#oc: cadera'raa
voidendron · 8 months
Leave It All Behind
Whumptober 2023 Day 8: "I've got a soul, but I'm not a soldier." Overcrowded ER | Outnumbered | "It's all for nothing." Star Wars: The Old Republic | V'ehsz Legacy Next Gen Warnings: None Characters: Cadera'tten "Atten" (Outlander's Heir/Co-Commander, he/they, Chiss/Human), Deca Iresso (Head of Security, she/they/ze, Mirialan/Human), Cadera'raa "Araa" (Outlander's Heir/Co-Commander, any, Chiss/Human) (( thanks for the civil war idea for Zakuul, Raven!! ))
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A thorn in the Empire’s side one too many times. A nuisance to the Republic just long enough that it didn’t lift a finger to help even when it knew what was about to happen. Zakuul, dealing with its own issues and unable to aid its ally in its time of need. It was only Inferno Squad’s espionage that had clued them in that the attack was about to happen, and even with that prior warning they… Well, needless to say they weren’t ready when the Imperial battleships came out of hyperspace just beyond Odessen’s atmosphere.
To say all hell broke loose would be an understatement.
Drive-by bombings from overhead, angry Sith, well-trained troopers and snipers and grenadiers. They all struck so fast that the Alliance was left scrambling for a foothold.
Atten’s breaths heaved in his chest and fogged the visor of his helmet; Araa to his left wasn’t doing much better. She’d tossed aside her assault cannon when it ran out of power, clumsily catching one of Atten’s blasters when he threw it her way.
Then there was Deca. Fire in her eyes, saber pike wielded with practiced ease, as she protected the exhausted Commanders with the ferocity of a wild dog.
It still wasn’t enough.
“Deca, fall back,” Atten ordered with wide eyes as he watched the next troop transport land. A new wave, even as their numbers were driven farther and farther into the trees. She didn’t hear. “Deca!”
“Dammit!” She ducked under a swinging lightsaber, shoved the Sith wielding it to send him sprawling, and bolted back to the pair’s side. “What the hell are we going to do?!”
“We need to regroup.”
And because he knew exactly how she could be, Atten grabbed her around the waist, activated his jetpack, and took off—all while she cursed him out and elbowed him halfheartedly in the ribs. He didn’t look back, but he knew his sibling wouldn’t be far behind.
It was only when they landed far away from the fight that he let her go—and she immediately turned around and punched him in the (fully armored) shoulder. “We can’t just let them overrun our planet!” she growled.
With that, Atten and Araa glanced at each other; he was chewing his lip, and though they both wore helmets to hide their faces, he was pretty sure she probably was, too. They had a lot of the same habits, after all.
“What?” Deca’s hands still gripped her deactivated saber pike so tightly her knuckles were pale.
Then her grip loosened. “...Did the scout ships come back?”
“One.” Atten took a long breath. “We… We have a good candidate.”
Her shoulders slumped as he said it, and it broke his heart. “This is our home, Attie.” Where all three of them had been born, and raised, and trained all their lives to protect.
“Not if they destroy everything, kill everyone.” He grimaced at how bluntly Araa put it, but… She was right.
Deca slumped back against the nearest tree as she dragged a hand over her face. “So… Was all of this for nothing?” When her voice cracked, Atten had to bite back his own tears. “Everything our parents did, what they built, what we’ve done now that we’re leading all this. We’re just…going to leave Odessen?”
When Atten pulled off his helmet, it revealed hair that stuck to his sweat-slicked face where it had come loose from its low-hanging tail.
And when he cupped a hand behind Deca’s head to gently bump their foreheads together, she didn’t pull away. “The Empire will destroy all we have, the Republic doesn’t care, the Hutts will take advantage the moment they know we’re weakened, and Zakuul—they’re dealing with civil war, you think they’re worried about us right now? If we want to survive, we need to leave Odessen.”
From the helmet now tucked under his arm, he could hear Araa—who’d stepped away at some point to give the pair some space—giving out the order that made his heart clench. “Odessen, retreat to the bunker. The Sith have us outnumbered.”
“What are we going to do?” Deca’s voice was a hoarse whisper, and in her eyes he swore—for just a moment—that he saw tears brimming before she blinked them away.
“We find a new home and try to build something new for ourselves… Far away from the warring of this galaxy.”
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thevehszlegacy · 1 year
OC: Araa Cadera
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Full Name: Cadera'raa / Araa Cadera
Prefers/Core Name: Araa
Gender: Doesn't care to put a name to it, any pronouns
Faction: Eternal Alliance
Rank: Second-in-Command
Aliases: General & other similar nicknames
In-Game Class: Bounty Hunter - Powertech/Commando
Primary Role: DPS/Tank
Primary Spec(s): Advanced Prototype/Shield Tech/Gunnery
Physical + Mental
Species: Chiss/Human
Height: 5'7" (170cm)
Hair Color: Dark blue
Eye Color: Bright red
Notable Features:
-Black and/or red makeup to contrast skin. -Heavy Mandalorian armor. -Hair usually shaved, or at least buzzed very short. -Large build: muscular and broad.
Scars: Slash wound across face, barely missing eye.
-Physically strong. -Performs well under pressure. -Good leader. -Adept in multiple forms of combat & weapons.
-Holds a grudge. -Older brother Atten is like her other half; she falters if he's put in danger. -Can seem gruff and unapproachable. -Relies a lot on translators; has a very hard time learning anything outside of Basic.
Fears: Failure.
Disabilities/Disorders: ADHD
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Aro, pan
Status: Single, wants queerplatonic partner however
Parents: Torian Cadera & Ar'eonis'terrinxx
Siblings: Atten Cadera (older brother), Anaehr Cadera (younger brother)
Usual Attire: Heavy Mandalorian armor, painted orange. It makes them appear bigger than they actually are.
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Weapon of Choice: Assault cannon
Home: Odessen, later Odessa
Place of Birth: Odessen, Alliance base
Favorite Color: Traffic cone orange
Born not even a year after older brother Atten, the two grew up to develop a close bond as they were raised together.
Araa proved to be the "muscle" between the two even when they were just toddlers, breaking into things they shouldn't have while Atten figured how to do it in the first place. This trait would follow them into adulthood, with Araa taking charge of the military side of the Alliance while Atten kept it all together and acted as its face and voice of leadership.
They had a little brother born when Araa was nearly eleven, and unfortunately that age gap made it hard for either of them to connect with Anaehr. This would go on to cause issues as Anaehr got older and grew jealous of the other two; it would be Araa to get into a verbal fight with him that sent him to find work away from Odessen.
When their mother retired, though it was Atten to gain the actual title of Commander, they both knew they were equals and one couldn't perform all the work required of Commander without the other. Araa supports the decision to steer the Alliance more toward neutrality, standing loyally at her brother's side even as he's the one who ends up with the blame on his shoulders due to being the "voice" between their decisions.
Araa, as a result, works with the Alliance's military to ensure it does its work properly and doesn't find itself dragged back into Republic or Imperial conflicts. For the most part, she finds that having it aid with rebuilding efforts becomes a good use for their forces. They have it nip at opposing factions to keep them in their own spaces, watches hyperspace routes, and uses more force when necessary when the Empire, Republic, or Hutts or overreach.
Unfortunately, Araa wasn't aware of Anaehr's eventual treachery that results in the deaths of their parents until Atten's frantic comm after the fact. She wholly supports him in disowning him from Clan Cadera, and in banning him from the Alliance - though can't help but feel guilty. Maybe if they'd tried a little harder, maybe if they hadn't treated him as an outcast, then maybe Anaehr wouldn't have become... Well. She's knows it's too late to think of the "what ifs" now, but can't really help it, either.
And when the Republic and Empire both get sick of the Alliance being a thorn in their sides? Araa is the one to suggest looking for a new planet, and contacting their only remaining ally of Zakuul for any help it can spare.
And Araa, one step ahead of Atten, is the first to set foot on their new planet that the Alliance would come to call home, lightyears away from known space that would come to lose records of it for thousands of years to come.
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voidendron · 1 year
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voidendron · 2 years
Carry Me to Safety
Whumptober 2022 Day 19: Enough is Enough Knees Buckling | Repeatedly Passing Out | Head Lolling
Star Wars: The Old Republic V'ehsz Next Gen Characters: Araa Cadera (Chiss/Human), Atten Cadera (Chiss/Human) Warnings: Head Trauma, Minor Blood
She’d only looked away for a minute—a minute!—but it had been plenty of time for one of the creatures to lunge at Atten and do a number to his face. She didn’t get a good look at the thing before it vanished, but she was almost positive it had been a shade stalker.
She didn’t care, anyway.
Not when her brother hit the ground unresponsive when she’d shot at the thing.
“Atten? Atten?!” She kept her weapon readied even as she hit her knees at his side, even as she pawed at his shoulder to try and force him to wake back up. The gash in his head was bleeding, and she mentally cursed him for never wearing his damn helmet. He got it from Mum, surely…
Her red eyes darted about before she growled and pulled him against her chest. She spent a moment shifting him around until he was draped against her back. She kept one arm under his thigh, and just hoped to the Force that his arms would stay around her neck when she positioned them there.
In her free hand, she gripped one of Atten’s blaster pistols, since her own would have required both hands. She might have teased him for his weapons on more than one occasion, but they were at least convenient.
Gritting her teeth against the strain of his weight, Araa pushed herself to her feet.
He was heavy, practically all muscle, paired with a full set of Beskar armor. And that was on top of Araa’s own, admittedly heavier armor, and the weapons attached at her hips.
Her legs buckled to send her down to one knee before she could steel herself. She only growled and forced herself back up to her feet; she needed to get in range of base to radio for an emergency pickup.
She could feel the way her brother’s head lolled against her shoulder, she could feel his blood soaking in to her jumpsuit’s collar as it dribbled between her helmet and breastplate. She bared her teeth and adjusted her grip, starting the long trek back to base.
Their mother would be far from pleased when she saw the state Atten was in… Sure, their father would be, too, but… Well, it was a little different when Mum was the Commander, Araa thought.
She shook her head and pushed the thought away. She needed to focus on getting Atten medical care, not Mum’s approval.
So she swallowed, took a slow breath to steel herself, and trudged on.
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voidendron · 2 years
tagged by @raven-of-domain-kwaad for this quiz - thanks, Raven!
tagging @thedinalixlegacy and anyone else who wants to do it~
I think I'll go with Terrin's kids for this one. Atten and Araa, who take her place as Commander, and estranged brother Anaher.
Atten Cadera
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Araa Cadera
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Anaehr Cadera
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voidendron · 2 years
His eyes scanned the sight before him, and his stomach twisted. Trenches, scored into the hillside. Patches of forest burned to leave the skeletons of trees trying so desperately to stand tall. The bodies, and weapons, had been taken by those who could still stand, but their lifeblood still stained the earth.
Atten swallowed and turned his gaze to those gathered before him. Exhaustion marked their eyes, as did sorrow and anger. So much anger.
Deca remained a pace behind him, to his left. Araa, standing in line with him at his right.
He took in a shaky breath at his sister brushed his wrist - with concern? To comfort or reassure him? He wasn't sure.
"Odessen," he finally started, his voice carrying over the scarred remains of what had once been one of their crop fields, "this galaxy no longer welcomes us."
Murmuring, for but a few short moments, broke out.
Another deep breath, and he stepped forward on the hastily constructed podium. All eyes pinned on him, and him alone.
"The Empire and Republic continue to war with one another. Our ally of Zakuul is closing the galaxy beyond out. We are alone."
The silence to follow was tense. Atten reached up to tuck a singed lock of hair behind his ear. He let his eyes, as red and piercing as those of his mother before him, scan the crowd.
"The Republic will not aid us. The Empire wants us gone. They both tire of us, and our goals and meddling."
His eyes drifted, from his sister standing tall and strong at his side despite an arm in a sling, to the troops before him, and finally locking onto none other than Varrich. The old farmer looked more than just physically exhausted, but he held his chin up and gave Atten a tiny nod. "Go on," said that nod.
Deep breath. Count to three.
"The Alliance has lost this war." More murmuring; he paused until it quieted again. "We were but the third party to the war between two true galactic powers. Our forces are small, and resources smaller. Our goal has always been to protect, but we can't do that if we're the ones dying. They'll continue these attacks until we are no more."
He closed his eyes for a moment, couldn't help the guilt that gnawed at him. Their mother and her closest allies had worked so hard to build what they had, now.
His eyes flickered open again, and turned to the sky. "One of the droid scouts I sent out three years ago has returned. It found a world much like this one, in the far reaches of space. Odessen can no longer be our home."
He'd barely finished speaking before shouting drowned him out. Anger, accusations, arguments - they all flew through the field. It took everything he had not to step back, not to let Araa, the true warrior of the two siblings, take the stage with harsh words and a voice that could drown them all out. It took everything he had to keep his head high, to look to the riled crowd without flinching.
Deca stepped forward. Her saber pike, unignited, was gripped tightly in one hand. The mask she wore - the mask that showed all around her that she was on-duty not as Atten's fiancé', but at the siblings' personal guard - made it so only her eyes could be seen. They were narrowed, cold, as she brought her weapon down on the podium with a resounding clang that carried on the breeze.
She struck the stage again. Again. The pattern was slow, and clear.
When the voices quieted, Atten brought a hand up to point toward the Alliance headquarters. Most turned to look, others simply kept their eyes pinned on the stage.
"I've consulted with the Circle, and my advisors. We no longer have a home here, but we can rebuild elsewhere. We can build our strength, protect as we've tried - and failed - to do in this war-hungry part of our galaxy."
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voidendron · 2 years
"Your parents would be proud."
Atten paused. When he risked a veiled glance at his sister, Araa had an expression he couldn't quite read. He was grateful for his helmet - it hid the mist that crept into his eyes.
Varrich Tophrik. Former leader of Havoc Squad, and soon-to-retire head of Alliance Agriculture. He was a stern man, one Atten had learned not to pester from a young age. He did his job, rarely spoke unless spoken to, and was usually in the fields tending to crops and livestock or fixing machinery. It didn't matter that he was Atten's fiancé's uncle or a "mere farmer," now - he was intimidating, even in his old age. Tall, and burly, and littered with horrible scars and more tattoos than Atten could even count.
Grayed hair fell to frame a heavily tattooed, scarred face that matched the rest of him, and his one remaining eye... well, that didn't quite match. It was a soft lavender. Like Atten's fiancé's - like Deca's. But unlike hers, it was tired, and held a wisdom Atten didn't expect to be hidden in its depths.
"Your ma and I may not have seen eye-to-eye--" late Commander Terrin, once the Grand Champion, and Atten and Araa's dear mother they missed so much. Of course the ex-Republic trooper and her hadn't always gotten along, but... "--but she built a great thing here."
Atten risked another glance. Varrich wasn't looking at the siblings anymore. Instead, his arms were crossed over the railing, gaze cast out to the mountains far beyond the Alliance base. The sun glinted off scuffed, outdated cybernetics that Atten learned long ago not to ask about.
Atten stepped forward to put his hands on the railing. Araa wasn't long to follow, bumping him with her hip as she did.
"We're not like Mom, though. She..." Atten shook his head. Would their parents be proud of them? "She tried to help the Republic--" he didn't miss the distasteful scowl to flash across Varrich's face, there and then gone again in moments, "--and... And she loved all three of us."
"Anaehr made a poor decision that cost your parents their lives."
Atten pulled his helmet off and cast another look at his sister. Araa wouldn't return the glance, decidedly finding something on the horizon to focus on.
"And what if it had been you in our place, or your sister?"
"You can't dwell on the past. Your broth... Anaehr made his stance with you two, and the Alliance, clear."
"He'd end us where we stand," Araa finally said, making Atten jump.
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