llsif-pride · 4 years
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lesbian nozomi tojo, bisexual eli ayase, and trans lesbian maki nishikino are all in a relationship and they love each other so much !
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mag--pie · 7 years
Day 3 of 31 Days of Spooky Fics(even tho most of them arent spooky)
The sound of a body crashing into the couch resonated throughout the house. Both of her roommates were gone leaving her to deal with her cycle. Instead of having a normal period, Maki needed to drink any kind of blood during this time of the month. They usually had blood stored but tonight, the fridge had nothing in it. “Where are those two?” Maki muttered. She heard the door creak open to find a blonde haired girl carrying another girl in. “You guys, theres no bloo-“ “Yeah we know,” Eli says dropping Nozomi on the floor. Maki glared at Eli,”Do you have any?” Eli threw a bag at Maki. She opened the bag and looked over the contents. Most of it was pork blood with the occasional vial of rabbit blood. Sometimes, Maki wonders where they get the rabbit blood. She never questioned it though since it was her favorite. Maki placed the bag into the fridge and opened up a packet. “You’re the most needy vampire I’ve ever seen.” “Shut it Eli. Its not like you’re a walk in the park either.” “Its easier dealin’ with this kitsune,” Nozomi groaned. “You sure about that?” “Positive,” Nozomi raised an okay symbol with her hand. Maki shrugged and turned to Eli. The quarter Russian girl was tapping away on her phone. It was almost as if she was trapped in another world. “Eli.” “Hm?” “Get Nozomi to bed. It seems like shes gonna pass out.” “You do it. You’re the one with super vampire strength or something like that.” “I’m tired.” “I carried her here from the store.” Maki sighed. “Sighing isn’t gonna do anything.” “I’ll take her.” Maki grabbed Nozomi from her waist and carried her over her shoulder like a sack. Eli chuckled at the sight of the two girls. Maki seemed to have no problem carrying the girl. “There I took her back to her room.” “Good job. You deserve a treat.” “Don’t treat me like Honoka,” Maki groaned. Eli laughed and turned back to her phone. Maki glanced over to the screen and found Eli staring at a long line of messages from Nico. “What does that squirt want from you?” “Nothing much. Just the blood of her enemies.” “Oh how scary. Her tiny child hands are gonna strangle us all,” Maki said sarcastically. “Totally.” The two spent the rest of the night talking.
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llsifkinhelp · 7 years
Headcanons for a Maki who was in a poly relationship with Eli and Nozomi
1. Maki was super hesitant about confessing to them since she wasn’t sure they were open to polyamory, but, as it turns out, both of them had a crush on her and had discussed it at length.
2. The rest of Mu’s saw Nozomi and Eli’s relationship coming from a mile away, but Maki didn’t tell the rest about her crush, so they were all pretty surprised. Eli and especially Nozomi were quite amused by this, but all the attention on her embarrassed Maki a lot.
3. Maki takes her two gfs to her beach house a lot, and Nozomi always takes videos of Maki and Eli swimming; if it were anyone else, Maki would protest, but she’s gotten used to it.
4. Maki’s a super inexperienced kisser, but she mastered it pretty quick, not that Nozomi has stopped using ‘teaching’ as an excuse for a quick kiss.
5. Maki buys her gfs super extravagant gifts on birthdays and for Christmas and whenever she’s feeling particularly affectionate. 
 - Mod V
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Trans!NozoEliMaki like I love the concept of the three of them being trans but what's your verdict?
I really like the ship in general so I don’t see why I’d like it any less with them being trans. Besides whenever I write or think of trans Maki HCs I always imagine that Maki’s father doesn’t react well and kicks them out? So having senpai that know the troubles they’re going through as romantic partners is really fun to use.
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blogpoppit · 7 years
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nozoelimaki is one my ot3 pairing because they’re tallest member of muse
maki look up to nozomi and eli and while nozomi and eli teasing and help maki out
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mageiathea · 7 years
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My crappy graphics skills strike again!  This time wallpaper of my favorite girls in my (new) favorite set.
It’s so beautiful. 
Feel free to download, share, edit, etc.
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chizhovayui · 7 years
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notcorrectlovelive · 7 years
Nozomi Tojo
Do I like them: Yup!
5 good qualities: She’s cute, Her eyes are goals af, She’s a little strange and I can relate to that, I like her voice {Both sub and dub}, and it’s cool that she uses tarot cards.
3 bad qualities: I legit cannot think of anything off of the top of my head apart from she washiwashi’s people way too much.
Favourite episode/etc: The one where they take the photo in the photo booth and have the squad goals I wish I had.
Otp: NozoEli
Brotp: NozoNico
Ot3: NozoEliMaki
Notp: N/A
Best quote: “The ocean is great. When I look at it, my worries that once seemed so big become small.”
Head canon: She sometimes speaks in a sort of code. Like, she will say one thing that will mean a completely different thing and probably only Eli will know exactly what she’s on about.
Thank you for sending this in! ~ Mod Kaede
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novasidols · 7 years
NozoEliMaki;0 since its like my Ot3.
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scytherion · 7 years
top 5 rare ships go go go
tbH I COULD probably fill this out with JUST watanabe ships but. I will have selfcontrol
no particular order, bc if I ordered em we’d be here ALL DAY
1. diayou
2. kanayou
3. yohachika
4. nozoelimaki
5. nicorin
I mean there’re ships that I probably don’t even count as rare anymore so they arent here but trust me they’re kinda there too (ie youriko/rinmaki/nozonico)
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dragonspurr · 7 years
Nozoelimaki is also great. I agree the world needs more of it.
Join the nozomakieli movement today
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mag--pie · 7 years
Prompt #4: In front of the fireplace. Pairing is NozoEliMaki
”Y’know, I really hope Santa comes this year.”
”Santa would probably come since you’re such a good girl Maki.”
”Nozomi you’d probably get coal.”
”So mean Elicchi!” Nozomi whined.
It was a cold winter evening. There were around ten days till Christmas. Nozomi, Eli, and Maki were huddled up together in front of the fireplace. Maki had brought up the question because the snow was beginning to pile up. It would be pretty difficult for someone to get into a chimney if there was a load of snow there. Eli had suggested that she would go on top of the roof and throw the snow off. However, Nozomi and Maki didn’t want her to get hurt.
”Its only today Maki. The snow’ll probably melt before Christmas,” Eli stared outside of the window.
”But I checked the weather channel, said it’ll keep snowing till the day before. So if my calculations are right-“
”Maki you’re thinking too hard about this.”
The fire crackled. Nozomi looked over at Maki. Her face was filled with dread as she thought about Santa.
”Alright how about this. We go to the department store and buy a snow shovel then Eli could get the snow on the bottom of the roof off. That’ll make it easier for her to get the rest since she won’t be stepping on snow when she climbs the roof.”
Maki thought about it for a bit,”Yeah that’ll work. I think.”
”Lets put out the fire and go to sleep. Its getting pretty late plus Eli already fell asleep.”
”Yeah that sounds nice,” Maki said.
After putting out the fire, they all ended up falling asleep in front of the fireplace.
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shadow-gate-to-love · 7 years
What are your favorite OT3s in Muse and Aqours?
Muse -- NozoEliMakiAqours -- KanaDiaMaru
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OMG, I think I laughed my heart out with that phone call. It's SO GOOD!! I love your writing, keep it up!! Umi, you are a bit shameful too, you have to accept it. And, I don't know, I wish KotoHonoUmi ended better that NozoEliMaki. Nozomi is too lost in her own feelings, it makes me sad, at least she has Nico. Anyway, your angst is good as always ;) I really like it
Haha, thanks! It was fun to write. Umi is ridiclously shameful in this fic when it comes to Honoka. I’m not really sure how I’m going to end the KotoHonoUmi in this. However I do it, it won’t be directly canon in terms of the actual Addiction fic. It’ll just be spun off. So the ending will probably be set about a year in the future I’m thinking. Maybe a bit less. 
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Send me a ship and I’ll rate it: NOTP || Just no || Meh || Neutral || Good Potential || Ship it || OTP || JUST FUCK ALREADY
This is my friends OT3 and it’s grown on me a lot lately 
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