#now maxo is dead in a very different situation
fanciestgeckofella · 5 months
yknow, i think that q!maxo death has a very big potential for having one of the biggest lores in the server, because he is the only one that we have seen dying and not respawning. do you remember that theory that the feds were trying to discover how the islanders can respawn in the first place? they discovered how to make something that is indestructible as far as we know (cucurucho), sure, they kinda have discovered something with the eggs only having 2 lives, but they dont know how to kill something and keep it infinitely coming back. but now qmaxo is dead, and if the feds discover how to kill something that was infinitely reborn before, they might discover how to make something that keeps coming back no matter if theyre dead or not. something that death cant touch, cant hold. something perfect.
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artistnerd24 · 4 months
Apologies for this long Ted Talk, I just need something to over-analyze (half of this is probably wrong though so just read if you need something to read cause you’re bored)
I just realized how so similar yet so different the traumatic finale of Purgatory and the lore stuff in December including the traumatic events of 12/28 (that’s how I’m going to refer to it from now on) are. In both situations, we have characters that are at a very high chance of being canonically dead or about to be with almost no clue as to what’ll happen next. The finale of the first Purgatory was probably one of the most painful events I have seen in any form of media due to the fact that I was so terrified as to what had happened to everyone since there was genuinely no clue as to what would happen and the chance that many would canonically die, however I was able to find comfort in the fact that there would be no way that that many people would leave since that would be too much which just made it unclear as to who would be harmed from this so the fact that it did affect that many characters did terrify me yet made me calmer because it gave me hope that no one would leave (I was proven wrong with maxo’s death though, o7 Maximus 😔). The reason why these current events seem to be almost as terrifying and a bit more stressful for me right now (when looking back on these events after these situations are over I’ll probably go back to thinking that the Purgatory finale was the worst due to the fact that I’ll have time to process and analyze this so this opinion will probably not stay with me forever) is the fact that it is specific lore made by the ccs themselves which means that they could go anywhere they want with it and the fact that it’s just a few of them makes it much, much more likely for one of them to chose to perma-leave or kill their character (which max has now created a giant fear of that ever happening in my brain, still o7 Maximus though 😔). This now creates such a huge threat to these specific characters who we have now grown attached to and it allows us to come up with the worst case scenarios and watch then alter watch them unfold. I also just realized the fact that the Purgatory finale was also just so sudden that we had very little time to actually process what might happen in the future while these lore arcs going on right now have been hinting themselves at us for days and even weeks, giving us much more time to worry, Both Purgatory 1 finale and these lore situations were/are just so mysterious and confusing but the fact that purgatory finale was so generalized to the whole server and sudden made the threat of harm to specific characters much less comprehensible while these lore situations gave us much more clues as to what it may be yet left out the answers to the whys, hows, and whats so that the audience is more in fear of whatever unexpected event may happen to a specific character. To summarize, Purgatory finale immediately showed us what the danger is without telling us who was affected while the lore situations tell us exactly who may be in danger without telling us what the danger is which are both extremely terrifying. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk (I’m sorry)
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