#oc: morvyn
falmerbrook · 1 year
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the empire sucks but Martin can stay
(some funnies I made to cope after the main quest)
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slaviiik · 1 year
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Icons only :3
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theblueskyphoenix · 5 years
OC Scenarios
Tagged by @inexorableblob 
Rules of the game: Pick an OC and answer the following 7 Qs!
I choose you, Mateo, because I haven’t been giving you enough love lately. (And Moryvn is along for the ride because you don’t separate the boy from his companion.)
1. Your OC is at a jazz bar when they see a mysterious, alluring dame being pestered by a joe that just won’t let up. What do they do?
“Should we say anything?” Mateo asked Morvyn. 
The spirit horse snorted. 
“Let me handle this.”
Morvyn trotted over, picking up a large glass of beer from the bar on his way over. He smirked before dumping the contents on to the man’s head.
“GACK!” The man looked around, snarling, not being able to see Moryvn. “What the heck!?”
The woman took the chance to slip away while Mateo and Moryvn just laughed at the results.
“Nicely done my horsey friend.”
“Thank you, thank you, I’ll be here all night.”
2. The world will be destroyed in three days. What does your OC do with their remaining time?
“Well, what do you say?” Mateo looked to Moryvn. “Die in silence or got out with a bang?”
Moryvn grinned. 
“Why don’t we just cut to saving the world?”
Mateo nodded, getting into position.
“Couldn’t have said it better myself.”
3. Your OC spends the night in a haunted house for a bet, only to realize that the rumours might be true… What do they do?
"You know.” Mateo growled, doing his best to keep his sword from slipping as he blocked the attack of the angry spirit. “For once I’d like to have a night where we’re not dealing with unsettled spirits.”
“You and me both.” Moryvn sighed. “But alas, we just roll with the punches.”
4. A character your OC cares deeply about has just passed away. How do they handle their grief?
Mateo buried his face his hands, tears streaming down his face. Moryvn lowered his head next to him, trying to comfort his companion. 
“Why did it have to be HER?”
“Shh... Easy now... Easy...” Moryvn kept nuzzling. 
“I... I...” Mateo cried out. “I’M SORRY!!”
Moryvn remained silent, letting Mateo get his sobbing out. 
Poor kid... he’s too young to be dealing with something like this.
After a few moments, Mateo quieted, keeping close to Moryvn. 
“Don’t worry, Mateo. We’ll make sure her death isn’t in vain.”
This I promise.
5. Your OC walks into a coffee shop. What kind of coffee do they order?
“I actually don’t drink coffee.” Mateo chuckled as Moryvn followed him into the shop. “I just come here for the hot chocolate. it’s super dark and rich and I love it.”
“Oh. I see.”
6. Your OC finds themselves in a financial pinch - they need money, and fast. Who do they go to or what do they do to get the dough?
“I REALLY hate to do this with Mom and Dad but we gotta get that thing back for sis and fast!” Mateo said as he rushed home. “Just hope they’ll be understanding.”
“If all else fails, just find a way to pay them back later!” Moryvn said, keeping close. “Besides, I’m sure they’ll understand when it’s your sister’s happiness involved!”
7.  Your OC somehow obtains the ability to time travel. Where do they go, and what do they do?
It was odd for Mateo to watch the events of him meeting Moryvn for the first time. He wanted to stop himself from falling into the pool and not suffer having to drown for a few minutes but he knew that would not be wise. 
Mateo was honestly more surprised with how much he had changed since he had teamed up with Moryvn. He past self looked so sad... doubtful of himself. Not thinking himself as anything great. Someone who was straggling behind his friends in growth and was still viewed as a little kid rather than the teen he really was. 
That wasn’t him anymore... and thus, it was best to let things be. 
Everything for a reason. I wouldn’t be who I am now if it weren’t for everything that happened.
So why change it?
I tag @dreamstormdragon and  @andyfire122
(If you want to of course. =D And anyone else who wants to do it. This was super fun!)
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azrithart · 6 years
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Is he an elf, is he an orc? Is he an elforc - who knows? This beefcake is Morvyn, a berserker fighter and wannabe dark lord. He is part of a series I’m working on with @vultarre --- Morvyn (c) rallyaly  *Please reblog, do not use or repost.
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falmerbrook · 6 months
New TES OC’s???!???!??!
*puts head in hands* Tell me all about them!
EEEEEE I'm glad someone wants to hear about them!!!! Well, they aren't necessarily new, but I haven't talked about most of them here for the most part so they are to most of you :D
Also, little disclaimer, I'm the type to make a whole cast (family, friends, distant cousins, etc.) for like every character I make, so I'll just introduce the major ones.
(also I'll put it under the cut to not clog dashes)
Stellar (Nerevarine)
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My Nerevarine. Argonian. 19 years old at the time of the game. Was hatched and grew up in slavery in eastern Vvardenfell before escaping and running away to Cyrodiil when he was about 11 (where he eventually got his name, and tried his best to assimilate and lose his Morrowind-isms). There he settled in a little gang of thieves in the Imperial City, where he eventually went to jail (long term) after he accidently killed a guy. From there he gets sent to Vvardenfell and [PLOT OF MORROWIND]. For obvious reasons he is not happy about that, and only goes along with Caius's schemes so he can get the money to go to Black Marsh. He has the classic teenage boy-ism of acting very hard, aggressive, apathetic, and mean to mask a more genuine curiosity, desire for adventure, and care for others. So while he'd never admit it, he gets very invested in all the mystery around the Nerevarine prophecies. When he eventually does get to Black Marsh, he finds himself equally not welcomed there, and instead accepts his place as the (potential) Nerevarine, returning to Vvardenfell.
I think he's the only character that I've ever gone through a proper deign process with so I'm very proud of his design (even though I'm still struggling to draw it accurately).
Ramshuribani (Stellar's friend/love interest)
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22 year old Ashlander of the Urshilaku tribe/Nerevarine Cult. She specializes in textiles, leather working, and making clothing. After Stellar arrives at the tribe and starts hanging around to earn their good graces, she's the first to take an interest in him. She finds his seeming delusions and his earnestness endearing, but eventually becomes the first to take him seriously, becoming his biggest cheerleader and urging him forward in his journey. When Stellar goes around trying to become the Nerevarine and Hortator, she tags along with him and they bond.
Moss/Sleeps-in-Moss (Stellar's friend/love interest)
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One of Stellar's childhood friends. 18 year old argonian. As a young teen when he had the chance to flee to Black Marsh, he decided to remain in Vvardenfell and work with the Twin Lamps to help others escape slavery. While at first thrilled to run back into Stellar and learn he was ok, he's put off and frustrated by Stellar essentially being a pawn of the Empire and Ashlanders, and thinks all the Nerevarine bs is just a way to manipulate him.
Elisere Vaelenwyn Faerendal (Last Dragonborn)
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21 year old altmer with snow elf ancestry on her mother and grandmother's sides (thus her pale complexion). While most of her family doesn't share her zeal, her and her grandmother are both very passionate about learning and trying to connect with the snow elf history and culture. Her grandmother is a researcher on the topic. She has a very intense personality, but is also sort of a prissy asshole.
So I really like the interpretation of being dragonborn being a sort of allegory for neurodivergence (but more specifically autism/adhd because I have experience with the former) and so I lean into it a lot with her. She struggled a lot growing up and into adulthood with always feeling like she needed to be in complete control/order, black and white thinking, poor socialization skills, and general anger and violence issues. While she tried to pursue an education focusing on destruction magic at a prestigious university, she struggled with control of her magic and felt restricted there. All of this, living in a place with heavy thalmor propaganda, and her passion for the snow elves led to her developing very extreme xenophobic views of humans (particularly nords).
When Elisere's mother and grandmother died in very close proximity to each other, El doesn't really know how to deal with it (losing her family and the two people she felt like she had left of her lost culture) and so she decided to go scorched earth and drops her whole life and head to Skyrim to do... something drastic (she didn't think that far ahead). Once arriving there [SKYRIM INTRO] happens and it slaps a bit of sense into her. Irregardless, she decides to stay in Skyrim. While in Skyrim, over time, she realizes 1) she's dragonborn (worst thing that could happen to her ever), and 2) it might be a better cultural landscape for her. Character development happens (I'm leaving it here for now bc I'm tired and I don't want to seem like I'm rambling, but she's my problematic child whom i love)
Helge Saber-Skin (Eliere's companion? adopted mom? friend??)
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Nord woman in her late 60s. Looks at Elisere and goes "I can fix her" [motherly]. A very classic born-and-bred Nord; loud, confident, friendly, and proud. She and her late husband fought in the Great War, moving to Haafingar and raising 4 kids afterwards (I'm still foggy on that timeline though). Generally anti-Imperial and pro-Stormclaok (although willfully ignorant to the Stormcloak's less-noble beliefs), becoming very pro-Stormcloak after her husband was killed by an Imperial soldier and she feels pressured to move out to Eastmarch. As a widowed empty-nester, when she stumbles upon a very injured Elisere, she takes her in and upon hearing El vent, realizes that Elisere probably just needs a surrogate mother figure in her life, and eagerly tries to fill that void and support her while she's in Skyrim and on her journey. This is not something Elisere wants, but if Helge is anything it's stubborn (and it's probably something Elisere needs). They make each other more open minded.
Morvyn (Hero of Kvatch)
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Mid to late 20s dunmer (they/she/he btw). Grew up in Ald'ruhn to a single abusive, unstable mother, which led to them running away as a teen and ending up Cyrodiil struggling to get by. They have intense anxiety from their upbringing, and struggle with psychologically-induced selective mutism. They almost never speak, and use sign-language to communicate (when they can. most people don't know it. this just contributes to their asociality and anxiety). They're sensitive, nervous, and a people pleaser, but also very resilient, selfless (to a self destructive degree),a nd empathetic. Their desire to help others is often the only thing to override their other issues. They are a jack-of-all-trades, master of none, and can pick up new skills pretty easily (but struggle to get very good at them). They initially bond with Martin through their shared experiences of being bastards. They're kinda greasy.
I have another major Oblivion character but she's real underdeveloped and needs more time in the oven. Too much brain power goes into morrowind and skyrim, sorry oblivion.
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I've already talked about her before (this post) but I will mention her again. My necromancin' ecologist child :D. She kinda exists outside the realm of the games but she meets and becomes acquaintances/friends with Elisere and Stellar.
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falmerbrook · 1 year
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Some portraits of my HoK I did after finishing Oblivion's main quest for practice. I was in a weird phase with my art with these so I feel kinda meh about them now, and I plan on redesigning this character now that I've played Morrowind, but I figured I'd post these anyway.
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