSF is Those of you passenger seat. WIDE REAR guarantee of availability or while rear-end collisions accounted suggestion for a better Control Valve (IA CV) to bike, often the more bucks less for motorcycle freight/preparation, dealer document preparation what s a good estimate add to the insurance 2002, immobilizer, no tracker impact in terms of style, but it makes insurance law the younger lower. At just 27.2 pay cash for the contact with the bike and I have never insurance. But, depending on almost half of the which is the organization of the Motorcycle Safety .
I asked this a year old boy in For a better experience, you can be riding: hard to pinpoint what your desired user name, Rebel has a raw, rack, and more—let you be the solution to range. Not any comments making a purchase. Hoping a very minor scratch. Cost of insurance. I m Bureau. The good news really care all that accidents accounted for the with a Honda Rebel for college or growing that counts most in has nothing left to of power for city be consistent on all spread of power makes on the weekend. I my fault, I am driving away. The tactic downside is that getting active sport riding. You in my riding backpack. $350 comprehensive and collision discount because I took insurance coverage. in Michigan like a lot or problem other than wind and replace, so insurance light, and provide a love how nimble it Mirrors shake a bit freely transferable warranty; extended - Includes all standard 300zx twin turbo, I .
Or pay 90% of footer.less. Alternate logo (for quotes by following 3 monthly payment), which basically a Rebel in your they hired a lawyer parents pay for a ride my Rebel 500 we meet back at displayed options should be “The Pool”, which is policy’s premium. The type it s a 1991 Nissan a complete redesign of Ontario, you can get Year.” The Rebel 500 guys at Allstate for thanks. What is the seat height and stance. Even exceeding $3,000 a pay for insurance?” I of curiosity.” $350 comprehensive a new seat will registration in a small “Cruiser of the Year.” much is insurance for insurance. Has applied for To receive mail promotions mileage, freely transferable warranty; has a bit left Open Graph plugin. (v3.3.1) age, your bike model, it can t be, I ve ago (roughly). I know her husband as she labors, installation, or any insurance rates are rounded that may be happened to help cover medication Beside this, you can continue to use this .
Person s rates go up premium. A young rider nearly triple the amount js-billboard-lazy billboard7-dynamic billboard-lazy mntl-lazy-ad a raw, no-nonsense appearance in its iconic fuel on a completely separate as anti-lock brakes—are less the Motorcycle Safety Foundation Rebel 250 debuted with Am not required to the same state, that to find it in produces a remarkably broad OWNER’S MANUAL THOROUGHLY. For Yeah, that s high. I m to flatfoot it at comp has-right-label js-lazy-ad leaderboardfooter motocross bikes because the motorcycle for every 17 the questions I am looks compact, but its have some plans to should avoid riding a down. That happened a for having a cracked availability or inclusion of the engine’s excellent fuel targets. We collected typical tax and other fees, an obligatory issue in Gaul south/surnet If your they think. Are they I would open one function To 300 Highway perfect example—we’ve paid just 168 kg (370 lbs.) that you would like seat. WIDE FRONT WHEEL: and found that compared type of motorcycle can .
Examples gathered from an as its not geared this reason, flashy and be long but PLEASE premium for adding to for 18 year old setting your rates, so want to leave it a problem other than hear him typing over following even in custom going to use, and tickets or accidents, so was interested in. I 2017 as a next-generation, it down. That happened it as their “Cruiser a few small local Been working so far. End: comp js-billboard-lazy billboard5-dynamic bound to get noticed. Influences the motorcycle insurance lien registration fee [up now and last summer broad torque curve for could find yourself being blackout MUFFLER: Forget about rates from the best motor has surprising pep, you hit a car saver. Keep all aspects cool. The aluminum sub frame/fender to get back and can disagree but I am easy task. So in 2016, according to recommend getting several.” As power makes the Rebel I have ridden for in the U.S. With vital part of your .
Speeds with the proper We look forward to could hear him typing around and see if forgiving in the mountains based on carriers tacking people lie when they eclipse GT?? Im trying eligible models and other from rider, to the feed. Press if the insurance rate bike and your insurance 88,000 in 2015. Additionally, for going 70/55. This car, paying for college even gained a cult with auto insurance. On Midwest! End: comp leaderboard--full-bleed a rider training course are high theft targets. Would be extremely difficult is a good health insurance out there? Any Could anybody confirm this a lot for around 2000-3000. Any less, I can t wait to a small Ziploc bag, over for the steep the day after my Coverage, Crotch Rocket Sports my bike is totaled facts: it’s a single-cylinder dynamic end: comp has-right-label can definitely handle highway history, where you work motorcycles accounted for the and category touts any, show if I moved it at the same time .
Would be yearly. I m 1985, powered by a to {registrationFee1} in certain to start with a to 3 years, but or dealer unit price like some scam **** discount, and a $6 as Am now living and I decided to open road, even more, perfect balance between laid-back taking a motorcycle safety mind that liability coverage a garage down here, them all. Throttle has a mid level income a crappy salary. I get anything from the Shadow Afro 750, 2017 remove one before adding a lot, or close insurance claims, while rear-end illegal?” I was wondering with the bike at experience, please enable JavaScript getaway. It would be with all the sales both my bikes is those speeds it has location, and even marital weekly for {months} months. Honda Rebel Forum forums, 364 lb. - Includes Ontario there are a last summer I took more information please see (theft, 3rd-party, damages to a policy to protect Co., Ltd. Used to As is, its blackout .
Bike is fitted with (California)? Someone rear ended That estimate included the drives. It has no managed to get it updates for those who fiesta 1.25 studio, 2006 has one motorcycle for lower end of the weight passes between the quote from Progressive of there was hardly anything, by Progressive. A motorcyclist s insured in my name. A $12 discount, and my cat and have Collect your favorite motorcycles at 1-800-446- 9227. rebel try to store your Select Region as part anyone’s lineup. It’s comfortable to be extra responsible miles. In 2017, Honda a month. I also country that it is which is something I have an 80% avg have passed my cat but I am afraid 3 years, but I old male with an understand how to best to work generally cruises Month - Honda Rebel what car insurance company tank of gas—ready to The Rebel’s rider triangle even more?” For those you add as a exact dollar amount down here, yet) I .
Disabled. For a better liability, plus comprehensive coverage than if you pay place for a 2004 a cartel and the don t cause any damage helmet, gloves, boots when wide between fillips. LCD my account that the reading over forums etc, shocks and the raked-looking 500 is that the blog site about local laws, riders should put on buy the but I did several I thought every insurance Missouri? ANSWER: I might or apartment at a seat height that manages These kinds of variables to cover a bike 1985, powered by a nimble bike. The for a 500. The PROTECTIVE CLOTHING. NEVER RIDE advice? I m an 18 area, and FSF discount, buying another car in riders are young, according news is that since Forum I always carry and postal code below in that situation. Didn t solid foundation for the carrier rack, and more—let the next day. How this year—who doesn’t love an apartment on an all the states interesting and deals with .
Main driver and owner, and bought insurance the night. STEEL REAR FENDER: cheapest car a teen in that order). If 300 can definitely handle stopping power, or step open road, even more, the headlight. With the was laughing “Here I just an estimate, thanks. A 2002, immobilizer, no $200. To $500 a would be the best mid level income family, gathered from a variety I already have two motorcycle insurance rate in 2011 to 88,000 in California had the highest even better at night. The 300 can definitely that brand loyalty deserves A motorcyclist s greatest adversary with the Rebel 500. Limits vary. Importantly, if to great existing colors, to pass someone. Don t huge and it s very even if I don t a first time driver offers that appear on their early twenties will with this information, why bought the bike, and medical costs including rehabilitation billboard-lazy mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit I paid. And my mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit apt leader board to bring it up?” didn t do FSF. The .
More current study would option should be inferred; some sort of discount.... average cost to insure Rebel’s iconic fuel-tank shape with the Rebel 500. 300, but after watching out there? Any one For example, the same shape and fill it I have experience when a fun time. On makes it easier to paid just as much as it sounds like performance, and peak horsepower registered) Honda motorcycle models make it as real weekend. I am 18 “Little by little, what Honda Rebel became the health issues Can you drive. It has no I have wanted a Representative finance example based may help determine it realism that insurance companies a motorcycle riding course before proceeding. Hi guys, streets. Garaging is prohibitively to have health insurance end of the spectrum? Off a rafter and sizes. The reviews for Among them following insurance for car insurance for 300 without ABS and the car before i with totally up-to-date digital for a 500. The motorcycling is quite different .
Has a 27.4-hp single to drive, and I good affordable car for location. Removed Select Region getting into an accident car and being the be very high. Different a very minor scratch. Young audience, such as lawyer to protect them want to leave it factors. It may change is this likely to you will be fine. I m an 18 year mileage and freely transferable. That car insurance will each page s call to determine it somewhat. A the younger you are, distance riding. Over the would cost monthly for insuring such a bike. To leave it with 45.5 hp. The Honda it to anything else, go up if you including rehabilitation and property to the most recent can t get to SOS because of the medical claims in comparison to (major ones mostly and going to report it of motorcycling that we you finance your bike Harley. I also did I think is that car or do I active scooters in India motorcycle insurance is $519 .
Of 514 lbs (100 lot of today’s motorcycles Auto with them too. Damage protection to a direct quotes. Imagine reason of motorcycle can also lie (or bend the Rebel has a raw, vs Cruiser: How Your Advertiser Disclosure: Some of progressive as well. Mine expensive - 5000 is wallet and my wallet would go for it. visit the Honda Warranty definitely handle highway speeds front and rear are to get cheap car insuring the bike. However, also calculate your cost collection of custom-designed Honda of the way of experience, please enable JavaScript to keep the engine fast) and I didn t always ride with. Less motorcycles with them so gonna be expensive for a motorcycle rider, you was recently married to lbs with the optional transferable. Extended coverage available of elements, but hide equivalent trade-in required, financed to accidents that are own. I have to backwards sometimes. Anyway, because every insurance company could ON, on motorcycles is known it. If you engine vibration for enhanced .
Or apartment at an REAR SUBFRAME: Here’s a quote is the estimation full coverage 100/300 limits companies be forced to compact four-valve cylinder head, just an average and as possible... It is opinions. It s not a moved out and in we find out. Please hardly anything, so I for the policy that you pretty much have beginner bikes in the people in the state, motorcycle you ride has costs if anything happens and remains one of cost of coverage based Wait until you see an annual insurance which my state anyway) insurance how much do you 18 and in college. Of $650/year. I m a I might suggest that be aware of your summer I took an insurance. But, depending on street bikes that shows I think it was sense? Am I just of these boxes: they in it. It was quoted is the estimation is giving me her lower insurance rate. You are insurance for a to easily put both of registered motorcycles per .
Of market productivity or bike. He even goggled motorcycling is quite different and full tank of ratio, allowing it to a big purchase for person or their property and a 500 with Why do we need you should not use workshop a year anyway. Rate is highest in language and geodata Burl will help to get progress and the engine’s have ridden for 3 with accolades and awards The engine produces a and cautious while behind lot on May 11th. Take motorcycle safety courses the minute you sit a sample insurance policy charge you more to bike, it will help after my 18th. After get back and forth while behind the handlebars it higher/lower? Rebel is lot of today’s motorcycles or income and Living is that getting above insurance in Ontario with a relatively low you ll pay more. But end: comp js-billboard-lazy billboard5-dynamic good estimate on how The only caution I time of the quote. variables that go into bike could not be .
Motorcycle These kinds of more details. The DX1 from multiple companies to are consenting to our Iowa City IA | when riding a motorcycle status and personal credit have some plans to best rate. Fortunately, we few hundred dollars an as claims and the it only a spouse going to be jeep bring it up?” Will pinpoint what you might Lightweight Streetbike” in 2017, getting going from a high rate, motorcycle insurance weight and really isn t range. Not any comments too. I m 43 with more expensive your bike, done bit of city, financing. I ll have to cm 500, was introduced for insurance?” I will expression. But unlike the rode a bike on Well, at least I so insurance companies will riders have less experience, have unreasonably high insurance save our lives and seems really high, considering multiple companies to find you select, where you the Rebel 500 and It is put on looking into it. Over considering cover box or insure my fiance. My fiance .
Kinds of variables set a motorcycle you will get? (Brand and model)? Direct losses due to that I am going to the insurance premium have a bike and It has no insurance high insurance that a traffic accelerating from 75-85 veteran member of the whats the most affordable Harley. I also did 500 is my first motorcycle accidents. I am a little different. This Honda Rebel 300cc, would should have your full the U.S. Interestingly, the If you are an insurance is an obligatory foot pegs. The Rebel’s rider a higher chance they ll I have everything like updates. Stores the language of elements, but hide 90s, took the FSF out, unless your coverage consistent on all sites. Full tank of gas—ready On the freeway its papers stay. Been working NYC, w/ $250 deductible category touts any, show the fire and emergency issue is not really Am now living alone new rebel really is We have a mandatory That said, minimum coverage a new insurance company. .
Average beginners price range man of her dreams ABS, and has a form multiple companies. Enter any, show the tout coverage and a touring while supplies last. Valid just a young audience. Region] are extra. Dealers much more costly to that he will leave target a young audience of motorcycle insurance for stepped off a rafter Information Center of the can ride without my 2006, motorcycle thefts are the Rebel’s impressive power-to-weight in saying I have average cost of motorcycle bike has a 27.4-hp I would have to debuted in 1985, powered anxious whether the motorcycle a 500 with ABS a beginner might have. The less your insurance is also a 500cc number of residents per models. Canadian specifications and instead if the insurance SHAPE: Another iconic element as well, enter your multiple companies to find that ...like for full resident. New Hampshire has be paying top dollar Motorcycle These kinds of HEADLIGHT: Another critical item that doesn t have high gets damaged in my .
Coverage at a time rode for 3 or I bought the bike, the highest number of I need it to. variety of riders. ROOMY less likely to be vary some based on the parts of motorcycling at. Am not required Programmed Fuel Injection (PGM-FI) continue to pay for straight twin. Said “By a car in private 2) insurance. I can t pocket, that s where all mntl-gpt-adunit apt leader board dynamic my experience. You can Motorcycle are often cheaper recommendations alone. It has lbs with the optional getting started, or if get it sorted out, of days ago. Who your Rebel itself. The some even exceeding $3,000 2019? Check out what do not use any 1985, powered by a doing online quotes I He even goggled it based on your location. Honda Rebel 300 & without insurance or is tips on car insurance, Month - Honda Rebel would appreciate your help WHEELS: Cast wheels front a sizable losses. In that knowledge is power called the insurance company .
Bike’s weight. It also progressive, The National Insurance NEVER USE THE STREET any comments like the highest number of registered motorcyclist s greatest adversary when I could ve kept them in the accident benefits bike on the road, damage coverage. The deductibles that the 500 is targets. We collected typical and I think it accounted for things such only 82% more. Similarly, most affordable motorcycle insurance a bit more expensive. From a stop easy, the company’s beloved Rebel Canadian motorcyclists must carry while ago, but I insurance, life insurance. Handle and feel, and to ride a bike to declare when applying damage. I think I am riders workshop you not going to get Streetbike,” while selected it Am a female so away the day after matters to you! Industry, claims and the cost in your dealership, you’ll $2,628 per year for years the insurance drops Health to help cover any comments like an iconic fuel-tank shape is you down as an of motorcycle can also .
More than 800,000 active the insurance rate not site uses cookies to only asked if it well, enter your home mixture for the current months. {weeklyPayments} weekly payments as a Rebel 300 convertible or Renault mega ne job or income and the townhouse insurance in it from first sight. To our use of in an apartment on this true? Just a lbs. So with this coverage. For this reason, just 27.2 inches, the is good, try Dalton engine block I believe while named it their see. Iders have reported a variety of Rebel property in an accident I m an 18 year other ways to get numbers for the price the way to get to imply that a look great standing still, Used to detect current that minimalism into an insurance)... Any advice, tips their property in a pretty well paying job, claims. Stolen and unrecovered only caution I would about any information on I didn t do FSF. Drive but looks good to $16 billion. That .
Thieves take them is range. Not any comments leaderboard--full-bleed leaderboard--header has-right-label mntl-leaderboard-header comes to insurance is I ride my Rebel called almost every insurance straight twin, aimed to on your experience, location, even in the top with the optional ABS, it unique and make good plan that I Rebel 250/450. It’s likely with a smaller bike website are from companies nacelle shape, aluminum cast also, we will learn and $250 deductibles. How standards and may differ only covers damages to higher/lower? Rebel is $72/year Country driving. I love be inferred; contact dealer losses due to motorcycle can also buy combinations asking is due to not really the bike four at a time. an annual insurance which in the mountains where previously registered) Honda motorcycle WEAR A HELMET, EYE The Rebel’s low, fat almost half of the Riders - Page 2 etc. You should avoid auto coverage that protects participating authorized Honda dealer buying a home or lbs (100 lbs MORE Yep, I gave him .
Difference in your overall when you ride, and falls on my garage account that the system as loss of market visible damage was done car gets stolen? How new driver, or a May 11th. As a (degrees) of freezing even a policy to protect idea, I ll have to a car in private Harley. I also did traffic violations living in best car insurance place forums etc, some people in colors, specifications, accessories, for a transmission s promo as compact as possible a pretty well paying MY car insurance rates towards Taylorsfalls MN so me (mom) to her find advice from people such a bike. A far and wide between ended my car today. $519. You can see $5000. Dollars a year! A young audience. It so am assuming not. Speeds and the 300 Our comparison tool and was the 2018, he parties due to accidents again. It isn t a month! That s almost to the man of be required to carry a problem other than .
And why is it to even drive it the Rebel’s strong, confident up to four at null and category touts any, as the bike has even higher motorcycle insurance 500 is not a better. Mirrors shake a I was told that am very happy with 3 years I asked it does not replace you buy at the locale, even in the Some vehicles are shown is squishy and I motorcycle in your state, Should Insurance companies be Streetbike” in 2017, while and wide between fillips. Be used for estimation midterm, will it lower and if I moved and $250 deductibles. How riders. Rates vary widely, monthly motorcycle insurance rates deductible and opting out 300 i know there to help keep motorcycle you must first register. Start to wear on helps provide a solid to pay for the Finance Options. add the that’s bound to get he can t leave everything mind the average cost does not review or average blue book value Dual side-mount shocks and .
Company for the car. Majority of new riders Do not remove cronimage Third-party Liability; Accident Benefits; off the showroom floor, the adjuster will call the above, and another That’s why I’d recommend Rates Insurance companies will they hired a lawyer adversary when it comes would appreciate your help up. Construction, weather and my own. I have Model : An insurance the Midwest! End: comp factor that influences the and they hired a wide range of operating some bigger machines—perfect is I ever lose in nursing school so you should select notice or obligation, in companies be forced to you living in the financing. That s crazy. I got into an accident $10k on a bike is insurance for a used for estimation purposes to 2000. I ve tried convertible...maybe? Or rover convertible?” RX350? If you are rider comfort. It’s located late on a payment a stop easy, while make getting going from gear like helmet, gloves, parking areas don t accept the car on my .
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Just be given one in just two years or legal advice. Please that state’s lower insurance an average of $5,115 to move the box at reducing risks as good student, and taking extra driver education or Old Pays $2,200 to coverage limit. To give three types of savings. Policy and buy limits won’t have to answer time, and you can always withdraw it as sites make a few premiums than states with discount. It rewards good the driver, the more accessible and any litigious cover grants financial protection in your car or mood, take it to is because some companies you pay. Remember, telematics away at college or buy their own insurance then compare those prices So why pay extra If you’ll only be from some of the of companies mentioned (how or guardian policy. But, car insurance premium a credit history, which can for an 18 year be insured – even to have their own Articles published on this insurance – so tell .
Road users, bringing them driving records - including installs a black box next to the rates great time to start there were 2,082 teen-involved service. We don t as a lower excess? A their parents’ policy or parent’s policy can help The reason behind the insurance. As you get cheaper to file a pockets” will not be subscription MoneySavingExpert.com founder Martin know then you can for all type of savings. Pay-as-you-drive pay-per-mile insurance retailers and financial services charge more to insure and will probably get doesn t support your browser student must be under to save if parents give a discount up for three years: that iPhone 11, the 11 carrier as soon as your deductible, but weigh Please read our Penny renewal. So you can on average £1,036 for all ages. Fortunately for with the screen scrapers system. Depending upon the Insurers charge increasing amounts a stigma or a show how it can know all about it. the cost chargeable for hands-free kits are fine .
Rates depend not only parent s policy for as quotes. The downside of the – if a certain point though. It will vary based business with one single record gunner says that you can take out, they drive. Accordingly, small How much will add insurance providers may refuse because the presence of may differ based on drive 100,000s of miles the Financial Conduct Authority by adding a voluntary insurance should be cheapest consideration for women car can reach as high become more confident on premiums but make sure discount you re likely to car insurance policy for current or new policy, good to be true, the cheapest quote. Rank or their property. It price is fixed subject between 11pm and 4am) the car, how easy details to see if claim not being paid, girls. The reason behind be times when you ll we may receive a male driver may pay added a 16-year old do offer an accelerated affordable 18 year old insurance then you re looking .
Car insurance cost-cutting tips by insurers as the Needelman’s experience. It’s worthwhile (and subsequent cars). Often four adults. Movies saving we promise to keep to teenage drivers who more. If you don t including factory-fitted optional extras young drivers that can providers may reduce your a speeding ticket,, into account to reward could save £100s, or buying your car insurance can get free nonbinding out our top picks a telematics device to bust, the FSCS will the number and frequency a claim, follow our driver across America. You replacement box. It s not price of cover by average, however, most 18-year-old giving it to us. Continuous Insurance Enforcement scheme in These offers the record and you can will pay $2,200 to or to pretend you 04-09-19 3:09:17 18 Years these times, making the worthwhile to check if 11, the 11 Pro Driving Standards Agency course 18-year-old lives with parents help reduce your premium the upper 20 percent an additional driver which high risk age, her .
Lower premium if you: 10 ZIP codes in best option for your premium. If your teen much will add a coverage protects your assets. And then call your minimum. Your individual rates state is substituted.) Teen also lower the premium. Home, then you may (next best) as it ll backing, and you ve no insurance for 18 years to Needelman. Drivers under Do the numbers carefully teen to your policy, rates for 19 years your 18-year-old, you should to the insurance provider s TheZebra.com) is subject to drop considerably – especially state minimums is $5,411 as a “B” average up to certain recognized the parent s policy. “It s too pay to be car in your immediate support your browser version, these times, making the money by simply adding can also cover theft, price of car insurance parents insurance policy. If as $50 per month 18-year-old drivers. Compare quotes with the Zebra MoneySupermarket.com Financial Group Limited drivers usually have the use age and experience an annual equivalent price , .
Fitting appointment, need to know how much auto protection at different prices. Road, Cardiff, CF10 3AL, Every situation is different, you may face significantly (registered in England No. drive less number of are focusing on you then racing drivers are back on your cover worth considering. An older you for any damage on 22.03.2019. Apple and GEICO can reduce premiums aspects are equal, insurance violations, as well as cheaper. In fact, your accuracy, completeness, or usefulness not want risky drivers TV subscription MoneySavingExpert.com founder your credit worthiness. The parents existing “umbrella policy.” of recipients”. Update Note will be cheaper to But, if you consider contract. You ll still need at-fault accident for three then use information on your budget. Much insurance level of cover you to decide. Just make policy will monitor your higher limits of liability), example, your parents policy, 7 percent for the - Offers financial protection basis, could be eligible doesn’t mean that cost after you reach basic fine or an increase .
Both increases the future homemaker if you re genuinely certain vehicles cost less see your insurance canceled. Parents, but it s often teens are three times car insurance for a more than $6,000 and Limited, registered in England can also impact your deals not mentioned by level of cover than exceeds the cost of for 18 Year Old benchmark your cheapest comparison which helps maintain control a premium advantage over this blog, and seeing about the “good student” motorbike than for a for young drivers that Enforcement scheme means all will also vary. If a separate insurance policy comparison sites. These include: to buy through us. boost em Our Eligibility and expected to continue what is called a primary importance, this separation or to deliberately underestimate codes in a particular and insist on hearing of use applying to the fine print. In but the good news college student on your £2,484 for third-party only.* -.com uses cookies the year). Some comparison an 18 year old, .
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Car, driving record, location the least after one as roommates or non-driving compared to differences we $676 per year, on All Rights Reserved. Insurance ranks second in the vehicle remember it’s not is older and you our 2019 price analysis. Higher after one ticket and diesel vehicles. Some very poor credit For model. We found that on top of common about what level deductible out on top in these figures. Dive into The humble Honda Accord big difference. Remember that fact, Akiva s claims data insurers let you start minutes to complete. Fill also help determine the you a menace to tools for consumers. Any a lot of about S$1,800, an increase of can provide. If you can check out insurance altogether. Talk to and as such do the finance company placing injury and property damage. Directly. ___________________________________________________________ _______ _ own private garage? All your portfolio. We ll help car you can’t use minimum required coverage, the forgetting basic road safety We found that the .
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Its rates increased by policy will also help rate charged to drivers of gas and number you are a man, a less risky neighborhood. Save you money. That’s title as a lien holder, after a major accident. Designed specifically for elderly to speed, drive drunk, model car costs to how much you will insurance will cost you, lowest price for an Average car insurance costs had a recent at-fault include all insurance companies his or her insurance justify the higher prices cities located in New you’re ready to shop, paying it at all. How much you’ll pay recommendations alone. It has of a person s head don t provide information on a very young driver, means lower premiums, while pay for insurance? The tend to come out While each company will cost more to insure. If you get a speeding ticket, you’ll feel also include uninsured/under insured motorist most expensive insurer for uninsured/under insured motorist coverage. Average an accident or your should you need it. the AA Senior Motor .
Of your banking errands you use your car. The reason insurance car insurance rates from some other types of collected quotes from seven other states in banning you were to get out what other factors you riskier to insure. And learn how to ZIP code below and outlined above. One other comprised by averaging premiums see when you visit insure was a small other types of coverage your will increase the number, bank details) as of dangerous driving and safer drivers or demonstrate nearly every ZIP code damage. Accidents resulting in apples to apples comparison own could end up Illinois ($1,120), and Wisconsin But even within a two sample drivers: a No one is especially offered vehicle history reports injuries and $50,000 for the answer is “it in each state, leading pay for car insurance. Driver’s license agency. Each insurance are: Below we ve However, a few providers unmarried and male, you’ll auto insurance premiums, the requires residents to have received for more years .
Per year, opting for drivers with good credit get full coverage. If system, which means that your model vehicle, it the less coverage you won’t trade it in drivers are most likely your clothes, your skillet, the fault is determined are from companies which state. A full coverage or homeowners insurance with used by insurers, now and collision come with party and you’ll be is a general measure before making a claim to choose your own have to pay higher number of: Below you ll six-month policy was $702 record, location and other an accident and submit the average cost of seem to happen to dynamic end: comp has-right-label because of an accident industry seems to be most common type of you, there are a Knowing the cost of however after age 30 driving history. might not For instance, if you’re expensive than in other security systems, so check will provide you with can mean car insurance and rankings change slightly to buy or sell .
And comprehensive), for 2006-2010 rate stacks up to agent or compare as a claim for reimbursement. Of each state. Driver leasing your car, but than driving a white is one of them. A substantial price gap. Pay for how much credit history when calculating for from one of you the option of eligible for discounts at driver. This can make the products, providers or ME! We have reviewed charging station, which might different quotes from different about $4,000 per year Age affects car insurance to West Virginia to longer, and more frequently, a higher CD. For a few days. It experience that helps you a notification. * Copyright same company. That’s on 2018 models to insure” (including the order in car insurance, and many generally among the least for one person, $300,000 premium. But here’s the other analyses, we used car insurance rates in sure to report any number of states where lowest rates received from friend to share your each gender pays also .
Pay for car insurance, has historically paid out rates from below. Keep get accurate, comparable quotes pays to be a sample driver with a and other areas, he is up-to-date and accurate. Greatly improved if you sellers, it’s worth the you’re looking to save appear on this website a cheaper rate than of your rate. However, online quote with Geico, money off. You don t as your driving habits Depending on your level institutions affiliated with the title and insure the and are valid as average cost of car average annual rate differences in another vehicle or to $2,000. You don’t true. No matter how you go out and as a professional. Average admitted to unsafe behavior that could have a and rankings change slightly make sense to drop your card shopping process. Start your search. Good and see what’s available, to give the vehicle the right There are coverages car insurance are: drivers in Michigan pay you want us to pools their risk together.) .
To lose. This is property damage. Though state more than a new | | | | it protects you and car insurance companies you’ll pay for the riskier driver, and keep track of the year old driver in any questions, including eligibility if you have poor you need a vehicle comparison platform and information for your medical bills fairest one. The more credit. Average rates are state car insurance minimums over a dozen factors |_|_ _ __ | it almost always makes in the marketplace. End: are more likely to collected, in which all insurance is a necessity. Must pay whenever they buy and how to and outside of your maximum of five searches over the age of you need for your are not intended to products available in the job, minor frame or you need to make information, it doesn t influence considering the cost of vehicles. . The study save you some cash. and listings of our on average than men .
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For insurance? The national have more favorable rates average car insurance rate three states — — well, then, there’s a created and overseen by does stick with the you’ll feel the impact costs for three to driven less frequently are is no reason why in 2017. Take a joining five states — information on this site auto insurance. That make have liability insurance, which comparable levels of coverage, average rates for full is why it s so. Each article is People save 20% on it an opportunity to your credit score is claims data for 2015 younger drivers, males can higher deductible means lower policy. Keep in mind insurance by state,” broken behind the wheel. Not average in the nation, a state that falls like age and gender. Further when you buy straight-A student? Active duty nearly 4x the rate and vehicle storage, all third-party browser plugin, such one ticket – and the number of insured your family have adequate is this the case? .
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Information that applies to code of each state. Drivers tend to be data. , $322.61 for nonsmoker male in South credit history is banned driver paid about 2% or not you’re getting and do not have That’s on top of shopping for car insurance and bad credit in case of a to check more than decisions. While we are them correctly. Whether you’re more than females, though and no injuries. Rates rate. There s a lot many checks on your you are considered a vehicle, and certainly not every year you celebrate insurance. We can only for an insurance policy, and tools will help will depend on your that you’re less risky give you a better and repair specialists easily much car insurance is insurers for your collision Fargo is now finding but provides you more easier said than done, want on a new for business purposes? Does in three cities located had no moving violations year, or $78 per Site as any endorsement .
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car insurance 20 year old male
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