#oc: viconia despana
Fandom: War Of The Spider Queen, Forgotten Realms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Characters: Pharaun Mizzrym, Original Drow Character(s) (Dungeons & Dragons), Vizaeth Xunhrae Thaezyr (OC), Viconia Despana (OC) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Telekinesis, pre War of the Spider Queen, Bullying Vizaeth for fun and profit, No Spoilers
Viconia's lack of attention in class has consequences-for someone else, not her.
Vizaeth belongs to @thespacelizard!
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spectre-tabris · 3 months
oc masterlist
i said i was gonna do this weeks ago and hey look i'm finally getting around to it. do i have a whole in-depth oc page already? yep! is it accessible from the app or mobile site? no idea, but probably not! thus, pinned post.
super basic list because i'm lazy like that. and also because there is, as previously mentioned, more details than anyone probably desires on the actual oc page. any character with an at least mostly completed page is linked below, the rest will get linked as i finish the character write-ups (which is...progressing. slowly).
sorted by source
Baldur's Gate
Myrian Callith - BG1/2/ToB, CN elven thief, romanced Viconia Kalye Despana - BG3, N drow wizard, romanced Gale Avryn - BG3, N elven ranger
Elder Scrolls
Jehenara of House Ravenwatch - ESO, CN Dunmer dragonknight Braithe Delconis - ESO, N Breton necromancer Ailith Dakatti - TESIII/TESIV, N Dunmer
Dragon Age
Kyra Lavellan - DAI, NG mage, romanced Cassandra Rion Lavellan - DAI, LN warrior, romanced Dorian Lex Tabris - DAO, CG rogue, romanced Zevran
OwlCat Games
Rysari - Pathfinder: Kingmaker, NG aasimar ranger, romanced Tristian Dinaeve - Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, CG human skald, romanced Daeran
Other Video Games
Isadore Chayal - Pillars of Eternity, LG->N moon godlike psyblade Adrienne Shepard - Mass Effect trilogy, NG infiltrator, romanced Kaidan Willow Chrysenfalle - Neverwinter Nights, NG elven ranger Valeria Naeris - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, N Jedi Sentinel, romanced Bastila
Heidrun Raskob - NG human wizard, Wildemount campaign Vyr Atenashi - human monk, Jungles of Chult campaign Laena Chayal - NG->CG->CN->NE (my girl had a Journey) elven wizard, Mad God's Chosen campaign Alinore Northbrooke - CG half-elven rogue/paladin, Tyranny of Dragons campaign Fane of the Dawn - NG tabaxi blood hunter, Curse of Strahd campaign Rhya Vulkyne - CG fire genasi wizard/sorcerer, Out of the Abyss campaign Ravi Vasira - NG->N water genasi cleric, Keepers of the Sun campaign Ruani Zehrik - N half-elven warlock, Eleutherian campaign
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thespacelizard · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Forgotten Realms, War Of The Spider Queen Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Pharaun Mizzrym, Nalfein Do'Urden, Vizaeth Xunhrae Thaezyr (OC), Viconia Despana (OC), Veryan Xolarrin (OC), Rhylfein Dyrr (OC) Additional Tags: Nalfein Lives AU, pre-War of the Spider Queen, Referenced Vizaeth/Pharaun, Pre Vizaeth/Rhylfein, Self Harm, Spiders, Flirting, Minor Violence, Actual School Things Happening At Sorcere - What A Miracle, viz is absolutely lost in the lolthite sauce, No Spoilers Series: Part 10 of Obsession
The only thing Vizaeth loves more than Pharaun is Lolth. Which means that, no matter how little he cares for Veryan Xolarrin, when another student lays hands on Lolth’s Blessed, he’s compelled to step in. Aiding Veryan, however, might have more interesting consequences than he expects.
There are no spiders in his quarters. They don’t come, no matter how hoarse he prays himself. He’s scoured his reverie for Lolth, but She makes no showing of Herself, and even the memory of Her voice is faint now, an echo of an echo. She sends no sign, Pharaun sends no summons, and so he’s left to wander in the dark, as lost and alone as he’s always been.
Today, he needs to find himself. Today he will be measured, and if he is found wanting, Sorcere will spit him out as it has so many other worthless drow before him.
Vizaeth drags his feet towards the alchemy lab, stomach roiling. He didn’t dare eat breakfast. His arms itch, and he curls his fingers into his palms, fighting the urge to pick at the illusion covering them. He should have worn his usual gloves, saved the magic—Lolth knows he needs all he can scrape together for the aptitude exam later—but Nalfein is teaching this class, and he wants…he wants…
He scratches at his wrist as he steps through the door, feeling the scars that disfigure the weak flesh. He doesn’t know what he wants. For Nalfein to see him whole, unbroken, still worthy of attention, after the way he fled Entreri’s blade. To not know how much of himself he’s carved away to keep up with the rest of his class, for whom magic seems to come as easily and naturally as bleeding does to him.
Keep reading on AO3
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So @thespacelizard said they’d love to get a solid list of the Despana kids in order so I figured I’d give you a rundown of them.
The Despana kids are Malavon Despana’s children by various mothers, there are actually eleven in total by 1372 DR, but during the events of A Lesson Well Learned and A Dangerous Conjuration (1368 DR), Viconia’s youngest sibling, Vizeran, hadn’t been born yet.
All eleven of the siblings share a few common traits:
They all inherited their father’s white-blond hair, though it’s not super distinctive they are all blond-haired.
They all have either blue or red eyes.  Malavon has blue eyes himself.
Malavon named all of them after drow he hated, with a general preference for wizards and priestesses.  If he didn’t want to use or didn’t know the target’s name he usually just used one of their family members.
Malavon crafted special hair ornaments for each of them.  The ornaments are wrought from white gold in the shape of an unsleeping eye–Malavon’s personal symbol–and the eye is inset with a stone that matches his child’s eye color.  The ornaments are enchanted to help the wearer focus when casting, and fortifies the caster’s hold over the spell.  I actually do have stats on these items they’re insanely powerful with the caveat that Malavon crafted them to only attune to the child he made it for.
All eleven were born on a full moon or new moon, often one of some significance.
Malavon experimented on his children, so all eleven have latent magic he has trained them to master.  The elder eight have all been formally trained and trained in their latent magic, meaning they’re all multiclassed.  Yasraena, his ninth, has only been trained in her latent magic.  The other two aren’t old enough to be trained.
So, in order, here are the Despana children as of 21 Eleint, 1372 DR (which, if my math is right, is roughly the date Dissolution begins):
Nym Despana
Namesake: Nym of the Frozenfar, a drow merchant Malavon worked with regularly.
Birthdate: 1 Flamerule, 1218 DR
Age: 154
Height: 5’3”
Class: Cleric (Trickery Domain)/Bard (College of Whispers)
Deity: Vhaeraun
Birthplace: Rilauven
Residence: Dallnothax
Sabanna “Anna” Despana
Namesake: Tsabanor Oblodra, Patron of House Oblodra and the only Oblodra Malabon thought he could get away with naming a child after.
Birthdate: 2 Hammer, 1236 DR
Age: 136
Height: 5’1”
Class: Cleric (Light Domain)/Sorcerer (Divine Soul)
Deity: Eilistraee
Birthplace: Rilauven
Residence: Waterdeep
Rai’gy “Rai” Despana
Namesake: Rai’gy Bondalek, who Malavon hates because honestly he hates most other mages that aren’t related to him and also Priest of Lolth.
Birthdate: 6 Marpenoth, 1281 DR
Age: 90
Height: 5’4”
Class: Sorcerer (Lunar)/Wizard (Conjuration)
Deity: Eilistraee/Vhaeraun (both, literally he worships both and pisses off both churches in kind)
Birthplace: Rilauven
Residence: Ust Natha
Bael’baste “Baela” Despana
Namesake: Baeloth Barrityl, AKA Baeloth the Entertainer, a sorcerer Malavon has a particular beef with and Baeloth doesn’t actually know what that beef is, all he knows is that Baela is his daughter now too.
Birthdate: Midwinter, 1297 DR
Age: 75
Height: 5’0”
Class: Sorcerer (Wild)/Wizard (Evocation)
Deity: Malyk
Birthplace: Rilauven
Residence: Baldur’s Gate
Zarafae “Zara” Despana
Namesake: Zaknafein Do’Urden, Malavon has beef with the Do’Urdens I haven’t actually figured out what it is.  He just has beef.
Birthdate: 10 Eleint, 1312 DR
Age: 60
Height: 5’5”
Class: Rogue (Assassin)/Wizard (Bladesinger/Necromancy)
Deity: Vhaeraun
Birthplace: Rilauven
Residence: Ust Natha
Viconia “Nia” Despana
Namesake: Viconia DeVir, probably actually an offshoot of Malavon’s beef with Vizeran DeVir and has nothing to do with Viconia herself.
Birthdate: 17 Uktar, 1318 DR
Age: 53
Height: 5’1”
Class: Sorcerer (Draconic-Deep)/Wizard (Illusion)
Deity: Vhaeraun
Birthplace: Rilauven
Residence: Menzoberranzan
Nalfein “Nal” Despana
Namesake: Nalfein Do’Urden, just more Do’Urden Beef.
Birthdate: 17 Nightal, 1345 DR
Age: 26
Height: 4’11”
Class: Sorcerer (Wild)/Wizard (Enchantment)
Deity: Vhaeraun
Birthplace: Ust Natha
Residence: Menzoberranzan
Maya Despana
Namesake: Maya Do’Urden, Do’Urden Beef part 3
Birthdate: 17 Nightal, 1345 DR
Age: 26
Height: 4’10”
Class: Rogue (Assassin)/Sorcerer (Shadow)
Deity: Vhaeraun
Birthplace: Ust Natha
Residence: Minauthkeep
Yasraena Despana
Namesake: One of Lichdrow Dyrr’s daughters because Malavon’s too chickenshit to call Dyrr out directly.
Birthdate: 27 Ches, 1357 DR
Age: 15
Height: 5’0”
Class: Sorcerer (Aberrant Mind)
Birthplace: Ust Natha
Residence: Ust Natha
Phaera Despana
Namesake: Yes, this is Pharaun, one of Malavon’s daughters is named after Pharaun. Did you think anyone was safe?
Birthdate: 22 Marpenoth, 1361 DR
Age: 10
Birthplace: Ust Natha
Residence: Ust Natha
Vizeran Despana
Namesake: Vizeran DeVir, Malavon really hates this guy, it’s surprising it took him this long to express it.
Birthdate: Midsummer, 1370 DR
Age: 2
Birthplace: Ust Natha
Residence: Ust Natha
If there’s interest I might make an updated list that notates their status as of 1492 DR but this is what it looks like as of the War of the Spider Queen.  Feel free to ask questions as well.
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okay, i need to know about vizeath and viconia. what's their lore, why do they wanna kill each other so bad, viconias cat, anything you want to share really
Okay I don't know the full story on what Vizaeth's beef with Viconia is, maybe aside from Viconia being a nightmare rage child. @thespacelizard would know more about Vizaeth's deal.
So Viconia's one of those super rare drow women who was permitted to learn wizardry at Sorcere like Noori Baenre. Viconia and Vizaeth are presumably in the same year at Sorcere.
Viconia doesn't like Vizaeth because, to put it bluntly, the boy is low-key unhinged and yeah, Viconia is unhinged too but she isn't obsessed with one of her teachers (granted Viconia is extremely gay so I don't think she has any teachers to become obsessed with). I think it's less that she wants to kill Vizaeth and more that she finds it amusing to scare him.
Viconia's familiar is a black cat named Veldrin, who she loves and needs every wizard she ever makes contact with to see. This includes her modifying the Sending spell so the message is just a visual image. She sends people pictures of her cat, basically.
Also about 50% of my concepts with Viconia are her bonds with the wotsq people going significantly better than Vizaeth's, but there's also a much higher chance she will promptly fuck off if she ever feels like she's in danger. Or, you know, slowly turn Jeggred against Quenthel on purpose and make things absolutely worse.
The other 50% is Gromph and Pharaun having to deal with her in class. It's less than ideal.
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Fandom: Forgotten Realms, War Of The Spider Queen Rating: Mature Relationships: Pharaun Mizzrym/Original Male Character Characters: Pharaun Mizzrym, Original Drow Character(s) (Dungeons & Dragons), Vizaeth Xunhrae Thaezyr (OC), Viconia Despana (OC), Rai'gy Despana (OC), Nalfein Despana (OC)
Viconia's brothers arrive for a visit, and Vizaeth's obsession takes on a much more dangerous bend.
Part 2 of the Viconia and Vizaeth Beef. Once more a very cheerful thanks to @thespacelizard.
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Viconia Despana is such a bitch and I love her so much.
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So in reference to Viconia and her siblings' names: Malavon actually just named them all after drow he hates, usually wizards.
So like, Viconia is named after Viconia DeVir, and her eldest sister, Nym, is named after a merchant living in the Frozenfar Malavon worked with a LOT. Plus one of her other younger sisters is named Maya, another Yasraena, you get the point.
Then her brothers are literally named Rai'gy and Nalfein, literally after the wizards they share names with.
But then one of her sisters is named Bael'baste, a rough feminization of Baeloth, because Malavon didn't have enough sons and really wanted to name someone after that guy.
For reference no one else aware a child was named after them likes this knowledge except Baeloth, Baeloth fucking loves Bael'baste as far as he's concerned, that's also his daughter.
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