#oc: talza tophrik
voidendron · 1 year
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voidendron · 2 years
They…were part of the Alliance.
Of course they were. Why wouldn’t they be?
Talza had been frozen where he stood when he saw the twins. They were so much older now than the last time he’d seen them in person, though he’d seen plenty of holos.
Varrich, a Republic war hero and commander of its most elite squad. Formerly, at least. War clearly hadn’t been kind to him—had aged him beyond his years and marred his flesh with ugly cybernetics.
Melina, the Jedi Barsen’thor’s trusted ally and apprentice in everything but name. A lightsaber hung at one hip, and…a blaster? at the other.
His sister—his sweet baby sister who he remembered always smiling, always giggling, dragging her twin to the fields to pester the livestock and always coming back home with a torn and dirtied dress—stopped dead in her tracks. Her brows were furrowed, head tilted ever so slightly, as if she’d heard something.
Then her head snapped up.
When her eyes met his, Talza’s blood ran cold. He swallowed and reached a hand out to the side only to find empty air.
Right… Milthe wasn’t with him. She was prying for information about her own sibling. He almost felt bad for whatever fate awaited the Voidhound when she got her hands on him. But, he had his own issue to worry about, now…
He took a step back when Varrich also took notice of him.
Lina’s brows were knit, lips parted slightly like she was about to say something but couldn’t find the words. Varrich, only appeared confused. There was no recognition in his eyes, only cold distance that told others he wasn’t in the mood for small talk.
“…You’re dead.”
Her words were like a blade to the chest. Talza could only swallow; when he tried to speak, his tongue felt as if it was no longer his own.
“You died. I—I remember the report, I…”
“No!” Her expression hardened and she was in Talza’s face before he’d even realized she moved. “I remember the report Pa was given. I… You…”
The recognition finally hit Varrich’s face when a scowl twisted his lip. “Talza?” His boots thudded with every step to carry him to their sister’s side.
He could feel his heartbeat in his throat.
“I know, I know, but I’m here now—”
“Now?!” Varrich’s hand—a metal hand, with only three fingers that ended in too-sharp claws—grabbed Talza by the shirt and shoved him. “You’re here now?!”
Alliance troops who’d been milling about had gone deathly silent, watching, waiting… What would happen, they wondered without saying it. But their eyes—watching oh, so closely—said enough.
Lina looked like she was near tears. But they were tears of anger, tears of trying her damndest not to reach out and just and slapTalza straight across the face. “You were KIA,” she whispered. “Ma…” Her voice broke and she shook her head. “And—and Pa couldn’t keep the farm. He could barely feed us, he struggled everyday, Talza, and you were alive? You could have come back! You could have helped!”
Ma… What happened to her? Had she passed so soon after his supposed death? And Pa, he’d always taken so much pride in the crops, and the livestock, and the farm he’d built with his own two hands. He wouldn’t have just…let it go that easily, right?
“Mel, I couldn’t come back.” He could finally find his words again. They were quiet, careful, like walking on eggshells. They were far from happy to see him.
“Don’t call me that,” she growled. “Where were you that was so important you couldn’t just…come home? It’s been… It’s been over forty years and you just walk in here like nothing happened??”
He ran a gloved hand through his hair, took a deep breath. “I owed a Hutt.” Calm, as calm as he could muster. “I couldn’t put the family in danger—”
“How long ago did you repay your debt?” Varrich’s hands were curled into fists at his side. Talza couldn’t help but think one wrong word would have him—if not both twins—taking a swing at him. He hadn’t expected to be welcomed back with open arms, but this… Was that fear he was feeling at his own siblings?
“I… I didn’t. We killed him—”
“How long ago?”
Talza swallowed. “Almost eighteen years—”
Stars exploded behind his eyes and he was hitting the ground before he even knew what hit him. Varrich stood over him; his mechanical arm was poised, blood dripping from its jagged knuckles. Talza could also feel it running down his cheek where the metal had cut into his flesh.
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voidendron · 3 years
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Milthe Sept and Talza Tophrik; bounty hunters, partners, lovers.
Milthe, one of the Voidhound's siblings, older than him by mere minutes. She, like their other brother, was captured by bounty hunters sent by a Hutt after the triplets had conned one too many times. She was forced to work as the Hutt's personal hunter, where she soon met Talza who was in much the same predicament.
Talza, older brother of the former Havoc Squad commander. Part of the Balmorra resistance for a time, but one lie led to another and he made a bad deal that brought him to owing a Hutt: His life of service, or his family. So, he faked his own death in the hopes that his siblings wouldn't follow the same path by trying to find him.
Talza was "gifted" from one Hutt, to another, in an attempt to mend relationships - and thus, allow them to once more profit off each other. Milthe had become the Hutt's personal favorite, and Talza was often treated poorly. Given only scraps, mending his own clothes, while Milthe was praised for the smallest deeds. The two became close, and the Hutt's treatment of Talza infuriated Milthe.
Together, in the dead of night while it was Milthe's time to guard the Hutt, they killed their master and fled.
They wander the stars - Milthe, looking for answers and filled with anger for Jen never looking for her and their brother who died by her former master's order; and Talza, desperately trying to remain hidden from his siblings and praying they never discover what became of him.
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voidendron · 3 years
you're gonna get to meet two "dead" siblings soon 👀
Jen and the Tophrik twins are in for a surprise~
Keep an eye out on Malgus for one of the bounty hunter duo running around leveling ;)
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