#oc: mardora stormheart
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I did draw my twinky tiefling (who's also gonna be my next Tav) & I did like my drawings of my BG3 characters enough to digitize them. Also, it was nice to color something & just...not have to shade it (yes fully rendered metal & blushed skin is me not shading). I should do stuff like that more often.
Anyway enjoy two (2) good guys & one unhinged bad bitch
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if they had to be put in a “get along shirt” with a companion, who would it be?
Thank you for your service. My women live in the spinning plate in my brain rn because video game is quick & easy copium. (I know Aerea'a ass is not paying rent or taxes)
For Mardora: she's definitely in a "get along shirt" with Astarion, & it was her idea. It isn't that they dislike each other per se, she's just so Incorruptibly Good that it annoys him. She's nice to the detriment of his self-interest/goes out of her way to be kind to everyone who approaches them for help! So you can see the kind of stress that poor man is under, lmao. Mardora is, likewise, annoyed that Astarion has to be dragged kicking & screaming down the path of self improvement. They're fine with each other, she's just "we could get along more you know" & puts him in the friendship shirt with her. He looks like a wet cat in timeout the whole time & she's trying to get him to see things from her perspective. It's not going well, but they both endure.
For Aerea: her save is still pretty new & she hasn't gone full corruption arc yet, but she's definitely gonna need to be in that shirt with Wyll. Very much a case of "you used to be so good & helpful to people, you upheld your paladin oath even when some incident you don't tell us about broke it. You said it was justified, but I'm starting to doubt that because you just encouraged Shadowheart to stab an imprisoned aasamar & I found a rotting severed hand in your backpack." Meanwhile Aerea is just "me & Astarion can make each other worse, but also we're both totally correct & justified. Source? Came to me in a dream." Karlach is who put them in the shirt.
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4, 16 and 21 for the tav questions!
Thank you, omg, somehow I did not anticipate one of these 😅. Also I'm doing this for both my Tavs because I love Mardora & Guemarir equally
4: What would your Tav's romance scenes look like? How many would they have?
For Mardora, I think she'd have 4 if you picking her to spend time with at the Tiefling party counts? The first one/tiefling party would be pretty lowkey & sweet. Drinking together to celebrate & having a quick little kiss before Mardora sends Tav/Durge to bed because "we should make this choice with clearer heads;" the second one (also in Act 1) would be a "we have clear heads now" followup. Third scene is after you've unlocked some quest progression you can only do in Act 2/learned her backtory & Tav/Durge gets the option to be like "Mardora, you don't have to take care of me, let me take care of you this time" (save her from being a people pleaser, please). And then finally, in Act 3, there'd be a really sweet star gazing scene where she talks to Tav/Durge about dwarf stuff & reveals she's been calling them the sappiest, most intimate-&-reserved-for-life-partners pet-name in existence ever since hitting "excellent" opinion/reaching Act 3 (depending on when you hit scenes/vs approval)
Guemarir feels a little tougher to figure out because you are definitely, 100% able to flirt with him from moment 1. You meet that man & you are immediately able to tell him how pretty he is & how much you want to hit (because believe me bestie, he's doing the same). I think he'd have more than Mardora just by virtue of his own sluttery. Maybe 5? I do not know what is a normal amount of romance scenes because I've only finished Lae'zel's & I'm maybe only halfway done with Astarion's? This ain't about them though.
So I think Guemarir's tiefling party night would be him promising to stop being a tease & finally give Tav/Durge that dick after the party's died down & he's not entertaining people with his ✨️dulcet tones✨️ anymore. The second scene is about Guemarir having tiefling angst & daddy issues because by this point the refugees are on the way to Baldur's Gate & you've definitely encountered his dad, so he's having a rare moment of depth; Tav/Durge has the option to comfort him & give him a lil smooch, mayhaps cuddle by the fire at camp. Scene 3 is at the beginning of Act 2, & Guemarir apologizes for his moment of vulnerability "won't happen again, silly manwhore hours only from here on out," & Tav/Durge can talk him through not having to put on a persona with them because of sincere feelings. Guemarir is taken aback, but jazzed because this is new territory for him. Scene 4 is Guemarir trying very, very hard to take Tav/Durge on a "date" at camp; he made dinner, there's a tablecloth on a stump, he lit candles, he plays a love song on his lyre. It's very precious & he is doing his best to do sincere romance instead of "wham, bam, thank you ma'am/man." Last scene is in Act 3, Guemarir invites Tav/Durge to hang out with him & he has a really sweet talk with them about being grateful for them giving him the opportunity to have a romantic relationship instead of just a bunch of random hookups, Guemarir & Tav/Durge can fuck at the end of this scene, though.
16: What do they do for fun when not adventuring? What are their hobbies?
Mardora is a huge book worm, she reads a lot when not adventuring. Maybe not as much reading as Gale, but enough to discuss books with everyone's favorite magic item eating wizard to a pretty satisfying capacity on his end. She also keeps a very meticulous journal, & she knows how to make jewelry. She's not good at it, but she can do it, & being able to do something even kinda rudimentary with metal is a source of pride for her because Dwarf.
Guemarir's whole thing is being a wandering bard (and slut), so he's mostly just playing music. I feel like he's dabbled in poetry & writing his own compositions, but never in any kind of serious way he likes showing to people. He also knows a lot about tea & is a pretty decent cook!
21: Describe a defining moment from their past which makes them who they are today!
When Mardora was the dwarf equivalent to, like, 10, she got separated from her mom while they were out-and-about, & it was a priest of Moradin who calmed little Mardora down & helped her. That plus getting the virtues of the dwarffather & of helping others in a personal, one-on-one way while looking for her mom left a big impression & very much laid the foundations for a lot of later events that turned her into the Mom Friend Ultimate Good Guy she is by the start of the game.
13-year-old Guemarir was forever altered when he met his dad for the first time & found out he's the son of his mom's patron. Until then he just kind of...had not questioned why a half-elf's kids were tieflings? He probably had some theories about a tiefling baby daddy, but learning him & his 2 siblings are fully a devil's kids & that he's got boocoo half siblings left an impression. Especially since his dad is just, like, really invested in having a lot of (his own) kids at his disposal "if he needs them." That whole thing just really made him...kinda judgemental & gave him some very, very hard stances on making deals with devils.
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if you're still taking questions for that tav ask meme: 8, 17, 22, 26!
Thank you! Lol, I just finished my first run of the game last night & I am rotating my Tav around in my brain because of it
8: After Act 3, what does their life look like? What are they talking about at the reunion party?
She did not join the adventuring guild she'd been trying to join before the tadpole thing (even though she definitely totally qualifies now & they're over her companions dying in said tadpole thing since she helped save the world), but that's fine because she's adventuring on her own! Mardora doesn't need a group, she can go out on her own to make the world a safer, better place in the name of the dwarffather (& if Shadowheart is also doing the solo adventuring/exploring thing then maybe they link up sometimes. Y'know, for old time's sake). She also maintains a decent relationship with her dad & her mom's family, so breaks between adventures will be spent catching up in either Baldur's Gate or Eartheart (or with one of the other game companions if they feel like letting her stay over for a few days).
17: Do they have any enemies outside of the main plot? Any friends?
No enemies (unless you count some low level monsters/goblins/duergar she could potentially be pointed at with all the righteous fury of your average hill dwarf), yes to friends though! They got a bit distant after Mardora left home, but she does try to maintain her friendship with her bestie from her pre-adventurer life. The send each other letters for a while, but maintenance did get pretty hard when she was unexpectedly on the road for, like, 2 months to try & stop a cult/fix Peepaw Withers's mistake/get rid of an illithid tadpole...which is not even addressing how hard that maintenance gets when she literally flies off into the sunset to help Lae'zel free the githyanki people from Vlaakith.
22: How is your Tav's relationship with their family? Their parents?
Mardora is "what if mommy issues was a person?" The feelings there are very complicated--she loves her mom, but there's also resentment there because "what do you mean I was lied to for over 50 years? What do you mean I have to put my early dwarf!adulthood on pause to take care of a dying woman?" But she's also, like, 53/in the equivalent of her 30s, so she's enough of an adult that she's got a lot of empathy to extend to the memory of her mom.
She's fairly close to her mom's siblings, but it's also kinda complicated there too. "How much of the lying were they complicit in because of Tradition™? How much was just them not knowing what was going on?" Her Uncle Doltharn did tell her the long & short of everything after a while though & supported Mardora in making steps towards her dreams even if they took her away from home--so he's good people & she has the least conflicted feelings about him.
In terms of her dad, they're kind of more friends than family given she didn't meet him till...like 4 months before the start of the game? It's a bit awkward, but they get on. They are, ironically, both clerics of Moradin, so that probably helped bridge some gaps.
26: Give us one of your Tav's secrets!
When she was dwarf!10 she stole a stuffed tressym from a merchant because she thought it was cute. She felt so bad about it that three days later she snuck it back into the shop.
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28. How well does your Tav function under pressure?
For a Tav of your choice!
Thank you! Smooching your face because I'm rolling my babies around in my brain
Mardora Stormheart, woman that she is, doesn't handle pressure well. Is she the group mom at camp? Yes. Does she panic under stress before immediately downplaying the situation enough that she can stick her head in the metaphorical sand? Also yes.
She's very much "immediately freeze & then compartmentalize once I've stopped blue-screening." Once she compartmentalizes she trucks along pretty well, but she also doesn't address the source until she has to. She's not incapable of snap judgments, but they are very led by her immediate emotional reaction & not her head/logic like she wants.
● Vollo might get the tadpole out, awesome go research, dude! You want to gouge my eye out? Absolutely not, I fear that more than becoming an ilithid. We aren't making deals with a devil, I told him to eat glass. Same with the hag. Looks like I will ignore it!
● I will trust the process since Lae'zel/wifey said the githyanki have a cure! Oh no, wifey is in pain! Immediately overload the zaithisk & then go back to ignoring the problem.
● We have to be really smart & tactical now that we are in Baldur's Gate! Time to take advantage of the fact I am well read & seem the be the only mf at camp who read The Art Of Strategy (thank you Earthart Public Library)--oh no that bitch I've been getting increasingly annoyed with kidnapped Halsin! Immediately I will do anything to keep him safe, please give our bear back. I will now have an undercurrent of stress with everything I do that makes me slightly insane, so you all better hope I don't drop the ball on the no less than 3 subterfuge plots we're running!
Mardora wants to be calm, cool, & collected; she's everyone's emotional support who is trying to help them through all their problems until they reach the solution that sees personal growth! Unfortunately, she fawns under pressure & then either ignores it, doom spirals till she has a "logical solution," or knee-jerk stumbles into something she will think about when she wakes up at 3am the next night at camp because "what if I made a mistake?"
"Being in charge of everyone & everything got me acting unwise"/"Mardora, you let the dinner pot boil over & then cried into Scratch's neck for 20 minutes while literally moaning about every decision you had to make in the moment over the past month"
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Gonna do Mardora since she's my Tav I've played the most & Aerea is my Durge & I think this question is on that list too
23: What are 2-3 songs that your Tav would relate to?
One By One by Patty Gurdy
Close To The End by Wind Rose
Push Pull by Purity Ring
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3 and 4 for your tav!
Thank you for enabling me, I know I can always count on you
3: How do they kiss their LI?
As a masterclass on that "how to talk to short people" meme & with tongue. Lae'zel has bent down, knelt, & straight up lifted her Character Development GF/Mardora to kiss her. The perks of being 4 feet tall: your githyanki girlfriend lifts you for kisses (cons of being 4 feet tall: your githyanki girlfriend lifts you to carry you somewhere)
In all seriousness: Mardora is very big on holding her GF's face when they kiss, & is actually really affectionate & soft when they have the time for that. She is who's taking the lead when it's soft, sweet kisses like that because she's definitely got more of an idea of what's going on in the gentle affection department.
4: How do they sleep with ther LI (what position, does one steel the blankets, is one too hot/cold, etc)?
There's one of two ways this can go. Either Mardora is on her side & curled up comfy cozy & being the little spoon because "I will protect my cleric wife like she protects us all with healing spells" (& also Mardora is just soft & Lae'zel enjoys that even though she has a hard time admitting she likes things that are soft & cozy).
Lae'zel fell asleep on Mardora's chest while she was reading, & even though she's done reading this is Mardora's life now. She's not gonna move Lae'zel in one of her rare moments of vulnerability where others can see it, this is a huge step! So now they're a weird, mismatched pile that makes Lae'zel's legs look comically long because she's half sprawled on top of a drawf who is holding her so, so tightly.
Also, Mardora sleeps with one (1) foot out of her blankets. She says it keeps her from overheating.
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Love having new little guys to imagine.
Got my Tav & my Durge on a playground merry-go-round spinning in my brain. They're sitting directly across from each other & staring at each other & I think the only thing stopping a fight from breaking out is probably Peepaw Withers babysitting them somewhere on the sidelines
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