#not the worst thing that could have happened but def still and upsetting situation especially at that age
blauequuleus · 15 days
Randomly remembering a memory that you’ve forgotten and 100% did not want it back but also explains so many things sucks but at least you have more context suddenly as to why you’re like that.
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emersonfreepress · 3 years
What would the ro's be like in a zombie au?
whyyyyy anon whyyy. I'm actually gonna write this in like.. slightly different terms, you'll see. any time I even briefly think of a zombie au I'm just like
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i don't even allow myself to entertain it for very long because getting into that would be the worst thing ever for my productivity with the alpha omg 😂😂 so I'll put like the ideas that pop into my head for writing a zombie au, to work some of that creative frustration out 😆
so in this very general, absolutely noncommittal idea of mine, the main cast are older and the setting is in and around a civilian settlement led by the Emersons.
and as a refresher, i like my zombie aus to have fast zombies and fast infections ^ ^ 28 Days Later/Train to Busan style babyyyy, we the Sprinting Dead up in this bitch 😆
= = =
Gabe is, predictably, looking for what's left of his family. Following rumors of safe havens and bunkers and such. Starts the story as someone who tries to be diplomatic, if not outright pacifist, but as times get tougher and resources dwindle, he'd become one of the most cutthroat motherfuckers in the wasteland. Low-key though, low-key. People won't trust you if they know you’re capable of throwing them to a horde for strategic reasons. Like if Rick turned into Shane (for those of us familiar with early Walking Dead--idk did that happen eventually? i gave up before we even met Negan lol). The end justifies the means :) Damn, I can legit see Gabe going full evil in a zombie au omg 😂😂 i want to write it so fucking bad
Preferred weapon for zed encounters: rifle
Preferred weapon for human encounters: handgun
Faith in humanity: fucking zero
Zombie kill count: plenty; the type to kill every zombie he has spare ammo and time for
Human kill policy: When it benefits him or the people he’s looking after
Survival rating: B+; he can make it out of some pretty dire situations through sheer will to live and ruthlessness
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Kile has arrived--clearly, this is the timeline they belong in. They start their journey with Gabe (and their doggo) and stick to him like glue, even reluctantly so when Gabe eventually has them join the settlement. This can only go one way, though: Kile's just too much of a wildcard for the group and hates being told what to do. (Especially now that society has fallen, wtf) They'd make their exit alone and unannounced aside from a brief head’s up to Gabe. It's slightly bittersweet, but also? They get to loot and hunt and sneak around and kill fucking zombies, all by themself. Kile is a loner, a hiker, and a hunter to begin with so they do beyond fine on their own. However, once the inevitable violent human threat comes for the settlement, Gabe is sent out to convince Kile to come out of isolation, just this once please, to be the camp’s super soldier help defend the camp.
Zed weapon: p much anything they can get their hands on, ranged or melee, blunt or sharp, w/e; improvised weapons
Human weapon: hunting knife
Faith in humanity: never had any to begin with
Zombie kill count: lol infinite?? any zed they come across is double-dead if they have the time for it
Human kill policy: at Gabe’s direction or when provoked enough/threatened
Survival rating: A-; they trust no one, live in isolation, and prioritize survival above all else. only reason it’s not higher is they would risk their life for Gabe or their furbaby and also... their own Rambo-esque antics def attracts the occasional horde lmao
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Jack... this poor boy, he doesn't deserve a zombie au 😂 He's one of those people that first believes zombies are just sick people, too squeamish to keep up with TV news coverage at the onset and too upset to consider anything else. He'd hunker down at home, staying holed up even while his neighbors evacuated, and probably be discovered while the main group is looting the same place as him. When people try to tell him the real state of the world, he'd be in denial until he absolutely couldn't be anymore. idk, probably after Kile shooting a bunch of non-lethal holes thru a zombie to make a point (attracting more in the process lol).
He’d almost immediately join the medical team at the settlement and as word spreads about how easy he is to talk to, he quickly becomes the literal on-site therapist. It's a role he embraces but... idk if it's an emotional burden he can bear. He's very emotionally resilient! But he ain't a professional lol imagine a whole settlement of traumatized zombie survivors seeking you out for counseling, yikes. He also can't say no to a person in need, so instead he quietly spirals into a very private depression while continuing to help others!!
Zed weapon: Oh gosh, do I really have to?
Human weapon: ...Kindness?
Faith in humanity: Unrealistically high
Zombie kill count: Single digit
Human kill policy: Not ever, unless completely unavoidable and to defend the defenseless
Survival rating: C...? idk, that feels generous. D+. To be protected at all costs!!
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Jessie also had the initial reaction of hoping zombies could be saved, but she woke up from that dream swiftly. The science-minded person that she is, esp with her interest in biology, leaves her determined to find anybody who's got the intellect, expertise, and resources to start doing actual work toward a treatment, cure, vaccine—anything. Nothing would get her to finally unabashedly embrace her love of science (and innate leadership skills!!) faster than a zombie apocalypse! In fact, it’s thanks to her that the Emerson settlement’s got a small but growing team of scientists doing as much research as humanly possible to best educate the others on the outbreak and zombie behavior. Def no zombie experimentation going on though lol. ...Not yet, at least.
Zed weapon: rifle
Human weapon: rifle
Faith in humanity: High! We’ll find a solution! Don’t give up hope!
Zombie kill count: Double digits, but less than 30
Human kill policy: Only in unavoidable self-defense or defense of others
Survival rating: B! She has experience with ranged weapons, farming and gardening skills, first aid, camping experience, and a can-do attitude with a healthy dose of realism!
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Rain remains cargo as I said in the last post about this 😆 They'd be very good for keeping clothes repaired and making useful modifications in the settlement, but their life up to this point has been very sheltered and privileged. We're talking somebody with a chauffeur and a personal chef before the outbreak! They would contribute to quality of life and homemaking efforts more than anything—an overlooked aspect of these scenarios tbh! After as many months of dragging their feet as possible and being nigh impossible to track down when you need them, they eventually become involved in meal planning and even help out with medical stuff if they're asked.
Zed weapon: how do you reload this thing again?
Human weapon: switchblade or other concealable sharp-pointy
Faith in humanity: Very low
Zombie kill count: 0! Can you believe it!
Human kill policy: Well if it’s you or me, of course I’m choosing me.
Survival rating: C. Being so tiny helps them find good hiding spots and their self-preservation is high enough to keep them from unnecessary risk-taking. Plus they're very stealthy! Self-defense is a major issue though, so hiding is always their best option.
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Rupan/Rohan scouts for and leads scavenging missions and is Curt's right hand on the recruitment team. The two of them together are the perfect combo of diplomacy, debate, and deception--although R is more honorable about the last one and will only deceive for strategic reasons. When they aren’t looting and recruiting, they’re doing peacekeeping inside the settlement. Most social disputes end up getting brought to them for mediation and they’re pretty dang good at making and enforcing calls. One day they’ll wake up to realize they’ve basically become a sheriff and feel the need to puke their guts up and do something, anything, to reassure themself they’re still punk 😂
Zed weapon: SMG
Human weapon: shotgun
Faith in humanity: Believes in fundamental goodness but knows better than to trust first impressions
Zombie kill count: decent, more than 40; you won’t catch them having a field day tho, they’re trying to gtfo of most zed situations
Human kill policy: Violent threats have to be taken out. And they aren’t, at all, immune to a revenge rampage either...
Survival rating: B-. Can handle themself both with humans and zeds but is vulnerable to hostage situations and truly difficult sentimental/interpersonal decisions!
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Vivian/Vincent manages inventory and stock and they run it so efficiently it’s scary! They're the perfect pick: a hawk-eyed tyrant and tattletale 😂 Despite constantly butting heads with just about everyone on every imaginable thing, they quickly become an important part of the inner circle of decision-makers for the settlement at large. Terrible at stealth, jumpy, and squeamish at the sight of blood and gore, they literally never go on missions unless they're 100% needed for their expertise on a supply run. (They would deny all of these shortcomings are that big a problem, meanwhile R is definitely acting as their bodyguard lol.) When they do tag along, they're prone to becoming the damsel in distress. Seriously, it happens near every fucking time. It's like they just attract only the most improbable and perilous zombie attacks and hostage situations 😆
Zed weapon: shotgun
Human weapon: handgun
Faith in humanity: Medium; seeing people work together at the settlement helps restore it a bit
Zombie kill count: Double digits, under 25
Human kill policy: Violent threats have to be taken out. Well, no, not by me! Get one of the ruffians to do it!
Survival rating: C-. They’d be higher if they weren’t such natural zombie bait.
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Heidi is running the settlement, well-organized to the degree of actually managing to bring bureaucracy to a post-zombie apocalypse settlement 😂 People are free to come and go, but getting in if you don't live there requires trading something of value (fuel, med supplies, food, etc), temporary surrender and registry of firearms and explosives, and you gotta GTFO at the time and date specified upon entry! You can stay long-term if you contribute to the community in a tangible way—and each person admitted is approved by Heidi personally. Yes, every individual. No, she has no free time. And she is not known to be lenient with rule breakers—you want rule bending, you’ll have to go to Curt for that. People kind of hate her, but it can't be denied that she runs a tight ship. She kind of throws herself into the work to avoid the harsher reality at large and hasn't left the settlement in a long time. She's out of touch with how bad things have gotten in the wastes, but she knows better than to take reports at anything less than face value--even when she's skeptical.
Zed weapon: rifle
Human weapon: handgun; dagger
Faith in humanity: Medium. It fluctuates, honestly
Zombie kill count: Double digits, less than 20
Human kill policy: Violent threats must be taken out if they can’t be reasoned with. Spare those who surrender, eradicate those who don't, keep an eye on the newbies. Not tryin’ to nurse any vendettas around here lol
Survival rating: B. She's good with a firearm, masterful at persuasion, and savvy enough to calculate risks appropriately. Also far tougher than her prim exterior and demeanor suggests!
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Curt leads the recruitment and reconnaissance teams! When a new person or group shows up in the area, Curt's the one who stalks watches them, decides if they're worth approaching, and if they should be approached with an invitation, a simple acknowledgment/announcement of their presence, or an outright armed warning to leave the area. He also keeps tabs on morale and general confidence inside the settlement, alongside R. When he isn’t leading those efforts, though, he’s flirting with settlers and squirreling his way out of manual labor and other chores. He’s also secretly growing weed at his place--don’t tell Heidi or Vi ‘cause they’ll wanna yell at him and ration it UGH.
Zed weapon: SMG, explosives
Human weapon: handgun, dagger
Faith in humanity: Pft, sorry, what now?
Zombie kill count: ...way more than you’d expect
Human kill policy: I don’t start confrontations, but I sure as fuck end them.
Survival rating: A! He’s good at playing hapless idiot when it suits him to be underestimated, good with firearms, and capable of being ruthless and decisive in life or death situations! Plus he has no qualms about ditching the settlement if he decides it’s not working out for him. Just don’t tell Heidi lol
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seita · 4 years
— bnha abc's: hitoshi shinsou [angst edition].
well, finally the angst! i have no idea what character i’ll do next but we shall see...
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A- Accident, Would they blame themselves if you died in an accident?
∴ unless he was the reason you were involved then no. ∴ he wouldn’t search for correlation to himself in the event of an accident. ∴ he’s not looking to throw a pity party for himself. ∴ you were the one who was dead, after all.
B- Break up, How would they deal with one?
∴ it depends on the relationship. ∴ if it was long term, a few years together then he’s pretty broken up about it ∴ and will probably take a while to get himself back on the market ∴ but a relationship that’s only been a handful of months ∴ he figures it’s best to just move on from it.
C-Crying, Are they much of a crier?
∴ no not at all, really. ∴ sure, he feels sad but tears never fall from his eyes. ∴ however, if there is something traumatic that happens. ∴ he may shed a few tears into his pillow as he goes to sleep.
D-Death, How do they deal with any death?
∴ pretty well, actually ∴ he finds a way to cope so he can move on as quickly as possible ∴ that’s not to say he doesn’t mourn or just erase their memory ∴ he just moves to work past being broken up about it ∴ he doesn’t want to go through his days with the heavy weight of a death on his mind ∴ the type of guy to visit graves and leave flowers for his loved ones once a month.
E-Emotion, What’s the emotion they tend to push away the most?
∴ anger. ∴ he doesn’t like to be angry and he doesn’t like to show anyone his anger ∴ that’s not always possible so he’ll remove himself from situations that make him angry ∴ he’ll go somewhere private where he can let his anger out without prying eyes. ∴ he feels like shit after losing his temper so he’ll apologize or you’ll have to console him and let him know it’s okay to be angry ∴ he’s human and bottling it up isn’t healthy ∴ he agrees but...tbh nothing changes.
F-Frustrated, How much would it take to push them off the edge?
∴ it truly depends. ∴ day-to-day, he doesn’t really get ticked off or upset easily ∴ he’s pretty patient tbh ∴ but in an event where he worked hard for something ∴ or he really, really had a drive to do something (like get into the hero course) ∴ and he fails to do it ∴ he is pretty easily set off. ∴ but he pushes past and works 10x harder than before until he accomplishes his goal. ∴ he’s a driven man.
G-Great Pain, What is the most painful thing they have witnessed?
∴ when he became a pro, the first time he failed to defeat a villain ∴ and many civilians perished as a result ∴ it’s something that absolutely haunts him. ∴ he had nightmares for weeks afterwards ∴ he fully went to a therapist ∴ like he was fucked up over it ∴ to this day, if he’s reminded of it he will literally get so anxious and depressed, even though he’s seen lots of casualties since then ∴ it was just that first failure that fucks him up.
H-Humiliation, How could they be humiliated?
∴ being cheated on. ∴ the idea that he wasn’t good enough, to the point his lover had to find someone else. ∴ that really damages his sense of self worth and self esteem which is already a bit low to begin with. ∴ he’d feel like there was something wrong with him and now everyone knew he was defective.
I-Injured, How do they handle themselves when injured?
∴ very calm and collected. ∴ he figures there’s no real reason to lose his head over it. ∴ panicking will only make the situation worse. ∴ if it’s a bad injury, he’ll seek help as fast as he can. ∴ if its a superficial wound he’ll probably handle it himself.
J-Jittery, Which part of their past makes them flinch or even worked up?
∴ his childhood. ∴ he was the target for teasing and bullying due to his quirk. ∴ so if anything reminds him of those times, he gets really down ∴ he doesn’t like spiral into depression or anything ∴ but he’ll feel anxious and self conscious until the moment passes
K-Kill, Would they kill for revenge?
∴ no, never. ∴ he’s worked so hard to become a pro hero that he wouldn’t want to jeopardize it by some sort of misconduct as that. ∴ also, he has been accused of having potential to become a villain ∴ and he doesn’t want to give anyone ammunition for that.
L- Loss, What was their greatest loss?
∴ he hasn’t actually experienced much loss in terms of losing anyone to death. ∴ when he was a child, he had a friend before his quirk manifested ∴ and accidentally used it on them, unsure of how to control it ∴ and it scared the other boy so bad he stopped being friends with him ∴ that hurt shinsou pretty badly. ∴ he also probably lost a pet dog, which was traumatic because of how  much he depended on the furry animal for comfort
M- Mistakes, How much do they want to fix the mistakes of their past?
∴ shinsou isn’t the type of person who will do things that have the potential for regret ∴ he thinks his decisions over thoroughly and runs through all options before choosing the most logical one ∴ of course, he fucks up sometimes but ∴ he stands by his decisions, confident that he did the best possible thing he could have. ∴ being a pro hero doesn’t allow for him to regret things -- if he stops to mourn every civilian loss, for example, he would only be run into the ground. ∴ that doesn’t help anyone.
N-Need, How would they react if you needed emergency surgery?
∴ calm and collected ∴ especially if you’re scared ∴ then he’s going to make sure he’s a pillar for you to lean on ∴ that’s not to say on the inside he isn’t losing his mind ∴ bc he def is ∴ he just finds it counterproductive to stress you out while you’re already scared of the surgery ∴ it would get neither of you anywhere good ∴ once you’re in surgery, he’d be anxious as he waited. ∴ he’s check the time and refuse to leave the hospital until the doctor announces you’re safe.
O-Outrage, What makes them angry?
∴ betrayal. ∴ shinsou, when he trusts, he trusts hard. ∴ he puts his faith into them and expects them to stand by his side ∴ so if, for example, you used an insecurity of his against him in an argument. ∴ or cheated on him. ∴ or spilled a secret he told you in confidence ∴ he will be pissed. depending on how bad it was, he’s liable to break up with you. ∴ naturally, once his trust is broken, however, it’s near impossible to fix ∴ so good luck getting your relationship back to how it used to be lol
P-Pressure, What stresses them out to the breaking point?
∴ training ∴ he works hard to better himself to become the best hero possible ∴ but it stresses him out that he’s not improving fast enough, he’s not doing enough, he’s falling behind others ∴ he’s really hard on himself and his drive only makes the thought of failure terrifying to him. ∴ he doesn’t want to fuck up and lose his chance at his dream.
Q- Qualify, What part of themselves do they see as dangerous?
∴ his quirk, naturally. ∴ it’s a pretty dangerous quirk but ∴ truthfully, everyone’s quirk is dangerous in some way. ∴ it’s just that he’s always been trated as if his quirk was the worst possible outcome he could have been born with. ∴ so he feels like his quirk is the Most Dangerous.
R-Rock, What weighs them down?
∴ the idea that his quirk, very well could be a villains quirk. ∴ he worries that he might abuse it by accident and fuck everything up ∴ his quirk is different from combat quirks or rescue quirks ∴ he can control people. he can lock them into their own minds and force their bodies to do anything he wants without having to lift a finger. and there’s nothing they can do it about it. ∴ that scares him. ∴ it’s such a powerful quirk ∴ and it’d be so easy to abuse it ∴ he worries about his own morality at times, due to all the times he’s been called a villain ∴ it makes him doubt himself even though he knows himself better than that.
S-Sorrow, Would they feel empty after your death?
∴ very much so. ∴ shinsou is the type who gives himself completely to relationships ∴ whether it’s platonic or romantic, he puts 100% in. ∴ so to lose someone he had cared for so completely ∴ leaves him with a devastating emptiness ∴ he’s not going to know how to fill the gap your presence left behind for a long time.
T-Time, What if they had a limited time to live?
∴ he wouldn’t panic ∴ he’d spend the time doing everything he needed to do ∴ like see his mother, hang out with his friends, eat his favorite food, spend a night with you ∴ he’d be determined to make sure he wouldn’t regret wasting the time he had left ∴ so he does everything he feels is necessary for having the happiest time that he has left.
U-Urge, How badly do they get the urge to see you after separating?
∴ on a day to day basis, not much ∴ he’s very good at occupying his mind and thinking logically about whether it makes sense to see you or not. ∴ most of the time it’s not. ∴ he’s not the type to go crawling back to his ex unless it’s something he needs to fix with you. ∴ but at night, when he cant sleep ∴ his mind will automatically wander to you ∴ thinking about how it felt when just a few days, weeks, months ago you were curled up beside him in bed.
V-Vent, How do they get rid of feelings they find unnecessary?
∴ he’s actually really damn good at communication ∴ he is so good at just talking things through ∴ it helps him sort his thoughts and it keeps him calm, rather than getting worked up and upset ∴ he prefers to have healthy ways to release his negative emotions
W-Wild card, A random angst headcannon.
∴ when the bullying over his quirk got worse the older he got ∴ as people started to look at him like he was going to harm them ∴ he got frustrated, angry even ∴ he went off on his mom -- blaming her for giving him such a shitty, terrible quirk ∴ he said some extremely hurtful things in his anger ∴ and the picture of his mom’s hurt face over his words drives him insane ∴ to this day, he still feels like he’s trying to make it up to her. ∴ truthfully, it’s been forgiven and forgotten for a long time but ∴ he doesn’t believe he deserves that just yet.
X- X-ray, What makes them transparent? How obvious can they get around something they hate?
∴ you really will not know when this guy hates you ∴ he seems to have mostly just, cold indifference to majority of people ∴ so him hating you; being ignored or treated coldly ∴ will literally not even make you feel hated ∴ it just seems like his default ∴ he’s pretty open about his opinions though ∴ so if you talk about something and ask what he thinks of it ∴ if he hates it, like a movie, he’ll just come right out and say it tbh ∴ so he’s like 50/50 transparent.
Y-Yearning, Do old memories make them yearn for your touch?
∴ yes. ∴ shinsou is the type of guy to look through his phone at old texts and pictures ∴ when he lies in bed at night, he thinks of his fondest memories ∴ he won’t actively seek you out if it’s not logical -- like if you’re an ex. ∴ but if you’re available for him, he’ll seek you out with a deep craving for you. ∴ he wants to make more memories while he can.
Z-Zest, Add your own letters!
[Parents Headcanon] ∴ when he was a baby, his father left him and his mom ∴ that left his mom to take care of a baby all on her own ∴ she was a young mom too, had him pretty early in life; about 18 or so. ∴ so she struggled really badly ∴ he regrets all the trouble he gave her when he was naive to the struggles of parenthood ∴ once he got older and realized how much his mom did for him ∴ he began to work hard around the house so she could relax when she got home from work, cooked dinner, and never asked for anything he didn’t absolutely need ∴ he absolutely adores his mom ∴ and the idea of ever being without her terrifies him.
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© all content belongs to seita 2020. do not modify or repost.
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nancydfan · 3 years
I feel like the lies Mia and Chris told Ethan are on completely different levels because they affected Ethan very differently which makes forgiving one person easier than the other. Like with Mia in RE7, as we’ve stated before we don’t know her reasoning for joining and staying with The Connections. But no matter what honestly Mia payed for being in that organization and lying to Ethan. She was in hell for 3. Whole. Years. at the Baker house. Chances are it would’ve been for eternity and tbh Mia seemed to accept that punishment for herself. Like she already suffered for her lies so I mean I think we can forgive her on that. While yes she did play a part in Eveline (idk if it was just escorting her or if she was more directly involved), but it was her companion’s fault (I think his name was Adam?? Idk) for letting Eveline escape. And when Mia confirms this during her flashback and she sounds angry at Adam for doing so. So while yes she played a small part in what happened to the Bakers the blame rests more on Adam since he let her escape. And Ethan’s involvement wasn’t her fault, it was Eveline who brought her there. At the end of the day Mia payed for her involvement and seems sorry for her actions, and for me personally I find it easier to forgive someone when they regret what they’ve done and try to make it right. That’s why I forgive Mia for lying to Ethan the first time. And in RE8 I forgive Mia for lying again because like honestly that must have been hard to realize your husband was infected. And how was she to know that Ethan would have remained fine after she told him?? Like we’ve said Ethan is the first of his kind and Mia probably thought the key to him staying himself was his ignorance. And yes I agree Mia should have told him, but I understand completely why she felt she had to keep it a secret. While yes Ethan probably would have been frustrated that Mia kept something from him again he would have quickly empathized with her and forgiven her. And I forgive her too because dang I am not jealous of being in her shoes when she found out about Ethan.
Chris’ case is completely different. He belittles Ethan the whole game and makes it seem ridiculous that Ethan would want to be involved in getting Rose back even though that’s his family out there?? And they’re literally in this situation because of Chris’ actions at the beginning of the game?? For me Chris felt more egotistic and hubristic because like you said he just doubles down on his actions even though they were clearly wrong. After Chris “killed” Miranda at the beginning he should have given Ethan a quick explanation, even if it was just “that’s not your wife and we need to get rose and you out of here because you’re in danger.” Would Ethan have believed it? Maybe, who knows. But Chris didn’t. He made Ethan think his wife was dead and that Chris and his team were against Ethan when in reality they were all on the same team and should have been working together. The only time Chris is apologetic is when Ethan dies and honestly it should not have taken Ethan’s death to snap Chris out of his mindset that he was right. We don’t even see Chris apologize to Ethan or Mia. And I remember people got mad at Mia for freaking out at Chris when he rescues her and I’m just like?? Imagine being held captive for who knows how long and suddenly the man who promised to keep your family safe is like “hey your husband’s dead and your kid’s gone :(“ like?? Anyone would freak out and be upset? Am I saying that she was right to yell at him no (though I probably would have too lol) but like she’s been through hell again excuse her for having her nerves be a little fried. I also saw someone else say “Chris wasn’t the one who cut Ethan’s daughter up and tried to kill him on multiple accounts throughout the game he was just trying to help!!” And it’s like?? Yes he was trying to help but in the worst way possible?? It’s like saying “no offense” and then saying something hurtful. Just because you said “no offense” doesn’t make it any less offense and just because Chris was trying to help doesn’t excuse his actions. Chris’ lie put Ethan in emotional/mental distress because he thought he just saw his wife brutally murdered AND put him in physical distress since it was his call to escort Ethan and Rose which allowed them to fall into the hands of Miranda.
I kind of put Chris’ and Mia’s behavior as “Capcom wrote them shitty because they wanted to do a whole “Mia’s alive” plot twist and wanted to make the game ✨spicy✨by making it seem Chris was the bad guy”. But whenever I say that people are still like “No Chris did nothing wrong!!” Or “Well you forgive Mia so obviously you’re a hypocrite” and you know I feel like you can’t even compare Mia’s actions to Chris’ because like I said Chris’ actions hurt and put Ethan’s life more in danger than Mia’s did. Yes I can see how Mia’s lie in RE7 put his life in danger but her keeping Ethan’s condition from him in RE8 did not risk his life. And I already said it wasn’t Mia who forced Ethan to come it was Eveline. Plus people forget it was ETHAN’S choice to enter the house. He could have called the police but he didn’t because he loved Mia so much he himself wanted to make sure she was okay. Sorry for getting ranty im just tired of people saying we’re hypocrites when they don’t see they’re doing the same thing themselves.
Thanks for being patient with me! I love getting asks from y’all even tho I’m a little slow sometimes. Aha 😆
I def agree with the differences. Ive been replaying RE7 while I just watched my friend play re8 so the two games are fairly fresh in my mind. Ethan walks into RE7 on his terms and in re8 he’s essentially kidnapped. That’s such a great point and I really hadn’t thought of it. He’s brought into hell differently and I think that is important to recognize.
Mia tried to keep Ethan away from Dulvey and it failed. She didn’t have time to explain and her msg never got through anyway. It wouldn’t have happened if Alan hadn’t messed up with eveline. And Mia absolutely paid severely for it for three years. She killed a person and harmed her husband with scars he’ll always carry. We don’t even know what she suffered with but it was three long years. She’s terrified when Ethan finds her so I’m sure the imagination can cover that further. I’m sure it was hell.
And like you mentioned, it’s Eveline that invites Ethan there, not Mia. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t indirectly have something to do with this. But when shit hits the fan, she owns it which means a lot to me.
I’ve said somewhere months ago I don’t care if Mias motivations were bad when she joined the connections. We’ll probably never know. But we do know Mia’s motivations with Ethan perfectly. The minute her job is gonna impact him (when eveline takes over on the boat) she levelsets. She’s honest w Ethan as much as she can be and then as much as he wants after re7. The whole mold thing just doesn’t count. Y’all really what do we expect her to say lol
As for Chris, watching his scenes again today I’m just so frustrated. I agree Capcom wanted him to be this way to draw out the Miranda Mia reveal and it was a baaaaaad decision on Cspcoms part. Especially when Chris tells him to stay away after Ethan’s taken out a couple bosses already and some minor ones. If they didn’t want the reveal till later, then don’t have Ethan and Chris talk because the first thing Chris tells him was something about being surprised he survived this long shame if you would die. And it’s like no???? This isn’t what we need to be saying rn. Ethan is a rage machine thinking you killed his wife. Maybe just be honest. Chris mentions he saw the evidence of Ethan being there so clearly the man’s doing just fine. And it’s not just my thoughts on this. The game makes it a point to highlight Chris’ mistake. I don’t know why Capcom went this route and I personally don’t like it. But it’s canonically true.
And yeah I don’t think anyone is accusing Chris of actually killing Ethan. We know he didn’t. He just didn’t help. Chris did more in re7. Its like Capcom wanted him in there and didn’t actually know what to do w him. His part was so small I couldn’t believe it was already over. Honestly the last 30 minutes of this game hurts my brain lol
I saw the Mia push Chris thing briefly cause a friend sent it to me and they had some questions about it. But I didn’t spend too long on it cause I guess I just didn’t care what was being said. I figure I didn’t like that Chris slammed his fist at the end in front of Mia when she’s the one who just lost a husband so we’re even.
You’re welcome to rant to me anytime. I hope I captured most of your ask because you made outstanding points and I really agree. Ultimately, it comes down to perspectives here and what people find more severe. One of my best friends doesn’t like Mia and she only saves her cause I’m watching. And I love her w my whole heart. I don’t think it requires defensiveness. We all intake media differently and it’s okay to have flawed characters.
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blogforzaroma-blog · 5 years
The international break it’s finally over as we see the return of Italian football. Roma had a relatively strong start to the season but still have left something to be desired. The Romans sit one point behind the Champions League places and have a great opportunity to cut into that this weekend. They’re coming off a very controversial draw against Cagliari that ended up with Paulo Fonseca being suspended as well as another injury occurrence. Roma head out on the road this week as they are prepared to take on the Sampdoria at the Luigi Ferrari on Saturday afternoon. Roma won the season series last season as they head into this match is favorites. While Roma is trying to fight for Champions League Sampdoria is trying to fight for survival. In what should be a thrilling match as both of these teams need points for different reasons. Roma wants to stay in the Champions League chase and Sampdoria is just desperate for points. We will see a very familiar face as Claudio Ranieri has taken over at Sampdoria the former Roma manager that was brought in last season as the caretaker last season as he has an opportunity and a chance against a club that is near and dear to his heart. There is an emotional aspect to this match but it is something that will not overturn what we will see on the field. Sampdoria has been one of the worst teams in the league this season and have no Communication or disciplined defensively. Claudio Ranieri as a very intelligent man and a good manager he is capable of getting them out of this but even though Roma has a lot of injuries there’s no excuse for not picking up the three points. Will we see what we expect or will the hosts have something up their sleeves we will find all that out in more when Sampdoria and Roma clash on Saturday afternoon.
  A.S Roma 3-3-1 5th 12 Points 
Roma has gone through some injury crisis has over the last few weeks and it has all come at the exact wrong time. Roma has a good enough team to get the points but it’s still going to be a struggle over the next few weeks as Roma’s key players continue to drop like flies. Lorenzo Pellegrini Diawara, Hendrick Mkhitaryan, Cengiz Under Diego Perotti, and Edin Dzeko have fallen under the injury bug this season. The biggest loss is without question Lorenzo Pellegrini who is the most valuable player in the squad on top of that Fonseca has been suspended from the bench but he will still determine the lineup. However I am bearing some good news as Under, Diego Perotti and Henrik Mkhitaryan are all close to Full health. Diego Perotti who has been injured since the first game of the season yet to play in one match will be listed on the bench. Edin Dzeko is also questionable to play as he had a face fracture that will require him to wear a mask he will be able to play but against Sampdoria tomorrow afternoon he is unlikely to start the game but it is possible he could make an appearance at some point. We should see some of the similarities to the team we saw last time out. In goal, as usual, Pau Lopez. The backline is suspected to be Alex Kolarov at left-back Leonardo Spinazzola at right-back then a center-back partnership of Gianluca Mancini and Chris Smalling. Federico Fazio will also be an option but it is unclear what it will be going forward. A very similar set up in the defensive Midfield with Bryan Cristante and Jordan Veretout. Without Lorenzo Pellegrini, Javier Pastore is likely to get the start in the central midfield position. This may be his last opportunity to prove himself as he’s been given more than enough time. On the wing, we should have Justin kluivert who has been Roma’s most improved player this season he has been electric throughout every single match. On the other wing should be rising star Nicolo Zaniolo who has been shortlisted for the Golden Boy award in January. Then upfront with Edin Dzeko unable to start will be the first start of Nikola kalinic after having his first Roma goal taken away from him he will be inspired and ready for this match.
    Sampdoria 1-0-9 20th 3Points
Sampdoria is an absolute miserable form they have only won one out of their first seven games they are dead last in Italian football. Raneri has been elected to try to steer them out of the bottom. In the first game with a new coach, things can be different still formation might change and he has to do his best to adjust to the situation. A match like this will be unfortunate for Sampdoria it is a tough match to start under a new coach. They have previously played out of the 3-5-2 that will be in incredibly dangerous against a team like Roma even though they have a lot of injuries they can a break when they want to. All Roma would need to do is hit a through ball over the defensive Midfield and give one of Roma’s young Stars space and time to operate. it is a good strategy to try to limit opportunities but against this team, it certainly seems like a bad idea. Claudio Ranieri in all likelihood will make a change in the formation. It is rather unclear what he will end up doing but he needs a security blanket in the defense and a defensive Midfield to make things as difficult as it possibly can on Roma. Claudio Ranieri can go in several different directions with this lineup. The 4-3-3 could leave them a little bit too exposed and a 4-2-3-1 may not be the best idea given what Roma is capable of doing. The best option at this point in terms of the lineup is 4-3-2-1 formation. It will give Sampdoria the security with three defensive midfielders with the one in the central position pressuring forward and in front of them two attackers who will sit under the striker. From the tactical perspective, this makes the most sense even if Sampdoria loses this game they have to show some sort of improvement or this season is already over. It will be really difficult to win this game for them but whether or not they put in a good performance will largely depend on the lineup. The key player for Sampdoria is Rigoni he’s a younger player who’s capable of scoring goals when given the opportunity I don’t believe in Fabio at this age I just don’t they will have to ride their younger players to get to the Finish Line Fabio is capable of scoring but Sampdoria cannot rely on him which is why they got into this situation in the first place. A lot needs to happen for Sampdoria to win but the results will not be decided on the pitch the results will be decided in the lineup and formation if they get this wrong goodnight Sampdoria.
  Bottom line 
Claudio Ranieri knows Roma very well but this is not the Roma he is accustomed to. Even without Paulo Fonseca on the bench Roma is heavy favorites and for very good reason. Roma has injuries all over the place but even despite that, they have way too much quality to be upset by a Sampdoria side that looks just destined for relegation. Claudio Ranieri has the tools and resources to try and change the narrative around this team but against Roma at home is a very difficult first match. The biggest issue with Sampdoria is the way they defend. Roma has its issues defensively but it’s not nearly as severe. They have been throttled by teams that aren’t nearly as good as Roma. It is their biggest weakness and unfortunately for Sampdoria Roma does have the tools and weapons to exploit that. The pace and athleticism of Justin kluivert can give them an absolute nightmare. The young Dutchman as the poise and convection in front of goal especially if he’s given space. Sampdoria’s defense is slow and a slow to react Justin kluivert will just need one chance to blow this open. He may not be the best player on this team but given this matchup, he is the one to look out for. Justin kluivert is, without doubt, The X Factor. Roma will need to try to adapt to the absence of Pellegrini with Bryan Cristante or Javier Pastore supplying balls into the attacking midfield for Nicolo Zaniolo and Justin kluivert. Getting space on the outside through Alex Kolarov and Leonardo Spinazzola can make this matchup incredibly dangerous for Roma not to mention they have Nikola kalinic upfront in for Edin Dzeko who is capable of putting the ball in the back of the net if he is serviced. He is not nearly as good as Dzeko but in terms of size, he is an imposing figure and could be a problem if chances are facilitated to him. Roma’s defense will be a problem at times the problem is Sampdoria does not have the weapons within their team to deal with that. Sampdoria’s best approach is to come through the back and try to facilitate chances to Fabio he maybe 36 years old and well past his prime but he’s capable of scoring. Things will be very difficult even though this Roma team hasn’t looked great over the last few games they just have components of their team that will give Sampdoria serious problems. Claudio Ranieri may have something special up his sleeves and they are playing at home in front of a crowd that at times has made teams work for it Roma need to keep pace with the Champions League race and a given they have significantly a more imposing team they have to find a way to get three points if they can’t beat Sampdoria a team that concedes goals on a regular basis they’re going to have issues this is a must-win to Roma cannot afford to lose games like this that is exactly why Roma fail to get into the Champions League last season matches like this hold great importance. Sampdoria has the opportunity and chance to make a tough on Roma but in the end, you cannot see past the lads from the capital getting all three points anything less than that would be a huge disappointment for Roma.
      Roma’s Projected starting XI 4-2-3-1 GK: Pau Lopez DEF: Alex Kolarov, Chris Smalling , Federico Fazio, Leo Spinazzola DEF MID: Jordan Veretout, Bryan Cristante ATT MID: Justin Kluivert,  Javier Pastore, Nicolo Zaniolo Striker: Nicola Kalinic 
Manager: Paulo Fonseca
    Sampdoria’s Projected starting XI 4-3-2-1 GK: Audero DEF: Colley,Bereszynski,Chabot,Regini DEF MID: Linetty,Depaoli,Ekdal ATT MID:Jankto,Murru Striker: Rigoni, Quagliarella
  Manager: Claudio Raneri
      Players to Watch
  Justin Kluivery & Rigoni 
Db Genova 22/09/2019 – campionato di calcio serie A / Sampdoria-Torino / foto Daniele Buffa/Image Sport nella foto: Ariel Emiliano Rigoni
  Date: Sunday, October 20th, 2019 Venue: Stadio Luggi Ferrari Kickoff: 8:00AM (USA) 2:00PM (ENG), 3:00PM (ITA) TV Broadcast: Sky Italia, ESPN+
Roma vs Sampdoria Match Day 8 Preview #660 The international break it's finally over as we see the return of Italian football. Roma had a relatively strong start to the season but still have left something to be desired.
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survivorazores · 7 years
Ep. 3 - “You're on some Monopoly shit when we're still just trying to play hopscotch’’ - Will
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Two words: holy shit
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What the hell!!!! Ali and Jay out here trying to catch hands!! I don't TRUST these people. I don't even trust half of MY OWN Tribe!!!! How the HECK am I supposed to trust anyone else?
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This is so messy. I have no idea what's going to happen here, I'm so scared
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Okay but I really did #that by getting everyone to vote for aundra ijs
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Honestly what the fuck as happened! I would have rathered a fucking tribe swap! This shit is insane! But also will work with my game. Rafeal is my parent and first impression is he's nice but I can't be too sure in the tribal he didn't have any votes so thats good to know. Hopefully he is in the majority of his own alliance. If not whatever its good for merg. Im kinda happy about this challenge because i can fuck it up and get one of them out of here, but they will most likely stick together and if they have the numbers im fucked!
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Why does Amanda Lynn bring out the worst in me
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My partner isn't responding to me... That makes me extremely nervous. I do have an idol but I'd hate to use it this early in the game if I go to tribal and feel nervous.
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This shouldn't be two hard... 
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One World Twist? OH HONEY. I've talked to Amanda and Toph and have explained to them the tea on first tribal. I like Toph too. He seems like a neat guy. A neat guy going to tribal because screw that noise of leaving it to chance.
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I need a duo-ver
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So im chatting with Rafael right now. And honestly i have to first impression. My first thought was fo backstab. Opps. So from getting some info from him it seems like he was part of the tribe that flipped. Honestly im kinda pissed about that because I wanna work with others from the tribe without having any connection with him get in the way. Im honestly thinking about going right and staying stay because i lied to him snd said i was going left. Honestly i need to talk to Emily and Amanda l about this.
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This was interesting twist. I like it and it def makes you think!!! My partner Michael seems cool so far but we'll have to see if he can be trusted!!! I hope do cause I don't want to go to tribal!!!!
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WHEW I survived, it was 9-1. I get paranoid for nothing! So now Jay and Ali decide to be ugly and put us in One World, which has it's ups and downs. One one hand, I CAN FINALLY TALK TO ABBEY about the game, but on the other hand, Ricky is a snake and even though we have AGREED to put Hawaii behind us, I don't think I can trust him for one second. I'm waiting for Abbey to come on to see if maybe we can form an alliance with Ricky just so I can keep him close. So with this One World announcement, we also have our next challenge, which is exactly like the rose challenge in Divergent, with just a few small modifications. Basically we've each been paired up with someone from the other tribe, and we determine if the other goes to tribal. Guess who I was paired up with. FREAKING ABBEY! YES. As long as Ricky (and Ashley Sarah bc of Switzerland) keeps his mouth SHUT, Abbey and I can avoid tribal. We just gotta establish getting 5 others to go to tribal in our place. 
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ruthie and ashley r messy and thats the tea! but its ok i didnt go home godbless! ive got a cute alliance with will and ricks! We won immunity and amanda lives! Now wee paired together for the challenge bc god is good!
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So I finally get Abbey on a call. She agrees to be middle man with me and Ricky. She says Ricky is cool to work with me and he wants to put Hawaii behind him. So I'm like nice, make an alliance chat. So she does. Ricky to Abbey in pm's: I AM NOT GOING TO THE END WITH AMANDA I WILL BE NICE A CORDIAL BUT THIS IS NOT AN END GAME THING. Hm... Guess bitterness is hard to swallow no matter how much time passes.
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Okay so here's the sitch: this one world/pair challenge twist is like pretty tame considering I thought I would get voted out for missing the announcement lmao but like it still makes things very interesting. Rafael, honey, you're playing this game way too hard you're on some Monopoly shit when we're still just trying to play hopscotch - he's gonna get his ass voted out sooner or later with all this overplaying and I can't let that happen before Ruthie/Ahsley because after the idol stunt I can tell those two are here to really play the game and can make shit happen, especially with these jumpy newbies. Ricky (my love) keeps saying not to worry or think too far ahead, but I have all the scenarios (insert Jozea gif) running through my head of how things are gonna go. But basically right now I just need to avoid the pair challenge tribal because that shit sounds rough.... OR I could use Rafael's overplaying against him in that tribal OR use the Ruthie/Ashley idol panic situation to get them voted out.... like I said: scenarios!!!! They all wanna play the game so badly so all I need to do is give a little suggestion and ~~~puppetmaster~~~ Rafael will go for it and it can blow up in /his/ face not mine :) :) :)
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Toph is really nice, and I want to go left with him. However, at the same time, everyone else on the Dying Alliance (Amanda G, Bryce, Will, and Mo) is going left too. That means the tribal council may be decided by randomization. I do not want that. I would rather guarantee my safety. However, Toph has invited me to an alliance with Amanda Lynn. I can't pass up this chance to start creating bonds before merge. It is certainly a prisoner's dilemma I face.
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this challenge is literally all chance and my tribe wants to keep talking about it and worrying and strategizing like ok we will not know what the outcome is until tomorrow night so let's all just breathe and stop strategizing for .5 seconds
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I'm very happy the vote was unanimously for Aundra and that no one tried to pull anything last minute. I believe this vote made our tribe stronger and I feel like everyone trusts one another a little bit more now. Even more so with this new One World twist. I'm just hoping to avoid tribal for a little bit longer. I'm not too excited about going back.
This One World twist is pretty nice but now everyone talks in the tribe chat and I feel like I have nothing to add and I'm not funny. I messaged everyone but I've really only talked to Will and Mo. Mo is sweet, he's my partner. We both agreed that we would go left so both of us could avoid tribal. I hope he stays true because I'm going left regardless. It wouldn't be beneficial to me to go right and break my trust with Mo and it wouldn't be beneficial to go to tribal in the first place. If I go and Mo doesn't, that's fine. I don't think people would target me and I believe my tribe will stay together and vote out someone from the other tribe. I feel that I could work with both Mo and Will in the future. They're both nice and I think I've gotten along with them well.
Once again, Toph is being messy and not thinking before he acts. He was talking to Rafael, his partner, and gave out some names (MINE) and asked if they would be safe. BITCH!!! Toph, please, stop. I'm very uneasy about Toph throwing my name out to anyone he talks to for even a second. He's not being careful. And people are bond to figure out we're working together. I swear I'm trying my hardest to keep it a secret and I'm keeping shit to myself but Toph can't hold his tongue! Oh my god. I love the kid, I do, but he can't chill out. On another note, a person on my tribe that I have strengthened my relationship with is Ali! He's so nice honestly. I hope to be able to work with him in the future. I believe that's all I have to say for now - goodbye!
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Gwen is online and has still said just one thing to me?  TIME TO GO RIGHT, my entire tribe already thinks I'm insane, let's do this thing!
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The more I think about it, the more upset I get. I don't remember exactly what I said in my last confessional regarding Ricky but, it's bothering me. Basically, he told me we could put Hawaii behind us, since it's been a YEAR and we both just want to be over it. And when Abbey told me he said the same thing to her, I really believed him. But then he goes and tells Abbey that pretty much he's not over it and doesn't trust me and wants me out. Now I know I talk about Hawaii all the time. I won, and I walked through hell to get there. I feel like I'm allowed. But this is a new game, and I was honestly willing to put it all of is behind us if he was. But if he can't and he's going to hold it against me and potentially ruin my game down the line, I can't risk it. I'm trying to get Ricky out before we wind up on a tribe together. I talked to Ali and explained our history to him and got him to agree to go right for the challenge, even if it's risky. The kid trusts me 100% (at least that's what he's giving off), so it's nice to have him in my back pocket, separate from Toph and Emily. So Ali agreed to go right, and honestly, anyone who doesn't trust their partner needs to just go right. Not trusting your partner? What's that like? Shout out to random.org for pairing me up with the one person I trust unconditionally! Anyway. I don't know. I'm just trying to navigate sharing enough info about me and Ricky with my alliances to keep their trust, but not enough to expose myself as a threat. Also, I forgot Ashley Sarah is the only person who knows how close Abbey and I could be. She comes to me this morning and says, "So you're both going left, yeah?" I'm like O_O "uhhhhh idk i mean I love abbey but we've never played together so... shrug emoji..." Also, Ruthie is older than me and I love it.
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Forgot to do one of these yesterday but this twist is so fun. One world is my fave season so its only fitting that I should win a One World style Org ;')! I like michael, Amanda, and Gwen the most from the other tribe. My partner for immunity replies in short answers and doesn't respond some times so that's a mood... Also preorder Rainbow on Itunes and buy Boys on Itunes/ stream on Spotify
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Ali and I have been talking about our partners. Mine is Mo and his is Ricky. He is really uneasy about Ricky and believes that Ricky will go right and Ali will have to go to tribal. He says he's probably going to go right just in case Ricky goes right. Better both of them go to tribal than just Ali. Also, Amanda told Toph and I that she has played with Ricky before, and that it didn't end well. I'm glad Ali is going right because I'd like to get Ricky out as soon as possible. Amanda was vague about what she told us but I'm hoping she opens up about it more so we know what exactly happened and we know what to avoid with Ricky. As regards to my partner, I trust him. Mo seems a little too timid to turn on me and go right. We're both going to go left, as far as I know. I'm going with my gut but I keep having seconds thoughts thinking that Mo is some evil mastermind. I don't know. I'm hoping for the best. I am hoping that, if anyone avoids tribal this round, it's Toph, Amanda, and I. They both seem to trust their partners (I feel like Toph trusts too easily though...) and I'm hoping for a smooth tribal avoidal for the three Merge Hopefuls.
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See the thing is, if I go right that guarantees at least that my partner goes to tribal council. And since he's acting like he really doesn't care that much (about the challenge or the game in general) I feel entirely fine doing that lol, I somehow already have ammunition against him if we both end up at tribal and I can easily flip the vote against him if I feel like I'm in danger. As long as it isn't me, right?
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I trust my partner enough to go left, but I haven't sent my official message yet. My tribe mates have been discussing going right in order to push the other tribe's members to tribal especially since those on the other tribe might go right so if we went right then we could use this as a chance to vote out someone from Espirito should everything work out ideally. I'm not positive about which direction I'm going to go quite yet though. I'll decide closer to the deadline.
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I trust Emily to go left, but if she goes right I assume it's for the better of her tribe so I understand.
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While sitting on the toilet, I came up with a strategy that I think might work in the favor of the Salao tribe, assuming that they haven't voted yet because it is a bit late for me to be coming up with a strategy like this.
My thought process is that we don't exactly want to avoid tribal, we just want to avoid voting out our own. And the way we would do that is by having the majority at tribal council. If all but one of the Salao tribe goes left, then some of us go to tribal and some of us don't, all depending on how Espirito votes. I am assuming some of the other tribe will vote right, which will send some of our tribe to tribal. And that is not exactly a bad thing as long as we have more people at tribal, and we will if we all vote left, except one person.
If we choose one person on Espirito we would like to vote off, then only the person whose partner that is would go right. Example, if we wanted Mo gone, I would go right and everyone else would go left. If I ended up at tribal because Mo went right, then that's fine. We would still have the majority to vote Mo out. The only problem with this plan is if not enough Espirito tribe members vote right, then we would go to a random tribal and have to fight for our lives. But still, a nine person tribal could result in Salao having a majority and voting out someone from Espirito. I pitched my plan to Toph but he hasn't responded. I just need someone to reassure my plan before I pitch it to the whole tribe. :0 
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I have to say that this challenge is very nerve wracking cause it's so much of a crapshoot because you can't be 100% sure how the other tribe is going to go which leaves a lot up in the air. Even though we are working out a strategy, we can't guarantee its success because we can't be certain of the other tribe's actions
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This just sums up a lot in this game right now: [7/27/17, 3:38:40 PM] Will: ok word, is she cool? do we like her? [7/27/17, 3:39:02 PM] Ricky 🦄: ....a fucking mess
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I ate two burritos now my stomach hurts
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Am I nervous for these results? Of course I am. Anyone could end up at tribal and a wrench could get thrown in our plans depending on how the other team plays
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So I've decided to go right. It's not that I don't like Toph, it's just that I feel this is better. I have a chance of not going to tribal at all, or I go to tribal. It's 50/50. Also, Will is going right on Ray. He has told me some interesting things on Ray. Ray apparently said the r word and says the game is stupid. So if I go to tribal, I can use it against him. Good luck to me.
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I'm so nervous, I went left and if not enough people go to tribal, I'm fucked. I'm praying what my partner told me is true and that she went left.
Ray,Ruthie,Ashley,Toph and Ricky are sent to tribal by their partners.
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I'm so happy that I'm not going to tribal!!! At this point, I see that Nayeli is trustworthy and I can definitely see us working together in the future.
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You have got to be fucking kidding me. Of fucking course i get turned on. I guess karma does suck... well fuck it i have a better social game then ray and ruthie and ashley were both flipped on
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Also, YAY! The Dying™ alliance is safe and almost all of the people I wanted gone are at tribal! This day couldn't get any better.
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Anyways, I was right in choosing right. That other tribe is a bunch of snakes is what it is. Toph asked me about certain people like Gwen on which way their partner went, and then those people go right after I tell Toph their partner went left. I'm glad that snake is going to tribal. He will be voted out. Ray doesn't want to be here so he is not our concern. Toph will go for his attempt at taking a shot at our tribe. Point blank. Michael, Ali T, and Gwen are snakes and if they make merge they are gone.
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Well, our plan didn't work. However I'm glad I went left because it's better for my social game in interactions with the Espirito tribe. Since the opportunity to talk to them has opened up I have wanted to make a good connection because strong social game is important and I don't want a reputation for being distrustful. I'm worried about Toph and Ray going into tribal because they're members of the tribe and it would've been better for us as a whole if we had gotten a numbers advantage but we didn't and now we have to face the consequences of that. 
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everyone needs to calm their shit
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Toph still want to align with me even though I've basically set up his downfall. He wants to do a everyone thinks we hate each other, but we are actually working together. I like it, but he has to survive first. Whether he goes or not, it still benefits me. Kisses.
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I told Toph where I had searched for the idol so he could have a better shot at finding it. I want to keep him in the game to keep our tribe together for the time being. Not only that but if he stays in the game after tribal then I will have strengthened my relationship with him and I should be able to count on him as an ally.
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I'm sorry, but I literally turned on Ashley and somehow convinced her that it wasn't me that turned on her??? And I literally have 3 out of the 5 people at tribal coming to me for advice and to talk to other people???? Im sorry but how did I literally get all this power? I'm literally controlling a tribal I'm not even a part of??!??! Legendary imo
Honestly I'm probably playing way too hard way too fast. I need to pump the breaks. People are going to compare notes and see me as the puppet master
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My idea to get Toph safe is to flip either Ruthie or Ashley to vote out the other or Ricky. I think it's a good plan. Not only can I blame the outsider for the misvote, but I also gain an ally in Toph when I get to merge. It'll be perfect. I need him here to show that I can be manipulative, I can lie, and I can make big moves against my own allies. I want to start building a resume now, but even if Toph does go, it will not be a bad thing for me.
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Okay, so I feel quite responsible for what has happened from this tribal. I'm not telling the others that though. I know it was my plan but unless someone actually blames it on me I'm just going to be that I don't know her gif. And besides, with my plan, it involved ONE person going right, and other people added the two-three people going right to ensure tribal. At least Espirito doesn't know the plan was mine. That would hurt me especially when we get to merge... if I get to merge.
So, Toph and Ray going to tribal wasn't a big deal until Toph blew up on Rafael even after Toph GAVE him permission to go right. Which was absolutely idiotic. Both the telling and the blowing up. This boy has no filter and never thinks before he acts. I keep telling him to calm down but he doesn't calm down. He's digging his own grave and I can't help him.
Honestly, if we lose Toph this tribal, I'll be upset, but Toph was becoming too much of a handful. Both Amanda and I agree on that. Even if Toph doesn't go home, I may have to distance myself from him. I don't want to be known as Toph's ally once he gets voted off because I will be next. And I keep telling this boy not to bring up my name but he KEEPS DOING IT. He keeps trusting people he shouldn't. He keeps giving away too much information. I'm so worried about how he is affecting my game. If Toph goes this tribal, may it's meant to be... yikes.
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Ok im not playing that good of a game atm bc I'm busy af however I'm getting so much info being relayed to me by michael soo I'm waiting on what to do with it so watch out! but anyways i love being a sneaky bitch by going right and now one of my teammates are going!!! yayayayy! that means my alliance(s) will be easier to win the majority! and also i don't like toph or ray that that much but I'm gonna try to "help" toph with the idol to be able to get it
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I like how Ashley says, "Jesus take the wheel," when I have the idol and I can take control of what happens at any tribal that I go to :^)
I'm just so happy having the idol because I know that no one else can possibly have it on this tribe. I'm not gonna make it control me, but I love not worrying about other people on my tribe having idols and voting with confidence.
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Too many people from Salão are idol hunting right now, myself included, and it's real obvious to Espirito that we're scrambling in light of the immunity challenge. Can you blame us? Espirito keeps judging us as if they wouldn't do the same in our position smh
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What's the tea? Wanna here the tea hunty well it's about to be spilt. I honestly have to fucking clue as to if im staying in the game. Im trying to work with Ashley and trying to get her to flip on her tribe since her being an outsider. But honestly she holds the keep my game and i feel like she's about to throw it away. I honestly only trust Emily.
Bitch... i have this tribe wrapped around my finger searching for this idol for me. I have literally gotten everyone to tell me we're they have searched and got francie to tell me her clue. There is only 3 more spots for me, Emily and Amanda too search in. And honestly im kinda happy that I'll either have the idol In my backpocket, or that one of my tribe mates will have it.
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All these tribes are shady. I'm gonna be pretending (and actually being) really inactive tomorrow but I'm gonna hope I find that idol. If I do it's time to cause chaos! If I do find it I'm going to tell everyone to just vote me out so I don't have to stress on my vacation, then I'm going to SAVE MYSELF! It may be unnecessary I don't even know but I trust NO ONE And Ashley's big mouth told Ricky that people should go after abbey and Amanda Lynn not us when he confronted us about being close. DOESNT SHE KNOW RICKY AND ABBEY ARE CLOSE UGHHHHH Ashley Sarah idk who is more crackedt in this game me or you hehe
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What's the tea? Wanna here the tea hunty well it's about to be spilt, fuck this game is crazy. Right now the guy I thought wanted me gone is now in an alliance with me. I see you boo. Emily, Rafeal, Amanda G, bryce, And i are working together but I don't competly trust it. Because i feel like that im on the bottom. The over the top bitch can not be on the bottom hunty.
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I am so happy! I am making really good friends with Amanda G, Bryce, Rafael, and (of course), Toph! We all bonded by Amanda G's accidental tribe chat and then we just stayed on for like four hours. We have spilled so much tea about both tribes and created an alliance called Amanda and the Mafia. We're iconic. I have discovered that Toph and Rafael faked their fight in the tribe chat. I hate them. And also, Rafael has deduced that Will is a snake and voted for Zoe. This information doesn't really help me too much because I'm not on Espirito but, come merge, I'll know not to trust him. And no one trusts Ricky. I don't have much to say because it's 4:26am and I can't focus. I'll probably update my confessions tomorrow when I have more sense. Goodnight.
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Last night, Amanda G accidentally called the One World chat and a lot of people had gotten on. It went well, and I feel like everyone bonded who was there. Then, people started leaving and it was only me, Amanda G, Emily, Toph, and Bryce in the chat. We got to talking and played some games like mafia and town of salem. We really bonded overnight. So we started an alliance called Amanda and the Mafia because Amanda does not have a computer to play mafia so we were all playing but she wasn't. Now I feel bad for sending Toph to tribal when we've become allies. The team's plan is to flip the vote onto Ray instead of Toph. I've already planted some seeds in Ruthie and Toph has been talking to Ricky and Ashley. If they don't flip the vote, Amanda G, Bryce, and I plan on "exposing" Toph by saying he has an idol and plans on playing it for himself. That way our tribe votes off Ray. However, something interesting came up in this talk. Bryce was the one who voted for Ashley at the first tribal. That means that him, Amanda G, and Zoe voted Ashley while me and Mo voted off Ricky. That means that Will had to have been the fifth vote for Zoe. Also, Ricky told Toph that he hates me because I voted him at the first tribal. Who could have told him that? The only people who knew were Zoe, Mo, Amanda G, and Will. Zoe was gone by this point and Mo wouldn't have said anything to Ricky so it comes down to Amanda G and Will. Most likely, Will told Ricky and set the plan in motion to vote out Zoe. Not only that, he also exposed me to Ricky for Ricky to target me. Will is a snake. A scheming, lying snake. This alliance will be beneficial to say the least. I hope this alliance does well. I like everyone there and want to go far with them.
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Okay so Amanda accidentally calling the one world chat turned out to be i.conic. We talked for a while with a bunch of people but as it got later it was just Me, Amanda G, Emily, Toph, And Raf. They decided that they wanted to make an alliance out of the people in the call and I thought they were joking but then a chat was made so I knew it was real. I was hesitant about it at first because Raf is kind of uncontrollable and outs info easy but I learned to trust everyone. We figured out that Will must have voted Zoe instead of Ashley like he said, although I am still unsure if it was Will or Amanda G with the wonkie vote. Either way I really lose this new group and hope Toph can stay for this tribal and that someone on our tribe flips to help him and gets Ray instead. Emily is my fave Gemini so go that!  
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Honeslee idc anymore I don't wanna play this hard this early. Newbies can have the game it's too much work to be a target so early for no reason
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now that nayeli found the idol I'm excited and really can't wait to tell everyone toph or emily has the idol because they've been searching so much and they can flip on them! I'm loving this because now i have something i can throw onto someone else!!!:))) and that means another week of safety
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Ugh, so idk if I talked about it but Emily had this brilliant plan that I'm pretty sure the other tribe also had and it backfired and no Toph is probably getting voted out. But I would love for it to be Ricky bc he terrifies me and I opened my big mouth Ashley Never-Make-Any-Moves-And-Stay-Loyal-To-The-People-I-Start-The-Game-With-Even-If-It-Means-I-Lose-In-The-End-Hello-Switzerland Sarah. She's also the only one, besides Ricky, that knows that me and Abbey are close. So. They both gotta go. I'm really hoping word doesn't get to Ricky that I've been talking about him. I wouldn't have if he could truly put our past behind him, but he isn't so! On another note, Toph has the entire tribe searching for the idol. Which, if they are telling the truth, is great. But I doubt they are. I'm still keep track on my list of what people say they searched, but I really doubt everyone is telling him the truth. I mean everyone is looking so I'm gonna keep looking and hopefully I find it, but I really doubt it. Will I give it to Toph if I find it? I don't know. But here's hoping he lives anyway.
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OK SO ive got two cute little alliances, one with ricky and will, the other with ricky and amanda. amanda is my ride or die, i wont ever write her name down unless shes winnin. that being said the alliance with ricky and will is really cute and i feel like the three of us are really clicking. i know ricky has to go eventually, bc him and amanda cant work together long term. im stressed. ashley wants me and amanda gone bc she knows were a pair. amanda wants ricky gone sooner than later which is reasonable but im worried if he goes ill be a sitting duck till a swap. deep sigh
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Every time the word idol is mentioned anywhere everyone freaks out and I'm really starting to get tired of it like y'all are just.... setting yourselves up for failure
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The tea is that Nayeli has Salao's idol and now Toph can't get it. So our plan is to frame it so that Toph has an idol and our tribe will vote out Ray. We even made Toph write out a "finding the idol" reaction so that I can copypaste it into the espirito chat.
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Fuck man. Nayeli has the idol and right now i feel so defeated, she is one of the only people I haven't talked with. Right now no one going to tribal will talk to me, and I honestly just wanna curl into a ball and cry. Right now me, ray, or ashely are the target, And i have no idea who's working with who. Im fucked man.
Im getting fucked over by some Disney ass loving bitch, A nasty fake ass snake in the sand, and some rock bitch that won't flip.
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So last night, there was a group made which consists of me, Toph, Emily, Bryce, and Rafael. It was made when I accidentally called the One World Beach and I'm really proud that I did that because if I didn't, we wouldn't have found out that Will was a snake.
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Amanda has balded me toph is staying??? im shook. I love this game
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Ricky can go eat a snake because I'm done with it, he's shady he's done nothing in this game and believe me when I say this he will go home pre merge catch the tea on that!
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I'm very worried about tribal tonight. I really don't want Toph to go. Now that I'm in an alliance with Toph, Rafael, Bryce, and Amanda G, I really don't want to lose him and be the only Salao in this alliance. Rafael and Toph have a plan to fake Toph having an idol and I'm WORRIED about it. This plan is more than likely not going to work, get Toph voted out, AND put a target on Rafael's back for helping Toph, a member of the other tribe. People will be able to see right through the plan if they're smart enough. It's very unlikely that Toph would tell Rafael that he found an idol if Toph yelled at Rafael just last night for sending him to tribal. Both Toph and Rafael are being a little risky and I'm scared. Ricky, Ashley, and Ruthie literally have Toph's fate in their hands. And none of them are coming online. I'm shook. We need their help. Where are they??? Our whole alliance, the NFPs, are going crazy searching for idols. Toph believes Nayeli has the idol and that it was in spot 126. Rafael, Amanda G, and Bryce are searching like crazy as well. This is hard. Amanda Lynn also approached me with an alliance of her, Ali T, and Francie, and I'm so into it. I love those three. I've been wanting to work with Ali and Francie for a while and I'm happy Amanda is proposing we all align tonight. ALSO: IN THE MIDDLE OF CALL, AMANDA G HAS REVEALED TO US THAT SHE HAS AN IDOL!!! OH MY GOD!!! WE CAN SAVE TOPH WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!! I love Amanda G so much this is ICONIC. I CAN'T EXPLAIN HOW EXCITED I AM!!! I'm so excited!!! I'm hoping that Toph can flip the votes nonetheless and Amanda can keep her idol for herself. I know it's unlikely but I'm hoping for the best!!! I'm about to go to rehearsal and I hope I don't miss anything too significant. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
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i found the idol and it was my first time looking and i hadnt looked before bc i didn't think i would find it but i did and toph literally went around to everyone telling them what numbers to look for like sis get out my pms we've only talked like twice. i told him i hadnt found anything bc at that time i had already searched but the hosts hadn't notified me that i had gotten but i wouldn't have told him i had it anyway.
what i think is real cute tho is that he exposes me in the chat and tells people i have AND THEN sis deletes the messages and tries to pm me and say hi and how he's scared he'll get voted out like bitch you think you sly i literally the messages and then you deleted them so cute real cute I didn't tell the icons alliance i had the idol bc i wasn't planning on using it on any of them lol so i just said i didnt tell them i had it but since toph exposed me i kinda had no choice
i told them and i played it off as i wanted to keep under wraps for a time we really needed and that i would use it on them if they ever needed it and so far it seems to have worked they seem okay with it but idk we'll see
anyway toph is who want out next, dude exposed me which literally isn't smart bc he could have just told me he knew i had the idol and kinda made a deal with me but exposing me just made him someone i want to target and aside from that he literally messaged everyone telling them where to look for the idol and gwen and michael didnt like that so they're down to get him out as am i and we just need 2 more people(amanda and ali) to be down. also the icons alliance is the majority since we're five so if that goes right we can make merge.
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Bitch these fake ass people are so fucking fake. When i wipe out thst idol these fake ass bitchs will be quaking in there socks. Bye bye Ashley!
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I am so excited. Toph is playing his idol and he's staying. Ashley is going home. I'm making sure everyone thinks I'm alone and out of the loop. I'm currently talking to Will. I am telling him no one in my tribe is talking to me because I didn't put myself out there enough and yadayadayada. I do have a few allies, so I'm good. But I want Will to think I'm alone come tribe swap. He may want to take me under his wing and I can use that to my advantage. I'm just so excited to see Toph play his idol and everyone be Shooketh™.
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Amanda is still a queen, I wish we could have saved the idol for later but I guess this is what we have to do to keep toph. Toph needs to lay low hopefully. Will apparently is a snake but I still trust him FDKJDSHKFJDSJK. Ashley should be going home which will be hopefully good for us. Also I  need to try to make sure I'm in with my alliance more and that I'm not the 5th wheel.
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I tried to help Toph get the idol to keep him safe at tribal but was unsuccessful. The ideal would be for an Espirito member to get voted out at tribal somehow though that's pretty unlikely yet I would honestly rather Ray be voted off than Toph because he's been more inactive and I feel like Toph would be a better ally. I've talked to him a lot and I trust him whereas I know almost nothing about Ray so I would rather him go.
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I lowkey have this fear that if Ray stays (which it looks like he will) he's gonna try and call me a snake or turn people on me but... he's also an asshole and people already seem to be in agreement with me over that. I do feel bad for Toph, but it's gotta be someone and right now that's the best option. Me, Ricky, and Abbey are still a solid swing position on our tribe and I'm good with enough people on our tribe and the other tribe that like... I think I'd be fine in a swap. But for now it's just a slow, chill game and we'll have to wait it out
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Bye toph why did you spill the tea that Nayeli has an idol you duck and you're dead to me lowkey
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Ray becomes the third person voted out of Survivor Azores
0 notes