#oc: s.d.-k
kkolg · 2 months
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More humanoid doodles :)
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kkolg · 1 month
Ever since I saw them I am in desperate need of more of your MD OC's lore. That is Kimber, X, A, W & B, especially A and B like WHO ARE these GUYS and what is their place in the story I NEED to KNOW- (ehm... pretty please?)
omg I have kept this here for so long HELP
time to ramble😈🙏
Nuzi fankid who’s a little nerd and a little shit. Very creative when it comes to tech thanks to Uzi, he takes a lot of his personality from Uzi actually. Learned a lot of fighting stuff from N but he made sure to say to only use it in self defense. Very outspoken and surprisingly has a thing for parties.
Kinda an asshole and almost comparable to V slightly but without all of the psychotic murder sprees- she does kill tho. Meets Kim in a “N and Uzi style” type deal (parallels are super fucking important to this au btw so theorists take that with what you will 😈) She was found by A and taken into their own little “colony” and so now she’s just there :). She’s very close to A. After meeting Kim she changes a bit and becomes a lot more compassionate.
Girly is fucking insane. Was also found by A and lost her legs somehow don’t ask 💥 and then within the colony she was able to rebuild her own legs and gives herself upgrades. She’s a mix of Alice and V for sure. She does not show any remorse for her killings and probably never will <3
Dude is a big opportunist and a huge manipulator, bro has the charm of a snake (idk what that means shut it). Loves messing with people for the sake of his own personal gain. What does he gain really? Power…? Honestly no one really knows but that’s just what some assume.
If any of you guys have happened to also see my Bendy AU while looking on my page, yeah that’s just him. I made an Md au for my batim au because brainrot
But he also features in @jamieenthusiast’s Md au “Uzi’s Jumpscare Mansion” where his character is still very similar however the lore behind him is very different. Here he’s really his own character but still with the basic asshole type persona he likes to front. He has a ton of complex inner feelings but would much rather compensate by putting on a more exaggerated bitchy character rather than actually deal with his issues😇.
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