#o touchy'
hey google how to not get pissed off at a senile person you have to take care of
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selfshiplog · 10 months
imagine laying down in your bed when your f/o comes up and just wraps around you, burying their head in your neck. they're as snug and close as your bodies will allow, breaths deep and slow as they drift off. you just revel in the fact that you get to be that for them. when they are lonely and want affection, they seek it from you. they're head over heels in love with you, said without a word.
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cosmiado · 4 months
can we please take a moment to appreciate the absolute BANGER of an ep that is s2 e4 Barf Bum Movie Men. the Piss Shop intro. the anagram generator shenanigans. Sherwin Touchie, Dookie Mo Oil, and our FAVORITE beloved boy mr Unworthy himself. ELYSE GUESTING AND BEING THE FUCKING FUNNIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD. pissfoot gumtoucher origins. Scary's tummy ache origins. "i can handle anything. riding a horse broke my hymen." Taylor writing 'sExxxx Drippins' on his backpack. Elyse guesting. "cant you even tell what's wrong with my face?' 'all three boys look up at her face for the first time." LOU BEGA. the battle between Beth and Anthony over what the horn sounds like. trumpet acid. the popular kids have secret entrances and also a horse stable. did i mention Elyse guesting. truly one for the history books if i do say so myself
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vellichorsdesire · 1 month
nonhuman f/o(s) who don’t have a heart that love hearing your heartbeat… pressing a head to your chest and feeling calm and comforted at the sound, some sort of hand on your neck or wrist to feel your pulse. feeling/hearing it get slower when you enter sleep, along with your breathing amidst the background noise that lull them to sleep if they need it, or your heartbeat quickening when an intimate moment is shared between you and them
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pizzadatez · 1 year
listen idk how many people can relate to this but i can't stop thinking abt. f/os that are touchy without even realizing it.
like !!! they always have an arm slung around your shoulder , or a hand placed on your back , or sometimes their fingers will barely graze over you because your presence is just so magnetizing to them. whenever you sit next to them there's a slow shift as they lean into you, gradually, maybe snaking a hand over yours or settling their head against your arm ...
... but then the moment anyone calls attention to it they're confused. maybe they'll be hanging out with a colleague or you'll just bring it up in random conversation , but when someone points it out they have to pause and self-reflect. me ? touchy ?? what are you talking about. when did this happen. (as if they haven't been non-stop holding your hand for the past 30 minutes)
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ccieatchildren · 11 months
Shower steam filtered in through the open bathroom door, warming the bedroom and permeating the smell of soap in the air. They had been reapplying ointment, what little he had given them, to their still healing wounds and rebandaging them. Whumpee turned from their spot on the edge of the bed to watch as he walked in. There was a certain swagger to the way he carried himself that they despised. However, while Whumpee hadn’t been here for long, they had already learned not to engage with him if they didn’t have to– it wasn’t worth the risk– so Whumpee just stared.
A towel was slung low around his waist and his hair was still damp, leaving droplets of water in his wake. His half naked body was on full display, and Whumpee couldn’t stop from curiously analyzing each part of him. They typically didn’t get to see much of him due to clothing or dark lighting getting in the way, but now they could see the various scars littering his frame. 
There were two slash marks on his lower right abdomen that formed an uneven cross, a line of indented flesh that seemed to encircle his whole left bicep, a bullet wound sat right above on his shoulder, and on his right collarbone were four deep cuts, almost like claw marks. Whumpee hadn’t expected someone like him to have so many cicatrices, he was a simple researcher, and while they did get hurt sometimes, they typically were small cuts from broken glass or chemical burns. They had their own to confirm. Furthermore, normal villains usually had many more lesions and blemishes across their figures from many fights and powers going haywire. Though, he wasn’t like many normal archetypes anyway. 
Their train of thought was cut off by a deep chuckle. “Like what you see?” 
Whumpee blushed, glaring at him, and turning back to what they were initially doing. He continued to snigger at their embarrassment while they furiously tried to refocus on patching themself up. The thought of the line being cliché and overused made them feel a bit better, and they continued to bash him in their head to calm themself down as they worked. 
The rustling of a towel could be heard as he dried off his hair, sounding like a wet dog shaking itself dry. Then, they could hear him shuffling in the background, presumably fetching clothes from the closet. Whumpee tried to keep their gaze solely on what they were doing, but could no longer concentrate on their task. Having been caught staring, and him misinterpreting their attention, irritated them, but now they were even more curious. Forcing themself not to look, only made them want to look more. Whumpee cursed themself for having the self restraint of a five year old…
Slightly pivoting their head to peek at him again as he picked out his attire, they barely managed to stop themself from gasping at the sight. His back was still turned to them, and scrawled there was one of the most unsettling wounds they had ever seen. Along his upper back, spanning from the left shoulder to the right the word “BASTARD” was carved in large letters. The raised skin along his shoulder blades conveyed that the cut had healed long ago, but whoever had done it, made sure to slash deep enough so the mark would stay there forever. They had seen many things, from their own burnt skin melting off, to arms completely torn off, but the deliberately and aggressively engraved swear on his body disturbed them in a way they had never felt before.
Whumpee had never met anyone, villain or otherwise, who intentionally and methodically cut someone in a way that would leave them alive but always wearing a reminder of their experience. Especially in a way that exuded so much wrath and resentment. At least not until Whumper. They looked down at themself and the injuries that adorned their body. Was he using the same techniques on them that someone else had used on him? The thought made them shiver. Vigorously returning to their task, Whumpee swore to themself that they would not allow Whumper to scar them like he had been himself. 
— — — — —
“Just ask.”
Whumpee flinched. They had just finished one of their sessions and Whumper decided to patch them up afterwards this time. They would much rather do it themself, as his hands would always roam to places they didn’t need to, but Whumper would use better medicine whenever he played medic, and knew how to bind the wounds tighter than they ever could with their, now constantly, trembling fingers. They also weren’t allowed to say no to him.
“I can practically hear the questions bouncing around in your head.” He suddenly pulled the bandage harshly, pulling a gasp out from them. “Not to mention the hole you’re burning into my back with your staring.” The hand on their middle considerably tightened, “it’s starting to piss me off, so ask.”
Whumpee contemplated his demand, unsure if he meant it or if it was just another one of his tricks, baiting them to make a mistake just so he could beat them again. But they could feel him getting agitated behind them, therefore they had to say something. However, Whumpee didn’t think asking him what was really on their mind would go over very well. They had to think of something quick, but, unfortunately, when it came to talking they didn’t work very well under pressure. So…
“How do you get your hair so sleek?” Whumpee wanted to smash themself over the head with a glass. This was the best their brain could come up with? Might as well say goodbye to a calm evening.
Whumper was still behind them, and they were already saying their prayers, until he barked out a laugh. “What?” The amusement pervaded his tone. “You have been ruminating for the past three days on how I do my hair?”
“… Yes.”
He continued to cackle behind them as Whumpee quietly panicked, hoping that was enough to quell him.
“Aww, that’s cute, darlin’. Didn’t know you still had the quips in you.” He took a moment to pretend to wipe a tear from his eye. “But I don’t think that’s what you’ve been thinkin’ about.” Arms locked around their waist, pulling them flush against him. A dark voice whispered in their ear, “Now, I’ve indulged your little game,” his arms constricted, pushing into their stomach, agitating their injuries, “letting you figure out the best way to approach this,” Whumpee looked away. “If I’m honest, it was quite nice to see you contemplate whether to ask me or not,” his voice grew smug, “it means you’re learning, becoming more obedient, which will only make things easier for the both of us in the future.” Whumper squeezed even further once again, and they groaned from the pain. “For that, I’m giving you an out. Be good and I’ll reward you. So,” he growled, “ask the damn question.”
Whumpee gulped. “Fine. Ju- Just let go,” they pushed at his arms, “it hurts.”
Whumper clutched them tighter. Whumpee could feel some of their wounds reopen under the pressure. “I’ll let go when you stop wasting my time.” 
“Okay, okay,” they wheezed. “I just wanted to know about the large scar on your back,” the ache was getting worse. “The one that says bas–.”
He abruptly let them go, allowing air to filter back into their system and dampening the pain to a dull throb. “I know the one.”
Whumpee froze, trying to suppress their oncoming coughing fit. They didn’t want to set him off when he was obviously very displeased. He curtly got up and headed for the door, leaving them with the final words,
“Do not bring it up again.”
Fuck that motherfucking mothafucka. 
Whumpee wanted to punch something, they just did what he asked and now he’s mad at them, like it’s their fault.
Fuckin’ hate that fuckin’ kidnappin’ piece of shit. They continued to curse to themself as they finished the job Whumper brusquely left to them. Closing up the now open cuts, applying ointment, and finally bandaging them for the– hopefully– last time that day. Whumpee sighed to themself. Who were they kidding, he would ruin them again at night. But at least they had a new piece of information to exploit.
It may take a while, but they will escape from here and see everyone again.
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Hii!! :3
First of all, LOVE YOUR BLOG!!Your writing is so good!! May I request Rodolfo Parra x reader who is touchy? Like, they won’t if he doesn’t like it, but it’s a safety thing, like him being taller than me (even not by much) makes me secure, feeling his arm muscles to know he can protect me, holding his hand until he pulls away.
thank you!! :3
I don't think you understand the extent to which my Rodolfo is touch starved, he really wants a hug, and the ones that Alejandro give him don't really cut it, at all! Mans wants to be hugged and cuddled, so this is sort of just ideal to him!
Rodolfo with a Touchy!Reader
In all honesty, he’s hit the jackpot with you if you’re a touchy person. While he may not initiate too much physical touch himself in fear of coming off as clingy and annoying, he’s actually so touch starved, it’s unreal. If there weren’t some mental barriers there, then he’d absolutely love to touch and cuddle you whenever he could. Would love to kiss you, would love to hold you. He’s one of the biggest cuddlebugs on the planet in theory, but in practice he’s holding himself back due to the aforementioned reasons. However, he has no qualms whatsoever if you’re the one touching him, in fact, he’ll revel in it for as long as he can, or until you pull away. He gets a bit sad when you do, but he knows you’ve got better things to do as well from time to time.
Please do hold onto his arm when you’re walking somewhere, it makes him feel like the stronger guy out of the two of you. He just wants to make sure you feel safe and sound with him, and if he can accomplish just that? Heaven on earth, literally. Hold his hand, he’ll squeeze it every once in a while to make sure you know he’s still with you. You can even give him a hug in public where everyone can see you, he’ll shield you with his entire body and make sure to catch every single bullet that could come flying at you. While he’s not too big of a fan of kissing in public, thinking such a thing should be reserved for when the two of you are alone, he loves feeling your lips on him just about anywhere. Wanna kiss his cheek? His forehead? His lips? He’ll give you twice as many kisses back.
From time to time he might get a bit overwhelmed with all the affection, that’s when you might want to tone it down a bit. When he’s just downright pissed at someone or something, he’s less prone to being cuddly, but he’ll calm down eventually. Distract him, help him, give him some loving words, and he’ll be back to his usual self. Once he’s calmed down he might be a bit tired from all those emotions, so he might want some cuddles. Likely won’t ask for them, but he knows you’re always eager to cuddle him anyway.
While he does love holding something, or someone, when relaxing, nothing, to him, feels better than being held. That’s his guilty pleasure, being the little spoon, but you won’t catch him dead admitting that. In fact, he won’t even hint at wanting to be such, but he would absolutely never turn you down when you offer. Feeling your warmth against his back is nice, doesn’t matter if you can wrap yourself around him entirely or if you’re a backpack, he just wants to feel protected for once too. However, if something ever were to happen, then he’s the first to jump into action and beat the living daylights out of anyone who dares to intrude on such a sacred moment.
Hell, you can even put your head in his lap. He’ll lovingly stroke your back or your head, looking completely lovestruck at you. It’s a major sign of trust for him, especially when you’re slowly dozing off. Won’t move an inch if you do and will just continue to pat your hair, staring at you instead of the tv monitor. If you want, you can also adjust him so his head is in your lap instead, he would never say no to that either. In fact, if he’s comfortable enough, he might nuzzle into your hand, realize what he’s doing and get a bit embarrassed. He usually feels the need to be the big, strong man in your relationship, that he really shouldn’t be showing so much weakness, but how could he resist your tender, gentle touch when it’s right there? Showing you a glimpse of how touch starved he is is just about one of the most mortifying things out there, but he can’t help it. It simply feels so good.
He absolutely adores the fact he can make you feel safe. Again, he won’t really initiate much physical contact himself, but he will stand fairly close to you so you may, if you feel like it, just grab his hand and swing it around a bit as you’re walking around. You can lean into him, there’s a chance he might wrap an arm around you to make sure you won’t fall over. He loves that he can be your support system in a way that makes him happy as well. You get to touch him, he gets to be touched, it’s the most perfect symbiotic relationship out there.
At the end of the day, you both get to feel safe and sound with one another, because of your presence and because of your love. You protect each other and make sure the other is thriving, what thing in this world could possibly be more pure than that?
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sasstastikarts · 2 years
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The second one was drawn RIGHT AFTER THE FIRST! ahgkflkhjkl idek anymore  Yuichi is a gem and so is Rise!Leo. 
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x-adoringvoid-x · 3 months
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HEADBUTT! (gentle and loving)
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dykeyaoi · 7 months
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post-canon relationship thoughts :D
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naviculariis · 27 days
Killer vc: I, too, am deserving of the... kisses.
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naffeclipse · 2 years
Out of the 3: Detective Sun, Moon, and the Vigilante, who would you say is the most sensitive, or receptive, when it comes to a loving, gentle touch?
And, who would you say has the most addicting, or soft, touch?
Hope you don’t mind the “touchy” subjects. Kekeke~
Love you!! ❤️❤️ stay cozy!! :D
Heya, babe ♥ Love you, too!
Detective Sun is the most sensitive/receptive (hence why the vigilante often teases him by drawing circles in his palm). He melts under a caress, and any casual, (purposefully) stray touches test his ability to hold it together.
Detective Moon has the silkiest touch but it is rare, reserved for when he's alone with the vigilante and there's nothing happening just outside the walls. He traces cool lines over the vigilante's face and they don't have to ask to feel his touch again, he simply gives it.
I should add, and this goes without saying, the vigilante is the touchiest person. They freely give their affection at every opportunity, including at the worst (best) possible times, whether to remind the detectives how much they love them or to watch the sleuths struggle to not lose their composure as they draw fingers over silicon and metallic joints.
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absentmoon · 25 days
good morning im seepyy
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vellichorsdesire · 30 days
heyyyyyy f/o craddling you in their arms and giving you a kissy attack 🫶 f/o when they run their hands along your s/i’s horns or tail :333
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imagionationstation · 2 months
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Okay, but this is seriously my spirit cat 88% of the time…
…Unfortunately for you, today I’m honing the other twelve!
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dethbug · 5 months
should existing mutuals sb you if we end up having a shared fo?
HI HELLO!!!! it should be all good!!!! thank you sm for checking
if anyone needs to do so for me i 100% understand no hard feelings whatsoever, if thats the case ill let yall know rn who they are!!!
ive self shipped with chop top (from texas chainsaw massacre 2) for almost a whole year now, and i just started shipping with otis driftwood (from house of 1000 corpses)
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