#oc: Penelope
xykcta · 3 months
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kit-williams · 23 days
Tiny hands
Be me has dozens of WIPS
tag list: @bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
tw: Pregnancy stuff (A lot of first hand stuff so yeah if this makes you uncomfy sorry) uh childbirth
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The Lord of Iron returned to the Iron Amarantos immediately when he was told Penelope entered labor early. Two months early He thought. Ajax was coming now as he was told how Antioch had picked her up and rushed her to the medical wing when she realized her water had broken and the pain she was feeling was actually contractions.
He wasn't there, he mentally groused as he is led to where Penelope is. There were talks of an early delivery... inducing... making sure he was as developed as her body could handle without having to cut her open... given how big Ajax was already there was a risk of him just coming early as he was in position. He walked into the room and took in the sight of his wife.
She was out of her fineries of gold and black and iron just wearing a simple gown... it reminded him of something close to what she wore when she was but a serf still. Machines beeped and whirled as his eyes ate up all the information... as something hissed and he watched her brow furrow as her vitals spiked and she came out of her rest groaning in pain. Something... in him spiked with unease seeing her in pain.
"Oh Bo you're here." She said opening her eyes and looking at him with a exhausted smile.
"Of course I'm here Nelly." He says sitting next to her as she is clearly on pain medications as she slurs words to him... fading in and out mid sentence... passing out... waking up in pain... looking at the nurses and midwives with a confused blank expression.
Perturabo decided he... he did not like seeing this... as twice she woke up surprised that he was there. While she slept he got the reports both from the doctors and from his sons. Which left Perturabo alone with Nelly as she slept, he felt like a fool just sitting there to have conversations with a half drunk woman but... he looked at her face pressed against his forearm, he could feel her drooling slightly on his skin, he allowed himself a moment to smile... affection flooding his blue eyes. No Olympian Princess could compare... no no other Woman he has seen in his travels could compare to his Penelope.
He remembers how she was content to simply keep their relationship at the status quo... to allow him to have her without marrying her... to have his haven without any claims over her... she wanted those mortal desires of love and affection returned. Perhaps the thought of her looking at another with any amount of the same modicum of affection she willingly and freely gave to him. He was not the first of his brothers to marry but he was the first to have a... hopefully viable offspring. Suck it Dorn He sneered to himself.
His smile faded when a nurse came in to check on her as she just babbled nonsense but he could hear the way her breathing changed and the way her whole posture shifted. "He's coming."
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Perturabo was wrong... it wasn't the drunken and high look in her eyes he hated and the half there half not. Oh no he hated this more.
Penelope screamed.
They moved around her like ants as Perturabo felt in the way at times but her small hand shook as she squeezed his own; as much as her hand could hold of his. The midwife was holding her other hand as her head leaned back after that push as she was given soft words by her midwife.
Perturabo listened to the doctors as a machine was brought closer... talks of a surgery room being prepared... he nearly missed her soft "Bo." His eyes met hers as she tiredly smiled at him, "This will be worth it." He caressed her cheek before they had her push again.
Sweat rolled down her skin as she screamed... it burnt a place to remain forever in the back of his mind. "He's out!" Someone said and his eyes moved to Ajax for a moment but returned to watch Nelly practically deflate with exhaustion. A jolt of panic rushed through Perturabo as with how pale she looked... if he was a lesser man he might have thought her dead.
"Baby..." She slurred as she tried to lift her head.
"Being taken care of right now." The ever faithful midwife said holding her hand.
"Water..." She said and was given it...
It all blurred together for Perturabo at that point... Ajax had to be taken to intensive care much to an upset Penelope but she passed out not long after. Perturabo sat in the room with her as she was coming down from the pain medications and he let out a quiet deep exhale as it was finally over.
"Lord Perturabo..." The midwife said and he looked over.
"Ajax is awake... and he's fine? We're not too sure what's going on but he's fine but we'd like to keep him for at least a week for observation."
"It is most likely due to my biology. But I will allow it not like I will fight professionals in this field I know little about." He said plainly. If he wanted to he could easily learn all he needed to about medicine, but his passion was creating.
Hours passed and Penelope finally woke up sober finally as she looked at him still tired and probably sore. "Where's Ajax."
"Intensive Care. He is a month and a half early... " Perturabo said as he leaned forward watching her smile.
"Hey handsome." She whispers tiredly.
Perturabo just leans in and kisses her. "I'm not going to say who he looks like until his skull plates have fused." He says and listens to her snort tiredly.
"Did you hold him?"
"No. I probably wont for awhile." Perturabo admits, "You did wonderfully." He says leaning forward and kisses her forehead. "I love you." He whispers against her forehead.
"Love you too." Penelope says softly before sleep takes her once again.
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thedeafprophet · 2 months
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Ms Penelope hastings Levy i am so sorry u never got to see ur kids grow up you wouldve done a great job,,,
anyway i have this au in my head so much ;-; au where she survives Alex's birth, sees the growing issues with her husbands, and decides its worth it to take the risk and protect her kids. She packs up with her kids in the middle of the night, and ends up coming to the Neath, where she knows her brother went a long time ago....
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kaninchen-reblogs · 2 days
Junelezen Day 3 - Breakfast
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Penelope enjoying a light breakfast at the Carline Canopy...
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... and having Olivia and Pepenny join in!)
(All characters use they/them; As mentioned in my Day 1 post, Olivia and Pepenny are half-Elezen!)
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kutales · 6 months
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hi penelope i love you penelope (she/her)
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moonah-rose · 1 month
Two Ghost OCs to share.
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Died when she was 26. Born in Roman occupied Iberia (Spain) in 102 B.C.
Lived her entire life as a slave being moved around different masters, mostly staying on ships as they travelled around securing trade. Had a talent for music, trained as a bard, was skilled with a flute that she luckily held onto when she died. Her master used her to taste new foods before he ate them and while they were visiting Britain he told her to test some berries which turned out to be very poisonous. Felt far more free in death than she did in life, fell in love with a Celtic ghost called Aelfwyn and had a casual friends with benefits relationship with Robin. Her dress hides many scars on her back from where she's been whipped throughout her life, but has managed to keep a bright and hopeful attitude. But at the same time she doesn't stand for anyone trying to tell her what to do in death or insulting her friends. Taught Robin (then Roghr) how to play her flute before she finally moved on.
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Silver Robyn Ravenstar (birth name Louise Smith).
Born 1985 in Essex. Died in 2004.
Spent her teens heavily into Wicca and New Age stuff. Died from a brain aneyrusm while performing an Esbat ritual near Button House after finding out there used to be an ancient stone circle there (she was off by a few yards where it was). As she was high when she died, she remains stoned in death and sleeps most of the time, preferring to stay in the woods under the stars. Robin visits her often and makes sure she's comfy, she's basically like an emo Snow White asleep in her coffin surrounded by wildlife. Her ghost power is, as she claimed to be an Empath in life but was mostly just bullshitting, she now is really one in death and can read someone's entire history by touching them. It can overwhelm her and she tries to avoid humans, especially men as she was very Down With The Patriarchy in life. Only reason she's fine with Robin - her namesake - is because she believes he's one of the Fae and he doesn't have it in him to tell her she's wrong (she saw him conduct lightning once and thinks hes connected to the god Thor). But after he's let her touch him, she knows the depth of his pain better than anyone, so he feels close to her. She can be quite obnoxious, ranting about sexism and environmentalism and how Christians stole everything from Pagans etc, so she doesn't get on a lot with most of the ghosts but she was close with Mary when they met briefly.
Piccrew is sadly short of options but the symbol on her choker is meant to be a pentacle.
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lippypopples · 1 month
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Her name is Penelope
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what-an-art-blog-huh · 5 months
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Cowboy times? I think not, this is cowgirl times and you are interrupting them
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ready-set-shenanigans · 2 months
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Not entirely complete doodles, but slowly getting drawing motivation back a lil bit
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boxchewr · 5 months
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these stupid fools
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xykcta · 11 months
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traditional girlfriends
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kit-williams · 1 month
Legion Mother: Lost in the Warp
Who want's some Angst?
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon
as always thank you to @squishyowl for the dividers
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The Mother of the Fourth Legion was in despair. Penelope was wailing as Robute Guilliman, her brother in law, had told her that her husband... Perturabo was dead. She knew he wouldn't lie to her... she was wailing as her attendants had to guide her back to her room.
Her adopted sons were not surprised at how she broke down at the news... they knew their mother loved their father... father had risen her from serfdom to his wife to Perturabo it only made sense given how utterly genuine she was with him. And the Captain watched as she had trembled, swayed on her feet, falling to the floor and weeping. But the Captain now snarled at the Primarch of the Thirteenth when he retracted what he said... but he realized quickly... the Iron Mother wouldn't have been able to handle the truth.
"What do I tell Ajax?" She managed to blither out between her sobs.
"None of that now my lady. You have to lead the legion now." The head attendant said holding her tightly like a mother would, "But first you must mourn." She said softly... as to them... Perturabo was suppose to outlive her... she was content with that... she was suppose to be the first of probably a long string of wives... Penelope was okay with that... she had told him that all she wanted to do was to bring him happiness.
"My Bo... my Bo..." Penelope whimpered as her makeup was running from the heavy tears rolling down her cheeks. The shock of it all running through her... perhaps later she would apologize to her sons at her reaction...
Nelly laid in her bed feeling the migraine build behind her eyes as she couldn't stop herself from bursting into tears. "Get... get me my box..." She says sitting up off to try one last hope. Her Bo was a smart man... an emergency communicator... she picked up the delicately made iron sea shell. She prayed... to what? She just prayed that he wasn't dead... "Bo..."
Demon World of Medrengard
A hateful fortress world of cruelty and industry... black spires licked the white sky and black sun but they ran so deeply into the molten core of the planet. The Demon Primarch's hatred could be felt upon the wind... his hate was enough for thousands of lifetimes. Yet there was some hatred for himself at what he had become... he was stronger than this and in a moment of weakness... a very human moment he did not want to die. His sons did not wish to lose their father and so he was now a blight upon this reality.
"Bo..." A voice sniffled... one he had not heard in a long long time. It made him inhale for the first time in millennia. The hateful winds stopped in their tracks leading to a quiet on the planet for the first time since it's rebirth as a demon world. He pulled away from his workbench slowly as the Lord of Iron's eyes drifted over to some forgotten rotting corner. "Bo please... you can't be dead." The voice sobbed cracking in a way that he was familiar with, he approached with quiet steps. His eyes looked down at a dust covered sea shell made of iron... rusted except for the pearl.
"Perturabo!" She wailed with palatable grief as it had to be true. Her husband was gone... Olympia was gone... everything she held dear was gone... all she had left was the fraction of the legion and Ajax. She had to be like Iron... she had to be there for her sons and his sons... she had to... she had too...
"Nelly...?" A voice... no not just a voice his voice spoke over the device.
She threw herself back over to the device, "Perty!"
Perturabo looked down at the rusted shell in his hand... he had all but forgotten it was there. His tongue licked over sharpened teeth as his bitterness started to gather... this was a trick... how dare they. He internally seethed at the thought of Fulgrim or Magnus or one of the petty gods using his beloved's voice against him. Still the winds of Medrengard remained calm... and that near oppressive hate was lifted for a moment causing all his scions upon the planet to turn their gaze toward his fortress. "Bo?"
"Where are you?" His voice spoke over the line as she was holding her breath holding the hands of one of her attendants and when he spoke she let it out.
"Olympia... Bo... Bo... It's gone! Please what happened?" She begged.
Before he could answer he heard the doors open and Captain Antioch speak, as Nelly had a habit of leaving the line open, Perturabo remembers appointing him to protection of the Legion Mother... he was one of the few sons truly happy for their marriage, "Legion Mother we must go. Lord Guilliman will see us at Mcragge."
"Antioch! I've gotten in contact with Perturabo, he's alive!" She said so relieved but Perturabo could taste it... he could taste the worry... he could taste the fear. The mother knew not what the son was told.
"Penelope. I will see you soon." Was all he said before killing the line. And just like that the Lord of Iron was roused... the great iron beast rearing it's head once more... few things in the galaxy could force him into action... and if this truly was his Penelope then there would a celebration to be had... for the Iron Mother had returned which also meant his son was alive as well... but Perturabo held any excitement at bay for disappointment was a taste he knew too well. For if this was not his beloved wife... his wrath would be ten fold.
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Warsmith Castor was called to his father's side. His yellow eyes looking up at him as no words were exchanged after his greeting and he waited in attention. "Castor. Go to Olympia I need you to confirm something." Castor simply nodded not daining to question his father but Perturabo simply added. "I need to to confirm if your Mother is back."
"Mother?" His yellow eyes turned brown for a moment as Caster was but a battle brother when Perturabo had married Penelope and still had to prove himself verses the trusted battle brothers that were assigned to be her personal guard.
"Yes. I got a message from Penelope... go to the system and confirm if it is her. Do not engage if it is."
"And if it is not her my lord?"
"Drag them back to Medrengard in iron. If it is her ship... then..." There was an unsaid thought... we will find her bones.
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I know a secret... The Demonette giggled as Fulgrim opened one of his many eyes in a post orgy haze.
"What secret do you know..." He said as his eyes flashed purple as the wail of sadness rushed through him. "OH! Dearest Sister in law nelly has returned! Oh... oh... " He licked his lips with cruel intent, "We certainly must throw her a welcome back party!"
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I know a secret... the blue bird crooned as Magnus looked over and he listened to his brother Perturabo... and then a relieved voice of... "Penelope..." He said as his single eye widened a part of him... some deep down part knew that she was better off dead and not seeing what the world had become.
They are trying to head to Mcragge... the demonic bird crooned. "Who knows?" Magnus pressed.
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mikodrawnnarratives · 8 months
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Day 1 - "Home"
I didn't want to stress too much about getting it perfect so I just got down a simple sketch and played around with the coloring :)
This is Penelope and I'm still learning about her and developing her story but I have a general idea of what's going on with her. Such as, rats. That aren't normal rats. Where she goes, they go. She holds a soft spot for them.
Don't tell her I said that. This 11 year old bites.
It's abstract since I didn't want to bother with drawing a background but I had a whole lot of fun with her lantern and the glowing effects
I'm going along with the prompt set by @oc-tober2023 that you can find right here
I don't know how many days I'll do of this but I'm hoping I'll do a few more than I normally do for these month prompts this year
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kaninchen-reblogs · 3 days
Junelezen Day 2 - Dawn
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Penelope enjoying a relaxing sit-down in the Shroud as the sun rises.
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Olivia and Pepenny joining in to watch dawn break over the Coerthan mountains.
(All characters use they/them; As mentioned in my Day 1 post, Olivia and Pepenny are half-Elezen!)
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rosethorn-zz · 10 months
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(rbs appreciated)
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artisteko · 1 year
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Penelope & Pandora are always up for fun!
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