#oc: val magia
bastianhallix · 28 days
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it's lesbian visibility week. look at my lesbians.
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jcleshxven-blog · 5 years
Sou a Illya, 18 anos, uso pronomes femininos e meus gatilhos são abuso sexual, violência contra animais e violência doméstica.
Ouviu dizer que VALERIE WITHAKER acabou de passar pelo hall com suas malas? Sim, com seus VINTE E SETE anos já é legado de ZATANNA ZATARA e também se nomeou como SORCERESS, mas se ainda tiver dúvidas, lembre-se que ela é idêntica a CONOR LESLIE. Ainda disseram que ele exibiu MAGIA E COMBATE CORPO A CORPO AVANÇADO durante o treinamento e que por trás disso, ela é bem ADAPTÁVEL e às vezes FRIA. Ah, não se esqueça de tratá-la bem, porque ela é uma PROFESSORA DE ARTES MÁGICAS.
Criada por John, um simples professor de ocultismo, Valerie é na realidade filha de Catarina, uma feiticeira, e Rakkar, um demônio com o qual a mulher fez um pacto em troca de poder. O preço a se pagar era a criança que carregava, Val, a mesma devia permanecer no submundo com o pai, onde seria treinada para se tornar o braço direito deste.
Entretanto, pouco após o parto a mãe de V abriu mão de sua parte da barganha, se sacrificando para que a garotinha pudesse escapar, sendo levada por John, um antigo amigo seu. O mesmo criou ela com ajuda de uma feiticeira amiga sua, Mallory, sendo está responsável por proteger a menina de qualquer ameaça que Rakkar pudesse trazer, e dos futuros estragos que a mesma causaria.
Sabendo que Val tinha uma natureza demoníaca, a menor cresceu cercada de feitiços que a mantinha controlada até que pudesse se cuidar por conta própria. Com o tempo os mesmos se tornavam obsoletos e a magia de Val se fazia presente durante os momentos de descontrole emocional. Crises de choro faziam objetos levitarem, enquanto os berros de raiva quebram uma coisa ou outra.
Mallory e John faziam de tudo para manter Val em ordem, mas aos treze anos nenhum jovem tinha controle sobre suas emoções, e essas sim metiam Valerie em problemas.
Proa disto era a crise que tivera aos seus quinze anos, um acesso de raiva tamanho que levara a jovem de semblante doce a quebrar metade da casa. Entre os gritos desesperados e o choro incontrolável, John jura ter visto a pior parte de Val, tão semelhante ao pai que causara o desespero no homem.
Temendo pelo pior, Mallory e ele levaram Valerie até uma homo magis que vivia na cidade vizinha. A senhora já de idade concordou em ajudar e treinar Valerie de maneira mais intensiva, sendo a mesma responsável por fazer a jovem recobrar o controle que nunca teve.
Obviamente este vinha com um custo e no caso da jovem era a escolha de se afastar da maioria das pessoas, suprimindo suas emoções, deixando poucas transparecerem. Desta forma conseguira se manter  nos trilhos, podendo treinar a magia como tanto desejava, explorando o potencial que sempre teve.
Seu avanço na área era maravilhoso, mesmo que feito com cautela fora o suficiente para chamar a atenção de Zatanna, uma das poucas pessoas com as quais a morena de fato se conectou em sua vida. O laço de amizade fora formado rapidamente, a lealdade de Valerie para com a mulher era imensa, assim como a vontade de dar orgulho a está, o que vem tentando fazer até os dias de hoje.
É uma pessoa muito “na dela”, adora ajudar os outros, mas tem sempre um imenso pé atrás pela forma como pode perder o controle vez ou outra. Atualmente está tentando se conectar com as pessoas ao seu redor, mas parece ter perdido a prática e sempre se vê com dificuldades. Teme acima de tudo se tornar uma pessoa perigosa ou machucar aqueles que ama, mantendo o controle a todo instante.
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bastianhallix · 3 months
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hiii here's a comm i got from @/NaemonAldmeri on twitter! val at the peak of their mean girl era :)
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bastianhallix · 2 months
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saw the idle magic emote from the new crates and i just HAD to get it for my battlemage oc
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bastianhallix · 3 months
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my little cutie patooties
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bastianhallix · 2 months
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so i previewed the new monthly reward outfit on val 😳👉👈
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bastianhallix · 7 months
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got a comm of my ocs by @/altmeris on ko-fi!
this is actually a sequel to my first comm of these two, found here! bound!valarie....2!!
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bastianhallix · 2 days
4, 5, or 8 for aimée and/or val? <3
4. What is the most dramatic bad thing that happened to them?
Aimée: for her, it's when she was kidnapped and trapped in the imperial city prison at around the start of the planemeld. she actually managed to escape *before* amarie defeats lord warden, so by the time that the icp dungeon quest with lyranth takes place, she's already long gone from the imperial city. instead of coming back to look for her family, she simply fled the city and went as far as she could until she ended up in morrowind. it's one of her biggest regrets.
Val: they never actually saw their father die, but finding out that he was killed in the soulburst while they were safe in the battlespire is what led them to spiral into being self-destructive and toxic for several years before the events of dread cellar.
5. Have they killed anyone? If they have would they kill again? If not would they kill at all?
Aimée: she hasn't killed anyone, but she probably would in self-defense ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Val: funnily enough, despite being trained to become what is essentially a killing machine their whole life, they've never actually killed anyone. (in the dread cellar, i imagine that the most they ever really kill in there are daedra.)
(we're just gonna ignore that i play both of them as dps lol)
8. Are they trusting or do they refuse to trust?
Aimée: she believes in giving people the benefit of the doubt, so i'd say yes.
Val: generally, i'd say they aren't very trusting. at first, they're very suspicious of amarie and her crew at the dread cellar, but they quickly drop this when she reveals that she's a refugee from the imperial city.
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bastianhallix · 25 days
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thats my emotional support t4t butch/femme couple that i never fucking stop thinking about
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bastianhallix · 2 months
val tries to appear as the "queen bee" popular girl at the battlespire, but in their later years there, they're seen as a pathetic 20-something nepo baby who has one-sided beef with a teenager (lucilla caprenia)
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bastianhallix · 2 months
i know martus tullius was a torturer for the battlespire but i'm like 👉👈 val uncle?
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bastianhallix · 2 months
1, 12, and 17 for val?
1. What's the lie your character says most often?
as a battlemage potential, they'd lie to their mother about their progress in their studies when really, they'd be off doing gods-know-what. they were generally self-destructive and toxic at the battlespire because they felt trapped in there. the only person who really saw that they had a problem was their uncle martus, but he had his own demons that kept him from really giving them any help.
after they desert the battlespire, they don't really feel the need to lie anymore
12. What's something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
when they're being all romantic with amarie and then decide to say something to ruin the mood. like this (nsfw joke but i can't think of anything else atm 😭)
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but yeah, they think that the death glare she does at them afterwards is fucking Hilarious
17. What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
people usually notice their very butch/masc fashion style first, while val themself sees their hair.
when they were a teenager, they once pulled a prank on their classmate lucilla* that led her to keep her hair short. they'd pick on her for it, but they secretly always wanted to keep their hair short, too. it wasn't until they met amarie that they decided to cut it and keep it loose, though they were kind of shocked to realize that their new hairstyle ended up resembling lucilla's. oops!
(*lucilla as in lucilla caprenia from the dread cellar dungeon. in my lore, val replaces lucilla as the battlemage potential who accompanies martus to the dread cellar. however, while lucilla was chosen because of her status as a gifted battlemage-in-training, val was chosen because they're martus's niece. so, nepotism kinda played a role in their mission for the dread cellar.)
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bastianhallix · 1 year
got a couple of commissions from @artiquar!!!! the first one is of two of my ESO characters, val and amarie, with their poses based off corky and violet from bound (1996). the second one is my dos2 godwoken lisenya and my vtmb fledgling natalie!
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bastianhallix · 5 months
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i was tagged by @tanzelwil to make my ocs in this picrew!
natalie (vtmb toreador)
val (eso)
amarie (eso)
aimée (eso)
not tagging anyone but um feel free to do this (and maybe tag me) too!
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