#nu carnival au
nu-carniviva · 1 year
I'm not expecting this to gain much traction since it involves a personal oc of mine (and it's not a ship— which you'll realize immediately) but hey, this is my blog and I can post what I want >:3
Anyways, I realized that Quincy and Sisu, an oc of mine, would have a super wholesome friendship. Long post ahead, sorry ^^;
Starting with a bit of context for Sisu...
Sisu is a girl who is forever 9 years old. Her exact age isn't known. All that is known is that she's been alive for a long time but never ages past 9 years old. She's nonverbal and autistic. She communicates in many different ways, but one trait of hers is that she can communicate with any kind of animal by replicating their sounds
Like any typical child, she's curious and eager to learn more about the world, especially by exploring it herself. She's also very optimistic, but her optimism far surpasses the ordinary child. It's very hard to upset Sisu. The world is so fun and magical to her that she can often be seen laughing in the face of danger... For the most part
See, Sisu suffers from a poor memory. She's only able to remember so much about her life. Whenever she's one year "older," big chunks of her memory will be wiped from the year prior. She always remembers things like her name, age, interests, and people she's super close with, but she might not remember certain big life events. Sisu gets really upset when she's asked to remember something but can't. Re-learning some of life's hardships like death can upset her too
Okay enough context, onto the main point...
I'm sure you might have picked up on a few things that would bond Sisu and Quincy
Like Quincy, she never ages. They've both lived for a long time but still keep the same young appearance. I think they would find comfort in each other knowing that they share a similar lifestyle. They'd be less alone together
Quincy doesn't talk much, and Sisu doesn't talk... At all. I think he'd appreciate being able to communicate without talking (ex: through body language.) Also, since she can perfectly replicate animal noises, she can verbally communicate to Quincy by mimicking Topper's noises. After all, Quincy can canonically understand Topper's squeaks. I think Sisu would be overjoyed to find a way to talk to someone verbally and be understood
It's shown in the Astral Duo event that living for so long has had quite the toll on Quincy. 100 years ago, Quincy was a talkative, energetic man who was friends with the human tribes in the Wood Territory. As of now, he's the exact opposite. He's quiet, constantly exhausted, and alone. It would probably be refreshing seeing someone so young and full of the same innocent joy he used to have. I like to imagine he'd want to try and protect Sisu from being exposed to the dangers of life, regardless of how positive she is
Since Quincy remembers a lot of his life, he has a lot of wisdom that's always expanding as the years go by. Sisu would absolutely eat that up. She'd accompany Quincy on little adventures in the forest. What might be a simple journey to acquire more resources to Quincy is a chance to explore the magic and wonders of the world to Sisu
Of course, Quincy might not be close with her at first. After all, he's used to living alone. He rarely ever interacts with other people, even more so with children. Having to become acquainted with an energetic young child would be troublesome
But then... He notices how Sisu doesn't fear him. Rather, she becomes fascinated with him at first glance. Just the size of this man alone is enough to pique her interest and urge her to learn more about him. Her and Topper would be like his cute little helpers. Speaking of Topper, Sisu would have absolutely no issue giving Quincy some time to socially recharge while she plays with Topper
Okay I'm done lmao...
Sisu might not remember everything, but she'd always remember Quincy and Topper
I tried to keep this short but I know I ended up rambling a bit anyways. I hope this all made sense. It's late at night while I write this and I'm honestly super sleepy but I really wanted to get this written down because it's been on my mind all day. Maybe I'll talk about them more if you guys are interested! It can be like... Something exclusive to my blog that you wouldn't find anywhere else
Thank you to anyone who read, by the way! I'm happy you were interested in reading about a silly crossover between Quincy and an oc of mine :)
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hiroshyhi-blog · 1 year
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I try make a Nu:Carnival charater.
So I made this little guy, he would be a scientist with a reserved and friendly personality, but when he was horny he would be a little controlling like Kuya and Yakumo.
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charliem-69 · 4 months
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bust: 20$
half: 30$
fullbody: 40$
- any fandom / OC's
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DEADLINE: 3 weeks
DM or contact me: [email protected]
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estrellium · 8 months
Modern au shenanigans: college edition 🔥
You guys cannot tell me Eiden wouldn't be a wingman for his friends. He thinks of dumb shit like this and it Works. (After this, Edmond and Yakumo rack up the courage to sneak out of their dorms to have nightly dates) (Eiden is really fucking happy when he finds out)
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fisheito · 5 months
Meanwhile, in the interdimensional kuya group chat:
White kuya: idiot.jpg White kuya: whose man is this . Can't even use magic. Only thing he's good at is embarrassing himself. Come pick him up Pink kuya: lol not mine Purple kuya: lol not mine
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schvrll · 6 months
Nu: Carnival Twitter posts I made for funsies
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idololivine · 2 months
only slightly related to your mg au but i think blade deserves to be a pretty cure
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he deserves to be a pretty cure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is so fucking cute omg. he's so happy!! I'm canonizing this within mg au. I have the power. this is one of his alt outfits, it's canon now
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jeejascoffee · 1 month
Chapters: 1/6 Fandom: 新世界狂歡|NU: carnival (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eiden/Edmond (NU: carnival) Characters: Eiden (NU: carnival), Edmond (NU: carnival), Morvay (NU: carnival), Aster (NU: carnival), Yakumo (NU: carnival) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Space Opera, Science Fiction, Aliens, Interplanetary Politics, Slow Burn, Rating for later chapters, Telepathic Bond, Mind Reading, Forced Intimacy, military setting, military ranks and jargon, Background Relationships Summary:
A person’s planet of origin was sacrosanct. Even with hyperlink space travel, nothing could change that. Your planetary lineage defined you. Or at least, that’s what everyone in the Empire believed.
Eiden is a Xiterran, a person with psychic abilities. Xiterra was colonized by the Empire a long time ago. Now the military uses psychics to help them map uncharted space.
Edmond is a Kleinster, an elite born in the heart of the Empire. He serves in the military as a Vice Captain.
They meet on board the ship Bright Purity. Eiden’s psychic abilities are supposed to help them pilot through space, while Edmond is stern and focused on running a tight ship. However, circumstances force them to become linked partners; a situation that gives Eiden full access to Edmond’s mind for the purposes of their mission.
The space between their two heads is tricky terrain. Just as chaotic as the unstable space time around them.
But they must learn how to navigate. Together.
(Eied space opera AU)
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eiden-fucker · 1 month
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Another day of delivering O2 🩸
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flaskuwu · 10 months
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Have a nice dream
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haunted-artist · 11 months
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@idololivine @requiodile presenting the first mg designs!! probably not "final" but i had fun! dante's design is giving me a hard time cause i have no idea what direction i wanna go there other than "skirt" and that he needs to look more regal i think gonna try working on yakumo's and olivine's next most likely!
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fisheito · 7 months
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aster walks in to everyone muttering over an unconscious eiden and yells WHY IS MY NEW HIRE PASSED OUT ON THE FLOOR
olivine (w/ the sweetest sincerest expression): sorry. i uh. panicked. 😅
maybe aster makes caps a standard part of the uniform so it doesn't seem weird that everyone is hatted. "oh everyone has their preferences on their hats but as long as yall wear the rest of the uniform i don't really care"
so eiden wears his uniform dutifully, and his little cap.
he's pulling a clueless protag move the entire time by seeing ALL the signs but not really questioning it. he's too good at staying in his lane:
"yes, my new boss walks around with prosthetic pointy ears like an elf. he just seems fancy and eccentric like that. it's not my business."
"i swear kuya has fangs? did he get them altered to look like that or was he born with pointy canines? is he one of those vampire kink dudes?? idk i'm too scared to ask"
"yakumo's eyes are slitted? oh, they're contact lenses? huh. he must really like the look to wear them every day. i wonder where he buys custom contacts like that. do they cost a lot??"
.................now i'm thinking of yakumo in a cute lil beanie for extra head warmth. he serves as a "red herring" when he takes off his hat in front of eiden and looks perfectly normal.
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UNTIL EIDEN MAKES THE CONNECTION 3 WEEKS LATER WHEN HE SLAPS HIS OWN FOREHEAD LIKE of COURSE [yakumo not having animal ears under his hat] doesn't automatically mean everyone else is like that. yakumo takes care of the snakes. SNAKES DON'T HAVE FLUFFY EARS STICKING OUT OF THEIR HEADS
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caeruleophile · 1 year
sleepyhead jesse 💖
the idea for this little comic came to my mind when i saw those giant dog beds for human on tiktok. I just thought that jesse may like it?? He's like a human puppy, so why not give him a giant dog bed lololol. I bet it's super comfy and warm.
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idololivine · 2 months
nuca mg au (aka nu carnival magical girls au) is experiencing newfound interest and so I must inform you all that this is a huge sprawling thing that consists of multiple reblog threads because they'd get too long and we'd (we being @requiodile and I) would just start a new one
overall content warnings for the whole AU: noncon/dubcon in the vein of fuck or die, and also in the vein of sex monsters. they're adult magical girls where they fight using the power of sex, so yeah.
the tag (nuca mg au)
first thread (there's like 400+ replies in the notes before we realized that was an insane way to talk and switched to reblogs)
second thread
third thread
fourth thread (additional tw for past suicide attempts)
fifth thread
sixth and final thread
bonus: fanart!!!
bonus bonus: quinya reconciliation
bonus bonus bonus: caturbator
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museaway · 8 months
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stars + aster in bat form. I never studied digital art so it scares me, but I decided I'd try to get more comfortable with it.
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whitemochacoffee · 7 months
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For a second I genuinely entertained the thought that Olivine, aged 25, had knocked up a woman, has a daughter with the capacity to join a black market organisation, is not raising her himself,,
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