#oc: indigo surana
jaythenugget · 2 months
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howdy!! :)
sorry for inactivity again, artblock is still going strong.. sigh.
i do have something to show, however -- dragon age has been on my mind a lot recently (again), so i managed to sketch something small and simple. i really miss all my silly blorbos
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cumbiazevran · 9 months
oc lyrics tag
Rules: Pick one of your favourite songs and assign a lyric that you think suits them, you can do as many ocs as you like!
once again, thank you @atypicalacademic​ kani my beloved for the tag. I got Constellations by The Oh Hellos
tagging @demandthedoodles​ @transfenris-truther​ @ammoniteflesh​ and @gaysebastianvael​
Juno Mahariel
The shapes that you drew may change beneath a different light And everything you thought you knew Will fall apart, but you'll be all right
Rowan Hawke
Every good intention, every good intention Is interpolation, a line we drew in the array Looking for the faces
Arviraven Lavellan
All that's left for me to climb To the heavens is the chasm of the night And a matter of time
Iraya Surana
I can feel it on my tongue Brick and mortar, thick as scripture Drawing lines in the sand and laying borders as tall as towers
Carlota “Charlie Hawke” Amell
This hill I'll die on is about 90 meters of bricks Colored indigo and inscribed with my name, and lined with cedar
Viera Lavellan
But the words fall flat like cymbals crashing Like molars gnashing
Dirthalath Lethandar
Like constellations a million years away
Clinging to the faces Clinging to the shapes in the silence Like constellations imploding in the night Everything is turning
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ma-serannas-vhenan · 4 years
BTV OC Question Time: 12. How many languages can your character speak? What are they? Where did they learn them?
Kida Lavellan: Kida can speak Trade, some Elvhen, and some Tevene, as well as a couple of words in Qunlat.
She grew up speaking Trade and Elvhen, though she is sadly less versed in the latter, as the language is half lost to time. However, Solas did teach her some more Elvhen in their time together. Dorian began to help her learn Tevene when she showed an interest in it, and while she is not fluent yet, she can hold a conversation. The few words of Qunlat that she knows she picked up from the Iron Bull and Vestal Adaar, but she finds grasping the language as a whole rather difficult. Some part of her has always wanted to learn Antivan, she could not explain why.
Vestal Adaar: Vestal speaks Trade, and some Qunlat and Orlesian.
Trade was what she grew up speaking, and once she showed an interest her parents taught her some Qunlat, though she never learned past the titles. She picked up Orlesian from her years spent as a mercenary in Orlais, and since she found it remarkably easy to learn it was not long before she was fluent.
Edith Hawke: She can speak Trade, some Qunlat and Tevene.
Trade is Edith's mother tongue. Living in Kirkwall meant that she was around a few Qunari, and over the years she picked up some of their words and phrases. Once she and Fenris came to know each other, she asked him to teach her more Qunlat and additionally Tevene. Both languages are difficult for her, but she finds Tevene easier to learn.
Mune Mahariel: Mune speaks Trade, some Elvhen, and Antivan.
Speaking Trade and Elvhen was something she had grown up doing, but since Elvhen is a broken language she knows less of it than she'd like. Zevran was the one to teach her Antivan, purely because she was curious and that she may need it someday in the future. It was something she picked up quickly.
Ahearn Mahariel: He speaks Trade, some Elvhen, and Orlesian.
Much like his sister, Ahearn grew up speaking Trade and Elvhen, though he knows slightly more of the latter than Mune does. He learned basic Orlesian from Leliana during the Blight, continuing his studies when he was Warden Commander, and over the next few years he became fluent in it.
Ezmeralda Cousland: She speaks Trade.
Despite trying many different languages, Ezmeralda never managed to learn anything other than her mother tongue. She found it extremely difficult, and soon she accepted that she did not have the mind for it.
Farren Surana: Farren knows Trade and some Elvhen.
Trade was all Farren knew since he was raised in the Ferelden Circle, but once he met Mune Mahariel he was able to learn a bit of Elvhen from her. He had always been interested in his ancestry, his passion for it helped him grasp the language easily.
Indigo Amell: She speaks Trade.
Indigo grew up in the Ferelden Circle and thus never truly got a chance to learn another language. Even when she had access to the books and people she could learn from, she held no interest for it.
Lialwyn Tabris: She knows Trade, a few words in Elvhen, and some Antivan.
Trade is Lialwyn's mother tongue, and because she grew up in an Alienage she knows very few Elvhen words. Once she began traveling with Mune and Ahearn Mahariel, however, she picked up a bit more. Since her mother was Antivan, she has always been curious about the language and culture, and upon finding out that Zevran was Antivan she asked him to teach her.
Anson Brosca: He knows Trade, some dwarven phrases and words, and broken Orlesian.
Knowing Trade and dwarven phrases is very normal among Orzammar dwarves, even those who were born castless. Anson picked up a bit of Orlesian from Leliana but not much, as he does not have much talent for it.
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ma-serannas-vhenan · 4 years
For the June/July BTV OC Questions: 31. Dealer’s Choice; Pick your favourite question that no one has asked you yet, and answer it for me!
6. Does your character prefer shoes, boots, cloth wraps, or being barefoot?
Kida Lavellan: She prefers cloth wraps, as it is what she grew up wearing. They allow her to feel the earth beneath her while still protecting her feet. As a second choice, she prefers knee and thigh-high boots.
Vestal Adaar: Knee-high boots are a must for her because of her work as a mercenary, giving her much needed protection against the terrain she has to cross. As a second choice, she prefers shoes.
Edith Hawke: Growing up on a farm and then living in Kirkwall, boots were a necessity in her life, unless she wished to step on something unpleasant. To this day she still prefers to wear thigh-high boots, most of the time not even taking them off when inside her manor or rented room. As a second choice, she prefers cloth wraps.
Mune Mahariel: Barefoot, without question. Many things about footwear had never appealed to her, such as not being able to feel the ground beneath her and her feet sweating. If the occasion called for it, such as the Landsmeet, she can be convinced to wear cloth wraps.
Ahearn Mahariel: Ahearn loathes any type of footwear only slightly less than his sister, and thus also goes barefoot. He has only worn cloth wraps to the Landsmeet and to the Winter Palace, and while he is not particularly fond of them they are his second choice.
Ezmeralda Cousland: Shoes have been what Ezmeralda prefers since she could walk, and her roguish style of fighting plays into wanting something light but protective on her feet. As a second choice, she would take knee-high boots.
Farren Surana: Cloth wraps are what Farren has always worn, finding any other footwear restricting and bothersome. As a second choice, he will go barefoot.
Indigo Amell: Indigo has always found shoes to be the most fitting for her, as a person and a healer. Comfortable and protective, easy to move in. Cloth wraps would be her second choice.
Lialwyn Tabris: Despite being a warrior, Lialwyn does not dress like one, and that includes the way she chooses to wander around barefoot. As a child she did not have any type of footwear other than cloth wraps, but she quickly either literally ran out of them or have them to her cousins. She grew to love being barefoot, but if needed she would wear cloth wraps.
Anson Brosca: Growing up and living castless, fighting for food and avoiding knives in the back, one learns to appreciate a sturdy pair of boots. Anson can rarely bring himself to wear any other footwear, but he will wear shoes as a secondary choice.
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ma-serannas-vhenan · 4 years
Horse and bee for the oc ask please!
🐴 - Which OC is the most active or athletic?
All of them are fairly active, considering what they do on a daily basis.
Mune and Ahearn Mahariel, Indigo Amell, and Ezmeralda Cousland are all Grey Wardens, so they spend a great deal of their time moving around. Though Ezmeralda is Queen of Ferelden now, she still is quite active. Farren Surana became a wonderer after parting from the Hero of Ferelden's party and simply never stopped. Edith Hawke grew up on a farm and then spent years in Kirkwall sprinting from one end of the city to the other, before going on the run. Kida Lavellan is Inquisitor to the Inquisition and a Dalish elf. Cam'helin is an Agent of Fen'Harel, so naturally he does a good bit of traveling.
Egypt Shepard is a Spectre and and Commander, though she isn't as active as she was now that she's retired. Rivera Ryder is the human Pathfinder, while her sister Sara follows at her heels.
Jak De Sardet is Legate of the Merchant Congregation and spends the majority of her time exploring Teer Fradee and dealing with politics, though she does make time to sail with Vasco as well.
Kai Techternity is a drifter, the only time she remembers not being on the move is the five years she lived at Caed Nua. But even then, she traveled the surrounding areas with restlessness.
So truthfully, all of them are active in their own ways, and it would be difficult to say who is the most active.
🐝 - Which OC looks harmless but could pack a punch?
That would be Indigo Amell. She's a spirit mage and a healer on top of being a complete sweetheart who looks like she couldn't hurt a fly, but she has had her moments where she's lost her temper. Despite offensive magic not being something she's adept at, she manages to cause quite a bit of damage.
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ma-serannas-vhenan · 4 years
🐷 - Which of your OCs would have the most messy, cluttered, dirty bedroom or workspace?
Farren Surana is the most cluttered and Indigo Amell is the most messy and dirty.
Having been an orphan on the streets and then growing up in the Ferelden Circle, Farren never had much in the way of possessions he could truly call his own. Once he has a space of his own, he becomes a bit of a hoarder.
Indigo, while she also grew up in the Ferelden Circle, never does much collecting after leaving. She's always had trouble remembering to clean and pick up her dirty clothing, however, and thus her quarters end up looking rather messy.
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ma-serannas-vhenan · 4 years
BTV OC Question Time May-June: Is your character considered a role model by anyone they know? ... Tell me about one bad memory that your character has... and ... The best places on your characters body to kiss them, that will make them go weak at the knees.
*eats half of a bar of chocolate and turns on the Witcher 3 soundtrack* Hell yeah, let's get this bread.
Is your character considered a role model by anyone they know?
Kida Lavellan: Farren Surana admires her and what she does a great deal, he finds her inspiring, she makes him want to be more. Because of her status as Inquisitor and the way she leads, there are a great many people who see her as a role model. She cannot possibly know them all, but she is aware of the weight her role brings and how many could admire her.
Ahearn Mahariel: Kida has always admired him, ever since they met at an Artlathvhen, he had a very strong impact on her. Indigo Amell looks up to him, even though she knows she'll never be anything like him. There are most likely quite a few others, though Ahearn wouldn't say he knows them.
Tell me about one bad memory that your character has.
Kida Lavellan: When she was young, before she received her vallaslin, her Keeper told her that her untamable curiosity made her reckless in her exploration of the Fade and old elvhen ruins. She was told that one day she would push too far, be too curious, and it would be her downfall.
Ahearn Mahariel: The aftermath of the death of the Archdemon. While it was a joyous time meant to be spent celebrating, it was also when Morrigan vanished and Ahearn agreed to take the title of Warden Commander, meaning that he would be parted from his dear sister as well.
The best place on your characters body to kiss them, that will make them go weak at the knees.
Kida Lavellan: Her collarbones and upper spine are weak spots for her, though it's much more effective for someone to kiss her hands and the inside of her wrists.
Ahearn Mahariel: The back of his neck is extremely sensitive, as are his hips. He's not exactly a soft man, but he will go slack if someone kisses his fingertips and palms where his scars are. The tips of his ears are also a sensitive area, though not in a pleasurable way, it would be akin to someone trying to stick their finger in his bellybutton.
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