#oc: amethyst
voodoo-art · 3 months
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behold! the reason i havent posted any art for like a week or something!
with emmie, me, daniel, raster, & amethyst! :D
can you find...
the ^_^ :3 :] brothers
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template: https://toyhou.se/25446497.f2u-monsters-meme-redo
man, this took a while! I’m glad it’s finally done. It was fun to come up with all the varied monster designs. also the snakes for gorgon are based on irl snakes
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chaoscorpio-art · 14 days
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Some personal OC icons :3
Please consider donating to my Ko-Fi
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neon-skeleton99 · 2 years
Ok so I’m just been thinking (and yes this is inspired by an interaction with @cinnimani . Check em out they have nice art.)
OC art doesn’t get attention. People don’t reblog or send asks about oc art. Maybe if you’re lucky you can get people to care but otherwise it’s so hard. It’s so much easier to make fanart of something you like to get those sweet sweet notes. And I’m not saying it’s bad because I do it. Fanart is the highest form of praise from me. It says I love what you did enough to spend a lot of my time on something related to it. And it’s nice to see a community sharing the appreciation you have and enjoying your art.
but it’s also really easy to get stuck making fanart. It gets more notes, you feel happy that other people acknowledge your art. But it gets more attention than original works. People start to expect fanart from you. They say “i loved your art of this character” or “could you draw more [blank]”
Usually I’m happy to oblige because it means almost guaranteed attention from at least the person who asked. And the people saying it typically have innocent intentions. if you keep doing this though I feel like you just become “artist who draws [blank]” instead of “artist who likes making art of [blank] and also does original works”
In conclusion, give original art attention. Reblog art (this includes all art. Writing, songs, etc). Ask about peoples ocs. Tell them you liked the sunset or cat they drew.
Please, it really means a lot.
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anendoandfriendo · 7 months
FUCK IT here's the stupid dilf twinks + their adoptive children + context to this nobody asked for
The idea is their plural asses were raised in a superhero city but at a time that plurality was demonized (not that it isn't by the time Amethyst and Remix exist tbqf),
We kind of half-ripped parts of the powers Empathy from The Aspects (book two) has where if they're around people for any amount of time their general physique starts to shift and an overlay occurs where they're still themselves but like...identity crisis because they have a "veil" of anyone and everyone they see even if it's just on television down to their skills, which can kind of be handy but also suck a lot sometimes
Because they're plural they can just stabilize themselves. So Black Star (left) actually looks like Bright Dawn (right) to the outside world and it causes all of this dysphoria not to mention when they were nineteen they could've been hatecrimed!! Murdered!! You see!!! So they had to also figure out various ways to pass as singlet while maintaining their secret super hero stuff on top of that, try not to get institutionalized at best, etc etc etc
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So what happens is like
One day they see this little homeless kiddo in the middle of the street basically just becoming a massive amalgamation of everyone's face and/or rapidly changing faces because Halycon is a Massive Fucking City so Black Star and Bright Dawn kind of go "Oh Shit we should probably take this kid in" thinking she's just a singlet and that they can just teach them simplified methods of their own thing that's going on and everything will be fine and dandy,
they can continue pretending to be singlets and whoever is doing the saving the day thing will depend on who's fronting and they can just...switch to the "default" guy or whatever when interacting with Amethyst, stating the reason they look so different when in their super-powered magical boy form is because they have a mental representation in their brain that does the work for them to keep them stabilized, nothing much really —
Alas, this was never meant to be
Amethyst (left) has a secret sibling. In her head. Called Remix (right).
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Amethyst took this advice very literally, and that is how BS/BD now have a "oh, double fuckshit" situation on their hands. Black Star and Bright Dawn share the literal exact same body elasticity powers as this other system and didn't even realize they were a system until the moment they learned to stabilize their face and entire body basically just a little too fast.
"What do you MEAN the self-representation isn't supposed to be autonomous?!" And so it's like. Their own faults because they're the ones who advised, and then asked how Amethyst learned as fast as she did.
And they're absolutely convinced it is much safer for Amethyst and Remix to keep their multiplicity on the downlow so they also at least have somewhat of a chance to make it until 40 years old.
Amethyst and Remix, obviously, do not like the idea of pretending they're anything but a system and at the time the game is being played, they're reaching a bit of a breaking point with BS/BD where there's all of this tension
Because Amethyst and Remix hate any advice BS/BD has to give now regarding how to do anything and they think BS/BD are being overly harsh
But Black Star and Bright Dawn literally are like "these are our children we understand this line of work is dangerous, but it's going to be even worse if they keep doing this and being open about their existence," and are really seriously convinced what they are trying to say/do/etc. is in the best interests of this tiny system they've basically raised since like, elementary school or whatever
The "twink" part of that is because Black Star chose magical-boy-esque costumes to fit the more unique facet of their system's superpower (impossible fighting skills/superhuman physique...we think it was the latter?) when both of them were like, 19 years old, thinking it would just work out and they'd look different enough from their civilian clothing. And just....neither of them realizing they would be stuck with those uniforms forever. :'D
These MFs have been heros long enough they are. Mentoring. Another not-even-19 year old system.
We imagine the superhuman physique aspect of this plus their body elasticity (the definition of which we stretched to hell and back to justify how we plan to play this Masks RPG game for both this NPC system and our PC system) would make it fucking unusual but entirely possible they look waaaaay younger than they actually are as a result
And to add insult to injury they have a magical boy transformation so like, even the like one or two people who would even know they're a system would have no fucking clue which one of them is Black Star and which one is Bright Dawn because the flashing pretty lights or whatever would just fuck with a normal person's senses. :D It's perfect for them. :D
We imagine, if it gets approved by the rest of the players, BS/BD are like those MFers who are like, super strong and like they're super well-known for that mostly but also, for some godforsaken reason, they absolutely slay in their outfits so they have these groups of fangirls or whatever (even better and much funnier in our heads if the groups are like, "rivals" or whatever) that fuckin' can't stop talking about them, so Remix and Amethyst keep getting clocked as asexual because of shit like:
"Omg did you see Bright Dawn's latest appearance???"
"...fighting crime is a very serious job you know..." *Amethyst trying not to tell this person/friend/whatever BD is literally their impromptu parent....and also that is BS, not BD, so she's now trying not to drop anything about their multiplicity per their request...they might both be annoying but they still raised her y'know*
"OH so you're more of a Black Star fan??? That's fucking ridiculous he's way too edgy and what is with that fucking hat, fighting style is soooo ugly too like who even taught the mothe —"
*at this point Amethyst just fuckin' tunes it out, she's heard it ALL at this point* Mate, I'll tell ya what, I'm just not into EITHER of them.
It would probably do literally nothing to the plot for the RPG we think but would add some very funny flavoring to the game we would appreciate haha.
"Why are these twin headmates so fleshed out and not your player characters Rusanya," well, we're glad you asked — you see, these two are called backstory characters and we NEED them fleshed out for the purposes of the RPG and that means we need to know how they think, especially if they're the mentors to our player characters Amethyst and Remix.
Amethyst and Remix, on the other hand, their purpose is literally to be fleshed out as we play our game with our friends, so like, of course they won't be as fleshed our currently. They're like literal teenagers if that and also our player characters.
We tried to infodump about all of this to our braindbody's 55 year old mother, who somehow caught the word "twins" from all of this even though we think it's pretty clear it's not QUITE twins. Which. On one hand that is sad, but on the other hand Thank God.
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plutoniumpuddle · 1 year
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I’ve been getting back into Hnk, thinking more about my ocs and how they would interact with the gems.
Of course Ame is Rutile’s assistant/lab rat
But I wanted to expand on Em (Emerald) (who Ame got the leg from) and Ems relationship and character.
Em was one of Yellow diamonds partners and they eventually became romantic. It’s kinda a rough situation because they can’t actually touch (only through gloves) but like all of yellows partners, Em eventually did end up on the moon. Ame ended up with her leg.
Ame tries to befriend yellow but it doesn’t work out. Ame tried to ask about Emerald once and yellow blew up at them in a uncharacteristic way.
Also young ame! Ame was a scout for a short while, lost a leg and then ended up with Rutile!
(I wanna post more about them but I’m not sure what)
(Ask me questions about them maybe)
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alexithewarlock · 6 days
Some facts about Amethyst:
He's been out of the military for ~10 years
His model was discontinued after one production run due to high production costs as well as an above-average amount of faulty units
He's a hybrid caster-melee model designed for acting independently. His model has higher-than-average mana capacity for a hybrid, but that carries with it a higher risk of violent mana discharges, one of the reasons his model was discontinued.
It took 12 years to get discharged and given citizenship due to supposedly taking longer than average to "develop a sense of self" (this is false, the military wanted to hang on to him as long as possible because he was very useful to them. His arm, leg, and face getting damaged finally made them give him up).
He doesn't visibly emote much. He says it's because it's too much work (somewhat true), but it's also because he spent over half his life having to look scary and stoic
He likes to give gifts and has a very good eye for them
He's well aware of how scary he is (literal military weapon), and he tries not to let it bother him but. It's tiring.
Very loyal and protective of his friends, to the point where he doesn't care what happens to him, as long as they're safe
He reads voraciously, and he almost always buys the latest newspaper when he had the chance
Like sweet foods
Extremely limited wardrobe. Sees no reason to expand it, plus cloth over his ball joints feels weird to him.
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vibeamphibian · 5 months
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She's finally allowed to have nails!
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teethflavoured · 21 days
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decided to draw my non-fandom ocs today. hey amethyst its been a while duuuude
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screwpinecaprice · 3 months
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@glowweek Day 5 FAMILY | FRIENDS
Peridot and specially Lapis do not trust the racoons.
Specifically chose this angle so I don't draw feet. _(:,3」∠)_
Mi own connverse kids Ebony and Rohini are there! And technically Sakura and Zachary. (Please until now I don't know what else to name them. 😭)
And sorry the older Maheswarans aren't there. I don't know where to put them and I already had character overload. 😞
Hibiscus print on Bismuth's shirt is from ManMadeOfGold!
Speaking of shirt, another thing I avoided was thinking of their outfit designs. 😅 It's somewhere a little over a decade of timeskip since SU:Future and I'm sure at least one or two would've reformed during the time. So I'm gonna say they wanted to keep the vibe of a casual outdoors picnic-type event so they wore the casual themes.
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mlintschinger · 6 months
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voodoo-art · 21 days
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Dont worry, Bill Murray!
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neon-draws-sometimes · 4 months
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Happy Valiant Times or whatever
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chaoscorpio-art · 2 months
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a ref for Amethyst!
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neon-skeleton99 · 2 years
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CALL NOW!! @utmv-support
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crimson-chains · 2 years
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An amethyst demon! :D
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