#obi-wan is cuddly when high
ironmandeficiency · 4 years
cody, where’s my lightsaber?
pairing: obi-wan kenobi / reader
word count: 6575
summary: you decide to introduce your dear friend to the wonders of the cannabis plant while planetside. the outcome is peak humor for your troops.
warnings: you’re smoking weed with obi-wan in this, so obviously there’s drug use.
a/n: i got high af (for the first time in a while) and decided to write something of it. i wrote like 90% of this while high and was beginning to sober up at the end. i got the title inspo from the stoner movie “dude, where’s my car?” and it made me laugh way more than it would have if i were 100% sober
disclaimer!! if you know firsthand what cannabis does from your own use of it, this isn’t anything new. if cannabis is a new concept to you, don’t take this fic’s descriptions as gospel. this was how i was taught & experienced it, but there’s a chance something may be “wrong” according to some ppl. this is NOT telling you to smoke weed if it’s illegal where you are/if you’re not of age to do so!! i’m not condoning it!! this was just something i decided to write after getting/while high.
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“where exactly are we going, y/n?” obi-wan was sounding a bit impatient. you’ve been guiding him through the busy streets of coruscant for nearly twenty minutes without so much as an explanation.
“we’re almost there, obi. just have a little patience.”
“you must be mistaking me for my former padawan, i have plenty of patience.”
“could’ve fooled me, anakin- ow! don’t push me, obi!”
“that’s better.”
“you’re a heathen, you know that?”
“you’re as much of one as i, darling.”
obi-wan smirked indignantly at you as he kept walking, a hand resting on your waist protectively. he didn’t trust these streets at all, no matter how calm you were about just traipsing through them like a daisy patch. he’s seen and felt many shady and downright malicious people here and wonders what business you would have in such a place.
he was jostled slightly when you pulled him out of his thoughts and into the doors of… a caf house? was this all you wanted, to go get coffee with him? kriff, he could’ve taken you to dex’s and saved you both so much trouble (except for the suggestive looks he’d receive from dex concerning you, but he got those from a lot of people these days).
“what are we-“
“stay here until i get back. don’t let anyone else see your face or we’re both screwed. your face is too widely known to not cause trouble for us both, and my reputation here can’t save us. understand?”
obi-wan nodded his agreement but was quite perplexed. why did this place matter so much to you? he couldn’t ask you at the moment because you had disappeared with a flourish of your cloak into a back room, followed by a rodian woman who seemed to be expecting you. he didn’t want to pry and use the force to investigate because he knew you would tell him in due time. he trusted you with his life, and that trust extended to when you were at a seedy caf shop in the middle of the coruscanti slums.
you untied the small pouch of credits from your belt, being cautious to hide your lightsaber from whoever could be watching the transaction. your friend did the same with the item you were looking for, emptying a pouch from a larger pouch.
you slowly rest the credits into her palm as she hands you the smaller pouch. you opened it and brought it to your nose, inhaling the scent to ensure it was what you were expecting from her. this batch was going to be the best you’ve had in a while, you could tell just by the scent of it.
“i hope this pleases you, my friend.”
“indeed it will, torin. pleasure doing business again. may the force be with you.” with that, you returned to where obi-wan was trying his best to be inconspicuous. he was doing quite well, considering his unfamiliarity with his surroundings.
you nudge obi-wan through the force, gesturing towards the exit. he got your hint and once at your side, his hand immediately gravitated to the small of your back. it was adorable that he was so protective of you, but you’ve been coming here since you were a padawan, sneaking out of the temple and making deals in the slums for one of the greatest plants in the galaxy. there wasn’t anything you needed to be protected from here.
cannabis is highly regulated throughout the core systems to the point where what little of it was legally sold was extremely weak, thus resulting in a high demand for stronger concentrations in the black market. it’d cost most beings an arm and a leg for the quality product you buy (flesh or mechanical, no one was picky these days), but you’ve had connections to some of the best sellers for over fifteen years, and your loyalty paid off. they’d save you the best of the best because they knew you could be trusted, and that you weren’t the kind to sell them out.
you could tell that obi was a bit anxious. he didn’t know what you did when you disappeared with your rodian friend, but he had a strong suspicion that it wasn’t completely legal. “i can feel your anxiety in the force, my dear. i will explain everything once we’re back on base. in the meantime, relax. we are okay.” you sent him more reassurance through your bond and didn’t stop until you could feel his tension begin to evaporate.
he pulled you closer still, using your body as an anchor in a situation he wasn’t completely at ease in. you let him because it reminded you of your first visit to the slums you were taken on with the older padawans. you were anxious back then and still had a strong fear of the council, but with time your fellow padawans helped ease that fear into respect with the help of a routine trip to a near-hidden caf shop.
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your return to base was a tad eventful. your commander biggs, marked by the violet paint of the 89th battalion, had several holopads in hand, each of them open to documents your signature was direly needed on. you sighed, bidding obi-wan farewell and returning to the duties the title of general brought you.
it was far too long until you were able to rest. after getting dinner in the mess with your men, you sent thrash off to deliver a message to commander cody, and then him to obi-wan. you avoided using your comms as much as possible during leave, they felt too professional during times where you were free to relax. there was a high chance that you didn’t even need to use your friend’s commander as a middle man because wherever cody was, there was a large chance that you’d find the general there alongside him.
that seemed to be the case when you were in your quarters, mere minutes after sending the message with your trooper. “i’m glad to see you got my message. now come in, take a seat wherever.”
“is this about our little trip today? i’ve been quite curious as to what you brought back.” you grinned at his words, excited to show him your loot.
“well then, let me show you.” you grabbed the small pouch from where it rested on your bedside table and poured some of its contents into your cupped palm, holding it towards him.
his eyes widened considerably when he processed what you were holding. “y/n, is that-“
“cannabis, my friend. yes it is. some of the best in the galaxy, as a matter of fact. came from the outer rim where there’s no limit on the strength.” this seemed to shock him and you were quick to assure him that you didn’t get the hardcore stuff. “don’t worry, it’s not mixed with anything else. i only use it to relax sometimes, and this batch is somewhat mild for my taste. i have no desire for much else.”
obi-wan wasn’t sure what to expect, but it wasn’t this. he had many questions brewing in his mind and wasted no time asking them. “why did you have me accompany you?”
“to show them you were trustworthy, in case you ever wanted to get some on your own. now you know where to find it.”
“why is your trust so valuable to them?”
“i’ve been a customer of theirs for a long time. in the beginning, i was the extra face that accompanied the older kids until they stopped going or started buying from someone else. eventually i became a solo customer and stayed loyal to them. they value and reward loyalty in their business, which is why i always get a good price.”
he took a moment to contemplate this. he was flattered to have been chosen to accompany you. one more question sprang into his head despite being unsure as to where it came from, and he spoke it with no qualms. “are you going to share?”
when you had asked him whether he preferred a joint, blunt, pipe, or edible, he had a dazed look in his eye similar to when shinies see a jedi fight for the first time. you didn’t want him to feel awkward about not knowing what to do, so you decided to teach him what each method did, how long it took to take hold, etc.
as it turns out, obi-wan has never smoked cannabis in his life. 
he asked what the best thing was for a beginner, and you immediately began to roll a joint for the two of you to share. you chatted as you worked, your fingers going through the familiar motions with little thought.
your pipes had screens in them, but you didn’t want to risk obi-wan exhaling into the pipe and blowing charred chunks everywhere. edibles were a peculiar beast, since it takes longer for their effects to set in and can sometimes hit harder than a joint of the same concentration. the first time you had an edible several years ago you ate the whole thing, not knowing that the effects would be delayed compared to smoking. needless to say, you kept away from edibles for a long time after that and became finicky about them.
once the joint was made, you examined your handiwork with a smile. “this is a joint. you take the cannabis and wrap it in a special kind of paper, making sure to seal it shut so nothing falls out. then,” you searched a drawer and found your lucky lighter, flicking it on and bringing the flame to the joint resting lazily between your lips.
“you light it like so.” obi-wan watched you attentively, admiring the expert with which you took a hit off the joint, inhaling the smoke for a moment before blowing it away from you both.
“you slowly inhale from here,” you pointed to the end you didn’t light, “let the smoke stay in your lungs for a few seconds, the smoke is what gives you the feeling we’re looking for. and for future reference,” you took another hit before continuing, mildly enjoying the way obi-wan was watching your lips wrap around the joint. “never blow your smoke towards someone unless they explicitly ask you to. it’s a somewhat common practice, but i don’t enjoy it and i don’t think you would either.”
you held the joint outward to him, silently asking if he’d be comfortable with trying it right then before remembering something else he needed to know. “there’s a high chance that you’re going to cough a bit after your first couple hits. your body’s going to be unused to this, so be gentle with it. don’t expect to handle your first joint like a longtime smoker would.” you retrieved a water bottle from your small refrigerator in the kitchenette, setting it down beside him.
he took the joint from your hands, mimicking the way you held it to not look like a fool and slowly brought it to his lips. “remember, don’t let the smoke out too early or it’ll be like wasting the joint itself. since you’re new to this, try inhaling for three seconds, holding it in and counting to four before exhaling. does that make sense?”
obi-wan nodded slowly, his eyes studying the joint resting between his fingers. “if you don’t want to do this right now obi-wan, please don’t think you have to. i don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“i know you wouldn’t pressure me into doing anything, y/n. i just never thought i’d be doing this, it’s a bit of a shock to me.”
you nodded, relieved to hear that you weren’t making him uncomfortable. “that’s completely understandable. but before you do this, i want you to know that cannabis can have a subtle effect on your control of the force.” this was where your concern held the most weight. it was stressed to you a lot when you were first experimenting with cannabis as a padawan, that you wouldn’t have as firm of a grip on the force as you did when sober. you had no idea how this would make obi-wan feel or what would happen when he relaxed his grip on the force.
“there have been times where i don’t realize i’m using the force on something until it’s pointed out to me that something’s floating that normally doesn’t. don’t be alarmed, it’s okay. i’ll be here the entire time to help you.”
obi-wan took a deep breath, letting this information sink in. he seemed to be having a debate with himself last-minute, trying to choose whether this was worth temporarily losing some of his grip on the force. he came to his decision after a moment, the determination set in his jaw almost adorable because it was about cannabis of all things. his eyes flitted to yours as he brought the joint to his lips, following your directions exactly. he inhaled to the count of three and held the smoke in for a precise four seconds before blowing it out.
“you did that perfectly, my friend. now here’s the last rule of smoking cannabis with someone: it’s puff, puff, and pass. you take two hits and give it away, then it’s the other person’s turn to do the same.” his reply came through another hit that he once again held for four seconds, blowing it out with a smile.
he passed it back to you with a light cough that eventually grew a bit too much for his liking. he looked a bit frazzled as he coughed, unsure whether this was normal. you sent him waves of calm through the force as you snatched the water bottle from where it lay, opening it for him in a hurry before extending it toward him. he accepted it gratefully and was barely pacing himself while drinking it, only doing so at your request.
“this is okay, don’t worry. you’re okay, obi. everything is okay.” you placed a hand on his back to remind him of your presence, that you weren’t going to leave his side. he leaned into your touch, letting himself relax in your now outstretched arms.
you took two more hits before letting it rest in the ashtray you kept on your bedside table. obi-wan’s eyes were on the joint you let rest after putting out, wondering why you didn’t pass it back to him. “since this is your first time and we have no idea what’s going to happen, we should take it slow. this concentration is stronger than what i had started on, and the effects it had on me were intense then. i can only imagine how the next several hours for you are going to go before they actually happen, and i don’t want you to do more than you can handle.”
“oh, that makes sense. thank you for looking out for me.”
“of course, obi. now do you want to grab some snacks from the mess and come back in here for a while before it hits you completely?”
“yeah, that sounds like a good idea.”
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biggs was minding his own business in the mess when it happened. he was eating his dinner, talking to his vod’e, just taking advantage of being on leave like everyone else does. everything was ordinary & nothing was out of place, and he relished in that. the 212th and 89th battalions mingled among each other pleasantly like always. nothing could go wrong here.
“did you see that holo of kix tackling fives after he- hey, uh, biggs?” waxer’s voice cut off abruptly mid-sentence, eyes too busy staring at the roll levitating off his vod’s tray. “what’s wrong with your roll?”
when more brothers spotted the roll, the ones that were eating theirs quickly set them down. exclamations of shock and a large variety of curses were spun by nearly every man there, none of them having any idea what was going on or why their food suddenly started to float. soon enough, there were all different pieces of their dinner floating around the mess, some snatching their food back after watching the spectacle for a moment.
biggs knew what this meant. he knew exactly what was going on. “oh, no.”
“biggs, do you know what’s going on?”
“is biggs home in there? hello?” boil lightly knocked on his ori’vod’s temple until the hand was swatted away.
“tell us, biggs!”
“yeah, don’t leave us out of the loop!”
before biggs could answer the questions his brothers were throwing at him, his eyes found you hand-in-hand with general kenobi. he could see the grins plastered on your faces from halfway across the mess and he froze. was general kenobi high right along with you?
no, he couldn’t be… could he?
his question was answered by the food floating even higher when the two of you passed tables. he knew that when you were high, you had built up your ability to somewhat control the force through your haze. but with general kenobi (he still couldn’t believe general kenobi was high), it was quite obviously his first time under the influence. he ignored the questions as he watched the jetti like a hawk, your movements much less calculated and a lot more fluid and loose.
you were the one that noticed the state of the food first, stopping and nudging general kenobi and gesturing at the mess. you were giggling about it, and it was all you could do to keep the general standing as he began to laugh hysterically, finger pointing at a stray bantha steak a member of the 212th was chasing haphazardly.
“obi! obi, sshh! our men are watching, you gotta- pfft!” it was hard to keep your calm at one of the most composed men in the galaxy happily losing his shit. “obi-wan, stay calm! we gotta get our food without drawing too much attention!”
“but look at the food! it’s floating! they have no idea what to do about it!”
obi-wan started giggling like a child instead of full-on cackling, only doing a mildly better job at keeping the attention away from you both. this was completely his doing, no doubt. you turned on your holo and began to record the chaos erupting in the mess with the giggling jedi master leaning on you for support.
somehow you were able to get some food and leave the mess before it hit obi-wan too hard, you using the force to carry the trays in front of you both. when you left the mess, you heard a cacophony of thuds and splat’s echo into the hall. hey, at least the food wasn’t floating anymore.
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you were helping obi-wan pace himself with his food because you knew that he’d throw it all back up if he ate too fast. he didn’t seem to understand why you were doing this, pouting when you would block his plate from him. it took a lot of strength to keep from laughing in his face but you held through with a face-numbing smile.
your comm beeped loudly, taking your attention briefly away from obi-wan.
“biggs, we’re on leave. don’t use titles here.”
“sorry si- y/n. i’m also not going to ask for permission to speak freely because we’re on leave?” biggs ended this with a question, still unused to being so informal with those in authority.
“exactly! you’re learning quick, my friend. what can i do for ya?”
biggs sighed much like an exasperated parent before speaking. “did you get general kenobi high?”
you knew this was coming after the scene in the mess, there was no way to avoid it. but the way he said it, the incredulous tone your commander spoke with, it sent you into another fit of laughter. you nodded and laughed, not really processing the fact that biggs couldn’t see you nod because this wasn’t a holocall. he took your laughing as a confirmation of his suspicions and so did the brothers sitting beside him.
“hey y/n, do you think i could cut my bantha steak with my lightsaber?” obi-wan’s voice crackled through the commlink and nothing could have explained the unfamiliar looseness of his cadence to the men better than him being higher than the negotiator, which was exactly the case. “wait, could i cook a bantha steak with my lightsaber?”
you ignored the comm for a moment to answer obi-wan with a grin. “if you were patient enough when holding your ‘saber over the raw steak, maybe so. but if you cut your cooked steak with it, it’ll just char it beyond edibility and ruin a perfectly good steak.”
obi-wan paused to contemplate your answer, running through the scenarios in his head before being okay with your response.
“sorry about that. obi-wan was just curious about the culinary abilities of his lightsaber, no worries.”
you could hear the laughter from the other side of the link and you were mildly curious about who was listening to your conversation. “who’s there with you, biggs?”
“waxer, boil, venom, cody, and myself. no one else.”
“y/n, am i swaying? i feel like i am but i’m not sure if it’s me or you.”
“okay, that’s good. just keep this between you guys and it’ll be fine. and no one is swaying, i promise.” you knew obi-wan would be mortified if the entirety of your battalions heard of this, but these five were loyal and wouldn’t speak of this outside of themselves.
“how’s the general taking it?” you picked cody’s voice out and you smiled at the concern he had for obi-wan. it was laced with humorous curiosity but you could tell he was a tad quite protective.
before you could answer, obi-wan chose to answer in a voice a smidge too loud. “hello, cody! i’m doing very well, but thank you for your concern!”
more snickering came from the comms, the five men enthralled with this new side of obi-wan. you had no clue why you didn’t invite the man to smoke with you earlier because high obi-wan was honestly the best source of entertainment you’ve had in a long time.
“biggs said that you two were the reason the food went awol in the mess earlier but didn’t explain why.” boil’s curious voice came through and you smiled at the reminder of what the men now dubbed the Floating Food Fiasco.
“cannabis has a tendency to weaken our control over the force. it’s normal for things to randomly float when a jedi’s under the influence because of that. like with the food, that was all obi-wan’s doing.”
“wait, i was the one moving the food?”
“yes dear, it was all you. now stop eating so fast. your stomach won’t be happy with you later if you keep on like that.”
obi-wan nodded as if he understood but didn’t slow down, prompting you to move his plate out of his reach. he humphed and leaned back, almost slumping in the chair. you did not want him throwing up on your watch. “y/n, is it normal to feel as though my bones are vibrating?”
this was the time to cut the conversation short. “well boys, it was good to talk to you but i’ve got to look after our dear general. contact me directly if either of us are needed, obi-wan’s clearly in no state to answer his comms.”
“will do, general.”
biggs ended the call, freeing your attention that was almost instantly caught by obi-wan reaching for his lightsaber. that wouldn’t turn out well at all. you quickly used the force to bring his lightsaber to your open hand, quickly connecting it to the extra loop on your belt. “return my lightsaber, y/n! i need to test your hypothesis about the steak!”
you sighed as you could feel him trying to get it back with the force but failing at his attempt, his lightsaber gently tapping against your thigh as it moved. “obi, you’re about to get hit really hard. it’s my responsibility to keep you from doing stupid things while high, and this is one of those things.”
obi-wan stood from his seat and was clearly having trouble standing on his own, if his leaning against the back of the chair was any indication. you got up and slowly guided him to your bed, laying him down gently. he seemed perturbed that he had to be guided there, mere feet from his former spot. it was hard for him to hide the slight panic upon realizing that he, in fact, could not stand on his own and you picked up on it.
“obi, i know you’re a little scared right now. this is something you’ve never felt and your body is telling you to lash out. but listen to me, everything is okay. i’m right here, obi, and i’m not leaving you. not now, not ever.”
he seemed to be soothed by your voice, so you kept talking as you helped him get a bit more comfortable. his boots were the first thing to come off, followed by his socks and the top layer of robes. you left his pants be but removed his shirt, softly telling him when to lift his arms and torso.
as you talked, you pressed a code into your comms to tell biggs to come to your quarters. since you didn’t know how long obi-wan was going to be in this panicked state or what he could do, you thought it best to have your commanders hold on to your lightsabers for now. biggs already had a loop for yours, and you knew for a fact that obi-wan dropped his ‘saber so many times that cody, the one who seems to always find it laying about, had been given one a long time ago.
it didn’t take long for biggs to arrive and take his leave, lightsabers in hand and holster as he left. you could feel his worry radiating off his force signature and you quickly chased it away, telling him that obi-wan was just crashing and that you weren’t going to leave his side. he seemed okay with this, leaving the room without another word.
obi hadn’t noticed the handoff through his resurfacing panic and you quickly got to work on reinforcing his mental shields, the only gap being where you sent him calm and peace. “why can’t i control my body? is this normal?” his voice was even quivering, a slight stutter beginning to form.
“this is normal for your first time, you’re okay. i’m right here with you, i’ll keep us safe. just take some deep breaths and focus on my voice, okay? you’re good, i’m not going anywhere.”
you were perched on the edge of the bed close to his head, your fingers carding through his peachy copper hair. whatever hair product he used was working wonders on his hair, it’s softness was unrivaled by anyone you knew. the ministrations seemed to calm him so that’s what you did, not letting yourself change the pattern as he occasionally pushed against your hand like a tooka. it was precious.
it took a little while, but obi-wan was on the edge of sleep and far more relaxed than he had been earlier. you were getting up when his hand grabbed for yours, tugging with what little energy he had. “i’ve just got to use the fresher, i'll only be a few feet away.” he huffed but let your hand go, clearly counting the seconds for you to get back.
you hurried as fast as you were capable of, finishing in record time because you knew obi-wan was still frazzled by this experience. “see? almost no time at all.” you returned to your spot and he grumbled something you didn’t completely understand. you looked at him in confusion until he spoke a little clearer. ah, he was asking you to hold him. yep, he’s a tooka in disguise.
you had no issue with this, knowing that some wanted physical affection/reassurance when their high hits them hard. you were among this group but it wasn’t a necessity for you like it was for other people. biggs had done this for you a few times, his presence so stable and comforting that it never took long for you to be asleep after an especially strong high.
parting the covers slightly, you got under them and pulled them over the jedi beside you. “see, obi? i’m not going anywhere. just relax, let yourself ride the high. i’ll be here the entire time. don’t worry, i’m here.” obi-wan wriggled himself into your arms and you wrapped them around him protectively, telling him through the force and with your words that you would keep him safe.
he seemed comforted by this thought and the feeling was increased tenfold by being so close to you, him glad to have someone to hold on to when he didn’t have complete control over his body. there were very few people he’d trust to protect him when he couldn’t do it himself, and he could fit the list on one hand; you, anakin, cody (and the entire 212th by proxy but that didn’t count right now), and more recently, ahsoka.
with thoughts of his loved ones in his head, he let himself relax in the haze and fall into a deep sleep unlike anything he’s had.
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obi-wan came to and nearly panicked when he didn’t recognize his surroundings as his own quarters. not only did that shock him, but his body was… spasming? or were those just his bones vibrating? wait… bones weren’t supposed to do that.
he thrashed in the bed until his eyes barely caught the ashtray on the bedside table, and the events of the previous day nearly punched him in the face. he smoked cannabis! scratch that, he smoked cannabis with you! that somewhat explained the vibrating bones sensation and the way his consciousness felt like it was swimming through his head. these were your quarters, and he was sleeping in your bed.
the golden question was where you were.
his anxiety about being alone in your room spiked when he couldn’t reach out through the force to find you, his grip still too lax. obi-wan knew he had to leave at some point. if someone found him in your bed -and apparently shirtless- there would be many conclusions drawn, and there were some that could get you both in serious trouble with the council/senate (the line between the two was quite blurred these days).
he snapped himself out of his thoughts, resolving to get dressed and leave before anything bad could happen. sitting up was relatively easy if he did it slow enough, but standing? whole other game in itself. more than once he was leaning on various pieces of furniture while trying to dress himself. he was clearly still high, but it was nowhere near as strong as it was hours earlier. he continued to struggle (and trip over his feet more than once) with his robes and was relieved when given an excuse to sit down, his boots being the only thing reasonable to sit down and put on.
he gave the room a simple once-over and decided that it was fine how it was. your dinner trays from yesterday were gone and his lightsaber was-
oh, no.
“haar'chak!” obi-wan exclaimed. his lightsaber was lost in your room and he was barely able to support his own body weight, let alone do a frenzied deep search for his weapon! he realized that he had to find you before anyone else found him. you were the only one with him last night, and he guessed that you were also the only one that knew of his current state. and since he couldn’t find you with the force, he had to search for you the old-fashioned way: recon.
this wasn’t going to end well.
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your comm beeped hours after getting obi-wan to sleep and you panicked for a moment, hoping to the force that he didn’t wake up. you tapped a code that told the other line to hold on a moment, and you slowly untangled yourself from obi-wan. stepping into the hallway, you quietly asked what the purpose of the comm was.
“general skywalker and commander tano have returned with the 501st, and the 104th have left. skywalker is asking for general kenobi and seems intent on finding him immediately. we’re in the hangar at the moment, but possibly not for long.”
you sighed because you knew something was going to go wrong. obi-wan can’t be sent to the field in the state he’s in, and he very well can’t tell the council the reason he can’t fight at the moment. before you could reply, anakin’s voice cracked through the link.
“y/n, your commander is clearly withholding information-”
“under my orders. thank you biggs, i will be there directly. in the meantime, please stay where you are.”
“yes, general.”
the link died and you rushed to the hangar, hoping that anakin wasn’t causing too much of a ruckus among your men.
he found you before you found him, the knight charging toward you with such speed that his robes were catching wind. he was extremely worried, his face taut with thinly-concealed distress.
“anakin, listen to me. you must take a moment to-”
“do not tell me what i must do! i haven’t been able to reach obi-wan through the force for hours! and then when i arrived to check on him at the last place he was known to be, your men blatantly lie to me! give me one reason why i shouldn’t worry!”
ahsoka’s distress paired with anakin’s fear/anger was nearly choking you through the force and you hoped that obi-wan was still asleep so he didn’t have to feel it. after sending safety to obi-wan and comfort to the padawan in front of you, you told them the truth.
“obi-wan smoked cannabis with me last night. that’s why his connection to the force was a bit off.”
“wait, he what?!”
“what’s cannabis?”
you and anakin both gave ahsoka an incredulous look, not believing that she didn't even know what cannabis was. then again, she hasn’t had the chance to spend much time in the temple and has spent even less time with fellow padawans that knew about the slums’ caf shop. you could let it slide. “it’s a popular recreational drug that i like to use occasionally. it doesn’t do anything bad, just relaxes you a bit. but for jedi, it can also weaken your control over the force which explains why obi-wan couldn’t contact you or receive your messages.”
“but obi-wan smoking cannabis? i don’t believe it for a second.” anakin’s tone was still bristly, which was to be expected. he was fiercely protective over his loved ones, and you didn’t need the force to tell you the intensity his emotions burned with.
your commander, unfortunately, took his words as a challenge. why he did, you had no idea. “with all due respect, general skywalker, are you calling her a liar?”
“biggs, stand down.” your commander stepped backward in shock at the harshness of your tone, his head downcast after the berating. you never used that tone with any of the men under your command and you regretted it almost immediately. you sent him an apology and he seemed to lighten up for a moment, so your attention turned to anakin.
“what would i gain from lying to you? if something bad actually happened to him, do you think that any member of the 212th would let me walk around here a free woman?”
“she has a point, master.”
“i also have footage from last night,” you raised your eyebrows toward ahsoka with a grin, thankful that her anxiety has died down. “wanna watch?”
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obi-wan was sneaking around the base as well as expected. there were several close calls, and he knew that whoever was watching the security cameras would be plenty entertained. he paused for a moment, using the wall as a support before trying to use the force again, and this time it slightly worked. he was able to discern that he was going the completely wrong way if he wanted to find you. he didn’t have an exact location, but was able to get the general direction.
he was in the midst of pushing himself off the wall when he felt two more familiar signatures: anakin and ahsoka were nearby and anakin felt pissed. almost as quickly as he sensed his former padawan’s anger it dissipated into confusion, soon followed by humorous. okay, anakin was fine. it was time to get off this wall… or not.
he had pushed himself too hard through the force and collapsed onto the floor in exhaustion. obi-wan was conflicted: he could hope for no one to find him and wait until he was able to stand on his own before continuing his search; or he could hope for someone, anyone to find him, and live with the embarrassment of being so dependent and hope they didn’t take him to the medbay.
groaning when his head hits the wall, he tries one more time to get up (spoiler, he fails). he’s now regretting leaving your quarters because at least there, he had privacy when he was weak. he closed his eyes, resigned to nap where he sat but of course, footsteps pounding on the durasteel floors kept him from being able to do that. then the cannabis decided to show back up (in the good way), and the steady thrum of his bones vibrating brought a strange sense of calm back. he’d be fine if he just stayed here.
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after showing anakin that yes, obi-wan was okay, you commed cody and told him to retrieve the general himself from your quarters and to bring him to the mess. when he got there and saw that obi-wan was gone, he immediately contacted glitch and scanner in the security department. they told him the direction the general went in, and he was off.
it felt like a lifetime before cody found his general slumped against the wall, a small smile on his face. cody could tell the general was breathing and all, but it just felt weird seeing him in this state.
“general! are you okay?”
“i’m, ah, quite well, thank you cody.”
“can you stand?”
“last i checked, no. and since then, my bones have decided to try and escape my body without consent, so i’m going to safely assume that i can’t.”
cody schooled his features because he was dangerously close to laughing in the general’s face at the way he stuttered through his words that still seemed to be semi-formal. “alright, i’m gonna take you to the mess. general y/l/n is looking for you.” the commander bent down and gingerly began to lift obi-wan, letting the jedi rest all of his weight on him.
“wait,” obi-wan instructed, cody going rigid on command. “what if i make the food float again?”
“we’ll cross that bridge when we get there, general. but for now, just focus on me. if you do the food thing again, i’ll be sure to record it for you.”
obi-wan seemed satisfied with this answer, then remembered the reason he left in the first place. “cody,” he mumbled, “where’s my lightsaber?”
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djxrxn · 3 years
more cuddle headcanons
everyone really liked the cuddle hcs for the main three bucket boys, (which is right here!!), and i wanted to try out some characters that i would like to write for in the future. this post is all star wars characters, i’ll make a different post later on with the pascal characters !!
also, the phasma fic is taking A Bit Longer because it’s going to be a pretty big fic (it’s currently at 5.1 k and i still have a lot to work on). school also just started, so please bear with me!! i will have it up as soon as possible, in the meantime, i’ll post some smaller projects like this!! enjoy!!
warnings: cursing, some mentions of sexual content
w/c: about 2.1k
cobb vanth
i honestly think an argument can be made that cobb vanth is one of the most partner-material guys in the galaxy far far away. he’s very personable, he’s overall pretty warm - he’s an expert in affectionate, sweet shit. he’s always bringing up cuddling together or curling up in the corner of the cantina of Mos Pelgo, you’re not gonna have to strong arm him for love at all!
i think cobb likes to lay on you - like he’ll lay his head on your tummy or in your lap. play with his hair, scratch his head, maybe sing your marshal a little song !! i dont see him falling asleep, but if YOU’RE tired, he’ll absolutely do the same thing for you - you can lay on him, and he’ll sing  little tune and you can drift off to sleep.
little spoon, don’t EVEN try to argue, this man is the little spoon, please hold him, wrap your arms around him, he loves it !! he’ll lay his head on your chest, or lean his head back to give you little kisses and wink at you. 
very fine with pda, actually speaking of kisses, will steal them all DAY long. you’re trying to work on the speeder bike that’s been busted for months?? cobb is gonna be hanging around your work station, waitin for the perfect moment to give you a little peck on the cheek. (). i dont even think he’s a like “cuddly partner,” i think he’s just super friendly, and if he’s in a relationship, he’s gonna want to be hanging around you and getting a bunch of affection. and AGAIN no toxic masculinity here - there’s no shame or like embarrassment when you want to hold hands or kiss in public, like he’s all for it!
okay i- this is not necessarily sexual, but okay hear me out. i live somewhere super hot, and the best way to be is inside, in the dark, fan on high and as little clothes as possible. so i think for somewhere like mos pelgo, if he’s got some down time at home, he’s absolutely stripping down to as few layers as possible (if at all). so you know, dont be surprised if you’re hanging out at his place, and he walks around in like his (underwear), it’s just really hot and he has to wear a lot of layers, he’s sweating 
bo katan kryze
fuck you, i like bo
this will be a short section just because she is not very cuddly at all, and in general, is pretty cold and icy. i don’t know if she doesn’t like affection and pda if she’s just not interested, or if she’s extremely defensive and really wants to push that she’s a stone cold badass and has no weaknesses. 
if you manage to get bo to sort of slow down and relax, and she is in a relationship with you, she’ll show affection in like acts and services, specifically when it comes to your safety. like she’ll run extra patrols and will do everything in her power to make sure you are never in danger. the most cuddly she gets is when you sleep next to her every night, and even then you both have like Your Own Space when sleeping. listen, there’s probably a lot of depth in bo katan, and how much she’s lost (a lot of it sort of her own fault), and how much she wants to regain and take back, and the lengths she is willing to go to, and like listen we all have weak moments, like obviously she’s gonna wanna have your head in her lap SOMETIMES. but she’s also a top and SHe’s BuSY so you know.
koska reeves & axe wolves
i’m combining these two here in one section, wow
FUCK YOU, I LIKE AXE. out of all three of the like Mandalore mandalorians, i think he’s the most like affectionate. i think once you win him over, and show you’re not gonna ghost him or like idk try to kill him, i think he’s pretty casual. you can lay on him, and he’s cool with laying on you. he’s not really embarrassed with pda - he’s not like Against it completely, but he likes a quick kiss here and there. very sweet boy, very kind and gentle, he will flirt with you even after you get together, like its a constant stream of like cheesy pick up lines and one liners, he’s very dorky. just a dumb nerd, why are y’all so MEAN to him smh embarrassing
koska…,..,.,..,.., what a WOMAN. i think she’s like halfway between axe and bo in terms of affection in a relationship. like i think you have to build up a lot of trust, and establish a like respect between the two of you, but like she has no problem with letting you lounge around and curl up with her. i also think she’s gonna be protective, but honestly that’s a mando thing. they care about the people who care about them. i don;t think she gives a single fuck, so if you want to makeout in public, or even just want to hold her hand because your nervous, she absolutely wil let you like she does not seem the kind to like deny/reject you, you know? anyways i am in love with koska, sasha banks i am free every day i love u queen we stan
fennec shand
the one the ONLY. the most exciting thing about fennec is that she literally doesn’t give a fuck, so pda?? yeah, if you like fennec’s hand on your waist and her tongue down your throat and don’t mind other people around, shes super down with giving you some love in public. that’s not to saw she’s down with like fucking in public or in front of people, shes just not ashamed of her relationship and cares more about you than what other people think of you two. 
big spoon!! lay in her arms, let her cradle you and take care of you!! i think she also really enjoys you laying your head in her lap (i have another drabble about this here) but that way she can trace your face, or play with your hair if you like your hair played with, or even just kiss your nose.
you two normally lounge around in boba’s palace. there’s some sofas and lounge areas in the throne room that you two curl up on, but there’s a balcony on one of the upper levels that’s your favorite spot. you can lay next to her and enjoy her affections while the stars slowly drag themselves into the night sky. you’re away from prying eyes, and you can discuss your future with her and where you both might travel tom if you can sneak away for a few days. she’ll tell you all of the gossip of the crime world and all of the people boba and her have to sort through to establish the new king of the underbelly of the galaxy. its your and hers spot!! just a place to vibe and cuddle in peace. 
fennec doesn’t really sleep. she’s a mapper, rather than her like conking out for nine hours at a time. she doesn’t mind if you like sleep, you can sleep on her anytime !! lay your head on her shoulder, or on her chest — she‘ll keep you safe while you drift off to sleep. 
maul is pretty grumpy, i have a cuddly drabble with him you can read here, but for the most part i think maul is the standard grumpy guy who doesn’t mind curling up with his s/o when they want to !! there are gonna be times where he’s not interested in touch or physical contact — maul has days that he needs space and time, whether he’s processing and meditating on past events, or if he’s just in need of maul-time. the best thing to do in those days is wait for him to sort of open the proverbial door to let you back in, or to wait until he crawls into your lap or into your bed to rest. 
he normally won’t refuse affections, but i the mornings he wakes up and all he can think about is your skin against his, or how sweet your eyes are, he’s not letting you do ANYTHINg. he wants your head on his CHEST he wants you in his ARM you are CUDDLING RIGHT NOW
i don’t really see maul being a little spoon (yes i do, i’m pretty tall so everyone is a little spoon if you’re under 5’11) BUT i think maul likes to hold you against his chest, and to wrap his arms around you. theres a protective element too. everything has been taken from maul, and he likes knowing your safe in his arms. if u DO catch his being a little spoon, he’s gonna be grumpy and very snickety with you. 
i don’t know how much you’’ be going out and about with maul, but pda just from a safety perspective is gonna be a soft know. if you’re in public with him, he’ll always be around you — maybe his hand will rest on your lower back or shoulder, or maybe a few of his fingers will curl around yours. just don’t expect to be making out in public, your relationship is taken very seriously by maul, and he’ll want to be careful and err on the side of caution.
maul likes it when you kiss him. he likes it when you pepper kisses all over his cheeks and along his jaw, he likes when you trace his marks and tattoos and place little kisses on his chest. something sweet and warm blooms in his chest when you reach over to pull his hand over so you can kiss his knuckles. its a gentle affection that no one has ever wanted to give maul. he sort of gives you the cold shoulder after the first few kisses, but he quickly is addicted with the unconditional love and attention and affection you give him. 
obi wan
okay here me out, so jedis are not allowed like attachments, so i don’t thing like Legally Officially you can cuddle with obi wan oh no sad BUT. that is not to say, if maybe, idk, there’s only one seat left on the star destroyer home, or only one BED while you too are on a very important jedi MISSION, well i mean. it’s not obi wan’s fault if you two end up cursing up, right? i mean, it is a little chilly on this planet, so it’s smart to stay together. for warmth. 
you’re gonna end up with your legs tangled, your arms around his neck, your hands tangled in his mullet — hes warmer than you expected, he radiates heat. maybe it’s how strong he is in the force, or if he’s just a warm body (or even if beneath the cool exterior, his blood runs hot) but you won’t need a ton of blankets if you have him. 
big spoon, a lot of like Vanilla Top energy from him. like i think if you do end up spooning or fucking, it’s gonna be simple. kenobi’s knowledge of sex and relationships is going to be very limited, and his experience is gonna be pretty limited as well. he knows the like most Basic position, the most Basic way to get you both off. if you continue with your relationship and trust each other more, and you can teach him a few tricks, he’ll warm up to the idea of you being a big spoon and maybe even topping.
obviously no pda, but when you’re around him, his sort of Presence makes itself more known to you, like you Feel him more than you would other people, even if he’s a few rooms away, you Know he’s near by you. it’s nothing sharp or crazy explicit in terms of like I FEEL HIS AURA AND SHIT like it’s just something gentleman reassuring and it’s all Him. little moments with him — meeting his eye across the room, your hands bumping into his, his hands lingering on you when he passes for just a moment longer than they should — it’s all you have with obi, and you cherish them so deeply. obi wan is gonna think about your affection long after you leave him — it’s an emotional thing for him. it’s the one point of contact and affection, and as much as you think about obi wan and your little moments, obi wan thinks about them more.
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thepeterman · 7 years
quiet now,
you’ll miss it
It is hot.
And not just regular, oh sweet baby Jesus someone please find me an air conditioner stat hot, no. This was hell hath finally descended upon us, nothing you mere mortals could do will stop this fiery fury type hot. The kind of heat that eats you from the inside out, and slowly drills at your sanity.
So of course, logically, Rapunzel planted herself in her beanbag chair, grabbed a worryingly old bag of peas from the freezer, and fished her tiny fan from the attic. Which, she doesn't think, should be able to disgrace the names of good, fully functioning fans with it's blasphemes title.
She's three pages into her newest Spider-Man comic, and three inches drenched in sweat, when her window is opened.
In the past, Rapunzel has wondered if their admittedly flawed system would let undesirables into her bedroom while she least suspects it, but then she decided she'd take her chances. There is something about having Hiccup have his own way into her house that makes something pleasant settle in her stomach.
He whistles before stumbling his way in, tripping over gangly limbs and his natural nemesis. Air.
"I can't believe you've braved the outside. You sir, have earned a seat in the chair." She hums without looking up at him.
Hiccup chuckles dryly, like he wants to be annoyed but can't, and falls unceremoniously into her side, shifting so their bodies fit comfortably. Curling in on each other, as she offers him one side of her comic.
He smiles gently, reaching over and producing two absolutely stunning popsicles, one of the famed spider, and the other none other than SpongeBob himself. "I heard the truck. Figured you'd probably be slow roasting in the fortress." He has the decency to look bashful, as they both know he lives too far to have gotten these on his street. And from the steep rise and fall of his chest, Rapunzel can tell he rode his bike all this way.
Grinning softly, she leans up and kisses his cheek, shyly taking the extended popsicle. "I can't believe I thought this was gonna be a bad day."
It is art day, and Mother isn't taking this as serious as she should be. Rapunzel's been sitting on the steps, frowning at her stupid tie, and super cool Sailor Moon backpack for the past ten minutes, just waiting for her mom to finish her makeup.
"We're going to be late!" Rapunzel screams, knowing it will be useless. She thinks, perhaps, it is time for her to bring up the subject of the bus.
By the time she gets to school, Ms. Ellie just smiles gently at her Very Adamant excuse for being late, as Rapunzel thought it necessary to explain the note her mother left. Being ushered to her seat, she noticed a boy where there was not one, previous.
He had shaggy brown hair that fell over his face, as he leaned over the desk, concentrated on his drawing.
Which she should be, too. Right.
And as soon as she got lost in the sound of her crayon hitting the page, and losing herself in between now and her canvas, someone has to ruin it. Because, apparently, that is just the way Rapunzel's life works.
It's Snotlout, leaned over her desk, his eyebrows creased at her picture. She feels a kind of self consciousness spike through her veins, that's never existed in the same space as her art. The very same feeling she gets when she works up the courage to look in a mirror.
"Stars don't do that, you dummy." His mouth twists, a cruel happy little thing, that kind of makes Rapunzel's blood boil.
She doesn't think she's anything like him. The kind of kid that gets mad over the small things, but she is just six, after all.
"They aren't stars, duh!" She answers back, defensive, trying for the same meanness in his tone, but doesn't quite manage it.
"Oh yeah, what are they then?"
And she's stuck, staring at her picture. An open field, with her and the lights. The ones that fill her dreams, and float in her imagination. Rapunzel thinks about them so much, that sometimes she wonders if maybe she could touch them. She knows they aren't stars, she's seen them on Tv and read about them in books, she just isn't sure what exactly they're called, either.
He huffs, triumphant, "See-"
"Lanterns." A quiet voice from behind them speaks up, squeaky and shy.
She whips around to face the boy she was staring at earlier, this time face to face with his deep green eyes. He has freckles and a scratch and he reminds her of the forest and open skies.
"What?" Snotlout demands, since his default setting is annoyed.
"They're called lanterns. Everybody knows they aren't stars." He talking to Snotlout, but keeps glancing to her every time his voice wanes. Speaking a little louder when she smiles at him.
Snotlout looks thoroughly downsized, marching back to his seat without another word. The gratefulness bursting of her chest is a little hard to contain, Rapunzel wonders if this is what those locked up princesses feel.
With a glance to Ms. Ellie, she turns fully in her chair, folding her arms on his desk. "Thanks! I'm Rapunzel, by the way." She says brightly, reaching over to shake his hand.
"Hiccup." He responds, timidly taking her hand.
"What an odd name for a Knight."
"I just don't see the point of it." Hiccup whines, even as he's lacing up his boots. He looks out to the ice so anxiously, that Rapunzel has to bite back a smile.
"It's fun, Hicceroni. That's all the reason we need."
Winter break is probably the best thing to happen to Rapunzel this year. High school has been exhausting on the both of them, as a result, she rarely sees her best friend anymore. With a week full of nothing but free time and endless possibility, they spent their time wisely. Playing video games in his room, and catching up on shows they've vowed to only complete together (may they be spared by the All Powerful Cancel gods).
But as they were flicking through channels, and Rapunzel hovered the kids networks, they came across Ice Princess.
"Please don't."
Rapunzel chooses to ignore her clueless best friend. Who has no concept of taste, all of a sudden if he can't appreciate this piece of cinematic brilliance.
"Ice skating. Who even does that?" He grumbles. She supposes they're over looking the twenty minutes he has engrossed himself into the movie.
"Um lots of people? Figure skaters? Everyone?"
"Not everyone."
Rapunzel feels like she's been punched in the gut. "Please tell me I am hearing this wrong, Hicmister. Tell me you've been ice skating."
And here they are. At the Winter festival as children scream and giggle on the ice, and couples get cuddly in the cold and that one guy shows off years of forced childhood lessons.
Hiccup watches them all with a pout. It's adorable.
"Alrighty. Class' in session, kids. Lets get out there."
Rapunzel tugs at his hand, as he stays firmly planted on the seat, "I'm going to embarrass myself."
"Nobody is going to be paying attention to you. It'll be just you and me out there," he doesn't look the least bit swayed, "And you embarrass yourself in front of me all the time." That, at least, gets an amused eye roll and resigned sigh. 
"Atta boy."
The next hour is spent crashing into random people, a few dozen butt tumbles, and snowflakes falling in eyelashes.
Rapunzel grips Hiccup's hands, effortlessly skating backward, giggling at the horror stricken face Hiccup makes every time he so much as stumbles. "I think you're getting the hang out it." She grins up at him.
Hiccup laughs, disbelief all over his face, "You know, I think I am!"
"Alright, I'm gonna let go..."
"Rapunzel, don't!"
He yanks on her hands, somehow pushing them both to the ground as they lose their balance. It's a mess of limbs and awkward head butts, as Hiccup falls forward directly in her lap. His hands are on the ice, head on her collarbones. Rapunzel instinctively wraps her around around his middle, butt surely bruised.
It's silent for a moment, and then they meet eyes, bursting out in laughter, leaning on each other for support.
"So...hot chocolate?" She suggests.
"You're paying."
"-it's all about gravity!" Hiccup excitedly explains, gesturing wildly with his hands as they walk down the street.
Rapunzel sips her Capri sun saved from lunch, listening intently. She doesn't have much to add, but it seems cool. "You're such a dork." She laughs, anticipating his indignant squawk. "What do we need to build it?"
Hiccup closes his mouth, cutting off what was going to be another tirade, surprise coloring his features. She wonders how many people have told him his ideas are cool. She wonders if maybe she's the first.
His gentle smile warms her heart in a way the summer sun was never able to.
"Now tell me that's not an engaging character! Emotional turmoil, heart in two places. As he has to choose over his wife--the only family he has left, and his best friend. The person who raised him! Sure, maybe his Fall could have been better handled, but movies have limited time. And if you're telling me Obi-Wan and Anakin's fight isn't the best thing you've ever seen you're lying-"
"On your right." Rapunzel hums, watching the screen where she knew Hiccup wasn't.
"Thanks. What was I saying?"
"Oh right. The music alone-"
"Please tell me I am not seeing what I think I'm seeing." Rapunzel groans, leaning back on Hiccup's door.
He feigns a remorseful look that is just for her sanity, as he pets the midnight black, one way ticket out of the dorms. The dog, cruel little cute thing, turns it's huge green eyes on her.
"I couldn't just leave him, Punz."
Dumbfounded, Rapunzel gestures to the tiny messy living space, and second bed shoved in the corner. "Well I don't know if you've noticed, bud, but you can't just keep him, either."
"I've been thinking about that. Jack's not gonna tell, probably. And even if I get caught, Rider's pretty cool, he hardly ever deals out maximum punishments. Besides, I've got you." He lays it on thick, there at the end. Giving her his best puppy dog eyes, which somehow haven't lost power with the scruff and angled jaw.
Going for the gut, Rapunzel respectfully commends him. Solid A, manipulating skills.
In the end, Rapunzel was going to say yes as soon as she stepped through the door. She is helpless against double puppy eyes, and with an actual puppy.
"What's his name?" She sighs, trying hard not to sound as defeated as she feels.
By Hiccup's grin, she failed. Miserably. "Toothless."
"That's it. We're finding him a new home, you are clearly unfit."
"So, you see any ladies ya diggin'?"
Hiccup looks up from his book, eyebrow quirked. "Alright Kenickie, here in modern society we speak people talk."
Rapunzel rolls her eyes and drops into the seat beside him, laying her entire body against his. "Prom is coming up."
He snorts, tucking his hand behind her head, and absently playing with her hair. "This explains your weird caveman talk how...?"
"Hiccup! Neither of us have dates, and as a connoisseur of popular media, this is the biggest travesty to ever descend upon our adolescent lives!"
"Will we ever recover?"
"No! We will forever be doomed to our stag prom statuses."
"Is this a reversible curse or...?"
"Hiccup! You're not seeing the serious business levels of our situation!" Rapunzel frowns, leaning forward to look him in the eyes.
He sighs, kissing her forehead, Rapunzel immediately slacks back into him, and calms.
"I kind of just always assumed we were going together. I was even planning on asking you this weekend."
That--she forgets how to breathe--is not something she knew. With the way he talks about Astrid, Rapunzel thought Hiccup was asking her. Half the school thought they were dating, and he'd take this opportunity to prove them wrong.
(And maybe, sometimes. Sometimes she thought that too, in the quiet comfortable moments, and only in the privacy of her own brain. She thought, maybe.)
There's a thousand things she can say, but doesn't. Because most of them don't actually have words, "What were you planning on doing?" She can feel her heartbeat in her fingertips.
"I was thinking on winning the high scores in Space Invaders and spelling it out." He says a little helplessly, shrugging like he hadn't put much thought into it. "Thought we could get ice cream and color coordinate."
It was such a Hiccup thing to do. It was such a painfully them thing to do, that Rapunzel has to fight off hysterical tears.
"Well don't let me stop you, Hiccster." She answers after a moment, snuggling into his side, as he smiles and resumes his book.
Rapunzel tunes out Toothless as he barks at their fireplace--his favorite thing to do (they have a working theory that he was a dragon in a previous life). Instead she concentrates on getting the daisies to sit right in Hiccup's hair.
He plays with the strings of his hoodie, conveniently on her body, as he mouths along to Clueless. It is just starting to get cold, and since they started middle school they've watched Clueless in the beginning of the the school year. Even after school stopped being a thing for them.
It's comfortable and quiet and Rapunzel lets her mind wonder. Somewhere between the Cher and Josh couch scene and her finally finishing the crown, Rapunzel has a realization.
"We're totally dating aren't we?"
Hiccup is pulled out of the movie, lifting his head from her lap, and watching with that calculating gaze of his. "Do you wanna stop?" It's asked as calmly as ever, but she hears the panic in his voice.
Urging his head back down, she settles her fingertips behind his ears, and smiles down at him. "And break up a ten year whirlwind romance? Are you kidding me?"
He smiles this brilliant, blinding smile and angles up to press his slightly chapped lips to hers, and something clicks into place. ______________
a very quick hiccunzel thing written in the wee hours of the morning, that’s actually just between this bigger project I’m steadily working on.  
(that’s right boys and girls. a very long hiccunzel thing that i don’t actually know if anyone is gonna read?? if you are could you maybe tell me?) 
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a-smiling-travesty · 7 years
I have a head canon for your latest obikin artwork: Obi-Wan is early coming home from a mission and surprises Anakin. They have a rather cuddly reunion in the temple, while trying to avoid people seeing (that would be your beautiful art!) And after this? Well, let's just say no-one can find them for a few hours.
Let me just scream and flail around aimlessly for a moment cause I’m getting headcanons for my art and last I checked it isn’t Christmas or anything?? I am overjoyed???
Anyway dear anon that is a lovely headcanon! Anakin is caught by surprise at first but then quickly latches onto Obi-wan and starts showering him with smooches, refusing to let go. Obi-wan is trying to stay careful and discreet but it is hard when Anakin is behaving like an overjoyed puppy, ignoring his surroundings and anything that isn’t Obi-wan, and completely throwing caution out the window. Frankly it’s a miracle they make it unnoticed and how nobody notices the extra high collars they wear when they at last come out of hiding ;)
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goddessofroyalty · 7 years
Anakin, H, M, W, Y
H = Hair (Howwell groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I don’t think he’s thesort of person to dye his hair.
I do think he’s thesort of person to take some level of pride in his appearance. Like he isn’tvein and if it’s difficult to get grooming in with the mission they are doinghe will forego it (and he isn’t afraid to get himself dirty/burned whileplaying with his droids/ships/lightsaber (not an innuendo)). But if he hasaccess to the things he needs and the time to use it he will be well bathed andgroomed.That extends to waxing/shaving - I don’t think he’s completely hairless under those robes but there is a fair bit of hair removal that has gone on until he was happy.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Done in the previous ask (over here: http://goddessofroyalty.tumblr.com/post/157186215606/obi-wan-k-and-t-anakin-m-and-padme-d-and-e)
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He rather enjoyspost-victory adrenaline-high sex. I mean he also enjoys really slow cuddly sexbut there is something about the rushed, frantic, revelling-in-victory sex thathe cannot shake from his mind, and cannot deny his want for when the opportunityarises. He’s also gotten particularly good at putting the energy away untillater when he is able to see the person he wants to share it with again.
Y = Yearning(How high is their sex drive?)
Not too high, not too low. About what youwould expect for a man of his age. He like sex and enjoys having it regularlybut it isn’t something he feels like he has to be constantly thinking about /working towards *shrug*
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