#oc: rumeranwen
smolderiin-dovah · 11 months
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13-15 "Starlight - haughty mouths and gold blushed skin; crystal and lace"
ramble + no bg and text ver under the cut
first of all, I'd like to apologise for this entry being several days late. I had to start this piece immediately after my previous with Taralka, and while I made good progress over the next day or two, I hurt my hand and thus couldn't draw for another day. but better late than never, I suppose, especially since such has been done before with no trouble.
anyways. given the longer, aesthetic version of the prompt, my mind immediately went to Altmer... and no, surprisingly not my notorious Thalmor's (though they will show up later shhhh) but instead to my Vestige, Rume. while she is usually seen in armour, there are also times where she wears the gorgeous Shimmerene Soiree Gown, originally a beautiful shade of turquoise that makes it seem that she is "dressed in the sky itself."
to fit the prompt, my mind clicked and made it so that said sky is a night sky, so to speak... giving the outfit a palette swap of a darker, starscape-patterned material, with the lower half sheer and translucent instead of opaque also.
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so very proud of how... pretty much everything on her turned out. especially since this was my first time drawing both translucent material and starscape.
now with this done, it's time for me to take a break for a few days before the next round of prompts -w-
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akaviri-dovah · 1 year
Do tell me all about your Mary Sue OC *rests chin on hands*
ahhhhh first of all I gotta say I'm so flattered that you followed me >w< I've been a fan of your art and writing for your while but that's another story for another day-
anyways about the character herself... I have A LOT to share, and the post editor doesn't like me so I apologise for taking so long on this, and thank you for your patience. I am going to start by saying that right from the start, before she even had a name, I thought her already dangerously close to being a mary sue due to her original purpose... shipping with one of my favourite canon characters.
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this is Rumeranwen Malathelaere (or simply Rume), a 6'8 greatsword wielding high elf templar and my main character for ESO. though I haven't had much time to play the game I know enough to weave a story in my head about her, her love interest, and the forces threatening to tear them apart.
long ramble under the cut about her story, and all things about it I am worrying about making her a mary sue. spoilers abound. I'd like to hear opinions about this, also.
as is in the nature of all Elder Scrolls protagonists, it is in her hands that the fate of the world is placed. and not just once, either! though I plan to have multiple characters in my game and story, she is the one who takes the role of Vestige, completing the main quest as well as her alliance's questline, alongside the major DLC's.
Rume is a wonderful girl, for the most part: passionate, boisterous and energetic, righteous, and fearless (or at least claiming to be - there are some exceptions!). a true enjoyer of all the wonders Tamriel and its various peoples have to offer - see all the places, try all the food, pet all the creatures. but she is far from perfect: naive (especially after soul removal), stubborn, and a bit too impulsive for her own good, often learning things the hard way. not to mention that her engagement with other races puts her at odds with most of her fellow Altmer.
seems like quite a decent personality for the saviour of Tamriel, time and time again. but how did she get swept up into it all? why choose her (especially since she can put up quite the fight against any potential captors) to sacrifice and kick off the Planemeld, condemning her to an eternity of torment in Coldharbour?
simple, because she was the lover of Vanus Galerion. brought together by a certain Daedric Prince's playing matchmaker in an attempt to alleviate the Great Mage's troubled mind, and stayed that way for many years prior to the events of ESO. but sadly, it does not last, because Mannimarco (who in my and many others' interpretation is Vanus ex, who nevertheless wants him back) finds out and threatens them both. and so they separate for the time being, with Vanus going to confront Mannimarco alone and Rume left to wander Tamriel "as if she never knew him like she did" . but the Worm Cult's forces find her anyway, and proceed to capture her and drag her to Manni's lair, where he personally sacrifices her to Molag Bal.
but unlike so many others sacrificed in the same way, she returned to Nirn as if alive again due to her love for life itself being so deep and boundless, acting as an aedric force protecting her. but without a soul, she has no memory of her experiences from her previous mortal life. she does find Vanus again, much to his shock as he was given visions of her death. and especially since this Rume - though looking and sounding exactly the same as the Rume he knew and loved - does not recognise him at all.
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things will get better for them, though. Rume will know him again, and realise her love for him even before she regains her soul. and their bond stays ever strong for the years to come - even though she travels far and wide, he is never far from her mind. and once her adventuring ends, and they retreat to a hidden estate to live out the rest of their lives in peace, she will be remembered by the people of all provinces for eras to come by myriad titles, with one of the most notable being "the Warrior Bride of the Great Mage."
if only it were so. for Mannimarco was not done with them yet, and was doubly furious for this perceived enemy of his to have escaped her fate, beat his ass, and stole his lover once again. and so came the fateful battle between Vanus's army of warriors and mages and Mannimarco's forces of death and darkness.
A thousand good and evil perished then, history confirms. Among, alas, Vanus Galerion, he who showed the way, It seemed once that Mannimarco had truly died that day.
from the book Mannimarco, King of Worms. this is canon.
Rumeranwen Malathelaere was among that thousand. sort of, but not quite. for she was a Vestige, and could not be truly killed, unlike her mortal lover who was then taken as an undead thrall by the King of Worms. but knowing this, Mannimarco sent his subordinates to the nearest wayshrine to capture her upon her resurrection, and imprisoned her in a pit at the bottom of a dungeon complex hidden beneath a lonely part of Tamriel untouched by man, mer, or beast, forced to die and come back to life over and over and over again with no way to escape nor anyone to rescue her. all written records of her were destroyed and word-of-mouth stories of her twisted into unrecognisability by the Worm Cult; by the tail end of the Third Era, nobody knew such a person had ever existed.
but rumour has it, that there is still someone who not only knows about her, but is searching for her, even after all this time. for immortals never forget their friends.
TLDR - "chosen one" oc who saves the world on multiple occasions, manages to defy fate due to "the power of love", nice for the most part but goes through awful undeserved things, has important canon character/in universe historical figure as love interest, is treated as a character who really existed in-universe
hope you enjoyed, nonetheless. and special credits go out to @titanwolfackerman for major inspiration and help in creating this story. please do check them out.
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akaviri-dovah · 1 year
if only you remembered, it would be love at first sight all over again
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akaviri-dovah · 10 months
oc's as horror tropes
tagged by the lovely @skyrim-forever! love ya, this is going to be interesting...
before jumping into the action, I shall tag @illumiera, @titanwolfackerman, and @crysdrawsthings. no pressure to join though, and on the flipside to anyone who sees this, feel free to hop on! quiz is here, btw!
so, without further ado:
Taralka: The Lover
"love has brought you to this place, and it will not let you leave. fear clutches you, constricts you, and it will have you killed– and yet, it is still no match for the bounty of your heart. you will try as hard as you can to protect the object of your affections. evil is nothing in the face of your warmth. even if you are successful in protecting your lover, that does not guarantee your own survival. your heart has doomed you, but what greater death is there than dying for love?"
likely no mere coincidence that the Lover is also her birthsign. she is indeed a powerful protector who would do anything, even at the cost of her own life, for the few people she has deeply bonded with...
Veixumil: The Ghost
"death is not the end for everyone. it certainly was not the end for you. something within you tethers you here, like a heavy chain, and keeps you from well-deserved rest. love, rage, hunger, fear– do you even remember what it was? you wander here, awake, and your body lies below, asleep. maybe someone will find your disturbed grave and grant you a proper ending."
not far from how in life he wanders, searching for a past he cannot return to and a purpose he cannot pin down. and the themes of death and what lies beyond it tie in with his following of Arkay...
Aevalinwe: The Sacrifice
"a knife to your back is your first memory– it will also be your last. you cannot help but let things into your heart, such is your nature. time and time again, however, they hurt you and leave you to rot. but your heart remains open, and you continue to let more in. is it kindness, at that point, or is it sacrifice?"
for someone shunned and mistreated since the day she came into the world, with no choice but to take it all, forever hoping one day things will change and someone kinder will come along, it is a perfect description...
Rumeranwen: The Ancient Evil
"they have wronged you. perhaps, once, you were something powerful– something to be looked at with adoration and worship and fear. but time does not yield to you, and when you lay to sleep, you awake to find yourself forgotten. your rage is insatiable. no matter what, you will make sure they do not forget this time."
this fits her particularly well, as while she was renowned across provinces for her deeds as the Vestige, when she resurfaces in the Fourth Era she finds herself all but forgotten by the people of Tamriel...
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