unbound-dremina · 9 years
All my online friends are really hot and Im here just melting every time I see they post selfies
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mihaelkeehl · 9 years
notymir replied to your post “Okay but trans girl Near and non binary Mello”
b r u h
Tell me about it ugh like I have this major headcanon that if Near starts transitioning in Wammy’s that she’d get bullied quite a lot about it but obviously doesn’t rise to it because she has better shit to do with her time, but it gets under Mello’s skin, like really gets under their skin and even though they fucking hate Near they still beat the shit out of the kids teasing her. Meanwhile Near’s just like oh that stopped, nice and is just kinda unaware that Mello’s lowkey looking out for her because they already went through that shit and they don’t want it happening to anyone else.
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spookylight-blog · 9 years
Your URL fits so good cause honestly you're the biggest fuckboy I know
sweetie :))))))))) someo :))))) ne :)))))) forgot to pr :))))))ess anon :::::::)) uvu
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you're so shitty you are so shit. you're rude always and i fucking wish you would like not come on tumblr anymore. you are trash. please log out FOREVER. i AM SICK OF THIS BLOG!!!!!!!
honestly same
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3dnygma · 9 years
Send this to the 8 coolest blogs you know! If they send it back that means they think you're pretty chill :)
SAME (I think I sent it to you? yay)
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nilah-xapiel · 9 years
I want to say you're really fricking awesome!! I love how you stood up for beyondbirthdaying with that rude comment, I wanted to do it myself but I couldn't find the words, so thank you!!
Thank you! I’m just...getting really tired of reviewers that go off on writers, basically vomiting their rude opinions because the ‘writers put their work up their so they must want critics’. Well, they put their review up their, so maybe I should start critiquing their reviews more often. If they really don’t understand what they’re doing wrong, they may learn something. And, if they really are just a whiny little bitch without the empathy to understand how their words hurt other people, then they need to be held accountable for it.
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ugly-siren · 9 years
notymir replied to your post “So my friends just made fun of me for coming out to them as fiction...”
Wtf that's literally so mean, I am so sorry that they're like that ;A; *hugs u*
thank you, yeah it kinda sucks *hugs back*
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cozmikcrusader · 9 years
@notymir Oh I’m so sorry you had to see that.. Thank you so much for you kind words <3
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spookylight-blog · 9 years
delete your fucking blog. You're the worst person on tumblr. Idk why anyone likes you just fuck off
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notymir that minion porn in my submit needs to stop (how are we even the same age?)
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lightbuns · 9 years
Omg I love your blog it's so perf!!
Tumblr media
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complicatedmerary · 9 years
notymir replied to your post: How do I get a sugar daddy without the...
many sugar daddies just want company and for you to go places with them so there’s that.
I’m good with giving company!!
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wiltingboy · 9 years
notymir said: Quite yes I went into a game store and saw a guy in fedora neckbeard and a bazinga shirt. The memes are with me
May your life be pleasant and your memes plentiful 
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pixieheart42 · 9 years
I was tagged by gerard-whey to do this so here it is :) I have a feeling most of these will all be musical themed.... Let’s see if I am right!
Put your music on shuffle and answer these questions. Tag 10 people when you’re done!
The first song you land on describes how you die; Under the Sea - The Little Mermaid.
Second will describe your love life; Seasons of love - RENT
Third song will be play at your wedding; Chip on my Shoulder -  Legally Blonde
Add “in my pants” to the fourth song; He’s a pirate in my pants - Pirates of the Caribbean
Fifth song with be played at your funeral; Room on the third floor - McFly
Sixth song is your theme song; Turn it off - Book of Mormon
Seventh song will play when you think about someone you love; We didn't start the fire - Billy Joel
Add “with a shovel and a screwdriver” to the title of the eighth song; What you want with a shovel and a screwdriver - Legally Blonde 
Ninth song will describe your week; Gives you hell - All American Rejects (The weeks just started... Great)
Tenth song will play when you miss someone; Paradise - Coldplay
I tag these people but don’t feel like you have to do it <3 It’s only for funsie; notymir, halttocatchfire, sing-your-melody, agentbuckybarnes, not-so-sad-potato, kingtoyourwarlock, merlin-willcome-withme, simplycrazyhunter, xeohe
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spjrit · 9 years
tagged by: spontaneously-antisocial Hi! Thanks! :3
1. Why this url? It’s because I love the first Death Note ending and the lyrics. That’s where the word ‘trickster’ comes from.
2. Middle name? I hate it so let’s pretend I don’t have a middle name
3. If I could own a fictional pet, what would it be? Togepi from Pokemon
4. Favorite color? Blue
5. Favorite song? I just can't choose only one!
6. Top 3 fandoms? Death Note (It’s truly amazing. It’s the best fandom I have ever been in. I'm so happy to be part of it. Everyone is so amazing, kind and funny). Shingeki No Kyojin (There's a lot of people in this fandom, they are so creative and always make me laugh). Sherlock (It was the first fandom I joined. I love the way they always analyze everything on the show).
7. Why do I like tumblr? Because I feel like I can really be myself here. No one's gonna judge you for the things you like. And you can also find a lot of people who like the same things you do. I also love the fanart, headcanons and theories.
8. Tag 9 people.
sopersassy notymir askthedeathnotefandom melonalenas kirahive6 snow-white-sheep teamrocketfan12 tights-of-justice icecreamandcake3
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thane-emblem · 9 years
Once you get this you have to say 5 things you like about yourself publicly then send this to your 10 favorite followers. (non-negotiable) (positivity is cool) :)
Tagged by egeis87, thank you for the tag~
1) I always try my best to understand and respect others, no matter what.
2) Wherever possible, I avoid judging people, even when I know them.
3) I'm good at listening to people (and I usually like doing so).
4) I like my writing, I suppose - some pieces more than others, but I work on them until I can be proud of them.
5) I can remember facts about topics I'm interested in easily and for a long time - I still remember most things from books I read about space years ago :3
Okay, let's see, I tag... emmelinamarch, zin0gre, ba-sudei, melissareblogsstuff, notymir, nightmaresinadream, fushiyatas, oh-colombus, thrillingprincevesta, and god-fucking-dammit-mizutani :) Only do it if you want to though, of course!
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