#oc: Rafa (fl0pera)
bubblepopsims · 3 months
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"Hey Pretty Lady" "I know I said it, like, a thousand times"
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"But everyday still feels like the first day." "This is dedicated to you"
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" I, I can't deny the way you caught my eye, eye" "Then somethin' strawberry filled up the sky"
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"And everything on you Intoxicates" "It's a Mystery, I dont know why"
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"I Let you kick in my "Do not Disturb" sign" "But I guess your mouth in motion got me so high" "And i could tell it's pure just by the taste"
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"Cause she's just like nothin" "That I'd ever seen before" "And baby, please don't change nothing." "Because your flavor's so original" Strawberry Bubblegum
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bubblepopsims · 3 months
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my boys give me BDE
these are my boys who currently inhabit my chaotic sim island of misfit toys.
tO my roomie @fl0pera a personal thank you…for personally making me 3 of them and god are they perfect... I really do appreciate you. You make sexy sims hands down that’s all. I want to insert the gif of the hand coming through the phone to love smack tap you in the face 🤣 but it won’t let me add it 🥲😤
But yeah so i had to put my sims persona in the middle of it. I mean come on… we all had that thought at least once 😏
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bubblepopsims · 3 months
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( @fl0pera @lost-souls-story *cough cough* I’m summoning you guys to look upon hotness)
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bubblepopsims · 3 months
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Also this became my second screen background because AHHHHHHH look at my posh couple T-T we are also in Maddi and Rafa's closet, that maddi took over hahahah (it is still under construction their whole home is still in renovations honestly)
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bubblepopsims · 5 months
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"HAPPY NEW YEARRRRRRRR!!!! " M: "BLANKET FORT, matching PJs, Classic movies, sweets, and my Brooding grizzly bear are all I need to welcome the new year!"
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bubblepopsims · 4 months
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I am in the void working on posts... with these two and well... XD neither one of them wanted to be disturb XD but IM INVADING!!!
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bubblepopsims · 6 months
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I see everything in your eyes.
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bubblepopsims · 6 months
Evan and Courts didn't answer any message on their phones for a few days, they only took phone calls and when they did they kept them short. They took a few days off to fly to Sulani.
Evan: " My beautiful friends, sorry for the lack of messages but me and Polpettina flew to Sulani, we needed some time away and just for ourselves" The couple was lying in bed after a day out and rejoicing for the cooler temperature and lack of mosquitoes (always be blessed the mosquitoes repellent). "We just took a few pics this morning, before going to the beach so here is the first"
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Courts: "It's my fault, I needed to be away from everyone for a bit and just be with Evan." Courts started reading Juju's message. "@Juju you beautiful human, don't you ever say you look trash! I will tell you everyday you are gorgeous, I will send you a message every morning if I have to! We totally understand what you mean about you and Izzy 😳"
Evan: " I always make Courts legs weak before she can do anything 🤭 Oh I don't need any pic to held me accountable to my promises😜 She will blush if you touch her ass especially if she isn't expecting it, she is the cutest when she blushes. OMG your mom looks stunning! You also look very alike O_O"
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Courtney: "There is nothing sexier than your partner sweaty and doing some manual labor, @Juju you must be happy Izzy is so sweet helping your dad building a tree house for Conrad. I want a tree house too!"
Evan: " We don't have a tree where we can build it but I can do something else to get sweaty and sexy."
Courtney lightly kicked Evan, knowing exactly what he meant; in response he held his hands up feigning innocence.
Courtney: " We aren't trying to seduce anyone Rafa, we are just naturally sexy and the twins are the sweetest, I don't understand why they aren't with you or Evan, I will ask next time."
Evan: "That manly man does things to me Maddie, that hairy chest 🤤"
Courts chuckled and stopped to talk to Evan "Bestio, don't you think you are taking it a bit too far with Rafa?"
Evan: "Rafa is a really good friend of mine, he is up there with Hermes. He knows me and he knows it is all just a joke although he gets a bit worked up when I talk about his ass. I really really respect him you know, I told him many times but I feel I should tell him again. I hope to see him and Maddie soon. I really miss him."
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Evan: "MADDIE!! MADDIE!! I thought Rafa proposed I was ready to say yes to be his best man! It's serious though I lost every chance I had with him, every hope forever gone 😭😭😭 unless..."
Courtney: "@Maddie I am so happy he got you the ring, Rafa is so thoughtful, I am really happy he found you and that you found him, you both deserve all the happiness 🥰. Evan does that too, he whispers very naughty things whenever he can. I'll never get used to it."
Evan: "All jokes aside tell Rafa I love him and I am happy for him. I will call him later"
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Evan: "@Emillie @Asuka you two are wild, that is why I like you 🤣"
Courtney: "You're pics are so cute girls, if I didn't know any better I would think you were always like this, cute and romantic 😂 I am always in awe when I look at you. @emillie will you record the dildo song for me?"
Evan: "We'll come soon enough to visit hopefully! Get ready and stay sexy 😏 Also @Juju WTF Those shower pics! Polpettina is staring avidly, she is sure Izzy bit down on that ass cause no one could resist. As we all know she as a biting problem 🤣 This is all for now, I think we will now go back to ghosting you. Courts needs hugs and I need some sleep."
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Maddi Madpie hearted all the pictues
Maddi Madpie: "Polpettina!!! POLPETTINA!!🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷 AHHHH i dont know what it means but its so cute!!!you guys are the fucking cutest WEARING MY COLOR! YOU GUYS ARE IN PINKKKKKKKKK!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! @Smokey Quartz MY LOVELY LOVELY YOU LOOK SO GOOD IN PINK T-T OMG OKAY I HAVE TO SHOW MY UGLY SICKLY FACE BECAUSE OF PINK!! 💕💗💞💓🌸💘🌷🎀💄🐽👚🩷👛🦩🐖🩰🎟️AHHHH!. BUT I WILL SAY MY HAIR IS FALLING IN SUCH A CICHE WAY! I DONT KNOW!"
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Maddi Madpie: " Sickly baby @Smokey Quartz but don't apologize at all.. honestly i got sick so i've been feeling a lot of anxiety and isolation. As you can see no Rafa.. I don't want to get him sick, since he somehow has the immune system of an elder XD. But i miss him.... UGHHH I spend 99.99% of my time with him 1% with work, yogi baby which she doesn't want to be around me... she is under my bed instead... but yeah and also friends but all the rest of the time i am with my grizzly bear and i miss himmmm T_T I'm envious. yes thank you😭🩷🥹 i wear it everyday..... 💅🏻I am very happy we chose each other... T-T wahhh i missss himmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! OOOHHHH BUT.BUT.BUT BUT.BUT!!!!!! @ Evan... I am about to send some pictures BUT YOU HAVE TO PROMISE! You can't say anythinnnngggggg or I'll get punished.... actually..... maybe do tell him.. I need help sweating this fever out at some point.BUT ANYWAY WITHOUT FURTHER WITH HOLDING! I BEHOLD THE HOLY GRAIL"
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Maddi Madpie: "......... i told him I missed him and he sent me these..... of the course of days i been deadly... WHEN I SAY I WAS BOTH SHOCKED AND JUST FUCKING GUSHING! i was gushingggggggggg HE SENT ME HIS ASS!!! @ Evan HE SENT ME HIS BEAUTIFUL PLUMP PERFECTLY SLAPPABLE LUCIOUS HAIRY, GOD I WANT TO GRIP THEM CHEEKS!! !!! LOOK AT IT ! @ Evan and yes your eyes are correct... HE IS WEARING THE GIFT😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍! now let me just give some backstory.. we got the box of goodies which by the way heheheheh i love you guys.. but he was very against them at first found them a "of course evan would send me this..." so i gave him an offer he couldn't refuse.. and he decided to literally TAKE ME OUT..... wearing the daddy shirt i bought him because i found it funny 🤣🩷 him wearing a fucking DADDY shirt 🩷🩷 mmmm but just look at him... !! "
Jujubug HEARTED all the pictures
JujuBug: " @Smokey Quartz @Evan my bbysssssss gooood!!! I'm so glad you guys went on vacation and had some you time.. Izzi and I are craving more now than ever ... things have been just chaotic honestly so PLEASE PLEASE enjoy it!!!! @Maddi Madpie.... one question😤. WHY THE EVER LOVING FUCK ARE YOU NOT ON THAT MAN??? BECAUSE YOUR SICK ?? GET OUT OF HERE !! YOU GUYS WILL SHARE SHIT ONE DAY AND WILL BE AROUND EACH OTHER WHEN YOUR SICK! JUST JUMP THE GUN! Jesus.... if Izzi sent me pictures like that BEST BELIEVE I AM DROPPING EVERYTHING! THAT MAN IS ZADDY! speaking of my lovely love of god izzi is fucking sexy.@ Blue Smurf and @ Izzi Frizzi are in a photo shoot for a side project Asuka is doing... and guys... GUYS! I can't wait for @ Asuka Lovely to post them! AHHHH i am wet.. that's all I am going to say"
Maddi Madpie: "@ Jujubug.. because ...... 🫣🫣but Em.... in a photoshoot... holy shit she must really fucking love Asuka and i know Asuka dressed her up too XD HA!and Izzi I don't even know what to expect."
JujuBug laughed at Maddi Madpie's response
JujuBug: "@ Maddi Madpie you have no fucking idea......."
2 hours later
Asuka Lovely is Online
Asuka Lovely: "Oh shit... 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I open this and all I see is such sexy faces allllllll around WHAT A PERFECT TIMING! BUT FIRST @ Smokey Quartz cutie pie shhhh you do no wrong in our eyes. you are perfect <3 @ Evan you are tan and pink hehehehe you are giving me surfer beach kid hahaha it's cute you guys are absolutely fucking MMMMPPPPFT! Let us be in the sammmmwhicccchhhhh T_T @Maddi Madpie girlie I agree with @ Jujubug .... WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DENY YOURSELF THAT! HOLY HELL THAT'S FULLY WHAT HE IS HIDING ?? DAMN, I MEAN... YEAH NO DAMN. you are ridiculous for not letting that man take care of you...! GET IT TOGETHER AND JUST LOOK AT THOSE PICTURES AGAIN! but ill brb i have to get these pictures edited and then I'll share :3"
Maddi Madpie: " OH @ Evan Rafa said you have a phone use it. i think that means in Rafa language you can just text him and tell him that yourself and not go through me because he honestly does not want to say out loud that he loves you too XD Even though we did have a conversation about your guys friendship last night.. and i can tell he loves you too. you are one of his closest friends and is very happy that you grew up and got the girl too :3 you guys been through some things too, but Just don't tell him I told you that.. or I won't hear more hahaha unless you tell me when you come visit :D "
JujuBug: "Awwww.....wait oh my god he is just moving up on the one of the best humans to ever walk this earth... you can always tell someone just genuinely loves someone when they are just happy that the person grew.. that's deep T_T Maddiii Marry him.. MARRY HIM!"
Maddi Madpie: " @ JujuBug... I..."
JujuBug: "i know @ Maddi Madpie you should tell him"
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Asuka Lovely: "My sexy sexy SEXY SEXY BABY I MEAN when I tell you how i had to learn how to breathe while taking these.... I had to learn how to breathe... Em gave me the eyes... and worked her outfit.. she hated it for a good while. literally said why the fuck would i want a string so far up in my fucking kidneys... dumbass... i can't stand her sometimes.. BUT i think my reactions were fuelling her... i don't blush like EVER! and Em made me flustered... my knees buckled... my throat was dry.. it was like my ever-longing crush glazed my fucking way type shit... <.< SHE IS ANNOYING!! WHY IS SHE HOT!?"
Maddi Madpie: "I don't even know how to react because is that my best friend. duh of course it is BUT LIKE ACTUALLY???!!! you put her in a sexy fucking outfit honestly I know for a fact she loved the harness."
Asuka Lovely laughed at Maddi Madpie's comment.
Asuka Lovely: "SHE DID that and the boots XD hated the colors hated the fact she had to be in this Christmas-themed one. but i told her to suck it up or I won't dance for her."
Maddi Madpie hearted Asuka Lovely's comment
TMaddi Madpie: "She is fucking ridiculous oh my god only Emillie 😂😂🤣OKAY NOW LETS SEE IZZI BECAUSE IM CURIOUS... LIKE REALLLLLY CURIOUS AFTER SEEING EM."
Asuka Lovely: "LORD AND BEHOLD."
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Maddi Madpie: "🤯🤯😱😱HOLY SHIT! WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT IS THAT IZZI ?!?!?!?! @ JujuBug"
JujuBug: "YES THAT IS MY LOVE!!!! IN A FUCKING THONG THIGH HIGHS AND HEELS AND MAKEE UP! Izzi wanted to be spooky but also go with lingerie.... i had to do some convincing... A LOT OF IT... BUT IZZI GAVE US BODYYYYYYYYYYYYY !!! THATS MY FUCKING BABY ! THATS MY STAR!!!! I want them to keep it on.. for science..... you know... just run some tests.... a lot of themmm...."
Asuka Lovely: "Honestly Izzi shocked all of us... they worked the camera and didn't seem shy about it at all.... i don't know what the agreement was between them and juju but this was a HIT!"
Maddi Madpie: "Just know I'm sending all of these to Rafa👀👀”
JujuBug: "By the end of my wedding he will be in this chat i don't give a fuck. 😤😤he won't be able to say no to me."
Maddi Madpie: "Good fucking luck.... that the one thing he is so strongly about not being a part of at all...😅 i think its cause we blow it up quite frequently😎🩷 he is my grizzy bear fo a reason, solo hermit mode."
JujuBug: "well i am persasive and it can be my wedding present."
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JujuBug: "Any way we love you guys and I hope everyone recovers well 💜oh I took my hair out 😉”
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Maddi Madpie: "........... @ Everyone .... talking about Rafa made me cave.......🫣🫣🫣 i needed my grizzly bear😩he even brought me my favorite food and stopped to get me coffee from my favorite coffeeshop.. not including all the kisses and hugs i instantly received. and he said i was super cutie all sniffly 🥹🩷🩷oh oh oh andddd including looppppyyy meds so hehehe i am currently laying on him and he is cozy, i like rubbing my noise against his chest ha-"
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Maddi Madpie: "Madalyn is going to bed."
Blue Smurf: “@ Smokey Quartz yes I will most definitely record the dildo song for you 😘”
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bubblepopsims · 6 months
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bubblepopsims · 6 months
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Evan picked up the phone and called Rafa. Checking his pink nail polish he waited for him to pick up.
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Rafael : “*sighs* he was bound to call at some point..”
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Rafael answered the call with a sigh  “So now you decided to call me, while I am at work huh?”
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Evan: “Well I could call you back but then you’d be with Maddie so I am pretty sure now it’s best. Don’t you agree? I wouldn’t want to interrupt you two. So Rafa I’m sorry I haven’t called in a while and I could make up some excuse but I know I didn’t call because you would give me an earful about my jokes. Also I know you probably look hot as fuck right now, all serious at your desk maybe a turtleneck?” Evan chuckled lightly “Sorry, I can’t stop myself”
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Rafael continued to pace in the same area, shifting side to side while he listened to Evan speak his words. Rolling his eyes dreadfully slow and sighing, lightly tilting his head when he came to the agreement in his head that Evan was actually right for once. “You make a good point here. On all accords, Besides one thing.” He finds himself taking a seat at his desk.
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Rafael: “No turtle neck. But let me guess you are probably currently admiring something new you did. Mmm? Tramp stamp perhaps? Maybe the nails, what did you do this time? Pink. perhaps, it is in rotation.”
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Evan: “You know me so well, pink nails. Look I called to tell you that all jokes aside I really miss you and you are one of the best people I know. Courts reminded me I should tell you more often. I haven’t been a very good friend lately and you have been going through some major changes. That pic with Maddie and the ring. If I know you well enough I’d say you have fallen pretty hard for her. I see her charms and honestly you two look like a good fit. She is bubbly and extroverted, not to mention very hot.”
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Rafael let out a huff and then a sigh “Don’t even worry about it. You are not a bad friend Evan. Self-pity doesn’t suit you. Very Unattractive.”  before his lips creeped up into a smile at mentioning of Madalyn only to fall minutes later. Evan was right, Rafael has been going through quite major changes, including opening his heart up again when the thought of having someone truly fit him was left in the past. Rafael: “It is a promise ring. Madalyn talked about it quite frequently so I took it upon myself to buy her one. She has in a sense flipped my whole life upside down. But it’s good. It’s good. She is good. Fantastic actually. But there is one thing that troubles me.”
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“What are you talking about? I am always attractive!” Evan bursted out laughing “Thank you Rafael, you are not a bad friend either”. Evan pondered what to say next, this was some serious matter that Rafa wanted to talk about, he could feel it in the tone of his voice. “I know you, she could have insisted as much as she wanted but you wouldn’t have bought the ring if you didn’t want to. You don’t tend to be a people pleaser nor someone that avoids arguments or serious conversations. So, go ahead, ask away.”  “Evan, come to the bedroom please” Courtney called him so he got up and started making his way towards her.
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Rafael sometimes disliked how much Evan paid attention. He knew him... Knew him well enough that the words he was saying were aligned with Rafael's characteristics. He pushed his office chair back and began to pace once more. Trying to figure out the right words to say or even how to say it. Never did he think he would be in this situation.. Especially with Evan. So instead he brought the phone away from his ear and directly spoke into the phone. Rafael:“When did you know.That Courtney was the one? -he sighed deeply and pushed his hair out of his face- I know the definition of love in verses ways, how to describe it, what it looks like without seeing it. But to know is different, to experience it.. it is different. You know me, Evan. As you said, I don’t do things irrationally. But Madalyn -he huffed and let out a small laugh- she.. just has a way of making me feel like I am learning new things about myself. And yes I know, a relationship should be that way. But when did you know? What was it that made you say she is it?”
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Evan felt the heaviness of Rafa's words, this wasn't the time for jokes. "Ok, when did I know..."He took a deep breath, kept it in for a couple of seconds and exhaled. "It took me a while but one night we were out with friends, having dinner at a restaurant. I went out for a smoke, I had a bad day, I was feeling wrecked and yet I was putting up a show, I wasn't feeling like I wanted to have so many people around me. Uni was proving difficult, I never had a thing for studying yet I was trying to make my parents happy, not that they ever forced me to do anything but you know..." Rafael: "I know how you felt about yourself Evan, you wanted to prove yourself you were more than what you think everyone thought of you"
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"You remember the prank the twins pulled where they glued all of my underwear together? It was that day, it was payback because I got dad to give me his Mustang; well Courtney followed me out of the restaurant me soon after, she hugged me and told me -You know you can be sad- then she tightened the grip and I hugged her back. I thought how the fuck she could read me so well. It happened more often than I liked but that night I understood that she could see me. She could read me and she cared for me. I realized I could be myself with her and that I wanted to hold on to her. I wanted her to keep looking at me like that, she can cut through all my bullshit. Just as I can see through her"
Rafa was silent still, thinking about what Evan just said. This was Evan's chance and he seized it "...well that and the fact that I wanted her to ravage my ass so badly". Shock and horror, it's like Evan could hear Rafa's disgusted face through the phone. "I got you didn't I?"
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Rafael listened intently, hearing the tone shift until he noticed Evan’s smile through the phone. Remembering their first discussion about Courtney. His tone has not change. He paced a little more until he stopped dead in his tracks and felt his face scrunch up in disgust. Rafael:“You always have to ruin a good moment between us don’t you.” Rafael groaned and plopped down on the couch staring up at the tall ceiling of his office. His brows bunched up and his chest tightened up. Rafael:“Evan. I am really starting to believe that I lov- His words were cut short when the door to his office opened and in walked Madalyn. His eyes widened, wandering over the outfit she had so gracefully presented. “Holy shit.”
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Evan:“Hey dude are you ok? I can call you later…” Courtney was being very clear about her intentions, in another situation Evan was ready to hang up on Rafa but he was being very honest about his feelings and asking for his help so he was hoping that Rafa would cut the conversation short. 
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Madalyn raised a brow as Rafa mouthed to her that he was on the phone with Evan. She took it upon herself to get comfortable. Rafael: “Yeah. Sorry I thought I saw something outside.” Rafael scrunched up his face as soon as the lie left his lips. But Madalyn insisted on him not mentioning her. Rafael:“How is Courtney by the way? Madalyn told me she was feeling a bit under the weather recently. Which makes Madalyn want to visit her more. I quite frankly have to hide my wallet so she doesn’t randomly buy plane tickets” he laughed lightly as Madalyn hit him playfully and frowned giving him the look of: fuck you.
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Evan: “It was one of those moments where she needs to be alone, well alone with me you know, it happens sometimes. Nothing that lots of cuddles can’t solve.” Courtney started stroking him, he had to keep a moan in, Rafael wouldn’t take it well if he knew what was happening.”Look Rafa, it seems to me that you love Maddie, I bet you think about her always even now that you are working and you are a workaholic” Evan let out a small hiss and motion Courtney to take it slower. 
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Rafael smirked as he saw the devious grin creep up along Madalyns lips for a moment he didn’t quite hear what Evan was saying. The sight of her was mesmerizing, from this Angle the length of her body to her heels was doing things to him, and before he knew it she was unzipping his pants.  All he heard was the words “love her” and his head turned to the side. Rafael:“You don’t even know the half of it.  She quite literally is driving me crazy. No woman has done that before” he stated letting out a sigh as he felt her hand brush along him.
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Rafael didn’t dare to look at her after stating that knowing it will only fuel her. But once again Madalyn took him by surprise and he felt the warm embrace of her mouth. Rafael: “Mmm…-he had to clear his throat- I am really thinking… m-very large with her.” His eyes reverted back to Madalyn clutching her hand that was squeezing the inner part of his thigh. Gesturing her to take it easy.
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Madalyn chuckled but went right back whispering quietly, trying to keep the lewd sounds to a minimum, but how could she when he was expressing such adorable facial expressions  “just be sure to not let him find out.. or he might get jealous” she giggled. 
Evan: “Rafa, what are you doing? You seem unfocused…” Evan stayed quiet for a moment and motioned Courts to stop for a second, a very difficult request. Something was off, Rafael was never the type to get distracted unless…UNLESS! “Rafa, where is your dick now?! You dirty nasty hypocrite always telling how lewd I am” Evan looked at Courts, they both started laughing he covered the phone mic and whispered to Courts “This is pure gold”. Not wasting anymore time Courtney started working on Evan again doing her best to make Evan slip and reveal that he too was in the middle of sex. Evan: “I will hold this against you fore *cough* forever” he managed to disguise a guttural growl into a cough and looked over at his love and felt like just closing the call with Rafa but he pushed through. He needed to hear Rafa's reaction.
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Rafael was beginning to cave in. The sensation of Madalyn’s mouth was overwhelming, from the warmth to subtle sounds and soft moans that escaped her muffled mouth. It was getting to close, he didn't know how much more he could take until he heard as clear as day Evan’s words. “Excuse me?” Rafael stopped Madalyn briefly receiving quite an unpleased expression but he gave her a reassuring look that he would make it up to her. 
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Rafael:“Where my dick is, is none of your business and I told you I was at work. Sounds to me like you are becoming quite forgetful at this moment,” he stated not letting Evan have this over his head. “Sure you are not up to something.”  But while he was trying to recover from his slip up Madalyn had taken it upon herself to reveal what was under her coat. Nothing but her nude skin was exposed to him. Rafael’s words escaped him, and his eyes couldn’t help but crawl up her body until they landed on those vibrant blue eyes. He could see it in them. Madalyn wasn’t always the one to be overly aggressive but over this time period being with Rafael, he was getting more unbearably irresistible to her. Maybe it was the hormones maybe it was the fact that she was just genuinely happy with him. But she wanted him. Didn’t matter that they had sex just that very morning.. It was a sense of need for their touch. And that was exactly what Rafael saw in her eyes.  Slowly she straddled him settling on his lap while she gestured to the phone. Rafael knew quickly what she meant. Rafael:“You know what Evan. I have something very important that requires my attention. I am going to have to call you later.”
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Evan: “I know WHO the important thing is, you don’t fool me!” The call was over before he could finish the sentence.  He let the phone go and turned his attention to Courtney not before taking a mental note of calling Maddie in the evening.
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written by the truly amazing bean @fl0pera (Evan) and yours truly >:) (Rafa without one line but who gives a shit XD we had fun i'd say )
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bubblepopsims · 5 months
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bubblepopsims · 6 months
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bubblepopsims · 7 months
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they are just too cute for their own good honestly... and it's going to be so hard for them not to autonomously have sex.. >.> Jesus what if Maddi gets pregnant.. holy hell. now that's a plot twist...
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bubblepopsims · 7 months
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u(known): "how about this. How about you tell me what you would have put in your letter today." The man you see before you is named Rafael Hodges, the awesome sauce @fl0pera made for Maddi(me) as you know a little something something... and guys...I am obsessed with him already XD I CANT HE IS SUCH A CUTTIIEEEE !!!!! fl0pera should give me a back story because I am just going with the wind on this one. I know his aspiration is the writer one so I made him a well known book editor who… enjoys sandwiches and naps XD
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i love him. T-T i love him so muchhhhhhh
“Alexa play upgrade ya by Beyoncé” XD because this is a upgrade times a billion trillion to infinity and beyond. Giving me classy in the streets and freak in the sheets 🤣😂 okay let me stop my nonsense…
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bubblepopsims · 5 months
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Im sorry but also not... im just not over these pictures XD everyone looks so good! and they were all together T.T hold on i need to insert the other picture again
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all my babies and shared custody babies T-T @fl0pera Are alll together T-T looking like they are on a got damn reunion show
Update: it’s a magazine where people pose together 🤣🤣🤣 I just appreciate how it was described to me. Hahaha
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bubblepopsims · 6 months
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spin off to this post +18 what can I say i am a naughty dirty filthy gal who loves tasteful smut XD I never said i'm good ;3 plus its more for me and story-wise. Quite frankly I enjoy adding smut to my stories, it's a thing that exists and honestly, I have no shame in it XD. Discretion advised lalalalal
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