#oc -> paradigm
garlicrrow · 6 months
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maydays-medbay · 5 months
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My sketches from the magma @dimorphodon-x hosted! I had so much fun watching everyone make their art! I'd definitely be down to do something like this again, a thousand times over! (Also, Pike is the hollow knight vessel character! I made him recently, and I might talk about him when I get more info about him fleshed out :>)
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arcex · 3 months
And draw eldritch beings i shall
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(Top-Left: Bob [@otiksimr 's character])
(Bottom-Right: Ethos [My own character])
And some sketches of my other eldritch characters below the cut :3
All of these guys (past the cut) are from my worldbuilding project, Paradigms Performance
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Theyve all got their own connected lore, but together its over 30 pages, so its not on toyhouse yet and i am not typing it in tumblr obviously, so yeah
Ive also got a bunch more characters related to that project, but most of them i havent actually drawn yet or they need to be redesigned/edited ect
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macabrecabra · 2 months
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and just to complete the set of the four omens, the final one: the mighty Gurrisis of the southern flock!
Gurrisis can be heard loudly at the crack of dawn bringing in the new day and putting their flock and troops to work training to defend the floating cities and isles of the Cloud Sea. Known for a rather big personality, being loud and often resorting to violence and threats, Gurrisis is very much an acquired taste for those around them. But they are predictable enough as they make clear their rules and to break them is to earn their quick attack and beat down.
Gurrisis is rather fussy about whom they let join the army of the southern flock, but if someone proves their worth, Gurrisis will have respect for them as long as they follow the rules of the holy seat of the Paradigm. Gurrisis has traded a second pair of wings for magnificent tail feathers and is the weakest flyer of the four, but doesn't matter when your attack is dive bombing and ripping apart foes and tanking!
Picked chicken/rooster for the war omen because...no bird craves violence more than chickens. Also give Gurrisis nice bright vibrant war colors and crowing!
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lopartbymarah · 1 month
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New weekly post? Don't mind me if I do!
Those are my three most recent/most played characters on Paradigm's RWBY RPG: Celeste Solh, Alma Prisma and Nyléa Arthemísia.
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kuzann · 6 months
Just finished writing this segment for the next chapter of Paradigm Shift and I'm actually liking it a lot. It's still raw and needs to be cleaned up but I wanted to share. Have some Danny panicking over his mom potentially getting hurt. :p Current word count: 11.2k words
Danny’s head swam as Valerie flew out of the arena on her board. He drifted back a bit, for what little good it would do him when the fight started.
“Alright, you ectoplasmic menace,” Maddie said as she widened her stance. “Impress me.”
“I’ll do my best,” Danny managed.
“Begin!” Kara cried.
Maddie whipped an ecto-blaster out of her belt pouch and fired on Danny the moment Kara’s voice rang out over the arena.
Danny distorted his body to dodge the attack. She’d already caught him flat-footed. If he could just pin her down with ice maybe he could pull off a win without hurting her too much… And without getting too hurt himself.
A chill gathered as his power forced the heat from the air around him.
Maddie paused and pulled a shield-like device around from where it hung on her back and slipped it onto her right arm.
Danny flung a wave of chill at the ground at her feet, the ice already forming as it drew near.
Maddie flung her arm in a backhand, and the wave exploded into billowing steam.
Shock overwhelmed him for a few vital moments—when had she made that one!? He’d never seen it before, but it had clearly been designed for countering his ice. Danny flew back, but it was already too late.
An ecto-blast blitzed out of the steam cloud and hit him dead in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Danny hit the floor hard and struggled to get his bearings as Maddie stepped out of the steam.
Maddie paused only to swipe the mist off her goggles with one forearm, then took a grenade-like device from her belt pouch and tossed it after Danny.
He scuttled away, having temporarily forgotten about his ability to fly in his panic. Danny covered his eyes and went intangible, figuring it might be a sort of flashbang as he jumped away—
The assumption was only partially correct.
With a sharp bang the grenade exploded. Danny saw the sickly green flash through his arm and eyelids a split-second before the wave of energy washed over his body. He fell back and rolled as if trapped in the surf on a stormy day, battered and stunned when he finally came to a stop some distance away.
The beam of the Fenton Thermos caught him before he got the chance to stand.
A cacophony of sound started up, audible even through the walls of the Fenton Thermos: cheers and shouts of surprise, as well as calls of “Let him go!” and “Leave Phantom alone!”
Danny’s senses finally returned to him in full as the thermos began to move.
“What do you think you’re doing?” said Kara’s voice, muffled slightly by the metal walls. Even with the barrier between them Danny could feel the lurking threat in her tone.
Panic set in as he realized what his mom was trying to do. He trusted Jazz and his friends to bail him out of the thermos when his mom got home, but that wasn’t the problem—his mom was trying to break Kara’s rules, and that was sure to draw her ire. If Maddie ended up fighting Kara she might not—
“Phantom’s a menace. He puts the city in jeopardy almost weekly just so he can fight other ghosts,” Maddie replied calmly. “If you want me to take my role as protector seriously then you must let me remove him.”
“All combatants are under my protection during the tournament. If you wish to take one home as a prize then you must defeat me in the arena first.”
“Don’t!” Danny screamed, his voice echoing back at him within the thermos. His breaths came out as pained wheezes as dread squeezed his lungs.
“Quiet, Phantom,” Maddie snapped. “You don’t have a say here.”
“You can’t fight her! I watched her demolish a ghost who’s way stronger than me before the tournament even started!” Danny yelled, desperation working its way into his voice. “You can’t win!” It didn’t matter how much stronger than Vlad his mom might be, Kara was magnitudes stronger than him. A vision of his mom on the ground, beaten and burned, forced its way to the front of his mind.
“I’ll take my chances, Phantom.”
“You can’t...” Danny said weakly. All Kara had to do was land one solid blow on Maddie and it would be over... Possibly forever. Vlad had only withstood as much as he had because he was far more durable than a typical human.
“Mom!” Jazz’s voice rang out, just loud enough to carry through the wall of the Thermos despite the distance.
There was a pause, apparently as Jazz scrambled down into the arena.
“Jazz, go back to your seat,” their mom said, her voice gentler but still firm.
“Mom, you saw the news earlier! You saw what that ghost did to Vlad!” Jazz said, her voice wobbling. Even without seeing her face Danny knew she was on the verge of tears. “You can’t fight her! What am I gonna tell Danny and dad if you get hurt?”
Tears gathered in Danny’s eyes as Jazz started crying. His mom could be teetering on the brink of mortal danger and he was powerless to do anything about it. She would never listen to Phantom, and he couldn’t reveal his identity now even if he wanted to—the arena was being filmed, if he revealed his identity to her here everyone would know, and his entire family would be in danger as a result. All he could do was wait and hope.
“Jazz, sweetheart...” The thermos swung as their mom pulled Jazz into a hug.
Please listen to her! Please, please, please! Danny covered his face in both hands, hoping that their mom would listen now that Jazz was crying; Jazz cried so rarely, it always made their parents pay attention when she actually did.
At last their mom sighed. “Alright, I’ll settle things with Phantom some other time.”
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orions-hound · 5 months
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transformers prime oc, paradigm "many years after the reconstruction of cybertron, an endless peace was interrupted when a predacon was birthed from a hotspot. this cybertronian was unfortunately mangled in the process of being given form, both modes combining into a single being, one who was deemed an error.
paradigm (or dubbed paradigm omega, literally "pattern end" or "pattern/example of the end") went on a rampage against cybertron, with his goal being to slaughter everything in his path. bringing an apocalyptic carnage in his wake, a single ray blast being able to consume an average-sized cybertronian and reduce them- and their spark- to nothing. "
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pierswife · 6 months
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[Insert Cedrik grumbling something along the lines of "you're fuckin' killin' me, doll"]
standalone version of this post!
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wandersoul8 · 5 months
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Belated but completed none the less! I'm slowly but surely getting through my list of people I want to draw Christmas gifts for! For this gift I drew a Paradigm Dalek Supreme for @cgi.spinel on instagram- I hope you like it ^^
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defiant-art · 9 months
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I fell for the Aussie computer from Paradigm (awesome game for real)
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selfship taglist! <3 @garden-of-seraphim @negativespirits @kaibaspuppy @sunstar-of-the-north @gideongrovel @sweettoothselfships @automatonkisser
let me know if u want to be added or removed!!
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garlicrrow · 8 months
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KILL!!!!!! art dump yaaaaaaay
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maydays-medbay · 11 months
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Messed around for a bit in Nomad and made a headshot for karma to use as reference. I quite like it for it being one of my first goes at sculpting anything lol
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transingthoseformers · 9 months
Forced Redemption arc au: Hmm hmm hmm, how should the army tan and whatever other color(s) on Copycat be placed? Like a cougar? Like a burmese? Just having Ravage's pattern in different colors?
— 🌟 anon
I would suggest a puma / panther / [insert local term here, we call ours mountain lions 99% of the time]!
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lopartbymarah · 24 days
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kuzann · 6 months
I finally got the next chapter out! orz This took way too long and I'm so glad I can finally post it. Total word count of 14.7k.
Chapter 9: Fighting Spirit
Kara returns and challenges the protectors of Amity Park to a tournament. Chapter-Specific Triggers: Trauma flashback, Past medical abuse Relevant Characters: Danny, Valerie, Sam, Tucker, Vlad, Jack, Maddie, Jazz, Kara(OC), The Box Ghost, Wulf, Clockwork
A familiar figure approached as Vlad reached the drinking hall.
“So, did you invite this one, Plasmius?” Danny asked, arms folded over his chest as he glared at Vlad.
“She’s an uninvited guest, which appears to be the norm of late,” Vlad replied, fixing Danny with a glare of his own. “I was about to speak with her and see if this can be settled quietly. Don’t get in my way.”
“Fine,” Danny said with a roll of his eyes.
The door to the main entrance was open when Vlad found it. He entered with Danny on his tail and flew above an enormous arena with tiers of tables set around it. At the far end of the hall was the largest seat of all, a throne of dark intricately-carved wood, and upon it sat Kara the Spirit of Battle. She was every bit as imposing as the pictures had been, muscular and with a proud aquiline nose.
Kara spotted them immediately. Her eyes were dusky-gold like the hunter’s moon with black sclera, and her irises had flashed briefly in the torchlight as if they were metallic. “The tournament does not start for at least an hour,” she said, in a voice befitting her strong physique. “So, why have you come here?”
“I’m here to see if we could work out a deal of some sort,” Vlad said as he came to a stop before her throne. “My citizens don’t appreciate being scared like this.”
“As if you actually care,” Danny said behind him.
“You are the leader of this community?” Kara asked, raising an eyebrow. “A ghost leading a human settlement? How strange.”
“Half-ghost,” Vlad corrected her. “They know me as a human.”
“Interesting,” Kara said, watching him keenly. “You needn’t worry about your citizens. Those in my care are safe, and those outside will enjoy the tournament from wherever they please.” She looked to Danny. “And why are you here, child?”
“I’m worried about the hostages,” Danny replied.
“Guests,” Kara corrected him.
“And I wanted to ask why you’re doing this,” Danny added.
“To measure the strength of this location’s protectors,” Kara replied. “You need only participate, then I will allow my guests to return home.”
“You should probably disqualify Vlad then,” Danny quipped as he jerked a thumb at Vlad. “He kind of endangers the city more than protecting it.”
“We beat Nocturne together, you brat!” Vlad snapped as he turned to Danny.
“And that’s against how many other times where you brought the problem here yourself?” Danny asked. “Undergrowth counts, by the way.”
“I didn’t even know he existed before he showed up!” Vlad snapped.
“You were still the reason he showed up at all!” Danny replied.
Kara watched the exchange with amusement. “So the leader of this place is also its greatest menace?” she asked.
“He is.”
“I am not!”
“So, menace—”
“I am not a menace!” Vlad cried as he turned to Kara again.
“—what did you intend to offer me that would be worth putting a stop to my tournament?”
Vlad paused to consider his options. He’d been ready to give her just about anything to avoid having to fight Maddie, but Kara didn’t seem like the sort who was interested in artifacts or favors. If she was only here to measure the strength of Amity Park’s protectors, however...
“I can prove that I’m strong enough to protect the city by myself,” Vlad said.
Danny burst into laughter behind him.
“Oh? All by yourself?” Kara asked, raising an eyebrow. “I will require you to back that up.”
Danny stopped laughing. “Uh, Vlad.”
“Very well. If you wish to prove yourself as the sole protector of this place then step into the arena.”
“This isn’t a good idea, Vlad!”
“Hush, Daniel. I told you not to get in my way, now watch and learn.” Vlad backed away from Kara’s throne and touched down in the arena, discreetly turning on the lightning-redirection device clipped to his belt.
Kara stood.
And was suddenly within melee range. A wave of wind flowed in front of her, pushed along by her sheer speed.
Vlad instinctively brought up a shield.
Kara’s leg made contact, her movements almost too fast for Vlad to properly follow.
The shield broke as he was thrown back and away, sparing him the worst of the kick.
His back made contact with the far end of the arena. The crash—or rather the tremendous noise that accompanied it—made his ears ring. Broken planks from the shattered wall rained down on him as he got to his knees. He’d been expecting lightning. He hadn’t been expecting raw speed.
Vlad’s body was a mass of pain as he got to his feet. Lightning-fast. Had the lightning depictions been metaphors for her incredible speed, then? Or could she do both?
Kara was upon him again, fist raised as she loomed over him.
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god-mouths · 9 months
max is so funny because when hes a kid he has like such a range of facial expressions and then you get to him being an adult and he has 3 expressions and all of them are some variant of this
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